Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_is_dnf():
    x, y, z = symbols('x,y,z')
    assert is_dnf(x) is True
    assert is_dnf(x | y | z) is True
    assert is_dnf(x & y & z) is True
    assert is_dnf((x & y) | z) is True
    assert is_dnf((x | y) & z) is False
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_is_dnf():
    x, y, z = symbols('x,y,z')
    assert is_dnf(x) is True
    assert is_dnf(x | y | z) is True
    assert is_dnf(x & y & z) is True
    assert is_dnf((x & y) | z) is True
    assert is_dnf((x | y) & z) is False
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_is_dnf():
    assert is_dnf(x) is True
    assert is_dnf(x | y | z) is True
    assert is_dnf(x & y & z) is True
    assert is_dnf((x & y) | z) is True
    assert is_dnf((x | y) & z) is False
    assert is_dnf(~(x | y) & z) is False
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_is_dnf():
    assert is_dnf(x) is True
    assert is_dnf(x | y | z) is True
    assert is_dnf(x & y & z) is True
    assert is_dnf((x & y) | z) is True
    assert is_dnf((x | y) & z) is False
    assert is_dnf(~(x | y) & z) is False
Ejemplo n.º 5
def parse_gpr_rule(rule, prefix=None):

    if not rule:
        return None

    rule = rule.replace('(', '( ').replace(')', ' )')

    def replacement(token):
        if token.lower() == 'and':
            return '&'
        elif token.lower() == 'or':
            return '|'
        elif token == '(' or token == ')':
            return token
        elif prefix is not None and not token.startswith(prefix):
            return prefix + sanitize_id(token)
            return sanitize_id(token)

    rule = ' '.join(map(replacement, rule.split()))

    expr = parse_expr(rule)

    if not is_dnf(expr):
        expr = to_dnf(expr)

    gpr = GPRAssociation()

    if type(expr) is Or:
        for sub_expr in expr.args:
            protein = Protein()
            if type(sub_expr) is And:
                protein.genes = [str(gene) for gene in sub_expr.args]
                protein.genes = [str(sub_expr)]
    elif type(expr) is And:
        protein = Protein()
        protein.genes = [str(gene) for gene in expr.args]
        gpr.proteins = [protein]
        protein = Protein()
        protein.genes = [str(expr)]
        gpr.proteins = [protein]

    return gpr
Ejemplo n.º 6
def parse_gpr_rule(rule, prefix=None):

    if not rule:
        return None

    rule = rule.replace('(', '( ').replace(')', ' )')

    def replacement(token):
        if token.lower() == 'and':
            return '&'
        elif token.lower() == 'or':
            return '|'
        elif token == '(' or token == ')':
            return token
        elif prefix is not None and not token.startswith(prefix):
            return prefix + sanitize_id(token)
            return sanitize_id(token)

    rule = ' '.join(map(replacement, rule.split()))

    expr = parse_expr(rule)

    if not is_dnf(expr):
        expr = to_dnf(expr)

    gpr = GPRAssociation()

    if type(expr) is Or:
        for sub_expr in expr.args:
            protein = Protein()
            if type(sub_expr) is And:
                protein.genes = [str(gene) for gene in sub_expr.args]
                protein.genes = [str(sub_expr)]
    elif type(expr) is And:
        protein = Protein()
        protein.genes = [str(gene) for gene in expr.args]
        gpr.proteins = [protein]
        protein = Protein()
        protein.genes = [str(expr)]
        gpr.proteins = [protein]

    return gpr
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _process_expr(self):
        self._num_vars = len(self._expr.binary_symbols)
        self._lit_to_var = [None] + sorted(self._expr.binary_symbols, key=str)
        self._var_to_lit = dict(
            zip(self._lit_to_var[1:], range(1, self._num_vars + 1)))

        if self._optimization or (not is_cnf(self._expr)
                                  and not is_dnf(self._expr)):
            expr = simplify_logic(self._expr)
            expr = self._expr

        if isinstance(expr, BooleanTrue):
            ast = 'const', 1
        elif isinstance(expr, BooleanFalse):
            ast = 'const', 0
            ast = get_ast(self._var_to_lit, expr)

        if ast[0] == 'or':
            self._nf = DNF(ast, num_vars=self._num_vars)
            self._nf = CNF(ast, num_vars=self._num_vars)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def checkdnf():
     from sympy.logic.boolalg import is_dnf
     from sympy.abc import A, B, C
     expr = input(("Enter a logic expression to check for DNF"))
Ejemplo n.º 9
from sympy.abc import A, B, D

print(to_cnf(~(A | B) | D))
print(to_cnf((A | B) & (A | ~A), True))

from sympy.logic.boolalg import to_dnf
from sympy.abc import A, B, C

print(to_dnf(B & (A | C)))
print(to_dnf((A & B) | (A & ~B) | (B & C) | (~B & C), True))

#to check cnf and dnf
from sympy.logic.boolalg import is_cnf
from sympy.abc import A, B, C
from sympy.logic.boolalg import is_dnf
from sympy.abc import A, B, C

print(is_cnf(A | B | C))
print(is_cnf((A & B) | C))
print(is_dnf(A | B | C))
print(is_dnf(A & (B | C)))

#simplify logic

from sympy.logic import simplify_logic
from sympy.abc import x, y, z
from sympy import S

b = (~x & ~y & ~z) | (~x & ~y & z)
from sympy.logic.boolalg import ITE, And, Xor, Or
from sympy.logic.boolalg import to_cnf, to_dnf
from sympy.logic.boolalg import is_cnf, is_dnf
from sympy.abc import A, B, C
from sympy.abc import X, Y, Z
from sympy.abc import a, b, c

ITE(True, False, True)
ITE(Or(True, False), And(True, True), Xor(True, True))
ITE(a, b, c)
ITE(True, a, b)
ITE(False, a, b)
ITE(a, b, c)

to_cnf(~(A | B) | C)
to_cnf((A | B) & (A | ~A), True)

to_dnf(Y & (X | Z))
to_dnf((X & Y) | (X & ~Y) | (Y & Z) | (~Y & Z), True)

is_cnf(X | Y | Z)
is_cnf(X & Y & Z)
is_cnf((X & Y) | Z)
is_cnf(X & (Y | Z))

is_dnf(X | Y | Z)
is_dnf(X & Y & Z)
is_dnf((X & Y) | Z)
is_dnf(X & (Y | Z))