Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_squareBlockMatrix():
    A = MatrixSymbol("A", n, n)
    B = MatrixSymbol("B", n, m)
    C = MatrixSymbol("C", m, n)
    D = MatrixSymbol("D", m, m)
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
    Y = BlockMatrix([[A]])

    assert X.is_square

    assert block_collapse(X + Identity(m + n)) == BlockMatrix([[A + Identity(n), B], [C, D + Identity(m)]])
    Q = X + Identity(m + n)

    assert (X + MatrixSymbol("Q", n + m, n + m)).is_MatAdd
    assert (X * MatrixSymbol("Q", n + m, n + m)).is_MatMul

    assert Y.I.blocks[0, 0] == A.I
    assert X.inverse(expand=True) == BlockMatrix(
        [[(-B * D.I * C + A).I, -A.I * B * (D + -C * A.I * B).I], [-(D - C * A.I * B).I * C * A.I, (D - C * A.I * B).I]]

    assert isinstance(X.inverse(expand=False), Inverse)
    assert isinstance(X.inverse(), Inverse)

    assert not X.is_Identity

    Z = BlockMatrix([[Identity(n), B], [C, D]])
    assert not Z.is_Identity
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_squareBlockMatrix():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, n)
    B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, m)
    C = MatrixSymbol('C', m, n)
    D = MatrixSymbol('D', m, m)
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
    Y = BlockMatrix([[A]])

    assert X.is_square

    assert (block_collapse(X + Identity(m + n)) ==
        BlockMatrix([[A + Identity(n), B], [C, D + Identity(m)]]))
    Q = X + Identity(m + n)

    assert (X + MatrixSymbol('Q', n + m, n + m)).is_MatAdd
    assert (X * MatrixSymbol('Q', n + m, n + m)).is_MatMul

    assert block_collapse(Y.I) == A.I
    assert block_collapse(X.inverse()) == BlockMatrix([
        [(-B*D.I*C + A).I, -A.I*B*(D + -C*A.I*B).I],
        [-(D - C*A.I*B).I*C*A.I, (D - C*A.I*B).I]])

    assert isinstance(X.inverse(), Inverse)

    assert not X.is_Identity

    Z = BlockMatrix([[Identity(n), B], [C, D]])
    assert not Z.is_Identity
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_reblock_2x2():
    B = BlockMatrix([[MatrixSymbol("A_%d%d" % (i, j), 2, 2) for j in range(3)] for i in range(3)])
    assert B.blocks.shape == (3, 3)

    BB = reblock_2x2(B)
    assert BB.blocks.shape == (2, 2)

    assert B.shape == BB.shape
    assert B.as_explicit() == BB.as_explicit()
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_BlockMatrix():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
    B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, k)
    C = MatrixSymbol('C', l, m)
    D = MatrixSymbol('D', l, k)
    M = MatrixSymbol('M', m + k, p)
    N = MatrixSymbol('N', l + n, k + m)
    X = BlockMatrix(Matrix([[A, B], [C, D]]))

    assert X.__class__(*X.args) == X

    # block_collapse does nothing on normal inputs
    E = MatrixSymbol('E', n, m)
    assert block_collapse(A + 2*E) == A + 2*E
    F = MatrixSymbol('F', m, m)
    assert block_collapse(E.T*A*F) == E.T*A*F

    assert X.shape == (l + n, k + m)
    assert X.blockshape == (2, 2)
    assert transpose(X) == BlockMatrix(Matrix([[A.T, C.T], [B.T, D.T]]))
    assert transpose(X).shape == X.shape[::-1]

    # Test that BlockMatrices and MatrixSymbols can still mix
    assert (X*M).is_MatMul
    assert X._blockmul(M).is_MatMul
    assert (X*M).shape == (n + l, p)
    assert (X + N).is_MatAdd
    assert X._blockadd(N).is_MatAdd
    assert (X + N).shape == X.shape

    E = MatrixSymbol('E', m, 1)
    F = MatrixSymbol('F', k, 1)

    Y = BlockMatrix(Matrix([[E], [F]]))

    assert (X*Y).shape == (l + n, 1)
    assert block_collapse(X*Y).blocks[0, 0] == A*E + B*F
    assert block_collapse(X*Y).blocks[1, 0] == C*E + D*F

    # block_collapse passes down into container objects, transposes, and inverse
    assert block_collapse(transpose(X*Y)) == transpose(block_collapse(X*Y))
    assert block_collapse(Tuple(X*Y, 2*X)) == (
        block_collapse(X*Y), block_collapse(2*X))

    # Make sure that MatrixSymbols will enter 1x1 BlockMatrix if it simplifies
    Ab = BlockMatrix([[A]])
    Z = MatrixSymbol('Z', *A.shape)
    assert block_collapse(Ab + Z) == A + Z
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_block_plus_ident():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, n)
    B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, m)
    C = MatrixSymbol('C', m, n)
    D = MatrixSymbol('D', m, m)
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
    assert bc_block_plus_ident(X+Identity(m+n)) == \
            BlockDiagMatrix(Identity(n), Identity(m)) + X
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_invalid_block_matrix():
    raises(ValueError, lambda: BlockMatrix([
        [Identity(2), Identity(5)],
    raises(ValueError, lambda: BlockMatrix([
        [Identity(n), Identity(m)],
        ValueError, lambda: BlockMatrix([
            [ZeroMatrix(n, n), ZeroMatrix(n, n)],
            [ZeroMatrix(n, n - 1), ZeroMatrix(n, n + 1)],
        ValueError, lambda: BlockMatrix([
            [ZeroMatrix(n - 1, n), ZeroMatrix(n, n)],
            [ZeroMatrix(n + 1, n), ZeroMatrix(n, n)],
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_BlockMatrix_Determinant():
    A, B, C, D = [MatrixSymbol(s, 3, 3) for s in 'ABCD']
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
    from sympy import assuming, Q
    with assuming(Q.invertible(A)):
        assert det(X) == det(A) * det(D - C * A.I * B)

    assert isinstance(det(X), Expr)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_block_lu_decomposition():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, n)
    B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, m)
    C = MatrixSymbol('C', m, n)
    D = MatrixSymbol('D', m, m)
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])

    #LDU decomposition
    L, D, U = X.LDUdecomposition()
    assert block_collapse(L*D*U) == X

    #UDL decomposition
    U, D, L = X.UDLdecomposition()
    assert block_collapse(U*D*L) == X

    #LU decomposition
    L, U = X.LUdecomposition()
    assert block_collapse(L*U) == X
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __new__(cls, mat, evaluate=False):
        from sympy.matrices.expressions.blockmatrix import BlockMatrix
        if isinstance(mat, (list, tuple)):
            mat = BlockMatrix(*mat)

        mat = sympify(mat)
        assert mat.is_square, "Det of a non-square matrix"

        return Basic.__new__(cls, mat)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_BlockMatrix_3x3_symbolic():
    # Only test one of these, instead of all permutations, because it's slow
    rowblocksizes = (n, m, k)
    colblocksizes = (m, k, n)
    K = BlockMatrix([
        [MatrixSymbol('M%s%s' % (rows, cols), rows, cols) for cols in colblocksizes]
        for rows in rowblocksizes
    collapse = block_collapse(K.I)
    assert isinstance(collapse, BlockMatrix)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_blockcut():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
    B = blockcut(A, (n/2, n/2), (m/2, m/2))
    assert B == BlockMatrix([[A[:n/2, :m/2], A[:n/2, m/2:]],
                             [A[n/2:, :m/2], A[n/2:, m/2:]]])

    M = ImmutableMatrix(4, 4, range(16))
    B = blockcut(M, (2, 2), (2, 2))
    assert M == ImmutableMatrix(B)

    B = blockcut(M, (1, 3), (2, 2))
    assert ImmutableMatrix(B.blocks[0, 1]) == ImmutableMatrix([[2, 3]])
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_squareBlockMatrix():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, n)
    B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, m)
    C = MatrixSymbol('C', m, n)
    D = MatrixSymbol('D', m, m)
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
    Y = BlockMatrix([[A]])

    assert X.is_square

    Q = X + Identity(m + n)
    assert (block_collapse(Q) ==
        BlockMatrix([[A + Identity(n), B], [C, D + Identity(m)]]))

    assert (X + MatrixSymbol('Q', n + m, n + m)).is_MatAdd
    assert (X * MatrixSymbol('Q', n + m, n + m)).is_MatMul

    assert block_collapse(Y.I) == A.I

    assert isinstance(X.inverse(), Inverse)

    assert not X.is_Identity

    Z = BlockMatrix([[Identity(n), B], [C, D]])
    assert not Z.is_Identity
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_BlockMatrix():
    A = MatrixSymbol("A", n, m)
    B = MatrixSymbol("B", n, k)
    C = MatrixSymbol("C", l, m)
    D = MatrixSymbol("D", l, k)
    M = MatrixSymbol("M", m + k, p)
    N = MatrixSymbol("N", l + n, k + m)
    X = BlockMatrix(Matrix([[A, B], [C, D]]))

    assert X.__class__(*X.args) == X

    # block_collapse does nothing on normal inputs
    E = MatrixSymbol("E", n, m)
    assert block_collapse(A + 2 * E) == A + 2 * E
    F = MatrixSymbol("F", m, m)
    assert block_collapse(E.T * A * F) == E.T * A * F

    assert X.shape == (l + n, k + m)
    assert X.blockshape == (2, 2)
    assert transpose(X) == BlockMatrix(Matrix([[A.T, C.T], [B.T, D.T]]))
    assert transpose(X).shape == X.shape[::-1]

    # Test that BlockMatrices and MatrixSymbols can still mix
    assert (X * M).is_MatMul
    assert X._blockmul(M).is_MatMul
    assert (X * M).shape == (n + l, p)
    assert (X + N).is_MatAdd
    assert X._blockadd(N).is_MatAdd
    assert (X + N).shape == X.shape

    E = MatrixSymbol("E", m, 1)
    F = MatrixSymbol("F", k, 1)

    Y = BlockMatrix(Matrix([[E], [F]]))

    assert (X * Y).shape == (l + n, 1)
    assert block_collapse(X * Y).blocks[0, 0] == A * E + B * F
    assert block_collapse(X * Y).blocks[1, 0] == C * E + D * F

    # block_collapse passes down into container objects, transposes, and inverse
    assert block_collapse(transpose(X * Y)) == transpose(block_collapse(X * Y))
    assert block_collapse(Tuple(X * Y, 2 * X)) == (
        block_collapse(X * Y),
        block_collapse(2 * X),

    # Make sure that MatrixSymbols will enter 1x1 BlockMatrix if it simplifies
    Ab = BlockMatrix([[A]])
    Z = MatrixSymbol("Z", *A.shape)
    assert block_collapse(Ab + Z) == A + Z
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_16857():
    if not np:
        skip("NumPy not installed")

    a_1 = MatrixSymbol('a_1', 10, 3)
    a_2 = MatrixSymbol('a_2', 10, 3)
    a_3 = MatrixSymbol('a_3', 10, 3)
    a_4 = MatrixSymbol('a_4', 10, 3)
    A = BlockMatrix([[a_1, a_2], [a_3, a_4]])
    assert A.shape == (20, 6)

    printer = NumPyPrinter()
    assert printer.doprint(A) == 'numpy.block([[a_1, a_2], [a_3, a_4]])'
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_block_index_large():
    n, m, k = symbols('n m k', integer=True, positive=True)
    i = symbols('i', integer=True, nonnegative=True)
    A1 = MatrixSymbol('A1', n, n)
    A2 = MatrixSymbol('A2', n, m)
    A3 = MatrixSymbol('A3', n, k)
    A4 = MatrixSymbol('A4', m, n)
    A5 = MatrixSymbol('A5', m, m)
    A6 = MatrixSymbol('A6', m, k)
    A7 = MatrixSymbol('A7', k, n)
    A8 = MatrixSymbol('A8', k, m)
    A9 = MatrixSymbol('A9', k, k)
    A = BlockMatrix([[A1, A2, A3], [A4, A5, A6], [A7, A8, A9]])
    assert A[n + i, n + i] == MatrixElement(A, n + i, n + i)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_block_index_symbolic():
    # Note that these matrices may be zero-sized and indices may be negative, which causes
    # all naive simplifications given in the comments to be invalid
    A1 = MatrixSymbol('A1', n, k)
    A2 = MatrixSymbol('A2', n, l)
    A3 = MatrixSymbol('A3', m, k)
    A4 = MatrixSymbol('A4', m, l)
    A = BlockMatrix([[A1, A2], [A3, A4]])
    assert A[0, 0] == MatrixElement(A, 0, 0)  # Cannot be A1[0, 0]
    assert A[n - 1, k - 1] == A1[n - 1, k - 1]
    assert A[n, k] == A4[0, 0]
    assert A[n + m - 1, 0] == MatrixElement(A, n + m - 1, 0)  # Cannot be A3[m - 1, 0]
    assert A[0, k + l - 1] == MatrixElement(A, 0, k + l - 1)  # Cannot be A2[0, l - 1]
    assert A[n + m - 1, k + l - 1] == MatrixElement(A, n + m - 1, k + l - 1)  # Cannot be A4[m - 1, l - 1]
    assert A[i, j] == MatrixElement(A, i, j)
    assert A[n + i, k + j] == MatrixElement(A, n + i, k + j)  # Cannot be A4[i, j]
    assert A[n - i - 1, k - j - 1] == MatrixElement(A, n - i - 1, k - j - 1)  # Cannot be A1[n - i - 1, k - j - 1]
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_block_index_symbolic_nonzero():
    # All invalid simplifications from test_block_index_symbolic() that become valid if all
    # matrices have nonzero size and all indices are nonnegative
    k, l, m, n = symbols('k l m n', integer=True, positive=True)
    i, j = symbols('i j', integer=True, nonnegative=True)
    A1 = MatrixSymbol('A1', n, k)
    A2 = MatrixSymbol('A2', n, l)
    A3 = MatrixSymbol('A3', m, k)
    A4 = MatrixSymbol('A4', m, l)
    A = BlockMatrix([[A1, A2], [A3, A4]])
    assert A[0, 0] == A1[0, 0]
    assert A[n + m - 1, 0] == A3[m - 1, 0]
    assert A[0, k + l - 1] == A2[0, l - 1]
    assert A[n + m - 1, k + l - 1] == A4[m - 1, l - 1]
    assert A[i, j] == MatrixElement(A, i, j)
    assert A[n + i, k + j] == A4[i, j]
    assert A[n - i - 1, k - j - 1] == A1[n - i - 1, k - j - 1]
    assert A[2 * n, 2 * k] == A4[n, k]
Ejemplo n.º 18
def _inv_block(M, iszerofunc=_iszero):
    """Calculates the inverse using BLOCKWISE inversion.

    See Also

    from sympy.matrices.expressions.blockmatrix import BlockMatrix
    i = M.shape[0]
    if i <= 20 :
        return M.inv(method="LU", iszerofunc=_iszero)
    A = M[:i // 2, :i //2]
    B = M[:i // 2, i // 2:]
    C = M[i // 2:, :i // 2]
    D = M[i // 2:, i // 2:]
        D_inv = _inv_block(D)
    except NonInvertibleMatrixError:
        return M.inv(method="LU", iszerofunc=_iszero)
    B_D_i = B*D_inv
    BDC = B_D_i*C
    A_n = A - BDC
        A_n = _inv_block(A_n)
    except NonInvertibleMatrixError:
        return M.inv(method="LU", iszerofunc=_iszero)
    B_n = -A_n*B_D_i
    dc = D_inv*C
    C_n = -dc*A_n
    D_n = D_inv + dc*-B_n
    nn = BlockMatrix([[A_n, B_n], [C_n, D_n]]).as_explicit()
    return nn
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_bc_matmul():
    assert bc_matmul(H * b1 * b2 * G) == BlockMatrix([[
        (H * G * G + H * H * H) * G
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_deblock():
    B = BlockMatrix([[MatrixSymbol('A_%d%d' % (i, j), n, n) for j in range(4)]
                     for i in range(4)])

    assert deblock(reblock_2x2(B)) == B
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_BlockMatrix_Trace():
    A, B, C, D = map(lambda s: MatrixSymbol(s, 3, 3), 'ABCD')
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
    assert Trace(X) == Trace(A) + Trace(D)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    BlockMatrix, bc_dist, bc_matadd, bc_transpose, blockcut, reblock_2x2,
from sympy.matrices.expressions import (MatrixSymbol, Identity, MatMul,
                                        Inverse, Trace, Transpose, det)
from sympy.matrices import Matrix, ImmutableMatrix
from sympy.core import Tuple, symbols, Expr
from sympy.functions import transpose

i, j, k, l, m, n, p = symbols('i:n, p', integer=True)
A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, n)
B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, n)
C = MatrixSymbol('C', n, n)
D = MatrixSymbol('D', n, n)
G = MatrixSymbol('G', n, n)
H = MatrixSymbol('H', n, n)
b1 = BlockMatrix([[G, H]])
b2 = BlockMatrix([[G], [H]])

def test_bc_matmul():
    assert bc_matmul(H * b1 * b2 * G) == BlockMatrix([[
        (H * G * G + H * H * H) * G

def test_bc_matadd():
    assert bc_matadd(BlockMatrix([[G, H]]) + BlockMatrix([[H, H]])) == \
            BlockMatrix([[G+H, H+H]])

def test_bc_transpose():
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_bc_matmul():
    assert bc_matmul(H * b1 * b2 * G) == H * BlockMatrix([[G * G + H * H]]) * G
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_BlockMatrix_inverse():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
    B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, n)
    C = MatrixSymbol('C', m, m)
    D = MatrixSymbol('D', m, n)
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
    assert X.is_square
    assert isinstance(block_collapse(X.inverse()),
                      Inverse)  # Can't inverse when A, D aren't square

    # test code path for non-invertible D matrix
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, n)
    B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, m)
    C = MatrixSymbol('C', m, n)
    D = OneMatrix(m, m)
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
    assert block_collapse(X.inverse()) == BlockMatrix([
            A.I + A.I * B * (D - C * A.I * B).I * C * A.I,
            -A.I * B * (D - C * A.I * B).I
        [-(D - C * A.I * B).I * C * A.I, (D - C * A.I * B).I],

    # test code path for non-invertible A matrix
    A = OneMatrix(n, n)
    D = MatrixSymbol('D', m, m)
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
    assert block_collapse(X.inverse()) == BlockMatrix([
        [(A - B * D.I * C).I, -(A - B * D.I * C).I * B * D.I],
            -D.I * C * (A - B * D.I * C).I,
            D.I + D.I * C * (A - B * D.I * C).I * B * D.I
Ejemplo n.º 25
def ALGO11(As, Bs, Cs, Ds, do_test):
    # =======================STEP 1======================================
    r = As.rows
    m = Bs.cols
    p = Cs.rows

    Ps = BlockMatrix([[As, Bs], [-Cs, Ds]]).as_mutable()
    List_P = mc.matrix_coeffs(Ps, s)
    q = len(List_P)
    k = List_P[0].rows
    l = List_P[0].cols
    Zero_Mat = zeros(List_P[0].rows, List_P[0].cols)  # list of zeroes
    # ==================END==STEP 1======================================

    # =======================STEP 2======================================
    # Haskel matrices #wikipedia ???

    # PiE
    A = []
    for i in range(2, q):
        A.append([List_P[j] for j in range(i, q)])

    for i in range(1, len(A)):
        A[i] = A[i] + [Zero_Mat] * i

    PiE = BlockMatrix(A).as_mutable()

    A = []
    for i in range(3, q + 1):
        A.append([List_P[j] for j in range(i, q)])
        A[i - 3] = A[i - 3] + [Zero_Mat] * (i - 2)

    PiA = BlockMatrix(A)
    PiB = BlockMatrix((q - 2), 1, List_P[2:])
    PiC = BlockMatrix(1, q - 2, List_P[2:])

    rE = PiE.rank()
    # ===================END=====STEP 2==================================
    # =======================STEP 3======================================
    J = PiE.rref()[1]  # pivot columns
    I = (PiE.transpose()).rref()[1]  # pivot rows

    PE = Matrix(mat(PiE)[ix_(I, J)])  # mat and ix are Numpy functions
    PA = Matrix(mat(PiA)[ix_(I, J)])
    PB = Matrix(mat(PiB)[ix_(I, range(l))])
    PC = Matrix(mat(PiC)[ix_(range(k), J)])
    # ===================END=STEP 3======================================
    # =======================STEP 4======================================
    Lambda = r + rE + p + m
    E = BlockMatrix(
        [[List_P[1], PC], [PB, PA], [zeros(Lambda - k - PB.rows, PB.cols), zeros(Lambda - k - PB.rows, PA.cols)]]
    E = E.row_join(zeros(Lambda, Lambda - l - PC.cols))
    A = BlockMatrix(
            [-List_P[0], zeros(k, PE.cols), zeros(k - p, Lambda - l - PE.cols).col_join(-eye(p))],
            [zeros(PE.rows, l), PE, zeros(PE.rows, p)],
            [zeros(m, l - m).row_join(eye(m)), zeros(m, PE.cols), zeros(m, p)],

    B = BlockMatrix([[zeros(r + p + rE, m)], [eye(m)]]).as_mutable()
    C = BlockMatrix([[zeros(p, r + m + rE), eye(p)]]).as_mutable()
    D = zeros(p, m)
    # ===============END==STEP 4=========================================

    if do_test == True:
        test_result = test(rE, r, p, m, PE, PA, PC, As, Bs, Cs, Ds, E, A, B, C, D)
        test_result = "not done"
    return E, A, B, C, D, test_result
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_BlockMatrix_trace():
    A, B, C, D = [MatrixSymbol(s, 3, 3) for s in 'ABCD']
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
    assert trace(X) == trace(A) + trace(D)
    assert trace(BlockMatrix([ZeroMatrix(n, n)])) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_BlockMatrix_trace():
    A, B, C, D = [MatrixSymbol(s, 3, 3) for s in "ABCD"]
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
    assert trace(X) == trace(A) + trace(D)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def test_issue_17624():
    a = MatrixSymbol("a", 2, 2)
    z = ZeroMatrix(2, 2)
    b = BlockMatrix([[a, z], [z, z]])
    assert block_collapse(b * b) == BlockMatrix([[a**2, z], [z, z]])
    assert block_collapse(b * b * b) == BlockMatrix([[a**3, z], [z, z]])
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_block_collapse_explicit_matrices():
    A = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    assert block_collapse(BlockMatrix([[A]])) == A

    A = ImmutableSparseMatrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    assert block_collapse(BlockMatrix([[A]])) == A
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_BlockMatrix_2x2_inverse_symbolic():
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
    B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, k - m)
    C = MatrixSymbol('C', k - n, m)
    D = MatrixSymbol('D', k - n, k - m)
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
    assert X.is_square and X.shape == (k, k)
    assert isinstance(block_collapse(X.I), Inverse)  # Can't invert when none of the blocks is square

    # test code path where only A is invertible
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, n)
    B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, m)
    C = MatrixSymbol('C', m, n)
    D = ZeroMatrix(m, m)
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
    assert block_collapse(X.inverse()) == BlockMatrix([
        [A.I + A.I * B * X.schur('A').I * C * A.I, -A.I * B * X.schur('A').I],
        [-X.schur('A').I * C * A.I, X.schur('A').I],

    # test code path where only B is invertible
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
    B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, n)
    C = ZeroMatrix(m, m)
    D = MatrixSymbol('D', m, n)
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
    assert block_collapse(X.inverse()) == BlockMatrix([
        [-X.schur('B').I * D * B.I, X.schur('B').I],
        [B.I + B.I * A * X.schur('B').I * D * B.I, -B.I * A * X.schur('B').I],

    # test code path where only C is invertible
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
    B = ZeroMatrix(n, n)
    C = MatrixSymbol('C', m, m)
    D = MatrixSymbol('D', m, n)
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
    assert block_collapse(X.inverse()) == BlockMatrix([
        [-C.I * D * X.schur('C').I, C.I + C.I * D * X.schur('C').I * A * C.I],
        [X.schur('C').I, -X.schur('C').I * A * C.I],

    # test code path where only D is invertible
    A = ZeroMatrix(n, n)
    B = MatrixSymbol('B', n, m)
    C = MatrixSymbol('C', m, n)
    D = MatrixSymbol('D', m, m)
    X = BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]])
    assert block_collapse(X.inverse()) == BlockMatrix([
        [X.schur('D').I, -X.schur('D').I * B * D.I],
        [-D.I * C * X.schur('D').I, D.I + D.I * C * X.schur('D').I * B * D.I],
Ejemplo n.º 31
def test_BlockMatrix_2x2_inverse_numeric():
    """Test 2x2 block matrix inversion numerically for all 4 formulas"""
    M = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    # rank deficient matrices that have full rank when two of them combined
    D1 = Matrix([[1, 2], [2, 4]])
    D2 = Matrix([[1, 3], [3, 9]])
    D3 = Matrix([[1, 4], [4, 16]])
    assert D1.rank() == D2.rank() == D3.rank() == 1
    assert (D1 + D2).rank() == (D2 + D3).rank() == (D3 + D1).rank() == 2

    # Only A is invertible
    K = BlockMatrix([[M, D1], [D2, D3]])
    assert block_collapse(K.inv()).as_explicit() == K.as_explicit().inv()
    # Only B is invertible
    K = BlockMatrix([[D1, M], [D2, D3]])
    assert block_collapse(K.inv()).as_explicit() == K.as_explicit().inv()
    # Only C is invertible
    K = BlockMatrix([[D1, D2], [M, D3]])
    assert block_collapse(K.inv()).as_explicit() == K.as_explicit().inv()
    # Only D is invertible
    K = BlockMatrix([[D1, D2], [D3, M]])
    assert block_collapse(K.inv()).as_explicit() == K.as_explicit().inv()
Ejemplo n.º 32
def test_block_index():
    I = Identity(3)
    Z = ZeroMatrix(3, 3)
    B = BlockMatrix([[I, I], [I, I]])
    e3 = ImmutableMatrix(eye(3))
    BB = BlockMatrix([[e3, e3], [e3, e3]])
    assert B[0, 0] == B[3, 0] == B[0, 3] == B[3, 3] == 1
    assert B[4, 3] == B[5, 1] == 0

    BB = BlockMatrix([[e3, e3], [e3, e3]])
    assert B.as_explicit() == BB.as_explicit()

    BI = BlockMatrix([[I, Z], [Z, I]])

    assert BI.as_explicit().equals(eye(6))
Ejemplo n.º 33
def test_bc_matadd():
    assert bc_matadd(BlockMatrix([[G, H]]) + BlockMatrix([[H, H]])) == \
            BlockMatrix([[G+H, H+H]])
Ejemplo n.º 34
def test_bc_transpose():
    assert bc_transpose(Transpose(BlockMatrix([[A, B], [C, D]]))) == \
            BlockMatrix([[A.T, C.T], [B.T, D.T]])
Ejemplo n.º 35
def _strongly_connected_components_decomposition(M, lower=True):
    """Decomposes a square matrix into block triangular form only
    using the permutations.


    The decomposition is in a form of $A = P^{-1} B P$ where $P$ is a
    permutation matrix and $B$ is a block diagonal matrix.


    lower : bool
        Makes $B$ lower block triangular when ``True``.
        Otherwise, makes $B$ upper block triangular.


    P, B : PermutationMatrix, BlockMatrix
        *P* is a permutation matrix for the similarity transform
        as in the explanation. And *B* is the block triangular matrix of
        the result of the permutation.


    >>> from sympy import Matrix, pprint
    >>> A = Matrix([
    ...     [44, 0, 0, 0, 43, 0, 45, 0, 0],
    ...     [0, 66, 62, 61, 0, 68, 0, 60, 67],
    ...     [0, 0, 22, 21, 0, 0, 0, 20, 0],
    ...     [0, 0, 12, 11, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0],
    ...     [34, 0, 0, 0, 33, 0, 35, 0, 0],
    ...     [0, 86, 82, 81, 0, 88, 0, 80, 87],
    ...     [54, 0, 0, 0, 53, 0, 55, 0, 0],
    ...     [0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    ...     [0, 76, 72, 71, 0, 78, 0, 70, 77]])

    A lower block triangular decomposition:

    >>> P, B = A.strongly_connected_components_decomposition()
    >>> pprint(P)
    PermutationMatrix((8)(1 4 3 2 6)(5 7))
    >>> pprint(B)
    [[44  43  45]   [0  0  0]     [0  0  0]  ]
    [[          ]   [       ]     [       ]  ]
    [[34  33  35]   [0  0  0]     [0  0  0]  ]
    [[          ]   [       ]     [       ]  ]
    [[54  53  55]   [0  0  0]     [0  0  0]  ]
    [                                        ]
    [ [0  0  0]    [22  21  20]   [0  0  0]  ]
    [ [       ]    [          ]   [       ]  ]
    [ [0  0  0]    [12  11  10]   [0  0  0]  ]
    [ [       ]    [          ]   [       ]  ]
    [ [0  0  0]    [2   1   0 ]   [0  0  0]  ]
    [                                        ]
    [ [0  0  0]    [62  61  60]  [66  68  67]]
    [ [       ]    [          ]  [          ]]
    [ [0  0  0]    [82  81  80]  [86  88  87]]
    [ [       ]    [          ]  [          ]]
    [ [0  0  0]    [72  71  70]  [76  78  77]]

    >>> P = P.as_explicit()
    >>> B = B.as_explicit()
    >>> P.T * B * P == A

    An upper block triangular decomposition:

    >>> P, B = A.strongly_connected_components_decomposition(lower=False)
    >>> pprint(P)
    PermutationMatrix((0 1 5 7 4 3 2 8 6))
    >>> pprint(B)
    [[66  68  67]  [62  61  60]   [0  0  0]  ]
    [[          ]  [          ]   [       ]  ]
    [[86  88  87]  [82  81  80]   [0  0  0]  ]
    [[          ]  [          ]   [       ]  ]
    [[76  78  77]  [72  71  70]   [0  0  0]  ]
    [                                        ]
    [ [0  0  0]    [22  21  20]   [0  0  0]  ]
    [ [       ]    [          ]   [       ]  ]
    [ [0  0  0]    [12  11  10]   [0  0  0]  ]
    [ [       ]    [          ]   [       ]  ]
    [ [0  0  0]    [2   1   0 ]   [0  0  0]  ]
    [                                        ]
    [ [0  0  0]     [0  0  0]    [44  43  45]]
    [ [       ]     [       ]    [          ]]
    [ [0  0  0]     [0  0  0]    [34  33  35]]
    [ [       ]     [       ]    [          ]]
    [ [0  0  0]     [0  0  0]    [54  53  55]]

    >>> P = P.as_explicit()
    >>> B = B.as_explicit()
    >>> P.T * B * P == A
    from sympy.combinatorics.permutations import Permutation
    from sympy.matrices.expressions.blockmatrix import BlockMatrix
    from sympy.matrices.expressions.permutation import PermutationMatrix

    iblocks = M.strongly_connected_components()
    if not lower:
        iblocks = list(reversed(iblocks))

    p = Permutation(flatten(iblocks))
    P = PermutationMatrix(p)

    rows = []
    for a in iblocks:
        cols = []
        for b in iblocks:
            cols.append(M[a, b])
    B = BlockMatrix(rows)
    return P, B