Ejemplo n.º 1
def npartitions(n, verbose=False):
    Calculate the partition function P(n), i.e. the number of ways that
    n can be written as a sum of positive integers.

    P(n) is computed using the Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher formula,
    described e.g. at http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PartitionFunctionP.html

    The correctness of this implementation has been tested for 10**n
    up to n = 8.
    n = int(n)
    if n < 0: return 0
    if n <= 5: return [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7][n]
    # Estimate number of bits in p(n). This formula could be tidied
    pbits = int((math.pi*(2*n/3.)**0.5-math.log(4*n))/math.log(10)+1)*\
    prec = p = int(pbits*1.1 + 100)
    s = fzero
    M = max(6, int(0.24*n**0.5+4))
    sq23pi = mpf_mul(mpf_sqrt(from_rational(2,3,p), p), mpf_pi(p), p)
    sqrt8 = mpf_sqrt(from_int(8), p)
    for q in xrange(1, M):
        a = A(n,q,p)
        d = D(n,q,p, sq23pi, sqrt8)
        s = mpf_add(s, mpf_mul(a, d), prec)
        if verbose:
            print "step", q, "of", M, to_str(a, 10), to_str(d, 10)
        # On average, the terms decrease rapidly in magnitude. Dynamically
        # reducing the precision greatly improves performance.
        p = bitcount(abs(to_int(d))) + 50
    np = to_int(mpf_add(s, fhalf, prec))
    return int(np)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def evalf_trig(v, prec, options):
    This function handles sin and cos of real arguments.

    TODO: should also handle tan and complex arguments.
    if v.func is C.cos:
        func = mpf_cos
    elif v.func is C.sin:
        func = mpf_sin
        raise NotImplementedError
    arg = v.args[0]
    # 20 extra bits is possibly overkill. It does make the need
    # to restart very unlikely
    xprec = prec + 20
    re, im, re_accuracy, im_accuracy = evalf(arg, xprec, options)
    if im:
        raise NotImplementedError
    if not re:
        if v.func is C.cos:
            return fone, None, prec, None
        elif v.func is C.sin:
            return None, None, None, None
            raise NotImplementedError
    # For trigonometric functions, we are interested in the
    # fixed-point (absolute) accuracy of the argument.
    xsize = fastlog(re)
    # Magnitude <= 1.0. OK to compute directly, because there is no
    # danger of hitting the first root of cos (with sin, magnitude
    # <= 2.0 would actually be ok)
    if xsize < 1:
        return func(re, prec, round_nearest), None, prec, None
    # Very large
    if xsize >= 10:
        xprec = prec + xsize
        re, im, re_accuracy, im_accuracy = evalf(arg, xprec, options)
    # Need to repeat in case the argument is very close to a
    # multiple of pi (or pi/2), hitting close to a root
    while 1:
        y = func(re, prec, round_nearest)
        ysize = fastlog(y)
        gap = -ysize
        accuracy = (xprec - xsize) - gap
        if accuracy < prec:
            if options.get('verbose'):
                print "SIN/COS", accuracy, "wanted", prec, "gap", gap
                print to_str(y,10)
            if xprec > options.get('maxprec', DEFAULT_MAXPREC):
                return y, None, accuracy, None
            xprec += gap
            re, im, re_accuracy, im_accuracy = evalf(arg, xprec, options)
            return y, None, prec, None
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _print_Real(self, expr):
     prec = expr._prec
     if prec < 5:
         dps = 0
         dps = prec_to_dps(expr._prec)
     return mlib.to_str(expr._mpf_, dps, strip_zeros=False)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _print_Real(self, expr):
     prec = expr._prec
     if prec < 5:
         dps = 0
         dps = prec_to_dps(expr._prec)
     return mlib.to_str(expr._mpf_, dps, strip_zeros=False)
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: str.py Proyecto: fperez/sympy
 def _print_Real(self, expr):
     prec = expr._prec
     if prec < 5:
         dps = 0
         dps = prec_to_dps(expr._prec)
     if self._settings["full_prec"] == True:
         strip = False
     elif self._settings["full_prec"] == False:
         strip = True
     elif self._settings["full_prec"] == "auto":
         strip = self._print_level > 1
     return mlib.to_str(expr._mpf_, dps, strip_zeros=strip)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _print_Real(self, expr):
     prec = expr._prec
     if prec < 5:
         dps = 0
         dps = prec_to_dps(expr._prec)
     if self._settings["full_prec"] == True:
         strip = False
     elif self._settings["full_prec"] == False:
         strip = True
     elif self._settings["full_prec"] == "auto":
         strip = self._print_level > 1
     return mlib.to_str(expr._mpf_, dps, strip_zeros=strip)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def evalf(x, prec, options):
        r = evalf_table[x.func](x, prec, options)
    except KeyError:
        #r = finalize_complex(x._eval_evalf(prec)._mpf_, fzero, prec)
            # Fall back to ordinary evalf if possible
            if 'subs' in options:
                x = x.subs(options['subs'])
            r = x._eval_evalf(prec)._mpf_, None, prec, None
        except AttributeError:
            raise NotImplementedError
    if options.get("verbose"):
        print "### input", x
        print "### output", to_str(r[0] or fzero, 50)
        #print "### raw", r[0], r[2]
    if options.get("chop"):
        r = chop_parts(r, prec)
    if options.get("strict"):
        check_target(x, r, prec)
    return r
Ejemplo n.º 8
def evalf(x, prec, options):
        r = evalf_table[x.func](x, prec, options)
    except KeyError:
        #r = finalize_complex(x._eval_evalf(prec)._mpf_, fzero, prec)
            # Fall back to ordinary evalf if possible
            if 'subs' in options:
                x = x.subs(options['subs'])
            r = x._eval_evalf(prec)._mpf_, None, prec, None
        except AttributeError:
            raise NotImplementedError
    if options.get("verbose"):
        print "### input", x
        print "### output", to_str(r[0] or fzero, 50)
        #print "### raw", r[0], r[2]
    if options.get("chop"):
        r = chop_parts(r, prec)
    if options.get("strict"):
        check_target(x, r, prec)
    return r
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _print_Real(self, expr):
        # Based off of that in StrPrinter
        dps = prec_to_dps(expr._prec)
        str_real = mlib.to_str(expr._mpf_, dps, strip_zeros=True)

        # Must always have a mul symbol (as 2.5 10^{20} just looks odd)
        seperator = r" \times "

        if self._settings["mul_symbol"] is not None:
            seperator = self._settings["mul_symbol_latex"]

        if "e" in str_real:
            (mant, exp) = str_real.split("e")

            if exp[0] == "+":
                exp = exp[1:]

            return r"%s%s10^{%s}" % (mant, seperator, exp)
        elif str_real == "+inf":
            return r"\infty"
        elif str_real == "-inf":
            return r"- \intfy"
            return str_real
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: repr.py Proyecto: cran/rSymPy
 def _print_Real(self, expr):
     dps = prec_to_dps(expr._prec)
     r = mlib.to_str(expr._mpf_, repr_dps(expr._prec))
     return "%s('%s', prec=%i)" % (expr.__class__.__name__, r, dps)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def _print_Real(self, expr):
     dps = prec_to_dps(expr._prec)
     r = mlib.to_str(expr._mpf_, repr_dps(expr._prec))
     return "%s('%s', prec=%i)" % (expr.__class__.__name__, r, dps)