Ejemplo n.º 1
def RoboTrajectory(thst, then, T, dt, ts):
        thst, then = np.array(thst), np.array(then)
        thst.shape, then.shape = (1, np.size(thst)), (1, np.size(then))
        n = thst.shape[1]
        N = int(T / dt)
        robotraj = []
        thlistset = JointTrajectory(thst, then, T, N + 1, ts)
        thdotlistlist = []
        thdotdotlistlist = []
        ti = 0
        for i in range(0, N + 1):
            if ts == 3:
                thdotlist = symath.diff(lambda t: thst + CubicTimeScaling(t, T) * (then - thst), ti)
                thdotdotlist = symath.diff(lambda t: thst + CubicTimeScaling(t, T) * (then - thst), ti, 2)
            elif ts == 5:
                thdotlist = symath.diff(lambda t: thst + QuinticTimeScaling(t, T) * (then - thst), ti)
                thdotdotlist = symath.diff(lambda t: thst + QuinticTimeScaling(t, T) * (then - thst), ti, 2)
            ti += dt
        thdotlistset = thdotlistlist[0]
        thdotdotlistset = thdotdotlistlist[0]
        for i in range(1, N + 1):
            thdotlistset = np.vstack((thdotlistset, thdotlistlist[i]))
            thdotdotlistset = np.vstack((thdotdotlistset, thdotdotlistlist[i]))
        return robotraj
        print "Please check input parameters!"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def getObjectiveFunctionDiff(word, document_counter, vocab, smooth, ratio,
                             X_plus, X_minus, sum_Xplus, sum_Xminus, vocab_T,
                             Nt_plus, Nt_minus):
    from sympy import mpmath
    import numpy as np
    import warnings
    import sys
    mpmath.mp.pretty = True
    fraction_nplus = document_counter[word] / (smooth + X_plus[word])
    fraction_nminus = document_counter[word] / (smooth + X_minus[word])
    di = sum(document_counter.itervalues())
    g = ((vocab * smooth + sum_Xplus) / (vocab * smooth + sum_Xminus))**di
    product_pi = 1
    for key in document_counter.keys():
        #WARNING: divided by zero
            product_pi = product_pi * (
                ((smooth + X_minus[key]) /
                 (smooth + X_plus[key]))**document_counter[key])
        except Warning:
            print "smooth " + str(smooth) + " key " + str(key) + " " + str(
                X_plus[key]) + " " + str(X_minus[key])
    g_diffpos = mpmath.diff(
        lambda x: ((smooth * vocab + sum_Xplus - X_plus[word] + x) /
                   (smooth * vocab + sum_Xminus))**di, X_plus[word])
    g_diffneg = mpmath.diff(
        lambda x: ((smooth * vocab + sum_Xplus) /
                   (smooth * vocab + sum_Xminus - X_minus[word] + x))**di,
    sum_penalty_T = 0
    for w in vocab_T:
        sum_penalty_T = sum_penalty_T + (X_plus[w] - Nt_plus[w])**2 + (
            X_minus[w] - Nt_minus[w])**2
    penalty_T_diffpos = mpmath.diff(
        lambda x: sum_penalty_T - (X_plus[word] - Nt_plus[word])**2 +
        (x - Nt_plus[word])**2, X_plus[word])
    penalty_T_diffneg = mpmath.diff(
        lambda x: sum_penalty_T - (X_minus[word] - Nt_minus[word])**2 +
        (x - Nt_minus[word])**2, X_minus[word])
    #FUNCTION regularization penalty terms here
    #FUNCTION check vocabulary here
    Fplus = (fraction_nplus + (ratio**-1) * product_pi * g_diffpos) / (
        1 + (ratio**-1) * product_pi * g) - fraction_nplus + penalty_T_diffpos
    import sys
        Fminus = (fraction_nminus * g +
                  g_diffneg) / (ratio *
                                (product_pi**-1) + g) + penalty_T_diffneg
    except ZeroDivisionError:
            getObjectiveFunctionDiff.__name__, ZeroDivisionError.message +
            ' word=' + word + ' product_pi = ' + str(product_pi))
        product_pi = 1
        Fminus = (fraction_nminus * g + g_diffneg) / (ratio *
                                                      (product_pi**-1) + g)
    return (np.float64(Fplus), np.float64(Fminus))
        def checar_criterio(despeje,punto):
            from sympy.mpmath import diff, log, sin, tan, cos

            criterio = False     
            #se evalua el criterio de convergencia y se deja que el usuario decida si continua con el msimo despeje        
            print "g'(",punto,") = ",abs(diff(lambdify(x,sympify(despeje),"sympy"), punto))
            while abs(diff(lambdify(x,sympify(despeje),"sympy"), punto)) > 1.0:
                print"Tu despeje no cumple el criterio de convergencia para este intervalo"
                respuesta = raw_input("Quieres arriesgarte? responde si/no\n")
                while respuesta != "si" and  respuesta != "no":
                    respuesta = raw_input("Quieres arriesgarte? responde si/no?")
                if respuesta == "si":
                    return criterio
                    despeje = ingresar_funcion(despeje = True)
            print"Tu despeje cumple el criterio de covergencia, solucion garantizada!"
            criterio = True
            return criterio
Ejemplo n.º 4
def RoboTrajectory(thst, then, T, dt, ts):
        thst, then = np.array(thst), np.array(then)
        thst.shape, then.shape = (1, np.size(thst)), (1, np.size(then))
        n = thst.shape[1]
        N = int(T / dt)
        robotraj = []
        thlistset = JointTrajectory(thst, then, T, N + 1, ts)
        thdotlistlist = []
        thdotdotlistlist = []
        ti = 0
        for i in range(0, N + 1):
            if ts == 3:
                thdotlist = symath.diff(
                    lambda t: thst + CubicTimeScaling(t, T) * (then - thst),
                thdotdotlist = symath.diff(
                    lambda t: thst + CubicTimeScaling(t, T) * (then - thst),
                    ti, 2)
            elif ts == 5:
                thdotlist = symath.diff(
                    lambda t: thst + QuinticTimeScaling(t, T) * (then - thst),
                thdotdotlist = symath.diff(
                    lambda t: thst + QuinticTimeScaling(t, T) * (then - thst),
                    ti, 2)
            ti += dt
        thdotlistset = thdotlistlist[0]
        thdotdotlistset = thdotdotlistlist[0]
        for i in range(1, N + 1):
            thdotlistset = np.vstack((thdotlistset, thdotlistlist[i]))
            thdotdotlistset = np.vstack((thdotdotlistset, thdotdotlistlist[i]))
        return robotraj
        print "Please check input parameters!"
Ejemplo n.º 5
def getObjectiveFunctionDiff(word,document_counter,vocab,smooth,ratio,X_plus,X_minus, sum_Xplus, sum_Xminus,vocab_T,Nt_plus,Nt_minus):
    from sympy import mpmath
    import numpy as np
    import warnings
    import sys
    mpmath.mp.pretty = True
    fraction_nplus = document_counter[word] / (smooth + X_plus[word])
    fraction_nminus = document_counter[word] / (smooth + X_minus[word])
    di = sum(document_counter.itervalues())
    g = ((vocab * smooth + sum_Xplus) / (vocab * smooth + sum_Xminus)) ** di
    product_pi = 1
    for key in document_counter.keys():
        #WARNING: divided by zero
            product_pi = product_pi * (((smooth + X_minus[key]) / (smooth + X_plus[key])) ** document_counter[key])
        except Warning:
            print "smooth "+str(smooth)+" key "+str(key)+ " "+str(X_plus[key])+" "+str(X_minus[key])
    g_diffpos = mpmath.diff(lambda x: ((smooth * vocab + sum_Xplus - X_plus[word] + x) / (smooth * vocab + sum_Xminus)) ** di,X_plus[word])
    g_diffneg = mpmath.diff(lambda x: ((smooth * vocab + sum_Xplus) / (smooth * vocab + sum_Xminus - X_minus[word] + x)) ** di,X_minus[word])
    sum_penalty_T = 0
    for w in vocab_T:
        sum_penalty_T = sum_penalty_T + (X_plus[w]-Nt_plus[w])**2 + (X_minus[w]-Nt_minus[w])**2
    penalty_T_diffpos = mpmath.diff(lambda x:sum_penalty_T-(X_plus[word]-Nt_plus[word])**2+(x-Nt_plus[word])**2,X_plus[word])
    penalty_T_diffneg = mpmath.diff(lambda x:sum_penalty_T-(X_minus[word]-Nt_minus[word])**2+(x-Nt_minus[word])**2,X_minus[word])
    #FUNCTION regularization penalty terms here
    #FUNCTION check vocabulary here    
    Fplus = (fraction_nplus + (ratio ** -1) * product_pi * g_diffpos) / (1 + (ratio ** -1) * product_pi * g) - fraction_nplus + penalty_T_diffpos
    import sys
        Fminus = (fraction_nminus * g + g_diffneg) / (ratio * (product_pi ** -1) + g) + penalty_T_diffneg
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        mlog(getObjectiveFunctionDiff.__name__,ZeroDivisionError.message + ' word=' + word + ' product_pi = ' + str(product_pi))
        product_pi = 1
        Fminus = (fraction_nminus * g + g_diffneg) / (ratio * (product_pi ** -1) + g)
    return (np.float64(Fplus),np.float64(Fminus))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def doit_numerically(self, z0):
        Evaluate the derivative at z numerically.

        When we can represent derivatives at a point, this should be folded
        into the normal evalf. For now, we need a special method.
        from sympy import mpmath
        from sympy.core.expr import Expr
        if len(self.free_symbols) != 1 or len(self.variables) != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('partials and higher order derivatives')
        z = list(self.free_symbols)[0]
        def eval(x):
            f0 = self.expr.subs(z, Expr._from_mpmath(x, prec=mpmath.mp.prec))
            f0 = f0.evalf(mlib.libmpf.prec_to_dps(mpmath.mp.prec))
            return f0._to_mpmath(mpmath.mp.prec)
        return Expr._from_mpmath(mpmath.diff(eval, z0._to_mpmath(mpmath.mp.prec)),
Ejemplo n.º 7
def getObjectiveFunctionDiff(word,document_counter,vocab,smooth,ratio,X_plus,X_minus, sum_Xplus, sum_Xminus,vocab_T,pos_count,neg_count,di,vocab_S,sum_penalty_Vs,R_Mkb,X_zeroplus,X_zerominus):
    from sympy import mpmath
    import numpy as np
    mpmath.mp.pretty = True
    fraction_nplus = document_counter[word] / (smooth + X_plus[word])
    fraction_nminus = document_counter[word] / (smooth + X_minus[word])
    g = ((vocab * smooth + sum_Xplus) / (vocab * smooth + sum_Xminus)) ** di
    product_pi = 1
    for key in document_counter.keys():
        product_pi = product_pi * (((smooth + X_minus[key]) / (smooth + X_plus[key])) ** document_counter[key])
    g_diffpos = mpmath.diff(lambda x: ((smooth * vocab + sum_Xplus - X_plus[word] + x) / (smooth * vocab + sum_Xminus)) ** di,X_plus[word])
    g_diffneg = mpmath.diff(lambda x: ((smooth * vocab + sum_Xplus) / (smooth * vocab + sum_Xminus - X_minus[word] + x)) ** di,X_minus[word])
    sum_penalty_Vt = 0
    #regularization term 1
    for w in vocab_T:
        sum_penalty_Vt = sum_penalty_Vt + (X_plus[w]-pos_count[w])**2 +(X_minus[w]-neg_count[w])**2
    #FIX vocab limitation
    if word in vocab_T:
        penalty_Vt_plus = mpmath.diff(lambda x: 0.5*0.1*(sum_penalty_Vt -( X_plus[word]-pos_count[word])**2+(x-pos_count[word])**2),X_plus[word])
        penalty_Vt_minus = mpmath.diff(lambda x: 0.5*0.1*(sum_penalty_Vt -( X_minus[word]-neg_count[word])**2+(x-neg_count[word])**2),X_minus[word])
        penalty_Vt_plus = 0
        penalty_Vt_minus = 0
    #regularization term 2
    if word in vocab_S:
        penalty_Vs_plus = mpmath.diff(lambda x:0.5*0.1*(sum_penalty_Vs-(X_plus[word]-R_Mkb[word]*X_zeroplus[word])**2),X_plus[word])
        penalty_Vs_minus = mpmath.diff(lambda x:0.5*0.1*(sum_penalty_Vs-(X_minus[word]-(1-R_Mkb[word])*X_zerominus[word])**2),X_minus[word])
        penalty_Vs_plus = 0
        penalty_Vs_minus  = 0
    #dF+, dF-
    Fplus = (fraction_nplus + (ratio ** -1) * product_pi * g_diffpos) / (1 + (ratio ** -1) * product_pi * g) - fraction_nplus + penalty_Vt_plus + penalty_Vs_plus
    Fminus = (fraction_nminus * g + g_diffneg) / (ratio * (product_pi ** -1) + g) + penalty_Vt_minus + penalty_Vs_minus
    return (np.float64(Fplus),np.float64(Fminus)) 
def contour_int(f, c, t0, t1):
    """ Evaluate the integral of the function 'f'
    parameterized by the function 'c' with initial
    and final parameter values 't0' and 't1'. """
    return complex(mp.quad(lambda t: f(c(t)) * mp.diff(c, t), (t0, t1)))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def contour_int(f, c, t0, t1):
    """ Evaluate the integral of the function 'f'
    parameterized by the function 'c' with initial
    and final parameter values 't0' and 't1'. """
    return complex(mp.quad(lambda t: f(c(t)) * mp.diff(c, t), (t0, t1)))