Ejemplo n.º 1
def integrate(integral,
    cached_subs = integral(beam_type, m, t, v, n,
                           decimal_precision).subs('a', a)
    f = lambda y: cached_subs.evalf(n=decimal_precision, subs={'y': y})

    with mpmath.workdps(decimal_precision):
        result = mpmath.quad(f, (0., a), **kwargs)

        # If not converted to `sympy.Float` precision will be lost after the
        # original `mpmath` context is restored
        if isinstance(result, tuple):  # Integration error included
            return tuple(Float(x, decimal_precision) for x in result)
            return Float(result, decimal_precision)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def count_roots(p):
    """ Counts the number of roots of the polynomial object 'p' on the
    interior of the unit ball using an integral. """
    return mp.quad(lambda z: mp.exp(1.0j * z) * p(mp.exp(1.0j * z)),
                   [0., 2 * np.pi]) / (2 * np.pi)
def contour_int(f, c, t0, t1):
    """ Evaluate the integral of the function 'f'
    parameterized by the function 'c' with initial
    and final parameter values 't0' and 't1'. """
    return complex(mp.quad(lambda t: f(c(t)) * mp.diff(c, t), (t0, t1)))
def count_roots(p):
    """ Counts the number of roots of the polynomial object 'p' on the
    interior of the unit ball using an integral. """
    return mp.quad(lambda z: mp.exp(1.0j * z) * p(mp.exp(1.0j * z)), [0., 2 * np.pi]) / (2 * np.pi)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        print diff
        assert diff < 1E-10
        print 'OK'

    # print ref_element.riesz_basis
    # print phys_element.riesz_basis

    # F : x_hat --> x = a(1-x)/2 + b(1+x)/2
    Finv = (2*x - b - a)/(b-a)
    J = (b-a)/2.

    mapped_riesz = [f.subs(x, Finv)/J
                    for f in ref_element.riesz_basis]
    # print mapped_riesz
    for rmap, r in zip(mapped_riesz, phys_element.riesz_basis):
        print '>', quad(lambdify(x, (rmap-r)**2), [a, b])**0.5
    mapped_basis = [f.subs(x, Finv) for f in ref_element.sym_basis]
    # print mapped_basis
    for rmap, r in zip(mapped_basis, phys_element.sym_basis):
        print '>>', quad(lambdify(x, (rmap-r)**2), [a, b])**0.5
    coef = np.random.rand(degree+1)
    f = sum(c*x**i for i, c in enumerate(coef))
    f_lambda = lambdify(x, f)
    for element, cell in [(ref_element, (-1, 1)), (phys_element, (a, b))]:
        for i in range(dim):
           print element.eval_dof(j, f_lambda),\
                 element.eval_dof_riesz(j, f),\
                 ref_element.eval_dof_riesz_cell(j, f, cell)
Ejemplo n.º 6
from sympy import *
from sympy.mpmath import e, quad

x = Symbol("x")

f = 1 / (1.28 - e ** (-x - 0.01))
f_im = lambda t: f.subs(x, t)

seg = [0, 0.4]

js = quad(f_im, seg)

def rect_integral(func, seg, n):
    h = (seg[1] - seg[0]) / n

    intgr = 0
    for k in range(1, n + 1):
        intgr += h * func.subs(x, seg[0] + (2 * k - 1) * h / 2)

    fdiff = func.diff(x, 2)
    fdiffm = max(fdiff.subs(x, seg[0]), fdiff.subs(x, seg[1]))
    error = fdiffm * (seg[1] - seg[0]) ** 3 / (24 * n ** 2)

    return intgr, error

def trap_integral(func, seg, n):
    h = (seg[1] - seg[0]) / n

    intgr = h / 2 * (func.subs(x, seg[0]) + func.subs(x, seg[1]))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    dx = VolumeMeasure(Rectangle([0, 1], [1, 3]))
    # print f*dx

    A = [0, 0, 0]
    B = [1, 0, 0]
    C = [0, 1, 0]
    D = [0, 0, 1]
    dx = VolumeMeasure(Tetrahedron(A, B, C, D))
    # print 1*dx
    # print 1*dV(A, B, C, D)

    f = x + y + z
    print f*dV([[0, 3], [0, 2], [0, 1]])
    f = x + y
    print f*dV([[0, 3], [0, 2]])
    f = x
    print f*dV([[1, 10]])

    dW = dV([[1, 10]]) + dV([[2, 3]])
    print f*dV([[1, 10]]) + f*dV([[2, 3]]), f*dW

    f = x + y + z
    print quad(lambdify([x, y, z], f), [0, 3], [0, 2], [0, 1])
    f = x + y
    print quad(lambdify([x, y], f), [0, 3], [0, 2])
    f = x
    print quad(lambdify([x], f), [1, 10])

    # print 1*VolumeMeasure(Interval(1, 10))
    # print quad(lambdify(x, S(1)), [1, 10])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_C(basis, C):
    '''Test gradient matrix of the basis.'''
    # The linear form is the Trial`*Test integrated over (-1, 1)
    a_form = lambda u, v: quad(lambdify(x, u.diff(x, 1)*v), [-1, 1])
    return test_matrix(basis, C, a_form)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_A(basis, A):
    '''Test stiffness matrix of the basis.'''
    # The linear form is the H^1_0 inner product over (-1, 1)
    a_form = lambda u, v: quad(lambdify(x, u.diff(x, 1)*v.diff(x, 1)), [-1, 1])
    return test_matrix(basis, A, a_form)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_M(basis, M):
    '''Test mass matrix of the basis.'''
    # The linear form is the L^2 inner product over (-1, 1)
    a_form = lambda u, v: quad(lambdify(x, u*v), [-1, 1])
    return test_matrix(basis, M, a_form)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def contour_int(f, c, t0, t1):
    """ Evaluate the integral of the function 'f'
    parameterized by the function 'c' with initial
    and final parameter values 't0' and 't1'. """
    return complex(mp.quad(lambda t: f(c(t)) * mp.diff(c, t), (t0, t1)))