Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_dispatcher():
    f = Dispatcher('f')
    f.add((int, ), inc)
    f.add((float, ), dec)

    with warns(DeprecationWarning):
        assert f.resolve((int, )) == inc
    assert f.dispatch(int) is inc

    assert f(1) == 2
    assert f(1.0) == 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_dispatcher():
    f = Dispatcher('f')
    f.add((int,), inc)
    f.add((float,), dec)

    with warns(DeprecationWarning):
        assert f.resolve((int,)) == inc
    assert f.dispatch(int) is inc

    assert f(1) == 2
    assert f(1.0) == 0.0
def test_dispatcher():
    f = Dispatcher('f')
    f.add((int,), inc)
    f.add((float,), dec)

    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning)
        assert f.resolve((int,)) == inc
    assert f.dispatch(int) is inc

    assert f(1) == 2
    assert f(1.0) == 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_dispatcher():
    f = Dispatcher('f')
    f.add((int,), inc)
    f.add((float,), dec)

    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning)
        assert f.resolve((int,)) == inc
    assert f.dispatch(int) is inc

    assert f(1) == 2
    assert f(1.0) == 0.0
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_source():
    def one(x, y):
        """ Docstring number one """
        return x + y

    def two(x, y):
        """ Docstring number two """
        return x - y

    master_doc = 'Doc of the multimethod itself'

    f = Dispatcher('f', doc=master_doc)
    f.add((int, int), one)
    f.add((float, float), two)

    assert 'x + y' in f._source(1, 1)
    assert 'x - y' in f._source(1.0, 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_source():
    def one(x, y):
        """ Docstring number one """
        return x + y

    def two(x, y):
        """ Docstring number two """
        return x - y

    master_doc = 'Doc of the multimethod itself'

    f = Dispatcher('f', doc=master_doc)
    f.add((int, int), one)
    f.add((float, float), two)

    assert 'x + y' in f._source(1, 1)
    assert 'x - y' in f._source(1.0, 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_ambiguity_register_error_ignore_dup():
    f = Dispatcher('f')

    class A:
    class B(A):
    class C(A):

    # suppress warning for registering ambiguous signal
    f.add((A, B), lambda x,y: None, ambiguity_register_error_ignore_dup)
    f.add((B, A), lambda x,y: None, ambiguity_register_error_ignore_dup)
    f.add((A, C), lambda x,y: None, ambiguity_register_error_ignore_dup)
    f.add((C, A), lambda x,y: None, ambiguity_register_error_ignore_dup)

    # raises error if ambiguous signal is passed
    assert raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: f(B(), C()))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_docstring():
    def one(x, y):
        """ Docstring number one """
        return x + y

    def two(x, y):
        """ Docstring number two """
        return x + y

    def three(x, y):
        return x + y

    master_doc = 'Doc of the multimethod itself'

    f = Dispatcher('f', doc=master_doc)
    f.add((object, object), one)
    f.add((int, int), two)
    f.add((float, float), three)

    assert one.__doc__.strip() in f.__doc__
    assert two.__doc__.strip() in f.__doc__
    assert f.__doc__.find(one.__doc__.strip()) < \
    assert 'object, object' in f.__doc__
    assert master_doc in f.__doc__
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_docstring():

    def one(x, y):
        """ Docstring number one """
        return x + y

    def two(x, y):
        """ Docstring number two """
        return x + y

    def three(x, y):
        return x + y

    master_doc = 'Doc of the multimethod itself'

    f = Dispatcher('f', doc=master_doc)
    f.add((object, object), one)
    f.add((int, int), two)
    f.add((float, float), three)

    assert one.__doc__.strip() in f.__doc__
    assert two.__doc__.strip() in f.__doc__
    assert f.__doc__.find(one.__doc__.strip()) < \
    assert 'object, object' in f.__doc__
    assert master_doc in f.__doc__
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_halt_method_resolution():
    g = [0]

    def on_ambiguity(a, b):
        g[0] += 1

    f = Dispatcher('f')


    def func(*args):

    f.add((int, object), func)
    f.add((object, int), func)

    assert g == [0]


    assert g == [1]

    assert set(f.ordering) == {(int, object), (object, int)}
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_halt_method_resolution():
    g = [0]

    def on_ambiguity(a, b):
        g[0] += 1

    f = Dispatcher('f')


    def func(*args):

    f.add((int, object), func)
    f.add((object, int), func)

    assert g == [0]


    assert g == [1]

    assert set(f.ordering) == set([(int, object), (object, int)])
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_on_ambiguity():
    f = Dispatcher('f')

    def identity(x): return x

    ambiguities = [False]

    def on_ambiguity(dispatcher, amb):
        ambiguities[0] = True

    f.add((object, object), identity, on_ambiguity=on_ambiguity)
    assert not ambiguities[0]
    f.add((object, float), identity, on_ambiguity=on_ambiguity)
    assert not ambiguities[0]
    f.add((float, object), identity, on_ambiguity=on_ambiguity)
    assert ambiguities[0]
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_on_ambiguity():
    f = Dispatcher('f')

    def identity(x): return x

    ambiguities = [False]

    def on_ambiguity(dispatcher, amb):
        ambiguities[0] = True

    f.add((object, object), identity, on_ambiguity=on_ambiguity)
    assert not ambiguities[0]
    f.add((object, float), identity, on_ambiguity=on_ambiguity)
    assert not ambiguities[0]
    f.add((float, object), identity, on_ambiguity=on_ambiguity)
    assert ambiguities[0]
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_help():
    def one(x, y):
        """ Docstring number one """
        return x + y

    def two(x, y):
        """ Docstring number two """
        return x + y

    def three(x, y):
        """ Docstring number three """
        return x + y

    master_doc = 'Doc of the multimethod itself'

    f = Dispatcher('f', doc=master_doc)
    f.add((object, object), one)
    f.add((int, int), two)
    f.add((float, float), three)

    assert f._help(1, 1) == two.__doc__
    assert f._help(1.0, 2.0) == three.__doc__
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_help():
    def one(x, y):
        """ Docstring number one """
        return x + y

    def two(x, y):
        """ Docstring number two """
        return x + y

    def three(x, y):
        """ Docstring number three """
        return x + y

    master_doc = 'Doc of the multimethod itself'

    f = Dispatcher('f', doc=master_doc)
    f.add((object, object), one)
    f.add((int, int), two)
    f.add((float, float), three)

    assert f._help(1, 1) == two.__doc__
    assert f._help(1.0, 2.0) == three.__doc__
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_raise_error_on_non_class():
    f = Dispatcher('f')
    assert raises(TypeError, lambda: f.add((1, ), inc))
Ejemplo n.º 17
class AssocOpDispatcher:
    Handler dispatcher for associative operators

    .. notes::
       This approach is experimental, and can be replaced or deleted in the future.
       See https://github.com/sympy/sympy/pull/19463.


    If arguments of different types are passed, the classes which handle the operation for each type
    are collected. Then, a class which performs the operation is selected by recursive binary dispatching.
    Dispatching relation can be registered by ``register_handlerclass`` method.

    Priority registration is unordered. You cannot make ``A*B`` and ``B*A`` refer to
    different handler classes. All logic dealing with the order of arguments must be implemented
    in the handler class.


    >>> from sympy import Add, Expr, Symbol
    >>> from sympy.core.add import add

    >>> class NewExpr(Expr):
    ...     @property
    ...     def _add_handler(self):
    ...         return NewAdd
    >>> class NewAdd(NewExpr, Add):
    ...     pass
    >>> add.register_handlerclass((Add, NewAdd), NewAdd)

    >>> a, b = Symbol('a'), NewExpr()
    >>> add(a, b) == NewAdd(a, b)

    def __init__(self, name, doc=None):
        self.name = name
        self.doc = doc
        self.handlerattr = "_%s_handler" % name
        self._handlergetter = attrgetter(self.handlerattr)
        self._dispatcher = Dispatcher(name)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<dispatched %s>" % self.name

    def register_handlerclass(
        Register the handler class for two classes, in both straight and reversed order.


        classes : tuple of two types
            Classes who are compared with each other.

            Class which is registered to represent *cls1* and *cls2*.
            Handler method of *self* must be implemented in this class.
        if not len(classes) == 2:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Only binary dispatch is supported, but got %s types: <%s>." %
                (len(classes), str_signature(classes)))
        if len(set(classes)) == 1:
            raise RuntimeError("Duplicate types <%s> cannot be dispatched." %
        self._dispatcher.add(tuple(classes), typ, on_ambiguity=on_ambiguity)

    def __call__(self, *args, _sympify=True, **kwargs):

        *args :
            Arguments which are operated
        if _sympify:
            args = tuple(map(_sympify_, args))
        handlers = frozenset(map(self._handlergetter, args))

        # no need to sympify again
        return self.dispatch(handlers)(*args, _sympify=False, **kwargs)

    def dispatch(self, handlers):
        Select the handler class, and return its handler method.

        # Quick exit for the case where all handlers are same
        if len(handlers) == 1:
            h, = handlers
            if not isinstance(h, type):
                raise RuntimeError("Handler {!r} is not a type.".format(h))
            return h

        # Recursively select with registered binary priority
        for i, typ in enumerate(handlers):

            if not isinstance(typ, type):
                raise RuntimeError("Handler {!r} is not a type.".format(typ))

            if i == 0:
                handler = typ
                prev_handler = handler
                handler = self._dispatcher.dispatch(prev_handler, typ)

                if not isinstance(handler, type):
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Dispatcher for {!r} and {!r} must return a type, but got {!r}"
                        .format(prev_handler, typ, handler))

        # return handler class
        return handler

    def __doc__(self):
        docs = [
            "Multiply dispatched associative operator: %s" % self.name,
            "Note that support for this is experimental, see the docs for :class:`AssocOpDispatcher` for details"

        if self.doc:

        s = "Registered handler classes\n"
        s += '=' * len(s)

        amb_sigs = []

        typ_sigs = defaultdict(list)
        for sigs in self._dispatcher.ordering[::-1]:
            key = self._dispatcher.funcs[sigs]

        for typ, sigs in typ_sigs.items():

            sigs_str = ', '.join('<%s>' % str_signature(sig) for sig in sigs)

            if isinstance(typ, RaiseNotImplementedError):

            s = 'Inputs: %s\n' % sigs_str
            s += '-' * len(s) + '\n'
            s += typ.__name__

        if amb_sigs:
            s = "Ambiguous handler classes\n"
            s += '=' * len(s)

            s = '\n'.join(amb_sigs)

        return '\n\n'.join(docs)
Ejemplo n.º 18
class KindDispatcher:
    Dispatcher to select a kind from multiple kinds by binary dispatching.

    .. notes::
       This approach is experimental, and can be replaced or deleted in
       the future.


    SymPy object's :obj:`sympy.core.kind.Kind()` vaguely represents the
    algebraic structure where the object belongs to. Therefore, with
    given operation, we can always find a dominating kind among the
    different kinds. This class selects the kind by recursive binary
    dispatching. If the result cannot be determined, ``UndefinedKind``
    is returned.


    Multiplication between numbers return number.

    >>> from sympy import NumberKind, Mul
    >>> Mul._kind_dispatcher(NumberKind, NumberKind)

    Multiplication between number and unknown-kind object returns unknown kind.

    >>> from sympy import UndefinedKind
    >>> Mul._kind_dispatcher(NumberKind, UndefinedKind)

    Any number and order of kinds is allowed.

    >>> Mul._kind_dispatcher(UndefinedKind, NumberKind)
    >>> Mul._kind_dispatcher(NumberKind, UndefinedKind, NumberKind)

    Since matrix forms a vector space over scalar field, multiplication
    between matrix with numeric element and number returns matrix with
    numeric element.

    >>> from sympy.matrices import MatrixKind
    >>> Mul._kind_dispatcher(MatrixKind(NumberKind), NumberKind)

    If a matrix with number element and another matrix with unknown-kind
    element are multiplied, we know that the result is matrix but the
    kind of its elements is unknown.

    >>> Mul._kind_dispatcher(MatrixKind(NumberKind), MatrixKind(UndefinedKind))


    name : str

    commutative : bool, optional
        If True, binary dispatch will be automatically registered in
        reversed order as well.

    doc : str, optional

    def __init__(self, name, commutative=False, doc=None):
        self.name = name
        self.doc = doc
        self.commutative = commutative
        self._dispatcher = Dispatcher(name)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<dispatched %s>" % self.name

    def register(self, *types, **kwargs):
        Register the binary dispatcher for two kind classes.

        If *self.commutative* is ``True``, signature in reversed order is
        automatically registered as well.
        on_ambiguity = kwargs.pop("on_ambiguity", None)
        if not on_ambiguity:
            if self.commutative:
                on_ambiguity = ambiguity_register_error_ignore_dup
                on_ambiguity = ambiguity_warn

        if not len(types) == 2:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Only binary dispatch is supported, but got %s types: <%s>." % (
                len(types), str_signature(types)

        def _(func):
            self._dispatcher.add(types, func, **kwargs)
            if self.commutative:
                self._dispatcher.add(tuple(reversed(types)), func, **kwargs)
        return _

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.commutative:
            kinds = frozenset(args)
            kinds = []
            prev = None
            for a in args:
                if prev is not a:
                    prev = a
        return self.dispatch_kinds(kinds, **kwargs)

    def dispatch_kinds(self, kinds, **kwargs):
        # Quick exit for the case where all kinds are same
        if len(kinds) == 1:
            result, = kinds
            if not isinstance(result, Kind):
                raise RuntimeError("%s is not a kind." % result)
            return result

        for i,kind in enumerate(kinds):
            if not isinstance(kind, Kind):
                raise RuntimeError("%s is not a kind." % kind)

            if i == 0:
                result = kind
                prev_kind = result

                t1, t2 = type(prev_kind), type(kind)
                k1, k2 = prev_kind, kind
                func = self._dispatcher.dispatch(t1, t2)
                if func is None and self.commutative:
                    # try reversed order
                    func = self._dispatcher.dispatch(t2, t1)
                    k1, k2 = k2, k1
                if func is None:
                    # unregistered kind relation
                    result = UndefinedKind
                    result = func(k1, k2)
                if not isinstance(result, Kind):
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Dispatcher for {!r} and {!r} must return a Kind, but got {!r}".format(
                        prev_kind, kind, result

        return result

    def __doc__(self):
        docs = [
            "Kind dispatcher : %s" % self.name,
            "Note that support for this is experimental. See the docs for :class:`KindDispatcher` for details"

        if self.doc:

        s = "Registered kind classes\n"
        s += '=' * len(s)

        amb_sigs = []

        typ_sigs = defaultdict(list)
        for sigs in self._dispatcher.ordering[::-1]:
            key = self._dispatcher.funcs[sigs]

        for func, sigs in typ_sigs.items():

            sigs_str = ', '.join('<%s>' % str_signature(sig) for sig in sigs)

            if isinstance(func, RaiseNotImplementedError):

            s = 'Inputs: %s\n' % sigs_str
            s += '-' * len(s) + '\n'
            if func.__doc__:
                s += func.__doc__.strip()
                s += func.__name__

        if amb_sigs:
            s = "Ambiguous kind classes\n"
            s += '=' * len(s)

            s = '\n'.join(amb_sigs)

        return '\n\n'.join(docs)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_raise_error_on_non_class():
    f = Dispatcher('f')
    assert raises(TypeError, lambda: f.add((1,), inc))