Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_superposition_of_states():
    assert qapply(CNOT(0,1)*HadamardGate(0)*(1/sqrt(2)*Qubit('01') + 1/sqrt(2)*Qubit('10'))).expand() == (Qubit('01')/2 + Qubit('00')/2 - Qubit('11')/2 +\

    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(CNOT(0,1)*HadamardGate(0)\
    *(1/sqrt(2)*Qubit('01') + 1/sqrt(2)*Qubit('10')), nqubits=2))\
     == (Qubit('01')/2 + Qubit('00')/2 - Qubit('11')/2 + Qubit('10')/2)
def test_gate_simp():
    """Test gate_simp."""
    e = H(0) * X(1) * H(0)**2 * CNOT(0, 1) * X(1)**3 * X(0) * Z(3)**2 * S(4)**3
    assert gate_simp(e) == H(0) * CNOT(0, 1) * S(4) * X(0) * Z(4)
    assert gate_simp(X(0) * X(0)) == 1
    assert gate_simp(Y(0) * Y(0)) == 1
    assert gate_simp(Z(0) * Z(0)) == 1
    assert gate_simp(H(0) * H(0)) == 1
    assert gate_simp(T(0) * T(0)) == S(0)
    assert gate_simp(S(0) * S(0)) == Z(0)
    assert gate_simp(Integer(1)) == Integer(1)
    assert gate_simp(X(0)**2 + Y(0)**2) == Integer(2)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_qasm_ex1_methodcalls():
    q = Qasm()
    q.cnot("q_0", "q_1")
    assert q.get_circuit() == CNOT(1, 0) * H(1)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_superposition_of_states():
    state = 1 / sqrt(2) * Qubit('01') + 1 / sqrt(2) * Qubit('10')
    state_gate = CNOT(0, 1) * HadamardGate(0) * state
    state_expanded = Qubit('01') / 2 + Qubit('00') / 2 - Qubit(
        '11') / 2 + Qubit('10') / 2
    assert qapply(state_gate).expand() == state_expanded
    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(state_gate, nqubits=2)) == state_expanded
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_random_insert():
    x = X(0)
    y = Y(0)
    z = Z(0)
    h = H(0)
    cnot = CNOT(1, 0)
    cgate_z = CGate((0,), Z(1))

    choices = [(x, x)]
    circuit = (y, y)
    loc, choice = 0, 0
    actual = random_insert(circuit, choices, seed=[loc, choice])
    assert actual == (x, x, y, y)

    circuit = (x, y, z, h)
    choices = [(h, h), (x, y, z)]
    expected = (x, x, y, z, y, z, h)
    loc, choice = 1, 1
    actual = random_insert(circuit, choices, seed=[loc, choice])
    assert actual == expected

    gate_list = [x, y, z, h, cnot, cgate_z]
    ids = list(bfs_identity_search(gate_list, 2, max_depth=4))

    eq_ids = flatten_ids(ids)

    circuit = (x, y, h, cnot, cgate_z)
    expected = (x, z, x, z, x, y, h, cnot, cgate_z)
    loc, choice = 1, 30
    actual = random_insert(circuit, eq_ids, seed=[loc, choice])
    assert actual == expected
    circuit = Mul(*circuit)
    actual = random_insert(circuit, eq_ids, seed=[loc, choice])
    assert actual == expected
def test_qasm_ex1_methodcalls():
    q = Qasm()
    q.cnot('q_0', 'q_1')
    assert q.get_circuit() == CNOT(1, 0) * H(1)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_random_reduce():
    x = X(0)
    y = Y(0)
    z = Z(0)
    h = H(0)
    cnot = CNOT(1, 0)
    cgate_z = CGate((0,), Z(1))

    gate_list = [x, y, z]
    ids = list(bfs_identity_search(gate_list, 1, max_depth=4))

    circuit = (x, y, h, z, cnot)
    assert random_reduce(circuit, []) == circuit
    assert random_reduce(circuit, ids) == circuit

    seq = [2, 11, 9, 3, 5]
    circuit = (x, y, z, x, y, h)
    assert random_reduce(circuit, ids, seed=seq) == (x, y, h)

    circuit = (x, x, y, y, z, z)
    assert random_reduce(circuit, ids, seed=seq) == (x, x, y, y)

    seq = [14, 13, 0]
    assert random_reduce(circuit, ids, seed=seq) == (y, y, z, z)

    gate_list = [x, y, z, h, cnot, cgate_z]
    ids = list(bfs_identity_search(gate_list, 2, max_depth=4))

    seq = [25]
    circuit = (x, y, z, y, h, y, h, cgate_z, h, cnot)
    expected = (x, y, z, cgate_z, h, cnot)
    assert random_reduce(circuit, ids, seed=seq) == expected
    circuit = Mul(*circuit)
    assert random_reduce(circuit, ids, seed=seq) == expected
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_generate_equivalent_ids_1():
    # Test with tuples
    (x, y, z, h) = create_gate_sequence()

    assert generate_equivalent_ids((x,)) == {(x,)}
    assert generate_equivalent_ids((x, x)) == {(x, x)}
    assert generate_equivalent_ids((x, y)) == {(x, y), (y, x)}

    gate_seq = (x, y, z)
    gate_ids = set([(x, y, z), (y, z, x), (z, x, y), (z, y, x), (y, x, z), (x, z, y)])
    assert generate_equivalent_ids(gate_seq) == gate_ids

    gate_ids = set(
            Mul(x, y, z),
            Mul(y, z, x),
            Mul(z, x, y),
            Mul(z, y, x),
            Mul(y, x, z),
            Mul(x, z, y),
    assert generate_equivalent_ids(gate_seq, return_as_muls=True) == gate_ids

    gate_seq = (x, y, z, h)
    gate_ids = set(
            (x, y, z, h),
            (y, z, h, x),
            (h, x, y, z),
            (h, z, y, x),
            (z, y, x, h),
            (y, x, h, z),
            (z, h, x, y),
            (x, h, z, y),
    assert generate_equivalent_ids(gate_seq) == gate_ids

    gate_seq = (x, y, x, y)
    gate_ids = {(x, y, x, y), (y, x, y, x)}
    assert generate_equivalent_ids(gate_seq) == gate_ids

    cgate_y = CGate((1,), y)
    gate_seq = (y, cgate_y, y, cgate_y)
    gate_ids = {(y, cgate_y, y, cgate_y), (cgate_y, y, cgate_y, y)}
    assert generate_equivalent_ids(gate_seq) == gate_ids

    cnot = CNOT(1, 0)
    cgate_z = CGate((0,), Z(1))
    gate_seq = (cnot, h, cgate_z, h)
    gate_ids = set(
            (cnot, h, cgate_z, h),
            (h, cgate_z, h, cnot),
            (h, cnot, h, cgate_z),
            (cgate_z, h, cnot, h),
    assert generate_equivalent_ids(gate_seq) == gate_ids
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_qasm_ex2():
    q = Qasm(
        "qubit q_0",
        "qubit q_1",
        "qubit q_2",
        "h  q_1",
        "cnot q_1,q_2",
        "cnot q_0,q_1",
        "h q_0",
        "measure q_1",
        "measure q_0",
        "c-x q_1,q_2",
        "c-z q_0,q_2",
    assert q.get_circuit() == CGate(2, Z(0)) * CGate(1, X(0)) * Mz(2) * Mz(1) * H(
    ) * CNOT(2, 1) * CNOT(1, 0) * H(1)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_superposition_of_states():
    state = 1 / sqrt(2) * Qubit("01") + 1 / sqrt(2) * Qubit("10")
    state_gate = CNOT(0, 1) * HadamardGate(0) * state
    state_expanded = (
        Qubit("01") / 2 + Qubit("00") / 2 - Qubit("11") / 2 + Qubit("10") / 2
    assert qapply(state_gate).expand() == state_expanded
    assert matrix_to_qubit(represent(state_gate, nqubits=2)) == state_expanded
def test_qasm_readqasm():
    qasm_lines = """\
    qubit q_0
    qubit q_1
    h q_0
    cnot q_0,q_1
    q = read_qasm(qasm_lines)
    assert q.get_circuit() == CNOT(1, 0) * H(1)
def test_cnot():
    """Test a simple cnot circuit. Right now this only makes sure the code doesn't
    raise an exception, and some simple properties
    if not mpl:
        skip("matplotlib not installed")
        from sympy.physics.quantum.circuitplot import CircuitPlot

    c = CircuitPlot(CNOT(1, 0), 2, labels=labeller(2))
    assert c.ngates == 2
    assert c.nqubits == 2
    assert c.labels == ['q_1', 'q_0']

    c = CircuitPlot(CNOT(1, 0), 2)
    assert c.ngates == 2
    assert c.nqubits == 2
    assert c.labels == []
def test_gate_sort():
    """Test gate_sort."""
    for g in (X, Y, Z, H, S, T):
        assert gate_sort(g(2) * g(1) * g(0)) == g(0) * g(1) * g(2)
    e = gate_sort(X(1) * H(0)**2 * CNOT(0, 1) * X(1) * X(0))
    assert e == H(0)**2 * CNOT(0, 1) * X(0) * X(1)**2
    assert gate_sort(Z(0) * X(0)) == -X(0) * Z(0)
    assert gate_sort(Z(0) * X(0)**2) == X(0)**2 * Z(0)
    assert gate_sort(Y(0) * H(0)) == -H(0) * Y(0)
    assert gate_sort(Y(0) * X(0)) == -X(0) * Y(0)
    assert gate_sort(Z(0) * Y(0)) == -Y(0) * Z(0)
    assert gate_sort(T(0) * S(0)) == S(0) * T(0)
    assert gate_sort(Z(0) * S(0)) == S(0) * Z(0)
    assert gate_sort(Z(0) * T(0)) == T(0) * Z(0)
    assert gate_sort(Z(0) * CNOT(0, 1)) == CNOT(0, 1) * Z(0)
    assert gate_sort(S(0) * CNOT(0, 1)) == CNOT(0, 1) * S(0)
    assert gate_sort(T(0) * CNOT(0, 1)) == CNOT(0, 1) * T(0)
    assert gate_sort(X(1) * CNOT(0, 1)) == CNOT(0, 1) * X(1)
def test_ex1():
    if not mpl:
        skip("matplotlib not installed")
        from sympy.physics.quantum.circuitplot import CircuitPlot

    c = CircuitPlot(CNOT(1, 0) * H(1), 2, labels=labeller(2))
    assert c.ngates == 2
    assert c.nqubits == 2
    assert c.labels == ['q_1', 'q_0']
Ejemplo n.º 15
def main():
    psi = superposition_basis(2)

    # Dense coding demo:

    # Assume Alice has the left QBit in psi
        "An even superposition of 2 qubits.  Assume Alice has the left QBit.")

    # The corresponding gates applied to Alice's QBit are:
    # Identity Gate (1), Not Gate (X), Z Gate (Z), Z Gate and Not Gate (ZX)
    # Then there's the controlled not gate (with Alice's as control):CNOT(1, 0)
    # And the Hadamard gate applied to Alice's Qbit: H(1)

    # To Send Bob the message |0>|0>
    print("To Send Bob the message |00>.")
    circuit = H(1) * CNOT(1, 0)
    result = qapply(circuit * psi)

    # To send Bob the message |0>|1>
    print("To Send Bob the message |01>.")
    circuit = H(1) * CNOT(1, 0) * X(1)
    result = qapply(circuit * psi)

    # To send Bob the message |1>|0>
    print("To Send Bob the message |10>.")
    circuit = H(1) * CNOT(1, 0) * Z(1)
    result = qapply(circuit * psi)

    # To send Bob the message |1>|1>
    print("To Send Bob the message |11>.")
    circuit = H(1) * CNOT(1, 0) * Z(1) * X(1)
    result = qapply(circuit * psi)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_generate_equivalent_ids_2():
    # Test with Muls
    (x, y, z, h) = create_gate_sequence()

    assert generate_equivalent_ids((x,), return_as_muls=True) == {x}

    gate_ids = {Integer(1)}
    assert generate_equivalent_ids(x * x, return_as_muls=True) == gate_ids

    gate_ids = {x * y, y * x}
    assert generate_equivalent_ids(x * y, return_as_muls=True) == gate_ids

    gate_ids = {(x, y), (y, x)}
    assert generate_equivalent_ids(x * y) == gate_ids

    circuit = Mul(*(x, y, z))
    gate_ids = set([x * y * z, y * z * x, z * x * y, z * y * x, y * x * z, x * z * y])
    assert generate_equivalent_ids(circuit, return_as_muls=True) == gate_ids

    circuit = Mul(*(x, y, z, h))
    gate_ids = set(
            x * y * z * h,
            y * z * h * x,
            h * x * y * z,
            h * z * y * x,
            z * y * x * h,
            y * x * h * z,
            z * h * x * y,
            x * h * z * y,
    assert generate_equivalent_ids(circuit, return_as_muls=True) == gate_ids

    circuit = Mul(*(x, y, x, y))
    gate_ids = {x * y * x * y, y * x * y * x}
    assert generate_equivalent_ids(circuit, return_as_muls=True) == gate_ids

    cgate_y = CGate((1,), y)
    circuit = Mul(*(y, cgate_y, y, cgate_y))
    gate_ids = {y * cgate_y * y * cgate_y, cgate_y * y * cgate_y * y}
    assert generate_equivalent_ids(circuit, return_as_muls=True) == gate_ids

    cnot = CNOT(1, 0)
    cgate_z = CGate((0,), Z(1))
    circuit = Mul(*(cnot, h, cgate_z, h))
    gate_ids = set(
            cnot * h * cgate_z * h,
            h * cgate_z * h * cnot,
            h * cnot * h * cgate_z,
            cgate_z * h * cnot * h,
    assert generate_equivalent_ids(circuit, return_as_muls=True) == gate_ids
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_random_reduce():
    x = X(0)
    y = Y(0)
    z = Z(0)
    h = H(0)
    cnot = CNOT(1, 0)
    cgate_z = CGate((0, ), Z(1))

    seed = 1
    gate_list = [x, y, z]
    ids = list(bfs_identity_search(gate_list, 1, max_depth=4))

    circuit = (x, y, h, z, cnot)
    assert random_reduce(circuit, []) == circuit
    assert random_reduce(circuit, ids) == circuit

    circuit = (x, y, z, x, y, h)
    # seed = 1, indices to attempt removal: 2, 11, 9, 3
    # removed id: y, z, x
    actual = random_reduce(circuit, ids, seed=seed)
    assert actual == (x, y, h)

    circuit = (x, x, y, y, z, z)
    # seed = 1, indices to attempt removal: 2, 11, 9
    # removed id: y, y
    actual = random_reduce(circuit, ids, seed=seed)
    assert actual == (x, x, z, z)

    seed = 2
    # seed = 2, indices: 14, 13, 0
    # removed id: z, z
    actual = random_reduce(circuit, ids, seed=seed)
    assert random_reduce(circuit, ids, seed=seed) == (x, x, y, y)

    gate_list = [x, y, z, h, cnot, cgate_z]
    ids = list(bfs_identity_search(gate_list, 2, max_depth=4))

    circuit = (x, y, z, y, h, y, h, cgate_z, h, cnot)
    expected = (x, y, z, y, h, y)
    # seed = 2, indices: 30, 29, 1, 2, 23, 19, 17, 7, 14, 13, 12, 3, 8
    #                    7, 13, 16, 15, 8, 6, 3
    # removed id: h, cgate_z, h, cnot
    actual = random_reduce(circuit, ids, seed=seed)
    assert actual == expected

    circuit = Mul(*(x, y, z, y, h, y, h, cgate_z, h, cnot))
    expected = (x, y, z, y, h, y)
    # seed = 2, indices: 30, 29, 1, 2, 23, 19, 17, 7, 14, 13, 12, 3, 8
    #                    7, 13, 16, 15, 8, 6, 3
    # removed id: h, cgate_z, h, cnot
    actual = random_reduce(circuit, ids, seed=seed)
    assert actual == expected
def test_gate():
    """Test a basic gate."""
    h = HadamardGate(1)
    assert h.min_qubits == 2
    assert h.nqubits == 1

    i0 = Wild('i0')
    i1 = Wild('i1')
    h0_w1 = HadamardGate(i0)
    h0_w2 = HadamardGate(i0)
    h1_w1 = HadamardGate(i1)

    assert h0_w1 == h0_w2
    assert h0_w1 != h1_w1
    assert h1_w1 != h0_w2

    cnot_10_w1 = CNOT(i1, i0)
    cnot_10_w2 = CNOT(i1, i0)
    cnot_01_w1 = CNOT(i0, i1)

    assert cnot_10_w1 == cnot_10_w2
    assert cnot_10_w1 != cnot_01_w1
    assert cnot_10_w2 != cnot_01_w1
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_replace_subcircuit():
    x = X(0)
    y = Y(0)
    z = Z(0)
    h = H(0)
    cnot = CNOT(1, 0)
    cgate_z = CGate((0,), Z(1))

    # Standard cases
    circuit = (z, y, x, x)
    remove = (z, y, x)
    assert replace_subcircuit(circuit, Mul(*remove)) == (x,)
    assert replace_subcircuit(circuit, remove + (x,)) == ()
    assert replace_subcircuit(circuit, remove, pos=1) == circuit
    assert replace_subcircuit(circuit, remove, pos=0) == (x,)
    assert replace_subcircuit(circuit, (x, x), pos=2) == (z, y)
    assert replace_subcircuit(circuit, (h,)) == circuit

    circuit = (x, y, x, y, z)
    remove = (x, y, z)
    assert replace_subcircuit(Mul(*circuit), Mul(*remove)) == (x, y)
    remove = (x, y, x, y)
    assert replace_subcircuit(circuit, remove) == (z,)

    circuit = (x, h, cgate_z, h, cnot)
    remove = (x, h, cgate_z)
    assert replace_subcircuit(circuit, Mul(*remove), pos=-1) == (h, cnot)
    assert replace_subcircuit(circuit, remove, pos=1) == circuit
    remove = (h, h)
    assert replace_subcircuit(circuit, remove) == circuit
    remove = (h, cgate_z, h, cnot)
    assert replace_subcircuit(circuit, remove) == (x,)

    replace = (h, x)
    actual = replace_subcircuit(circuit, remove,
    assert actual == (x, h, x)

    circuit = (x, y, h, x, y, z)
    remove = (x, y)
    replace = (cnot, cgate_z)
    actual = replace_subcircuit(circuit, remove,
    assert actual == (cnot, cgate_z, h, x, y, z)

    actual = replace_subcircuit(circuit, remove,
                     replace=replace, pos=1)
    assert actual == (x, y, h, cnot, cgate_z, z)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_is_scalar_nonsparse_matrix():
    numqubits = 2
    id_only = False

    id_gate = (IdentityGate(1), )
    actual = is_scalar_nonsparse_matrix(id_gate, numqubits, id_only)
    assert actual is True

    x0 = X(0)
    xx_circuit = (x0, x0)
    actual = is_scalar_nonsparse_matrix(xx_circuit, numqubits, id_only)
    assert actual is True

    x1 = X(1)
    y1 = Y(1)
    xy_circuit = (x1, y1)
    actual = is_scalar_nonsparse_matrix(xy_circuit, numqubits, id_only)
    assert actual is False

    z1 = Z(1)
    xyz_circuit = (x1, y1, z1)
    actual = is_scalar_nonsparse_matrix(xyz_circuit, numqubits, id_only)
    assert actual is True

    cnot = CNOT(1, 0)
    cnot_circuit = (cnot, cnot)
    actual = is_scalar_nonsparse_matrix(cnot_circuit, numqubits, id_only)
    assert actual is True

    h = H(0)
    hh_circuit = (h, h)
    actual = is_scalar_nonsparse_matrix(hh_circuit, numqubits, id_only)
    assert actual is True

    h1 = H(1)
    xhzh_circuit = (x1, h1, z1, h1)
    actual = is_scalar_nonsparse_matrix(xhzh_circuit, numqubits, id_only)
    assert actual is True

    id_only = True
    actual = is_scalar_nonsparse_matrix(xhzh_circuit, numqubits, id_only)
    assert actual is True
    actual = is_scalar_nonsparse_matrix(xyz_circuit, numqubits, id_only)
    assert actual is False
    actual = is_scalar_nonsparse_matrix(cnot_circuit, numqubits, id_only)
    assert actual is True
    actual = is_scalar_nonsparse_matrix(hh_circuit, numqubits, id_only)
    assert actual is True
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_is_scalar_sparse_matrix():
    np = import_module('numpy')
    if not np:
        skip("numpy not installed.")

    scipy = import_module('scipy', import_kwargs={'fromlist': ['sparse']})
    if not scipy:
        skip("scipy not installed.")

    numqubits = 2
    id_only = False

    id_gate = (IdentityGate(1), )
    assert is_scalar_sparse_matrix(id_gate, numqubits, id_only) is True

    x0 = X(0)
    xx_circuit = (x0, x0)
    assert is_scalar_sparse_matrix(xx_circuit, numqubits, id_only) is True

    x1 = X(1)
    y1 = Y(1)
    xy_circuit = (x1, y1)
    assert is_scalar_sparse_matrix(xy_circuit, numqubits, id_only) is False

    z1 = Z(1)
    xyz_circuit = (x1, y1, z1)
    assert is_scalar_sparse_matrix(xyz_circuit, numqubits, id_only) is True

    cnot = CNOT(1, 0)
    cnot_circuit = (cnot, cnot)
    assert is_scalar_sparse_matrix(cnot_circuit, numqubits, id_only) is True

    h = H(0)
    hh_circuit = (h, h)
    assert is_scalar_sparse_matrix(hh_circuit, numqubits, id_only) is True

    # NOTE:
    # The elements of the sparse matrix for the following circuit
    # is actually 1.0000000000000002+0.0j.
    h1 = H(1)
    xhzh_circuit = (x1, h1, z1, h1)
    assert is_scalar_sparse_matrix(xhzh_circuit, numqubits, id_only) is True

    id_only = True
    assert is_scalar_sparse_matrix(xhzh_circuit, numqubits, id_only) is True
    assert is_scalar_sparse_matrix(xyz_circuit, numqubits, id_only) is False
    assert is_scalar_sparse_matrix(cnot_circuit, numqubits, id_only) is True
    assert is_scalar_sparse_matrix(hh_circuit, numqubits, id_only) is True
Ejemplo n.º 22
def updatestate(player, register0, register1, playermove, qubit):
    #register0 = control qubit, register1 = target qubit
    #update and print circuit
    if playermove == 0:
        if player == 2:
            qubit = qapply(X(register0 - 1) * qubit)
    elif playermove == 1:
        qubit = qapply(H(register0 - 1) * qubit)
    elif playermove == 2:
        qubit = qapply(X(register0 - 1) * qubit)
    elif playermove == 3:
        qubit = qapply(Z(register0 - 1) * qubit)
    elif playermove == 4:
        qubit = qapply(CNOT(register0 - 1, register1 - 1) * qubit)
    elif playermove == 5:
        qubit = measure_partial_oneshot(qubit, (register0 - 1, ))
    return qubit
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_random_insert():
    x = X(0)
    y = Y(0)
    z = Z(0)
    h = H(0)
    cnot = CNOT(1, 0)
    cgate_z = CGate((0, ), Z(1))

    seed = 1
    choices = [(x, x)]
    circuit = (y, y)
    # insert location: 0;
    actual = random_insert(circuit, choices, seed=seed)
    assert actual == (x, x, y, y)

    seed = 8
    circuit = (x, y, z, h)
    choices = [(h, h), (x, y, z)]
    expected = (x, x, y, z, y, z, h)
    # insert location: 1; circuit choice: 1
    actual = random_insert(circuit, choices, seed=seed)
    assert actual == expected

    gate_list = [x, y, z, h, cnot, cgate_z]
    ids = list(bfs_identity_search(gate_list, 2, max_depth=4))

    collapse_eq_ids = lambda acc, an_id: acc + list(an_id.equivalent_ids)
    eq_ids = reduce(collapse_eq_ids, ids, [])

    circuit = (x, y, h, cnot, cgate_z)
    expected = (x, y, z, y, z, y, h, cnot, cgate_z)
    # insert location: 1; circuit choice: 30
    actual = random_insert(circuit, eq_ids, seed=seed)
    assert actual == expected

    circuit = Mul(*(x, y, h, cnot, cgate_z))
    expected = (x, y, z, y, z, y, h, cnot, cgate_z)
    # insert location: 1; circuit choice: 30
    actual = random_insert(circuit, eq_ids, seed=seed)
    assert actual == expected
def test_cnot_commutators():
    """Test commutators of involving CNOT gates."""
    assert Commutator(CNOT(0, 1), Z(0)).doit() == 0
    assert Commutator(CNOT(0, 1), T(0)).doit() == 0
    assert Commutator(CNOT(0, 1), S(0)).doit() == 0
    assert Commutator(CNOT(0, 1), X(1)).doit() == 0
    assert Commutator(CNOT(0, 1), CNOT(0, 1)).doit() == 0
    assert Commutator(CNOT(0, 1), CNOT(0, 2)).doit() == 0
    assert Commutator(CNOT(0, 2), CNOT(0, 1)).doit() == 0
    assert Commutator(CNOT(1, 2), CNOT(1, 0)).doit() == 0
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_convert_to_real_indices():
    i0 = Symbol('i0')
    i1 = Symbol('i1')

    (x, y, z, h) = create_gate_sequence()

    x_i0 = X(i0)
    y_i0 = Y(i0)
    z_i0 = Z(i0)

    qubit_map = {i0: 0}
    args = (z_i0, y_i0, x_i0)
    expected = (z, y, x)
    actual = convert_to_real_indices(args, qubit_map)
    assert actual == expected

    cnot_10 = CNOT(1, 0)
    cnot_01 = CNOT(0, 1)
    cgate_z_10 = CGate(1, Z(0))
    cgate_z_01 = CGate(0, Z(1))

    cnot_i1_i0 = CNOT(i1, i0)
    cnot_i0_i1 = CNOT(i0, i1)
    cgate_z_i1_i0 = CGate(i1, Z(i0))

    qubit_map = {i0: 0, i1: 1}
    args = (cnot_i1_i0,)
    expected = (cnot_10,)
    actual = convert_to_real_indices(args, qubit_map)
    assert actual == expected

    args = (cgate_z_i1_i0,)
    expected = (cgate_z_10,)
    actual = convert_to_real_indices(args, qubit_map)
    assert actual == expected

    args = (cnot_i0_i1,)
    expected = (cnot_01,)
    actual = convert_to_real_indices(args, qubit_map)
    assert actual == expected

    qubit_map = {i0: 1, i1: 0}
    args = (cgate_z_i1_i0,)
    expected = (cgate_z_01,)
    actual = convert_to_real_indices(args, qubit_map)
    assert actual == expected

    i2 = Symbol('i2')
    ccgate_z = CGate(i0, CGate(i1, Z(i2)))
    ccgate_x = CGate(i1, CGate(i2, X(i0)))

    qubit_map = {i0: 0, i1: 1, i2: 2}
    args = (ccgate_z, ccgate_x)
    expected = (CGate(0, CGate(1, Z(2))), CGate(1, CGate(2, X(0))))
    actual = convert_to_real_indices(Mul(*args), qubit_map)
    assert actual == expected

    qubit_map = {i0: 1, i2: 0, i1: 2}
    args = (ccgate_x, ccgate_z)
    expected = (CGate(2, CGate(0, X(1))), CGate(1, CGate(2, Z(0))))
    actual = convert_to_real_indices(args, qubit_map)
    assert actual == expected
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_convert_to_symbolic_indices():
    (x, y, z, h) = create_gate_sequence()

    i0 = Symbol('i0')
    exp_map = {i0: Integer(0)}
    actual, act_map, sndx, gen = convert_to_symbolic_indices((x,))
    assert actual == (X(i0),)
    assert act_map == exp_map

    expected = (X(i0), Y(i0), Z(i0), H(i0))
    exp_map = {i0: Integer(0)}
    actual, act_map, sndx, gen = convert_to_symbolic_indices((x, y, z, h))
    assert actual == expected
    assert exp_map == act_map

    (x1, y1, z1, h1) = create_gate_sequence(1)
    i1 = Symbol('i1')

    expected = (X(i0), Y(i0), Z(i0), H(i0))
    exp_map = {i0: Integer(1)}
    actual, act_map, sndx, gen = convert_to_symbolic_indices((x1, y1, z1, h1))
    assert actual == expected
    assert act_map == exp_map

    expected = (X(i0), Y(i0), Z(i0), H(i0), X(i1), Y(i1), Z(i1), H(i1))
    exp_map = {i0: Integer(0), i1: Integer(1)}
    actual, act_map, sndx, gen = convert_to_symbolic_indices((x, y, z, h,
                                         x1, y1, z1, h1))
    assert actual == expected
    assert act_map == exp_map

    exp_map = {i0: Integer(1), i1: Integer(0)}
    actual, act_map, sndx, gen = convert_to_symbolic_indices(Mul(x1, y1,
                                         z1, h1, x, y, z, h))
    assert actual == expected
    assert act_map == exp_map

    expected = (X(i0), X(i1), Y(i0), Y(i1), Z(i0), Z(i1), H(i0), H(i1))
    exp_map = {i0: Integer(0), i1: Integer(1)}
    actual, act_map, sndx, gen = convert_to_symbolic_indices(Mul(x, x1,
                                         y, y1, z, z1, h, h1))
    assert actual == expected
    assert act_map == exp_map

    exp_map = {i0: Integer(1), i1: Integer(0)}
    actual, act_map, sndx, gen = convert_to_symbolic_indices((x1, x, y1, y,
                                         z1, z, h1, h))
    assert actual == expected
    assert act_map == exp_map

    cnot_10 = CNOT(1, 0)
    cnot_01 = CNOT(0, 1)
    cgate_z_10 = CGate(1, Z(0))
    cgate_z_01 = CGate(0, Z(1))

    expected = (X(i0), X(i1), Y(i0), Y(i1), Z(i0), Z(i1),
                H(i0), H(i1), CNOT(i1, i0), CNOT(i0, i1),
                CGate(i1, Z(i0)), CGate(i0, Z(i1)))
    exp_map = {i0: Integer(0), i1: Integer(1)}
    args = (x, x1, y, y1, z, z1, h, h1, cnot_10, cnot_01,
            cgate_z_10, cgate_z_01)
    actual, act_map, sndx, gen = convert_to_symbolic_indices(args)
    assert actual == expected
    assert act_map == exp_map

    args = (x1, x, y1, y, z1, z, h1, h, cnot_10, cnot_01,
            cgate_z_10, cgate_z_01)
    expected = (X(i0), X(i1), Y(i0), Y(i1), Z(i0), Z(i1),
                H(i0), H(i1), CNOT(i0, i1), CNOT(i1, i0),
                CGate(i0, Z(i1)), CGate(i1, Z(i0)))
    exp_map = {i0: Integer(1), i1: Integer(0)}
    actual, act_map, sndx, gen = convert_to_symbolic_indices(args)
    assert actual == expected
    assert act_map == exp_map

    args = (cnot_10, h, cgate_z_01, h)
    expected = (CNOT(i0, i1), H(i1), CGate(i1, Z(i0)), H(i1))
    exp_map = {i0: Integer(1), i1: Integer(0)}
    actual, act_map, sndx, gen = convert_to_symbolic_indices(args)
    assert actual == expected
    assert act_map == exp_map

    args = (cnot_01, h1, cgate_z_10, h1)
    exp_map = {i0: Integer(0), i1: Integer(1)}
    actual, act_map, sndx, gen = convert_to_symbolic_indices(args)
    assert actual == expected
    assert act_map == exp_map

    args = (cnot_10, h1, cgate_z_01, h1)
    expected = (CNOT(i0, i1), H(i0), CGate(i1, Z(i0)), H(i0))
    exp_map = {i0: Integer(1), i1: Integer(0)}
    actual, act_map, sndx, gen = convert_to_symbolic_indices(args)
    assert actual == expected
    assert act_map == exp_map

    i2 = Symbol('i2')
    ccgate_z = CGate(0, CGate(1, Z(2)))
    ccgate_x = CGate(1, CGate(2, X(0)))
    args = (ccgate_z, ccgate_x)

    expected = (CGate(i0, CGate(i1, Z(i2))), CGate(i1, CGate(i2, X(i0))))
    exp_map = {i0: Integer(0), i1: Integer(1), i2: Integer(2)}
    actual, act_map, sndx, gen = convert_to_symbolic_indices(args)
    assert actual == expected
    assert act_map == exp_map

    ndx_map = {i0: Integer(0)}
    index_gen = numbered_symbols(prefix='i', start=1)
    actual, act_map, sndx, gen = convert_to_symbolic_indices(args,
    assert actual == expected
    assert act_map == exp_map

    i3 = Symbol('i3')
    cgate_x0_c321 = CGate((3, 2, 1), X(0))
    exp_map = {i0: Integer(3), i1: Integer(2),
               i2: Integer(1), i3: Integer(0)}
    expected = (CGate((i0, i1, i2), X(i3)),)
    args = (cgate_x0_c321,)
    actual, act_map, sndx, gen = convert_to_symbolic_indices(args)
    assert actual == expected
    assert act_map == exp_map
def test_qasm_ex2():
    q = Qasm('qubit q_0', 'qubit q_1', 'qubit q_2', 'h  q_1', 'cnot q_1,q_2',
             'cnot q_0,q_1', 'h q_0', 'measure q_1', 'measure q_0',
             'c-x q_1,q_2', 'c-z q_0,q_2')
    assert q.get_circuit() == CGate(2, Z(0)) * CGate(
        1, X(0)) * Mz(2) * Mz(1) * H(2) * CNOT(2, 1) * CNOT(1, 0) * H(1)
def test_qasm_swap():
    q = Qasm('qubit q0', 'qubit q1', 'cnot q0,q1', 'cnot q1,q0', 'cnot q0,q1')
    assert q.get_circuit() == CNOT(1, 0) * CNOT(0, 1) * CNOT(1, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_bfs_identity_search():
    assert bfs_identity_search([], 1) == set()

    (x, y, z, h) = create_gate_sequence()

    gate_list = [x]
    id_set = {GateIdentity(x, x)}
    assert bfs_identity_search(gate_list, 1, max_depth=2) == id_set

    # Set should not contain degenerate quantum circuits
    gate_list = [x, y, z]
    id_set = {
        GateIdentity(x, x),
        GateIdentity(y, y),
        GateIdentity(z, z),
        GateIdentity(x, y, z)
    assert bfs_identity_search(gate_list, 1) == id_set

    id_set = {
        GateIdentity(x, x),
        GateIdentity(y, y),
        GateIdentity(z, z),
        GateIdentity(x, y, z),
        GateIdentity(x, y, x, y),
        GateIdentity(x, z, x, z),
        GateIdentity(y, z, y, z)
    assert bfs_identity_search(gate_list, 1, max_depth=4) == id_set
    assert bfs_identity_search(gate_list, 1, max_depth=5) == id_set

    gate_list = [x, y, z, h]
    id_set = {
        GateIdentity(x, x),
        GateIdentity(y, y),
        GateIdentity(z, z),
        GateIdentity(h, h),
        GateIdentity(x, y, z),
        GateIdentity(x, y, x, y),
        GateIdentity(x, z, x, z),
        GateIdentity(x, h, z, h),
        GateIdentity(y, z, y, z),
        GateIdentity(y, h, y, h)
    assert bfs_identity_search(gate_list, 1) == id_set

    id_set = {
        GateIdentity(x, x),
        GateIdentity(y, y),
        GateIdentity(z, z),
        GateIdentity(h, h)
    assert id_set == bfs_identity_search(gate_list,

    id_set = {
        GateIdentity(x, x),
        GateIdentity(y, y),
        GateIdentity(z, z),
        GateIdentity(h, h),
        GateIdentity(x, y, z),
        GateIdentity(x, y, x, y),
        GateIdentity(x, z, x, z),
        GateIdentity(x, h, z, h),
        GateIdentity(y, z, y, z),
        GateIdentity(y, h, y, h),
        GateIdentity(x, y, h, x, h),
        GateIdentity(x, z, h, y, h),
        GateIdentity(y, z, h, z, h)
    assert bfs_identity_search(gate_list, 1, max_depth=5) == id_set

    id_set = {
        GateIdentity(x, x),
        GateIdentity(y, y),
        GateIdentity(z, z),
        GateIdentity(h, h),
        GateIdentity(x, h, z, h)
    assert id_set == bfs_identity_search(gate_list,

    cnot = CNOT(1, 0)
    gate_list = [x, cnot]
    id_set = {
        GateIdentity(x, x),
        GateIdentity(cnot, cnot),
        GateIdentity(x, cnot, x, cnot)
    assert bfs_identity_search(gate_list, 2, max_depth=4) == id_set

    cgate_x = CGate((1, ), x)
    gate_list = [x, cgate_x]
    id_set = {
        GateIdentity(x, x),
        GateIdentity(cgate_x, cgate_x),
        GateIdentity(x, cgate_x, x, cgate_x)
    assert bfs_identity_search(gate_list, 2, max_depth=4) == id_set

    cgate_z = CGate((0, ), Z(1))
    gate_list = [cnot, cgate_z, h]
    id_set = {
        GateIdentity(h, h),
        GateIdentity(cgate_z, cgate_z),
        GateIdentity(cnot, cnot),
        GateIdentity(cnot, h, cgate_z, h)
    assert bfs_identity_search(gate_list, 2, max_depth=4) == id_set

    s = PhaseGate(0)
    t = TGate(0)
    gate_list = [s, t]
    id_set = {GateIdentity(s, s, s, s)}
    assert bfs_identity_search(gate_list, 1, max_depth=4) == id_set
def test_qasm_ex1():
    q = Qasm('qubit q0', 'qubit q1', 'h q0', 'cnot q0,q1')
    assert q.get_circuit() == CNOT(1, 0) * H(1)