Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_eval_trace():
    # This test includes tests with dependencies between TensorProducts
    #and density operators. Since, the test is more to test the behavior of
    #TensorProducts it remains here

    A, B, C, D, E, F = symbols('A B C D E F', commutative=False)

    # Density with simple tensor products as args
    t = TensorProduct(A, B)
    d = Density([t, 1.0])
    tr = Tr(d)
    assert tr.doit() == 1.0 * Tr(A * Dagger(A)) * Tr(B * Dagger(B))

    ## partial trace with simple tensor products as args
    t = TensorProduct(A, B, C)
    d = Density([t, 1.0])
    tr = Tr(d, [1])
    assert tr.doit() == 1.0 * A * Dagger(A) * Tr(B * Dagger(B)) * C * Dagger(C)

    tr = Tr(d, [0, 2])
    assert tr.doit() == 1.0 * Tr(A * Dagger(A)) * B * Dagger(B) * Tr(
        C * Dagger(C))

    # Density with multiple Tensorproducts as states
    t2 = TensorProduct(A, B)
    t3 = TensorProduct(C, D)

    d = Density([t2, 0.5], [t3, 0.5])
    t = Tr(d)
    assert t.doit() == (0.5 * Tr(A * Dagger(A)) * Tr(B * Dagger(B)) +
                        0.5 * Tr(C * Dagger(C)) * Tr(D * Dagger(D)))

    t = Tr(d, [0])
    assert t.doit() == (0.5 * Tr(A * Dagger(A)) * B * Dagger(B) +
                        0.5 * Tr(C * Dagger(C)) * D * Dagger(D))

    #Density with mixed states
    d = Density([t2 + t3, 1.0])
    t = Tr(d)
    assert t.doit() == (1.0 * Tr(A * Dagger(A)) * Tr(B * Dagger(B)) +
                        1.0 * Tr(A * Dagger(C)) * Tr(B * Dagger(D)) +
                        1.0 * Tr(C * Dagger(A)) * Tr(D * Dagger(B)) +
                        1.0 * Tr(C * Dagger(C)) * Tr(D * Dagger(D)))

    t = Tr(d, [1])
    assert t.doit() == (1.0 * A * Dagger(A) * Tr(B * Dagger(B)) +
                        1.0 * A * Dagger(C) * Tr(B * Dagger(D)) +
                        1.0 * C * Dagger(A) * Tr(D * Dagger(B)) +
                        1.0 * C * Dagger(C) * Tr(D * Dagger(D)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_eval_trace():
    # This test includes tests with dependencies between TensorProducts
    #and density operators. Since, the test is more to test the behavior of
    #TensorProducts it remains here

    A, B, C, D, E, F = symbols('A B C D E F', commutative=False)

    # Density with simple tensor products as args
    t = TensorProduct(A, B)
    d = Density([t, 1.0])
    tr = Tr(d)
    assert tr.doit() == 1.0*Tr(A*Dagger(A))*Tr(B*Dagger(B))

    ## partial trace with simple tensor products as args
    t = TensorProduct(A, B, C)
    d = Density([t, 1.0])
    tr = Tr(d, [1])
    assert tr.doit() == 1.0*A*Dagger(A)*Tr(B*Dagger(B))*C*Dagger(C)

    tr = Tr(d, [0, 2])
    assert tr.doit() == 1.0*Tr(A*Dagger(A))*B*Dagger(B)*Tr(C*Dagger(C))

    # Density with multiple Tensorproducts as states
    t2 = TensorProduct(A, B)
    t3 = TensorProduct(C, D)

    d = Density([t2, 0.5], [t3, 0.5])
    t = Tr(d)
    assert t.doit() == (0.5*Tr(A*Dagger(A))*Tr(B*Dagger(B)) +

    t = Tr(d, [0])
    assert t.doit() == (0.5*Tr(A*Dagger(A))*B*Dagger(B) +

    #Density with mixed states
    d = Density([t2 + t3, 1.0])
    t = Tr(d)
    assert t.doit() == ( 1.0*Tr(A*Dagger(A))*Tr(B*Dagger(B)) +
                        1.0*Tr(A*Dagger(C))*Tr(B*Dagger(D)) +
                        1.0*Tr(C*Dagger(A))*Tr(D*Dagger(B)) +

    t = Tr(d, [1] )
    assert t.doit() == ( 1.0*A*Dagger(A)*Tr(B*Dagger(B)) +
                        1.0*A*Dagger(C)*Tr(B*Dagger(D)) +
                        1.0*C*Dagger(A)*Tr(D*Dagger(B)) +
Ejemplo n.º 3
def qapply_Mul(e, **options):

    ip_doit = options.get('ip_doit', True)

    args = list(e.args)

    # If we only have 0 or 1 args, we have nothing to do and return.
    if len(args) <= 1 or not isinstance(e, Mul):
        return e
    rhs = args.pop()
    lhs = args.pop()

    # Make sure we have two non-commutative objects before proceeding.
    if (sympify(rhs).is_commutative and not isinstance(rhs, Wavefunction)) or \
           (sympify(lhs).is_commutative and not isinstance(lhs, Wavefunction)):
        return e

    # For a Pow with an integer exponent, apply one of them and reduce the
    # exponent by one.
    if isinstance(lhs, Pow) and lhs.exp.is_Integer:
        lhs = lhs.base

    # Pull OuterProduct apart
    if isinstance(lhs, OuterProduct):
        lhs = lhs.bra

    # Call .doit() on Commutator/AntiCommutator.
    if isinstance(lhs, (Commutator, AntiCommutator)):
        comm = lhs.doit()
        if isinstance(comm, Add):
            return qapply(
                e._new_rawargs(*(args + [comm.args[0], rhs])) +\
                e._new_rawargs(*(args + [comm.args[1], rhs])),
            return qapply(e._new_rawargs(*args)*comm*rhs, **options)

    # Apply tensor products of operators to states
    if isinstance(lhs, TensorProduct) and all([isinstance(arg,Operator) or arg == 1 for arg in lhs.args]) and \
            isinstance(rhs, TensorProduct) and all([isinstance(arg,State) or arg == 1 for arg in rhs.args]) and \
            len(lhs.args) == len(rhs.args):
        result = TensorProduct(*[qapply(lhs.args[n]*rhs.args[n], **options) for n in range(len(lhs.args))]).expand(tensorproduct=True)
        return qapply_Mul(e._new_rawargs(*args), **options)*result

    # Now try to actually apply the operator and build an inner product.
        result = lhs._apply_operator(rhs, **options)
    except (NotImplementedError, AttributeError):
            result = rhs._apply_operator(lhs, **options)
        except (NotImplementedError, AttributeError):
            if isinstance(lhs, BraBase) and isinstance(rhs, KetBase):
                result = InnerProduct(lhs, rhs)
                if ip_doit:
                    result = result.doit()
                result = None

    # TODO: I may need to expand before returning the final result.
    if result == 0:
        return S.Zero
    elif result is None:
        if len(args) == 0:
            # We had two args to begin with so args=[].
            return e
            return qapply_Mul(e._new_rawargs(*(args+[lhs])), **options)*rhs
    elif isinstance(result, InnerProduct):
        return result*qapply_Mul(e._new_rawargs(*args), **options)
    else:  # result is a scalar times a Mul, Add or TensorProduct
        return qapply(e._new_rawargs(*args)*result, **options)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_doit():

    x, y = symbols('x y')
    A, B, C, D, E, F = symbols('A B C D E F', commutative=False)
    d = Density([XKet(), 0.5], [PxKet(), 0.5])
    assert (0.5*(PxKet()*Dagger(PxKet())) +
            0.5*(XKet()*Dagger(XKet()))) == d.doit()

    # check for kets with expr in them
    d_with_sym = Density([XKet(x*y), 0.5], [PxKet(x*y), 0.5])
    assert (0.5*(PxKet(x*y)*Dagger(PxKet(x*y))) +
            0.5*(XKet(x*y)*Dagger(XKet(x*y)))) == d_with_sym.doit()

    d = Density([(A + B)*C, 1.0])
    assert d.doit() == (1.0*A*C*Dagger(C)*Dagger(A) +
                        1.0*A*C*Dagger(C)*Dagger(B) +
                        1.0*B*C*Dagger(C)*Dagger(A) +

    #  With TensorProducts as args
    # Density with simple tensor products as args
    t = TensorProduct(A, B, C)
    d = Density([t, 1.0])
    assert d.doit() == \
        1.0 * TensorProduct(A*Dagger(A), B*Dagger(B), C*Dagger(C))

    # Density with multiple Tensorproducts as states
    t2 = TensorProduct(A, B)
    t3 = TensorProduct(C, D)

    d = Density([t2, 0.5], [t3, 0.5])
    assert d.doit() == (0.5 * TensorProduct(A*Dagger(A), B*Dagger(B)) +
                        0.5 * TensorProduct(C*Dagger(C), D*Dagger(D)))

    #Density with mixed states
    d = Density([t2 + t3, 1.0])
    assert d.doit() == (1.0 * TensorProduct(A*Dagger(A), B*Dagger(B)) +
                        1.0 * TensorProduct(A*Dagger(C), B*Dagger(D)) +
                        1.0 * TensorProduct(C*Dagger(A), D*Dagger(B)) +
                        1.0 * TensorProduct(C*Dagger(C), D*Dagger(D)))

    #Density operators with spin states
    tp1 = TensorProduct(JzKet(1, 1), JzKet(1, -1))
    d = Density([tp1, 1])

    # full trace
    t = Tr(d)
    assert t.doit() == 1

    #Partial trace on density operators with spin states
    t = Tr(d, [0])
    assert t.doit() == JzKet(1, -1) * Dagger(JzKet(1, -1))
    t = Tr(d, [1])
    assert t.doit() == JzKet(1, 1) * Dagger(JzKet(1, 1))

    # with another spin state
    tp2 = TensorProduct(JzKet(S(1)/2, S(1)/2), JzKet(S(1)/2, -S(1)/2))
    d = Density([tp2, 1])

    #full trace
    t = Tr(d)
    assert t.doit() == 1

    #Partial trace on density operators with spin states
    t = Tr(d, [0])
    assert t.doit() == JzKet(S(1)/2, -S(1)/2) * Dagger(JzKet(S(1)/2, -S(1)/2))
    t = Tr(d, [1])
    assert t.doit() == JzKet(S(1)/2, S(1)/2) * Dagger(JzKet(S(1)/2, S(1)/2))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_doit():

    x, y = symbols('x y')
    A, B, C, D, E, F = symbols('A B C D E F', commutative=False)
    d = Density([XKet(), 0.5], [PxKet(), 0.5])
    assert (0.5 * (PxKet() * Dagger(PxKet())) + 0.5 *
            (XKet() * Dagger(XKet()))) == d.doit()

    # check for kets with expr in them
    d_with_sym = Density([XKet(x * y), 0.5], [PxKet(x * y), 0.5])
    assert (0.5 * (PxKet(x * y) * Dagger(PxKet(x * y))) + 0.5 *
            (XKet(x * y) * Dagger(XKet(x * y)))) == d_with_sym.doit()

    d = Density([(A + B) * C, 1.0])
    assert d.doit() == (1.0 * A * C * Dagger(C) * Dagger(A) +
                        1.0 * A * C * Dagger(C) * Dagger(B) +
                        1.0 * B * C * Dagger(C) * Dagger(A) +
                        1.0 * B * C * Dagger(C) * Dagger(B))

    #  With TensorProducts as args
    # Density with simple tensor products as args
    t = TensorProduct(A, B, C)
    d = Density([t, 1.0])
    assert d.doit() == \
        1.0 * TensorProduct(A*Dagger(A), B*Dagger(B), C*Dagger(C))

    # Density with multiple Tensorproducts as states
    t2 = TensorProduct(A, B)
    t3 = TensorProduct(C, D)

    d = Density([t2, 0.5], [t3, 0.5])
    assert d.doit() == (0.5 * TensorProduct(A * Dagger(A), B * Dagger(B)) +
                        0.5 * TensorProduct(C * Dagger(C), D * Dagger(D)))

    #Density with mixed states
    d = Density([t2 + t3, 1.0])
    assert d.doit() == (1.0 * TensorProduct(A * Dagger(A), B * Dagger(B)) +
                        1.0 * TensorProduct(A * Dagger(C), B * Dagger(D)) +
                        1.0 * TensorProduct(C * Dagger(A), D * Dagger(B)) +
                        1.0 * TensorProduct(C * Dagger(C), D * Dagger(D)))

    #Density operators with spin states
    tp1 = TensorProduct(JzKet(1, 1), JzKet(1, -1))
    d = Density([tp1, 1])

    # full trace
    t = Tr(d)
    assert t.doit() == 1

    #Partial trace on density operators with spin states
    t = Tr(d, [0])
    assert t.doit() == JzKet(1, -1) * Dagger(JzKet(1, -1))
    t = Tr(d, [1])
    assert t.doit() == JzKet(1, 1) * Dagger(JzKet(1, 1))

    # with another spin state
    tp2 = TensorProduct(JzKet(S(1) / 2, S(1) / 2), JzKet(S(1) / 2, -S(1) / 2))
    d = Density([tp2, 1])

    #full trace
    t = Tr(d)
    assert t.doit() == 1

    #Partial trace on density operators with spin states
    t = Tr(d, [0])
    assert t.doit() == JzKet(S(1) / 2, -S(1) / 2) * Dagger(
        JzKet(S(1) / 2, -S(1) / 2))
    t = Tr(d, [1])
    assert t.doit() == JzKet(S(1) / 2,
                             S(1) / 2) * Dagger(JzKet(S(1) / 2,
                                                      S(1) / 2))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def qapply_Mul(e, **options):

    ip_doit = options.get('ip_doit', True)

    args = list(e.args)

    # If we only have 0 or 1 args, we have nothing to do and return.
    if len(args) <= 1 or not isinstance(e, Mul):
        return e
    rhs = args.pop()
    lhs = args.pop()

    # Make sure we have two non-commutative objects before proceeding.
    if (sympify(rhs).is_commutative and not isinstance(rhs, Wavefunction)) or \
            (sympify(lhs).is_commutative and not isinstance(lhs, Wavefunction)):
        return e

    # For a Pow with an integer exponent, apply one of them and reduce the
    # exponent by one.
    if isinstance(lhs, Pow) and lhs.exp.is_Integer:
        args.append(lhs.base**(lhs.exp - 1))
        lhs = lhs.base

    # Pull OuterProduct apart
    if isinstance(lhs, OuterProduct):
        lhs = lhs.bra

    # Call .doit() on Commutator/AntiCommutator.
    if isinstance(lhs, (Commutator, AntiCommutator)):
        comm = lhs.doit()
        if isinstance(comm, Add):
            return qapply(
                e.func(*(args + [comm.args[0], rhs])) +
                e.func(*(args + [comm.args[1], rhs])),
            return qapply(e.func(*args)*comm*rhs, **options)

    # Apply tensor products of operators to states
    if isinstance(lhs, TensorProduct) and all(isinstance(arg, (Operator, State, Mul, Pow)) or arg == 1 for arg in lhs.args) and \
            isinstance(rhs, TensorProduct) and all(isinstance(arg, (Operator, State, Mul, Pow)) or arg == 1 for arg in rhs.args) and \
            len(lhs.args) == len(rhs.args):
        result = TensorProduct(*[qapply(lhs.args[n]*rhs.args[n], **options) for n in range(len(lhs.args))]).expand(tensorproduct=True)
        return qapply_Mul(e.func(*args), **options)*result

    # Now try to actually apply the operator and build an inner product.
        result = lhs._apply_operator(rhs, **options)
    except (NotImplementedError, AttributeError):
            result = rhs._apply_operator(lhs, **options)
        except (NotImplementedError, AttributeError):
            if isinstance(lhs, BraBase) and isinstance(rhs, KetBase):
                result = InnerProduct(lhs, rhs)
                if ip_doit:
                    result = result.doit()
                result = None

    # TODO: I may need to expand before returning the final result.
    if result == 0:
        return S.Zero
    elif result is None:
        if len(args) == 0:
            # We had two args to begin with so args=[].
            return e
            return qapply_Mul(e.func(*(args + [lhs])), **options)*rhs
    elif isinstance(result, InnerProduct):
        return result*qapply_Mul(e.func(*args), **options)
    else:  # result is a scalar times a Mul, Add or TensorProduct
        return qapply(e.func(*args)*result, **options)