Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_w_diff_dcm1():
    # Ref:
    # Dynamics Theory and Applications, Kane 1985
    A = ReferenceFrame('A')
    B = ReferenceFrame('B')

    c11, c12, c13 = dynamicsymbols('C11 C12 C13')
    c21, c22, c23 = dynamicsymbols('C21 C22 C23')
    c31, c32, c33 = dynamicsymbols('C31 C32 C33')

    c11d, c12d, c13d = dynamicsymbols('C11 C12 C13', level=1)
    c21d, c22d, c23d = dynamicsymbols('C21 C22 C23', level=1)
    c31d, c32d, c33d = dynamicsymbols('C31 C32 C33', level=1)

    DCM = Matrix([[c11, c12, c13], [c21, c22, c23], [c31, c32, c33]])

    B.orient(A, 'DCM', DCM)
    b1a = (B.x).express(A)
    b2a = (B.y).express(A)
    b3a = (B.z).express(A)

    # Equation (2.1.1)
        B.x * (dot((b3a).dt(A), B.y)) + B.y * (dot(
            (b1a).dt(A), B.z)) + B.z * (dot((b2a).dt(A), B.x)))

    # Equation (2.1.21)
    expr = ((c12 * c13d + c22 * c23d + c32 * c33d) * B.x +
            (c13 * c11d + c23 * c21d + c33 * c31d) * B.y +
            (c11 * c12d + c21 * c22d + c31 * c32d) * B.z)
    assert B.ang_vel_in(A) - expr == 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_w_diff_dcm():
    a = ReferenceFrame('a')
    b = ReferenceFrame('b')
    c11, c12, c13, c21, c22, c23, c31, c32, c33 = dynamicsymbols('c11 c12 c13 c21 c22 c23 c31 c32 c33')
    c11d, c12d, c13d, c21d, c22d, c23d, c31d, c32d, c33d = dynamicsymbols('c11 c12 c13 c21 c22 c23 c31 c32 c33', 1)
    b.orient(a, 'DCM', Matrix([c11,c12,c13,c21,c22,c23,c31,c32,c33]).reshape(3, 3))
    b.set_ang_vel(a, b.x*(dot((b3a).dt(a), b.y)) + b.y*(dot((b1a).dt(a), b.z)) +
                     b.z*(dot((b2a).dt(a), b.x)))
    expr = ((c12*c13d + c22*c23d + c32*c33d)*b.x + (c13*c11d + c23*c21d + c33*c31d)*b.y +
           (c11*c12d + c21*c22d + c31*c32d)*b.z)
    assert b.ang_vel_in(a) - expr == 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_dot():
    assert dot(A.x, A.x) == 1
    assert dot(A.x, A.y) == 0
    assert dot(A.x, A.z) == 0

    assert dot(A.y, A.x) == 0
    assert dot(A.y, A.y) == 1
    assert dot(A.y, A.z) == 0

    assert dot(A.z, A.x) == 0
    assert dot(A.z, A.y) == 0
    assert dot(A.z, A.z) == 1
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_dot():
    assert dot(A.x, A.x) == 1
    assert dot(A.x, A.y) == 0
    assert dot(A.x, A.z) == 0

    assert dot(A.y, A.x) == 0
    assert dot(A.y, A.y) == 1
    assert dot(A.y, A.z) == 0

    assert dot(A.z, A.x) == 0
    assert dot(A.z, A.y) == 0
    assert dot(A.z, A.z) == 1
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_Vector():
    assert A.x != A.y
    assert A.y != A.z
    assert A.z != A.x

    assert A.x + 0 == A.x

    v1 = x * A.x + y * A.y + z * A.z
    v2 = x**2 * A.x + y**2 * A.y + z**2 * A.z
    v3 = v1 + v2
    v4 = v1 - v2

    assert isinstance(v1, Vector)
    assert dot(v1, A.x) == x
    assert dot(v1, A.y) == y
    assert dot(v1, A.z) == z

    assert isinstance(v2, Vector)
    assert dot(v2, A.x) == x**2
    assert dot(v2, A.y) == y**2
    assert dot(v2, A.z) == z**2

    assert isinstance(v3, Vector)
    # We probably shouldn't be using simplify in dot...
    assert dot(v3, A.x) == x**2 + x
    assert dot(v3, A.y) == y**2 + y
    assert dot(v3, A.z) == z**2 + z

    assert isinstance(v4, Vector)
    # We probably shouldn't be using simplify in dot...
    assert dot(v4, A.x) == x - x**2
    assert dot(v4, A.y) == y - y**2
    assert dot(v4, A.z) == z - z**2

    assert v1.to_matrix(A) == Matrix([[x], [y], [z]])
    q = symbols('q')
    B = A.orientnew('B', 'Axis', (q, A.x))
    assert v1.to_matrix(B) == Matrix([[x], [y * cos(q) + z * sin(q)],
                                      [-y * sin(q) + z * cos(q)]])

    #Test the separate method
    B = ReferenceFrame('B')
    v5 = x * A.x + y * A.y + z * B.z
    assert Vector(0).separate() == {}
    assert v1.separate() == {A: v1}
    assert v5.separate() == {A: x * A.x + y * A.y, B: z * B.z}

    #Test the free_symbols property
    v6 = x * A.x + y * A.y + z * A.z
    assert v6.free_symbols(A) == {x, y, z}

    raises(TypeError, lambda: v3.applyfunc(v1))
Ejemplo n.º 6
A = ReferenceFrame('A')
A_1 = A.orientnew('A_1', 'axis', [ea[0], A.x])
A_2 = A_1.orientnew('A_2', 'axis', [ea[1], A_1.y])
B = A_2.orientnew('B', 'axis', [ea[2], A_2.z])

# display the rotation matrix C from frame A to frame B
print('Rotation matrix C:')

# define angular velocity vector
w = dynamicsymbols('ω_x ω_y ω_z')
omega_A = sum((a * uv for a, uv in zip(w, A)), Vector(0))
omega_B = sum((a * uv for a, uv in zip(w, B)), Vector(0))

# display angular velocity vector omega
print('\nangular velocity:')
omega = B.ang_vel_in(A)
print('ω = {}'.format(msprint(omega)))
print('ω_A = {}'.format(msprint(omega.express(A))))
print('ω_B = {}'.format(msprint(omega.express(B))))

# solve for alpha, beta, gamma in terms of angular velocity components
dea = [a.diff() for a in ea]
for omega_fr, frame in [(omega_A, A), (omega_B, B)]:
    eqs = [dot(omega - omega_fr, uv) for uv in frame]
    soln = solve(eqs, dea)
    print('\nif angular velocity components are taken to be in frame '
    for a in dea:
        print('{} = {}'.format(msprint(a), msprint(soln[a])))
Ejemplo n.º 7
A = ReferenceFrame('A')
A_1 = A.orientnew('A_1', 'axis', [ea[0], A.x])
A_2 = A_1.orientnew('A_2', 'axis', [ea[1], A_1.y])
B = A_2.orientnew('B', 'axis', [ea[2], A_2.z])

# display the rotation matrix C from frame A to frame B
print('Rotation matrix C:')

# define angular velocity vector
w = dynamicsymbols('ω_x ω_y ω_z')
omega_A = sum((a*uv for a, uv in zip(w, A)), Vector(0))
omega_B = sum((a*uv for a, uv in zip(w, B)), Vector(0))

# display angular velocity vector omega
print('\nangular velocity:')
omega = B.ang_vel_in(A)
print('ω = {}'.format(msprint(omega)))
print('ω_A = {}'.format(msprint(omega.express(A))))
print('ω_B = {}'.format(msprint(omega.express(B))))

# solve for alpha, beta, gamma in terms of angular velocity components
dea = [a.diff() for a in ea]
for omega_fr, frame in [(omega_A, A), (omega_B, B)]:
    eqs = [dot(omega - omega_fr, uv) for uv in frame]
    soln = solve(eqs, dea)
    print('\nif angular velocity components are taken to be in frame '
    for a in dea:
        print('{} = {}'.format(msprint(a), msprint(soln[a])))
Ejemplo n.º 8
A, B, mul

from sympy import *
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# import matplotlib as mpl
x, y, z = symbols('x y z ')
#init_session(quiet=True, use_latex=True)
expr = exp(x) * (4 * y - x * y - y**2)
deriv_x = diff(expr, x)
deriv_y = diff(expr, y)
deriv_x, deriv_y

# from sympy import *
# x,y,z = symbols('x y z ')
# init_printing(pretty_print = True)
# Integral(sqrt(1/x), x)

from sympy import *
from sympy.physics.vector import ReferenceFrame, dot
# Система отсчета
N = ReferenceFrame('N')
from sympy import vector
x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2 = symbols('x1 x2 y1 y2 z1 z2')
v1 = x1 * N.x + y1 * N.y + z1 * N.z
v2 = x2 * N.x + y2 * N.y + z2 * N.z
dot(v1, v2)
Ejemplo n.º 9

print('\ndisc is rolling without slip so v_C_N = 0')
print('solving for {} with {} = {}'.format(msprint(q2d), theta, theta_val))
soln = solve(pC.vel(N).magnitude(), q2d)
omega2_val = simplify(soln[0].subs(theta, theta_val))
print('{} = {}'.format(msprint(q2d), msprint(soln[0])))
print('{} = {}'.format(msprint(q2d), msprint(omega2_val)))

print('\nthe instantaneous axis of rotation of the disk is simply the')
print('angular velocity vector with respect to frame N')
omega = B.ang_vel_in(N).subs({theta: theta_val, q2d: omega2_val}).express(N)
print('ω = {}'.format(omega))

print('\nto be horizontal, dot(N.z, ω) = 0')
R_val = solve(dot(N.z, omega), R)[0]
print('{} = {} = {}'.format(R, R_val, R_val.subs(theta, theta_val)))

print('\nto find the principal axis of rotation \'a\' and principal '
      'angle of rotation \'φ\'')
print('we can use the equations')
print('    tr(C) = 1 + 2*cos(φ)')
print('    a_x = (c_yz - c_zy)/(2*sin(φ))')
print('    a_y = (c_zx - c_xz)/(2*sin(φ))')
print('    a_z = (c_xy - c_yx)/(2*sin(φ))')
C = C.subs({q1: pi/2, q2:0})
phi = acos((C.trace() - 1)/2)
a_x = (C[1, 2] - C[2, 1])/(2*sin(phi))
a_y = (C[2, 0] - C[0, 2])/(2*sin(phi))
a_z = (C[0, 1] - C[1, 0])/(2*sin(phi))
a = (a_x*N.x + a_y*N.y + a_z*N.z).simplify()
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_Vector():
    assert A.x != A.y
    assert A.y != A.z
    assert A.z != A.x

    v1 = x * A.x + y * A.y + z * A.z
    v2 = x ** 2 * A.x + y ** 2 * A.y + z ** 2 * A.z
    v3 = v1 + v2
    v4 = v1 - v2

    assert isinstance(v1, Vector)
    assert dot(v1, A.x) == x
    assert dot(v1, A.y) == y
    assert dot(v1, A.z) == z

    assert isinstance(v2, Vector)
    assert dot(v2, A.x) == x ** 2
    assert dot(v2, A.y) == y ** 2
    assert dot(v2, A.z) == z ** 2

    assert isinstance(v3, Vector)
    # We probably shouldn't be using simplify in dot...
    assert dot(v3, A.x) == x ** 2 + x
    assert dot(v3, A.y) == y ** 2 + y
    assert dot(v3, A.z) == z ** 2 + z

    assert isinstance(v4, Vector)
    # We probably shouldn't be using simplify in dot...
    assert dot(v4, A.x) == x - x ** 2
    assert dot(v4, A.y) == y - y ** 2
    assert dot(v4, A.z) == z - z ** 2

    assert v1.to_matrix(A) == Matrix([[x], [y], [z]])
    q = symbols("q")
    B = A.orientnew("B", "Axis", (q, A.x))
    assert v1.to_matrix(B) == Matrix([[x], [y * cos(q) + z * sin(q)], [-y * sin(q) + z * cos(q)]])
Ejemplo n.º 11
x = sp.Function('x')(t)
y = sp.Function('y')(t)

r1, r2, L1, L2, R = sp.symbols('r1, r2, L1, L2, R', real=True)

##### Kinematics #####
X = x * E.x + y * E.y
eR = cos(p) * E.x + sin(p) * E.y

# Link 1
er1 = cos(t1 + p) * E.x + sin(t1 + p) * E.y

Xp = X + R * eR + r1 * er1
Vp = Xp.diff(t, E)
n1 = sin(t1 + p) * E.x - cos(t1 + p) * E.y
Vn1 = v.dot(Vp, n1) * n1

# Link2
er2 = cos(t2 + t1 + p) * E.x + sin(t2 + t1 + p) * E.y
Xq = X + R * eR + L1 * er1 + r2 * er2
Vq = Xq.diff(t, E)
n2 = sin(t2 + t1 + p) * E.x - cos(t2 + t1 + p) * E.y
Vn2 = v.dot(Vq, n2) * n2

##### Dynamics #####
Ma, Mv, Iv = sp.symbols('Ma,Mv,Iv', real=True)

s1, s2, s3 = sp.symbols('s1,s2,s3', real=True)

# Z1 = sp.Rational(1,2)*rho*Cd*H
# Z2 = sp.Rational(1,2)*rho*Cdv*Sv
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_Vector():
    assert A.x != A.y
    assert A.y != A.z
    assert A.z != A.x

    v1 = x * A.x + y * A.y + z * A.z
    v2 = x**2 * A.x + y**2 * A.y + z**2 * A.z
    v3 = v1 + v2
    v4 = v1 - v2

    assert isinstance(v1, Vector)
    assert dot(v1, A.x) == x
    assert dot(v1, A.y) == y
    assert dot(v1, A.z) == z

    assert isinstance(v2, Vector)
    assert dot(v2, A.x) == x**2
    assert dot(v2, A.y) == y**2
    assert dot(v2, A.z) == z**2

    assert isinstance(v3, Vector)
    # We probably shouldn't be using simplify in dot...
    assert dot(v3, A.x) == x**2 + x
    assert dot(v3, A.y) == y**2 + y
    assert dot(v3, A.z) == z**2 + z

    assert isinstance(v4, Vector)
    # We probably shouldn't be using simplify in dot...
    assert dot(v4, A.x) == x - x**2
    assert dot(v4, A.y) == y - y**2
    assert dot(v4, A.z) == z - z**2

    assert v1.to_matrix(A) == Matrix([[x], [y], [z]])
    q = symbols('q')
    B = A.orientnew('B', 'Axis', (q, A.x))
    assert v1.to_matrix(B) == Matrix([[x], [y * cos(q) + z * sin(q)],
                                      [-y * sin(q) + z * cos(q)]])
Ejemplo n.º 13
#MASS : spine link, foot
m_spine, m_contact = symbols('m_spine, m_contact')

particles = []

g_p = me.Particle('g_p', G, m_spine)
rc_p = me.Particle('rc_p', RC, m_contact)
sg_p = me.Particle('sg_p', SG, m_spine)
s1_p = me.Particle('s1_p', S1, m_spine)

for part in particles:
	part.potential_energy = part.mass * dot(part.point.pos_from(O), inertial_rf.z)

# force = (point, vector)
# torque = (reference frame, vector)

def apply_gravity_force (particle, inertial_reference_frame):
	#this function assumes that a variable called 'g' exists and corresponds to a symbol representing gravity constant
	force = (particle.point, -particle.mass*g*inertial_reference_frame.z)
	return force

gravity_forces = []
for part in particles:
	gravity_forces.append(apply_gravity_force(part, inertial_rf))
Ejemplo n.º 14
pB_hat.v2pt_theory(pB_star, N, B) # pB* and pB^ are both fixed in frame B

I_rod = inertia(C, 0, m0*L**2/12, m0*L**2/12, 0, 0, 0)
rbC = RigidBody('rod_C', pC_star, C, m0, (I_rod, pC_star))

I_discA = inertia(A, m*r**2/2, m*r**2/4, m*r**2/4, 0, 0, 0)
rbA = RigidBody('disc_A', pA_star, A, m, (I_discA, pA_star))

I_discB = inertia(B, m*r**2/2, m*r**2/4, m*r**2/4, 0, 0, 0)
rbB = RigidBody('disc_B', pB_star, B, m, (I_discB, pB_star))

print('omega_A_N = {}'.format(msprint(A.ang_vel_in(N).express(C))))
print('v_pA*_N = {}'.format(msprint(pA_hat.vel(N))))

qd_val = solve([dot(pA_hat.vel(N), C.y), dot(pB_hat.vel(N), C.y)],
               [q2d, q3d])

print('T_A = {}'.format(msprint(simplify(rbA.kinetic_energy(N).subs(qd_val)))))
print('T_B = {}'.format(msprint(simplify(rbB.kinetic_energy(N).subs(qd_val)))))

T = expand(simplify(
    rbA.kinetic_energy(N).subs(qd_val) +
    rbB.kinetic_energy(N).subs(qd_val) +
print('T = {}'.format(msprint(T)))

#T = rb_disc.kinetic_energy(N).subs({theta: theta_val, q2d: q2d_val})
#print('T = {}'.format(msprint(simplify(T))))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_operator_match():
    """Test that the output of dot, cross, outer functions match
    operator behavior.
    A = ReferenceFrame('A')
    v = A.x + A.y
    d = v | v
    zerov = Vector(0)
    zerod = Dyadic(0)

    # dot products
    assert d & d == dot(d, d)
    assert d & zerod == dot(d, zerod)
    assert zerod & d == dot(zerod, d)
    assert d & v == dot(d, v)
    assert v & d == dot(v, d)
    assert d & zerov == dot(d, zerov)
    assert zerov & d == dot(zerov, d)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: dot(d, S(0)))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: dot(S(0), d))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: dot(d, 0))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: dot(0, d))
    assert v & v == dot(v, v)
    assert v & zerov == dot(v, zerov)
    assert zerov & v == dot(zerov, v)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: dot(v, S(0)))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: dot(S(0), v))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: dot(v, 0))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: dot(0, v))

    # cross products
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(d, d))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(d, zerod))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(zerod, d))
    assert d ^ v == cross(d, v)
    assert v ^ d == cross(v, d)
    assert d ^ zerov == cross(d, zerov)
    assert zerov ^ d == cross(zerov, d)
    assert zerov ^ d == cross(zerov, d)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(d, S(0)))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(S(0), d))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(d, 0))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(0, d))
    assert v ^ v == cross(v, v)
    assert v ^ zerov == cross(v, zerov)
    assert zerov ^ v == cross(zerov, v)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(v, S(0)))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(S(0), v))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(v, 0))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(0, v))

    # outer products
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(d, d))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(d, zerod))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(zerod, d))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(d, v))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(v, d))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(d, zerov))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(zerov, d))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(zerov, d))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(d, S(0)))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(S(0), d))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(d, 0))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(0, d))
    assert v | v == outer(v, v)
    assert v | zerov == outer(v, zerov)
    assert zerov | v == outer(zerov, v)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(v, S(0)))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(S(0), v))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(v, 0))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(0, v))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_dot_different_frames():
    assert dot(N.x, A.x) == cos(q1)
    assert dot(N.x, A.y) == -sin(q1)
    assert dot(N.x, A.z) == 0
    assert dot(N.y, A.x) == sin(q1)
    assert dot(N.y, A.y) == cos(q1)
    assert dot(N.y, A.z) == 0
    assert dot(N.z, A.x) == 0
    assert dot(N.z, A.y) == 0
    assert dot(N.z, A.z) == 1

    assert dot(N.x, A.x + A.y) == sqrt(2)*cos(q1 + pi/4) == dot(A.x + A.y, N.x)

    assert dot(A.x, C.x) == cos(q3)
    assert dot(A.x, C.y) == 0
    assert dot(A.x, C.z) == sin(q3)
    assert dot(A.y, C.x) == sin(q2)*sin(q3)
    assert dot(A.y, C.y) == cos(q2)
    assert dot(A.y, C.z) == -sin(q2)*cos(q3)
    assert dot(A.z, C.x) == -cos(q2)*sin(q3)
    assert dot(A.z, C.y) == sin(q2)
    assert dot(A.z, C.z) == cos(q2)*cos(q3)
Ejemplo n.º 17
pA_hat.v2pt_theory(pA_star, N, A)  # pA* and pA^ are both fixed in frame A
pB_hat.v2pt_theory(pB_star, N, B)  # pB* and pB^ are both fixed in frame B

I_rod = inertia(C, 0, m0 * L**2 / 12, m0 * L**2 / 12, 0, 0, 0)
rbC = RigidBody('rod_C', pC_star, C, m0, (I_rod, pC_star))

I_discA = inertia(A, m * r**2 / 2, m * r**2 / 4, m * r**2 / 4, 0, 0, 0)
rbA = RigidBody('disc_A', pA_star, A, m, (I_discA, pA_star))

I_discB = inertia(B, m * r**2 / 2, m * r**2 / 4, m * r**2 / 4, 0, 0, 0)
rbB = RigidBody('disc_B', pB_star, B, m, (I_discB, pB_star))

print('omega_A_N = {}'.format(msprint(A.ang_vel_in(N).express(C))))
print('v_pA*_N = {}'.format(msprint(pA_hat.vel(N))))

qd_val = solve([dot(pA_hat.vel(N), C.y), dot(pB_hat.vel(N), C.y)], [q2d, q3d])

print('T_A = {}'.format(msprint(simplify(rbA.kinetic_energy(N).subs(qd_val)))))
print('T_B = {}'.format(msprint(simplify(rbB.kinetic_energy(N).subs(qd_val)))))

T = expand(
        rbA.kinetic_energy(N).subs(qd_val) +
        rbB.kinetic_energy(N).subs(qd_val) + rbC.kinetic_energy(N)))
print('T = {}'.format(msprint(T)))

#T = rb_disc.kinetic_energy(N).subs({theta: theta_val, q2d: q2d_val})
#print('T = {}'.format(msprint(simplify(T))))
#t = symbols('t')
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_dot_different_frames():
    assert dot(N.x, A.x) == cos(q1)
    assert dot(N.x, A.y) == -sin(q1)
    assert dot(N.x, A.z) == 0
    assert dot(N.y, A.x) == sin(q1)
    assert dot(N.y, A.y) == cos(q1)
    assert dot(N.y, A.z) == 0
    assert dot(N.z, A.x) == 0
    assert dot(N.z, A.y) == 0
    assert dot(N.z, A.z) == 1

    assert dot(N.x, A.x + A.y) == sqrt(2) * cos(q1 + pi / 4) == dot(
        A.x + A.y, N.x)

    assert dot(A.x, C.x) == cos(q3)
    assert dot(A.x, C.y) == 0
    assert dot(A.x, C.z) == sin(q3)
    assert dot(A.y, C.x) == sin(q2) * sin(q3)
    assert dot(A.y, C.y) == cos(q2)
    assert dot(A.y, C.z) == -sin(q2) * cos(q3)
    assert dot(A.z, C.x) == -cos(q2) * sin(q3)
    assert dot(A.z, C.y) == sin(q2)
    assert dot(A.z, C.z) == cos(q2) * cos(q3)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_operator_match():
    """Test that the output of dot, cross, outer functions match
    operator behavior.
    A = ReferenceFrame('A')
    v = A.x + A.y
    d = v | v
    zerov = Vector(0)
    zerod = Dyadic(0)

    # dot products
    assert d & d == dot(d, d)
    assert d & zerod == dot(d, zerod)
    assert zerod & d == dot(zerod, d)
    assert d & v == dot(d, v)
    assert v & d == dot(v, d)
    assert d & zerov == dot(d, zerov)
    assert zerov & d == dot(zerov, d)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: dot(d, S(0)))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: dot(S(0), d))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: dot(d, 0))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: dot(0, d))
    assert v & v == dot(v, v)
    assert v & zerov == dot(v, zerov)
    assert zerov & v == dot(zerov, v)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: dot(v, S(0)))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: dot(S(0), v))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: dot(v, 0))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: dot(0, v))

    # cross products
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(d, d))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(d, zerod))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(zerod, d))
    assert d ^ v == cross(d, v)
    assert v ^ d == cross(v, d)
    assert d ^ zerov == cross(d, zerov)
    assert zerov ^ d == cross(zerov, d)
    assert zerov ^ d == cross(zerov, d)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(d, S(0)))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(S(0), d))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(d, 0))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(0, d))
    assert v ^ v == cross(v, v)
    assert v ^ zerov == cross(v, zerov)
    assert zerov ^ v == cross(zerov, v)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(v, S(0)))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(S(0), v))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(v, 0))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: cross(0, v))

    # outer products
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(d, d))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(d, zerod))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(zerod, d))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(d, v))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(v, d))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(d, zerov))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(zerov, d))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(zerov, d))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(d, S(0)))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(S(0), d))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(d, 0))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(0, d))
    assert v | v == outer(v, v)
    assert v | zerov == outer(v, zerov)
    assert zerov | v == outer(zerov, v)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(v, S(0)))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(S(0), v))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(v, 0))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: outer(0, v))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_Vector():
    assert A.x != A.y
    assert A.y != A.z
    assert A.z != A.x

    v1 = x*A.x + y*A.y + z*A.z
    v2 = x**2*A.x + y**2*A.y + z**2*A.z
    v3 = v1 + v2
    v4 = v1 - v2

    assert isinstance(v1, Vector)
    assert dot(v1, A.x) == x
    assert dot(v1, A.y) == y
    assert dot(v1, A.z) == z

    assert isinstance(v2, Vector)
    assert dot(v2, A.x) == x**2
    assert dot(v2, A.y) == y**2
    assert dot(v2, A.z) == z**2

    assert isinstance(v3, Vector)
    # We probably shouldn't be using simplify in dot...
    assert dot(v3, A.x) == x**2 + x
    assert dot(v3, A.y) == y**2 + y
    assert dot(v3, A.z) == z**2 + z

    assert isinstance(v4, Vector)
    # We probably shouldn't be using simplify in dot...
    assert dot(v4, A.x) == x - x**2
    assert dot(v4, A.y) == y - y**2
    assert dot(v4, A.z) == z - z**2

    assert v1.to_matrix(A) == Matrix([[x], [y], [z]])
    q = symbols('q')
    B = A.orientnew('B', 'Axis', (q, A.x))
    assert v1.to_matrix(B) == Matrix([[x],
                                      [ y * cos(q) + z * sin(q)],
                                      [-y * sin(q) + z * cos(q)]])

    #Test the separate method
    B = ReferenceFrame('B')
    v5 = x*A.x + y*A.y + z*B.z
    assert Vector(0).separate() == {}
    assert v1.separate() == {A: v1}
    assert v5.separate() == {A: x*A.x + y*A.y, B: z*B.z}

    #Test the free_symbols property
    v6 = x*A.x + y*A.y + z*A.z
    assert v6.free_symbols(A) == {x,y,z}
Ejemplo n.º 21

print('\ndisc is rolling without slip so v_C_N = 0')
print('solving for {} with {} = {}'.format(msprint(q2d), theta, theta_val))
soln = solve(pC.vel(N).magnitude(), q2d)
omega2_val = simplify(soln[0].subs(theta, theta_val))
print('{} = {}'.format(msprint(q2d), msprint(soln[0])))
print('{} = {}'.format(msprint(q2d), msprint(omega2_val)))

print('\nthe instantaneous axis of rotation of the disk is simply the')
print('angular velocity vector with respect to frame N')
omega = B.ang_vel_in(N).subs({theta: theta_val, q2d: omega2_val}).express(N)
print('ω = {}'.format(omega))

print('\nto be horizontal, dot(N.z, ω) = 0')
R_val = solve(dot(N.z, omega), R)[0]
print('{} = {} = {}'.format(R, R_val, R_val.subs(theta, theta_val)))

print('\nto find the principal axis of rotation \'a\' and principal '
      'angle of rotation \'φ\'')
print('we can use the equations')
print('    tr(C) = 1 + 2*cos(φ)')
print('    a_x = (c_yz - c_zy)/(2*sin(φ))')
print('    a_y = (c_zx - c_xz)/(2*sin(φ))')
print('    a_z = (c_xy - c_yx)/(2*sin(φ))')
C = C.subs({q1: pi / 2, q2: 0})
phi = acos((C.trace() - 1) / 2)
a_x = (C[1, 2] - C[2, 1]) / (2 * sin(phi))
a_y = (C[2, 0] - C[0, 2]) / (2 * sin(phi))
a_z = (C[0, 1] - C[1, 0]) / (2 * sin(phi))
a = (a_x * N.x + a_y * N.y + a_z * N.z).simplify()