Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _print_ImmutableDenseMatrix(self, expr):
     sub_exprs, simplified = cse(expr)
     lines = []
     for var, sub_expr in sub_exprs:
         lines.append('double ' + self._print(Assignment(var, sub_expr)))
     M = MatrixSymbol('T_others', *expr.shape)
     return '\n'.join(lines) + '\n' + self._print(Assignment(M, simplified[0]))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def py_write_code(lst, idx, name, filename):

    import os

    import sympy as sym

    from sympy.printing.ccode import C99CodePrinter as printer
    from sympy.printing.codeprinter import Assignment

    mat = sym.Matrix([lst])  # row vector of terms

    sub_exprs, simplified_rhs = sym.cse(mat)  # optimise code

    with open(os.getcwd() + '/' + filename, 'w') as out:

        for lhs, rhs in sub_exprs:
            out.write(printer().doprint(Assignment(lhs, rhs)) + '\n')

        # this block for scalars
        if len(idx) == 0:

            for index, rhs in enumerate(simplified_rhs[0]):
                lhs = sym.Symbol(name)
                out.write(printer().doprint(Assignment(lhs, rhs)) + '\n')

        # this block for matrices

            for index, rhs in enumerate(simplified_rhs[0]):
                lhs = sym.Symbol(name + ' (' + idx[index][1:-1] + ')')
                # lhs = sym.Symbol(name+' '+(idx[index]).replace(', ',']['))
                out.write(printer().doprint(Assignment(lhs, rhs)) + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _print_list(self, list_of_exprs):
     if all(isinstance(x, sp.Eq) for x in list_of_exprs):
         list_of_lhs = [x.lhs for x in list_of_exprs]
         list_of_rhs = [x.rhs for x in list_of_exprs]
         common_variables, list_of_rhs = sp.cse(
             list_of_rhs, symbols=sp.numbered_symbols(prefix='com'))
         lines = []
         for variable, expression in common_variables:
             ass = Assignment(variable, expression)
             lines.append('const double ' + self._print(ass))
         for i in range(len(list_of_rhs)):
             ass = Assignment(list_of_lhs[i], list_of_rhs[i])
     return '\n'.join(lines)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def cdb_write_code(ex, name, filename, num):

    import os

    import sympy as sym

    from sympy.printing.ccode import C99CodePrinter as printer
    from sympy.printing.codeprinter import Assignment

    # this block for scalars
    if num == 0:

        mat = sym.Matrix([ex._sympy_()])  # row vector with one term

        sub_exprs, simplified_rhs = sym.cse(mat)  # optimise code

        with open(os.getcwd() + '/' + filename, 'w') as out:

            for lhs, rhs in sub_exprs:
                out.write(printer().doprint(Assignment(lhs, rhs)) + '\n')

            for index, rhs in enumerate(simplified_rhs[0]):
                lhs = sym.Symbol(name)
                out.write(printer().doprint(Assignment(lhs, rhs)) + '\n')

    # this block for tensors

        idx = []  # indices in the form [{x, x}, {x, y} ...]
        lst = []  # corresponding terms [termxx, termxy, ...]

        for i in range(len(ex[num])):  # num = number of free indices
            idx.append(str(ex[num][i][0]._sympy_()))  # indices for this term
            lst.append(str(ex[num][i][1]._sympy_()))  # the matching term

        mat = sym.Matrix([lst])  # row vector of terms

        sub_exprs, simplified_rhs = sym.cse(mat)  # optimise code

        with open(os.getcwd() + '/' + filename, 'w') as out:

            for lhs, rhs in sub_exprs:
                out.write(printer().doprint(Assignment(lhs, rhs)) + '\n')

            for index, rhs in enumerate(simplified_rhs[0]):
                lhs = sym.Symbol(name + ' (' + idx[index][1:-1] + ')')
                # lhs = sym.Symbol(name+' '+(idx[index]).replace(', ',']['))
                out.write(printer().doprint(Assignment(lhs, rhs)) + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _print_Assignment(self, expr):
     from sympy.functions.elementary.piecewise import Piecewise
     from sympy.tensor.indexed import IndexedBase
     # Copied from codeprinter, but remove special MatrixSymbol treatment
     lhs = expr.lhs
     rhs = expr.rhs
     # We special case assignments that take multiple lines
     if not self._settings["inline"] and isinstance(expr.rhs, Piecewise):
         # Here we modify Piecewise so each expression is now
         # an Assignment, and then continue on the print.
         expressions = []
         conditions = []
         for (e, c) in rhs.args:
             expressions.append(Assignment(lhs, e))
         temp = Piecewise(*zip(expressions, conditions))
         return self._print(temp)
     if self._settings["contract"] and (lhs.has(IndexedBase) or
         # Here we check if there is looping to be done, and if so
         # print the required loops.
         return self._doprint_loops(rhs, lhs)
         lhs_code = self._print(lhs)
         rhs_code = self._print(rhs)
         return self._get_statement("%s = %s" % (lhs_code, rhs_code))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _print_Assignment(self, expr):
    from sympy.functions.elementary.piecewise import Piecewise
    from sympy.matrices.expressions.matexpr import MatrixSymbol
    from sympy.tensor.indexed import IndexedBase
    lhs = expr.lhs
    rhs = expr.rhs
    # We special case assignments that take multiple lines
    if isinstance(expr.rhs, Piecewise):
        # Here we modify Piecewise so each expression is now
        # an Assignment, and then continue on the print.
        expressions = []
        conditions = []
        for (e, c) in rhs.args:
            expressions.append(Assignment(lhs, e))
        temp = Piecewise(*zip(expressions, conditions))
        return self._print(temp)
    elif isinstance(lhs, MatrixSymbol):
        # Here we form an Assignment for each element in the array,
        # printing each one.
        lines = []
        for (i, j) in self._traverse_matrix_indices(lhs):
            temp = Assignment(lhs[i, j], rhs[i, j])
            if not (rhs[i, j] == 0):
                code0 = self._print(temp)

        return "\n".join(lines)
    elif self._settings["contract"] and (lhs.has(IndexedBase)
                                         or rhs.has(IndexedBase)):
        # Here we check if there is looping to be done, and if so
        # print the required loops.
        return self._doprint_loops(rhs, lhs)
        lhs_code = self._print(lhs)
        rhs_code = self._print(rhs)
        return self._get_statement("%s = %s" % (lhs_code, rhs_code))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_Assignment():
    x, y = symbols("x, y")
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', 3, 1)
    mat = Matrix([1, 2, 3])
    B = IndexedBase('B')
    n = symbols("n", integer=True)
    i = Idx("i", n)
    # Here we just do things to show they don't error
    Assignment(x, y)
    Assignment(x, 0)
    Assignment(A, mat)
    Assignment(A[1, 0], 0)
    Assignment(A[1, 0], x)
    Assignment(B[i], x)
    Assignment(B[i], 0)
    # Here we test things to show that they error
    # Matrix to scalar
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Assignment(B[i], A))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Assignment(B[i], mat))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Assignment(x, mat))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Assignment(x, A))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Assignment(A[1, 0], mat))
    # Scalar to matrix
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Assignment(A, x))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Assignment(A, 0))
    # Non-atomic lhs
    raises(TypeError, lambda: Assignment(mat, A))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: Assignment(0, x))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: Assignment(x * x, 1))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: Assignment(A + A, mat))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: Assignment(B, 0))