Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_lognormal():
    mean = Symbol('mu', real=True, finite=True)
    std = Symbol('sigma', positive=True, real=True, finite=True)
    X = LogNormal('x', mean, std)
    # The sympy integrator can't do this too well
    #assert E(X) == exp(mean+std**2/2)
    #assert variance(X) == (exp(std**2)-1) * exp(2*mean + std**2)

    # Right now, only density function and sampling works
    # Test sampling: Only e^mean in sample std of 0
    for i in range(3):
        X = LogNormal('x', i, 0)
        assert S(sample(X)) == N(exp(i))
    # The sympy integrator can't do this too well
    #assert E(X) ==

    mu = Symbol("mu", real=True)
    sigma = Symbol("sigma", positive=True)

    X = LogNormal('x', mu, sigma)
    assert density(X)(x) == (sqrt(2)*exp(-(-mu + log(x))**2

    X = LogNormal('x', 0, 1)  # Mean 0, standard deviation 1
    assert density(X)(x) == sqrt(2)*exp(-log(x)**2/2)/(2*x*sqrt(pi))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_sample_continuous():
    z = Symbol('z')
    Z = ContinuousRV(z, exp(-z), set=Interval(0, oo))
    assert sample(Z) in Z.pspace.domain.set
    sym, val = list(Z.pspace.sample().items())[0]
    assert sym == Z and val in Interval(0, oo)
    assert density(Z)(-1) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_given():
    X = Die('X', 6)
    assert density(X, X > 5) == {S(6): S.One}
    assert where(X > 2, X > 5).as_boolean() == Eq(X.symbol, 6)
    scipy = import_module('scipy')
    if not scipy:
        skip('Scipy is not installed. Abort tests')
    with ignore_warnings(
            UserWarning):  ### TODO: Restore tests once warnings are removed
        assert next(sample(X, X > 5)) == 6
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_sample_pymc3():
    distribs_pymc3 = [
        MultivariateNormal("M", [5, 2], [[1, 0], [0, 1]]),
        MultivariateBeta("B", [0.4, 5, 15]),
        Multinomial("N", 4, [0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4])
    size = 3
    pymc3 = import_module('pymc3')
    if not pymc3:
        skip('PyMC3 is not installed. Abort tests for _sample_pymc3.')
        with ignore_warnings(UserWarning):
            for X in distribs_pymc3:
                samps = next(sample(X, size=size, library='pymc3'))
                for sam in samps:
                    assert tuple(sam.flatten()) in X.pspace.distribution.set
            N_c = NegativeMultinomial('N', 3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
                   lambda: next(sample(N_c, library='pymc3')))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_sample_numpy():
    distribs_numpy = [Geometric('G', 0.5), Poisson('P', 1), Zeta('Z', 2)]
    size = 3
    numpy = import_module('numpy')
    if not numpy:
        skip('Numpy is not installed. Abort tests for _sample_numpy.')
        with ignore_warnings(
        ):  ### TODO: Restore tests once warnings are removed
            for X in distribs_numpy:
                samps = next(sample(X, size=size, library='numpy'))
                for sam in samps:
                    assert sam in X.pspace.domain.set
                   lambda: next(sample(Skellam('S', 1, 1), library='numpy')))
        NotImplementedError, lambda: Skellam('S', 1, 1).pspace.distribution.
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_prefab_sampling():
    N = Normal('X', 0, 1)
    L = LogNormal('L', 0, 1)
    E = Exponential('Ex', 1)
    P = Pareto('P', 1, 3)
    W = Weibull('W', 1, 1)
    U = Uniform('U', 0, 1)
    B = Beta('B', 2, 5)
    G = Gamma('G', 1, 3)

    variables = [N, L, E, P, W, U, B, G]
    niter = 10
    size = 5
    for var in variables:
        for i in range(niter):
            assert sample(var) in var.pspace.domain.set
            samps = sample(var, size=size)
            for samp in samps:
                assert samp in var.pspace.domain.set
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_Sample():
    X = Die(6)
    Y = Normal(0,1)
    z = Symbol('z')

    assert sample(X) in [1,2,3,4,5,6]
    assert sample(X+Y).is_Float

    P(X+Y>0, Y<0, numsamples=10).is_number
    assert E(X+Y, numsamples=10).is_number
    assert variance(X+Y, numsamples=10).is_number

    raises(ValueError, lambda: P(Y>z, numsamples=5))

    assert P(sin(Y)<=1, numsamples=10) == 1
    assert P(sin(Y)<=1, cos(Y)<1, numsamples=10) == 1

    # Make sure this doesn't raise an error
    E(Sum(1/z**Y, (z,1,oo)), Y>2, numsamples=3)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_Sample():
    X = Die('X', 6)
    Y = Normal('Y', 0, 1)
    z = Symbol('z')

    assert sample(X) in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
    assert sample(X + Y).is_Float

    P(X + Y > 0, Y < 0, numsamples=10).is_number
    assert E(X + Y, numsamples=10).is_number
    assert variance(X + Y, numsamples=10).is_number

    raises(ValueError, lambda: P(Y > z, numsamples=5))

    assert P(sin(Y) <= 1, numsamples=10) == 1
    assert P(sin(Y) <= 1, cos(Y) < 1, numsamples=10) == 1

    # Make sure this doesn't raise an error
    E(Sum(1/z**Y, (z, 1, oo)), Y > 2, numsamples=3)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_sample_numpy():
    distribs_numpy = [
        Geometric('G', 0.5),
        Poisson('P', 1),
        Zeta('Z', 2)
    size = 3
    numpy = import_module('numpy')
    if not numpy:
        skip('Numpy is not installed. Abort tests for _sample_numpy.')
        for X in distribs_numpy:
            samps = sample(X, size=size, library='numpy')
            for sam in samps:
                assert sam in X.pspace.domain.set
               lambda: sample(Skellam('S', 1, 1), library='numpy'))
           lambda: Skellam('S', 1, 1).pspace.distribution.sample(library='tensorflow'))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_sample_numpy():
    distribs_numpy = [
        MultivariateNormal("M", [3, 4], [[2, 1], [1, 2]]),
        MultivariateBeta("B", [0.4, 5, 15, 50, 203]),
        Multinomial("N", 50, [0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.25, 0.15])
    size = 3
    numpy = import_module('numpy')
    if not numpy:
        skip('Numpy is not installed. Abort tests for _sample_numpy.')
        with ignore_warnings(UserWarning):
            for X in distribs_numpy:
                samps = next(sample(X, size=size, library='numpy'))
                for sam in samps:
                    assert tuple(sam) in X.pspace.distribution.set
            N_c = NegativeMultinomial('N', 3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
                   lambda: next(sample(N_c, library='numpy')))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_sampling_gaussian_inverse():
    scipy = import_module('scipy')
    if not scipy:
            'Scipy not installed. Abort tests for sampling of Gaussian inverse.'
    X = GaussianInverse("x", 1, 1)
    with ignore_warnings(
            UserWarning):  ### TODO: Restore tests once warnings are removed
        assert next(sample(X, library='scipy')) in X.pspace.domain.set
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_sample_scipy():
    distribs_scipy = [
        MatrixNormal('M', [[5, 6]], [4], [[2, 1], [1, 2]]),
        Wishart('W', 5, [[1, 0], [0, 1]])

    size = 5
    scipy = import_module('scipy')
    if not scipy:
        skip('Scipy not installed. Abort tests for _sample_scipy.')
        with ignore_warnings(
        ):  ### TODO: Restore tests once warnings are removed
            for X in distribs_scipy:
                samps = next(sample(X, size=size))
                for sam in samps:
                    assert Matrix(sam) in X.pspace.distribution.set
            M = MatrixGamma('M', 1, 2, [[1, 0], [0, 1]])
            raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: next(sample(M, size=3)))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_sample_numpy():
    distribs_numpy = [
        Binomial("B", 5, 0.4),
    size = 3
    numpy = import_module('numpy')
    if not numpy:
        skip('Numpy is not installed. Abort tests for _sample_numpy.')
        with ignore_warnings(
        ):  ### TODO: Restore tests once warnings are removed
            for X in distribs_numpy:
                samps = next(sample(X, size=size, library='numpy'))
                for sam in samps:
                    assert sam in X.pspace.domain.set
                   lambda: next(sample(Die("D"), library='numpy')))
           lambda: Die("D").pspace.sample(library='tensorflow'))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_sample_pymc3():
    distribs_pymc3 = [
        MatrixNormal('M', [[5, 6], [3, 4]], [[1, 0], [0, 1]],
                     [[2, 1], [1, 2]]),
        Wishart('W', 7, [[2, 1], [1, 2]])
    size = 3
    pymc3 = import_module('pymc3')
    if not pymc3:
        skip('PyMC3 is not installed. Abort tests for _sample_pymc3.')
        with ignore_warnings(
        ):  ### TODO: Restore tests once warnings are removed
            for X in distribs_pymc3:
                samps = next(sample(X, size=size, library='pymc3'))
                for sam in samps:
                    assert Matrix(sam) in X.pspace.distribution.set
            M = MatrixGamma('M', 1, 2, [[1, 0], [0, 1]])
            raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: next(sample(M, size=3)))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_sample_pymc3():
    distribs_pymc3 = [
        Geometric('G', 0.5),
        Poisson('P', 1),
        NegativeBinomial('N', 5, 0.4)
    size = 3
    pymc3 = import_module('pymc3')
    if not pymc3:
        skip('PyMC3 is not installed. Abort tests for _sample_pymc3.')
        with ignore_warnings(
        ):  ### TODO: Restore tests once warnings are removed
            for X in distribs_pymc3:
                samps = next(sample(X, size=size, library='pymc3'))
                for sam in samps:
                    assert sam in X.pspace.domain.set
                   lambda: next(sample(Skellam('S', 1, 1), library='pymc3')))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_sample_scipy():
    distribs_scipy = [
        MultivariateNormal("M", [0, 0], [[0.1, 0.025], [0.025, 0.1]]),
        MultivariateBeta("B", [0.4, 5, 15]),
        Multinomial("N", 8, [0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4])

    size = 3
    scipy = import_module('scipy')
    if not scipy:
        skip('Scipy not installed. Abort tests for _sample_scipy.')
        for X in distribs_scipy:
            samps = sample(X, size=size)
            samps2 = sample(X, size=(2, 2))
            for sam in samps:
                assert tuple(sam) in X.pspace.distribution.set
            for i in range(2):
                for j in range(2):
                    assert tuple(samps2[i][j]) in X.pspace.distribution.set
        N_c = NegativeMultinomial('N', 3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
        raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: sample(N_c))
def test_prefab_sampling():
    scipy = import_module('scipy')
    if not scipy:
        skip('Scipy is not installed. Abort tests')
    N = Normal('X', 0, 1)
    L = LogNormal('L', 0, 1)
    E = Exponential('Ex', 1)
    P = Pareto('P', 1, 3)
    W = Weibull('W', 1, 1)
    U = Uniform('U', 0, 1)
    B = Beta('B', 2, 5)
    G = Gamma('G', 1, 3)

    variables = [N, L, E, P, W, U, B, G]
    niter = 10
    size = 5
    for var in variables:
        for _ in range(niter):
            assert sample(var) in var.pspace.domain.set
            samps = sample(var, size=size)
            for samp in samps:
                assert samp in var.pspace.domain.set
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self):
        self.is_focused = True

        self.focus_loss_density = Normal('focus_loss',
        self.start_time = time.time() + sample(self.focus_loss_density)

        self.click_interval_density_focused = Normal('focused_click', 50, 20)
        self.click_interval_density_unfocused = Normal('unfocused_click', 200,

        self.movement_speed_density = Normal('mouse_movement', 0.5, 0.10)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_Sample():
    X = Die("X", 6)
    Y = Normal("Y", 0, 1)
    z = Symbol("z")

    assert sample(X) in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
    assert sample(X + Y).is_Float

    P(X + Y > 0, Y < 0, numsamples=10).is_number
    assert E(X + Y, numsamples=10).is_number
    assert variance(X + Y, numsamples=10).is_number

    raises(ValueError, lambda: P(Y > z, numsamples=5))

    assert P(sin(Y) <= 1, numsamples=10) == 1
    assert P(sin(Y) <= 1, cos(Y) < 1, numsamples=10) == 1

    # Make sure this doesn't raise an error
    E(Sum(1 / z ** Y, (z, 1, oo)), Y > 2, numsamples=3)

    assert all(i in range(1, 7) for i in density(X, numsamples=10))
    assert all(i in range(4, 7) for i in density(X, X > 3, numsamples=10))
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_sample_scipy():
    distribs_scipy = [
        FiniteRV('F', {
            1: S.Half,
            2: Rational(1, 4),
            3: Rational(1, 4)
        DiscreteUniform("Y", list(range(5))),
        Bernoulli("Be", 0.3),
        Binomial("Bi", 5, 0.4),
        BetaBinomial("Bb", 2, 1, 1),
        Hypergeometric("H", 1, 1, 1),

    size = 3
    numsamples = 5
    scipy = import_module('scipy')
    if not scipy:
        skip('Scipy not installed. Abort tests for _sample_scipy.')
        with ignore_warnings(
        ):  ### TODO: Restore tests once warnings are removed
            h_sample = list(
                sample(Hypergeometric("H", 1, 1, 1),
            assert len(h_sample) == numsamples
            for X in distribs_scipy:
                samps = next(sample(X, size=size))
                samps2 = next(sample(X, size=(2, 2)))
                for sam in samps:
                    assert sam in X.pspace.domain.set
                for i in range(2):
                    for j in range(2):
                        assert samps2[i][j] in X.pspace.domain.set
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_sample_discrete():
    X = Geometric('X', S.Half)
    scipy = import_module('scipy')
    if not scipy:
        skip('Scipy not installed. Abort tests')
    assert sample(X) in X.pspace.domain.set
    samps = sample(X, size=2) # This takes long time if ran without scipy
    for samp in samps:
        assert samp in X.pspace.domain.set

    libraries = ['scipy', 'numpy', 'pymc3']
    for lib in libraries:
            imported_lib = import_module(lib)
            if imported_lib:
                s0, s1, s2 = [], [], []
                s0 = sample(X, size=10, library=lib, seed=0)
                s1 = sample(X, size=10, library=lib, seed=0)
                s2 = sample(X, size=10, library=lib, seed=1)
                assert all(s0 == s1)
                assert not all(s1 == s2)
        except NotImplementedError:
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_sample_scipy():
    distribs_scipy = [
        Beta("B", 1, 1),
        BetaPrime("BP", 1, 1),
        Cauchy("C", 1, 1),
        Chi("C", 1),
        Normal("N", 0, 1),
        Gamma("G", 2, 7),
        GammaInverse("GI", 1, 1),
        GaussianInverse("GUI", 1, 1),
        Exponential("E", 2),
        LogNormal("LN", 0, 1),
        Pareto("P", 1, 1),
        StudentT("S", 2),
        ChiSquared("CS", 2),
        Uniform("U", 0, 1)
    size = 3
    numsamples = 5
    scipy = import_module('scipy')
    if not scipy:
        skip('Scipy is not installed. Abort tests for _sample_scipy.')
        with ignore_warnings(
        ):  ### TODO: Restore tests once warnings are removed
            g_sample = list(
                sample(Gamma("G", 2, 7), size=size, numsamples=numsamples))
            assert len(g_sample) == numsamples
            for X in distribs_scipy:
                samps = next(sample(X, size=size, library='scipy'))
                samps2 = next(sample(X, size=(2, 2), library='scipy'))
                for sam in samps:
                    assert sam in X.pspace.domain.set
                for i in range(2):
                    for j in range(2):
                        assert samps2[i][j] in X.pspace.domain.set
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_prefab_sampling():
    N = Normal("X", 0, 1)
    L = LogNormal("L", 0, 1)
    E = Exponential("Ex", 1)
    P = Pareto("P", 1, 3)
    W = Weibull("W", 1, 1)
    U = Uniform("U", 0, 1)
    B = Beta("B", 2, 5)
    G = Gamma("G", 1, 3)

    variables = [N, L, E, P, W, U, B, G]
    niter = 10
    for var in variables:
        for i in range(niter):
            assert sample(var) in var.pspace.domain.set
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_prefab_sampling():
    N = Normal(0, 1)
    L = LogNormal(0, 1)
    E = Exponential(1)
    P = Pareto(1, 3)
    W = Weibull(1, 1)
    U = Uniform(0, 1)
    B = Beta(2, 5)
    G = Gamma(1, 3)

    variables = [N, L, E, P, W, U, B, G]
    niter = 10
    for var in variables:
        for i in xrange(niter):
            assert sample(var) in var.pspace.domain.set
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_prefab_sampling():
    N = Normal('X', 0, 1)
    L = LogNormal('L', 0, 1)
    E = Exponential('Ex', 1)
    P = Pareto('P', 1, 3)
    W = Weibull('W', 1, 1)
    U = Uniform('U', 0, 1)
    B = Beta('B', 2, 5)
    G = Gamma('G', 1, 3)

    variables = [N, L, E, P, W, U, B, G]
    niter = 10
    for var in variables:
        for i in xrange(niter):
            assert sample(var) in var.pspace.domain.set
def test_sample_numpy():
    distribs_numpy = [
        Beta("B", 1, 1),
        Normal("N", 0, 1),
        Gamma("G", 2, 7),
        Exponential("E", 2),
        LogNormal("LN", 0, 1),
        Pareto("P", 1, 1),
        ChiSquared("CS", 2),
        Uniform("U", 0, 1)
    size = 3
    numpy = import_module('numpy')
    if not numpy:
        skip('Numpy is not installed. Abort tests for _sample_numpy.')
        for X in distribs_numpy:
            samps = sample(X, size=size, library='numpy')
            for sam in samps:
                assert sam in X.pspace.domain.set
               lambda: sample(Chi("C", 1), library='numpy'))
           lambda: Chi("C", 1).pspace.distribution.sample(library='tensorflow'))
def test_sample_pymc3():
    distribs_pymc3 = [
        Beta("B", 1, 1),
        Cauchy("C", 1, 1),
        Normal("N", 0, 1),
        Gamma("G", 2, 7),
        GaussianInverse("GI", 1, 1),
        Exponential("E", 2),
        LogNormal("LN", 0, 1),
        Pareto("P", 1, 1),
        ChiSquared("CS", 2),
        Uniform("U", 0, 1)
    size = 3
    pymc3 = import_module('pymc3')
    if not pymc3:
        skip('PyMC3 is not installed. Abort tests for _sample_pymc3.')
        for X in distribs_pymc3:
            samps = sample(X, size=size, library='pymc3')
            for sam in samps:
                assert sam in X.pspace.domain.set
               lambda: sample(Chi("C", 1), library='pymc3'))
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def sample(
        n: int,
        variables: Optional[Sequence[Hashable]] = None,
        seed: Optional[Union[int, np.random.Generator]] = None,
        Sample method to generate data for the given variables. If no list of variables is supplied, the method will
        simply generate data for all variables.
        Setting the seed guarantees reproducibility.

        n: int,
            number of samples
        variables: list,
            the variable names to consider for sampling. If None, all variables will be sampled.
        seed: int,
            the seeding for the noise generators

            the dataframe containing the samples of all the variables needed for the selection.

        samples = dict()
        if seed is None:
            seed = self.rng_state

        for node in self._causal_iterator(variables):
            node_attr = self.dag.nodes[node]
            predecessors = list(self.dag.predecessors(node))

            named_args = dict()
            for pred in predecessors:
                named_args[pred] = samples[pred]

            noise_gen = node_attr[self.noise_key]
            if noise_gen is not None:
                named_args[Assignment.noise_argname] = np.array(list(
                    sample(noise_gen, numsamples=n, seed=seed)),

            data = node_attr[self.assignment_key](**named_args)
            samples[node] = data
        return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(samples)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_lognormal():
    mean = Symbol('mu', real=True)
    std = Symbol('sigma', positive=True)
    X = LogNormal('x', mean, std)
    # The sympy integrator can't do this too well
    #assert E(X) == exp(mean+std**2/2)
    #assert variance(X) == (exp(std**2)-1) * exp(2*mean + std**2)

    # Right now, only density function and sampling works
    for i in range(3):
        X = LogNormal('x', i, 1)
        assert sample(X) in X.pspace.domain.set
    # The sympy integrator can't do this too well
    #assert E(X) ==

    mu = Symbol("mu", real=True)
    sigma = Symbol("sigma", positive=True)

    X = LogNormal('x', mu, sigma)
    assert density(X)(x) == (sqrt(2)*exp(-(-mu + log(x))**2

    X = LogNormal('x', 0, 1)  # Mean 0, standard deviation 1
    assert density(X)(x) == sqrt(2)*exp(-log(x)**2/2)/(2*x*sqrt(pi))
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_sampling_gamma_inverse():
    scipy = import_module('scipy')
    if not scipy:
        skip('Scipy not installed. Abort tests for sampling of gamma inverse.')
    X = GammaInverse("x", 1, 1)
    assert sample(X) in X.pspace.domain.set
Ejemplo n.º 31
def test_sample():
    z = Symbol('z')
    Z = ContinuousRV(z, exp(-z), set=Interval(0, oo))
    assert sample(Z) in Z.pspace.domain.set
    sym, val = list(Z.pspace.sample().items())[0]
    assert sym == Z and val in Interval(0, oo)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def test_given():
    X = Die('X', 6)
    assert density(X, X > 5) == {S(6): S(1)}
    assert where(X > 2, X > 5).as_boolean() == Eq(X.symbol, 6)
    assert sample(X, X > 5) == 6
Ejemplo n.º 33
def test_given():
    X = Die(6)
    density(X, X > 5) == {S(6): S(1)}
    where(X > 2, X > 5).as_boolean() == Eq(X.symbol, 6)
    sample(X, X > 5) == 6
Ejemplo n.º 34
def test_sample():
    z = Symbol('z')
    Z = ContinuousRV(z, exp(-z), set=Interval(0, oo))
    assert sample(Z) in Z.pspace.domain.set
    sym, val = Z.pspace.sample().items()[0]
    assert sym == Z and val in Interval(0, oo)
Ejemplo n.º 35
def test_given():
    X = Die('X', 6)
    assert density(X, X > 5) == {S(6): S(1)}
    assert where(X > 2, X > 5).as_boolean() == Eq(X.symbol, 6)
    assert sample(X, X > 5) == 6
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def sample(self):
     return {k: next(stats.sample(v)) for k, v in self.marginals.items()}
Ejemplo n.º 37
def test_sample_continuous():
    Z = ContinuousRV(z, exp(-z), set=Interval(0, oo))
    assert sample(Z) in Z.pspace.domain.set
    sym, val = list(Z.pspace.sample().items())[0]
    assert sym == Z and val in Interval(0, oo)
    assert density(Z)(-1) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 38
def test_sampling_gamma_inverse():
    scipy = import_module('scipy')
    if not scipy:
        skip('Scipy not installed. Abort tests for sampling of gamma inverse.')
    X = GammaInverse("x", 1, 1)
    assert sample(X) in X.pspace.domain.set
Ejemplo n.º 39
def test_given_sample():
    X = Die('X', 6)
    scipy = import_module('scipy')
    if not scipy:
        skip('Scipy is not installed. Abort tests')
    assert sample(X, X > 5) == 6