Ejemplo n.º 1
disabled = False
    # pyglet requires ctypes > 1.0.0
    import ctypes
    ctypes_major = int(ctypes.__version__.split('.')[0])
    if ctypes_major < 1:
        disabled = True
    disabled = True

    # if pyglet.gl fails to import, e.g. opengl is missing, we disable the tests
    from sympy.thirdparty import import_thirdparty
    pyglet = import_thirdparty("pyglet")

    import pyglet.gl
    disabled = True

from sympy import symbols, sin, cos
x,y = symbols('xy')

def test_import():
    from sympy import Plot

def test_plot_2d():
    from sympy import Plot
    p=Plot(x, [x, -5, 5, 4], visible=False)

def test_plot_2d_discontinuous():
Ejemplo n.º 2
from sympy import Integer

from threading import RLock

# it is sufficient to import "pyglet" here once
from sympy.thirdparty import import_thirdparty
pyglet = import_thirdparty("pyglet")

from pyglet.gl import *

from plot_object import PlotObject
from plot_axes import PlotAxes
from plot_window import PlotWindow
from plot_mode import PlotMode
import plot_modes

from time import sleep
from os import getcwd, listdir
from util import parse_option_string

from sympy.geometry.entity import GeometryEntity

class Plot(object):
    Plot Examples

    See examples/plotting.py for many more examples.

Ejemplo n.º 3
def preview(expr, output='png', viewer=None, euler=True):
    """View expression in PNG, DVI, PostScript or PDF form.

       This will generate LaTeX representation of the given expression
       and compile it using available TeX distribution. Then it will
       run appropriate viewer for the given output format or use the
       user defined one. If you prefer not to use external viewer
       then you can use combination of 'png' output and 'pyglet'
       viewer. By default png output is generated.

       By default pretty Euler fonts are used for typesetting (they
       were used to typeset the well known "Concrete Mathematics"
       book). For that to work, you need the 'eulervm.sty' LaTeX style (in
       Debian/Ubuntu, install the texlive-fonts-extra package). If you prefer
       default AMS fonts or your system lacks 'eulervm' LaTeX package then
       unset the 'euler' keyword argument.

       To use viewer auto-detection, lets say for 'png' output, issue::

           >> from sympy import *
           >> x, y = symbols("xy")

           >> preview(x + y, output='png')

       This will choose 'pyglet by default. To select different one::

           >> preview(x + y, output='png', viewer='gimp')

       The 'png' format is considered special. For all other formats
       the rules are slightly different. As an example we will take
       'dvi' output format. If you would run::

           >> preview(x + y, output='dvi')

       then 'view' will look for available 'dvi' viewers on your
       system (predefined in the function, so it will try evince,
       first, then kdvi and xdvi). If nothing is found you will
       need to set the viewer explicitly::

           >> preview(x + y, output='dvi', viewer='superior-dvi-viewer')

       This will skip auto-detection and will run user specified
       'superior-dvi-viewer'. If 'view' fails to find it on
       your system it will gracefully raise an exception.

       Currently this depends on pexpect, which is not available for windows.

    # we don't want to depend on anything not in the
    # standard library with SymPy by default
    import pexpect

    special = [ 'pyglet' ]

    if viewer is None:
        if output == "png":
            viewer = "pyglet"
            # sorted in order from most pretty to most ugly
            # very discussable, but indeed 'gv' looks awful :)
            candidates = {
                "dvi" : [ "evince", "okular", "kdvi", "xdvi" ],
                "ps"  : [ "evince", "okular", "gsview", "gv" ],
                "pdf" : [ "evince", "okular", "kpdf", "acroread", "xpdf", "gv" ],

                for candidate in candidates[output]:
                    if pexpect.which(candidate):
                        viewer = candidate
                    raise SystemError("No viewers found for '%s' output format." % output)
            except KeyError:
                raise SystemError("Invalid output format: %s" % output)
        if viewer not in special and not pexpect.which(viewer):
            raise SystemError("Unrecognized viewer: %s" % viewer)

    if not euler:
        format = r"""\documentclass[12pt]{article}
        format = r"""\documentclass[12pt]{article}

    if viewer == "pyglet":
        # import pyglet before we change the current dir, because after that it
        # would fail:
        from sympy.thirdparty import import_thirdparty
        pyglet = import_thirdparty("pyglet")
    tmp = tempfile.mktemp()

    tex = open(tmp + ".tex", "w")
    tex.write(format % latex(expr, mode='inline'))

    cwd = os.getcwd()

    if os.system("latex -halt-on-error %s.tex" % tmp) != 0:
        raise SystemError("Failed to generate DVI output.")

    os.remove(tmp + ".tex")
    os.remove(tmp + ".aux")
    os.remove(tmp + ".log")

    if output != "dvi":
        command = {
            "ps"  : "dvips -o %s.ps %s.dvi",
            "pdf" : "dvipdf %s.dvi %s.pdf",
            "png" : "dvipng -T tight -z 9 " + \
                    "--truecolor -o %s.png %s.dvi",

            if os.system(command[output] % (tmp, tmp)) != 0:
                raise SystemError("Failed to generate '%s' output." % output)
                os.remove(tmp + ".dvi")
        except KeyError:
            raise SystemError("Invalid output format: %s" % output)

    src = "%s.%s" % (tmp, output)

    if viewer == "pyglet":
        from pyglet import window, image, gl
        from pyglet.window import key

        if output == "png":
            from pyglet.image.codecs.png import PNGImageDecoder
            img = image.load(src, decoder=PNGImageDecoder())
            raise SystemError("pyglet preview works only for 'png' files.")

        offset = 25

        win = window.Window(
            width = img.width + 2*offset,
            height = img.height + 2*offset,
            caption = "sympy",
            resizable = False


            def on_close():
                win.has_exit = True

            win.on_close = on_close

            def on_key_press(symbol, modifiers):
                if symbol in [key.Q, key.ESCAPE]:

            win.on_key_press = on_key_press

            def on_expose():
                gl.glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

                    (win.width - img.width) / 2,
                    (win.height - img.height) / 2

            win.on_expose = on_expose

            while not win.has_exit:
        except KeyboardInterrupt:

        os.system("%s %s &> /dev/null &" % (viewer, src))
        time.sleep(2) # wait for the viewer to read data
