Ejemplo n.º 1
from scipy import integrate

# ## Symbolic ODE solving with SymPy

# ## Newton's law of cooling

# In[5]:

t, k, T0, Ta = sympy.symbols("t, k, T_0, T_a")

# In[6]:

T = sympy.Function("T")

# In[7]:

ode = T(t).diff(t) + k*(T(t) - Ta)

# In[8]:


# In[9]:

ode_sol = sympy.dsolve(ode)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def convert_func(func):
    if func.func_normal():
        if func.L_PAREN():  # function called with parenthesis
            arg = convert_func_arg(func.func_arg())
            arg = convert_func_arg(func.func_arg_noparens())

        name = func.func_normal().start.text[1:]

        # change arc<trig> -> a<trig>
        if name in [
                "arcsin", "arccos", "arctan", "arccsc", "arcsec", "arccot"
            name = "a" + name[3:]
            expr = getattr(sympy.functions, name)(arg, evaluate=False)
        if name in ["arsinh", "arcosh", "artanh"]:
            name = "a" + name[2:]
            expr = getattr(sympy.functions, name)(arg, evaluate=False)

        if name == "exp":
            expr = sympy.exp(arg, evaluate=False)

        if (name == "log" or name == "ln"):
            if func.subexpr():
                base = convert_expr(func.subexpr().expr())
            elif name == "log":
                base = 10
            elif name == "ln":
                base = sympy.E
            expr = sympy.log(arg, base, evaluate=False)

        func_pow = None
        should_pow = True
        if func.supexpr():
            if func.supexpr().expr():
                func_pow = convert_expr(func.supexpr().expr())
                func_pow = convert_atom(func.supexpr().atom())

        if name in [
                "sin", "cos", "tan", "csc", "sec", "cot", "sinh", "cosh",
            if func_pow == -1:
                name = "a" + name
                should_pow = False
            expr = getattr(sympy.functions, name)(arg, evaluate=False)

        if func_pow and should_pow:
            expr = sympy.Pow(expr, func_pow, evaluate=False)

        return expr
    elif func.LETTER() or func.SYMBOL():
        if func.LETTER():
            fname = func.LETTER().getText()
        elif func.SYMBOL():
            fname = func.SYMBOL().getText()[1:]
        fname = str(fname)  # can't be unicode
        if func.subexpr():
            subscript = None
            if func.subexpr().expr():  # subscript is expr
                subscript = convert_expr(func.subexpr().expr())
            else:  # subscript is atom
                subscript = convert_atom(func.subexpr().atom())
            subscriptName = StrPrinter().doprint(subscript)
            fname += '_{' + subscriptName + '}'
        input_args = func.args()
        output_args = []
        while input_args.args():  # handle multiple arguments to function
            input_args = input_args.args()
        return sympy.Function(fname)(*output_args)
    elif func.FUNC_INT():
        return handle_integral(func)
    elif func.FUNC_SQRT():
        expr = convert_expr(func.base)
        if func.root:
            r = convert_expr(func.root)
            return sympy.root(expr, r)
            return sympy.sqrt(expr)
    elif func.FUNC_SUM():
        return handle_sum_or_prod(func, "summation")
    elif func.FUNC_PROD():
        return handle_sum_or_prod(func, "product")
    elif func.FUNC_LIM():
        return handle_limit(func)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def my_sympify(expr,
    Version of sympify to import expression into sympy
    # make all lowercase real?
    if symtab:
        varset = symtab
        varset = {
            'p': sympy.Symbol('p'),
            'g': sympy.Symbol('g'),
            'e': sympy.E,  # for exp
            'i': sympy.I,  # lowercase i is also sqrt(-1)
            'Q': sympy.Symbol('Q'),  # otherwise it is a sympy "ask key"
            'I': sympy.Symbol('I'),  # otherwise it is sqrt(-1)
            'N': sympy.Symbol('N'),  # or it is some kind of sympy function
            'ZZ': sympy.Symbol('ZZ'),  # otherwise it is the PythonIntegerRing
            'XI': sympy.Symbol('XI'),  # otherwise it is the capital \XI
            'hat': sympy.Function('hat'),  # for unit vectors (8.02)
    if do_qubit:  # turn qubit(...) into Qubit instance
            'qubit': Qubit,
            'Ket': Ket,
            'dot': dot,
            'bit': sympy.Function('bit'),
    if abcsym:  # consider all lowercase letters as real symbols, in the parsing
        for letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
            if letter in varset:  # exclude those already done
            varset.update({letter: sympy.Symbol(letter, real=True)})

    sexpr = sympify(expr, locals=varset)
    if normphase:  # remove overall phase if sexpr is a list
        if isinstance(sexpr, list):
            if sexpr[0].is_number:
                ophase = sympy.sympify('exp(-I*arg(%s))' % sexpr[0])
                sexpr = [sympy.Mul(x, ophase) for x in sexpr]

    def to_matrix(expr):
        Convert a list, or list of lists to a matrix.
        # if expr is a list of lists, and is rectangular, then return Matrix(expr)
        if not isinstance(expr, list):
            return expr
        for row in expr:
            if not isinstance(row, list):
                return expr
        rdim = len(expr[0])
        for row in expr:
            if not len(row) == rdim:
                return expr
        return sympy.Matrix(expr)

    if matrix:
        sexpr = to_matrix(sexpr)
    return sexpr
Ejemplo n.º 4

# Class for simple definition of explicit state updaters

def _symbol(name, positive=None):
    ''' Shorthand for ``sympy.Symbol(name, real=True)``. '''
    return sympy.Symbol(name, real=True, positive=positive)

#: reserved standard symbols
SYMBOLS = {'__x' : _symbol('__x'),
           '__t' : _symbol('__t', positive=True),
           'dt': _symbol('dt', positive=True),
           't': _symbol('t', positive=True),
           '__f' : sympy.Function('__f'),
           '__g' : sympy.Function('__g'),
           '__dW': _symbol('__dW')}

def split_expression(expr):
    Split an expression into a part containing the function ``f`` and another
    one containing the function ``g``. Returns a tuple of the two expressions
    (as sympy expressions).
    expr : str
        An expression containing references to functions ``f`` and ``g``.    
Ejemplo n.º 5
import numpy as np
import sympy as sm
from sympy import Derivative
from itertools import groupby
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tabulate import tabulate
from pprint import pprint

from IPython.display import display, Latex, clear_output
from sympy import latex

x, y, c = sm.symbols('x, y, c', real=True)
C1, C2 = sm.symbols("C1, C2", real=True)
c = sm.symbols("c")
u = sm.Function('u')
ux = u(x)
ux1 = Derivative(u(x), x)
ux2 = Derivative(u(x), (x, 2))

h, uup1, uum1, uu0 = sm.symbols('h, u_i+1, u_i-1, u_i')
uux1 = (uup1 - uum1) / (2 * h)
uux2 = (uup1 - 2 * uu0 + uum1) / (h**2)

zad1 = {
    'p': sm.sqrt(1 + x**2) * 0.4,
    'q': 4 * (1 + x**2),
    'f': 20 * sm.exp(-x),
    'a': 0,
    'UA': 0,
    'b': 2.5,
Ejemplo n.º 6
import sympy
from sympy import I, pi, oo

x, y, z = sympy.symbols("x, y, z")
# 创建函数符号
f = sympy.Function('f')
fx = f(x)
g = sympy.Function('g')(x,y,z)

# 常用函数符号
sinx = sympy.sin(x)
# 函数简单计算
print(sympy.sin(1.5 * pi))

# 指定函数变量的数据类型
n = sympy.Symbol('n',integer=True)
print(sympy.sin(n * pi))

# Lambda
h = sympy.Lambda(x, x**2)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def apply(self, eqn, y, x, evaluation):
        'DSolve[eqn_, y_, x_]'

        if eqn.has_form('List', eqn):
            #TODO: Try and solve BVPs using Solve or something analagous OR add this functonality to sympy.
            evaluation.message('DSolve', 'symsys')

        if eqn.get_head_name() != 'Equal':
            evaluation.message('DSolve', 'deqn', eqn)

        if (x.is_atom() and not x.is_symbol()) or \
          x.get_head_name() in ('Plus', 'Times', 'Power') or \
          'Constant' in x.get_attributes(evaluation.definitions):
            evaluation.message('DSolve', 'dsvar')

        # Fixes pathalogical DSolve[y''[x] == y[x], y, x]
            function_form = None
            func = y
        except AttributeError:
            func = Expression(y, x)
            function_form = Expression('List', x)

        if func.is_atom():
            evaluation.message('DSolve', 'dsfun', y)

        if len(func.leaves) != 1:
            evaluation.message('DSolve', 'symmua')

        if x not in func.leaves:
            evaluation.message('DSolve', 'deqx')

        left, right = eqn.leaves
        eqn = Expression('Plus', left, Expression('Times', -1, right)).evaluate(evaluation)

        sym_eq = eqn.to_sympy(converted_functions = set([func.get_head_name()]))
        sym_x = sympy.symbols(str(sympy_symbol_prefix + x.name))
        sym_func = sympy.Function(str(sympy_symbol_prefix + func.get_head_name())) (sym_x)

            sym_result = sympy.dsolve(sym_eq, sym_func)
            if not isinstance(sym_result, list):
                sym_result = [sym_result]
        except ValueError as e:
            evaluation.message('DSolve', 'symimp')
        except NotImplementedError as e:
            evaluation.message('DSolve', 'symimp')
        except AttributeError as e:
            evaluation.message('DSolve', 'litarg', eqn)
        except KeyError:
            evaluation.message('DSolve', 'litarg', eqn)

        if function_form is None:
            return Expression('List', *[Expression('List', 
                Expression('Rule', *from_sympy(soln).leaves)) for soln in sym_result])
            return Expression('List', *[Expression('List', Expression('Rule', y, 
                Expression('Function', function_form, *from_sympy(soln).leaves[1:]))) for soln in sym_result])
Ejemplo n.º 8
#     sorted_evalues = evalues[sorted_indices]
#     return sorted_evectors, np.diag(sorted_evalues), sorted_evalues
# print(pca(np.array([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]])))

# total = 20
# red = 2
# white = 8
# blue = 3
# black = 1
# purple = 6
def calcuateEntropy(x):
    H = 0
    total = np.sum(x)
    for i in x:
        p_x = float(i) / float(total)
        H = H - p_x * np.log2(p_x)
    return H

x = [2, 8, 3, 1, 6]

Ejemplo n.º 9
def parse_expression(string: str, mark_categorical: bool = False) -> sp.Expr:
    """Parse a SymPy expression from a string. Optionally, preserve the categorical marker function instead of treating
    it like the identify function.

    # list reserved patsy and SymPy names that represent special functions and classes
    patsy_function_names = {'I', 'C'}
    sympy_function_names = {'log', 'exp'}
    sympy_class_names = {'Add', 'Mul', 'Pow', 'Integer', 'Float', 'Symbol'}

    # build a mapping from reserved names to the functions and classes that they represent (patsy functions are dealt
    #   with after parsing)
    mapping = {n: sp.Function(n) for n in patsy_function_names}
        {n: getattr(sp, n)
         for n in sympy_function_names | sympy_class_names})

    # define a function that validates a list of tokens into which the string is broken and adds new symbols
    def transform_tokens(tokens: List[Tuple[int, str]],
                         *_: Any) -> List[Tuple[int, str]]:
        """Validate a list of tokens and add any unrecognized names as new SymPy symbols."""
        transformed: List[Tuple[int, str]] = []
        symbol_candidate = None
        for code, value in tokens:
            if code not in {
                    token.NAME, token.OP, token.NUMBER, token.NEWLINE,
                raise ValueError(f"The token '{value}' is invalid.")
            if code == token.OP and value not in {
                    '+', '-', '*', '/', '**', '(', ')'
                raise ValueError(f"The operation '{value}' is invalid.")
            if code == token.OP and value == '(' and symbol_candidate is not None:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"The function '{symbol_candidate}' is invalid.")
            if code != token.NAME or value in set(mapping) - sympy_class_names:
                transformed.append((code, value))
                symbol_candidate = None
            if value in sympy_class_names | {'Intercept'}:
                raise ValueError(f"The name '{value}' is invalid.")
            transformed.extend([(token.NAME, 'Symbol'), (token.OP, '('),
                                (token.NAME, repr(value)), (token.OP, ')')])
            symbol_candidate = value
        return transformed

    # define a function that validates the appearance of categorical marker functions
    def validate_categorical(candidate: sp.Expr,
                             depth: int = 0,
                             categorical: bool = False) -> None:
        """Recursively validate that all categorical marker functions in an expression accept only a single variable
        argument and that they are not arguments to other functions.
        if categorical and depth > 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "The C function must not be an argument to another function.")
        for arg in candidate.args:
            if categorical and not isinstance(arg, sp.Symbol):
                raise ValueError(
                    "The C function accepts only a single variable.")
            validate_categorical(arg, depth + 1,
                                 candidate.func == mapping['C'])

    # parse the expression, validate it by attempting to represent it as a string, and validate categorical markers
        expression = sympy.parsing.sympy_parser.parse_expr(string,
    except (TypeError, ValueError) as exception:
        raise ValueError(
            f"The expression '{string}' is malformed.") from exception

    # replace patsy functions with the identity function, unless categorical variables are to be explicitly marked
    for name in patsy_function_names:
        if name != 'C' or not mark_categorical:
            expression = expression.replace(mapping[name], sp.Id)
    return expression
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def params(cls):
     return {
         'β': sym.symbols('β', real=True, positive=True),
         'Vp': sym.Function('Vp')(cls.x)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __call__(self, equations, variables=None, method_options=None):
            "The 'independent' state updater is deprecated and might be "
            "removed in future versions of Brian.",
        extract_method_options(method_options, {})
        if equations.is_stochastic:
            raise UnsupportedEquationsException('Cannot solve stochastic '
                                                'equations with this state '
        if variables is None:
            variables = {}

        diff_eqs = equations.get_substituted_expressions(variables)

        t = Symbol('t', real=True, positive=True)
        dt = Symbol('dt', real=True, positive=True)
        t0 = Symbol('t0', real=True, positive=True)

        code = []
        for name, expression in diff_eqs:
            rhs = str_to_sympy(expression.code, variables)

            # We have to be careful and use the real=True assumption as well,
            # otherwise sympy doesn't consider the symbol a match to the content
            # of the equation
            var = Symbol(name, real=True)
            f = sp.Function(name)
            rhs = rhs.subs(var, f(t))
            derivative = sp.Derivative(f(t), t)
            diff_eq = sp.Eq(derivative, rhs)
            # TODO: simplify=True sometimes fails with 0.7.4, see:
            # https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/2666
                general_solution = sp.dsolve(diff_eq, f(t), simplify=True)
            except RuntimeError:
                general_solution = sp.dsolve(diff_eq, f(t), simplify=False)
            # Check whether this is an explicit solution
            if not getattr(general_solution, 'lhs', None) == f(t):
                raise UnsupportedEquationsException(
                    'Cannot explicitly solve: ' + str(diff_eq))
            # Solve for C1 (assuming "var" as the initial value and "t0" as time)
            if general_solution.has(Symbol('C1')):
                if general_solution.has(Symbol('C2')):
                    raise UnsupportedEquationsException(
                        'Too many constants in solution: %s' %
                constant_solution = sp.solve(general_solution, Symbol('C1'))
                if len(constant_solution) != 1:
                    raise UnsupportedEquationsException(
                        ("Couldn't solve for the constant "
                         "C1 in : %s ") % str(general_solution))
                constant = constant_solution[0].subs(t, t0).subs(f(t0), var)
                solution = general_solution.rhs.subs('C1', constant)
                solution = general_solution.rhs.subs(t, t0).subs(f(t0), var)
            # Evaluate the expression for one timestep
            solution = solution.subs(t, t + dt).subs(t0, t)
            # only try symplifying it -- it sometimes raises an error
                solution = solution.simplify()
            except ValueError:

            code.append(name + ' = ' + sympy_to_str(solution))

        return '\n'.join(code)
Ejemplo n.º 12
class Generalized_Langevin:

    # Order different than in Langevin!
    # x = q, y = p, z = z1, w = z2 (velocities are y and z2)
    variables = sym.symbols('x y z w', real=True)
    x, y, z, w = variables

    # Unknown functions
    fL = sym.Function('f')(x, y)
    f1 = sym.Function('f')(x, y, z)
    f2 = sym.Function('f')(x, y, z, w)

    def params(cls, n_extra):
        assert n_extra == 1 or n_extra == 2
        params, functions = {}, {}

        # Real positive parameters
        options = {'real': True, 'positive': True}
        params['β'] = sym.symbols('β', **options)

        if n_extra == 1:
            params['λ'] = sym.symbols('λ', **options)
            params['α'] = sym.symbols('α', **options)

        elif n_extra == 2:
            params['λ1'] = sym.symbols('λ1', **options)
            params['λ2'] = sym.symbols('λ2', **options)
            for param in ['A11', 'A12', 'A21', 'A22']:
                params[param] = sym.symbols(param, real=True)

        # Potential function
        functions['Vx'] = sym.Function('Vx')(cls.x)

        return {**params, **functions}

    def backward(cls, params):

        # Common parameters
        β, Vx = params['β'], params['Vx']

        d, x, y, z, w = sym.diff, cls.x, cls.y, cls.z, cls.w

        # 1 auxiliary process
        if 'α' in params:
            f = cls.f1
            z_vec = sym.Matrix([z])
            lamb = sym.Matrix([params['λ']])
            A = sym.Matrix([[params['α']]])

        # 2 auxiliary processes
        elif 'A11' in params:
            f = cls.f2
            z_vec = sym.Matrix([z, w])
            lamb = sym.Matrix([params['λ1'], params['λ2']])
            A = sym.Matrix([[params['A11'], params['A12']],
                            [params['A21'], params['A22']]])

        # Usual Langevin equation
            if 'γ' not in params:
                raise ValueError("Invalid argument, γ must be specified!")
            f, γ = cls.fL, params['γ']

            # Backward Kolmogorov operator
            operator = (y*d(f, x) - d(Vx, x)*d(f, y))\
                + γ*(- y*d(f, y) + (1/β)*d(f, y, y))

            return operator

        # Computation of diffusion matrix
        # Σ = sym.sqrt((A + A.T)/β).doit()

        # Auxiliary quantities
        dfdz = sym.Matrix([f.diff(v) for v in z_vec])
        ddfdzdz = sym.Matrix([dfdz.diff(v).T for v in z_vec])

        # Backward Kolmogorov operator
        operator = y*d(f, x) - d(Vx, x)*d(f, y)\
            + (lamb.dot(z_vec))*d(f, y)\
            - y*lamb.dot(dfdz)\
            - (A*z_vec).dot(dfdz)\
            + (1/β)*(A*ddfdzdz).trace()

        γ = lamb.dot(A.inv() * lamb)
        print("Effective friction: {}".format(γ))

        return operator
Ejemplo n.º 13
class McKean_Vlasov_harmonic_noise:

    # Space variables
    variables = sym.symbols('x y z', real=True)

    # Sharthand notations
    x, y, z = variables

    # Unknown
    f = sym.Function('f')(x, y, z)

    def params(cls):

        params, functions = {}, {}

        # Real positive parameters
        options = {'real': True, 'positive': True}
        for param in ['β', 'γ', 'ε']:
            params[param] = sym.symbols(param, **options)

        # Real parameters
        options = {'real': True}
        for param in ['θ', 'm']:
            params[param] = sym.symbols(param, **options)

        # Potential function
        functions['Vp'] = sym.Function('Vp')(cls.x)

        return {**params, **functions}

    def fluxes(cls, params):

        # Real parameters
        β, γ, ε, θ, m = (params[x] for x in ['β', 'γ', 'ε', 'θ', 'm'])

        # Functional parameter
        Vp = params['Vp']

        # Shorthand notations
        d, x, y, z, f = sym.diff, cls.x, cls.y, cls.z, cls.f

        # Friction coefficient
        λ = 1

        # Fokker planck operator
        flux_x = -(d(Vp, x) * f + θ * (x - m) * f -
                   (1 - γ) * sym.sqrt(1 / β) * z * f / ε + γ**2 / β * d(f, x))
        flux_y = -(1 / ε**2) * (f * z + λ * (f * y + d(f, y)))
        flux_z = -(1 / ε**2) * (-y * f)
        return [flux_x, flux_y, flux_z]

    def equation(cls, params):

        # Shorthand notations
        x, y, z = cls.x, cls.y, cls.z

        # Compute fluxes
        fx, fy, fz = cls.fluxes(params)

        # Fokker planck operator
        return -fx.diff(x) - fy.diff(y) - fz.diff(z)
Ejemplo n.º 14
class McKean_Vlasov:

    # Space variables
    variables = sym.symbols('x y', real=True)

    # Sharthand notations
    x, y = variables

    # Unknown
    f = sym.Function('f')(variables[0], variables[1])

    def params(cls):

        params, functions = {}, {}

        # Real positive parameters
        options = {'real': True, 'positive': True}
        for param in ['β', 'γ', 'ε']:
            params[param] = sym.symbols(param, **options)

        # Real parameters
        options = {'real': True}
        for param in ['θ', 'm']:
            params[param] = sym.symbols(param, **options)

        # Potential functions
        functions['Vp'] = sym.Function('Vp')(cls.x)
        functions['Vy'] = sym.Function('Vy')(cls.y)

        return {**params, **functions}

    def fluxes(cls, params):

        # Shorthand notations
        d, x, y, f = sym.diff, cls.x, cls.y, cls.f

        # Real parameters
        β, γ, ε, θ, m = (params[x] for x in ['β', 'γ', 'ε', 'θ', 'm'])

        # Functional parameter
        Vp, Vy = params['Vp'], params['Vy']

        # Effective diffusion
        functions = Vy.atoms(sym.core.function.AppliedUndef)

        if functions == set():
            degree, n_points, q = 100, 201, quad.Quad.gauss_hermite
            fy = sym.Function('f')(y)
            gen = Vy.diff(y) * fy.diff(y) - fy.diff(y, y)
            σy, density = .2, sym.exp(-Vy)
            gaussian = sym.exp(-y * y / (2 * σy)) / sym.sqrt(2 * sym.pi * σy)
            integral = q(n_points, dirs=[1]).integrate(density, flat=True)
            factor = sym.sqrt(gaussian / (density / integral))
            qy = q(n_points, dirs=[1], factor=factor, cov=[[σy]])
            L0 = qy.discretize_op(gen,
            rhs = qy.transform('y', degree)
            solution = la.solve(L0.matrix, rhs.coeffs)
            coeff_noise = np.dot(solution, rhs.coeffs)
            coeff_noise = sym.Rational(coeff_noise).limit_denominator(1e8)
            coeff_noise = sym.sqrt(1 / β / coeff_noise)
            # effective_noise = float(1/sym.sqrt(2*coeff_noise))
            # print("Effective noise (ζ): " + str(effective_noise))

            # Assume Vy is y*y/2
            coeff_noise = sym.sqrt(1 / β)

        # Fokker planck operator
        flux_x = -(d(Vp, x) * f + θ * (x - m) * f -
                   (1 - γ) * coeff_noise * y * f / ε + γ**2 / β * d(f, x))
        flux_y = -(1 / ε**2) * (f * Vy.diff(y) + d(f, y))
        return [flux_x, flux_y]

    def equation(cls, params):

        # Shorthand notations
        x, y = cls.x, cls.y

        # Compute fluxes
        fx, fy = cls.fluxes(params)

        # Fokker planck operator
        return -fx.diff(x) - fy.diff(y)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def chunked_search():
    Computational complexity of building one kd-tree and searching vs building
    many and searching.

    Normal Running Time:

    Chunked Running Time:
                 ⎝ C ⎠
                   ⎝ C ⎠

    Conclusion: chunking provides a tradeoff in running time.
    It can make indexing, faster, but it makes query-time slower.  However, it
    does allow for partial database search, which can speed up response time of
    queries. It can also short-circuit itself once a match has been found.
    import sympy as sym
    import utool as ut
    ceil = sym.ceiling
    ceil = ut.identity
    log = sym.log

    # ====================
    # Define basic symbols
    # ====================

    # Number of database and query annotations
    n_dannots, n_qannots = sym.symbols('D, Q')

    # Average number of descriptors per annotation
    n_vecs_per_annot = sym.symbols('p')

    # Size of the shortlist to rerank
    n_rr = sym.symbols('L')

    # The number of chunks
    C = sym.symbols('C')

    # ===============================================
    # Define helper functions and intermediate values
    # ===============================================
    n_dvecs = n_vecs_per_annot * n_dannots

    # Could compute the maximum average matches something gets
    # but for now just hack it
    fmatch = sym.Function('fmatch')
    n_fmatches = fmatch(n_vecs_per_annot)

    # The complexity of spatial verification is roughly that of SVD
    # SV_fn = lambda N: N ** 3  # NOQA
    SV_fn = sym.Function('SV')
    SV = SV_fn(n_fmatches)

    class KDTree(object):
        # A bit of a simplification
        n_trees = sym.symbols('T')
        params = {n_trees}

        def build(self, N):
            return N * log(N) * self.n_trees

        def search(self, N):
            # This is average case
            return log(N) * self.n_trees

    Indexer = KDTree

    def sort(N):
        return N * log(N)

    # ========================
    # Define normal complexity
    # ========================

    # The computational complexity of the normal hotspotter pipeline
    normal = {}
    normal['indexing'] = Indexer.build(n_dvecs)
    normal['search'] = n_vecs_per_annot * Indexer.search(n_dvecs)
    normal['rerank'] = (SV * n_rr)
    normal['query'] = (normal['search'] + normal['rerank']) * n_qannots
    normal['total'] = normal['indexing'] + normal['query']

    n_cannots = ceil(n_dannots / C)
    n_cvecs = n_vecs_per_annot * n_cannots

    # How many annots should be re-ranked in each chunk?
    # _n_rr_chunk = sym.Max(n_rr / C * log(n_rr / C), 1)
    # _n_rr_chunk = n_rr / C
    _n_rr_chunk = n_rr

    _index_chunk = Indexer.build(n_cvecs)
    _search_chunk = n_vecs_per_annot * Indexer.search(n_cvecs)
    chunked = {}
    chunked['indexing'] = C * _index_chunk
    chunked['search'] = C * _search_chunk
    # Cost to rerank in every chunk and then merge chunks into a single list
    chunked['rerank'] = C * (SV * _n_rr_chunk) + sort(C * _n_rr_chunk)
    chunked['query'] = (chunked['search'] + chunked['rerank']) * n_qannots
    chunked['total'] = chunked['indexing'] + chunked['query']

    typed_steps = {
        'normal': normal,
        'chunked': chunked,

    # ===============
    # Inspect results
    # ===============

    # Symbols that will not go to infinity
    const_symbols = {n_rr, n_vecs_per_annot}.union(Indexer.params)

    def measure_num(n_steps, step, type_):
        print('nsteps(%s %s)' % (

    def measure_order(n_steps, step, type_):
        print('O(%s %s)' % (
        limiting = [(s, sym.oo) for s in n_steps.free_symbols - const_symbols]
        step_order = sym.Order(n_steps, *limiting)

    measure_dict = {
        'num': measure_num,
        'order': measure_order,

    # Different methods for choosing C
    C_methods = ut.odict([
        ('none', C),
        ('const', 512),
        ('linear', n_dannots / 512),
        ('log', log(n_dannots)),

    # ---
    # What to measure?
    # ---

    steps = ['indexing', 'query']
    types_ = ['normal', 'chunked']
    measures = [
        # 'num',
    C_method_keys = [
        # 'const'

    grid = ut.odict([
        ('step', steps),
        ('measure', measures),
        ('k', C_method_keys),
        ('type_', types_),

    last = None

    for params in ut.all_dict_combinations(grid):
        type_ = params['type_']
        step = params['step']
        k = params['k']
        # now = k
        now = step
        if last != now:
        last = now
        print(ut.repr2(params, stritems=True))
        measure_fn = measure_dict[params['measure']]
        info = typed_steps[type_]
        n_steps = info[step]
        n_steps = n_steps.subs(C, C_methods[k])
        measure_fn(n_steps, step, type_)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def modeling(linearized=True):
    t = sp.Symbol('t')  # time
    params = sp.symbols(
        'm0, m1, m2, J1, J2, l1, l2, g, d0, d1, d2')  # system parameters
    m0, m1, m2, J1, J2, l1, l2, g, d0, d1, d2 = params
    params_values = [(m0, 3.34), (m1, 0.3583), (m2, 0.5383), (J1, 0.0379999),
                     (J2, 0.12596), (l1, 0.5), (l2, 0.75), (g, 9.81),
                     (d0, 0.1), (d1, 0.006588), (d2, 0.006588)]
    # force
    F = sp.Symbol('F')

    # generalized coordinates
    q0_t = Function('q0')(t)
    dq0_t = q0_t.diff(t)
    ddq0_t = q0_t.diff(t, 2)
    q1_t = Function('q1')(t)
    dq1_t = q1_t.diff(t)
    ddq1_t = q1_t.diff(t, 2)
    q2_t = Function('q2')(t)
    dq2_t = q2_t.diff(t)
    ddq2_t = q2_t.diff(t, 2)

    # position vectors
    p0 = sp.Matrix([q0_t, 0])
    p1 = sp.Matrix([q0_t - 0.5 * l1 * sin(q1_t), 0.5 * l1 * cos(q1_t)])
    p2 = sp.Matrix([q0_t - 0.5 * l2 * sin(q2_t), 0.5 * l2 * cos(q2_t)])

    # velocity vectors
    dp0 = p0.diff(t)
    dp1 = p1.diff(t)
    dp2 = p2.diff(t)

    # kinetic energy T
    T0 = m0 / 2 * (dp0.T * dp0)[0]
    T1 = (m1 * (dp1.T * dp1)[0] + J1 * dq1_t**2) / 2
    T2 = (m2 * (dp2.T * dp2)[0] + J2 * dq2_t**2) / 2
    T = T0 + T1 + T2

    # potential energy V
    V = m1 * g * p1[1] + m2 * g * p2[1]

    # lagrangian L
    L = T - V

    # Lagrange equations of the second kind
    # d/dt(dL/d(dq_i/dt)) - dL/dq_i = Q_i

    Q0 = F - d0 * dq0_t
    Q1 = -d1 * dq1_t
    Q2 = -d2 * dq2_t

    Eq0 = L.diff(dq0_t, t) - L.diff(q0_t) - Q0  # = 0
    Eq1 = L.diff(dq1_t, t) - L.diff(q1_t) - Q1  # = 0
    Eq2 = L.diff(dq2_t, t) - L.diff(q2_t) - Q2  # = 0

    # equations of motion
    Eq = sp.Matrix([Eq0, Eq1, Eq2])

    # partial linerization / acceleration as input, not force/torque
    # new input - acceleration of the cart
    a = sp.Function('a')(t)

    # replace ddq0 with a
    Eq_a = Eq.subs(ddq0_t, a)

    # solve for F
    sol = sp.solve(Eq_a, F)
    Fa = sol[F]  # F(a)

    # partial linearization
    Eq_lin = Eq.subs(F, Fa)

    # solve for ddq/dt
    ddq_t = sp.Matrix([ddq0_t, ddq1_t, ddq2_t])
    if linearized:
        ddq = sp.solve(Eq_lin, ddq_t)
        ddq = sp.solve(Eq, ddq_t)
    # state space model

    # functions of x, u
    x1_t = sp.Function('x1')(t)
    x2_t = sp.Function('x2')(t)
    x3_t = sp.Function('x3')(t)
    x4_t = sp.Function('x4')(t)
    x5_t = sp.Function('x5')(t)
    x6_t = sp.Function('x6')(t)
    x_t = sp.Matrix([x1_t, x2_t, x3_t, x4_t, x5_t, x6_t])

    u_t = sp.Function('u')(t)

    # symbols of x, u
    x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, u = sp.symbols("x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, u")
    xx = [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6]

    # replace generalized coordinates with states
    if linearized:
        xu_subs = [(dq0_t, x4_t), (dq1_t, x5_t), (dq2_t, x6_t), (q0_t, x1_t),
                   (q1_t, x2_t), (q2_t, x3_t), (a, u_t)]
        xu_subs = [(dq0_t, x4_t), (dq1_t, x5_t), (dq2_t, x6_t), (q0_t, x1_t),
                   (q1_t, x2_t), (q2_t, x3_t), (F, u_t)]

    # first order ODE (right hand side)
    dx_t = sp.Matrix([x4_t, x5_t, x6_t, ddq[ddq0_t], ddq[ddq1_t], ddq[ddq2_t]])
    dx_t = dx_t.subs(xu_subs)
    # linearized dynamics
    A = dx_t.jacobian(x_t)
    B = dx_t.diff(u_t)

    # symbolic expressions of A and B with parameter values
    Asym = A.subs(list(zip(x_t, xx))).subs(u_t, u).subs(params_values)
    Bsym = B.subs(list(zip(x_t, xx))).subs(u_t, u).subs(params_values)

    dx_t_sym = dx_t.subs(list(zip(x_t, xx))).subs(u_t, u).subs(
        params_values)  # replacing all symbolic functions with symbols
    if linearized:
        lin = '_lin'
        lin = ''
    with open('c_files/cart_pole_double_parallel' + lin + '_ode.p',
              'wb') as opened_file:
        pickle.dump(dx_t_sym, opened_file)
    with open('c_files/cart_pole_double_parallel' + lin + '_A.p',
              'wb') as opened_file:
        pickle.dump(Asym, opened_file)
    with open('c_files/cart_pole_double_parallel' + lin + '_B.p',
              'wb') as opened_file:
        pickle.dump(Bsym, opened_file)
    # RHS as callable function
    dxdt, A, B = load_existing()

    return dxdt, A, B
Ejemplo n.º 17
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import display

## Felipe Gomes



t = sp.Symbol("t", positive=True)

# Propriedades da cabeça
m_c, J_c = sp.symbols("m_c J_c", positive=True)
x_c = sp.Function("x_c", real=True)(t)
y_c = sp.Function("y_c", real=True)(t)
theta_c = sp.Function("theta_c", real=True)(t)

# Propriedades do torço
m_t, J_t, L_t = sp.symbols("m_t J_t L_t", positive=True)
x_t = sp.Function("x_t", real=True)(t)
y_t = sp.Function("y_t", real=True)(t)
theta_t = sp.Function("theta_t", real=True)(t)
L_t = sp.Symbol("L_t", real=True)
L_p = sp.Symbol("L_p", real=True)

# Propriedades dos membros inferiores
x_i = sp.Function("x_i", real=True)(t)
m_i = sp.Symbol("m_i", positive=True)

# Interação air bag-cabeça
Ejemplo n.º 18
# benchmark SymFields module
import sympy
from SymFields import *

pi = sympy.pi

# cylinder coordinates
r, phi, z = sympy.symbols('r, phi, z')
X = [r, phi, z]
U = sympy.Function('U')
U = U(r, phi, z)

grad = Grad(U, X, coordinate='Cylinder')
curl_grad = Curl(grad, X, coordinate='Cylinder')

A_r = sympy.Function('A_r')
A_phi = sympy.Function('A_phi')
A_z = sympy.Function('A_z')
A_r = A_r(r, phi, z)
A_phi = A_phi(r, phi, z)
A_z = A_z(r, phi, z)
A = [A_r, A_phi, A_z]

divergence = Div(A, X, coordinate='Cylinder')
curl = Curl(A, X, coordinate='Cylinder')
div_curl = Div(curl, X, coordinate='Cylinder')

# Laplacian operator
L = Div(grad, X, coordinate='Cylinder', evaluation=1)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def define_variable(name, namespace=globals(), order=1):
    if not name in namespace:
        namespace[name] = sympy.Function(name, perturbation_order=order)(t)
    return namespace[name]
Ejemplo n.º 20
import loop as lp                             # NRPy+: C code loop interface
import NRPy_param_funcs as par                # NRPy+: parameter interface
from SIMD import expr_convert_to_SIMD_intrins # NRPy+: SymPy expression => SIMD intrinsics interface
from cse_helpers import cse_preprocess,cse_postprocess  # NRPy+: CSE preprocessing and postprocessing
import sympy as sp                            # SymPy: The Python computer algebra package upon which NRPy+ depends
import re, sys, os, stat                      # Standard Python: regular expressions, system, and multiplatform OS funcs
from collections import namedtuple            # Standard Python: Enable namedtuple data type

lhrh = namedtuple('lhrh', 'lhs rhs')
outCparams = namedtuple('outCparams', 'preindent includebraces declareoutputvars outCfileaccess outCverbose CSE_enable CSE_varprefix CSE_sorting CSE_preprocess enable_SIMD SIMD_find_more_subs SIMD_find_more_FMAsFMSs SIMD_debug enable_TYPE gridsuffix')

# Sometimes SymPy has problems evaluating complicated expressions involving absolute
#    values, resulting in hangs. So instead of using sp.Abs(), if we instead use
#    nrpyAbs, we can sidestep the internal SymPy evaluation and force the C
#    codegen to output our desired fabs().
nrpyAbs = sp.Function('nrpyAbs')
custom_functions_for_SymPy_ccode = {
    "nrpyAbs": "fabs",
    'Pow': [(lambda b, e: e == 0.5, lambda b, e: 'sqrt(%s)'     % (b)),
            (lambda b, e: e ==-0.5, lambda b, e: '(1.0/sqrt(%s))'     % (b)),
            (lambda b, e: e == sp.S.One/3, lambda b, e: 'cbrt(%s)' % (b)),
            (lambda b, e: e ==-sp.S.One/3, lambda b, e: '(1.0/cbrt(%s))' % (b)),
            (lambda b, e: e == 2, lambda b, e: '((%s)*(%s))'                % (b,b)),
            (lambda b, e: e == 3, lambda b, e: '((%s)*(%s)*(%s))'           % (b,b,b)),
            (lambda b, e: e == 4, lambda b, e: '((%s)*(%s)*(%s)*(%s))'      % (b,b,b,b)),
            (lambda b, e: e == 5, lambda b, e: '((%s)*(%s)*(%s)*(%s)*(%s))' % (b,b,b,b,b)),
            (lambda b, e: e ==-1, lambda b, e: '(1.0/(%s))'                       % (b)),
            (lambda b, e: e ==-2, lambda b, e: '(1.0/((%s)*(%s)))'                % (b,b)),
            (lambda b, e: e ==-3, lambda b, e: '(1.0/((%s)*(%s)*(%s)))'           % (b,b,b)),
            (lambda b, e: e ==-4, lambda b, e: '(1.0/((%s)*(%s)*(%s)*(%s)))'      % (b,b,b,b)),
            (lambda b, e: e ==-5, lambda b, e: '(1.0/((%s)*(%s)*(%s)*(%s)*(%s)))' % (b,b,b,b,b)),
Ejemplo n.º 21
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# parameter
k, m = sp.symbols("k m")

# time
t = sp.Symbol("t")

# generalized coordinate
q_fn = sp.Function("q")
q = q_fn(t)
q_dot = q.diff(t)

# cartesian coordinates in terms of q
x = q
y = 0
z = 0
print("generalized coordinates:")
print("x =", x, "\ny =", y, "\nz =", z)

# compute cartesian derivates in terms of q
x_dot = sp.diff(x, t)
y_dot = sp.diff(y, t)
z_dot = sp.diff(z, t)
print("x_dot =", x_dot, "\ny_dot =", y_dot, "\nz_dot =", z_dot)

# construct lagrangian
T = m * (x_dot**2 + y_dot**2 + z_dot**2) / 2
V = k * x**2 / 2
Ejemplo n.º 22
def generate_cross_section(atom_list, arg, q, real_list, recip_list):
    """Generates the Cross-Section Formula for the one magnon case"""
    N = len(atom_list)
    gam = 1.913  #sp.Symbol('gamma', commutative = True)
    r = sp.Symbol('r0', commutative=True)
    h = 1.  # 1.05457148*10**(-34) #sp.Symbol('hbar', commutative = True)
    k = sp.Symbol('k', commutative=True)
    kp = sp.Symbol('kp', commutative=True)
    g = sp.Symbol('g', commutative=True)
    F = sp.Function('F')

    def FF(arg):
        F = sp.Function('F')
        if arg.shape == (3, 1) or arg.shape == (1, 3):
            return sp.Symbol("%r" % (F(arg.tolist()), ), commutative=False)

    kap = spm.Matrix([
        sp.Symbol('kapx', commutative=False),
        sp.Symbol('kapy', commutative=False),
        sp.Symbol('kapz', commutative=False)
    t = sp.Symbol('t', commutative=True)
    w = sp.Symbol('w', commutative=True)
    W = sp.Symbol('W', commutative=False)
    kappa = sp.Symbol('kappa', commutative=False)
    tau = sp.Symbol('tau', commutative=False)

    # Wilds for sub_in method
    A = sp.Wild('A', exclude=[0])
    B = sp.Wild('B', exclude=[0])
    C = sp.Wild('C')
    D = sp.Wild('D')

    front_constant = (gam * r)**2 / (2 * pi * h) * (kp / k) * N
    front_func = (1. / 2.) * g  #*F(k)
    vanderwaals = exp(-2 * W)

    temp2 = []
    temp3 = []
    temp4 = []

    # Grabs the unit vectors from the back of the lists.
    unit_vect = []
    kapx = sp.Symbol('kapxhat', )
    kapy = sp.Symbol('kapyhat', commutative=False)
    kapz = sp.Symbol('kapzhat', commutative=False)
    for i in range(len(arg)):
#    for ele in unit_vect:
#        ele = ele.subs(kapx,spm.Matrix([1,0,0]))
#        ele = ele.subs(kapy,spm.Matrix([0,1,0]))
#        ele = ele.subs(kapz,spm.Matrix([0,0,1]))
# This is were the heart of the calculation comes in.
# First the exponentials are turned into delta functions:
    for i in range(len(arg)):
        for j in range(N):
            arg[i][j] = sp.powsimp(arg[i][j], deep=True, combine='all')
            arg[i][j] = arg[i][j] * exp(-I * w * t) * exp(
                I * inner_prod(spm.Matrix(atom_list[j].pos).T, kap))
            arg[i][j] = sp.powsimp(arg[i][j], deep=True, combine='all')
            arg[i][j] = sub_in(arg[i][j], exp(I * t * A + I * t * B + C),
                               sp.DiracDelta(A * t + B * t +
                                             C / I))  #*sp.DiracDelta(C))
            arg[i][j] = sub_in(
                arg[i][j], sp.DiracDelta(A * t + B * t + C),
                sp.DiracDelta(A * h + B * h) * sp.DiracDelta(C + tau))
            arg[i][j] = sub_in(arg[i][j], sp.DiracDelta(-A - B),
                               sp.DiracDelta(A + B))
            print arg[i][j]
    print "Applied: Delta Function Conversion"

    #    for ele in arg:
    #        for subele in ele:
    #            temp2.append(subele)
    #        temp3.append(sum(temp2))
    #    for i in range(len(temp3)):
    #        temp4.append(unit_vect[i] * temp3[i])

    for k in range(len(arg)):
    dif = (front_func**2 * front_constant * vanderwaals * sum(temp4)
           )  #.expand()#sp.simplify(sum(temp4))).expand()

    print "Complete: Cross-section Calculation"
    return dif
Ejemplo n.º 23
def generate_sympy_expr(expr: gp.PrimitiveTree, ccl_objects: dict) -> sympy.Expr:
    """Generates optimized sympy expression from an individual"""
    string = ''
    stack = []
    distance_name = ccl_objects.get('distance', None)
    variables = {}

    atom_names = ccl_objects['atom_objects']

    if distance_name is not None:
        variables[distance_name] = sympy.Function(distance_name, positive=True, real=True)

    for fn in ccl_objects['single_argument']:
        variables[fn] = sympy.Function(fn, real=True)

    for node in expr:
        stack.append((node, []))
        while len(stack[-1][1]) == stack[-1][0].arity:
            prim, args = stack.pop()
            if prim.name == 'add':
                string = f'({args[0]}) + ({args[1]})'
            elif prim.name == 'sub':
                string = f'({args[0]}) - ({args[1]})'
            elif prim.name == 'mul':
                string = f'({args[0]}) * ({args[1]})'
            elif prim.name == 'div':
                string = f'({args[0]}) / ({args[1]})'
            elif prim.name in {'sqrt', 'cbrt', 'exp'}:
                string = f'{prim.name}({args[0]})'
            elif prim.name == 'square':
                string = f'({args[0]}) ** 2'
            elif prim.name == 'cube':
                string = f'({args[0]}) ** 3'
            elif prim.name == 'inv':
                string = f'(1 / ({args[0]}))'
            elif prim.name == 'double':
                string = f'(2 * ({args[0]}))'
            elif prim.name == 'half':
                string = f'(0.5 * ({args[0]}))'
            elif distance_name is not None and prim.name == distance_name:
                string = f'{distance_name}({atom_names[0]}{atom_names[1]})'
            elif prim.name.startswith('_term'):
                name, atom_name = prim.name.split('_')[-2:]
                string = f'{name}({atom_name})'
            elif prim.name.startswith('_sym_add'):
                name = prim.name.split('_')[-1]
                string = f'({name}({atom_names[0]}) + {name}({atom_names[1]}))'
            elif prim.name.startswith('_sym_inv_add'):
                name = prim.name.split('_')[-1]
                string = f'(1 / {name}({atom_names[0]}) + 1 / {name}({atom_names[1]}))'
            elif prim.name.startswith('_sym_mul'):
                name = prim.name.split('_')[-1]
                string = f'({name}({atom_names[0]}) * {name}({atom_names[1]}))'
                string = prim.format(*args)
            if len(stack) == 0:
                break  # If stack is empty, all nodes should have been seen

        sympy_expr = sympy.sympify(string, locals=variables).evalf(2)
        raise RuntimeError('Sympy cannot process the expression')

    return sympy_expr
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def FF(arg):
     F = sp.Function('F')
     if arg.shape == (3, 1) or arg.shape == (1, 3):
         return sp.Symbol("%r" % (F(arg.tolist()), ), commutative=False)
Ejemplo n.º 25
from sympy import I, pi, oo

#### 적분 ####
# sympy.integrate(ft, (symbol, start, end))

## 또는 아래의 순서를 따라 출력하는 것도 가능
# d = sympy.Integral(expr, symbols)  #적분 표현
# d.doit()                             #적분 계산 결과

x, y, z = sympy.symbols("x, y, z")
a, b, c = sympy.symbols("a, b, c")

#### 적분 ####
print(">>> 적분 <<<")
f = sympy.Function('f')(x)
print(sympy.integrate(f, x))  ##콘솔에서 선언하면 아래와 같이 출력됨
⎮ f(x) dx
print(sympy.integrate(f, (x, a, b)))
⎮ f(x) dx
                       ])for k in range(N)]
    # Putting it all together and plotting.
    figure1=dict(data=data, layout=layout, frames=frames)          

m, g, J, w, l,lam = sym.symbols('m g J W L lam')


x = sym.Function('x')(t)
y = sym.Function('y')(t)
th1 = sym.Function(r'\theta_1')(t)
th2 = sym.Function(r'\theta_2')(t)
th3 = sym.Function(r'\theta_3')(t)

q = sym.Matrix([x,y,th1,th2,th3])
qdot = q.diff(t)
qddot = qdot.diff(t)

w = sym.Matrix([0,0,1])

Ejemplo n.º 27
import sympy as sp
import perforad
# Define symbols for all examples
c = sp.Function("c")
u_1 = sp.Function("u_1")
u_1_b = sp.Function("u_1_b")
u_2 = sp.Function("u_2")
u_2_b = sp.Function("u_2_b")
u = sp.Function("u")
u_b = sp.Function("u_b")
i, j, k, C, D, n = sp.symbols("i,j,k,C,D,n")

######## 1D Wave Equation Example ########
# Build stencil expression
u_xx = u_1(i - 1) - 2 * u_1(i) + u_1(i + 1)
expr = 2.0 * u_1(i) - u_2(i) + c(i) * D * u_xx
# Build LoopNest object for this expression
lp = perforad.makeLoopNest(lhs=u(i),
                           bounds={i: [1, n - 2]})
# Output primal and adjoint files
perforad.printfunction(name="wave1d", loopnestlist=[lp])
                           u: u_b,
                           u_1: u_1_b,
                           u_2: u_2_b

######## 3D Wave Equation Example ########
Ejemplo n.º 28
def padeDiretoPrecisaoFinita(objeto, grauDoNumerador, grauDoDenominador, prec):
    # Fixar precisão de 'prec' algarismos significativos
    mp.dps = prec
    # Matriz dos coeficientes do sistema Ab = a
    A = matrizDosCoeficientes(objeto, grauDoNumerador, grauDoDenominador, prec)
    # erro
    if (A is None): return ("A = None")
    if (type(A) is str): return (A)
    # Se a matriz é nula
    if (A == 0): return ("A matriz dos coeficientes não é invertível. ")
    # Se a matriz A é invertível
    if (A.det() != 0):
        ##-- Construção do denominador --##
        # Cálculo dos coeficientes do denominador do aproximante de Padé
        B = sp.transpose(
            matrizDosTermosIndependentes(objeto, grauDoNumerador,
                                         grauDoDenominador, prec))
        Bn = A.LUsolve(B)
        # Potências de x do denominador
        Dx = sp.Matrix(np.zeros((grauDoDenominador + 1, 1)))
        for linha in range(0, grauDoDenominador + 1):
            Dx[linha] = x**(linha)
        # Vetor para os coeficientes do denominador
        bn = sp.Matrix(np.zeros((1, grauDoDenominador + 1)))
        #  Definir b_0 = 1 para a função racional em x = 0 tomar o valor N(0) = c_0
        bn[0] = 1
        # Matriz transposta dos coeficientes do denominador
        for coluna in range(1, grauDoDenominador + 1):
            bn[coluna] = Bn[-coluna]
        # Denominador do aproximante de Padé
        Denominador = sp.Function('Denominador')
        Denominador = bn * Dx
        ##-- Construção do numerador --##
        # Vetor para os coeficientes do numerador
        cn = sp.Matrix(np.zeros((1, grauDoNumerador + 1)))
        # Potências do numerador
        Nx = sp.Matrix(np.zeros((grauDoNumerador + 1, 1)))
        for linha in range(0, grauDoNumerador + 1):
            Nx[linha] = x**(linha)
        # Se o grau do numerador é menor do que o grau do denominador
        if (grauDoNumerador < grauDoDenominador):
            coluna = 1
            while (coluna <= grauDoNumerador + 1):
                An = sp.Matrix(
                        objeto, grauDoNumerador, grauDoDenominador,
                Bn = sp.Matrix(bn[0:coluna])
                cn[coluna - 1] = sp.Transpose(An) * Bn
                coluna += 1
            # Numerador do aproximante de Padé
            Numerador = sp.Function('Numerador')
            Numerador = cn * Nx
            # Função racional
            R = sp.Function('R')
            R = Numerador[0] / Denominador[0]
            # Aproximante de Padé
            Pade = sp.Function('Pade')
            Pade = R
            return (Pade)
        # Se o grau do mumerador é maior do que o grau do denominador
            # Cálculo dos coeficientes c_n até n = grau do denominador
            coluna = 1
            while (coluna <= grauDoDenominador + 1):
                An = sp.Matrix(
                        objeto, grauDoNumerador, grauDoDenominador,
                Bn = sp.Matrix(bn[0:coluna])
                cn[coluna - 1] = sp.Transpose(An) * Bn
                coluna += 1
            # Cálculo dos coeficiente c_n para n > grau do denominador
            j = -1
            while (coluna <= grauDoNumerador + 1):
                An = sp.Matrix(
                        objeto, grauDoNumerador, grauDoDenominador,
                Bn = sp.Matrix(bn[0:])
                cn[coluna - 1] = sp.Transpose(An) * Bn
                coluna += 1
                j -= 1
            # Numerador do aproximante de Padé
            Numerador = sp.Function('Numerador')
            Numerador = cn * Nx
            # Função racional
            R = sp.Function('R')
            R = Numerador[0] / Denominador[0]
            # Aproximante de Padé
            Pade = sp.Function('Pade')
            Pade = R
        return (Pade)
    # Se a matriz não é invertível
        return ("A matriz dos coeficientes não é invertível. ")
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def create_Equations_of_Motion(self):
        # Create symbols 
        g, m, R, theta1, theta2, theta3 = sym.symbols('g m R theta1 theta2 theta3')

        # Create the functions of time 
        theta1 = sym.Function('theta1')(t)
        theta2 = sym.Function('theta2')(t)
        theta3 = sym.Function('theta3')(t)

        theta1_dot = theta1.diff(t)
        theta1_dot_dot = theta1.diff(t, t)

        theta2_dot = theta2.diff(t)
        theta2_dot_dot = theta2.diff(t,t)
        theta3_dot = theta3.diff(t)
        theta3_dot_dot = theta3.diff(t,t)

        # First, write out the position of the two masses 
        # We will differentiate these to get the mass's velocities
        x1 = R * sym.sin(theta1)
        y1 = -1 * (R * sym.cos(theta1) )

        x2 = x1 + (R * sym.sin(theta1 + theta2) )
        y2 = (y1 - R * sym.cos(theta1 + theta2) )

        x3 = x2 + (R * sym.sin(theta1 + theta2 + theta3) )
        y3 = y2 - (R * sym.cos(theta1 + theta2 + theta3) )

        x1_dt = x1.diff(t)
        y1_dt = y1.diff(t)

        x2_dt = x2.diff(t)
        y2_dt = y2.diff(t)

        x3_dt = x3.diff(t)
        y3_dt = y3.diff(t)

        # Kinetic Energy of Mass 1
        KE1 = (0.5) * (m) * ( (x1_dt**2) + (y1_dt**2) )

        # Potential Energy of Mass 1
        # Note how we defined the height
        V1 = m * g * y1

        # Kinetic Energy of Mass2 
        KE2 = (0.5) * (m) * ( (x2_dt**2) + (y2_dt**2) )

        # Potential Energy of Mass 2
        V2 = m * g * y2

        # Kinetic Energy of Mass3 
        KE3 = (0.5) * (m) * (  (x3_dt**2) + (y3_dt**2) )

        # Potential Energy of Mass 3
        V3 = m * g * y3

        Lagrangian = KE1 + KE2 + KE3 - V1 - V2 - V3
        # Compute the Euler-Lagrange Equations
        EL1 = (KE1 + KE2 + KE3 - V1 - V2 - V3).diff(theta1_dot, t) - ( (KE1 + KE2 + KE3 - V1 - V2 - V3).diff(theta1) )
        EL2 = (KE1 + KE2 + KE3 - V1 - V2 - V3).diff(theta2_dot, t) - ( (KE1 + KE2 + KE3 - V1 - V2 - V3).diff(theta2) )
        EL3 = (KE1 + KE2 + KE3 - V1 - V2 - V3).diff(theta3_dot, t) - ( (KE1 + KE2 + KE3 - V1 - V2 - V3).diff(theta3) )

        # Call sym.simplify
        EL1 = sym.simplify(EL1)
        EL2 = sym.simplify(EL2)
        EL3 = sym.simplify(EL3)

        EL1 = sym.Eq( EL1, 0.0 )
        EL2 = sym.Eq( EL2, 0.0 )
        EL3 = sym.Eq( EL3, 0.0 )

        # Substitute dummy values
        a, b, c, d, e, f = sym.symbols('a b c d e f') 

        EL1 = EL1.subs( { theta1.diff(t): a, theta1.diff(t,t): b, theta2.diff(t): c, theta2.diff(t,t): d, theta3.diff(t): e, theta3.diff(t,t): f } )
        EL2 = EL2.subs( { theta1.diff(t): a, theta1.diff(t,t): b, theta2.diff(t): c, theta2.diff(t,t): d, theta3.diff(t): e, theta3.diff(t,t): f } )
        EL3 = EL3.subs( { theta1.diff(t): a, theta1.diff(t,t): b, theta2.diff(t): c, theta2.diff(t,t): d, theta3.diff(t): e, theta3.diff(t,t): f } )
        matrix_eq = sym.Matrix( [EL1, EL2, EL3] )

        # Solve the matrix for theta1_dot_dot and theta2_dot_dot
        desiredVars = sym.Matrix( [b, d, f] )
        matrix_sol = sym.solve( matrix_eq, desiredVars )

        subs1 = matrix_sol[b].subs( {g: 9.81, R: 1, m: 1} )
        subs2 = matrix_sol[d].subs( {g: 9.81, R: 1, m: 1} )  
        subs3 = matrix_sol[f].subs( {g: 9.81, R: 1, m: 1} )

        # Keep the lambdified expressions in the class structure to use later 
        self.computeTheta1_dt_dt = sym.lambdify( [theta1, a, theta2, c, theta3, e], subs1) 
        self.computeTheta2_dt_dt = sym.lambdify( [theta1, a, theta2, c, theta3, e], subs2) 
        self.computeTheta3_dt_dt = sym.lambdify( [theta1, a, theta2, c, theta3, e], subs3) 
def fixed_points_analysis():
    """ Exercise 3a - Compute and analyse fixed points """
    g, L, d, time = sp.symbols("g, L, d, t")
    params = PendulumParameters(g=g, L=L, d=d, sin=sp.sin)
    theta = sp.Function('theta')(time)
    dt_sym = theta.diff(time)
    d2t_sym = theta.diff(time, 2)
    # System
    sys_matrix = sp.Matrix(pendulum_system([theta, dt_sym], parameters=params))
    sys = sp.Equality(
        sp.Matrix(np.array([[dt_sym], [d2t_sym]])),
    pylog.info(u"Pendulum system:\n{}".format(sp.pretty(sys)))
    # Solve when dtheta = 0 and d2theta=0
    dt = 0
    d2t = 0
    t_sol = sp.solveset(
        sp.Equality(d2t, pendulum_equation(theta, dt, parameters=params)),
        theta  # Theta, the variable to be solved
    sys_fixed = sp.Equality(
        sp.Matrix(np.array([[0], [0]])),
    pylog.info(u"Solution for fixed points:\n{}\n{}\n{}\n{}".format(
        sp.pretty(sp.Equality(theta, t_sol)),
        sp.pretty(sp.Equality(dt_sym, dt)),
        sp.pretty(sp.Equality(d2t_sym, d2t))
    # Alternative way of solving
    sol = sp.solve(sys_fixed, [theta, dt_sym])
    pylog.info(u"Solution using an alternative way of solving:\n{}".format(
    # Jacobian, eigenvalues and eigenvectors
    jac = sys_matrix.jacobian(
        sp.Matrix([theta, dt_sym])
    eigenvals = jac.eigenvals()
    eigenvects = jac.eigenvects()
    # Stability analysis
    for i, s in enumerate(sol):
        pylog.info(u"Case {}:\n{}".format(
            sp.pretty(sp.Equality(sp.Matrix([theta, dt_sym]), sp.Matrix(s)))
        res = [None for _ in eigenvals.keys()]
        for j, e in enumerate(eigenvals.keys()):
            res[j] = e.subs({
                theta: s[0],
                dt_sym: s[1],
                g: 9.81,
                L: 1,
                d: 0.1
                "{} {}".format(
                    "> 0" if sp.re(res[j]) > 0 else "< 0"
        fixed_point_type = None
        if all([sp.re(r) < 0 for r in res]):
            fixed_point_type = " stable point"
        elif all([sp.re(r) > 0 for r in res]):
            fixed_point_type = "n unstable point"
            fixed_point_type = " saddle point"
        pylog.info("Fixed point is a{}".format(fixed_point_type))