Ejemplo n.º 1
    def calculate_internal_force_span_Q_1(self, span_Q: int) -> sp.lambdify:
        Compute the shear lamdified function for a "span_Q", 
        which is the span where the distribuited load Q is applied and the others Q is zero
        # TODO togliere i commentati
        nCampate = self.nCampate
        # lenghts = self.beam.spans_lenght()
        cum_lenghts = self.beam.spans_cum_lenght()
        total_lenght = self.beam.spans_total_lenght()

        x = self.x  # List of matrixes
        r = self.r  # List of matrixes

        I = np.identity(nCampate)
        # span_i = 1 # campata vera
        # n_span = 0
        # ---- With Sympy:
        s = sp.Symbol("s")
        v_i = [(r[span_Q][n_span] - (I[span_Q, n_span] *
                                     (s - cum_lenghts[span_Q]))) *
               (sp.Heaviside(s - cum_lenghts[n_span]) -
                sp.Heaviside(s - cum_lenghts[n_span + 1]))
               for n_span in range(nCampate)]
        v_i_lambdify = sp.lambdify(s, np.sum(v_i, axis=0))
        # ---- With numpy:
        # Not tried. See the BendingMoment Class instead

        return v_i_lambdify  # TODO m_span_Q_1
Ejemplo n.º 2
def laplace_term(expr, t, s):

    const, expr = factor_const(expr, t)

    tsym = sym.sympify(str(t))
    expr = expr.replace(tsym, t)

    if expr.has(sym.Integral):
        return laplace_integral(expr, t, s) * const
    if expr.has(sym.function.AppliedUndef):

        rest = sym.S.One
        for factor in expr.as_ordered_factors():
            if isinstance(factor, sym.function.AppliedUndef):
                result = laplace_func(factor, t, s)
                if factor.has(t):
                    raise ValueError('TODO: need derivative of undefined'
                                     ' function for %s' % factor)
                rest *= factor
        return result * rest * const

    if expr.has(sym.Heaviside(t)):
        return laplace_0(expr.replace(sym.Heaviside(t), 1), t, s) * const

    if expr.has(sym.DiracDelta) or expr.has(sym.Heaviside):
            return laplace_0minus(expr, t, s) * const
        except ValueError:

    return laplace_0(expr, t, s) * const
def batman_equations_heaviside():
    # From : http://mathworld.wolfram.com/BatmanCurve.html

    x = sm.symbols('x', real=True)
    h_ = sm.symbols('h_')

    w = 3 * sm.sqrt(1 - (x / 7)**2)
    l = ((x + 3) / 2 - sm.S(3) / 7 * sm.sqrt(10) * sm.sqrt(4 - (x + 1)**2) +
         sm.S(6) / 7 * sm.sqrt(10))
    r = ((3 - x) / 2 - sm.S(3) / 7 * sm.sqrt(10) * sm.sqrt(4 - (x - 1)**2) +
         sm.S(6) / 7 * sm.sqrt(10))
    f = ((h_ - l) * sm.Heaviside(x + 1, 0) +
         (r - h_) * sm.Heaviside(x - 1, 0) + (l - w) * sm.Heaviside(x + 3, 0) +
         (w - r) * sm.Heaviside(x - 3, 0) + w)
    f_of = f.xreplace(
        {x: sm.Abs(x + sm.S(1) / 2) + sm.Abs(x - sm.S(1) / 2) + 6})
    h = sm.S(1) / 2 * (f_of - 11 * (x + sm.S(3) / 4) + sm.Abs(x - sm.S(3) / 4))
    f = f.xreplace({h_: h})
    g = (sm.S(1) / 2 *
         (sm.Abs(x / 2) + sm.sqrt(1 - (sm.Abs(sm.Abs(x) - 2) - 1)**2) -
          sm.S(1) / 112 * (3 * sm.sqrt(33) - 7) * x**2 +
          3 * sm.sqrt(1 - (sm.S(1) / 7 * x)**2) - 3) *
         ((x + 4) / sm.Abs(x + 4) -
          (x - 4) / sm.Abs(x - 4)) - 3 * sm.sqrt(1 - (x / 7)**2))

    return f, g
Ejemplo n.º 4
def laplace_term(expr, t, s):

    var = sym.Symbol(str(t))
    expr = expr.replace(var, t)

    if expr.has(sym.function.AppliedUndef) and expr.args[0] == t:
        # TODO, handle things like 3 * v(t), a * v(t), 3 * t * v(t), v(t-T),
        # v(4 * a * t), etc.
        if not isinstance(expr, sym.function.AppliedUndef):
            raise ValueError('Could not compute Laplace transform for ' +

        # Convert v(t) to V(s), etc.
        name = expr.func.__name__
        name = name[0].upper() + name[1:] + '(s)'
        return sym.sympify(name)

    if expr.has(sym.Heaviside(t)):
        return laplace_0(expr.replace(sym.Heaviside(t), 1), t, s)

    if expr.has(sym.DiracDelta) or expr.has(sym.Heaviside):
            return laplace_0minus(expr, t, s)
        except ValueError:

    return laplace_0(expr, t, s)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def laplace_term(expr, t, s):

    tsym = sym.sympify(str(t))
    expr = expr.replace(tsym, t)

    if expr.has(sym.function.AppliedUndef):

        rest = sym.sympify(1)
        for factor in expr.as_ordered_factors():
            if isinstance(factor, sym.function.AppliedUndef):
                if factor.args[0] != t:
                    raise ValueError('Weird function %s not of t' % factor)

                # Convert v(t) to V(s), etc.
                name = factor.func.__name__
                ssym = sym.sympify(str(s))
                func = name[0].upper() + name[1:] + '(%s)' % str(ssym)
                result = sym.sympify(func).subs(ssym, s)
                if factor.has(t):
                    raise ValueError('TODO: need derivative of undefined'
                                     ' function for %s' % factor)
                rest *= factor
        return result * rest

    if expr.has(sym.Heaviside(t)):
        return laplace_0(expr.replace(sym.Heaviside(t), 1), t, s)

    if expr.has(sym.DiracDelta) or expr.has(sym.Heaviside):
            return laplace_0minus(expr, t, s)
        except ValueError:

    return laplace_0(expr, t, s)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def to_symf(self):
     d = sym.symbols("d")
     Ld = self.axd1 - self.axd0
     chr_pls = (sym.Heaviside(d - self.axd0, 1) -
                sym.Heaviside(d - self.axd1, 1))
     px = self.xc0 + (d - self.axd0) / Ld * (self.xc1 - self.xc0)
     py = self.yc0 + (d - self.axd0) / Ld * (self.yc1 - self.yc0)
     return (px * chr_pls, py * chr_pls)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def laplace_term(expr, t, s):

    # Unilateral LT ignores expr for t < 0 so remove Piecewise.
    if expr.is_Piecewise and expr.args[0].args[1].has(t >= 0):
        expr = expr.args[0].args[0]
    const, expr = factor_const(expr, t)

    terms = expr.as_ordered_terms()
    if len(terms) > 1:
        result = 0
        for term in terms:
            result += laplace_term(term, t, s)
        return const * result

    tsym = sympify(str(t))
    expr = expr.replace(tsym, t)

    if expr.has(sym.Integral):
        return laplace_integral(expr, t, s) * const

    if expr.is_Function and expr.func in (sym.sin, sym.cos) and expr.args[0].has(t):
        return laplace_sin_cos(expr, t, s) * const
    if expr.has(AppliedUndef):

        if expr.has(sym.Derivative):
            return laplace_derivative_undef(expr, t, s) * const    

        factors = expr.as_ordered_factors()
        if len(factors) == 1:
            return const * laplace_func(factors[0], t, s)
        elif len(factors) > 2:
            raise ValueError('TODO: cannot handle product %s' % expr)

        foo = factors[1]
        if foo.is_Function and foo.func == sym.exp and foo.args[0].has(t):
            scale, shift = scale_shift(foo.args[0], t)
            if shift == 0: 
                result = laplace_func(factors[0], t, s)
                return const * result.subs(s, s - scale)
        raise ValueError('TODO: cannot handle product %s' % expr)

    if expr.has(sym.Heaviside(t)):
        return laplace_0(expr.replace(sym.Heaviside(t), 1), t, s) * const

    if expr.has(sym.DiracDelta) or expr.has(sym.Heaviside):
            return laplace_0minus(expr, t, s) * const
        except ValueError:

    return laplace_0(expr, t, s) * const
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_issue_13167_21411():
    if not numpy:
        skip("numpy not installed")
    f1 = lambdify(x, sympy.Heaviside(x))
    f2 = lambdify(x, sympy.Heaviside(x, 1))
    res1 = f1([-1, 0, 1])
    res2 = f2([-1, 0, 1])
    assert Abs(res1[0]).n() < 1e-15        # First functionality: only one argument passed
    assert Abs(res1[1] - 1/2).n() < 1e-15
    assert Abs(res1[2] - 1).n() < 1e-15
    assert Abs(res2[0]).n() < 1e-15        # Second functionality: two arguments passed
    assert Abs(res2[1] - 1).n() < 1e-15
    assert Abs(res2[2] - 1).n() < 1e-15
Ejemplo n.º 9
def int_legendre_bath_kernel(n):
    ''' Generates an analytical expression for the integration over
        the product between Legendre polynomial Pn(x) and the time
        Green's function expression, for use in generating Legendre
        bath orbitals.

    n : int
        order of Legendre polynomial

    expr : sympy.Expr
        sympy expression

    t = sp.symbols('t', real=True)
    a = sp.symbols('e', nonzero=True, real=True)
    b = sp.symbols('beta', positive=True, nonzero=True, real=True)

    pn = sp.legendre(n, 2.0 * t / b + 1.0)
    gf = sp.exp(-a * (t + sp.Heaviside(a) * b))

    expr = sp.integrate(pn * gf, t)

    return expr
Ejemplo n.º 10
def sp_derive():

    import sympy as sp

    vars = 'G_s, s_n, s_p_n, w_n, dw_n, ds_n, G_s, G_w, c, phi'

    syms = sp.symbols(vars)

    for var, sym in zip(vars.split(','), syms):
        globals()[var.strip()] = sym

    s_n1 = s_n + ds_n
    w_n1 = w_n + dw_n

    tau_trial = G_s * (s_n1 - s_p_n)

    print('diff', sp.diff(tau_trial, ds_n))


    sig_n1 = G_w * w_n1


    tau_fr = (c + sig_n1 * sp.tan(phi)) * \
        sp.Heaviside(sig_n1 - c / sp.tan(phi))


    d_tau_fr = sp.diff(tau_fr, dw_n)


    f_trial = sp.abs(tau_trial) - tau_fr


    d_gamma = f_trial / G_s


    sp.pretty_print(sp.diff(d_gamma, ds_n))

    tau_n1 = sp.simplify(tau_trial - d_gamma * G_s * sp.sign(tau_trial))

    dtau_n1_w = sp.diff(tau_n1, dw_n)

    dtau_n1_s = sp.diff(d_gamma * sp.sign(tau_trial), ds_n)

    s_p_n1 = s_p_n + d_gamma * sp.sign(tau_trial)

Ejemplo n.º 11
def heaviside_pattern(symbol):
    m = sympy.Wild('m', exclude=[symbol])
    b = sympy.Wild('b', exclude=[symbol])
    g = sympy.Wild('g')
    pattern = sympy.Heaviside(m * symbol + b) * g

    return pattern, m, b, g
Ejemplo n.º 12
def l_fcx(expr):
    import sympy
    fi = sympy.im(expr)
    fr = sympy.re(expr)

    return str(
            sympy.atan(sim(fi / fr)) + sympy.Heaviside(-fr) * sympy.pi))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def step_z3(x):
    y = x.copy()
    original_shape = y.shape
    y = y.reshape(max(y.shape[0], y.shape[1]), 1)
    for idx in range(y.shape[0]):
        y[idx, 0] = sp.Heaviside(y[idx, 0])
        # y[idx, 0] = z3.If(y[idx, 0] > 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)  # using 0.0 and 1.0 avoids int/float issues
    return y  # .reshape(original_shape)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def codegen_legendre_bath_kernel(n):
    ''' Generates the Python code to compute the Legendre bath
        orbital for a given order. The code is somewhat optimised
        with common subexpression elimination, but sympy isn't
        great at identifying CSEs with the high-order exponents.

    n : int
        order of Legendre polynomial

    func : str
        string containing the code. The first line is given as
        `def legendre_bath_kernel_n(e, beta, chempot=0.0):`, where 
        `n` is replaced with the input variable.

    t = sp.symbols('t', real=True)
    a = sp.symbols('e', nonzero=True, real=True)
    b = sp.symbols('beta', positive=True, nonzero=True, real=True)
    exp = sp.symbols('exp')
    exp_hi = sp.symbols('exp_hi')
    exp_lo = sp.symbols('exp_lo')

    exponent = sp.exp(-a * (t + b * sp.Heaviside(a)))

    expr = int_legendre_bath_kernel(n)
    expr = expr.subs({exponent: exp})
    hi = sp.simplify(expr.subs({t: 0, exp: exp_hi}))
    lo = sp.simplify(expr.subs({t: -b, exp: exp_lo}))

    expr = hi - lo
    expr = sp.cse(expr, optimizations='basic')

    numpy_printer()._kf['Heaviside'] = 'numpy.heaviside'

    func = 'def legendre_bath_kernel_%d(e, beta, chempot=0.0):\n' % n
    func += '    e = np.asarray(e)\n'

    for subexpr in expr[0]:
        func += '    %s\n' % numpy_printer().doprint(subexpr[1], subexpr[0])

    func += '    exp_hi = np.ones_like(e)\n'
    func += '    exp_lo = np.ones_like(e)\n'
    func += '    exp_hi[e > chempot] = np.exp(-e[e > chempot]*beta)\n'
    func += '    exp_lo[e < chempot] = np.exp(e[e < chempot]*beta)\n'

    func += '    %s\n' % numpy_printer().doprint(expr[-1][0], 'val')
    func += '    return val\n'

    func = func.replace('numpy.heaviside(a)',
                        'numpy.heaviside(a-chempot, 0.0)')
    func = func.replace('numpy', 'np')

    return func
Ejemplo n.º 15
def zoh_discretization(t, k, s, z, T, P):
    pfe = sp.apart(P / s)
    terms = pfe.args if isinstance(pfe, sp.Add) else [pfe]
    terms = [
        sp.inverse_laplace_transform(term, s, t).subs(t, k * T)
        for term in terms
    terms = [term.subs(sp.Heaviside(T * k), 1) for term in terms]
    return (z - 1) / z * z_transform(k, z, sum(terms))
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def sym_L(self, x, u, t):
     return x[0]**2 +\
            x[1]**2 +\
            x[2]**2 +\
            x[3]**2 +\
            x[4]**2 +\
            x[5]**2 +\
            u[0]*sp.Heaviside(u[0]) * 1e-5 +\
            u[1]**2 * 100
Ejemplo n.º 17
def evaluate_at_times(expression, t, ts):
    """Evaluate a sympy expression over time

        expression: a sympy expression containing references to a time variable `t`
        t : a `sympy.Symbol` which is in `expression` and will be subsitituted from `ts`
        ts: an iterable containing times for evaluation. Should be only ints or floats

    versionadded: 0.1.3

    return [
        expression.subs(t, ti).subs({
            sympy.Heaviside(float(0)): 1,
            sympy.Heaviside(0): 1
        }) for ti in ts
Ejemplo n.º 18
def list_eval(f, x, l):
    retunrs a list. It evaluates the expression f for an array list.
    The function handles the heaviside(0) as 1
    f: expression: the expression to be evaluated
    x: symbol: the symbol in the expression
    list: the list which is to be substituted 
    ans = np.array([])

    for i in l:

        ans = np.append(
                sp.N((f.subs(x, i)).replace(sp.Heaviside(0),
                                            sp.Heaviside(0, 1)))))

    return ans
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def sym_f(self, x, u, t):
        _, _, theta, xdot, ydot, thetadot = x
        thrust, gimbal = u

        p_thrust = thrust * sp.Heaviside(thrust)

        xddot = 1 / self.mass * (-sp.sin(theta + gimbal) * p_thrust)
        yddot = 1 / self.mass * (sp.cos(theta + gimbal) * p_thrust) - self.g
        thetaddot = 1 / self.I * (sp.sin(gimbal) * p_thrust * self.l)

        return sp.Matrix([xdot, ydot, thetadot, xddot, yddot, thetaddot])
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def calculate_internal_force_span_Q_1(
            self, span_Q: int) -> sp.lambdify:  # TODO _1 _func
        Compute the bending moment lamdified function for a "span_Q", 
        which is the span where the distribuited load Q is applied and the others Q is zero
        # TODO togliere i commentati
        nCampate = self.nCampate
        # lenghts = self.beam.spans_lenght()
        cum_lenghts = self.beam.spans_cum_lenght()
        total_lenght = self.beam.spans_total_lenght()

        x = self.x  # List of matrixes
        r = self.r  # List of matrixes

        I = np.identity(nCampate)
        # span_i = 1 # campata vera
        # n_span = 0
        # ---- With Sympy:
        s = sp.Symbol("s")
        m_i = [((x[span_Q][n_span] + r[span_Q][n_span] *
                 (s - cum_lenghts[n_span])) -
                ((I[span_Q, n_span] * (s - cum_lenghts[span_Q])**2) / 2)) *
               (sp.Heaviside(s - cum_lenghts[n_span]) -
                sp.Heaviside(s - cum_lenghts[n_span + 1]))
               for n_span in range(nCampate)]
        m_i_lambdify = sp.lambdify(s, np.sum(m_i, axis=0))
        # s_lambdify  = np.linspace(0, total_lenght, 1000)
        # ---- With numpy: TODO maybe. doesnt work as expected the heaviside func
        # s = np.linspace(0, total_lenght, 1000)
        # m_i = [
        #           ((x[span_Q][n_span] + r[span_Q][n_span] * (s-cum_lenghts[n_span])) - ((I[span_Q,n_span]*(s-cum_lenghts[span_Q])**2)/2)) \
        #            * (np.heaviside(s-cum_lenghts[n_span],0) - np.heaviside(s-cum_lenghts[n_span+1],0)) \
        #        for n_span in range(nCampate)
        #    ]

        # m_i is a list of list. We want to sum each list inside, not the total of everything: so we need "axis=0"
        # Example from numpy documentation: np.sum([[0, 1], [0, 5]], axis=0) >>> array([0, 6])
        # return np.sum(m_i,axis=0)

        return m_i_lambdify  # TODO m_span_Q_1
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test():

    t, f, a = sym.symbols('t f a', real=True)
    a = sym.symbols('a', positive=True)

    print(fourier_transform(a, t, f))
    print(fourier_transform(sym.exp(-sym.I * 2 * sym.pi * a * t), t, f))
    print(fourier_transform(sym.cos(2 * sym.pi * a * t), t, f))
    print(fourier_transform(sym.sin(2 * sym.pi * a * t), t, f))
    print(fourier_transform(a * t, t, f))
    print(fourier_transform(sym.exp(-a * t) * sym.Heaviside(t), t, f))
    print(inverse_fourier_transform(a, f, t))
    print(inverse_fourier_transform(1 / (sym.I * 2 * sym.pi * f + a), f, t))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def laplace_term(expr, t, s):

    const, expr = factor_const(expr, t)

    tsym = sympify(str(t))
    expr = expr.replace(tsym, t)

    if expr.has(sym.Integral):
        return laplace_integral(expr, t, s) * const

    if expr.has(AppliedUndef):

        if expr.has(sym.Derivative):
            return laplace_derivative_undef(expr, t, s) * const

        factors = expr.as_ordered_factors()
        if len(factors) == 1:
            return const * laplace_func(factors[0], t, s)
        elif len(factors) > 2:
            raise ValueError('TODO: cannot handle product %s' % expr)

        foo = factors[1]
        if foo.is_Function and foo.func == sym.exp and foo.args[0].has(t):
            scale, shift = scale_shift(foo.args[0], t)
            if shift == 0:
                result = laplace_func(factors[0], t, s)
                return const * result.subs(s, s - scale)
        raise ValueError('TODO: cannot handle product %s' % expr)

    if expr.has(sym.Heaviside(t)):
        return laplace_0(expr.replace(sym.Heaviside(t), 1), t, s) * const

    if expr.has(sym.DiracDelta) or expr.has(sym.Heaviside):
            return laplace_0minus(expr, t, s) * const
        except ValueError:

    return laplace_0(expr, t, s) * const
Ejemplo n.º 23
	def axial_loads_sym(self):
		d = sym.symbols('d')
		uv_ax = self.uv_axis()
		(qx, qy) = self.sum_my_dl()
		P_ax = -( sym.integrate(qx*uv_ax[0], d) + sym.integrate(qy*uv_ax[1], d) )
		PR = self.my_P_and_R()
		if isinstance(PR, str):
			return PR
		for p in PR:
			#The distributed loads were all counted already
			#Moments have no influence on P_ax
			if not isinstance(p, Distr_Load) and not isinstance(p, Moment):
				p_ax = np.dot(uv_ax, p.get_comp())
				P_ax -= p_ax*sym.Heaviside(d-p.ax_dist, 1) #, .5)
		return P_ax.rewrite(sym.Piecewise).doit()
Ejemplo n.º 24
def inverse_laplace_term(expr, s, t, **assumptions):

    expr, delay = delay_factor(sym.simplify(expr), s)

    result1, result2 = inverse_laplace_term1(expr, s, t, **assumptions)

    if delay != 0:
        result1 = result1.subs(t, t - delay)
        result2 = result2.subs(t, t - delay)

    # TODO, should check for delay < 0.  If so the causal
    # part is no longer causal.

    if assumptions.get('causal', False):
        result2 = result2 * sym.Heaviside(t - delay)

    return result1, result2
Ejemplo n.º 25
def inverse_laplace_term(expr, s, t, **assumptions):

    expr, delay = delay_factor(expr, s)

    cresult, uresult = inverse_laplace_term1(expr, s, t, **assumptions)

    if delay != 0:
        cresult = cresult.subs(t, t - delay)
        uresult = uresult.subs(t, t - delay)

    # TODO, should check for delay < 0.  If so the causal
    # part is no longer causal.

    if assumptions.get('causal', False):
        uresult = uresult * sym.Heaviside(t - delay)

    return cresult, uresult
Ejemplo n.º 26
	def moment_symf(self):
		PR = self.my_P_and_R()
		if isinstance(PR, str):
			return PR
		V = self.shear_symf()
		if isinstance(V, str):
			return V
		d = sym.symbols('d')
		M = sym.integrate(V, d)
		#Zero out s0 - constant of integration
		M -= M.subs(d, 0)
		for p in PR:
			if isinstance(p, Moment):
				M -= p.mz*sym.Heaviside(d-p.ax_dist, 1)
		return M.rewrite(sym.Piecewise).doit()
Ejemplo n.º 27
	def shear_symf(self):
		(qx, qy) = self.sum_my_dl()
		PR = self.my_P_and_R()
		if isinstance(PR, str):
			return PR
		V = sym.Integer(0)
		d = sym.symbols('d')
		uvax = self.uv_axis()
		uvprp = np.array((-uvax[1], uvax[0]))
		#Dot product spelled out here (b/c it's all sym)
		V += uvprp[0]*sym.integrate(qx, d) + uvprp[1]*sym.integrate(qy, d)
		for p in PR:
			#The distributed loads were all counted already
			#Moments have no influence on V
			if not isinstance(p, Distr_Load) and not isinstance(p, Moment):
				Vp = np.dot(uvprp, p.get_comp())
				V += Vp*sym.Heaviside(d-p.ax_dist, 1) #, .5)
		#Rewriting as piecewise helps it to integrate the Heaviside
		return V.rewrite(sym.Piecewise).doit()
Ejemplo n.º 28
def eval_heaviside(harg, ibnd, substep, integrand, symbol):
    # If we are integrating over x and the integrand has the form
    #       Heaviside(m*x+b)*g(x) == Heaviside(harg)*g(symbol)
    # then there needs to be continuity at -b/m == ibnd,
    # so we subtract the appropriate term.
    return sympy.Heaviside(harg) * (substep - substep.subs(symbol, ibnd))
Ejemplo n.º 29

import datetime
import sympy
from sympy.abc import k, A, rho, R, Q, C, T, alpha, omega
from scipy import integrate, inf

omega_cutoff = 1e10


theta = omega * rho * C
alpha = sympy.acos((1 - theta**2) / (1 + theta**2))

F2 = (1 / (2 * (A + 1))**2 * (A**2 + (A + 2)**2 - A *
                              (A + 2) * sympy.cos(2 * omega * T + alpha)))

H2 = sympy.Heaviside(omega_cutoff - omega)

symbolic_integrand = F2 * H2

inputs = {'A': 39, 'rho': 50, 'T': 4e-9, 'C': 6e-12}
numeric_integrand = sympy.lambdify(omega,
                                   modules=('numpy', 'sympy'))
noise_V2 = integrate.quad(numeric_integrand, 0, omega_cutoff)


Ejemplo n.º 30
    def process(self, p, conn, param, alpha):
        mu, Ex, Kp, Kg1, Kg2, Kvb, Gco, Gcf = const = sp.symbols(
        Ug1k, Ug2k, Uak = v = sp.symbols("Ug1k,Ug2k,Uak")
        t = Kp * (1 / mu + Ug1k / Ug2k)
        E1 = Ug2k / Kp * sp.log(1 + sp.exp(t))
        E1_ = Ug2k / Kp * t
        #sign = sp.sign
        sign = lambda x: 2 * sp.Heaviside(x) - 1
        calc_Ia = sp.Piecewise(
            (0, Ug2k <= 0), (0, t < -500),
            (-pow(E1_, Ex) / Kg1 *
             (1 + sign(E1_)) * sp.atan(Uak / Kvb), t > 500),
            (-pow(E1, Ex) / Kg1 * (1 + sign(E1)) * sp.atan(Uak / Kvb), True))
        calc_Ia = calc_Ia.subs(dict([(k, param[str(k)]) for k in const]))
        calc_Ig = sp.Piecewise((0, Ug1k < Gco),
                               (-Gcf * pow(Ug1k - Gco, 1.5), True))
        calc_Ig = calc_Ig.subs(dict([(k, param[str(k)]) for k in const]))
        t = Ug2k / mu + Ug1k
        calc_Is = sp.Piecewise((0, t <= 0),
                               (-sp.exp(Ex * sp.log(t)) / Kg2, True))
        calc_Is = calc_Is.subs(dict([(k, param[str(k)]) for k in const]))
        # def calc_Ia(v):
        #     Ug1k = float(v[0])
        #     Ug2k = float(v[1])
        #     Uak = float(v[2])
        #     if Ug2k <= 0.0:
        #         return 0
        #     t = Kp * (1 / mu + Ug1k / Ug2k)
        #     if t > 500:
        #         E1 = Ug2k / Kp * t
        #     elif t < -500:
        #         return 0
        #     else:
        #         E1 = Ug2k / Kp * math.log(1 + math.exp(t))
        #     r = pow(E1,Ex)/Kg1 * 2*(E1 > 0.0) * math.atan(Uak/Kvb);
        #     #print Ug1k, Ug2k, Uak, r
        #     return -r
        # def calc_Ig(v):
        #     Ugk = float(v[0])
        #     if Ugk < Gco:
        #         return 0
        #     r = Gcf*pow(Ugk-Gco, 1.5)
        #     return -r
        # def calc_Is(v):
        #     Ug1k = float(v[0])
        #     Ug2k = float(v[1])
        #     t = Ug2k / mu + Ug1k
        #     if t <= 0:
        #         return 0
        #     r = math.exp(Ex*math.log(t)) / Kg2
        #     return -r

        idx1 = p.new_row("N", self, "Ig")
        p.add_2conn("Nl", idx1, (conn[0], conn[3]))
        p.add_2conn("Nr", idx1, (conn[0], conn[3]))
        p.set_function(idx1, calc_Ig, v[:1], idx1)
        idx2 = p.new_row("N", self, "Is")
        p.add_2conn("Nl", idx2, (conn[1], conn[3]))
        p.add_2conn("Nr", idx2, (conn[1], conn[3]))
        p.set_function(idx2, calc_Is, v, idx1)
        idx3 = p.new_row("N", self, "Ip")
        p.add_2conn("Nl", idx3, (conn[2], conn[3]))
        p.add_2conn("Nr", idx3, (conn[2], conn[3]))
        p.set_function(idx3, calc_Ia, v, idx1)