Ejemplo n.º 1
def convexpath(segment: Segment2D, polygons: List[Polygon], q: Queue, visited: Dict[Segment2D, bool]):
    # get convex hull for source, destination and vertices of polygon
    for polygon in polygons:
        points = polygon.vertices
        points.extend([segment.p1, segment.p2])
        hull = convex_hull(*points, polygon=True)
        for side in hull.sides:
            if not visited[side]:
Ejemplo n.º 2
def generate_test(n):
    rand_points = np.random.randint(0, 25, size=(n, 2))
    points = []
    if n <= 3:
        return rand_points.tolist()
    hull = convex_hull(*rand_points)
    for point in hull.vertices:
        # points.insert(len(points), [point.x, point.y])
        points.append([point.x, point.y])
    return points
Ejemplo n.º 3
def reduce(vert_list):
    a = convex_hull(*vert_list)

    output2 = []
    avert = a.vertices

    for thing in avert:
        output2 += [[thing[0], thing[1]]]

    output4 = []
    for i in range(0, len(output2)):

        if distance(output2[i - 1], output2[i]) < 0.15:
            output4 += [output2[i]]

    return output4
Ejemplo n.º 4
def vertical(poly_vertices):

    new_polyvertices = poly_vertices

    for element in poly_vertices:
        line = Line((element), (element[0], element[1] + 1))

        poly = convex_hull(*poly_vertices)
        inters = poly.intersection(line)

        for point in inters:

            if type(point) == Segment2D:
            if point not in new_polyvertices:
                new_polyvertices += [point]

    return new_polyvertices
Ejemplo n.º 5
def polygon(F,X,Y,I):
    Computes a set of parameters and polynomials in one-to-one correspondence
    with the segments fo the Newton polygon of F. If ``I=2`` the 
    correspondence is only with the segments with negative slope.

    The segment `\Delta` corresponding to the list `(q,m,l,\Phi)` is on the
    line `qj+mi=l` in the `(i,j)`-plane and .. math:

        \Phi = \sum_{(i,j) \in \Delta} a_{ij}Z^{(i-i_0)/q}

    where `i_0` is the smallest value of `i` such that there is a point
    `(i,j) \in \Delta`. Note that `\Phi \in \mathbb{L}[Z]`.

    -- ``F``: a polynomial in `\mathbb{L}[X,Y]`
    -- ``X,Y``: the variable defining ``F``
    -- ``I``: a parameter 

    -- ``(list)``: a list of tuples `(q,m,l,\Phi)` where `q,m,l` are
       integers with `(q,m) = 1`, `q>0`, and `\Phi \in \mathbb{L}[Z]`.
    # compute the coefficients and support of F
    P = sympy.poly(F,X,Y)
    a = _coefficient(P)
    support = a.keys()

    # compute the lower convex hull of F.
    # since sympy.convex_hull doesn't include points on edges, we need
    # to compare back to the support. the convex hull will contain all
    # points. Those on the boundary are considered "outside" by sympy.
    hull = sympy.convex_hull(*support)
    if type(hull) == sympy.Segment:
        hull_with_bdry = support       # colinear support is a newton polygon
        hull_with_bdry = [p for p in support 
                          if not hull.encloses(sympy.Point(p))]
    newton = []

    # find the start and end points (0,J) and (I,0). Include points
    # along the i-axis if I==1. Otherwise, only include points with
    # negative slope if I==2
    JJ = min([j for (i,j) in hull if i == 0])
    if I == 2: II = min([i for (i,j) in hull if j == 0])
    else:      II = max([i for (i,j) in hull if j == 0])
    testslope = -float(JJ)/II

    # determine largest slope with (0,JJ). If this is greater than the
    # test slope then there exist points above the line connecting
    # (0,JJ) with (II,0) this fact is used to deal with certain
    # borderline cases
    include_borderline_colinear = (type(hull) == sympy.Segment)
    for (i,j) in hull_with_bdry:
        # when the point is on the j-axis, the onle one we want is the
        # point (0,JJ)
        if i == 0:
            if j == JJ: slope = -sympy.oo
            else:       slope = sympy.oo
        else:           slope = float(j-JJ)/i     

        if slope > testslope: 
            include_borderline_colinear = True

    # loop through all points on the boundary and determine if it's in the
    # newton polygon using a testslope method
    for (i,j) in hull_with_bdry:
        # when the point is on the j-axis, the onle one we want is the
        # point (0,JJ)
        if i == 0:
            if j == JJ: slope = -sympy.oo
            else:       slope = sympy.oo
        else:           slope = float(j-JJ)/i     
        # if the slope is less than the test slope or if we're in the
        # case where we include points along the j=0 line then add the
        # point to the newton polygon
        if (slope < testslope) or (I==1 and j==0): 
        elif (slope == testslope) and include_borderline_colinear:
            # borderline case is when there is only one segment from
            # (0,JJ) to (II,0). When this is the case, include all
            # points whose slope matches testslope

    newton.sort(key=itemgetter(1),reverse=True) # sort second in j-th coord
    newton.sort(key=itemgetter(0))              # sort first in i-th coord

    # now that we have the newton polygon we compute the parameters
    # (q,m,l,Phi) for each side Delta on the polygon.
    params = []
    eps = 1e-14
    N = len(newton)
    n = 0
    while n < N-1:
        # determine slope of current line
        side = [newton[n],newton[n+1]]
        sideslope = sympy.Rational(side[1][1]-side[0][1],side[1][0]-side[0][0])

        # check against all following points for colinearity by
        # comparing slopes. append all colinear points to side
        k = 1
        for pt in newton[n+2:]:
            slope = float(pt[1]-side[0][1]) / (pt[0]-side[0][0])
            if abs(slope - sideslope) < eps:
                k += 1
                # when we reach the end of the newton polygon we need
                # to shift the value of k a little bit so that the
                # last side is correctly captured if k == N-n-1: k -=
                # 1
        n += k

        # compute q,m,l such that qj + mi = l and Phi
        q   = sideslope.q
        m   = -sideslope.p
        l   = q*side[0][1] + m*side[0][0]
        i0  = min(side, key=itemgetter(0))[0]
        Phi = sum(a[(i,j)]*_Z**sympy.Rational(i-i0,q) for (i,j) in side)
        Phi = sympy.Poly(Phi,_Z)


    return params    
Ejemplo n.º 6
    [395900439989221 / 500000000000000, 758370304316853 / 10000000000000000],
    [734533839502909 / 1000000000000000, 75690126771387 / 250000000000000],
    [157501043698323 / 200000000000000, 105068629352711 / 1000000000000000],
    [183871665699151 / 250000000000000, 300300252818159 / 1000000000000000],
    [787100260535577 / 1000000000000000, 107675683694887 / 1000000000000000],
    [-150019573267693 / 200000000000000, -2009881175297 / 10000000000000],
    [190603603572791 / 250000000000000, 40857665321433 / 200000000000000]

poly = Polygon((0, 0), 100, n=4)

out = []
for e in new_vertices:
    out += [[float(e[0]), float(e[1])]]

poly = convex_hull(*out)

angle = 0

for i in range(1, 2):

    #if i != 0:
    # poly = convex_hull(*sym)

    if i % 2 == 2:
        angle = float(1 / sqrt(2)) + 1 / 12

    if i % 2 == 1:
        angle = 1 / 12

    #i = 2*j-1
Ejemplo n.º 7
def symmetrize(poly, angle):

    #step 1: rotate the polygon
    rotated_poly = rotate1(poly.vertices, angle)

    #step 2: add in all the intersection points
    full_poly = vertical(rotated_poly)

    #step 3: sort the points by x-coordinate and pair together opposite points.

    sorted_new_poly_vertices = bubbleSort(full_poly)
    pairedsorted_newpolyvertices = pairing(sorted_new_poly_vertices)

    #step 4: average the y-coordinates of the opposite points while keeping x-coords the same.

    for pair in pairedsorted_newpolyvertices:
        if len(pair) == 2:
            item0 = pair[0]
            item1 = pair[1]

            item0new = Point(item0[0], 0.5 * (abs(item0[1]) + abs(item1[1])))
            item1new = Point(item0[0],
                             -1 * (0.5 * (abs(item0[1]) + abs(item1[1]))))

            pair[0] = item0new
            pair[1] = item1new

            pair[0] = Point(pair[0][0], 0)

    #Step 5: make the pairs of points into a list of points for convenience
    output = []
    for item in pairedsorted_newpolyvertices:
        output += item

    #Step 6: Rotating it back to original position.
    output3 = rotate1(output, 2 * pi - angle)

    outpoly = convex_hull(*output3)
    outpolyvert = outpoly.vertices

    #Step 7: Putting it into Sage format for ease of copy/paste

    output2 = []
    for thing in outpolyvert:
        output2 += [[thing[0], thing[1]]]

    output4 = output2

    #Step 8: (optional) removing points that are too close (distance < 1)
    if len(output2)>30:
        output4 = []
        for i in range (0,len(output2)):
            print (i)
            if distance (output2[i-1],output2[i]) < 0.1:
                output4 += [output2[i]]

    return output4
Ejemplo n.º 8
def newton_polygon(H, additional_points=[]):
    r"""Computes the Newton polygon of `H`.

    It's assumed that the first generator of `H` here is the "dependent
    variable". For example, if `H = H(x,y)` and we are aiming to compute
    a `y`-covering of the complex `x`-sphere then each monomial of `H`
    is of the form

    .. math::

        a_{ij} x^j y^i.

    H : bivariate polynomial

        Returns a list where each element is a list, representing a side
        of the polygon, which in turn contains tuples representing the
        points on the side.

    This is written using Sympy's convex hull algorithm for legacy purposes. It
    can certainly be rewritten to use Sage's Polytope but do so *very
    carefully*! There are a number of subtle things going on here due to the
    fact that boundary points are ignored.

    # because of the way sympy.convex_hull computes the convex hull we
    # need to remove all points of the form (0,j) and (i,0) where j > j0
    # and i > i0, the points on the axes closest to the origin
    R = H.parent()
    x,y = R.gens()
    monomials = H.monomials()
    points = map(lambda monom: (monom.degree(y), monom.degree(x)), monomials)
    support = map(Point, points) + additional_points
    i0 = min(P.x for P in support if P.y == 0)
    j0 = min(P.y for P in support if P.x == 0)
    support = filter(lambda P: (P.x <= i0) and (P.y <= j0), support)
    convex_hull = sympy.convex_hull(*support)

    # special treatment when the hull is just a point or a segment
    if isinstance(convex_hull, Point):
        P = (convex_hull.x,convex_hull.y)
        return [[P]]
    elif isinstance(convex_hull, Segment):
        P = convex_hull.p1
        convex_hull = generalized_polygon_side(convex_hull)
        sides = [convex_hull]
        # recursive call with generalized point if a generalized newton
        # polygon is needed.
        sides = convex_hull.sides
        first_side = generalized_polygon_side(sides[0])
        if first_side != sides[0]:
            P = first_side.p1
            return newton_polygon(H,additional_points=[P])

    # convert the sides to lists of points
    polygon = []
    for side in sides:
        polygon_side = [P for P in support if P in side]
        polygon_side = sorted(map(lambda P: (int(P.x),int(P.y)), polygon_side))

        # stop the moment we hit the i-axis. despite the filtration at
        # the start of this function we need this condition to prevent
        # returning to the starting point of the newton polygon.
        # (See test_puiseux.TestNewtonPolygon.test_multiple)
        if side.p2.y == 0: break

    return polygon
Ejemplo n.º 9
def newton_polygon(H, additional_points=[]):
    r"""Computes the Newton polygon of `H`.

    It's assumed that the first generator of `H` here is the "dependent
    variable". For example, if `H = H(x,y)` and we are aiming to compute
    a `y`-covering of the complex `x`-sphere then each monomial of `H`
    is of the form

    .. math::

        a_{ij} x^j y^i.

    H : bivariate polynomial

        Returns a list where each element is a list, representing a side
        of the polygon, which in turn contains tuples representing the
        points on the side.

    This is written using Sympy's convex hull algorithm for legacy purposes. It
    can certainly be rewritten to use Sage's Polytope but do so *very
    carefully*! There are a number of subtle things going on here due to the
    fact that boundary points are ignored.

    # because of the way sympy.convex_hull computes the convex hull we
    # need to remove all points of the form (0,j) and (i,0) where j > j0
    # and i > i0, the points on the axes closest to the origin
    R = H.parent()
    x, y = R.gens()
    monomials = H.monomials()
    points = map(lambda monom: (monom.degree(y), monom.degree(x)), monomials)
    support = map(Point, points) + additional_points
    i0 = min(P.x for P in support if P.y == 0)
    j0 = min(P.y for P in support if P.x == 0)
    support = filter(lambda P: (P.x <= i0) and (P.y <= j0), support)
    convex_hull = sympy.convex_hull(*support)

    # special treatment when the hull is just a point or a segment
    if isinstance(convex_hull, Point):
        P = (convex_hull.x, convex_hull.y)
        return [[P]]
    elif isinstance(convex_hull, Segment):
        P = convex_hull.p1
        convex_hull = generalized_polygon_side(convex_hull)
        sides = [convex_hull]
        # recursive call with generalized point if a generalized newton
        # polygon is needed.
        sides = convex_hull.sides
        first_side = generalized_polygon_side(sides[0])
        if first_side != sides[0]:
            P = first_side.p1
            return newton_polygon(H, additional_points=[P])

    # convert the sides to lists of points
    polygon = []
    for side in sides:
        polygon_side = [P for P in support if P in side]
        polygon_side = sorted(map(lambda P: (int(P.x), int(P.y)),

        # stop the moment we hit the i-axis. despite the filtration at
        # the start of this function we need this condition to prevent
        # returning to the starting point of the newton polygon.
        # (See test_puiseux.TestNewtonPolygon.test_multiple)
        if side.p2.y == 0: break

    return polygon