Ejemplo n.º 1
    async def getPropAndValu(self, path):

        if not self.ispiv:
            valu = path.node.get(self.name)
            prop = path.node.form.props.get(self.name)
            return prop, valu

        # handle implicit pivot properties
        names = self.name.split('::')

        node = path.node

        imax = len(names) - 1
        for i, name in enumerate(names):

            valu = node.get(name)
            if valu is None:
                return None, None

            prop = node.form.props.get(name)

            if i >= imax:
                return prop, valu

            form = path.runt.snap.model.forms.get(prop.type.name)
            if form is None:
                raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(name=prop.type.name)

            node = await path.runt.snap.getNodeByNdef((form.name, valu))
            if node is None:
                return None, None
Ejemplo n.º 2
    async def _getAddNodeEdits(self, name, valu, props=None):

        form = self.core.model.form(name)
        if form is None:
            raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(name=name)

        if form.isrunt:
            raise s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg='Cannot make runt nodes.',

        if self.buidprefetch:
            norm, info = form.type.norm(valu)
            buid = s_common.buid((form.name, norm))
            node = await self.getNodeByBuid(buid)
            if node is not None:
                if props is not None:
                    return (node, await self.getNodeAdds(form,
                    return (node, [(buid, form.name, [])])

        return (None, await self.getNodeAdds(form, valu, props=props))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _validateConfig(core, config):

    maxsize = config.get('maxsize', 10000)

    if not isinstance(maxsize, int):
        mesg = f'STIX Bundle config maxsize option must be an integer.'
        raise s_exc.BadConfValu(mesg=mesg)

    if maxsize > 10000:
        mesg = f'STIX Bundle config maxsize option must be <= 10000.'
        raise s_exc.BadConfValu(mesg=mesg)

    formmaps = config.get('forms')
    if formmaps is None:
        mesg = f'STIX Bundle config is missing "forms" mappings.'
        raise s_exc.NeedConfValu(mesg=mesg)

    for formname, formconf in formmaps.items():
        form = core.model.form(formname)
        if form is None:
            mesg = f'STIX Bundle config contains invalid form name {formname}.'
            raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(mesg=mesg)

        stixdef = formconf.get('default')
        if stixdef is None:
            mesg = f'STIX Bundle config is missing default mapping for form {formname}.'
            raise s_exc.NeedConfValu(mesg=mesg)

        if stixdef not in stix_all:
            mesg = f'STIX Bundle default mapping ({stixdef}) for {formname} is not a STIX type.'
            raise s_exc.BadConfValu(mesg=mesg)

        stixmaps = formconf.get('stix')
        if stixmaps is None:
            mesg = f'STIX Bundle config is missing STIX maps for form {formname}.'
            raise s_exc.NeedConfValu(mesg=mesg)

        if stixmaps.get(stixdef) is None:
            mesg = f'STIX Bundle config is missing STIX map for form {formname} default value {stixdef}.'
            raise s_exc.BadConfValu(mesg=mesg)

        for stixtype, stixinfo in stixmaps.items():

            if stixtype not in stix_all:
                mesg = f'STIX Bundle config has unknown STIX type {stixtype} for form {formname}.'
                raise s_exc.BadConfValu(mesg=mesg)

            stixprops = stixinfo.get('props')
            if stixprops is not None:
                for stixprop, stormtext in stixprops.items():
                    if not isinstance(stormtext, str):
                        mesg = f'STIX Bundle config has invalid prop entry {formname} {stixtype} {stixprop}.'
                        raise s_exc.BadConfValu(mesg=mesg)

            stixrels = stixinfo.get('rels')
            if stixrels is not None:
                for stixrel in stixrels:
                    if len(stixrel) != 3:
                        mesg = f'STIX Bundle config has invalid rel entry {formname} {stixtype} {stixrel}.'
                        raise s_exc.BadConfValu(mesg=mesg)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def repr(self, norm):
        formname, formvalu = norm
        form = self.modl.form(formname)
        if form is None:
            raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(name=self.name, form=formname)

        repv = form.type.repr(formvalu)
        return (formname, repv)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    async def addNode(self, name, valu, props=None):
        Add a node by form name and value with optional props.

            name (str): The form of node to add.
            valu (obj): The value for the node.
            props (dict): Optional secondary properties for the node.

            If a props dictionary is provided, it may be mutated during node construction.

            s_node.Node: A Node object. It may return None if the snap is unable to add or lift the node.
        if self.readonly:
            mesg = 'The snapshot is in read-only mode.'
            raise s_exc.IsReadOnly(mesg=mesg)

        form = self.core.model.form(name)
        if form is None:
            raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(name=name)

        if form.isrunt:
            raise s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg='Cannot make runt nodes.',


            if self.buidprefetch:
                norm, info = form.type.norm(valu)
                node = await self.getNodeByBuid(
                    s_common.buid((form.name, norm)))
                if node is not None:
                    # TODO implement node.setNodeProps()
                    if props is not None:
                        for p, v in props.items():
                            await node.set(p, v)
                    return node

            adds = await self.getNodeAdds(form, valu, props=props)

        except asyncio.CancelledError:  # pragma: no cover  TODO:  remove once >= py 3.8 only

        except Exception as e:
            if not self.strict:
                await self.warn(f'addNode: {e}')
                return None

        nodes = await self.applyNodeEdits(adds)
        assert len(nodes) >= 1

        # Adds is top-down, so the first node is what we want
        return nodes[0]
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def delForm(self, formname):

        form = self.forms.get(formname)
        if form is None:
            raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(name=formname)

        if isinstance(form.type, s_types.Array):

        self.forms.pop(formname, None)
        self.props.pop(formname, None)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    async def run(self, runt, genr):

        name = self.kids[0].value()

        form = runt.snap.model.forms.get(name)
        if form is None:
            raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(name=name)

        # the behavior here is a bit complicated...

        # single value add (runtime computed per node )
        # In the cases below, $hehe is input to the storm runtime vars.
        # case 1: [ foo:bar="lols" ]
        # case 2: [ foo:bar=$hehe ]
        # case 2: [ foo:bar=$lib.func(20, $hehe) ]
        # case 3: ($foo, $bar) = $hehe [ foo:bar=($foo, $bar) ]

        # iterative add ( node add is executed once per inbound node )
        # case 1: <query> [ foo:bar=(:baz, 20) ]
        # case 2: <query> [ foo:bar=($node, 20) ]
        # case 2: <query> $blah=:baz [ foo:bar=($blah, 20) ]

        if not self.kids[1].isRuntSafe(runt):

            first = True
            async for node, path in genr:

                # must reach back first to trigger sudo / etc
                if first:
                    runt.allowed('node:add', name)
                    first = False

                yield node, path

                valu = await self.kids[1].compute(path)

                for valu in form.type.getTypeVals(valu):
                    newn = await runt.snap.addNode(name, valu)
                    yield newn, runt.initPath(newn)


            async for node, path in genr:
                yield node, path

            runt.allowed('node:add', name)

            valu = await self.kids[1].runtval(runt)

            for valu in form.type.getTypeVals(valu):
                node = await runt.snap.addNode(name, valu)
                yield node, runt.initPath(node)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _getNodeFnib(self, name, valu):
        return a form, norm, info, buid tuple
        form = self.model.form(name)
        if form is None:
            raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(name=name)

            norm, info = form.type.norm(valu)
        except Exception as e:
            raise s_exc.BadPropValu(prop=form.name, valu=valu, mesg=str(e))

        buid = s_common.buid((form.name, norm))
        return form, norm, info, buid
Ejemplo n.º 9
    async def getNodeByNdef(self, ndef):
        Return a single Node() instance by (form,valu) tuple.
        name, valu = ndef

        form = self.model.forms.get(name)
        if form is None:
            raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(name=name)

        norm, info = form.type.norm(valu)

        buid = s_common.buid((form.name, norm))

        async with await self.snap() as snap:
            return await snap.getNodeByBuid(buid)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def delFormProp(self, formname, propname):

        form = self.forms.get(formname)
        if form is None:
            raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(name=formname)

        prop = form.props.pop(propname, None)
        if prop is None:
            raise s_exc.NoSuchProp(name=f'{formname}:{propname}')

        form.props.pop(prop.name, None)
        form.defvals.pop(prop.name, None)
        self.props.pop(prop.full, None)
        self.props.pop((form.name, prop.name), None)

Ejemplo n.º 11
    def delFormProp(self, formname, propname):

        form = self.forms.get(formname)
        if form is None:
            raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(name=formname)

        prop = form.delProp(propname)
        if prop is None:
            raise s_exc.NoSuchProp(name=f'{formname}:{propname}')

        if isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Array):

        self.props.pop(prop.full, None)
        self.props.pop((form.name, prop.name), None)

Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _normPyTuple(self, valu):
            formname, formvalu = valu
        except Exception as e:
            raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(name=self.name, valu=valu, mesg=str(e)) from None

        form = self.modl.form(formname)
        if form is None:
            raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(name=self.name, form=formname)

        formnorm, info = form.type.norm(formvalu)
        norm = (form.name, formnorm)

        adds = (norm,)
        subs = {'form': form.name}

        return norm, {'adds': adds, 'subs': subs}
Ejemplo n.º 13
    async def run(self, runt, genr):

        name = self.kids[0].value()

        form = runt.snap.model.forms.get(name)
        if form is None:
            raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(name=name)

        # <- edge
        if isinstance(form.type, s_types.Edge):

            full = form.name + ':n2'

            async for node, path in genr:

                if self.isjoin:
                    yield node, path

                async for pivo in runt.snap.getNodesBy(full, node.ndef):
                    yield pivo, path.fork(pivo)


        # edge <- form
        async for node, path in genr:

            if self.isjoin:
                yield node, path

            if not isinstance(node.form.type, s_types.Edge):

            # dont bother traversing edges to the wrong form
            if node.get('n1:form') != form.name:

            n1def = node.get('n1')

            pivo = await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef(n1def)
            if pivo is None:

            yield pivo, path.fork(pivo)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    async def addNode(self, name, valu, props=None):
        Add a node by form name and value with optional props.

            name (str): The form of node to add.
            valu (obj): The value for the node.
            props (dict): Optional secondary properties for the node.

            If a props dictionary is provided, it may be mutated during node construction.

            s_node.Node: A Node object. It may return None if the snap is unable to add or lift the node.
        if self.readonly:
            mesg = 'The snapshot is in read-only mode.'
            raise s_exc.IsReadOnly(mesg=mesg)

        form = self.core.model.form(name)
        if form is None:
            raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(name=name)

        if form.isrunt:
            raise s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg='Cannot make runt nodes.',
            adds = self.getNodeAdds(form, valu, props=props)
        except Exception as e:
            if not self.strict:
                await self.warn(f'addNode: {e}')
                return None

        # depth first, so the last one is our added node
        nodes = await self.applyNodeEdits(adds)

        return nodes[-1]
Ejemplo n.º 15
    async def _getNodesByFormTag(self, name, tag, valu=None, cmpr='='):

        filt = None
        form = self.model.form(name)

        if valu is not None:
            ctor = self.model.type('ival').getCmprCtor(cmpr)
            if ctor is not None:
                filt = ctor(valu)

        if form is None:
            raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(form=name)

        tag = s_chop.tag(tag)

        # maybe use Encoder here?
        fenc = form.name.encode('utf8') + b'\x00'
        tenc = b'#' + tag.encode('utf8') + b'\x00'

        iops = (('pref', b''), )
        lops = (('indx', ('byprop', fenc + tenc, iops)), )

        # a small speed optimization...
        rawprop = '#' + tag
        if filt is None:

            async for row, node in self.getLiftNodes(lops, rawprop):
                yield node


        async for row, node in self.getLiftNodes(lops, rawprop):

            valu = node.getTag(tag)

            if filt(valu):
                yield node
Ejemplo n.º 16
        def recurse(f, v, p, doadd=True):

            edits = []

            formnorm, forminfo = f.type.norm(v)

            buid = s_common.buid((f.name, formnorm))

            if doadd:
                    (s_layer.EDIT_NODE_ADD, (formnorm, f.type.stortype)))

            formsubs = forminfo.get('subs')
            if formsubs is not None:
                for subname, subvalu in formsubs.items():
                    p[subname] = subvalu

            for propname, propvalu in p.items():

                prop = f.prop(propname)
                if prop is None:

                assert prop.type.stortype is not None

                if isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Ndef):
                    ndefname, ndefvalu = propvalu
                    ndefform = self.core.model.form(ndefname)
                    if ndefform is None:
                        raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(name=ndefname)

                    for item in recurse(ndefform, ndefvalu, {}):
                        yield item

                if isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Array):
                    arrayform = self.core.model.form(prop.type.arraytype.name)
                    if arrayform is not None:
                        for arrayvalu in propvalu:
                            for e in recurse(arrayform, arrayvalu, {}):
                                yield e

                propnorm, typeinfo = prop.type.norm(propvalu)
                edits.append((s_layer.EDIT_PROP_SET, (propname, propnorm, None,

                propsubs = typeinfo.get('subs')
                if propsubs is not None:
                    for subname, subvalu in propsubs.items():
                        fullname = f'{prop.full}:{subname}'
                        subprop = self.core.model.prop(fullname)
                        if subprop is None:

                        assert subprop.type.stortype is not None

                        subnorm, subinfo = subprop.type.norm(subvalu)
                                      (subprop.name, subnorm, None,

                propform = self.core.model.form(prop.type.name)
                if propform is None:

                for item in recurse(propform, propnorm, {}):
                    yield item

            yield (buid, f.name, edits)
Ejemplo n.º 17
        async def _getadds(f, p, formnorm, forminfo, doaddnode=True):

            if f.locked:
                mesg = f'Form {f.full} is locked due to deprecation.'
                raise s_exc.IsDeprLocked(mesg=mesg)

            edits = []  # Non-primary prop edits
            topsubedits = []  # Primary prop sub edits

            formsubs = forminfo.get('subs', {})
            for subname, subvalu in formsubs.items():
                p[subname] = subvalu

            for propname, propvalu in p.items():
                subedits: s_layer.NodeEditsT = []

                prop = f.prop(propname)
                if prop is None:

                if prop.locked:
                    mesg = f'Prop {prop.full} is locked due to deprecation.'
                    if not self.strict:
                        await self.warn(mesg)
                    raise s_exc.IsDeprLocked(mesg=mesg)

                assert prop.type.stortype is not None

                propnorm, typeinfo = prop.type.norm(propvalu)

                if isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Ndef):
                    ndefname, ndefvalu = propvalu
                    ndefform = self.core.model.form(ndefname)
                    if ndefform is None:
                        raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(name=ndefname)

                    if ndefform.locked:
                        mesg = f'Form {ndefform.full} is locked due to deprecation.'
                        if not self.strict:
                            await self.warn(mesg)
                        raise s_exc.IsDeprLocked(mesg=mesg)

                    ndefnorm, ndefinfo = ndefform.type.norm(ndefvalu)
                    do_subedit = True
                    if self.buidprefetch:
                        node = await self.getNodeByBuid(
                            s_common.buid((ndefform.name, ndefnorm)))
                        do_subedit = node is None

                    if do_subedit:
                            x async for x in _getadds(ndefform, {}, ndefnorm,

                elif isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Array):
                    arrayform = self.core.model.form(prop.type.arraytype.name)
                    if arrayform is not None:
                        if arrayform.locked:
                            mesg = f'Form {arrayform.full} is locked due to deprecation.'
                            if not self.strict:
                                await self.warn(mesg)
                            raise s_exc.IsDeprLocked(mesg=mesg)

                        for arrayvalu in propnorm:
                            arraynorm, arrayinfo = arrayform.type.norm(

                            if self.buidprefetch:
                                node = await self.getNodeByBuid(
                                    s_common.buid((arrayform.name, arraynorm)))
                                if node is not None:

                                x async for x in _getadds(
                                    arrayform, {}, arraynorm, arrayinfo)

                propsubs = typeinfo.get('subs')
                if propsubs is not None:
                    for subname, subvalu in propsubs.items():
                        fullname = f'{prop.full}:{subname}'
                        subprop = self.core.model.prop(fullname)
                        if subprop is None:

                        assert subprop.type.stortype is not None

                        subnorm, subinfo = subprop.type.norm(subvalu)

                                      (subprop.name, subnorm, None,
                                       subprop.type.stortype), ()))

                propform = self.core.model.form(prop.type.name)
                if propform is not None:

                    doedit = True
                    if self.buidprefetch:
                        node = await self.getNodeByBuid(
                            s_common.buid((propform.name, propnorm)))
                        doedit = node is None

                    if doedit:
                            x async for x in _getadds(propform, {}, propnorm,

                edit: s_layer.EditT = (s_layer.EDIT_PROP_SET,
                                       (propname, propnorm, None,
                                        prop.type.stortype), subedits)
                if propname in formsubs:

            buid = s_common.buid((f.name, formnorm))

            if doaddnode:
                # Make all the sub edits for the primary property a conditional nodeEdit under a top-level NODE_ADD
                # edit
                if topsubedits:
                    subnodeedits: s_layer.NodeEditsT = [(buid, f.name,
                    subnodeedits = ()
                topedit: s_layer.EditT = (s_layer.EDIT_NODE_ADD,
                                           f.type.stortype), subnodeedits)
                yield (buid, f.name, [topedit] + edits)
                yield (buid, f.name, edits)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def addFormProp(self, formname, propname, tdef, info):
     form = self.forms.get(formname)
     if form is None:
         raise s_exc.NoSuchForm(name=formname)
     self._addFormProp(form, propname, tdef, info)