Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_batch(self):
     max_count = get_limit_config(self.config, "max_post_records")
     max_bytes = get_limit_config(self.config, "max_post_bytes")
     self.assertEquals(max_bytes, 1024 * 1024)
     # Test that batch uploads are correctly processed.
     # Uploading max_count-5 small objects should succeed.
     wbos = [{'id': str(i), 'payload': 'X'} for i in range(max_count - 5)]
     res = self.app.post_json(self.root + '/storage/col2', wbos)
     res = res.json
     self.assertEquals(len(res['success']), max_count - 5)
     self.assertEquals(len(res['failed']), 0)
     # Uploading max_count+5 items should produce five failures.
     wbos = [{'id': str(i), 'payload': 'X'} for i in range(max_count + 5)]
     res = self.app.post_json(self.root + '/storage/col2', wbos)
     res = res.json
     self.assertEquals(len(res['success']), max_count)
     self.assertEquals(len(res['failed']), 5)
     # The test config has max_bytes=1M.
     # Uploading 5 210MB items should produce one failure.
     wbos = [{'id': str(i), 'payload': "X" * (210 * 1024)}
             for i in range(5)]
     res = self.app.post_json(self.root + '/storage/col2', wbos)
     res = res.json
     self.assertEquals(len(res['success']), 4)
     self.assertEquals(len(res['failed']), 1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def extract_batch_state(request):
    """Validator to extract the batch state of a request for slightly
    tidier code in the views.

    If the "batch" parameter is has no value or has a value of "true" then
    a new batch will be created.

    If the "commit" parameter is has a value of "true", this batch
    is to be committed and deleted.
    # Don't extract or validate any of these params
    # if the batch-upload feature is disabled.
    settings = request.registry.settings
    if not settings.get("storage.batch_upload_enabled", False):

    request.validated["batch"] = False
    batch_id = request.GET.get("batch")
    if batch_id is not None:
        if TRUE_REGEX.match(batch_id):
            batch_id = True
                batch_id = int(b64decode(batch_id))
            except TypeError:
                    batch_id = int(batch_id)
                except ValueError:
                    msg = "Invalid batch ID: \"%s\"" % (batch_id,)
                    request.errors.add("batch", "id", msg)
        request.validated["batch"] = batch_id
    elif batch_id is None and "batch" in request.GET:
        request.validated["batch"] = True

    request.validated["commit"] = False
    commit = request.GET.get("commit")
    if commit is not None:
        if TRUE_REGEX.match(commit):
            request.validated["commit"] = True
            msg = "commit parameter must be \"true\" to apply batches"
            request.errors.add("batch", "commit", msg)

    LIMITS = (
      ("X-Weave-Records", "max_post_records"),
      ("X-Weave-Bytes", "max_post_bytes"),
      ("X-Weave-Total-Records", "max_total_records"),
      ("X-Weave-Total-Bytes", "max_total_bytes"),
    for (header, setting) in LIMITS:
            count = int(request.headers[header])
        except ValueError:
            msg = "Invalid integer value: %s" % (request.headers[header],)
            request.errors.add("header", header, msg)
        except KeyError:
        if count > get_limit_config(request, setting):
            raise json_error(400, "size-limit-exceeded")
def get_info_configuration(request):
    # Don't return batch-related limits if the feature isn't enabled.
    if request.registry.settings.get("storage.batch_upload_enabled", False):
        LIMIT_NAMES = ("max_post_records", "max_post_bytes", "max_total_records", "max_total_bytes")
        LIMIT_NAMES = ("max_request_bytes",)
    limits = {}
    for name in LIMIT_NAMES:
        limits[name] = get_limit_config(request, name)
    # This limit is hard-coded for now.
    limits["max_record_payload_bytes"] = MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE
    return limits
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_info_configuration(request):
    # Don't return batch-related limits if the feature isn't enabled.
    if request.registry.settings.get("storage.batch_upload_enabled", False):
        LIMIT_NAMES = (
        LIMIT_NAMES = ("max_request_bytes", )
    limits = {}
    for name in LIMIT_NAMES:
        limits[name] = get_limit_config(request, name)
    # This limit is hard-coded for now.
    limits["max_record_payload_bytes"] = MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE
    return limits
Ejemplo n.º 5
def parse_multiple_bsos(request):
    """Validator to parse a list of BSOs from the request body.

    This validator accepts a list of BSOs in either application/json or
    application/newlines format, parses and validates them.

    Valid BSOs are placed under the key "bsos".  Invalid BSOs are placed
    under the key "invalid_bsos".
    content_type = request.content_type
        if content_type in ("application/json", "text/plain", None):
            bso_datas = json_loads(request.body)
        elif content_type == "application/newlines":
            bso_datas = [json_loads(ln) for ln in request.body.split("\n")]
            msg = "Unsupported Media Type: %s" % (content_type, )
            request.errors.add("header", "Content-Type", msg)
            request.errors.status = 415
    except ValueError:
        request.errors.add("body", "bsos", "Invalid JSON in request body")

    if not isinstance(bso_datas, (tuple, list)):
        request.errors.add("body", "bsos", "Input data was not a list")

    BATCH_MAX_COUNT = get_limit_config(request, "max_post_records")
    BATCH_MAX_BYTES = get_limit_config(request, "max_post_bytes")

    valid_bsos = {}
    invalid_bsos = {}

    total_bytes = 0
    for count, bso_data in enumerate(bso_datas):
            bso = BSO(bso_data)
        except ValueError:
            msg = "Input data was not a list of BSOs"
            request.errors.add("body", "bsos", msg)

            id = bso["id"]
        except KeyError:
            request.errors.add("body", "bsos", "Input BSO has no ID")

        if id in valid_bsos:
            request.errors.add("body", "bsos", "Input BSO has duplicate ID")

        consistent, msg = bso.validate()
        if not consistent:
            invalid_bsos[id] = msg
            # Log status on how many invalid BSOs we get, and why.
            logmsg = "Invalid BSO %s/%s/%s (%s): %s"
            userid = request.matchdict["userid"]
            collection = request.matchdict.get("collection")
            logger.info(logmsg, userid, collection, id, msg, bso)

        if count >= BATCH_MAX_COUNT:
            invalid_bsos[id] = "retry bso"

        total_bytes += len(bso.get("payload", ""))
        if total_bytes >= BATCH_MAX_BYTES:
            invalid_bsos[id] = "retry bytes"

        valid_bsos[id] = bso

    request.validated["bsos"] = valid_bsos.values()
    request.validated["invalid_bsos"] = invalid_bsos
Ejemplo n.º 6
def extract_batch_state(request):
    """Validator to extract the batch state of a request for slightly
    tidier code in the views.

    If the "batch" parameter is has no value or has a value of "true" then
    a new batch will be created.

    If the "commit" parameter is has a value of "true", this batch
    is to be committed and deleted.
    request.validated["batch"] = False
    batch_id = request.GET.get("batch")
    if batch_id is not None:
        if TRUE_REGEX.match(batch_id):
            batch_id = True
                batch_id = int(b64decode(batch_id))
            except TypeError:
                    batch_id = int(batch_id)
                except ValueError:
                    msg = "Invalid batch ID: \"%s\"" % (batch_id, )
                    request.errors.add("batch", "id", msg)
        request.validated["batch"] = batch_id
    elif batch_id is None and "batch" in request.GET:
        request.validated["batch"] = True

    request.validated["commit"] = False
    commit = request.GET.get("commit")
    if commit is not None:
        if TRUE_REGEX.match(commit):
            request.validated["commit"] = True
            msg = "commit parameter must be \"true\" to apply batches"
            request.errors.add("batch", "commit", msg)

    # If batch uploads are not enabled in the config then
    # we want to:
    #  * silently ignore attempts to start a new batch, which
    #    will cause clients to fall back to non-batch mode.
    #  * error out on attempts to continue an existing batch,
    #    since we can't possibly do what the client expects.
    settings = request.registry.settings
    if not settings.get("storage.batch_upload_enabled", False):
        if request.validated["batch"]:
            if request.validated["batch"] is not True:
                request.errors.add("batch", "id", "Batch uploads disabled")

    LIMITS = (
        ("X-Weave-Records", "max_post_records"),
        ("X-Weave-Bytes", "max_post_bytes"),
        ("X-Weave-Total-Records", "max_total_records"),
        ("X-Weave-Total-Bytes", "max_total_bytes"),
    for (header, setting) in LIMITS:
            count = int(request.headers[header])
        except ValueError:
            msg = "Invalid integer value: %s" % (request.headers[header], )
            request.errors.add("header", header, msg)
        except KeyError:
        if count > get_limit_config(request, setting):
            raise json_error(400, "size-limit-exceeded")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def parse_multiple_bsos(request):
    """Validator to parse a list of BSOs from the request body.

    This validator accepts a list of BSOs in either application/json or
    application/newlines format, parses and validates them.

    Valid BSOs are placed under the key "bsos".  Invalid BSOs are placed
    under the key "invalid_bsos".
    content_type = request.content_type
        if content_type in ("application/json", "text/plain", None):
            bso_datas = json_loads(request.body)
        elif content_type == "application/newlines":
            bso_datas = [json_loads(ln) for ln in request.body.split("\n")]
            msg = "Unsupported Media Type: %s" % (content_type,)
            request.errors.add("header", "Content-Type", msg)
            request.errors.status = 415
    except ValueError:
        request.errors.add("body", "bsos", "Invalid JSON in request body")

    if not isinstance(bso_datas, (tuple, list)):
        request.errors.add("body", "bsos", "Input data was not a list")

    BATCH_MAX_COUNT = get_limit_config(request, "max_post_records")
    BATCH_MAX_BYTES = get_limit_config(request, "max_post_bytes")

    valid_bsos = {}
    invalid_bsos = {}

    total_bytes = 0
    for count, bso_data in enumerate(bso_datas):
            bso = BSO(bso_data)
        except ValueError:
            msg = "Input data was not a list of BSOs"
            request.errors.add("body", "bsos", msg)

            id = bso["id"]
        except KeyError:
            request.errors.add("body", "bsos", "Input BSO has no ID")

        if id in valid_bsos:
            request.errors.add("body", "bsos", "Input BSO has duplicate ID")

        consistent, msg = bso.validate()
        if not consistent:
            invalid_bsos[id] = msg
            # Log status on how many invalid BSOs we get, and why.
            logmsg = "Invalid BSO %s/%s/%s (%s): %s"
            userid = request.matchdict["userid"]
            collection = request.matchdict.get("collection")
            logger.info(logmsg, userid, collection, id, msg, bso)

        if count >= BATCH_MAX_COUNT:
            invalid_bsos[id] = "retry bso"

        total_bytes += len(bso.get("payload", ""))
        if total_bytes >= BATCH_MAX_BYTES:
            invalid_bsos[id] = "retry bytes"

        valid_bsos[id] = bso

    request.validated["bsos"] = valid_bsos.values()
    request.validated["invalid_bsos"] = invalid_bsos
def extract_batch_state(request):
    """Validator to extract the batch state of a request for slightly
    tidier code in the views.

    If the "batch" parameter is has no value or has a value of "true" then
    a new batch will be created.

    If the "commit" parameter is has a value of "true", this batch
    is to be committed and deleted.
    request.validated["batch"] = False
    batch_id = request.GET.get("batch")
    if batch_id is not None:
        if TRUE_REGEX.match(batch_id):
            batch_id = True
                batch_id = int(b64decode(batch_id))
            except TypeError:
                    batch_id = int(batch_id)
                except ValueError:
                    msg = "Invalid batch ID: \"%s\"" % (batch_id,)
                    request.errors.add("batch", "id", msg)
        request.validated["batch"] = batch_id
    elif batch_id is None and "batch" in request.GET:
        request.validated["batch"] = True

    request.validated["commit"] = False
    commit = request.GET.get("commit")
    if commit is not None:
        if TRUE_REGEX.match(commit):
            request.validated["commit"] = True
            msg = "commit parameter must be \"true\" to apply batches"
            request.errors.add("batch", "commit", msg)

    # If batch uploads are not enabled in the config then
    # we want to:
    #  * silently ignore attempts to start a new batch, which
    #    will cause clients to fall back to non-batch mode.
    #  * error out on attempts to continue an existing batch,
    #    since we can't possibly do what the client expects.
    settings = request.registry.settings
    if not settings.get("storage.batch_upload_enabled", False):
        if request.validated["batch"]:
            if request.validated["batch"] is not True:
                request.errors.add("batch", "id", "Batch uploads disabled")

    LIMITS = (
      ("X-Weave-Records", "max_post_records"),
      ("X-Weave-Bytes", "max_post_bytes"),
      ("X-Weave-Total-Records", "max_total_records"),
      ("X-Weave-Total-Bytes", "max_total_bytes"),
    for (header, setting) in LIMITS:
            count = int(request.headers[header])
        except ValueError:
            msg = "Invalid integer value: %s" % (request.headers[header],)
            request.errors.add("header", header, msg)
        except KeyError:
        if count > get_limit_config(request, setting):
            raise json_error(400, "size-limit-exceeded")