Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_metadata_item(request, image_id, key):
    # Normal Response Code: 201
    # Error Response Codes: computeFault (400, 500),
    #                       serviceUnavailable (503),
    #                       unauthorized (401),
    #                       itemNotFound (404),
    #                       badRequest (400),
    #                       buildInProgress (409),
    #                       badMediaType(415),
    #                       overLimit (413)

    req = utils.get_json_body(request)
    log.info('create_image_metadata_item %s %s %s', image_id, key, req)
        metadict = req['meta']
        assert isinstance(metadict, dict)
        assert len(metadict) == 1
        assert key in metadict
    except (KeyError, AssertionError):
        raise faults.BadRequest('Malformed request.')

    val = metadict[key]
    with backend.PlanktonBackend(request.user_uniq) as b:
        image = b.get_image(image_id)
        properties = image['properties']
        properties[key] = val

        b.update_metadata(image_id, dict(properties=properties))

    return util.render_meta(request, {key: val}, status=201)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def update_metadata(request, image_id):
    # Normal Response Code: 201
    # Error Response Codes: computeFault (400, 500),
    #                       serviceUnavailable (503),
    #                       unauthorized (401),
    #                       badRequest (400),
    #                       buildInProgress (409),
    #                       badMediaType(415),
    #                       overLimit (413)

    req = utils.get_json_body(request)
    log.info('update_image_metadata %s %s', image_id, req)
    with backend.PlanktonBackend(request.user_uniq) as b:
        image = b.get_image(image_id)
            metadata = req['metadata']
            assert isinstance(metadata, dict)
        except (KeyError, AssertionError):
            raise faults.BadRequest('Malformed request.')

        properties = image['properties']

        b.update_metadata(image_id, dict(properties=properties))

    return util.render_metadata(request, properties, status=201)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def list_images(request, detail=False):
    # Normal Response Codes: 200, 203
    # Error Response Codes: computeFault (400, 500),
    #                       serviceUnavailable (503),
    #                       unauthorized (401),
    #                       badRequest (400),
    #                       overLimit (413)

    log.debug('list_images detail=%s', detail)
    since = utils.isoparse(request.GET.get('changes-since'))
    with backend.PlanktonBackend(request.user_uniq) as b:
        images = b.list_images()
        if since:
            updated_since = lambda img: date_parse(img["updated_at"]) >= since
            images = ifilter(updated_since, images)
            if not images:
                return HttpResponse(status=304)

    images = sorted(images, key=lambda x: x['id'])
    reply = [image_to_dict(image, detail) for image in images]

    if request.serialization == 'xml':
        data = render_to_string('list_images.xml',
                                dict(images=reply, detail=detail))
        data = json.dumps(dict(images=reply))

    return HttpResponse(data, status=200)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def delete_snapshot_metadata_item(request, snapshot_id, key):
    log.debug('delete_snapshot_meta_item snapshot_id: %s, key: %s',
              snapshot_id, key)
    snapshot = util.get_snapshot(request.user_uniq, snapshot_id)
    if key in snapshot["properties"]:
        with backend.PlanktonBackend(request.user_uniq) as b:
            b.remove_property(snapshot_id, key)
    return HttpResponse(status=200)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def update_snapshot_state(snapshot_id, user_id, state):
    """Update the state of a snapshot in Pithos.

    Use PithosBackend in order to update the state of the snapshots in
    Pithos DB.

    with backend.PlanktonBackend(user_id) as b:
        return b.update_snapshot_state(snapshot_id, state=state)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def delete_snapshot_metadata_item(request, snapshot_id, key):
    log.debug("User: %s, Snapshot: %s Action: delete_metadata",
              request.user_uniq, snapshot_id)
    snapshot = util.get_snapshot(request.user_uniq, snapshot_id)
    if key in snapshot["properties"]:
        with backend.PlanktonBackend(request.user_uniq) as b:
            b.remove_property(snapshot_id, key)
    return HttpResponse(status=200)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def delete_image(request, image_id):
    # Normal Response Code: 204
    # Error Response Codes: computeFault (400, 500),
    #                       serviceUnavailable (503),
    #                       unauthorized (401),
    #                       itemNotFound (404),
    #                       overLimit (413)

    log.info('delete_image %s', image_id)
    with backend.PlanktonBackend(request.user_uniq) as b:
    log.info('User %s deleted image %s', request.user_uniq, image_id)
    return HttpResponse(status=204)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def list_metadata(request, image_id):
    # Normal Response Codes: 200, 203
    # Error Response Codes: computeFault (400, 500),
    #                       serviceUnavailable (503),
    #                       unauthorized (401),
    #                       badRequest (400),
    #                       overLimit (413)

    log.debug('list_image_metadata %s', image_id)
    with backend.PlanktonBackend(request.credentials.userid) as b:
        image = b.get_image(image_id)
    metadata = image['properties']
    return util.render_metadata(request, metadata, use_values=False,
Ejemplo n.º 9
def update_snapshot_metadata(request, snapshot_id, reset=False):
    credentials = request.credentials
    req = utils.get_json_body(request)
    log.debug("User: %s, Snapshot: %s Action: update_metadata",
              credentials.userid, snapshot_id)
    snapshot = util.get_snapshot(credentials.userid, snapshot_id)
    meta_dict = utils.get_attribute(req, "metadata", required=True,
    with backend.PlanktonBackend(credentials.userid) as b:
        b.update_properties(snapshot_id, meta_dict, replace=reset)
    snapshot = util.get_snapshot(credentials.userid, snapshot_id)
    metadata = snapshot["properties"]
    data = json.dumps({"metadata": dict(metadata)})
    return HttpResponse(data, content_type="application/json", status=200)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def update_snapshot_metadata(request, snapshot_id, reset=False):
    req = utils.get_json_body(request)
    log.debug('update_snapshot_meta snapshot_id: %s, reset: %s request: %s',
              snapshot_id, reset, req)
    snapshot = util.get_snapshot(request.user_uniq, snapshot_id)
    meta_dict = utils.get_attribute(req,
    with backend.PlanktonBackend(request.user_uniq) as b:
        b.update_properties(snapshot_id, meta_dict, replace=reset)
    snapshot = util.get_snapshot(request.user_uniq, snapshot_id)
    metadata = snapshot["properties"]
    data = json.dumps({"metadata": dict(metadata)})
    return HttpResponse(data, content_type="application/json", status=200)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_metadata_item(request, image_id, key):
    # Normal Response Codes: 200, 203
    # Error Response Codes: computeFault (400, 500),
    #                       serviceUnavailable (503),
    #                       unauthorized (401),
    #                       itemNotFound (404),
    #                       badRequest (400),
    #                       overLimit (413)

    log.debug('get_image_metadata_item %s %s', image_id, key)
    with backend.PlanktonBackend(request.user_uniq) as b:
        image = b.get_image(image_id)
    val = image['properties'].get(key)
    if val is None:
        raise faults.ItemNotFound('Metadata key not found.')
    return util.render_meta(request, {key: val}, status=200)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def list_snapshots(request, detail=False):
    since = utils.isoparse(request.GET.get('changes-since'))
    with backend.PlanktonBackend(request.user_uniq) as b:
        snapshots = b.list_snapshots()
        if since:
            updated_since = lambda snap:\
                date_parse(snap["updated_at"]) >= since
            snapshots = ifilter(updated_since, snapshots)
            if not snapshots:
                return HttpResponse(status=304)

    snapshots = sorted(snapshots, key=lambda x: x['id'])
    snapshots_dict = [
        snapshot_to_dict(snapshot, detail) for snapshot in snapshots

    data = json.dumps(dict(snapshots=snapshots_dict))

    return HttpResponse(data, status=200)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def delete_metadata_item(request, image_id, key):
    # Normal Response Code: 204
    # Error Response Codes: computeFault (400, 500),
    #                       serviceUnavailable (503),
    #                       unauthorized (401),
    #                       itemNotFound (404),
    #                       badRequest (400),
    #                       buildInProgress (409),
    #                       badMediaType(415),
    #                       overLimit (413),

    log.info('delete_image_metadata_item %s %s', image_id, key)
    with backend.PlanktonBackend(request.user_uniq) as b:
        image = b.get_image(image_id)
        properties = image['properties']
        properties.pop(key, None)

        b.update_metadata(image_id, dict(properties=properties))

    return HttpResponse(status=204)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_image_details(request, image_id):
    # Normal Response Codes: 200, 203
    # Error Response Codes: computeFault (400, 500),
    #                       serviceUnavailable (503),
    #                       unauthorized (401),
    #                       badRequest (400),
    #                       itemNotFound (404),
    #                       overLimit (413)

    log.debug('get_image_details %s', image_id)
    with backend.PlanktonBackend(request.user_uniq) as b:
        image = b.get_image(image_id)
    reply = image_to_dict(image)

    if request.serialization == 'xml':
        data = render_to_string('image.xml', dict(image=reply))
        data = json.dumps(dict(image=reply))

    return HttpResponse(data, status=200)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_snapshot(user_id, snapshot_id, exception=faults.ItemNotFound):
        with backend.PlanktonBackend(user_id) as b:
            return b.get_snapshot(snapshot_id)
    except faults.ItemNotFound:
        raise exception("Snapshot %s not found" % snapshot_id)