Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_normalized_star_spectrum(spectral_type, magnitude, filter_name):
    spec_data = get_normalized_star_spectrum(spectral_type, magnitude, filter_name)

    Returns a structure containing the synthetic spectrum of the star having the spectral type and magnitude 
    in the specified input filter. Magnitude is in VEGAMAG-F(lambda) system.
    Spectra are from PICKLES, PASP, 110, 863 (1998)
    Absolute flux spectra, no effect of atmospheric and instrument transmission

        r0AtZenith: float
                    overall r0 at zenith [m]

        spectral_type:  string.
                        spectral type and luminosity class (e.g. G2V or M4III) or 'vega'
        magnitude:  float.
                    magnitude in the filter_name filter
        filter_name: string.
                     Name of the filter. See Filters.get() for the list of available filters

        spectrum: synphot.SourceSpectrum object defining the spectrum

    Plot the spectrum of a vega, A0V, G2V stars of mag=8 defined on JohnsonR filter

    >>> sp= get_normalized_star_spectrum('vega', 8, Filters.JOHNSON_R)
    >>> spA0V= get_normalized_star_spectrum('A0V', 8, Filters.JOHNSON_R)
    >>> spG2V= get_normalized_star_spectrum('G2V', 8, Filters.JOHNSON_R)
    >>> plt.plot(sp.waveset, sp(sp.waveset), label='Vega')
    >>> plt.plot(spA0V.waveset, spA0V(spA0V.waveset), label='A0V')
    >>> plt.plot(spG2V.waveset, spG2V(spG2V.waveset), label='G2V')
    >>> plt.grid(True)
    >>> plt.xlabel('nm')
    >>> plt.ylabel('FLAM')
    >>> plt.xlim(0, 10000)
    >>> plt.legend()
    # read the sourcespectrum
    if spectral_type == 'vega':
        spectrum = SourceSpectrum.from_vega()
        spectrum = SourceSpectrum.from_file(

    bandpass = Filters.get(filter_name)

    spectrum_norm = spectrum.normalize(
        magnitude * synphot.units.VEGAMAG,

    return spectrum_norm
Ejemplo n.º 2
def calculate_values(detector, filt, mjd, aper):
    # parameters can be removed from obsmode as needed
    obsmode = 'wfc3,{},{},mjd#{},aper#{}'.format(detector, filt, mjd, aper)
    bp = stsyn.band(obsmode)

    # STMag
    photflam = bp.unit_response(stsyn.conf.area)  # inverse sensitivity in flam
    stmag = -21.1 - 2.5 * log10(photflam.value)

    # Pivot Wavelength and bandwidth
    photplam = bp.pivot()  # pivot wavelength in angstroms
    bandwidth = bp.photbw()  # bandwidth in angstroms

    # ABMag
    abmag = stmag - 5 * log10(photplam.value) + 18.6921

    # Vegamag
    #for some reason stsyn.Vega doesn't load so we redefine it
    stsyn.Vega = SourceSpectrum.from_vega()
    obs = Observation(
        stsyn.Vega, bp, binset=bp.binset
    )  # synthetic observation of vega in bandpass using vega spectrum
    vegamag = -obs.effstim(flux_unit='obmag', area=stsyn.conf.area)

    return obsmode, photplam.value, bandwidth.value, photflam.value, stmag, abmag, vegamag.value
Ejemplo n.º 3
def filter_vega_zp(filterfile, filterzero):
    # Input                                              #
    # -------------------------------------------------- #
    # filterfile: file containing filter function        #
    # filterzero: flux corresponding to mag=0            #
    # -------------------------------------------------- #
    # Output                                             #
    # -------------------------------------------------- #
    # mag_0: magnitude of Vega in filter system.         #
    from synphot import SourceSpectrum, SpectralElement, Observation
    #load Vega spectrum
    spec = SourceSpectrum.from_vega()
    #Load ascii filter function
    if filterfile.split('/')[-1][:6] == 'Bessel':
        filt = SpectralElement.from_file(filterfile, wave_unit='nm')
        filt = SpectralElement.from_file(filterfile, wave_unit='AA')
    wave = filt.waveset
    #Synthetic observation
    obs = Observation(spec, filt)
    flux = obs.effstim(flux_unit='jy', waverange=(wave[0],wave[-1]))
    #Calibrate to zero point (zp)
    mag_0 = -2.512*np.log10(flux/filterzero)
    return mag_0
Ejemplo n.º 4
def Scorr_vega(filt1,filt2, zerof1,zerof2):
    from synphot import SourceSpectrum
    #load Vega spectrum
    spec = SourceSpectrum.from_vega()
    #Scorr = -2.5log(flux2/flux1) such that mag2 = mag1 + Scorr
    mag1 = filter_mag(filt1, zerof1, spec)
    mag2 = filter_mag(filt2, zerof2, spec)
    scorr = mag2 - mag1
    return scorr
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self):
        self.verbose = False
        self.telescope_area = 25.326 * 10000.  #JWST primary area in cm^2
        self.wave_bins = np.arange(0.5, 5, 0.1) * u.micron
        self.vega = SourceSpectrum.from_vega()
        self.g2v = STS.grid_to_spec('ck04models', 5860, 0., 4.40)
        self.kband = SpectralElement.from_filter('bessel_k')

        self.bpdir = './'
        self.bpfile = os.path.join(
            self.bpdir, 'F335M_nircam_plus_ote_throughput_moda_sorted.txt')
        self.bp = SpectralElement.from_file(self.bpfile, wave_unit=u.micron)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def misc():
    # get_vega() downloads this one

    # G5V of UVKLIB subset of Pickles library
    # see http://www.stsci.edu/hst/instrumentation/reference-data-for-calibration-and-tools/astronomical-catalogs/pickles-atlas.html

    # read the sourcespectrum
    spG5V = SourceSpectrum.from_file(
    spG2V = SourceSpectrum.from_file(

    filtR = SpectralElement.from_filter('johnson_r')
    spG2V_19r = spG2V.normalize(19 * synphot.units.VEGAMAG,

    bp = SpectralElement(Box1D, x_0=700 * u.nm, width=600 * u.nm)
    obs = Observation(spG2V_19r, bp)
    obs.countrate(area=50 * u.m**2)

    bp220 = SpectralElement(Box1D, x_0=800 * u.nm, width=400 * u.nm)
    bpCRed = SpectralElement(Box1D, x_0=1650 * u.nm, width=300 * u.nm) * 0.8

    Observation(spG2V_19r, bp220).countrate(area=50 * u.m**2)
    Observation(spG2V_19r, bpCRed).countrate(area=50 * u.m**2)

    spM0V_8R = get_normalized_star_spectrum('M0V', 8.0, 'johnson_r')

    uPhotonSecM2Micron = u.photon / (u.s * u.m**2 * u.micron)

    spG2V_8R = get_normalized_star_spectrum("G2V", 8.0, 'johnson_r')

    # compare with Armando's
    spG2V_19R = get_normalized_star_spectrum("G2V", 19, 'johnson_r')
    bp = SpectralElement(Box1D, x_0=700 * u.nm, width=600 * u.nm)
    obs = Observation(spG2V_19R, bp)
    obs.countrate(area=50 * u.m**2)

    # zeropoint in filtro r in erg/s/cm2/A
    Observation(get_normalized_star_spectrum('A0V', 0, 'johnson_r'),
    # zeropoint in ph/s/m2
    Observation(get_normalized_star_spectrum('A0V', 0, 'johnson_r'),
                SpectralElement.from_filter('johnson_r')).countrate(area=1 *
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self):
     Set up NIRCam-specific information
     self.verbose = True
     self.imaging_throughput_files = None  #total sys. throughput: include JWST+NIRCam+filter
     self.grism_throughput_files = None  #assume these include JWST+NIRCam+grism+crossing filter
     self.detector = None  #'A1-A5, B1-B5'
     self.telescope_area = 25.326 * 10000.  #JWST primary area in cm^2
     self.detector_width = 2040  #pixels
     self.detector_length = 2040  #pixels
     self.xcoeffs = None
     self.ycoeffs = None
     self.pixel_area_a2 = None
     self.pixel_area_sr = None
     self.vega = SourceSpectrum.from_vega()
     self.maxlen = 3000  #wavelength and relresponse arrays have to be 3000 elements long
     self.resolving_power = 1525  #for NIRCam at 4.0 microns
     #dictionary of pupil wheel filter:filter wheel filter
     self.filter_dict = {
         'F164N': '150W2',
         'F323N': 'F322W2',
         'F405N': 'F444W',
         'F466N': 'F444W',
         'F470N': 'F444W'
     self.crossing_filters = [
         'F250M', 'F277W', 'F300M', 'F322W2', 'F335W', 'F356W', 'F360M',
         'F410M', 'F430M', 'F444W', 'F460M', 'F480M'
     self.disp = {'1': 10.04, '2': 5.02}  #angstroms/pixel - from Nor's code
     self.zeropoint_base = 'NIRCam_zeropoints'
     self.photom_base = 'NIRCam_photom'
     self.grism_thruput = '/grp/jwst/wit/nircam/reference_files/SpectralResponse_2015-Final/Grisms/NIRCam_LW_grism_efficiencies_from_Tom_Greene.csv'
     self.model = NircamPhotomModel()
     self.pam_outfile = None
     self.photom_outfile = None
     self.author = 'Nircam Team'
     self.useafter = '2017-01-01'
     self.pam_descrip = 'NIRCam Pixel Area Map'
     self.photom_descrip = 'NIRCam flux conversion reference file'
     self.pedigree = 'GROUND'
     self.pam_history = None
     self.photom_history = None
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, mag, magsystem='VEGAMAG', filt_range=None, sed=None, temp=5778):

        # Define the magnitude system.
        if filt_range is None:
            filt_range = [5000, 6000]
        if magsystem.lower() == 'vegamag':
            sys = units.VEGAMAG
        elif magsystem.lower() == 'stmag':
            sys = u.STmag
        elif magsystem.lower() == 'abnu':
            sys = u.ABmag

        # Get Vega's spectrum.
        vega = SourceSpectrum.from_vega()

        # Set attributes.
        self.mag = mag
        self.SED = sed
        self.temp = temp
        self.inputFlux = units.convert_flux(filt_range, mag * sys, units.FLAM, vegaspec=vega)
        self.range = filt_range
        self.F_lambda = self.starF_lambda()
Ejemplo n.º 9
def rescale_normalized_spectra(spectra, catalog_info, magnitude_system,
                               bandpass_file, gain_value):
    """Rescale any input spectra that are normalized

    spectra : OrderedDict
        Dictionary containing spectra for some/all targets. Dictionary
        keys are the object indexes (such as from the index column in
        the catalog_file. Entries must be e.g.
        d[1] = {"wavelengths": <wavelength_list>,
                "fluxes": <List of spectral flux densities>}
        Wavelengths and fluxes can be lists, or lists with astropy units
        attached. If no units are supplied, Mirage assumes wavelengths
        in microns and flux densities in Flambda units.

    catalog_info : astropy.table.Table
        Index column and magnitude column to use for rescaling. Extracted
        from the original input catalog.

    magnitude_system : str
        Magnitude system corresponding to the input magnitudes (e.g. 'abmag')

    bandpass_file : str
        Name of ascii file containing filter throughput curve. (Generally
        retrieved from config directory)

    gain_value : float
        Gain value (e-/ADU) to use to adjust any rescaled spectra to produce
        given countrates in ADU/sec rather than e-/sec. This is needed
        because the flux calibration info (e.g. photflam, photfnu) were
        created such that they translate from magnitudes to ADU/sec rather
        than to e-/sec

    spec : OrderedDict
        Input dictionary, with flux values rescaled (in FLAM units) to the
        requested magnitude, only for spectra where the flux units are
    logger = logging.getLogger(

    # Get the Vega spectrum from synphot. Use the version that was used
    # to create the photom reference files and filter zeropoints
    with syn_conf.set_temp(
        vegaspec = SourceSpectrum.from_vega()

    mag_colname = [col for col in catalog_info.colnames
                   if 'index' not in col][0]
    instrument = mag_colname.split('_')[0].lower()

    # Make a copy so we aren't modifying spec in place, which seems to be passed
    # by reference back to the calling function
    spec = copy.deepcopy(spectra)

    for dataset in spec:
        waves = spec[dataset]['wavelengths']
        flux = spec[dataset]['fluxes']
        flux_units = flux.unit
        if (flux_units == u.pct):
                'SED for source {} is normalized. Rescaling.'.format(dataset))
            match = catalog_info['index'] == dataset

            if not any(match):
                #raise ValueError(('WARNING: No matching target in ascii catalog for normalized source '
                #                  'number {}. Unable to rescale.').format(dataset))
            magnitude = catalog_info[mag_colname].data[match][0]

            # Create a synphot source spectrum
            fake_flux_units = units.FLAM
            source_spectrum = SourceSpectrum(Empirical1D,
                                             lookup_table=flux.value *

            # Create a synphot SpectralElement containing the filter bandpass
            filter_tp = ascii.read(bandpass_file)
            bp_waves = filter_tp['Wavelength_microns'].data * u.micron
            bp_waves = bp_waves.to(u.Angstrom)
            thru = filter_tp['Throughput'].data

            bandpass = SpectralElement(Empirical1D,
                                       lookup_table=thru) / gain_value

            # Renormalize
            magnitude_system = magnitude_system.lower()

            if magnitude_system == 'vegamag':
                magunits = units.VEGAMAG
                vega_spec = vegaspec
            elif magnitude_system == 'abmag':
                magunits = u.ABmag
                vega_spec = None
            elif magnitude_system == 'stmag':
                magunits = u.STmag
                vega_spec = None
            elif magnitude_system == 'counts':
                raise ValueError(
                    'ERROR: normalization to a given countrate not yet supported.'
            if magnitude_system != 'vegamag':
                renorm = source_spectrum.normalize(magnitude * magunits,
                if instrument == 'nircam':
                    # NIRCam vegamag zeropoints are based on synphot's Vega spectrum
                    renorm = source_spectrum.normalize(magnitude * magunits,
                elif instrument == 'niriss':
                    # NIRISS vegamag zeropoints are based on Vega having a
                    # magnitude of 0.02 in all filters
                    renorm = source_spectrum.normalize(
                        (magnitude - 0.02) * units.VEGAMAG,
                elif instrument == 'fgs':
                    # FGS vegamag zeropoints are based on a Sirius spectrum
                    # rather than Vega
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "Source spectrum rescaling for FGS not yet supported")
                    sirius_file = 'sirius_mod_003.txt'
                    sirius_tab = ascii.read(sirius_file)
                    sirius_waves = sirius_tab['Wavelength'] * u.Angstrom
                    sirius_flux = sirius_tab['Flux'] * units.FLAM
                    sirius_spectrum = SourceSpectrum(Empirical1D,
                    #sirius_spec_norm = sirius_spectrum.normalize(0. * units.VEGAMAG, bandpass, vegaspec=sirius_spectrum)
                    renorm = source_spectrum.normalize(
                        magnitude * units.VEGAMAG,

            spec[dataset]['fluxes'] = renorm(waves, flux_unit='flam')
                'SED for source {} is already in physical units. NOT RESCALING'

    return spec
Ejemplo n.º 10
def vega_spectrum(mag=0):
    vega = SourceSpectrum.from_vega(cache=True)
    return vega * 10**(-0.4 * mag)
Ejemplo n.º 11
tsdir = '/home/anadkarni/NIRCam_AZ_TSO_Data_Challenge/GJ436_LC_TS_Params/'

# ----------  Prepare Inputs  ----------

xml_file = os.path.join(input_data_path, 'GJ436.xml')
pointing_file = xml_file.replace('.xml', '.pointing')

# ----------  Stellar Spectrum  ----------

t_eff = 3500  # surface temperature
metallicity = 0.02  # Fe/H
log_g = 5.0  # surface gravity = 182 m/s^2
sp = stsyn.grid_to_spec('ck04models', t_eff, metallicity, log_g)
bp = SpectralElement.from_filter('johnson_k')
vega = SourceSpectrum.from_vega()
sp_norm = sp.normalize(6.073 * units.VEGAMAG, bp, vegaspec=vega)
wavelengths = sp_norm.waveset.to(u.micron)
fluxes = sp_norm(wavelengths, flux_unit='flam')
wavelength_units = 'microns'
flux_units = 'flam'
sed_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'GJ436_stellar_spectrum.hdf5')
fluxes = [fluxes]
wavelengths = [wavelengths]
with h5py.File(sed_file, "w") as file_obj:
    for i in range(len(fluxes)):
        dset = file_obj.create_dataset(
            str(i + TSO_GRISM_INDEX),
            data=[wavelengths[i].value, fluxes[i].value],
Ejemplo n.º 12
def flux2ABmag(wave, flux, band, mag, plot=False):

    # "band" should be either "sdss_g" or "V" for the moment

    # The input "wave" should be in nm

    # Define bandpass:
    if band == "sdss_g":
        bp = SpectralElement.from_file('../utility/photometry/g.dat')
        magvega = -0.08
    elif band == "V":
        bp = SpectralElement.from_filter('johnson_v')
        magvega = 0.03

    # SDSS g-band magnitude of Vega

    # Read the spectrum of Vega
    sp_vega = SourceSpectrum.from_vega()
    wv_vega = sp_vega.waveset
    fl_vega = sp_vega(wv_vega, flux_unit=units.FLAM)

    ## Convolve with the bandpass
    obs_vega = Observation(sp_vega, bp)

    ## Integrated flux
    fluxtot_vega = obs_vega.integrate()

    # Read the synthetic spectrum
    sp = SourceSpectrum(Empirical1D, points = wave * 10., \
    wv = sp.waveset
    fl = sp(wv, flux_unit=units.FLAM)

    ## Convolve with the bandpass
    obs = Observation(sp, bp, force='extrap')

    ## Integrated g-band flux
    fluxtot = obs.integrate()

    # Scaling factor to make the flux compatible with the desired magnitude
    dm = mag - magvega
    const = fluxtot_vega * 10**(-0.4 * dm) / fluxtot

    # Scale the original flux by const
    fl_scale = const * fl

    # Convert to ABmag
    fl_scale_mag = units.convert_flux(wv, fl_scale, out_flux_unit='abmag')

    sp_scaled_mag = SourceSpectrum(Empirical1D,

    # Plot
    if plot == True:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True)
        ax[0].plot(wave * 10., flux, linestyle="-", marker="")
                   sp_scaled_mag(wv, flux_unit=u.ABmag)[1:-1],
        ax[1].set_ylim(mag + 3., mag - 2.0)

    return (wv[1:-1] / 10., sp_scaled_mag(wv, flux_unit=u.ABmag)[1:-1])