def to_iobes(): current = '' next_ = '' lines = stdin.readlines() for ind, line in enumerate(lines): if line != '\n': splitted = line.strip().split(' ') current = splitted[-1][0] new_current = '' next_ = lines[ind+1].strip().split(' ')[-1] if len(next_) > 0: next_ = next_[0] if current == 'B' and next_ == 'O': new_current = 'S' elif current == 'B' and next_ == 'B': new_current = 'S' elif current == 'I' and next_ == 'O': new_current = 'E' elif current == 'I' and next_ == 'B': new_current = 'E' elif current == 'B' and next_ == '': new_current = 'S' elif current == 'I' and next_ == '': new_current = 'E' else: new_current = current[0] splitted[-1] = new_current + splitted[-1][1:] joined = ' '.join(splitted) else: joined = '' print(joined)
def main(): def bfs(initial, final): queue = deque([initial, None]) count = 0 while len(queue) > 1: node = queue.popleft() if node == final: break if node is None: count += 1 queue.append(None) continue i, j = node for x, y in ((i - 1, j - 2), (i - 2, j - 1), (i - 2, j + 1), (i - 1, j + 2), (i + 1, j + 2), (i + 2, j + 1), (i + 2, j - 1), (i + 1, j - 2)): if (0 <= x < 8) and (0 <= y < 8) and board[x][y]: queue.append((x, y)) board[x][y] = False return count inp = stdin.readlines() for t in xrange(int(inp[0])): p1, p2 = inp[t + 1].split() board = [[True]*8 for _ in xrange(8)] print bfs( (ord(p1[0]) - ord('a'), int(p1[1]) - 1), (ord(p2[0]) - ord('a'), int(p2[1]) - 1))
def task(): n = int(stdin.readline()) counter = 0 tree = defaultdict(list) words = [] pattern = '' for index, value in enumerate(stdin.readlines()): if index < n - 1: parent_string, word = value.split() words.append(word) tree[int(parent_string) - 2].append(index) elif index == n - 1: pattern = value.strip() length = len(pattern) search = [(0, child) for child in tree[-1]] pi = compute_prefix_function(pattern) append, pop = search.append, search.pop while search: matchLen, index = pop() for c in words[index]: matchLen = pi[matchLen][c] if matchLen == length: counter += 1 for child in tree[index]: append((matchLen, child)) print counter
def main(): p = ArgumentParser() p.add_argument("-s", dest="shell", action='store_true') p.add_argument("-n", "--no-raw", dest="accept_raw", action='store_false') args = p.parse_args() if inputs = stdin.readlines() for i in inputs: try: cmd = handle_cmd(i, args.accept_raw) except Exception as e: dbg(e) raise if cmd: dbg("Executing %s" % cmd) c = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out, err = c.communicate() if c.returncode > 0: call(["notify-send", "Error running: {}:\n{}".format(cmd,err)]) else: dbg("Skipping unrecognized raw command '{}'".format(i)) else: dmenu_path = Popen(["dmenu_path"], stdout=PIPE) # dmenu replacement, rofi # dmenu = Popen(["rofi", "-dmenu"], stdin=dmenu_path.stdout, stdout=PIPE) #dmenu = Popen(["dmenu"], stdin=dmenu_path.stdout, stdout=PIPE) Popen([argv[0], "-s"], stdin=dmenu.stdout)
def main(): import argparse from sys import exit, stdin parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version="%%(prog)s %s (%s)" % (__version__, __author__)) parser.add_argument('username', help="Your HE DNS username") parser.add_argument('password', help="Your HE DNS password") parser.add_argument('command', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="An optional command, if blank we drop into interactive mode") options = parser.parse_args() shell = HurricaneDNSShell(options.username, options.password) try: if not options.command: if stdin.isatty(): shell.cmdloop() else: for line in stdin.readlines(): shell.onecmd(line) else: from pipes import quote shell.onecmd(" ".join(map(lambda x: quote(x), options.command))) except HurricaneDNS.HurricaneAuthenticationError as e: print '%s: HE sent an error (%s)' % (parser.prog, e) exit(1) except HurricaneDNS.HurricaneError as e: print '%s: %s' % (parser.prog, e)
def main(): from sys import stdin try: range = xrange except NameError: pass inp = iter(stdin.readlines()) z = while z != '0': x = 1 dp = [0]*(len(z) + 1) dp[0] = 1 dp[1] = 1 lenz = len(z) if z[0] == '0': print(0) z = continue for x in range(1, lenz): dp[x + 1] = dp[x] if z[x] == '0' and not ('1' <= z[x - 1] <= '2'): dp[lenz] = 0 break elif z[x] == '0': continue if '10' <= z[x - 1:x + 1] <= '26': if x < lenz - 1 and z[x + 1] != '0': dp[x + 1] += dp[x - 1] elif x == lenz - 1: dp[x + 1] += dp[x - 1] print(dp[lenz]) z =
def main(): def maxarea(arr, length): stack = [] i = 0 max_area = float('-inf') while i < length: if len(stack) == 0 or arr[stack[-1]] <= arr[i]: stack.append(i) i += 1 else: top = stack.pop() if stack: area_with_top = arr[top] * (i - stack[-1] - 1) else: area_with_top = arr[top] * i max_area = max(max_area, area_with_top) while stack: top = stack.pop() if stack: area_with_top = arr[top] * (i - stack[-1] - 1) else: area_with_top = arr[top] * i max_area = max(max_area, area_with_top) return max_area inp = stdin.readlines() inp.pop() for x in inp: l = map(int, x.split()) length = l.pop(0) print maxarea(l, length)
def mst(): lines = stdin.readlines() n = len(lines) #Prims tagged = [0]*n heaviest = 0 edges = 0 heap = getNode(lines,0) heapify(heap) tagged[0] = 1 while edges < n-1: edge = heappop(heap) target = edge[1] if tagged[target]: continue tagged[target] = 1 if heaviest < edge[0]: heaviest = edge[0] for e in getNode(lines,target): if not tagged[e[1]]: heappush(heap, e) edges += 1 return heaviest
def main(): def maxpath(matrix, i, j): if i < 0 or i >= n or j < 0 or j >= m: return 0 if memz[i][j]: return memz[i][j] # neighbour = (neigh_x, neigh_y) for neigh_x, neigh_y in zip( (i, i, i - 1, i + 1, i - 1, i - 1, i + 1, i + 1), (j - 1, j + 1, j, j, j - 1, j + 1, j - 1, j + 1)): if matrix[i][j] == matrix[neigh_x][neigh_y] - 1: memz[i][j] = max(memz[i][j], maxpath(matrix, neigh_x, neigh_y) + 1) return memz[i][j] inp = iter(stdin.readlines()) n, m = map(int, k = 1 while n or m: mat = [] memz = [[0]*52 for _ in xrange(52)] for x in xrange(n): mat.append(map(ord, list( mat[x].append(0) mat[x].append(0) mat.append([0] * (m + 2)) ans = 0 for x in xrange(n): for y in xrange(m): if mat[x][y] == 65: ans = max(ans, maxpath(mat, x, y) + 1) print 'Case {}: {}'.format(k, ans) k += 1 n, m = map(int,
def main(): def extended_gcd(aa, bb): lastremainder, remainder = abs(aa), abs(bb) x, lastx, y, lasty = 0, 1, 1, 0 while remainder: lastremainder, (quotient, remainder) = remainder, divmod(lastremainder, remainder) x, lastx = lastx - quotient * x, x y, lasty = lasty - quotient * y, y return lastremainder, lastx * (-1 if aa < 0 else 1), lasty * (-1 if bb < 0 else 1) def modinv(a, m): g, x, _ = extended_gcd(a, m) if g != 1: raise ValueError return x % m inp = stdin.readlines() out = [] for _ in xrange(int(inp[0])): n, p = map(int, inp[_ + 1].split()) if n >= p: out.append("0") continue product = 1 for x in xrange(p - 1, n, -1): product = (product * x) % p out.append(str(modinv(-1 * product, p))) print "\n".join(out)
def main(): try: in_file = open(argv[1], 'r') try: data = [s.replace('\n', '') for s in in_file.readlines()] finally: in_file.close() except IOError: print("Cant open file or read data") data = [s.replace('\n', '') for s in stdin.readlines()] alphabet = data[0].split() k = len(alphabet) max_n = int(data[1]) result_strings = [] for n in range(1, max_n + 1): result_strings += get_all_numbers(alphabet, k, n) new_alphabet = dict(zip( alphabet, map(chr, range(65, 91)) )) result_strings = [(s, in_new_alphabet(s, new_alphabet)) for s in result_strings] result_strings.sort(key = lambda x: x[1]) try: out_file = open("lexv_out.txt", 'w') try: for s in result_strings: print(s[0], file = out_file) finally: out_file.close() except IOError: print("Cant write data")
def main(): def max_score(p, Ag, Bg): apq = pqueue(zip(Ag, Ag, [2]*len(Ag))) bpq = pqueue(zip([0]*len(Bg), Bg, [1]*len(Bg))) tasks = 0 while True: d = apq.pop() if d[0] >= p: break apq.push((d[0] + d[1]*d[2], d[1], d[2] + 1)) w = bpq.pop() if max(w[0], d[0]) + w[1]*w[2] < p: tasks += 1 bpq.push((max(w[0], d[0]) + w[1]*w[2], w[1], w[2] + 1)) return tasks inp = stdin.readlines() for T in xrange(int(inp[0])): p = int(inp[4*T + 1]) # n, m = map(int, inp[4*T + 2]) Ag = map(int, inp[4*T + 3].split()) Bg = map(int, inp[4*T + 4].split()) print max_score(p, Ag, Bg)
def main(): def sieve(n): numbers = [True]*n primes = [] for x in range(2, n): if numbers[x]: primes.append(x) for y in range(2*x, n, x): numbers[y] = False return primes primes = sieve(1001) stdin.readline() for n in map(int, stdin.readlines()): mc = float('-inf') for x in primes: if n == 1 or x >= n: break c = 0 while n % x == 0: c += 1 n /= x mc = max(c, mc) if n != 1: mc = max(1, mc) print(mc)
def main(): from sys import stdin, stdout # stdin = open("input.txt", "r") inp = stdin.readlines() n = int(inp[0]) versePattern = iter(map(int, inp[1].split())) ans = True for line in inp[2:]: vowelCnt = 0 for x in line: if x in "aeiouy": vowelCnt += 1 if vowelCnt != next(versePattern): ans = False break stdout.write("YES\n" if ans else "NO\n")
def main(): def steps(a, b, c): queue = deque([(0, 0), (-1, -1)]) visited = set() count = 0 while len(queue) > 1: x, y = queue.popleft() if x == -1 == y: count += 1 queue.append((-1, -1)) continue if x == c or y == c: return count if (x, y) in visited: continue visited.add((x, y)) for p in [ (0, y), (x, 0), (a, y), (x, b), (x - min(x, b - y), y + min(x, b - y)), (x + min(y, a - x), y - min(y, a - x))]: if p not in visited and p != (x, y): queue.append(p) return -1 dstream = map(int, stdin.readlines()) for t in xrange(dstream[0]): a, b, c = dstream[3*t + 1], dstream[3*t + 2], dstream[3*t + 3] print steps(a, b, c)
def dfs(): from sys import stdin import gc gc.disable() r = stdin.readline r() r() rot = int(r()) goal = int(r()) s = str.split linjer = map(s, stdin.readlines()) keys = [] a = keys.append for linje in linjer: a(linje.pop(0)) if int(goal) == rot: return 0 dybde = 1 i = keys.index k = keys.remove l = linjer.remove while 1: for key in keys: if key != str(goal): if str(goal) in set(linjer[i(key)]): goal = key if int(goal) == rot: return dybde dybde += 1 l(linjer[i(key)]) k(key) break
def main(): lines = stdin.readlines() lines = [line.strip().split() for line in lines] true_pos = 0 true_neg = 0 false_pos = 0 false_neg = 0 for line in lines: pred = line[0] real = line[1] if real in POSITIVES and pred in POSITIVES: true_pos += 1 elif real in POSITIVES and pred in NEGATIVES: true_neg += 1 elif real in NEGATIVES and pred in POSITIVES: false_pos += 1 elif real in NEGATIVES and pred in NEGATIVES: false_neg += 1 soundness = float(true_pos)/(true_pos + true_neg) print "%f\tpercent of actual follow-backs predicted." % soundness*100 completeness = float(true_pos)/(true_pos + false_pos) print "%f\tpercent of predicted follow-backs were correct." % completeness*100 accuracy = float(true_pos + false_neg)/(true_pos + false_pos + true_neg + false_neg) print "%f\tpercent of all predictions were accurate." % accuracy*100
def main(): lines = stdin.readlines() longest = max([len(t.rstrip()) for t in lines]) for line in lines: left = len(line.rstrip()) - len(line.strip()) print((line.strip()+(" "*left)).rjust(longest, " "))
def read_input(self): print "Enter your statements(s) and then question(s). Terminate by pressing (Control + D) :" for line in stdin.readlines(): self.lines.append( ((self.pattern.sub(' ',line)).strip()) ) #self.lines.append(line) #print self.lines return self.lines
def main(): from sys import stdin try: range = xrange except NameError: pass inp = iter(stdin.readlines()) for x in range(int( # code... a, plus, b, equ, c = try: a = int(a) except ValueError: b = int(b) c = int(c) a = c-b print('{} {} {} {} {}'.format(a, plus, b, equ, c)) continue try: b = int(b) except ValueError: c = int(c) b = c - a print('{} {} {} {} {}'.format(a, plus, b, equ, c)) continue try: c = int(c) except ValueError: c = a + b print('{} {} {} {} {}'.format(a, plus, b, equ, c)) continue
def main(): """ Reads input from stdin, prints answer to stdout, and returns. """ # Parse input lines = ''.join(stdin.readlines()).split('\n') splits = ( a.split(' ') for a in lines[1:] ) # generator parsed = [ (a[0], int(a[1])) for a in splits ] # Build lists positive, negative = [], [] for p in parsed: if p[1] > 0: positive.append(p) else: negative.append(p) # Find smaller list (smaller, larger) = (positive, negative) if len(positive) < len(negative) else (negative, positive) # Permute the smaller list for combo in combinations(smaller): calories = sum( a[1] for a in combo ) for pcombo in combinations( [l for l in larger if abs(l[1]) < abs(calories)] ): # ignore elements with calorie count too big if sum( b[1] for b in pcombo ) + calories == 0: for ele in sorted( a[0] for a in combo+pcombo ): print ele return # No solution found print 'no solution'
def main(): inp = stdin.readlines() out = [] for _ in range(int(inp[0])): a, b = inp[_ + 1].split() out.append(str(int(a[::-1]) + int(b[::-1]))[::-1].lstrip('0')) print('\n'.join(out))
def get_input(): """ Returns a list of every number from stdin """ from sys import stdin result = stdin.readlines() del result[0] return map(int, result)
def main(): n, k = map(int, stdin.readline().split()) d = 0 array = map(int, stdin.readlines()) for i in range(len(array)): if array[i] % k == 0: d += 1 print d
def get_input(): """ Returns a tuple containing 2 elements: - A int containing amount test cases - A list of all test cases containing 3 integers: money, price, discount """ from sys import stdin raw = [line.strip() for line in stdin.readlines()] return int(raw[0]), [map(int, line.split()) for line in raw[1:]]
def main(): from sys import stdin, stdout n, k = map(int, stdin.readline().split()) d = 0 for t in stdin.readlines(): if int(t) % k == 0: d += 1 stdout.write(str(d) + "\n")
def main(): def ans(h, n, k): a = float('inf') for x in xrange(n - k + 1): a = min(a, h[x + k - 1] - h[x]) return a from sys import stdin inp = stdin.readlines() for _ in xrange(int(inp[0])): print ans(sorted(map(int, inp[2*_ + 2].split())), *map(int, inp[2*_ + 1].split()))
def main(): inp = stdin.readlines() for _ in xrange(int(inp[0])): x, y = map(int, inp[_ + 1].split()) if x == y: print((x // 2) * 4 + (x % 2)) elif x > 1 and y == x - 2: print((y // 2) * 4 + (y % 2) + 2) else: print('No Number')
def get_input(): """ Returns a list of integers with all test cases """ from sys import stdin raw = [line.strip() for line in stdin.readlines()] assert 1 <= int(raw[0]) <= 10 for i in map(int, raw[1:]): assert 2 <= i <= 10**7 return map(int, raw[1:])
def main(): inp = stdin.readlines() for _ in xrange(int(inp[0])): n, k = map(int, inp[2*_ + 1].split()) a = map(int, inp[2*_ + 2].split()) for x in xrange(1, k): a[x] += 2*a[x - 1] for x in xrange(1, k): pass
from sys import stdin print('\n'.join(str((int(w) + 399) // 400) for w in stdin.readlines()[1:]))
from sys import stdin import re from statistics import mode progs = [re.split(r' -> |, ', line.strip()) for line in stdin.readlines()] children = { re.sub(r'\([0-9]+\)', '', line[0]).strip(): line[1:] for line in progs } weights = { re.sub(r'\([0-9]+\)', '', line[0]).strip(): int('([0-9]+)', line[0]).group(0)) for line in progs } partials = {} def sum_weights(s): partials[s] = weights[s] + sum( sum_weights(t) if t not in partials else partials[t] for t in children[s]) return partials[s] for prog in children: sum_weights(prog) unbal = lambda s: not all(partials[ch] == partials[children[s][0]] for ch in children[s]) nodes = lambda n: 1 + sum(nodes(c) for c in children[n]) root = [prog for prog in children if nodes(prog) == len(children)][0] final = root while any(unbal(child) for child in
from sys import stdin difference = {} difference[1] = 1 difference[2] = 0 difference[3] = 1 numbers = set() minimum = 9999999999999999999 maximum = -1 for jolt in [line.rstrip() for line in stdin.readlines()]: if jolt == '': break jolt_number = int(jolt) minimum = min(minimum, jolt_number) maximum = max(maximum, jolt_number) numbers.add(jolt_number) memoized = {} # sort of part 1, messed it up trying to write part 2 # def recurse(minimum, maximum, current, numbers, difference, difference_value): # if current not in numbers: # return False # elif current == maximum: # return True # for i in [1, 2, 3]: # if recurse(minimum, maximum, current + i, numbers, difference, i):
from sys import stdin for line in stdin.readlines(): tokens = line.split() name = [] bpm = [] for token in tokens: try: bpm.append(float(token)) except: name.append(token) print('{0} {1}'.format(sum(bpm) / len(bpm), ' '.join(name)))
prob = prob * weight if len(subtrees) > 0: if feature in features: prob = probability(subtrees[0], name, features, prob) else: prob = probability(subtrees[1], name, features, prob) return str(D(prob).quantize(D('1.0000000'))) def probabilities(tree, animals): tree = make_tree(tree) probabilities = [] for animal in animals.split('\n'): if animal.strip() != '': animal = animal.strip().split(' ') name = animal.pop(0) probabilities.append(probability(tree, name, animal[1:], D(1))) return '\n'.join(probabilities) lines = stdin.readlines() nocases = int(lines.pop(0)) lenfirstcase = lines.pop(0) sections = split('\n[0-9]+\n', ''.join(lines)) cases = zip(*[iter(sections)] * 2) # tree: animals caseno = 1 for tup in cases: print('Case #%s:\n%s' % (caseno, probabilities(tup[0], tup[1]))) caseno += 1
def get_input(): from sys import stdin input = stdin.readlines() return input[0], deque(input[1:])
#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Copyright (C) 2019 Trevor Last from sys import stdin def manhattan(x1, y1, x2, y2): return abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2) DELTA = {'U': (0, 1), 'D': (0, -1), 'L': (-1, 0), 'R': (1, 0)} paths = [wire.split(',') for wire in stdin.readlines()] overlaps = [] grid = dict() idx = 0 for path in paths: x, y = 0, 0 for line in path: dx = DELTA[line[0]][0] * int(line[1:]) dy = DELTA[line[0]][1] * int(line[1:]) for i in range(abs(dx) + 1): for j in range(abs(dy) + 1): pt = (x + i * DELTA[line[0]][0]), y + (j * DELTA[line[0]][1]) try: if grid[pt] != idx and pt != (0, 0): overlaps.append(pt)
def main(): test_cases = parse_input(stdin.readlines()) output = get_output(test_cases) write_output(output, 'output-recycle.out')
for i in range(1, N): for j in range(1, M): dp[i][j] = max((dp[i - 1][j], dp[i][j - 1])) if aseq[i] == bseq[j]: dp[i][j] = max((dp[i][j], dp[i - 1][j - 1] + 1)) # track lcs lcs = '' i, j = N - 1, M - 1 while True: if dp[i][j] == 0: break if aseq[i] == bseq[j]: lcs = aseq[i] + lcs i -= 1 j -= 1 else: if dp[i][j - 1] >= dp[i - 1][j]: j -= 1 else: i -= 1 return len(lcs), lcs for a in solution(*[row.strip() for row in stdin.readlines()]): print(a) """ ACAYKP CAPCA """
"legal_address", "kpp", "bank_name", "kor_schet", "orgn_date", "bik", "boss_fio", "phone", "inn", "orgn", "orgn_emitter", "email", "bill_numb") j = [] lines = grouper(4, stdin.readlines()) for s, i in zip(lines, count(1)): s = [i.strip() for i in s] entity = order_dict(ENTITY_ORDER, { "model": "tsj.servicecompany", "pk": i, "fields": { "workgraph": "Ежедневно 10:00-24:00", "kpp": "12345654321", "bank_name": "12343543", "kor_schet": "2342342343", "orgn_date": "2014-10-10", "bik": "3424234324", "boss_fio": "\u0419\u0446\u0443\u043a \u0415\u043d\u0433 \u0418\u0447\u0435\u0448\u0443\u0442\u0441\u044f", "phone": "777771", "inn": "123123213123213",
cnd = get_candidate(x, y) if not cnd: # no possible number means past selection is wrong return False for shift in range(9): if cnd & (1 << shift): # if the number is markable mark(x, y, shift + 1) if solve(que_idx + 1): return True unmark(x, y, shift + 1) return False # all candidate gone through but no matching means worng past solve(0) return board board = [[int(c) for c in row.strip()] for row in stdin.readlines()] for row in solution(board): print(''.join([str(i) for i in row])) # board = '''103000509 # 002109400 # 000704000 # 300502006 # 060000050 # 700803004 # 000401000 # 009205800 # 804000107''' # board = [[int(c) for c in row.strip()] for row in board.splitlines()] # for row in solution(board): # print(' '.join([str(i) for i in row]))
from sys import stdin m = {} s = [x.strip() for x in stdin.readlines()] s = s[1:] s = "".join(s) for i in range(len(s) - 3): t = s[i:i + 4] if t in m: m[t] += 1 else: m[t] = 1 ans = [] for a in "ACGT": for b in "ACGT": for c in "ACGT": for d in "ACGT": e = "".join([a, b, c, d]) if e in m: ans.append(m[e]) else: ans.append(0) print(" ".join(str(x) for x in ans))
# If normalized_names_require_pep503 is True we require the pep503 # normalized name, if it is False we provide the legacy normalized name normalized_names_require_pep503 = args.normalized_names_format == "pep503" # If normalized_names_provide_pep503/legacy is True we provide the # pep503/legacy normalized name, if it is False we don't normalized_names_provide_pep503 = \ args.normalized_names_format == "pep503" or args.normalized_names_provide_both normalized_names_provide_legacy = \ args.normalized_names_format == "legacy-dots" or args.normalized_names_provide_both # At least one type of normalization must be provided assert normalized_names_provide_pep503 or normalized_names_provide_legacy for f in (args.files or stdin.readlines()): f = f.strip() lower = f.lower() name = 'python(abi)' # add dependency based on path, versioned if within versioned python directory if py_abi and (lower.endswith('.py') or lower.endswith('.pyc') or lower.endswith('.pyo')): if name not in py_deps: py_deps[name] = [] purelib = get_python_lib(standard_lib=0, plat_specific=0).split(version[:3])[0] platlib = get_python_lib(standard_lib=0, plat_specific=1).split(version[:3])[0] for lib in (purelib, platlib): if lib in f: spec = ('==', f.split(lib)[1].split(sep)[0])
def bufferize(self): self.idx = 0 = [line for line in stdin.readlines()]
from sys import stdin data = stdin.readlines() for no, case in enumerate(data[1:], 1): C, J = case.split() CC, JJ = '', '' best = (10**20, str(10**20), str(10**20)) def getBest(best, C, J): #print(best, C, J) cval, jval = int(C), int(J) val = (abs(cval - jval), C, J) if (best > val): return val return best for i, (c, j) in enumerate(zip(C, J), 1): if c == '?' and j == '?': best = getBest(best, CC + '0' + C[i:].replace('?', '9'), JJ + '1' + J[i:].replace('?', '0')) best = getBest(best, CC + '1' + C[i:].replace('?', '0'), JJ + '0' + J[i:].replace('?', '9')) CC += '0' JJ += '0' elif c == '?': if j > '0': best = getBest(best, CC + str(int(j) - 1) + C[i:].replace('?', '9'), JJ + j + J[i:].replace('?', '0')) if j < '9':
#!/usr/bin/python # coding: utf-8 from sys import stdin, stdout t = int(raw_input()) list = stdin.readlines() for i in list: last = int(i) - 1 num = last / 3 tot = (num * (6 + (num - 1) * 3)) / 2 num = last / 5 tot += (num * (10 + (num - 1) * 5)) / 2 num = last / 15 tot -= (num * (30 + (num - 1) * 15)) / 2 stdout.write(str(tot) + "\n") ''' If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below N. Input Format First line contains T that denotes the number of test cases. This is followed by T lines, each containing an integer, N. Output Format For each test case, print an integer that denotes the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below N. Constraints 1<=T<=10^5 1<=N<=10^9
from sys import stdin from itertools import product def solution(seq1, seq2): dp = [[0] * (len(seq2) + 1) for _ in range(len(seq1) + 1)] for a, b in product(range(1, len(seq1) + 1), range(1, len(seq2) + 1)): if seq1[a - 1] == seq2[b - 1]: dp[a][b] = dp[a - 1][b - 1] + 1 else: dp[a][b] = max([dp[a][b - 1], dp[a - 1][b]]) return dp[-1][-1] print(solution(*[row.strip() for row in stdin.readlines()])) """ AAA BBAB """ """ aaa bbbaaaa """ """ bbbaaaa aaa """
from sys import stdin from copy import deepcopy rules = { tuple(r[:r.find(' ')].split('/')): r[r.find('=> ') + 3:].strip().split('/') for r in [line.strip() for line in stdin.readlines()] } for rule in list(rules.keys()): r = deepcopy(rule) for _ in range(4): rules[tuple(v[::-1] for v in r)] = rules[rule] r = tuple(''.join(v) for v in zip(*r[::-1])) rules[r] = rules[rule] img = [".#.", "..#", "###"] for _ in range(5): enhanced = [] div = 2 if len(img[0]) % 2 == 0 else 3 for x in range(len(img[0]) // div): for y in range(len(img) // div): p = [] for yi in range(y * div, (y * div) + div): sub = '' for xi in range(x * div, (x * div) + div): sub += img[yi][xi] p.append(sub) p = tuple(p) for i, row in enumerate(rules[p]): if y * len(rules[p]) + i >= len(enhanced): enhanced.append('') enhanced[y * len(rules[p]) + i] += row img = enhanced print(sum(s.count('#') for s in img))
def read_doc(): from sys import stdin return stdin.readlines()
def read_data(): return [[int(x) for x in line.split()] for line in stdin.readlines()]
from sys import stdin cards = stdin.readlines()[0][:-1] ts = 0 cs = 0 gs = 0 for a in cards: if a == "T": ts += 1 elif a == "C": cs += 1 elif a == "G": gs += 1 print(ts**2 + cs**2 + gs**2 + min(ts, cs, gs) * 7)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from sys import stdin, stdout from Bio import Phylo clades = list( Phylo.BaseTree.Clade(name=name) for name in stdin.readline().split()) splits = list(list(int(c) for c in line.strip()) for line in stdin.readlines()) def find_cols_to_unify(splits): for split in splits: if 2 == sum(split): return tuple(i for i, x in enumerate(split) if x == 1) elif len(split) - 2 == sum(split): return tuple(i for i, x in enumerate(split) if x == 0) raise Exception('no cols to unify!', splits) def print_splits(splits): for split in splits: print(split) def print_clades(clades): for clade in clades: tree = Phylo.BaseTree.Tree.from_clade(clade) Phylo.write(tree, stdout, 'newick', plain=True) while 0 < len(splits):
from sys import stdin input = stdin.readline MIS = lambda: map(int, input().rstrip().split()) MIRS = lambda: map(int, stdin.readlines()) n, m = MIS() arr = list(MIS()) range_sum = [0] * len(arr) range_sum[0] = arr[0] for i in range(1, n): range_sum[i] = range_sum[i - 1] + arr[i] for _ in range(m): u, v = MIS() u -= 1 v -= 1 print(range_sum[v] - range_sum[u - 1] if u - 1 >= 0 else range_sum[v])
# #n = stdin.readline() #[f(int(x)) for x in stdin.readlines()] # lets optimize this process # read new value, # if array doesn't contains copy array to bigger array # compute factorial from end of last array to new value # print factorial 'dynamic programming' #a = [1]*2 #l = len(a) #n = stdin.readline() #for i in stdin.readlines(): # j = int(i)+1 # if l < j: # a += [0]*(j-l) # for k in range(l,j): # a[k] = a[k-1]*k # l = j # s = str(a[j-1]) # print(s[len(s)-1]) # cheat solution d = {'0': 1, '1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 6, '4': 4} n = stdin.readline() for i in stdin.readlines(): i = i.rstrip() if i in d: print(d[i]) else: print(0)
# Basic Input # Input: Read a line of input input from STDIN # Output: string input_str = input() # Input: space seperated list of numbers # Output: an iterable map object of integers input_list = map(int, input().split()) # Basic Output # outputs data to STDOUT # this adds a newline character at the end print(output_data) # Input/Output using sys from sys import stdin, stdout # Input: a line of input from STDIN # Output: string input_str = stdin.readlines() # Output to STDOUT # no newline character is added stdout.write(output_data)
h = height(trees) current = zeroPos() hits = 0 while(current[1] < len(trees)): print(f"{current}: {position(trees, current)}") hits += 1 if position(trees, current) else 0 current = move(current, slope) return hits def parse(line: str) -> List[bool]: return [t == '#' for t in line.replace('\n','')] def part1(trees): return part(trees, (3,1)) trees = [parse(l) for l in stdin.readlines()] slope1 = part(trees, (1,1)) print(slope1) print("*"*7) slope2 = part(trees, (3,1)) print(slope2) print("*"*7) slope3 = part(trees, (5,1)) print(slope3) print("*"*7) slope4 = part(trees, (7,1)) print(slope4) print("*"*7) slope5 = part(trees, (1,2)) print(slope5) print("-"*7)
if len(passed) >= L and all( (passed[-(i + 1)] == next_seg - 1 for i in range(L))): passed.append(road.popleft()) continue # going low if len(road) >= L and all( (road[i] == last_seg - 1 for i in range(L))): for _ in range(L): passed.append( -road.popleft()) # negate to mark bridge built continue # else, can't build bridge break else: # if all road is moved to passed, mark good path path_count += 1 return path_count N, L = None, None board = [] for i, row in enumerate(stdin.readlines()): if i == 0: N, L = (int(c) for c in row.strip().split(' ')) else: board.append([int(c) for c in row.strip().split(' ')]) print(solution(N, L, board))
from collections import deque from sys import stdin index = 0 case = 1 myString = stdin.readlines() while index < len(myString): myCase = myString[index].strip('\n').split() myPopulation = int(myCase[0]) myIteration = int(myCase[1]) myDeque = deque() if myPopulation == 0 and myIteration == 0: break for num in range(min(myPopulation, 1000)): myDeque.append(num + 1) print(f'Case {case}:') #print(myCase) mySeries = myString[index + 1:index + 1 + myIteration] for i in mySeries: myPatient = i.strip('\n').split() #print(caso) if len(myPatient) > 1: # Lógica para E myDeque.appendleft(int(myPatient[1])) #myDeque.remove(int(myPatient[1]))
from collections import deque from sys import stdin lines = deque(line.strip() for line in stdin.readlines()) def nextline(): return lines.popleft() def types(cast): return tuple(int(x) for x in nextline().split()) def ints(): return types(int) def strs(): return nextline().split() def ishappy(ch): return ch == '+' def main(): # lines will now contain all of the input's lines in a list T = int(nextline()) for testCase in range(1, T + 1): pancakes, K = strs()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from sys import stdin def solve(data): mount = [[val[0], int(val[1])] for val in data[1:]] sorted_mount = sorted(mount, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) print(sorted_mount[1][0]) if __name__ == "__main__": # 1行 # data = list(map(int, stdin.readline().rstrip().split(" "))) # data = list(map(str, stdin.readline().rstrip().split(" "))) # 複数行 raw_data = [val.rstrip() for val in stdin.readlines()] # data = [list(map(int, val.split(' '))) for val in raw_data] data = [list(map(str, val.split(' '))) for val in raw_data] solve(data)