#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from sys import exit as Die
    import sys
    import numpy as np
except ImportError as err:

class ColorDetection:
    def get_color_name(self, hsv, cal):
        """ Get the name of the color based on the hue.

        :returns: string
        (h, s, v) = hsv
        for color in cal:
            if color == 'red' or color == 'orange':
                if (h < cal[color][1][0]
                        or h > cal[color][0][0]) and s in range(
                            cal[color][1][1], cal[color][0][1]) and v in range(
                                cal[color][1][2], cal[color][0][2]):
                    return color
            elif h in range(cal[color][1][0], cal[color][0][0]) and s in range(
                    cal[color][1][1], cal[color][0][1]) and v in range(
                        cal[color][1][2], cal[color][0][2]):
                return color

        return 'white'