Ejemplo n.º 1
    def estimate_table_pose(self, current_pose, diamond_positions, debug=False):
        # Parameters
        x_stdev        = 0.07
        y_stdev        = 0.07
        theta_stdev    = 0.08
        num_hypotheses = 5000
        max_hypothesis_dist_from_table_nav = 0.15


        observed_diamonds = [(x, y) for (x, y, z) in diamond_positions]
        observed_z = sum([z for (x, y, z) in merged_clusters_tn]) / len(merged_clusters_tn)

        # Generate hypothetical poses P = { ( x^(k), y^(k), z^(k) ), ... }
        #hypotheses = table_score.generate_hypotheses(self._current_estimate[0], self._current_estimate[1], self._current_estimate[2], x_stdev, y_stdev, theta_stdev, num_hypotheses)
        hypotheses = table_score.generate_hypotheses(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, x_stdev, y_stdev, theta_stdev, num_hypotheses)

        hypotheses_filtered = [p for p in hypotheses if abs(p[0]) + abs(p[1]) + abs(p[2]) < max_hypothesis_dist_from_table_nav]

        # Find best hypothesis
        (best_hypothesis, best_error) = table_score.find_best_hypothesis(hypotheses_filtered, observed_diamonds)
        print 'Estimated pose: x=%.2f y=%.2f th=%.2f (error=%.6f)' % (best_hypothesis[0], best_hypothesis[1], best_hypothesis[2], best_error)

        if debug:
            # Visualize hypothesis
            for i, candidate in enumerate(hypotheses_filtered):
                if i % 100 != 0:
                diamond_set = table_score.computed_hypothesized_diamonds(candidate)
                self._publish_diamonds_to_rviz('diamond_hypothesis', i, [(x, y, observed_z) for (x, y) in diamond_set], '/table_nav', 1, 0, 0, 0.006)
            # Visualize observed
            self._publish_diamonds_to_rviz('merged_clusters_tn', 0, merged_clusters_tn, '/table_nav', 0, 1, 0, 0.04)
            # Visualize /table_nav
            table_nav_diamonds = [(x, y, 0.0) for (x, y) in table_score.computed_hypothesized_diamonds((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))]
            self._publish_diamonds_to_rviz('table_nav_diamonds', 0, table_nav_diamonds, '/table_nav', 1, 0, 0, 0.04)
            # Visualize current_estimate
            current_estimate_diamonds = [(x, y, observed_z) for (x, y) in table_score.computed_hypothesized_diamonds(self._current_estimate)]
            self._publish_diamonds_to_rviz('current_estimate_diamonds', 0, current_estimate_diamonds, '/table_nav', 1, 0, 1, 0.04)

            # Visualize best estimate
            new_estimate_points = table_score.computed_hypothesized_diamonds(new_estimate)
            self._publish_diamonds_to_rviz('new_estimate', 0, [(x, y, observed_z) for (x, y) in new_estimate_points], '/table_nav', 0, 0, 1, 0.04)
            # Debugging: visualize table in rviz
            self._publish_table_to_rviz('table', '/table', 0, 0, 1)
        return best_hypothesis
Ejemplo n.º 2

t = table_score.diamond_positions()

for p in t:
    print "Diamond", p

s = table_score.generate_hypotheses(0,0,0,0.1, 0, 0.01, 3)
for h in s:
    print "hypothesis", h
    th = table_score.computed_hypothesized_diamonds(h)
    for p in th:
        print "twisted diamond", p

print "distance2 between (1,1) and (2,4) is %f"%table_score.point_distance2((1,1), (2,4))
print "min_point_distance2 between (1,1) and [(2,4), (3,4)] is %f"%table_score.min_point_distance2((1,1), [(2,4), (3,4)])

print "errors for points [(0,0), (0,.1)], hypothesis (0,0,0)"
points = [(0,0), (0,.1)]
hypothesis = (0,0,0)

print table_score.computed_error(hypothesis, points)