Ejemplo n.º 1
	def entry_tags(self):
		"""Returns a :class:`QuerySet` of :class:`.Tag`\ s that are used on any entries in this blog."""
		entry_pks = list(self.entries.values_list('pk', flat=True))
		kwargs = {
			'%s__object_id__in' % TaggedItem.tag_relname(): entry_pks
		return TaggedItem.tags_for(BlogEntry).filter(**kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(BlogBaseView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context['blog_tags'] = TaggedItem.tags_for(Blog).order_by('name')
        context['recent_blog_list'] = Blog.objects.recent_posts()
        # context['blog_list'] = Blog.objects.all()

        return context
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def handle(self, *arg, **kwargs):
     print '##########################################################'
     print '### This file is generated by ./manage.py dump_topics. ###'
     print '##########################################################'
     print 'from django.utils.translation import pgettext\n'
     for tag in TaggedItem.tags_for(Document):
         print 'pgettext("KB Topic", """{tag}""")'.format(tag=tag.name)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def extract_document(cls, obj_id):
        """Extracts indexable attributes from a Question and its answers."""

        # Note: Need to keep this in sync with
        # tasks.update_question_vote_chunk.
        obj = cls.uncached.values(
            'id', 'title', 'content', 'num_answers', 'solution_id',
            'is_locked', 'created', 'updated', 'num_votes_past_week',

        d = {}
        d['id'] = obj['id']
        d['model'] = cls.get_model_name()
        d['title'] = obj['title']
        d['question_content'] = obj['content']
        d['num_answers'] = obj['num_answers']
        d['is_solved'] = bool(obj['solution_id'])
        d['is_locked'] = obj['is_locked']
        d['has_answers'] = bool(obj['num_answers'])

        # We do this because get_absolute_url is an instance method
        # and we don't want to create an instance because it's a DB
        # hit and expensive. So we do it by hand. get_absolute_url
        # doesn't change much, so this is probably ok.
        d['url'] = reverse('questions.answers',
                           kwargs={'question_id': obj['id']})

        # TODO: Sphinx stores created and updated as seconds since the
        # epoch, so we convert them to that format here so that the
        # search view works correctly. When we ditch Sphinx, we should
        # see if it's faster to filter on ints or whether we should
        # switch them to dates.
        d['created'] = int(time.mktime(obj['created'].timetuple()))
        d['updated'] = int(time.mktime(obj['updated'].timetuple()))

        d['question_creator'] = obj['creator__username']
        d['num_votes'] = (QuestionVote.objects
        d['num_votes_past_week'] = obj['num_votes_past_week']

        d['tag'] = list(TaggedItem.tags_for(
            Question, Question(pk=obj_id)).values_list('name', flat=True))

        answer_values = list(Answer.objects

        d['answer_content'] = [a[0] for a in answer_values]
        d['answer_creator'] = list(set([a[1] for a in answer_values]))

        if not answer_values:
            d['has_helpful'] = False
            d['has_helpful'] = Answer.objects.filter(

        d['indexed_on'] = int(time.time())
        return d
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def handle(self, *arg, **kwargs):
     print '##########################################################'
     print '### This file is generated by ./manage.py dump_topics. ###'
     print '##########################################################'
     print 'from tower import ugettext as _\n'
     for tag in TaggedItem.tags_for(Document):
         print '_("""{tag}""", "KB Topic")'.format(tag=tag.name)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def view_questions(request, questions_template):
    questions_count = Question.objects.count()
    #FIXME/TODO:This has to be cached at all costs
    all_tags = TaggedItem.tags_for(Question)
    return response(request, questions_template, {
        'questions_count': questions_count,
        'all_tags': all_tags
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def read(cls, req, slug=None, model=None):
     if model:
         models = [System, Module, Interface, ArchitecturalPattern]
         lookup = dict(zip(map(lambda model: model._meta.object_name.lower(), models), models))
         return TaggedItem.tags_for(lookup[model])
     if slug:
         return map(lambda i: i.content_object, TaggedItem.objects.select_related().filter(tag=Tag.objects.get(slug=slug)))
         return map(lambda i: dict(name=i['name'], count=i['count'], resource_uri=reverse('api_tag', args=[i['slug']])), Tag.objects.values('name', 'slug').annotate(count=Count('taggit_taggeditem_items')).order_by('-count'))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def lookups(self, request, model_admin):
   Returns a list of tuples. The first element in each tuple is the coded value
   for the option that will appear in the URL query. The second element is the
   human-readable name for the option that will appear in the right sidebar.
   list = []
   tags = TaggedItem.tags_for(model_admin.model)
   for tag in tags:
     list.append( (tag.name, _(tag.name)) )
   return list    
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def lookups(self, request, model_admin):
   Returns a list of tuples. The first element in each tuple is the coded value
   for the option that will appear in the URL query. The second element is the
   human-readable name for the option that will appear in the right sidebar.
   list = []
   tags = TaggedItem.tags_for(model_admin.model)
   for tag in tags:
     list.append( (tag.name, (tag.name)) )
   return list
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def clean(self):
     data = self.cleaned_data
     if data['auto']:
         tags = set(data['tags'])
             for tag in TaggedItem.tags_for(models.Post)
             if re.search(r'\b%s\b' % tag.name, data['content'], re.I|re.M)
         data['tags'] = list(tags)
     return data
    def lookups(self, request, model_admin):
        Returns tuple of tuples (key, value) for available Tag choices.

        :param request: the Request instance.
        :param model_admin: the ModelAdmin instance.
        :rtype: tuple.
        return (
            (tag.id, tag.name)
            for tag in TaggedItem.tags_for(Ticket)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
     query = self.request.GET.get('query', None)
     if query is None:
         return {'tags': []}
     filter = {}
     if len(query) > 3:
         filter['name__icontains'] = query
         filter['name__istartswith'] = query
     tags = TaggedItem.tags_for(Icon).filter(**filter).order_by('name')
     return {
         'tags': [t.name for t in tags]
 def forwards(self, orm):
     for entry in orm['checklists.Entry'].objects.all():
         tags = TaggedItem.tags_for(orm['checklists.Entry'], entry)
         for label in [unicode(tag) for tag in tags]:
             names = {}
             # Add localized fields for the SpeciesGroup table
             for language_code, language_name in settings.LANGUAGES:
                 if settings.LANGUAGE_CODE == language_code:
                     names['name_%s' % language_code] = label.capitalize()
                     names['name_%s' % language_code] = ''
             tag, created = orm['checklists.EntryTag'].objects.get_or_create(
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def extract_document(cls, obj_id):
        """Extracts indexable attributes from a Question and its answers."""
        obj = cls.uncached.values(

        d = {}
        d["id"] = obj["id"]
        d["title"] = obj["title"]
        d["question_content"] = obj["content"]
        d["replies"] = obj["num_answers"]
        d["is_solved"] = bool(obj["solution_id"])
        d["is_locked"] = obj["is_locked"]
        d["has_answers"] = bool(obj["num_answers"])

        # TODO: Sphinx stores created and updated as seconds since the
        # epoch, so we convert them to that format here so that the
        # search view works correctly. When we ditch Sphinx, we should
        # see if it's faster to filter on ints or whether we should
        # switch them to dates.
        d["created"] = int(time.mktime(obj["created"].timetuple()))
        d["updated"] = int(time.mktime(obj["updated"].timetuple()))

        d["question_creator"] = obj["creator__username"]
        d["question_votes"] = obj["num_votes_past_week"]

        d["tag"] = list(TaggedItem.tags_for(Question, Question(pk=obj_id)).values_list("name", flat=True))

        answer_values = list(Answer.objects.filter(question=obj_id).values_list("content", "creator__username"))
        d["answer_content"] = [a[0] for a in answer_values]
        d["answer_creator"] = list(set([a[1] for a in answer_values]))

        if not answer_values:
            d["has_helpful"] = False
            d["has_helpful"] = Answer.objects.filter(question=obj_id).filter(votes__helpful=True).exists()

        return d
Ejemplo n.º 15
def view_tagged_questions(request, tag_name, tagged_questions_template):
    tag = get_object_or_404(Tag, name=tag_name)
    questions = Question.objects.filter(tags__name__in=[tag_name]).values('id', 'slug', 'title')
    paginator = Paginator(questions, settings.DEFAULT_PAGINATION_COUNT)
        page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
    except ValueError:
        page = 1
        questions = paginator.page(page)
    except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage):
        questions = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
    #FIXME/TODO:This has to be cached at all costs
    all_tags = TaggedItem.tags_for(Question)
    return response(request, tagged_questions_template, {'questions': questions.object_list,
                                                        'tag': tag,
Ejemplo n.º 16
def view_tagged_questions(request, tag_name, tagged_questions_template):
    tag = get_object_or_404(Tag, name=tag_name)
    questions = Question.objects.filter(tags__name__in=[tag_name]).values(
        'id', 'slug', 'title')
    paginator = Paginator(questions, settings.DEFAULT_PAGINATION_COUNT)
        page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))
    except ValueError:
        page = 1
        questions = paginator.page(page)
    except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage):
        questions = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
    #FIXME/TODO:This has to be cached at all costs
    all_tags = TaggedItem.tags_for(Question)
    return response(request, tagged_questions_template, {
        'questions': questions.object_list,
        'tag': tag,
        'all_tags': all_tags
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def extract_document(cls, obj_id, obj=None):
        """Extracts indexable attributes from a Question and its answers."""
        fields = [
        composed_fields = ["creator__username"]
        all_fields = fields + composed_fields

        if obj is None:
            # Note: Need to keep this in sync with
            # tasks.update_question_vote_chunk.
            model = cls.get_model()
            obj = model.uncached.values(*all_fields).get(pk=obj_id)
            fixed_obj = dict([(field, getattr(obj, field)) for field in fields])
            fixed_obj["creator__username"] = obj.creator.username
            obj = fixed_obj

        d = {}
        d["id"] = obj["id"]
        d["model"] = cls.get_mapping_type_name()

        # We do this because get_absolute_url is an instance method
        # and we don't want to create an instance because it's a DB
        # hit and expensive. So we do it by hand. get_absolute_url
        # doesn't change much, so this is probably ok.
        d["url"] = reverse("questions.answers", kwargs={"question_id": obj["id"]})

        d["indexed_on"] = int(time.time())

        d["created"] = int(time.mktime(obj["created"].timetuple()))
        d["updated"] = int(time.mktime(obj["updated"].timetuple()))

        topics = Topic.uncached.filter(question__id=obj["id"])
        products = Product.uncached.filter(question__id=obj["id"])
        d["topic"] = [t.slug for t in topics]
        d["product"] = [p.slug for p in products]

        d["question_title"] = obj["title"]
        d["question_content"] = obj["content"]
        d["question_num_answers"] = obj["num_answers"]
        d["question_is_solved"] = bool(obj["solution_id"])
        d["question_is_locked"] = obj["is_locked"]
        d["question_has_answers"] = bool(obj["num_answers"])

        d["question_creator"] = obj["creator__username"]
        d["question_num_votes"] = QuestionVote.objects.filter(question=obj["id"]).count()
        d["question_num_votes_past_week"] = obj["num_votes_past_week"]

        d["question_tag"] = list(TaggedItem.tags_for(Question, Question(pk=obj_id)).values_list("name", flat=True))

        d["question_locale"] = obj["locale"]

        answer_values = list(Answer.objects.filter(question=obj_id).values_list("content", "creator__username"))

        d["question_answer_content"] = [a[0] for a in answer_values]
        d["question_answer_creator"] = list(set(a[1] for a in answer_values))

        if not answer_values:
            d["question_has_helpful"] = False
            d["question_has_helpful"] = Answer.objects.filter(question=obj_id).filter(votes__helpful=True).exists()

        return d
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def extract_document(cls, obj_id, obj=None):
        """Extracts indexable attributes from a Question and its answers."""
        fields = ['id', 'title', 'content', 'num_answers', 'solution_id',
                  'is_locked', 'is_archived', 'created', 'updated',
                  'num_votes_past_week', 'locale', 'product_id', 'topic_id',
        composed_fields = ['creator__username']
        all_fields = fields + composed_fields

        if obj is None:
            # Note: Need to keep this in sync with
            # tasks.update_question_vote_chunk.
            model = cls.get_model()
            obj = model.objects.values(*all_fields).get(pk=obj_id)
            fixed_obj = dict([(field, getattr(obj, field))
                              for field in fields])
            fixed_obj['creator__username'] = obj.creator.username
            obj = fixed_obj

        if obj['is_spam']:
            raise UnindexMeBro()

        d = {}
        d['id'] = obj['id']
        d['model'] = cls.get_mapping_type_name()

        # We do this because get_absolute_url is an instance method
        # and we don't want to create an instance because it's a DB
        # hit and expensive. So we do it by hand. get_absolute_url
        # doesn't change much, so this is probably ok.
        d['url'] = reverse('questions.details',
                           kwargs={'question_id': obj['id']})

        d['indexed_on'] = int(time.time())

        d['created'] = int(time.mktime(obj['created'].timetuple()))
        d['updated'] = int(time.mktime(obj['updated'].timetuple()))

        topics = Topic.objects.filter(id=obj['topic_id'])
        products = Product.objects.filter(id=obj['product_id'])
        d['topic'] = [t.slug for t in topics]
        d['product'] = [p.slug for p in products]

        d['question_title'] = obj['title']
        d['question_content'] = obj['content']
        d['question_num_answers'] = obj['num_answers']
        d['question_is_solved'] = bool(obj['solution_id'])
        d['question_is_locked'] = obj['is_locked']
        d['question_is_archived'] = obj['is_archived']
        d['question_has_answers'] = bool(obj['num_answers'])

        d['question_creator'] = obj['creator__username']
        d['question_num_votes'] = (QuestionVote.objects
        d['question_num_votes_past_week'] = obj['num_votes_past_week']

        d['question_tag'] = list(TaggedItem.tags_for(
            Question, Question(pk=obj_id)).values_list('name', flat=True))

        d['question_locale'] = obj['locale']

        answer_values = list(Answer.objects
                                   .filter(question=obj_id, is_spam=False)

        d['question_answer_content'] = [a[0] for a in answer_values]
        d['question_answer_creator'] = list(set(a[1] for a in answer_values))

        if not answer_values:
            d['question_has_helpful'] = False
            d['question_has_helpful'] = Answer.objects.filter(

        return d
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def get_queryset(self):
     return TaggedItem.tags_for(Post)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def tags_used_for_submissions():
    return TaggedItem.tags_for(Submission)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def lookups(self, request, model_admin):
     model_tags = [
         tag.name for tag in TaggedItem.tags_for(model_admin.model)
     return tuple([(tag, tag) for tag in model_tags])
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(BlogBaseView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context['blog_tags'] = TaggedItem.tags_for(Blog).order_by('name')
        context['recent_blog_list'] = Blog.objects.recent_posts()

        return context
Ejemplo n.º 23
def message_log(req, context={}, template="messagelog/index.html"):
    messages = Message.objects.all()
    if 'messages_qs' in context:
        messages = context['messages_qs']
    contact = None
    search = None
    show_advanced_filter = None  # "Y" to show the advanced filter, "N" to hide it
    all_tags = [
    ]  # A distinct list of all tags pertaining to any Messages in the Message Log
    selected_tags = None  # The tags selected by the user by which to filter the Messages
    tag_filter_flag = None  # "Y" if the user chose to do tag filtering, "N" otherwise
    tag_filter_style = None  # Tag filtering style: "any" to show Messages which match any of the selected_tags,
    #                      "all" to show Messages which match all of the selected tags
    if 'contact' in req.GET:
        if req.GET['contact'] == '':
            contact = None
            contact = Contact.objects.get(pk=req.GET['contact'])
            messages = messages.filter(contact=contact)

    if 'search' in req.GET and req.GET['search'] != '':
        search = req.GET['search']
        safe_search = re.escape(search.strip("'\""))
        messages = messages.filter(Q(text__iregex=safe_search) |\

    # Extract and sort all tag names
    for tag in TaggedItem.tags_for(Message):

    # Retrieve list of selected tags (default to empty list)
    if "selected_tags" in req.GET:
        selected_tags = req.GET.getlist("selected_tags")
        selected_tags = []

    # Retrieve tag filter flag (default to "N")
    if "tag_filter_flag" in req.GET and req.GET["tag_filter_flag"] == "Y":
        tag_filter_flag = req.GET["tag_filter_flag"]
        tag_filter_flag = "N"

    # Retrieve advanced filter flag
    if ("show_advanced_filter" in req.GET
            and req.GET["show_advanced_filter"] == "Y") or (tag_filter_flag
                                                            == "Y"):
        show_advanced_filter = "Y"
        show_advanced_filter = "N"

    # Retrieve tag filter style (default to "any")
    if "tag_filter_style" in req.GET and req.GET["tag_filter_style"] == "all":
        tag_filter_style = req.GET["tag_filter_style"]
        tag_filter_style = "any"

    # If no tags were selected, automatically disable tag filtering
    if len(selected_tags) == 0:
        tag_filter_flag = "N"

    # If the user chose to do tag filtering, perform the filter now
    if tag_filter_flag == "Y":
        if tag_filter_style == "all":
            for tag_name in selected_tags:
                messages = messages.filter(tags__name__in=[tag_name])
            messages = messages.filter(tags__name__in=selected_tags).distinct()
        "messages_table": MessageTable(messages, request=req),
        "search": search,
        "contact": contact,
        "contacts": Contact.objects.all().order_by("name"),
        "show_advanced_filter": show_advanced_filter,
        "all_tags": all_tags,
        "selected_tags": selected_tags,
        "tag_filter_flag": tag_filter_flag,
        "tag_filter_style": tag_filter_style
    return render_to_response(template,
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def extract_document(cls, obj_id, obj=None):
        """Extracts indexable attributes from a Question and its answers."""
        fields = ['id', 'title', 'content', 'num_answers', 'solution_id',
                  'is_locked', 'created', 'updated', 'num_votes_past_week',
        composed_fields = ['creator__username']
        all_fields = fields + composed_fields

        if obj is None:
            # Note: Need to keep this in sync with
            # tasks.update_question_vote_chunk.
            obj = cls.uncached.values(*all_fields).get(pk=obj_id)
            fixed_obj = dict([(field, getattr(obj, field))
                              for field in fields])
            fixed_obj['creator__username'] = obj.creator.username
            obj = fixed_obj

        d = {}
        d['id'] = obj['id']
        d['document_id'] = cls.get_document_id(obj['id'])
        d['model'] = cls.get_model_name()

        # We do this because get_absolute_url is an instance method
        # and we don't want to create an instance because it's a DB
        # hit and expensive. So we do it by hand. get_absolute_url
        # doesn't change much, so this is probably ok.
        d['url'] = reverse('questions.answers',
                           kwargs={'question_id': obj['id']})

        d['indexed_on'] = int(time.time())

        # TODO: Sphinx stores created and updated as seconds since the
        # epoch, so we convert them to that format here so that the
        # search view works correctly. When we ditch Sphinx, we should
        # see if it's faster to filter on ints or whether we should
        # switch them to dates.
        d['created'] = int(time.mktime(obj['created'].timetuple()))
        d['updated'] = int(time.mktime(obj['updated'].timetuple()))

        topics = Topic.uncached.filter(question__id=obj['id'])
        products = Product.uncached.filter(question__id=obj['id'])
        d['topic'] = [t.slug for t in topics]
        d['product'] = [p.slug for p in products]

        d['question_title'] = obj['title']
        d['question_content'] = obj['content']
        d['question_num_answers'] = obj['num_answers']
        d['question_is_solved'] = bool(obj['solution_id'])
        d['question_is_locked'] = obj['is_locked']
        d['question_has_answers'] = bool(obj['num_answers'])

        d['question_creator'] = obj['creator__username']
        d['question_num_votes'] = (QuestionVote.objects
        d['question_num_votes_past_week'] = obj['num_votes_past_week']

        d['question_tag'] = list(TaggedItem.tags_for(
            Question, Question(pk=obj_id)).values_list('name', flat=True))

        d['question_locale'] = obj['locale']

        answer_values = list(Answer.objects

        d['question_answer_content'] = [a[0] for a in answer_values]
        d['question_answer_creator'] = list(set(a[1] for a in answer_values))

        if not answer_values:
            d['question_has_helpful'] = False
            d['question_has_helpful'] = Answer.objects.filter(

        return d
Ejemplo n.º 25
def focus(request, field, value, template_name="tasks/focus.html"):
    group, bridge = group_and_bridge(request)
    if group:
        is_member = group.request.user_is_member()
        is_member = True
    group_by = request.GET.get("group_by")
    filter_only = request.GET.get("filter_only", False)
    tags_list = []
    expanded_tags_list = []
    if group:
        tasks = group.content_objects(Task)
        tasks = Task.objects.filter(object_id=None)
    # default filtering
    state_keys = dict(workflow.STATE_CHOICES).keys()
    default_states = set(state_keys).difference(
        # don't show these states
        set(["2", "3"])
    # have to store for each prefix because initial data isn't support on the
    # FilterSet
    filter_data = {
        "state": list(default_states),
    task_filter = TaskFilter(filter_data, queryset=tasks)
    if field == "modified":
            # @@@ this seems hackish and brittle but I couldn't work out another way
            year, month, day = value.split("-")
            # have to int month and day in case zero-padded
            tasks = tasks.filter(modified__year=int(year), modified__month=int(month), modified__day=int(day))
            tasks = Task.objects.none() # @@@ or throw 404?
    elif field == "state":
        task_filter = None # prevent task filtering
            state = workflow.REVERSE_STATE_CHOICES[value]
        except KeyError:
            raise Http404
        tasks = tasks.filter(state=state)
    elif field == "assignee":
        if value == "unassigned": # @@@ this means can"t have a username "unassigned":
            tasks = tasks.filter(assignee__isnull=True)
                assignee = User.objects.get(username=value)
                tasks = tasks.filter(assignee=assignee)
            except User.DoesNotExist:
                tasks = Task.objects.none() # @@@ or throw 404?
    elif field == "tag":
        tags_list = urllib.unquote_plus(value).split()
        task_tags = TaggedItem.tags_for(Task)
        for tag in tags_list:
            if tag.endswith(":*"):
                expanded_tags_list.extend(t.name for t in task_tags.filter(name__startswith=tag[:-1]))
        tasks = tasks.filter(tags__name__in=expanded_tags_list)
    if task_filter is not None:
        # Django will not merge queries that are both not distinct or distinct
        tasks = tasks.distinct() & task_filter.qs
    group_by_querydict = request.GET.copy()
    group_by_querydict.pop("group_by", None)
    group_by_querystring = group_by_querydict.urlencode()
    ctx = group_context(group, bridge)
        "task_filter": task_filter,
        "tasks": tasks,
        "field": field,
        "value": value,
        "group_by": group_by,
        "gbqs": group_by_querystring,
        "is_member": is_member,
        "task_tags": Task.tags.all(),
        "filter_only": filter_only,
        "tags_list": expanded_tags_list,
    return render_to_response(template_name, RequestContext(request, ctx))
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def lookups(self, request, model_admin):
        t = list()
        for i in TaggedItem.tags_for(model_admin.model):
            t.append((i.slug, i.name))

        return t
Ejemplo n.º 27
def message_log(req, context={}, template="messagelog/index.html"):
    messages = Message.objects.all()
    if 'messages_qs' in context:
        messages = context['messages_qs']
    contact = None
    search = None
    show_advanced_filter = None # "Y" to show the advanced filter, "N" to hide it
    all_tags = []               # A distinct list of all tags pertaining to any Messages in the Message Log
    selected_tags = None        # The tags selected by the user by which to filter the Messages
    tag_filter_flag = None      # "Y" if the user chose to do tag filtering, "N" otherwise
    tag_filter_style = None     # Tag filtering style: "any" to show Messages which match any of the selected_tags,
                                #                      "all" to show Messages which match all of the selected tags
    if 'contact' in req.GET:
        if req.GET['contact'] == '':
            contact = Contact.objects.get(pk=req.GET['contact'])
            messages = messages.filter(contact=contact)

    if 'search' in req.GET and req.GET['search'] != '':
        search = req.GET['search']
        safe_search = re.escape(search.strip("'\""))
        messages = messages.filter(Q(text__iregex=safe_search) |\

    # Extract and sort all tag names
    for tag in TaggedItem.tags_for(Message):

    # Retrieve list of selected tags (default to empty list)
    if "selected_tags" in req.GET:
        selected_tags = req.GET.getlist("selected_tags")
        selected_tags = []

    # Retrieve tag filter flag (default to "N")
    if "tag_filter_flag" in req.GET and req.GET["tag_filter_flag"] == "Y":
        tag_filter_flag = req.GET["tag_filter_flag"]
        tag_filter_flag = "N"

    # Retrieve advanced filter flag
    if ("show_advanced_filter" in req.GET and req.GET["show_advanced_filter"] == "Y") or (tag_filter_flag == "Y"):
        show_advanced_filter = "Y"
        show_advanced_filter = "N"

    # Retrieve tag filter style (default to "any")
    if "tag_filter_style" in req.GET and req.GET["tag_filter_style"] == "all":
        tag_filter_style = req.GET["tag_filter_style"]
        tag_filter_style = "any"

    # If no tags were selected, automatically disable tag filtering
    if len(selected_tags) == 0:
        tag_filter_flag = "N"

    # If the user chose to do tag filtering, perform the filter now
    if tag_filter_flag == "Y":
        if tag_filter_style == "all":
            for tag_name in selected_tags:
                messages = messages.filter(tags__name__in=[tag_name])
            messages = messages.filter(tags__name__in=selected_tags).distinct()
            "messages_table": MessageTable(messages, request=req),
            "search": search,
            "contact": contact,
            "contacts": Contact.objects.all().order_by("name"),
            "show_advanced_filter": show_advanced_filter,
            "all_tags": all_tags,
            "selected_tags": selected_tags,
            "tag_filter_flag": tag_filter_flag,
            "tag_filter_style": tag_filter_style
    return render_to_response(
        template, context, context_instance=RequestContext(req)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def categories(self):
     return TaggedItem.tags_for(Post)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def extract_document(cls, obj_id, obj=None):
        """Extracts indexable attributes from a Question and its answers."""
        fields = ['id', 'title', 'content', 'num_answers', 'solution_id',
                  'is_locked', 'created', 'updated', 'num_votes_past_week',
        composed_fields = ['creator__username']
        all_fields = fields + composed_fields

        if obj is None:
            # Note: Need to keep this in sync with
            # tasks.update_question_vote_chunk.
            obj = cls.uncached.values(*all_fields).get(pk=obj_id)
            fixed_obj = dict([(field, getattr(obj, field))
                              for field in fields])
            fixed_obj['creator__username'] = obj.creator.username
            obj = fixed_obj

        d = {}
        d['id'] = obj['id']
        d['document_id'] = cls.get_document_id(obj['id'])
        d['model'] = cls.get_model_name()

        # We do this because get_absolute_url is an instance method
        # and we don't want to create an instance because it's a DB
        # hit and expensive. So we do it by hand. get_absolute_url
        # doesn't change much, so this is probably ok.
        d['url'] = reverse('questions.answers',
                           kwargs={'question_id': obj['id']})

        d['indexed_on'] = int(time.time())

        # TODO: Sphinx stores created and updated as seconds since the
        # epoch, so we convert them to that format here so that the
        # search view works correctly. When we ditch Sphinx, we should
        # see if it's faster to filter on ints or whether we should
        # switch them to dates.
        d['created'] = int(time.mktime(obj['created'].timetuple()))
        d['updated'] = int(time.mktime(obj['updated'].timetuple()))

        topics = Topic.uncached.filter(question__id=obj['id'])
        products = Product.uncached.filter(question__id=obj['id'])
        d['topic'] = [t.slug for t in topics]
        d['product'] = [p.slug for p in products]

        d['question_title'] = obj['title']
        d['question_content'] = obj['content']
        d['question_num_answers'] = obj['num_answers']
        d['question_is_solved'] = bool(obj['solution_id'])
        d['question_is_locked'] = obj['is_locked']
        d['question_has_answers'] = bool(obj['num_answers'])

        d['question_creator'] = obj['creator__username']
        d['question_num_votes'] = (QuestionVote.objects
        d['question_num_votes_past_week'] = obj['num_votes_past_week']

        d['question_tag'] = list(TaggedItem.tags_for(
            Question, Question(pk=obj_id)).values_list('name', flat=True))

        d['question_locale'] = obj['locale']

        answer_values = list(Answer.objects

        d['question_answer_content'] = [a[0] for a in answer_values]
        d['question_answer_creator'] = list(set(a[1] for a in answer_values))

        if not answer_values:
            d['question_has_helpful'] = False
            d['question_has_helpful'] = Answer.objects.filter(

        return d
Ejemplo n.º 30
def view_questions(request, questions_template):
    questions_count = Question.objects.count()
    #FIXME/TODO:This has to be cached at all costs
    all_tags = TaggedItem.tags_for(Question)
    return response(request, questions_template, {'questions_count':questions_count,
Ejemplo n.º 31
def tags_used_for_submissions():
    return TaggedItem.tags_for(Submission)
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def lookups(self, request, model_admin):
     model_tags = [tag.name for tag in
     return tuple([(tag, tag) for tag in model_tags])
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def entry_tags(self):
     """Returns a :class:`QuerySet` of :class:`.Tag`\ s that are used on any entries in this blog."""
     entry_pks = list(self.entries.values_list('pk', flat=True))
     kwargs = {'%s__object_id__in' % TaggedItem.tag_relname(): entry_pks}
     return TaggedItem.tags_for(BlogEntry).filter(**kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def extract_document(cls, obj_id, obj=None):
        """Extracts indexable attributes from a Question and its answers."""
        fields = ['id', 'title', 'content', 'num_answers', 'solution_id',
                  'is_locked', 'is_archived', 'created', 'updated',
                  'num_votes_past_week', 'locale', 'product_id', 'topic_id',
        composed_fields = ['creator__username']
        all_fields = fields + composed_fields

        if obj is None:
            # Note: Need to keep this in sync with
            # tasks.update_question_vote_chunk.
            model = cls.get_model()
            obj = model.objects.values(*all_fields).get(pk=obj_id)
            fixed_obj = dict([(field, getattr(obj, field))
                              for field in fields])
            fixed_obj['creator__username'] = obj.creator.username
            obj = fixed_obj

        if obj['is_spam']:
            raise UnindexMeBro()

        d = {}
        d['id'] = obj['id']
        d['model'] = cls.get_mapping_type_name()

        # We do this because get_absolute_url is an instance method
        # and we don't want to create an instance because it's a DB
        # hit and expensive. So we do it by hand. get_absolute_url
        # doesn't change much, so this is probably ok.
        d['url'] = reverse('questions.details',
                           kwargs={'question_id': obj['id']})

        d['indexed_on'] = int(time.time())

        d['created'] = int(time.mktime(obj['created'].timetuple()))
        d['updated'] = int(time.mktime(obj['updated'].timetuple()))

        topics = Topic.objects.filter(id=obj['topic_id'])
        products = Product.objects.filter(id=obj['product_id'])
        d['topic'] = [t.slug for t in topics]
        d['product'] = [p.slug for p in products]

        d['question_title'] = obj['title']
        d['question_content'] = obj['content']
        d['question_num_answers'] = obj['num_answers']
        d['question_is_solved'] = bool(obj['solution_id'])
        d['question_is_locked'] = obj['is_locked']
        d['question_is_archived'] = obj['is_archived']
        d['question_has_answers'] = bool(obj['num_answers'])

        d['question_creator'] = obj['creator__username']
        d['question_num_votes'] = (QuestionVote.objects
        d['question_num_votes_past_week'] = obj['num_votes_past_week']

        d['question_tag'] = list(TaggedItem.tags_for(
            Question, Question(pk=obj_id)).values_list('name', flat=True))

        d['question_locale'] = obj['locale']

        answer_values = list(Answer.objects
                                   .filter(question=obj_id, is_spam=False)

        d['question_answer_content'] = [a[0] for a in answer_values]
        d['question_answer_creator'] = list(set(a[1] for a in answer_values))

        if not answer_values:
            d['question_has_helpful'] = False
            d['question_has_helpful'] = Answer.objects.filter(

        return d