Ejemplo n.º 1
def __display_next_random():
    global i, nextinfo, nexttag
    i = 0

    print "<tr><td colspan='2'><strong>" + _('Next Random') + ":</strong></td></tr>"
    for nextinfo in nextarray:
        nexttag = taginfo.get_tag(nextinfo)
        nextinfo = re.sub('\A' + re.escape(myconfig['mediadir']), '', nextinfo)
        nextinfo = urllib.quote("/" + nextinfo)
        print "<tr>"

        print "<td><strong><a class='file' href='fileinfo.py?file=" + nextinfo + "' title='" + _('View details') + "'>"
        print nexttag['display'] + "</a></strong></td>"

        print "<td>"
        #print "<a href='home.py?action=changerandom" + str(i) + "&amp;file=" + nextinfo + "' title='" + _('Replace_With_Random') + "'>"
        #print "<img src='themes/" + myconfig['theme'] + "/changerandom.png' alt='Change'/>"
        #print "</a>"
        if common.is_show_admin_controls():
            print "<a href='home.py?action=delrandom" + str(i) + "&amp;file=" + nextinfo + "' title='" +\
                  _('Delete_Song') + "'>"
            print "<img src='themes/" + myconfig['theme'] + "/delrandom.png' alt='Delete'/>"
            print "</a>"
        print "</td>"

        print "</tr>"
        i += 1

    print "<tr><td colspan='2'>&nbsp;</td></tr>"
Ejemplo n.º 2
    print ""
print "</p>"

print "<p>"

if isblacklisted:
    print "<span class='blacklisted'>This song is blacklisted</span>"
    regexfile = urllib.quote("^" + re.escape(soundfile) + "$")
    print "<a class='file' href='blacklist.py?affects=" + regexfile + "&amp;action=add'>Add this song to blacklist</a>"
print "</p>"

regexfile = urllib.quote("^" + re.escape(soundfile) + "$")

tag = taginfo.get_tag(mediadir + soundfile)

timesplayed = 0
logmatcher = re.compile('\A[0-9]{4}[0-9]{2}[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}[0-9]{2}[0-9]{2} ([^ ]*) (.*)\Z')
log = open(myconfig['savedir'] + "logs/" + playlist)
for line in log.readlines():
    matcher = logmatcher.match(line[:-1])
    if matcher is not None and matcher.group(2).find(soundfile) > -1 and matcher.group(1) == 'DONE':
        timesplayed += 1


albumdir = os.path.dirname(mediadir + soundfile) + "/"
coverdata = common.get_cover(albumdir, myconfig['coverwidth'])

print "<table border='0'>"
Ejemplo n.º 3

nextarray = []
if os.path.exists(basedir + 'nextfile'):
    nextfile = open(basedir + 'nextfile')
    for line in nextfile.readlines():

playlist = config.get_playlist()
playreason = info.split()[0]

# Remove playreason from info line
info = re.sub(r'^[A-Z]* ', '', info)

tag = taginfo.get_tag(info)

if playreason == 'PLAYLIST':
    playreason = ' (random)'
    pr_image = 'pr_random.png'
    pr_alt = 'random'
elif playreason == 'SCORED':
    playreason = ' (scored)'
    pr_image = 'pr_scored.png'
    pr_alt = 'scored'
elif playreason == 'ENQUEUED':
    playreason = ' (enqueued)'
    pr_image = 'pr_enqueued.png'
    pr_alt = 'enqueued'
elif playreason == 'VOTED':
    playreason = ' (voted)'
Ejemplo n.º 4
    print ""
print "</p>"

print "<p>"

if isblacklisted:
    print "<span class='blacklisted'>This song is blacklisted</span>"
elif common.is_show_admin_controls():
    regexfile = urllib.quote("^" + re.escape(soundfile) + "$")
    print "<a class='file' href='blacklist.py?affects=" + regexfile + "&amp;action=add'>Add this song to blacklist</a>"
print "</p>"

regexfile = urllib.quote("^" + re.escape(soundfile) + "$")

tag = taginfo.get_tag(mediadir + soundfile)

timesplayed = 0
logmatcher = re.compile(
    '\A[0-9]{4}[0-9]{2}[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{2}[0-9]{2}[0-9]{2} ([^ ]*) (.*)\Z')
log = open(myconfig['savedir'] + "logs/" + playlist)
for line in log.readlines():
    matcher = logmatcher.match(line[:-1])
    if matcher is not None and matcher.group(2).find(
            soundfile) > -1 and matcher.group(1) == 'DONE':
        timesplayed += 1


albumdir = os.path.dirname(mediadir + soundfile) + "/"
coverdata = common.get_cover(albumdir, myconfig['coverwidth'])