def _generate_timestep_pairs_from_sims(self, sim1, sim2): assert sim1 != sim2, "Can't link simulation to itself""Match timesteps of %r to %r", sim1, sim2) ts1s = sim1.timesteps ts2s = sim2.timesteps pairs = [] for ts1 in ts1s: ts2 = self._get_best_timestep_matching(ts2s, ts1) pairing_is_mutual = (self._get_best_timestep_matching(ts1s, ts2) == ts1) if pairing_is_mutual:"Pairing timesteps: %r and %r", ts1, ts2) pairs += [(ts1, ts2)] else: logger.warn("No pairing found for timestep %r", ts1) return pairs
def create_db_objects_from_catalog(self, cat, finder_id_to_halos_1, finder_id_to_halos_2, same_d_id): items = [] missing_db_object = 0 for i, possibilities in enumerate(cat): h1 = finder_id_to_halos_1.get(i, None) for cat_i, weight in possibilities: h2 = finder_id_to_halos_2.get(cat_i, None) if h1 is not None and h2 is not None: items.append( core.halo_data.HaloLink(h1, h2, same_d_id, weight)) else: missing_db_object += 1 if missing_db_object > 0: logger.warn( "%d link(s) could not be identified because the halo objects do not exist in the DB", missing_db_object) return items
def need_crosslink_ts(self, ts1, ts2, object_typecode=0): num_sources = ts1.halos.count() num_targets = ts2.halos.count() if num_targets == 0: logger.warn("Will not link: no halos in target timestep %r", ts2) return False if num_sources == 0: logger.warn("Will not link: no halos in source timestep %r", ts1) return False halo_source = sqlalchemy.orm.aliased(core.halo.Halo, name="halo_source") halo_target = sqlalchemy.orm.aliased(core.halo.Halo, name="halo_target") same_d_id = core.dictionary.get_or_create_dictionary_item( self.session, "ptcls_in_common").id exists = self.session.query(core.halo_data.HaloLink).join(halo_source, core.halo_data.HaloLink.halo_from). \ join(halo_target, core.halo_data.HaloLink.halo_to). \ filter(halo_source.timestep_id ==, halo_target.timestep_id ==, halo_source.object_typecode == object_typecode, halo_target.object_typecode == object_typecode, core.halo_data.HaloLink.relation_id == same_d_id).count() > 0 self.session.commit() if exists: logger.warn("Will not link: links already exist between %r and %r", ts1, ts2) return False return True
def generate_halolinks(session, fname, pairs): for ts1, ts2 in parallel_tasks.distributed(pairs): bh_log = None if BlackHolesLog.can_load(ts2.filename): bh_log = BlackHolesLog(ts2.filename) elif ShortenedOrbitLog.can_load(ts2.filename): bh_log = ShortenedOrbitLog(ts2.filename) if bh_log is None: logger.error("Warning! No orbit file found!") links = [] mergers_links = [] bh_map = {}"Gathering BH tracking information for steps %r and %r", ts1, ts2) with parallel_tasks.ExclusiveLock("bh"): dict_obj = db.core.get_or_create_dictionary_item( session, "tracker") dict_obj_next = db.core.get_or_create_dictionary_item( session, "BH_merger_next") dict_obj_prev = db.core.get_or_create_dictionary_item( session, "BH_merger_prev") track_links_n, idf_n, idt_n = db.tracking.get_tracker_links( session, dict_obj_next) bh_objects_1, nums1, id1 = get_bh_objs_numbers_and_dbids(ts1) bh_objects_2, nums2, id2 = get_bh_objs_numbers_and_dbids(ts2) tracker_links, idf, idt = db.tracking.get_tracker_links( session, dict_obj) idf_n = np.array(idf_n) idt_n = np.array(idt_n) if len(nums1) == 0 or len(nums2) == 0:"No BHs found in either step %r or %r... moving on", ts1, ts2) continue"Generating BH tracker links between steps %r and %r", ts1, ts2) o1 = np.where(np.in1d(nums1, nums2))[0] o2 = np.where(np.in1d(nums2, nums1))[0] if len(o1) == 0 or len(o2) == 0: continue with session.no_autoflush: for ii, jj in zip(o1, o2): if nums1[ii] != nums2[jj]: raise RuntimeError("BH iords are mismatched") exists = np.where((idf == id1[ii]) & (idt == id2[jj]))[0] if len(exists) == 0: links.append( tangos.core.halo_data.HaloLink(bh_objects_1[ii], bh_objects_2[jj], dict_obj, 1.0)) links.append( tangos.core.halo_data.HaloLink(bh_objects_2[jj], bh_objects_1[ii], dict_obj, 1.0))"Generated %d tracker links between steps %r and %r", len(links), ts1, ts2)"Generating BH Merger information for steps %r and %r", ts1, ts2) for l in open(fname[0]): l_split = l.split() t = float(l_split[6]) bh_dest_id = int(l_split[0]) bh_src_id = int(l_split[1]) ratio = float(l_split[4]) # ratios in merger file are ambiguous (since major progenitor may be "source" rather than "destination") # re-establish using the log file: try: ratio = bh_log.determine_merger_ratio(bh_src_id, bh_dest_id) except (ValueError, AttributeError) as e: logger.debug( "Could not calculate merger ratio for %d->%d from the BH log; assuming the .BHmergers-asserted value is accurate", bh_src_id, bh_dest_id) if t > ts1.time_gyr and t <= ts2.time_gyr: bh_map[bh_src_id] = (bh_dest_id, ratio) resolve_multiple_mergers(bh_map)"Gathering BH merger links for steps %r and %r", ts1, ts2) with session.no_autoflush: for src, (dest, ratio) in six.iteritems(bh_map): if src not in nums1 or dest not in nums2: logger.warn( "Can't link BH %r -> %r; missing BH objects in database", src, dest) continue bh_src_before = bh_objects_1[nums1.index(src)] bh_dest_after = bh_objects_2[nums2.index(dest)] if ((idf_n == & (idt_n == == 0: mergers_links.append( tangos.core.halo_data.HaloLink(bh_src_before, bh_dest_after, dict_obj_next, 1.0)) mergers_links.append( tangos.core.halo_data.HaloLink(bh_dest_after, bh_src_before, dict_obj_prev, ratio))"Generated %d BH merger links for steps %r and %r", len(mergers_links), ts1, ts2) with parallel_tasks.ExclusiveLock("bh"):"Committing total %d BH links for steps %r and %r", len(mergers_links) + len(links), ts1, ts2) session.add_all(links) session.add_all(mergers_links) session.commit()"Finished committing BH links for steps %r and %r", ts1, ts2)
def assign_bh_to_halos(bh_halo_assignment, bh_iord, timestep, linkname, hostname=None): session = Session.object_session(timestep) linkname_dict_id = tangos.core.dictionary.get_or_create_dictionary_item( session, linkname) if hostname is not None: host_dict_id = tangos.core.dictionary.get_or_create_dictionary_item( session, hostname) else: host_dict_id = None"Gathering %s links for step %r", linkname, timestep) links, link_id_from, link_id_to = db.tracking.get_tracker_links( session, linkname_dict_id) halos = timestep.halos.filter_by(object_typecode=0).all() halo_nums = [h.halo_number for h in halos] halo_catind = [h.finder_offset for h in halos] halo_ids = np.array([ for h in halos])"Gathering bh halo information for %r", timestep) with parallel_tasks.lock.SharedLock("bh"): bh_database_object, existing_bh_nums, bhobj_ids = get_bh_objs_numbers_and_dbids( timestep) bh_links = [] with session.no_autoflush: for bhi, haloi in zip(bh_iord, bh_halo_assignment): haloi = int(haloi) bhi = int(bhi) if haloi not in halo_catind: logger.warn( "Skipping BH in halo %d as no corresponding halo found in the database", haloi) continue if bhi not in existing_bh_nums: logger.warn("Can't find the database object for BH %d", bhi) print(bhi) print(existing_bh_nums) continue bh_index_in_list = existing_bh_nums.index(bhi) halo_index_in_list = halo_catind.index(haloi) bh_obj = bh_database_object[bh_index_in_list] halo_obj = halos[halo_index_in_list] num_existing_links = ( (link_id_from == halo_ids[halo_index_in_list]) & (link_id_to == bhobj_ids[bh_index_in_list])).sum() if num_existing_links == 0: bh_links.append( tangos.core.halo_data.HaloLink(halo_obj, bh_obj, linkname_dict_id)) if host_dict_id is not None: bh_links.append( tangos.core.halo_data.HaloLink(bh_obj, halo_obj, host_dict_id))"Committing %d %s links for step %r...", len(bh_links), linkname, timestep) with parallel_tasks.ExclusiveLock("bh"): session.add_all(bh_links) session.commit()"...done")