Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_model_list_extensions():
    lang = tarski.language(theories=[])
    p = lang.predicate('p', lang.Object, lang.Object)
    f = lang.function('f', lang.Object, lang.Object)
    o1 = lang.constant("o1", lang.Object)
    o2 = lang.constant("o2", lang.Object)

    model = Model(lang)
    model.evaluator = evaluate

    model.set(f, o1, o2)
    model.add(p, o1, o2)

    extensions = model.list_all_extensions()
    ext_f = extensions[f.signature]
    ext_p = extensions[p.signature]

    # We want to test that the `list_all_extensions` method correctly unwraps all TermReferences in the internal
    # representation of the model and returns _only_ actual Tarski terms. Testing this is a bit involved, as of
    # course we cannot just check for (o1, o2) in ext_f, because that will trigger the wrong __eq__ and __hash__
    # methods - in other words, to test this we precisely need to wrap things back into TermReferences, so that we can
    # compare them properly

    assert len(ext_f) == 1 and len(ext_p) == 1
    p, v = ext_f[0]
    assert TermReference(p) == TermReference(o1) and TermReference(v) == TermReference(o2)
    v1, v2 = ext_p[0]
    assert TermReference(v1) == TermReference(o1) and TermReference(v2) == TermReference(o2)
def test_matrix_evaluation_case_1():
    from tarski.syntax.arithmetic import one
    lang = tarski.language('double_integrator',
                           [Theory.EQUALITY, Theory.ARITHMETIC])
    I = lang.matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], lang.Real)
    x0 = Model(lang)
    x0.evaluator = evaluate
    assert x0[I][0, 0].is_syntactically_equal(one(lang.Real))
def test_special_function_min():
    from tarski.syntax.arithmetic.special import min
    lang = tarski.fstrips.language(
        theories=[Theory.ARITHMETIC, Theory.SPECIAL])
    model = Model(lang)
    model.evaluator = evaluate
    reals = lang.Real
    a, b = lang.constant(3.14, reals), lang.constant(1.24, reals)
    assert model[min(a, b)].symbol == 1.24
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_special_function_erfc():
    from tarski.syntax.arithmetic.special import erfc
    lang = tarski.fstrips.language(
        theories=[Theory.ARITHMETIC, Theory.SPECIAL])
    model = Model(lang)
    model.evaluator = evaluate
    reals = lang.Real
    x = lang.constant(0.5, reals)
    assert model[erfc(x)].symbol == sci.erfc(0.5)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_blocksworld_set_via_square_brackets():
    lang = blocksworld.generate_small_fstrips_bw_language()
    model = Model(lang)
    model.evaluator = evaluate
    loc = lang.get_function('loc')
    b1, table = (lang.get_constant(s) for s in ('b1', 'table'))
    model.set(loc, b1, table)

    assert model[loc(b1)] == table
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_zero_ary_predicate_set():
    L = tarski.language()

    P = L.predicate('P')

    M = Model(L)

    assert evaluate(P(), M) is True
def test_arcsin():
    import numpy as np
    from tarski.syntax.arithmetic.special import asin
    lang = tarski.fstrips.language(
        theories=[Theory.ARITHMETIC, Theory.SPECIAL])
    model = Model(lang)
    model.evaluator = evaluate
    reals = lang.Real
    alpha = lang.constant(0.5, reals)
    assert model[asin(alpha)].symbol == np.arcsin(0.5)
def test_special_function_sgn():
    import numpy as np
    from tarski.syntax.arithmetic.special import sgn
    lang = tarski.fstrips.language(
        theories=[Theory.ARITHMETIC, Theory.SPECIAL])
    model = Model(lang)
    model.evaluator = evaluate
    reals = lang.Real
    x = lang.constant(0.5, reals)
    assert model[sgn(x)].symbol == np.sign(0.5)
def test_special_function_pow():
    import numpy as np
    from tarski.syntax.arithmetic import pow
    lang = tarski.fstrips.language(
        theories=[Theory.ARITHMETIC, Theory.SPECIAL])
    model = Model(lang)
    model.evaluator = evaluate
    reals = lang.Real
    alpha = lang.constant(0.5, reals)
    assert model[pow(alpha, 2.0)].symbol == np.power(0.5, 2.0)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_random_function_gamma():
    import numpy as np
    from tarski.syntax.arithmetic.random import gamma
    np.random.seed(1234)  # for repeatability
    lang = tarski.fstrips.language(
        theories=[Theory.ARITHMETIC, Theory.SPECIAL, Theory.RANDOM])
    model = Model(lang)
    model.evaluator = evaluate
    reals = lang.Real
    shape = lang.constant(1.0, reals)
    scale = lang.constant(5.0, reals)
    the_term = gamma(shape, scale)
    assert isinstance(the_term, tarski.syntax.Term)
    assert model[gamma(shape, scale)].symbol == 1.0629932880924005
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_random_function_normal():
    import numpy as np
    from tarski.syntax.arithmetic.random import normal
    np.random.seed(1234)  # for repeatability
    lang = tarski.fstrips.language(
        theories=[Theory.ARITHMETIC, Theory.SPECIAL, Theory.RANDOM])
    model = Model(lang)
    model.evaluator = evaluate
    reals = lang.Real
    mu = lang.constant(0.5, reals)
    sigma = lang.constant(1.0, reals)
    the_term = normal(mu, sigma)
    assert isinstance(the_term, tarski.syntax.Term)
    assert model[normal(mu, sigma)].symbol == 0.9714351637324931
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_special_function_abs():
    from tarski.syntax.arithmetic.special import abs
    lang = tarski.fstrips.language(
        theories=[Theory.ARITHMETIC, Theory.SPECIAL])
    model = Model(lang)
    model.evaluator = evaluate
    reals = lang.Real
    a = lang.constant(5.01, reals)
    b = lang.constant(-5.01, reals)
    c = lang.constant(0.001, reals)
    assert model[abs(a)].symbol == 5.01
    assert model[abs(b)].symbol == 5.01
    assert model[abs(a) > c] is True
    assert model[abs(b) > c] is True
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_blocksworld_add():
    lang = blocksworld.generate_small_fstrips_bw_language()
    model = Model(lang)
    clear = lang.get_predicate('clear')
    b1 = lang.get_constant('b1')
    model.add(clear, b1)
    assert evaluate(clear(b1), model) is True
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_predicate_extensions():
    lang = tarski.language()
    pred = lang.predicate('pred', lang.Object, lang.Object)

    o1 = lang.constant("o1", lang.Object)
    o2 = lang.constant("o2", lang.Object)

    model = Model(lang)

    with pytest.raises(errors.ArityMismatch):
        # This should raise an error, as the predicate is binary

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        # This should raise an error, as the predicate sort does not coincide with the sort of the parameters
        model.add(pred, 1, 2)

    model.add(pred, o1, o2)
    assert not model.holds(pred, (o2, o1))  # Make sure the order in which the elements were added is respected!
    assert model.holds(pred, (o1, o2))

    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        # This should raise an error, as the tuple does not belong to the predicate's extension
        model.remove(pred, o2, o1)

    model.remove(pred, o1, o2)
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        # This should raise an error, as the tuple has been removed
        model.remove(pred, o1, o2)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def read_file(format_, file_):
    Read in the world as specified in `file`.
    with open(file_) as stream:
        reader = format_(stream=stream)
        world = reader.read_world()
        return Model(world=world)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_blocksworld_set():
    lang = blocksworld.generate_small_fstrips_bw_language()
    model = Model(lang)
    loc = lang.get_function('loc')
    b1, table = (lang.get_constant(s) for s in ('b1', 'table'))
    model.set(loc, b1, table)

    assert evaluate(loc(b1), model) == table
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_predicate_without_equality():
    lang = tarski.language(theories=[])
    leq = lang.predicate('leq', lang.Integer, lang.Integer)
    f = lang.function('f', lang.Object, lang.Integer)
    o1 = lang.constant("o1", lang.Object)
    o2 = lang.constant("o2", lang.Object)

    model = Model(lang)
    model.evaluator = evaluate

    model.set(f, o1, 1)
    model.set(f, o2, 2)
    for x in range(0, 5):
        for y in range(x, 5):
            model.add(leq, x, y)

    assert model[leq(f(o1), f(o2))] is True
    assert model[leq(f(o2), f(o1))] is False
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_blocksworld_add():
    lang = tarski.benchmarks.blocksworld.generate_fstrips_bw_language()
    model = Model(lang)
    clear = lang.get_predicate('clear')
    b1 = lang.get_constant('b1')
    b2 = lang.get_constant('b2')
    model.add(clear, b1)
    assert evaluate(clear(b1), model) is True
    assert evaluate(clear(b2), model) is False
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_predicate_without_equality_reals():
    import numpy

    lang = tarski.language(theories=[])
    leq = lang.predicate('leq', lang.Real, lang.Real)
    w = lang.function('w', lang.Object, lang.Real)
    o1 = lang.constant("o1", lang.Object)
    o2 = lang.constant("o2", lang.Object)

    model = Model(lang)
    model.evaluator = evaluate

    model.setx(w(o1), 1.0)
    model.setx(w(o2), 2.0)
    for x in numpy.arange(0.0, 5.0):
        for y in numpy.arange(x, 5.0):
            model.add(leq, x, y)

    assert model[leq(w(o1), w(o2))] is True
    assert model[leq(w(o2), w(o1))] is False
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_model_as_atoms():
    lang = tarski.language(theories=[])
    p = lang.predicate('p', lang.Object, lang.Object)
    f = lang.function('f', lang.Object, lang.Object)
    o1 = lang.constant("o1", lang.Object)
    o2 = lang.constant("o2", lang.Object)

    model = Model(lang)
    model.evaluator = evaluate

    model.set(f, o1, o2)
    model.add(p, o1, o2)

    atoms = model.as_atoms()

    patom, fatom = atoms
    assert patom.is_syntactically_equal(p(o1, o2))
    term, value = fatom
    assert term.is_syntactically_equal(
        f(o1)) and value.is_syntactically_equal(o2)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_ite():
    lang = tarski.language('arith', [Theory.EQUALITY, Theory.ARITHMETIC])

    c = lang.constant(1, lang.Integer)

    x = lang.function('x', lang.Integer)
    y = lang.function('y', lang.Integer)

    phi = (x() <= y()) & (y() <= x())

    t1 = x() + 2
    t2 = y() + 3

    tau = ite(phi, t1, t2)

    model = Model(lang)
    model.evaluator = evaluate

    model.setx(x(), 1)
    model.setx(y(), 2)

    assert model[tau].symbol == 5
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_matrix_evaluation_case_2():
    lang = tarski.language('double_integrator',
                           [Theory.EQUALITY, Theory.ARITHMETIC])
    I = lang.matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], lang.Real)
    x = lang.function('x', lang.Real)
    y = lang.function('y', lang.Real)
    z = lang.function('z', lang.Real)

    v = lang.vector([x(), y(), z()], lang.Real)

    x0 = Model(lang)
    x0.evaluator = evaluate

    x0.setx(x(), 1.0)
    x0.setx(y(), 2.0)
    x0.setx(z(), 3.0)
    # print(x0[I @ v][2, 0])
    assert x0[I @ v][2,
                     0].is_syntactically_equal(lang.constant(3.0, lang.Real))
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_instance_creation():

    L = tsk.language("mylang", theories=[Theory.EQUALITY, Theory.ARITHMETIC])

    int_t = L.Integer
    obj_t = L.Object

    platform_t = L.sort('platform')
    rov1 = L.constant('rov1', platform_t)
    direction = L.function('direction', platform_t, int_t)

    sensor_sort = L.sort('sensor')
    camera, range, bearing = [L.constant(name, sensor_sort) for name in ('camera', 'range', 'bearing')]
    engaged = L.function('engaged', sensor_sort, int_t)

    region_t = L.sort('region')
    p0 = L.constant('p0', region_t)
    p1 = L.constant('p1', region_t)
    p2 = L.constant('p2', region_t)

    t0 = L.constant('t0', obj_t)
    t1 = L.constant('t1', obj_t)
    t2 = L.constant('t2', obj_t)
    #t0, t1, t2 = [L.constant('t{}'.format(i), obj_t)
    #                for i in range(3)]

    position = L.predicate('position', obj_t, region_t)
    observed = L.predicate('observed', obj_t)
    estimated_range = L.predicate('estimated_range', obj_t)
    estimated_bearing = L.predicate('estimated_bearing', obj_t)

    req_1 = temporal.ResourceLock(**{
        "ts": 0.0, "td": 10.0, "r": engaged(camera)

    req_2 = temporal.ResourceLock(**{
        "ts": 0.0, "td": 10.0, "r": engaged(range)

    req_3 = temporal.ResourceLock(**{
        "ts": 0.0, "td": 10.0, "r": engaged(bearing)

    req_4 = temporal.ResourceLevel(**{
        "ts": 0.0, "td": 20.0, "r": direction(rov1), "n": L.constant(0, int_t)

    a1 = temporal.Action(
        precondition=position(rov1, p0),
            TimedEffect(0.0, req_2),
            TimedEffect(0.0, req_3)],
            TimedEffect(15.0, estimated_range(t0)),
            TimedEffect(20.0, estimated_bearing(t0))],

    a2 = temporal.Action(
        precondition=land(position(rov1, p0), estimated_range(t0), estimated_bearing(t0)),
            TimedEffect(0.0, req_1),
            TimedEffect(0.0, req_2)],
            TimedEffect(21.0, observed(t0))],

    initial = Model(L)
    initial.add(position, rov1, p0)
    initial.evaluator = evaluate

    inst = temporal.Instance(
        X=[position(rov1, p0),
           estimated_range(t0), estimated_bearing(t0), observed(t0),
           estimated_range(t1), estimated_bearing(t1), observed(t1),
           estimated_range(t2), estimated_bearing(t2), observed(t2)],
        A=[a1, a2],

    assert len(inst.R) == 3