Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_special_term_construction():
    from tarski.syntax.arithmetic.special import max
    lang = fstrips.language(theories=[Theory.ARITHMETIC, Theory.SPECIAL])
    ints = lang.Integer
    two, three = lang.constant(2, ints), lang.constant(3, ints)
    max_ = max(two, three)
    assert isinstance(max_, Term), "max_ should be the term max(Const(2), Const(3)), not the integer value 3"
def test_special_function_max():
    from tarski.syntax.arithmetic.special import max
    lang = tarski.fstrips.language(
        theories=[Theory.ARITHMETIC, Theory.SPECIAL])
    model = Model(lang)
    model.evaluator = evaluate
    reals = lang.Real
    a, b = lang.constant(3.14, reals), lang.constant(1.24, reals)

    assert model[max(a, b)].symbol == 3.14
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_language_init_reservoir():
    import tarski.syntax.arithmetic.special as tms

    res_reader = rddl.Reader('tests/data/rddl/Reservoir.rddl')
    assert res_reader.rddl_model is not None
    assert res_reader.rddl_model.domain.name == 'reservoir'

    # create sorts and initialize constants
    _ = res_reader.rddl_model.domain
    _ = res_reader.rddl_model.non_fluents
    assert res_reader.language is not None

    # try to construct expression without triggering any exceptions
    t1 = res_reader.language.get('t1')
    overflow = res_reader.language.get('overflow')
    rlevel = res_reader.language.get('rlevel')
    outflow = res_reader.language.get('outflow')
    max_reservoir_capacity = res_reader.language.get('MAX_RES_CAP')

    _ = overflow(t1) == tms.max(0.0, rlevel(t1) - outflow(t1) - max_reservoir_capacity(t1))