Ejemplo n.º 1
    def excluded_signatures(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
        """Get a list of the signatures of findings to be excluded from the scan results.

        :returns: The signatures to be excluded from scan results
        if self._excluded_signatures is None:
            signatures: Set[str] = set()
            deprecated = False
            for signature in tuple(
                    self.global_options.exclude_signatures or []) + tuple(
                        self.config_data.get("exclude_signatures", [])):
                if isinstance(signature, dict):
                    except KeyError as exc:
                        raise types.ConfigException(
                            "Required key signature missing in exclude-signatures"
                        ) from exc
                elif isinstance(signature, str):
                    deprecated = True
                    raise types.ConfigException(
                        f"{type(signature).__name__} signature is illegal in exclude-signatures"
            if deprecated:
                    "Configuring exclude-signatures as string has been deprecated and support for this format will "
                    "be removed in the future. Please make sure to update your exclude-signatures configuration to "
                    "an array of tables. For example: exclude-signatures = [{signature='signature', reason='The "
                    "reason of excluding the signature'}]",
            self._excluded_signatures = tuple(signatures)
        return self._excluded_signatures
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def scan(self) -> List[Issue]:
        """Run the requested scans against the target data.

        This will iterate through all chunks of data as provided by the scanner
        implementation, and run all requested scans against it, as specified in

        :raises types.TartufoConfigException: If there were problems with the
          scanner's configuration
        issues: List[Issue] = []
        if not any((self.global_options.entropy, self.global_options.regex)):
            raise types.ConfigException("No analysis requested.")
        if self.global_options.regex and not self.rules_regexes:
            raise types.ConfigException(
                "Regex checks requested, but no regexes found.")

        for chunk in self.chunks:
            # Run regex scans first to trigger a potential fast fail for bad config
            if self.global_options.regex and self.rules_regexes:
                issues += self.scan_regex(chunk)
            if self.global_options.entropy:
                issues += self.scan_entropy(chunk)
        self._issues = issues
        return self._issues
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def excluded_paths(self) -> List[Pattern]:
     """Get a list of regexes used to match paths to exclude from the scan"""
     if self._excluded_paths is None:
         self.logger.info("Initializing excluded paths")
         patterns: Set[str] = set()
         deprecated = False
         for pattern in tuple(
                 self.global_options.exclude_path_patterns or []) + tuple(
                     self.config_data.get("exclude_path_patterns", [])):
             if isinstance(pattern, dict):
                 except KeyError as exc:
                     raise types.ConfigException(
                         "Required key path-pattern missing in exclude-path-patterns"
                     ) from exc
             elif isinstance(pattern, str):
                 deprecated = True
                 raise types.ConfigException(
                     f"{type(pattern).__name__} pattern is illegal in exclude-path-patterns"
         if deprecated:
                 "Old format of --exclude-path-patterns option and config file setup exclude-path-patterns "
                 "= ['exclusion pattern'] has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. "
                 "Make sure all the exclusions are set up using new pattern i.e. exclude-path-patterns = "
                 "[{path-pattern='exclusion pattern',reason='reason for exclusion'}] in the config file",
         self._excluded_paths = config.compile_path_rules(patterns)
     return self._excluded_paths
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def scan(self) -> Generator[Issue, None, None]:
        """Run the requested scans against the target data.

        This will iterate through all chunks of data as provided by the scanner
        implementation, and run all requested scans against it, as specified in

        The scan method is thread-safe; if multiple concurrent scans are requested,
        the first will run to completion while other callers are blocked (after
        which they will each execute in turn, yielding cached issues without
        repeating the underlying repository scan).

        :raises types.ConfigException: If there were problems with the
          scanner's configuration

        # I cannot find any written description of the python memory model. The
        # correctness of this code in multithreaded environments relies on the
        # expectation that the write to _completed at the bottom of the critical
        # section cannot be reordered to appear after the implicit release of
        # _scan_lock (when viewed from a competing thread).
        with self._scan_lock:
            if self._completed:
                yield from self._issues

            if not any(
                (self.global_options.entropy, self.global_options.regex)):
                self.logger.error("No analysis requested.")
                raise types.ConfigException("No analysis requested.")
            if self.global_options.regex and not self.rules_regexes:
                    "Regex checks requested, but no regexes found.")
                raise types.ConfigException(
                    "Regex checks requested, but no regexes found.")

            self.logger.info("Starting scan...")
            self._issues = []
            for chunk in self.chunks:
                # Run regex scans first to trigger a potential fast fail for bad config
                if self.global_options.regex and self.rules_regexes:
                    for issue in self.scan_regex(chunk):
                        yield issue
                if self.global_options.entropy:
                    for issue in self.scan_entropy(chunk, ):
                        yield issue
            self._completed = True
            self.logger.info("Found %d issues.", len(self._issues))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_file_error_is_raised_if_non_specified_config_file_cant_be_read(
         self, mock_load: mock.MagicMock):
     cur_dir = pathlib.Path()
     mock_load.side_effect = types.ConfigException("Bad TOML!")
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(click.FileError, "Bad TOML!") as exc:
         config.read_pyproject_toml(self.ctx, self.param, "")
                          str(self.data_dir / "tartufo.toml"))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def rules_regexes(self) -> Dict[str, Rule]:
        """Get a dictionary of regular expressions to scan the code for.

        :raises types.TartufoConfigException: If there was a problem compiling the rules
        :rtype: Dict[str, Pattern]
        if self._rules_regexes is None:
                self._rules_regexes = config.configure_regexes(
            except (ValueError, re.error) as exc:
                raise types.ConfigException(str(exc)) from exc
        return self._rules_regexes
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def rules_regexes(self) -> Set[Rule]:
        """Get a set of regular expressions to scan the code for.

        :raises types.ConfigException: If there was a problem compiling the rules
        if self._rules_regexes is None:
            self.logger.info("Initializing regex rules")
                self._rules_regexes = config.configure_regexes(
            except (ValueError, re.error) as exc:
                self.logger.exception("Error loading regex rules",
                raise types.ConfigException(str(exc)) from exc
            self.logger.debug("Regex rules were initialized as: %s",
        return self._rules_regexes
Ejemplo n.º 8
def load_config_from_path(
    config_path: pathlib.Path, filename: Optional[str] = None, traverse: bool = True
) -> Tuple[pathlib.Path, MutableMapping[str, Any]]:
    """Scan a path for a configuration file, and return its contents.

    All key names are normalized to remove leading "-"/"--" and replace "-"
    with "_". For example, "--repo-path" becomes "repo_path".

    In addition to checking the specified path, if ``traverse`` is ``True``,
    this will traverse up through the directory structure, looking for a
    configuration file in parent directories. For example, given this directory


      |- tartufo.toml
      |- group1/
      |  |- project1/
      |  |  |- tartufo.toml
      |  |- project2/
      |- group2/
         |- tartufo.toml
         |- project1/
         |- project2/
            |- tartufo.toml

    The following ``config_path`` values will load the configuration files at
    the corresponding paths:

    ============================ ====
    config_path                  file
    ---------------------------- ----
    working_dir/group1/project1/ working_dir/group1/project1/tartufo.toml
    working_dir/group1/project2/ working_dir/tartufo.toml
    working_dir/group2/project1/ working_dir/group2/tartufo.toml
    working_dir/group2/project2/ working_dir/group2/project2/tartufo.toml
    ============================ ====

    :param config_path: The path to search for configuration files
    :param filename: A specific filename to look for. By default, this will look
      for both ``tartufo.toml`` and then ``pyproject.toml``.
    :raises FileNotFoundError: If no config file was found
    :raises types.ConfigException: If a config file was found, but could not be
    :returns: A tuple consisting of the config file that was discovered, and the
      contents of that file loaded in as TOML data
    config: MutableMapping[str, Any] = {}
    full_path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None
    if filename:
        config_filenames = [filename]
        config_filenames = ["tartufo.toml", "pyproject.toml"]
    for possibility in config_filenames:
        full_path = config_path / possibility
        if full_path.exists():
                toml_file = toml.load(full_path)
                config = toml_file.get("tool", {}).get("tartufo", {})
            except (toml.TomlDecodeError, OSError) as exc:
                raise types.ConfigException(f"Error reading configuration file: {exc}")
    if not config and traverse and config_path.parent != config_path:
        return load_config_from_path(config_path.parent, filename, traverse)
    if not config:
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find config file in {config_path}.")
    return (full_path, {k.replace("--", "").replace("-", "_"): v for k, v in config.items()})  # type: ignore