Ejemplo n.º 1
def run():
    # Average Reward per step (aveR):
    ave_r = np.zeros((exp.N_REPETITIONS, exp.N_STEPS))
    # Mean(aveR) of all tests per step
    #mean_ave_r = np.zeros(exp.N_STEPS)
    # AveR per episode
    #epi_ave_r = np.zeros([exp.N_REPETITIONS, exp.N_EPISODES])


    for rep in range(exp.N_REPETITIONS):
        #last_q = last_v = last_policy = last_q_count=None
        print('enter rep')
        for epi in range(exp.N_EPISODES):
            print('enter epi')
            print('robot start!')
            print('lp setup!')

            print('Lp run!')
            #print('robot stop!')
        #mean_ave_r = np.mean(ave_r,axis=0)

Ejemplo n.º 2
def run():
    """ Perform experiments: setups, executions, save results """
    import sys
    if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
        sys.exit("Sorry, Python 3 required")

    exp.check()  # Check experiment parameters

    # copy the selected taskfile to speed up the execution:
    copyfile("tasks/" + exp.TASK_ID + ".py", "task.py")
    import task
    import robot
    import lp
    import show
    import save


    caption = (exp.TASK_ID + "_" + exp.ALGORITHM + "_" + exp.ACTION_STRATEGY)
    if exp.SUFFIX:
        caption += "_" + exp.SUFFIX

    save.new_dir(results_path, caption)  # create result directory

    epi = 0
    # Average Reward per step (aveR):
    ave_r = np.zeros((exp.N_REPETITIONS, exp.N_STEPS))
    # Mean(aveR) of all tests per step
    mean_ave_r = np.zeros(exp.N_STEPS)
    # AveR per episode
    epi_ave_r = np.zeros([exp.N_REPETITIONS, exp.N_EPISODES])
    # actual step time per episode (for computational cost only)
    actual_step_time = np.zeros(exp.N_REPETITIONS)

    if exp.LEARN_FROM_MODEL:
        import model
        file_model = tasks_path + exp.FILE_MODEL + "/" + exp.FILE_MODEL
        model.load(file_model, exp.N_EPISODES_MODEL)
        robot.connect()  # Connect to V-REP / ROS

        prev_exp = __import__(exp.PREVIOUS_EXP_FILE)
        print("NOTE: Continue experiments from: " + exp.PREVIOUS_EXP_FILE)

    # Experiment repetition loop ------------------------------------------
    for rep in range(exp.N_REPETITIONS):
            last_q, last_v = prev_exp.q, prev_exp.v
            last_policy, last_q_count = prev_exp.policy, prev_exp.q_count
            last_q = last_v = last_policy = last_q_count = None

        # Episode loop ------------------
        for epi in range(exp.N_EPISODES):

            if exp.LEARN_FROM_MODEL:
                print("Learning from Model")
                task.STEP_TIME = 0
                lp.step_time = 0

            show.process_count(caption, rep, epi, exp.EPISODIC)

            lp.setup()  # Learning process setup

            if (exp.EPISODIC and epi > 0) or exp.CONTINUE_PREVIOUS_EXP:
                lp.q, lp.v = last_q, last_v
                lp.policy, lp.count = last_policy, last_q_count

            lp.run()  # Execute the learning process

            if not exp.LEARN_FROM_MODEL:

            ave_r[rep] = lp.ave_r_step
            actual_step_time[rep] = lp.actual_step_time

            if exp.EPISODIC:
                last_q, last_v = lp.q, lp.v
                last_policy, last_q_count = lp.policy, lp.q_count

                epi_ave_r[rep, epi] = lp.ave_r_step[lp.step]

            if exp.EXPORT_SASR_step:
                save.simple(lp.sasr_step, "SASR_step")

        # end of episode

        show.process_remaining(rep, epi)

        mean_ave_r = np.mean(ave_r, axis=0)

        # End of experiment repetition loop ----------------------------

    # Mean of AveR per step (last episode)

    save.plot_mean(mean_ave_r, epi)

    save.simple(ave_r, "aveR")
    #   If EPISODIC: Save ave_r of last episode

    if exp.EPISODIC:
        # Mean of AveR reached (last step) per episode
        mean_epi_ave_r = np.mean(epi_ave_r, axis=0)
        save.plot_mean(mean_epi_ave_r, "ALL")
        save.simple(epi_ave_r, "EPI")

    final_r = mean_ave_r[lp.step]
    final_actual_step_time = np.mean(actual_step_time)

    save.log(final_r, final_actual_step_time)
    print("Mean average Reward = %0.2f" % final_r, "\n")
    print("Mean actual step time (s): %0.6f" % final_actual_step_time, "\n")

    if not exp.LEARN_FROM_MODEL:
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def add_task(self, name):
     """Add a task to the database."""
     code = self.num_tasks
     self.num_tasks += 1
     self.tasks[code] = task.setup(name, code)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def run():
    import sys
    if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
        sys.exit("Python 3 required")
    # Copy the selected taskfile to speed up the execution:
        copyfile("tasks/" + expset.TASK_ID + ".py", "task.py")
    except IOError:
        sys.exit("Task " + expset.TASK_ID + " not found. Please check exp.TASK_ID")
    import task
    import robot
    #import lp
    import show
    import save
    caption = (expset.TASK_ID)
    path = save.new_dir(results_path, caption)  # Create result directory

#    epi = 0
#    # Average Reward per step (aveR):
#    ave_r = np.zeros((expset.N_REPETITIONS, expset.N_STEPS))
#    # Mean(aveR) of all tests per step
#    mean_ave_r = np.zeros(expset.N_STEPS)
#    # AveR per episode
#    epi_ave_r = np.zeros([expset.N_REPETITIONS, expset.N_EPISODES])
#    # actual step time per episode (for computational cost only)
#    actual_step_time = np.zeros(expset.N_REPETITIONS)
    robot.connect()  # Connect to V-REP / ROS

#        prev_exp = __import__(expset.PREVIOUS_EXP_FILE)
#        print("NOTE: Continue experiments from: " + expset.PREVIOUS_EXP_FILE)
#        time.sleep(3)
    # Experiment repetition loop --------------------------------------------
    for rep in range(expset.N_REPETITIONS):
        # Training parameters
        action_dic = {'0': 'FORWARD', 
                      '1': 'FULL_RIGHT', 
                      '2': 'FULL_LEFT', 
                      '3': 'HALF_RIGHT',
                      '4': 'HALF_LEFT'}
        batch_size = 32#32 # How many experiences to use for each training step.
        update_freq = 4 # How often to perform a training step.
        y = .99 # Discount factor on the target Q-values
        startE = 1 # Starting chance of random action
        endE = 0.1 # Final chance of random action
        anneling_steps = 100000 # How many steps of training to reduce startE to endE.
#        num_episodes = 500000 # How many episodes of game environment to train network with.
        pre_train_steps = 350 # 10000 #How many steps of random actions before training begins.
#        simulation_time = 400 # 200 
#        max_epLength = 400 # 200 # the same as simulation time
        tau = 0.001 # Rate to update target network toward primary network        
        obs_dim1 = 96 # Size of the visual input
        obs_dim2 = 128
        action_size = len(action_dic)
#        num_sim_steps = 30000
        load_model = False
        # Learning algorithm initialization
        mainQN = DeepQNetwork(obs_dim1, obs_dim2, action_size)
        targetQN = DeepQNetwork(obs_dim1, obs_dim2, action_size)
        init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
        saver = tf.train.Saver()
        trainables = tf.trainable_variables()
        targetOps = algorithm_DQN.updateTargetGraph(trainables, tau)
        copyOps = algorithm_DQN.updateTargetGraph(trainables, 1.0)
        myBuffer = experience_buffer()
        #Set the rate of random action decrease
        e = startE
        stepDrop = (startE - endE)/anneling_steps
        # Create lists for counting         
        stepList = [] # List of total steps of each epi
        rAllList = [] # List of total rewards of each epi
        rAveList = [] # List of average reward of each epi 
        total_steps = 0 # Count total steps of each repetition
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            if load_model == True:
                print("Loading model ... ")
                ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(path)
                saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
            # Episode loop ----------------------------------------------------
            for epi in range(expset.N_EPISODES):                
                show.process_count(caption, rep, epi)
                episodeBuffer = experience_buffer()            
                s = robot.get_observation()
                s = algorithm_DQN.processState(s, obs_dim1, obs_dim2) # added for DQN version 1
                sg = robot.get_goal_relpose_2d() # added for DQN version 2
                rAll = 0.0 # total reward per episode
                rAve = 0.0 # average reward per episode
                d = False # if reach the destination
                step_time = task.STEP_TIME / expset.SPEED_RATE # set delay for each step (s)
                actual_step_time = 0.0 # calculate actual time elapsed for each step (s)
                time_mark = time.time() # start timestamp                
                for step in range(0, expset.N_STEPS):
                    if np.random.rand(1) < e or total_steps < pre_train_steps:
                        a = np.random.randint(0,len(action_dic))
#                        a = sess.run(mainQN.predict,feed_dict={mainQN.observation:np.expand_dims(s, axis=0)})[0]
#                        a = sess.run(mainQN.predict,feed_dict={mainQN.scalarInput:[s]})[0] # added for DQN version 1
                        a = sess.run(mainQN.predict,feed_dict={mainQN.scalarInput:[s],
                                                               mainQN.goalInput:[sg]})[0] # added for DQN version 2
                    print("action at step " + str(step+1) + ": " + action_dic[str(a)])
                    # Update robot motion
                    move_direction = action_dic[str(a)]
                    if move_direction == 'FORWARD':
                        robot.move_wheels(1*task.MAX_SPEED, 1*task.MAX_SPEED)
                    elif move_direction == 'FULL_RIGHT':
                        robot.move_wheels(1*task.MAX_SPEED, -1*task.MAX_SPEED)
                    elif move_direction == 'FULL_LEFT':
                        robot.move_wheels(-1*task.MAX_SPEED, 1*task.MAX_SPEED)
                    elif move_direction == 'HALF_RIGHT':
                        robot.move_wheels(1.5*task.MAX_SPEED, 0.5*task.MAX_SPEED)
                    elif move_direction == 'HALF_LEFT':
                        robot.move_wheels(0.5*task.MAX_SPEED, 1.5*task.MAX_SPEED)
                    time.sleep(step_time) # Delay for step_time (s)
                    # Get new observation and reward
                    s1 = robot.get_observation()                    
                    s1 = algorithm_DQN.processState(s1, obs_dim1, obs_dim2) # added for DQN version 1
                    sg1 = robot.get_goal_relpose_2d() # added for DQN version 2
                    r = task.get_reward()
                    d = task.reach_goal()                
                    total_steps += 1                    
                    # Save to experience buffer
#                    episodeBuffer.add(np.reshape(np.array([s,a,r,s1,d]),[1,5]))
                    episodeBuffer.add(np.reshape(np.array([s,a,r,s1,d,sg,sg1]),[1,7])) # added for DQN version 2
                    # Update Deep Q-Network
                    if total_steps > pre_train_steps:
                        if e > endE:
                            e -= stepDrop
                        if total_steps % (update_freq) == 0:
                            trainBatch = myBuffer.sample(batch_size) # Get a random batch of experiences
                            # Perform the Double-DQN update to the target Q-values
#                            Q1 = sess.run(mainQN.predict, feed_dict={mainQN.observation:np.reshape(np.vstack(trainBatch[:,3]), [batch_size, obs_dim1, obs_dim2])})
#                            Q2 = sess.run(targetQN.Qout, feed_dict={targetQN.observation:np.reshape(np.vstack(trainBatch[:,3]), [batch_size, obs_dim1, obs_dim2])})
#                            Q1 = sess.run(mainQN.predict,feed_dict={mainQN.scalarInput:np.vstack(trainBatch[:,3])}) # added for DQN version 1
#                            Q2 = sess.run(targetQN.Qout,feed_dict={targetQN.scalarInput:np.vstack(trainBatch[:,3])}) # added for DQN version 1
                            Q1 = sess.run(mainQN.predict,feed_dict={mainQN.scalarInput:np.vstack(trainBatch[:,3]),
                                                                    mainQN.goalInput:np.vstack(trainBatch[:,6])}) # added for DQN version 2
                            Q2 = sess.run(targetQN.Qout,feed_dict={targetQN.scalarInput:np.vstack(trainBatch[:,3]),
                                                                   targetQN.goalInput:np.vstack(trainBatch[:,6])}) # added for DQN version 2 
                            end_multiplier =- (trainBatch[:,4] - 1)
                            doubleQ = Q2[range(batch_size), Q1]
                            targetQ = trainBatch[:,2] + (y*doubleQ * end_multiplier)
                            # Update the network with our target values
#                            _ = sess.run(mainQN.updateModel, feed_dict={ mainQN.observation:np.reshape(np.vstack(trainBatch[:,0]), [batch_size, obs_dim1, obs_dim2]),
#                                                                         mainQN.targetQ:targetQ,
#                                                                         mainQN.actions:trainBatch[:,1]})
#                            _ = sess.run(mainQN.updateModel, feed_dict={mainQN.scalarInput:np.vstack(trainBatch[:,0]),
#                                                                        mainQN.targetQ:targetQ, 
#                                                                        mainQN.actions:trainBatch[:,1]}) # added for DQN version 1
                            _ = sess.run(mainQN.updateModel, feed_dict={mainQN.scalarInput:np.vstack(trainBatch[:,0]),
                                                                        mainQN.actions:trainBatch[:,1]}) # added for DQN version 2
                            # Update the target network toward the primary network
                            algorithm_DQN.updateTarget(targetOps, sess)
                    rAll += r
                    s = s1
                    sg = sg1 # added for DQN version 2
                    if d == True: # End the episode if destination is reached
                    print("reward at step " + str(step+1) + ": " + str(r))
                    print("total steps: " + str(total_steps))
                    print(" "*10)
                # End of one episode ---------------------------------------
                rAve = rAll / (step + 1)                
                actual_step_time = (time.time() - time_mark) / (step + 1)

                show.epi_summary(caption, rep, epi, step+1, rAll, rAve, actual_step_time)                
                # Periodically save the model
                if epi % 1000 == 0:
                    saver.save(sess, path + '/model-' + str(epi) + '.ckpt')
                    print("Model saved")
            saver.save(sess, path + '/model-' + str(epi) + '.ckpt')
Ejemplo n.º 5
        # remove char
        for i in range(len(word)):
            possible = word[:i] + word[i + 1:]
            if possible in words:
        # change char
        for i in range(len(word)):
            for char in string.ascii_lowercase:
                possible = word[:i] + char + word[i + 1:]
                if possible in words:
    return is_legit, result

if __name__ == '__main__':
    task.setup({"abc", "abcd", "g", "e", "ggh"})
    if task.suggestions("ggh") != (True, set()):
        failed("Wrong Answer!")
    if task.suggestions("abcz") != (False, {"abcd", "abc"}):
        failed("Wrong Answer!")
    if task.suggestions("gh") != (False, {"g", "ggh"}):
        failed("Wrong Answer!")
    if task.suggestions("a") != (False, {"g", "e"}):
        failed("Wrong Answer!")
    if task.suggestions("bbb") != (False, set()):
        failed("Wrong Answer!")
    if task.suggestions("bbc") != (False, {"abc"}):
        failed("Wrong Answer!")
    dic = {''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(random.randint(1, 50))) for _ in range(10000)}
    test = {''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(random.randint(1, 10))) for _ in range(10000)}