Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_manifest():
    rw_manifest = yaml.load_yaml(MANIFEST_PATH)
    graph_config = load_graph_config(ROOT)
    validate_schema(base_schema, deepcopy(rw_manifest), "Invalid manifest:")
    check_manifest(deepcopy(rw_manifest), graph_config)
    # TODO make read-only recursively
    return ReadOnlyDict(rw_manifest)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def loader(kind, path, config, params, loaded_tasks):
    Loads selected jobs from a different taskgraph hierarchy.

    This loads jobs of the given kind from the taskgraph rooted at `base-path`,
    and includes all the jobs with names or aliaes matching the names in the
    `jobs` key.
    base_path = config.pop('base-path')
    sub_path = os.path.join(base_path, kind)

    logger.debug("Reference loader: load tasks from {}".format(sub_path))
    sub_config = load_yaml(sub_path, 'kind.yml')
    _loader = _get_loader(sub_path, sub_config)
    inputs = _loader(kind, sub_path, sub_config, params, loaded_tasks)

    jobs = config.pop('jobs', None)


    if jobs is not None:
        jobs = set(jobs)
        return (job for job in inputs if (_get_aliases(kind, job) & jobs))
        return inputs
Ejemplo n.º 3
def generate_update_line(config, jobs):
    """Resolve fields that can be keyed by platform, etc."""
    release_config = get_release_config(config)
    for job in jobs:
        config_file = job.pop('whats-new-config')
        update_config = load_yaml(config_file)

        product = job['shipping-product']
        # XXX On ESR68, even though they get filtered, we're building balrog tasks with the new
        # Fennec numbers. This solution is not ideal, but works at the moment.
        version = FennecVersion.parse(release_config['appVersion'])
        if product == 'devedition':
            product = 'firefox'

        job['worker']['update-line'] = {}
        for blob_type, suffix in [('wnp', ''), ('no-wnp', '-No-WNP')]:
            context = {
                'release-type': config.params['release_type'],
                'product': product,
                'version': version,
                'blob-type': blob_type,
                'build-id': config.params['moz_build_date'],
            job['worker']['update-line'][suffix] = generate_update_properties(
                context, update_config)

        yield job
Ejemplo n.º 4
def load_jobs(params, root):
    cron_yml = load_yaml(root, '.cron.yml')

    # resolve keyed_by fields in each job
    jobs = cron_yml['jobs']

    return {j['name']: j for j in jobs}
Ejemplo n.º 5
def loader(kind, path, config, params, loaded_tasks):
    Generate tasks implementing Gecko tests.

    builds_by_platform = get_builds_by_platform(dep_kind="build",
    signed_builds_by_platform = get_builds_by_platform(
        dep_kind="build-signing", loaded_tasks=loaded_tasks)

    # get the test platforms for those build tasks
    test_platforms_cfg = load_yaml(path, "test-platforms.yml")
    test_platforms = get_test_platforms(test_platforms_cfg, builds_by_platform,

    # expand the test sets for each of those platforms
    test_sets_cfg = load_yaml(path, "test-sets.yml")
    test_platforms = expand_tests(test_sets_cfg, test_platforms)

    # load the test descriptions
    tests = transform_loader(kind, path, config, params, loaded_tasks)
    test_descriptions = {t.pop("name"): t for t in tests}

    # generate all tests for all test platforms
    for test_platform_name, test_platform in test_platforms.items():
        for test_name in test_platform["test-names"]:
            test = copy.deepcopy(test_descriptions[test_name])
            test["build-platform"] = test_platform["build-platform"]
            test["test-platform"] = test_platform_name
            test["build-label"] = test_platform["build-label"]
            if test_platform.get("build-signing-label", None):
                test["build-signing-label"] = test_platform[

            test["build-attributes"] = test_platform["build-attributes"]
            test["test-name"] = test_name
            if test_platform.get("shippable"):
                test.setdefault("attributes", {})["shippable"] = True
                test["attributes"]["shipping_product"] = test_platform[

            logger.debug("Generating tasks for test {} on platform {}".format(
                test_name, test["test-platform"]))
            yield test
Ejemplo n.º 6
def load_graph_config(root_dir):
    config_yml = os.path.join(root_dir, "config.yml")
    if not os.path.exists(config_yml):
        raise Exception(f"Couldn't find taskgraph configuration: {config_yml}")

    logger.debug(f"loading config from `{config_yml}`")
    config = load_yaml(config_yml)
    logger.debug("validating the graph config.")
    return GraphConfig(config=config, root_dir=root_dir)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def load(cls, root_dir, graph_config, kind_name):
        path = os.path.join(root_dir, kind_name)
        kind_yml = os.path.join(path, "kind.yml")
        if not os.path.exists(kind_yml):
            raise KindNotFound(kind_yml)

        logger.debug(f"loading kind `{kind_name}` from `{path}`")
        config = load_yaml(kind_yml)

        return cls(kind_name, path, config, graph_config)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_write_artifact_yml(self):
     data = [{"some": "data"}]
     tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
         decision.ARTIFACTS_DIR = os.path.join(tmpdir, "artifacts")
         decision.write_artifact("artifact.yml", data)
         self.assertEqual(load_yaml(decision.ARTIFACTS_DIR, "artifact.yml"), data)
         if os.path.exists(tmpdir):
         decision.ARTIFACTS_DIR = "artifacts"
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_load(self):
        with MockedOpen({
                        - val1

            self.assertEqual(yaml.load_yaml("/dir1/dir2", "foo.yml"),
                             {"prop": ["val1"]})
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_manifest():
    manifest_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(MANIFEST_DIR, "*.yml"))
    all_manifests = {}
    for path in manifest_paths:
        rw_manifest = yaml.load_yaml(path)
        manifest_name = os.path.basename(path).replace(".yml", "")
        rw_manifest["manifest_name"] = manifest_name
        validate_schema(base_schema, deepcopy(rw_manifest), "Invalid manifest:")
        assert manifest_name not in all_manifests
        all_manifests[manifest_name] = rw_manifest
    return ReadOnlyDict(all_manifests)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def read_artifact(filename):
    path = os.path.join(ARTIFACTS_DIR, filename)
    if filename.endswith('.yml'):
        return load_yaml(path, filename)
    elif filename.endswith('.json'):
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            return json.load(f)
    elif filename.endswith('.gz'):
        import gzip
        with gzip.open(path, 'rb') as f:
            return json.load(f)
        raise TypeError("Don't know how to read {}".format(filename))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_manifest():
    manifest_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(MANIFEST_DIR, "*.yml"))
    all_manifests = {}
    graph_config = load_graph_config(ROOT)
    for path in manifest_paths:
        rw_manifest = yaml.load_yaml(path)
        manifest_name = os.path.basename(path).replace(".yml", "")
        rw_manifest["manifest_name"] = manifest_name
        validate_schema(base_schema, deepcopy(rw_manifest), "Invalid manifest:")
        check_manifest(deepcopy(rw_manifest), graph_config)
        rw_manifest["artifacts"] = tuple(rw_manifest["artifacts"])
        assert manifest_name not in all_manifests
        all_manifests[manifest_name] = ReadOnlyDict(rw_manifest)
    return ReadOnlyDict(all_manifests)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def read_artifact(filename):
    path = os.path.join(ARTIFACTS_DIR, filename)
    if filename.endswith(".yml"):
        return load_yaml(path, filename)
    elif filename.endswith(".json"):
        with open(path) as f:
            return json.load(f)
    elif filename.endswith(".gz"):
        import gzip

        with gzip.open(path, "rb") as f:
            return json.load(f)
        raise TypeError(f"Don't know how to read {filename}")
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_key_order(self):
     with MockedOpen({
                     foo: 1
                     bar: 2
                     xyz: 3
             list(yaml.load_yaml("/dir1/dir2", "foo.yml")["job"].keys()),
             ["foo", "bar", "xyz"],
Ejemplo n.º 15
def make_decision_task(params, root, symbol, arguments=[]):
    """Generate a basic decision task, based on the root .taskcluster.yml"""
    taskcluster_yml = load_yaml(root, '.taskcluster.yml')

    push_info = find_hg_revision_push_info(params['repository_url'],

    # provide a similar JSON-e context to what mozilla-taskcluster provides:
    # https://docs.taskcluster.net/reference/integrations/mozilla-taskcluster/docs/taskcluster-yml
    # but with a different tasks_for and an extra `cron` section
    context = {
        'tasks_for': 'cron',
        'repository': {
            'url': params['repository_url'],
            'project': params['project'],
            'level': params['level'],
        'push': {
            'revision': params['head_rev'],
            # remainder are fake values, but the decision task expects them anyway
            'pushlog_id': push_info['pushid'],
            'pushdate': push_info['pushdate'],
            'owner': 'cron',
        'cron': {
            'task_id': os.environ.get('TASK_ID', '<cron task id>'),
            'job_name': params['job_name'],
            'job_symbol': symbol,
            # args are shell-quoted since they are given to `bash -c`
            'quoted_args': ' '.join(pipes.quote(a) for a in arguments),
        'now': current_json_time(),
        'ownTaskId': slugid.nice(),

    rendered = jsone.render(taskcluster_yml, context)
    if len(rendered['tasks']) != 1:
        raise Exception(
            "Expected .taskcluster.yml to only produce one cron task")
    task = rendered['tasks'][0]

    task_id = task.pop('taskId')
    return (task_id, task)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def reference_loader(kind, path, config, params, loaded_tasks):
    Loads selected jobs from a different taskgraph hierarchy.

    This loads jobs of the given kind from the taskgraph rooted at `base-path`,
    and includes all the jobs with names or aliaes matching the names in the
    `jobs` key.
    base_path = config.pop('base-path')
    sub_path = os.path.join(base_path, kind)
    sub_config = load_yaml(sub_path, "kind.yml")
    loader = _get_loader(sub_path, sub_config)
    inputs = loader(kind, sub_path, sub_config, params, loaded_tasks)

    jobs = set(config.pop('jobs'))


    return (job for job in inputs if (_get_aliases(kind, job) & jobs))
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def jobs():
        defaults = config.get("job-defaults")
        for name, job in config.get("jobs", {}).items():
            if defaults:
                job = merge(defaults, job)
            job["job-from"] = "kind.yml"
            yield name, job

        for filename in config.get("jobs-from", []):
            tasks = load_yaml(path, filename)

            file_defaults = tasks.pop("job-defaults", None)
            if defaults:
                file_defaults = merge(defaults, file_defaults or {})

            for name, job in tasks.items():
                if file_defaults:
                    job = merge(file_defaults, job)
                job["job-from"] = filename
                yield name, job
Ejemplo n.º 18
def generate_update_line(config, jobs):
    """Resolve fields that can be keyed by platform, etc."""
    release_config = get_release_config(config)
    for job in jobs:
        config_file = job.pop('whats-new-config')
        update_config = load_yaml(config_file)

        product = job['shipping-product']
        if product == 'devedition':
            product = 'firefox'
        job['worker']['update-line'] = {}
        for blob_type, suffix in [('wnp', ''), ('no-wnp', '-No-WNP')]:
            context = {
                'release-type': config.params['release_type'],
                'product': product,
                'version': GeckoVersion.parse(release_config['appVersion']),
                'blob-type': blob_type,
            job['worker']['update-line'][suffix] = generate_update_properties(
                context, update_config)

        yield job
Ejemplo n.º 19
def reference_loader(kind, path, config, params, loaded_tasks):
    Loads selected jobs from a different taskgraph hierarchy.

    This loads jobs of the given kind from the taskgraph rooted at `base-path`,
    and includes all the jobs with names or aliaes matching the names in the
    `jobs` key.
    base_path = config.pop('base-path')
    sub_path = os.path.join(base_path, kind)
    sub_config = load_yaml(sub_path, "kind.yml")
    loader = _get_loader(sub_path, sub_config)
    inputs = loader(kind, sub_path, sub_config, params, loaded_tasks)

    jobs = config.pop('jobs', None)


    if jobs is not None:
        jobs = set(jobs)
        return (job for job in inputs if (_get_aliases(kind, job) & jobs))
        return inputs
Ejemplo n.º 20
def generate_update_line(config, jobs):
    """Resolve fields that can be keyed by platform, etc."""
    release_config = get_release_config(config)
    for job in jobs:
        config_file = job.pop("whats-new-config")
        update_config = load_yaml(config_file)

        product = job["shipping-product"]
        if product == "devedition":
            product = "firefox"
        job["worker"]["update-line"] = {}
        for blob_type, suffix in [("wnp", ""), ("no-wnp", "-No-WNP")]:
            context = {
                "release-type": config.params["release_type"],
                "product": product,
                "version": GeckoVersion.parse(release_config["appVersion"]),
                "blob-type": blob_type,
                "build-id": config.params["moz_build_date"],
            job["worker"]["update-line"][suffix] = generate_update_properties(
                context, update_config

        yield job
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def register(self, jobs_config_path, image_dir):
     """Register additional image_paths. In this case, there is no 'jobs'
     key in the loaded YAML as this file is loaded via jobs-from in kind.yml."""
     jobs = load_yaml(GECKO, jobs_config_path)
     self.__update_image_paths(jobs, image_dir)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def __init__(self, config_path, image_dir=IMAGE_DIR):
     config = load_yaml(GECKO, config_path)
     self.__update_image_paths(config["jobs"], image_dir)
Ejemplo n.º 23
class TestTaskclusterYml(unittest.TestCase):

    taskcluster_yml = load_yaml(GECKO, ".taskcluster.yml")

    def test_push(self):
        context = {
            "tasks_for": "hg-push",
            "push": {
                "revision": "e8d2d9aff5026ef1f1777b781b47fdcbdb9d8f20",
                "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                "pushlog_id": 1556565286,
                "pushdate": 112957,
            "repository": {
                "url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central",
                "project": "mozilla-central",
                "level": "3",
            "ownTaskId": slugid.nice().encode("ascii"),
        rendered = jsone.render(self.taskcluster_yml, context)
                         "Gecko Decision Task")

    def test_cron(self):
        context = {
            "tasks_for": "cron",
            "repository": {
                "url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central",
                "project": "mozilla-central",
                "level": 3,
            "push": {
                "revision": "e8aebe488b2f2e567940577de25013d00e818f7c",
                "pushlog_id": -1,
                "pushdate": 0,
                "owner": "cron",
            "cron": {
                "task_id": "<cron task id>",
                "job_name": "test",
                "job_symbol": "T",
                "quoted_args": "abc def",
            "now": current_json_time(),
            "ownTaskId": slugid.nice().encode("ascii"),
        rendered = jsone.render(self.taskcluster_yml, context)
                         "Decision Task for cron job test")

    def test_action(self):
        context = {
            "tasks_for": "action",
            "repository": {
                "url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central",
                "project": "mozilla-central",
                "level": 3,
            "push": {
                "revision": "e8d2d9aff5026ef1f1777b781b47fdcbdb9d8f20",
                "owner": "*****@*****.**",
                "pushlog_id": 1556565286,
                "pushdate": 112957,
            "action": {
                "name": "test-action",
                "title": "Test Action",
                "description": "Just testing",
                "taskGroupId": slugid.nice().encode("ascii"),
                "symbol": "t",
                "repo_scope": "assume:repo:hg.mozilla.org/try:action:generic",
                "cb_name": "test_action",
            "input": {},
            "parameters": {},
            "now": current_json_time(),
            "taskId": slugid.nice().encode("ascii"),
            "ownTaskId": slugid.nice().encode("ascii"),
            "clientId": "testing/testing/testing",
        rendered = jsone.render(self.taskcluster_yml, context)
                         "Action: Test Action")

    def test_unknown(self):
        context = {"tasks_for": "bitkeeper-push"}
        rendered = jsone.render(self.taskcluster_yml, context)
        self.assertEqual(rendered["tasks"], [])
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def taskcluster_yml(self):
     return load_yaml(GECKO, ".taskcluster.yml")
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def test_load(self):
     with MockedOpen({'/dir1/dir2/foo.yml': FOO_YML}):
         self.assertEqual(yaml.load_yaml("/dir1/dir2", "foo.yml"),
                          {'prop': ['val1']})
Ejemplo n.º 26
def read_taskcluster_yml(filename):
    """Load and parse .taskcluster.yml, memoized to save some time"""
    return yaml.load_yaml(filename)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def read_taskcluster_yml(filename):
    '''Load and parse .taskcluster.yml, memoized to save some time'''
    return yaml.load_yaml(*os.path.split(filename))
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def test_load(self):
     with MockedOpen({'/dir1/dir2/foo.yml': FOO_YML}):
         self.assertEqual(yaml.load_yaml("/dir1/dir2", "foo.yml"),
                          {'prop': ['val1']})
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def test_load(self):
     with MockedOpen({"/dir1/dir2/foo.yml": FOO_YML}):
         self.assertEqual(yaml.load_yaml("/dir1/dir2", "foo.yml"),
                          {"prop": ["val1"]})