Ejemplo n.º 1
def fit_std_curve(i_vals, i_sds, dpx_concs):
    # Plot the intensity ratios as a function of [DPX]:
    plt.errorbar(dpx_concs, i_vals, yerr=i_sds, linestyle='', marker='o',
                 color='k', linewidth=2)
    plt.xlabel('[DPX] (M)')
    plt.ylabel('$I / I_0$')
    plt.title('Quenching vs. [DPX]')

    # Fit the curve using scipy least squares
    kd = fitting.Parameter(0.05)
    ka = fitting.Parameter(0.490)
    def eq2(dpx):
        return 1. / ((1 + kd()*dpx) * (1 + ka()*dpx))
    fitting.fit(eq2, [kd, ka], i_vals, dpx_concs)
    # Plot curve fit
    dpx_interp = np.linspace(dpx_concs[0], dpx_concs[-1], 100)
    plt.plot(dpx_interp, eq2(dpx_interp), color='r', linewidth=2)
    plt.xlabel('[DPX] (mM)')
    plt.ylabel('$I / I_0$')
    plt.title('DPX quenching, standard curve')
    print "kd: %f" % kd()
    print "ka: %f" % ka()

    return (ka(), kd())
Ejemplo n.º 2
def fit_stoichiometric_comp_ols(bid_concs, fret_means, fret_ses):
    """Obtained the equation for analyzing competitive binding assays from
    Motulsky's article published here:


    f = fitting.Parameter(0.40) # FRET efficiency
    ic50 = fitting.Parameter(6.) # kd for binding lipo sites
    nonspec = fitting.Parameter(0.1) # baseline quenching
    total = fitting.Parameter(0.80)
    def fit_func(bid_conc):
        frac_bound = nonspec() + ((total() - nonspec()) /
                               (1 + 10 ** (np.log10(bid_conc) - np.log10(ic50()))))
        return f() * frac_bound

    fitting.fit(fit_func, [f, ic50, nonspec, total], fret_means, bid_concs)
    plt.figure('Bid FRET, competitive')
    plt.errorbar(np.log10(bid_concs), fret_means, yerr=fret_ses, linestyle='',
    bid_pred = np.logspace(-1, 3, 100)
    plt.plot(np.log10(bid_pred), fit_func(bid_pred), color='k')
    plt.xlabel('log10([Total Bid])')
    plt.ylabel('FRET Efficiency (%)')
    print "----"
    print "ic50: %f" % ic50()
    print "nonspec: %f" % nonspec()
    print "total: %f" % total()
    print "f: %f" % f()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def plot_normalized_to_ref_curve():
    data = bgsub_norm_averages
    ref_index = 1
    reference = data[data.keys()[ref_index]][VALUE]

    # Normalize the reference to [0, 1]
    reference = ((reference - np.min(reference)) /
                 (np.max(reference) - np.min(reference)))

    for i, conc_str in enumerate(data.keys()):
        curve = data[conc_str][VALUE]

        # Define the minval and maxval fit parameters
        fit_min_val = fitting.Parameter(0.)
        fit_max_val = fitting.Parameter(max(curve))

        # Define the "model" func (just the normalization equation)
        def normalization_eqn(y): return ((y - fit_min_val()) /
                                          (fit_max_val() - fit_min_val()))
        fitting.fit(normalization_eqn, [fit_max_val], np.array(reference),

        curve = np.array(curve)
        normalized_curve = normalization_eqn(np.array(curve))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def calc_pore_size_by_slope():
    (fmax_arr, k1_arr, k2_arr, conc_list) = \
           titration_fits.plot_two_exp_fits(bgsub_norm_wells, layout, plot=True)
    titration_fits.plot_fmax_curve(fmax_arr, conc_list)
    titration_fits.plot_k1_curve(k1_arr[:,1:], conc_list[1:])
    titration_fits.plot_k2_curve(k2_arr[:,1:], conc_list[1:])

    conc_lipos = 5.16

    fmax_means = np.mean(fmax_arr, axis=0)
    fmax_stds = np.std(fmax_arr, axis=0)
    ratios = conc_list / conc_lipos

    derivs = np.zeros(len(fmax_means)-1)
    deriv_sds = np.zeros(len(fmax_means)-1)
    for i in np.arange(1, len(fmax_means)):
        if i == 1:
            prev_mean = 0
            prev_sd = 0
            prev_mean = fmax_means[i-1]
            prev_sd = fmax_stds[i-1]

        fmax_diff = fmax_means[i] - prev_mean
        conc_diff = conc_list[i] - conc_list[i-1]
        derivs[i-1] = fmax_diff / float(conc_diff)
        deriv_sds[i-1] = np.sqrt(fmax_stds[i] ** 2 + prev_sd ** 2)
    #plt.errorbar(conc_list[1:], derivs, yerr=deriv_sds, marker='o', )
    plt.errorbar(conc_list[1:], derivs, marker='o', )

    # Fit with exp dist?
    exp_lambda = fitting.Parameter(1/20.)
    def exp_dist(x):
        return exp_lambda() * np.exp(-exp_lambda() * x)
    (residuals, result) = fitting.fit(exp_dist, [exp_lambda], derivs,
    plt.plot(conc_list[1:], exp_dist(conc_list[1:]), color='g')
    print "exp_lambda: %f" % exp_lambda()

    # Fit with exp decay
    exp_c0 = fitting.Parameter(0.005)
    exp_k = fitting.Parameter(1/50.)
    def exp_decay(x):
        return exp_c0() * np.exp(-exp_k() * x)
    (residuals, result) = fitting.fit(exp_decay, [exp_c0, exp_k],
                                      derivs, conc_list[1:])
    plt.plot(conc_list[1:], exp_decay(conc_list[1:]), color='r')
    print "exp_c0: %f" % exp_c0()
    print "exp_k: %f" % exp_k()
    # We want to estimate Bax per pore, or pores per Bax, if Bax
    # holes didn't exist. Basically we want to know the fraction release
    # we would get if the amount of Bax approached 0. In the case of
    # the exponential decay, this is the value of exp_c0.
    # We convert exp_c0 from % release to number of pores:
    # The derivative dfmax/dBax tells us how much more permeabilization we get
    # per Bax. At low concentrations, we get a certain amount of release
    # per Bax that is relatively unaffected by the Bax hole phenomenon.
    print "exp_c0 * conc_lipos: %f" % (exp_c0() * conc_lipos)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def plot_fmax_curve(fmax_arr, conc_list):
    fmax_means = np.mean(fmax_arr, axis=0)
    fmax_sds = np.std(fmax_arr, axis=0)

    # Plot of Fmax
    plt.errorbar(conc_list, fmax_means, yerr=fmax_sds / np.sqrt(3),
                 label='Data', linestyle='')
    plt.ylabel(r'$F_{max}$ value (% Release)')
    plt.xlabel('[Bax] (nM)')

    # Try fitting the fmax values to a hill function
    hill_vmax = fitting.Parameter(0.9)
    kd = fitting.Parameter(100)
    def hill(s):
        return ((hill_vmax() * s) / (kd() + s))
    fitting.fit(hill, [kd, hill_vmax], fmax_means, conc_list)
    plt.plot(conc_list, hill(conc_list), 'r', linewidth=2, label='Hill fit')

    plt.text(35, 0.93, '$K_D$ = %.2f' % kd(), fontsize=16)
    plt.text(35, 0.99, '$V_{max}$ = %.2f' % hill_vmax(), fontsize=16)

    # Try fitting the fmax values to an exponential function
    exp_fmax = fitting.Parameter(1.0)
    exp_k = fitting.Parameter(0.01)
    def exp_func(s):
        return exp_fmax() * (1 - np.exp(-exp_k()*s))
    fitting.fit(exp_func, [exp_fmax, exp_k], fmax_means, conc_list)
    plt.plot(conc_list, exp_func(conc_list), 'g', linewidth=2, label='Exp fit')
    plt.legend(loc='lower right')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def plot_initial_slope_curves(k_arr, conc_list):
    """Plots the initial slopes as a function of concentration."""
    k_means = np.mean(k_arr, axis=0)
    k_sds = np.std(k_arr, axis=0)

    plt.errorbar(conc_list, k_means, yerr= k_sds / np.sqrt(3), color='r',
                 linestyle='', linewidth=2)
    plt.title('Initial permeabilization rate')
    plt.xlabel('[Bax] (nM)')
    plt.ylabel('Rate $(\mathrm{sec}^{-1})$')

    fmax = fitting.Parameter(1e-3)
    k = fitting.Parameter(np.log(2)/300.)
    def exp_func(s):
        return fmax()*(1 - np.exp(-k()*s))
    fitting.fit(exp_func, [fmax, k], k_means, conc_list)
    plt.plot(conc_list, exp_func(conc_list), color='g', label='Exponential')

    k_linear = fitting.Parameter(4e-7)
    num_concs = 7
    def linear(s):
        return k_linear()*s
    fitting.fit(linear, [k_linear], k_means[0:num_concs],
    plt.plot(conc_list, linear(conc_list), color='b',
             label='Linear (first %d concs)' % num_concs)
    plt.legend(loc='lower right')
    plt.ylim([0, np.max(k_means) * 1.05])

    return k_linear()
Ejemplo n.º 7
def plot_fret_exp_fits(donor_only):
    # Plot each fret curve, F_DA/F_D
    fret = collections.OrderedDict()
    f_d = bgsub_timecourses['cBid 50 nM + 0 nM liposomes'][VALUE]
    for i, conc_str in enumerate(bgsub_timecourses.keys()):
        time = bgsub_timecourses[conc_str][TIME]
        f_d_plus_a = bgsub_timecourses[conc_str][VALUE]
        f = f_d_plus_a / donor_only
        fret[conc_str] = []
        plot(time, f, marker='o', linestyle='')

        f0 = fitting.Parameter(1)
        k = fitting.Parameter(0.001)
        fmin = fitting.Parameter(0.6)
        def exp_decay(t):
            return f0()*np.exp(-k()*t) + fmin()
        fitting.fit(exp_decay, [f0, k, fmin], f, time)
        plot(time, exp_decay(time), marker='', color='gray')
    ylabel('$F_{D+A} / F_A$')
    xlabel('Time (sec)')
    title("FRET timecourses")
    return fret
Ejemplo n.º 8
def plot_liposome_titration_insertion_kinetics(model):
    """Plot the insertion kinetics of Bax over a liposome titration."""
    lipo_concs = np.logspace(-2, 2, 40)
    t = np.linspace(0, 12000, 100)

    fmax_list = []
    k_list = []

    for lipo_conc in lipo_concs:
        model.parameters['Vesicles_0'].value = lipo_conc

        # Get the SS mBax value
        #b_trans.model.parameters['Vesicles_0'].value = lipo_conc
        #s = Solver(b_trans.model, t)
        #max_mBax = s.yobs['mBax'][-1]

        # Get the iBax curve
        s = Solver(model, t)
        iBax = s.yobs['iBax'] / model.parameters['Bax_0'].value
        plt.plot(t, iBax, 'r')

        # Fit to single exponential
        fmax = fitting.Parameter(0.9)
        k = fitting.Parameter(0.01)
        def single_exp(t):
            return (fmax() * (1 - np.exp(-k()*t)))
        fitting.fit(single_exp, [fmax, k], iBax, t)
        plt.plot(t, single_exp(t), 'b')


    plt.title('Inserted Bax with liposome titration')
    plt.ylabel('Fraction of inserted Bax')

    # Make plots of k and fmax as a function of lipo concentration
    fmax_list = np.array(fmax_list)
    k_list = np.array(k_list)

    # k
    plt.plot(lipo_concs, k_list, 'ro')
    plt.xlabel('Liposomes (nM)')
    plt.title("$k$ vs. Liposome conc")
    plt.ylim([0, 0.0020])

    # Fmax 
    plt.plot(lipo_concs, fmax_list, 'ro')
    plt.xlabel('Liposomes (nM)')
    plt.title("$F_{max}$ vs. Liposome conc")
def plot_normalized(bid_conc=0, bid_conc_for_normalization=0,
                    subtract_background=True, do_fit=False,
    k1_arr = []
    fmax_arr = []
    t0_arr = []
    for conc_index in range(NUM_CONCS):
        time = np.array(data[bid_conc][bax_concs[conc_index]][:].index.values,
        conc_data = data[bid_conc][bax_concs[conc_index]][:].values
        f0 = data[bid_conc_for_normalization] \
        if subtract_background: # from 0 Bax timecourse
            bg = data[bid_conc][0][:].mean(axis=1).values
            conc_data = np.subtract(conc_data.T, bg).T
            f0 = f0 - bg[0]
        conc_data = conc_data / float(f0)
        # Plots the fits if desired
        if do_fit:
            fmax = fitting.Parameter(3.)
            k1 = fitting.Parameter(0.0005)
            def one_exp(t):
                return 1. + fmax() * (1 - np.exp(-k1() * (t + t0())))
            # Check if we're supposed to fit the t0 parameter or not
            if t0_val is None:
                t0 = fitting.Parameter(556)
                fitting.fit(one_exp, [fmax, k1, t0],
                            np.mean(conc_data, axis=1), time)
                t0 = fitting.Parameter(t0_val)
                fitting.fit(one_exp, [fmax, k1], np.mean(conc_data, axis=1),

            # Plot
            plt.plot(time, one_exp(time), color='k')
            plt.plot(time, np.mean(conc_data, axis=1),
                     label='Bax %s nM' % bax_concs[conc_index])
            plt.errorbar(time, np.mean(conc_data, axis=1),
                         yerr=np.std(conc_data, axis=1) / np.sqrt(3),
                         label='Bax %s nM' % bax_concs[conc_index])

    box = plt.gca().get_position()
    plt.gca().set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height])
    plt.legend(loc='upper left', prop=fontP, ncol=1,
               bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), fancybox=True, shadow=True)
    plt.title(r'Normalized ($F/F_0$) by %s nM cBid $F_0$' % \

    if do_fit:
        return (k1_arr, fmax_arr, t0_arr)
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 10
def plot_bax_titration_insertion_kinetics(model):
    """Plot the insertion kinetics of Bax over a Bax titration."""
    bax_concs = np.logspace(-1, 3, 40)
    t = np.linspace(0, 12000, 100)

    fmax_list = []
    k_list = []

    for bax_conc in bax_concs:
        model.parameters['Bax_0'].value = bax_conc

        # Get the iBax curve
        s = Solver(model, t)
        iBax = s.yobs['iBax'] / model.parameters['Bax_0'].value
        plt.plot(t, iBax, 'r')

        # Fit to single exponential
        fmax = fitting.Parameter(0.9)
        k = fitting.Parameter(0.01)
        def single_exp(t):
            return (fmax() * (1 - np.exp(-k()*t)))
        fitting.fit(single_exp, [fmax, k], iBax, t)
        plt.plot(t, single_exp(t), 'b')


    plt.title('Inserted Bax with Bax titration')
    plt.ylabel('Fraction of inserted Bax')

    # Make plots of k and fmax as a function of lipo concentration
    fmax_list = np.array(fmax_list)
    k_list = np.array(k_list)

    # k
    plt.plot(bax_concs, k_list, 'ro')
    plt.xlabel('Bax (nM)')
    plt.title("$k$ vs. Bax conc")

    # Fmax 
    plt.plot(bax_concs, fmax_list, 'ro')
    plt.xlabel('Bax (nM)')
    plt.title("$F_{max}$ vs. Bax conc")
Ejemplo n.º 11
def plot_fits(means, log_means, conc_list, log_concs):
    # Ignore any NaNs
    # Take mean of all dilution series
    dilution_means = np.mean(means, axis=1)
    nans = np.isnan(dilution_means)
    dilution_means = dilution_means[nans==False]
    dilution_stds = np.std(means[nans==False], axis=1)

    # Take mean of all dilution series
    infs = np.isinf(log_concs)
    log_dilution_means = np.mean(log_means[(infs + nans) == False],
    log_dilution_stds = np.std(log_means[(infs + nans) == False],

    conc_list_no_nan = conc_list[nans == False]
    conc_list_nonan_noinf = conc_list[(infs + nans) == False]
    log_concs_nonan_noinf = log_concs[(infs + nans) == False]

    # Fit with line
    m = fitting.Parameter(900)
    b = fitting.Parameter(0)
    def linear(x):
        return m()*x + b()
    fitting.fit(linear, [m, b], dilution_means, conc_list_no_nan)
    print "m: %f" % m()
    print "b: %f" % b()

    r_squared = fitting.r_squared(dilution_means, linear(conc_list_no_nan))
    print "R^2: %f" % r_squared

    errorbar(conc_list_no_nan, dilution_means, yerr=dilution_stds,
            color='r', linestyle='')
    plot(conc_list_no_nan, linear(conc_list_no_nan), color='r', label='Linear')
    xlabel('[Fluorescein] (nM)')
    title('Fits to Fluorescein titration')
    legend(loc='lower right')

    errorbar(log_concs_nonan_noinf, log_dilution_means, yerr=log_dilution_stds,
             color='r', linestyle='')
    plot(log_concs_nonan_noinf, np.log10(linear(conc_list_nonan_noinf)),
            color='r', label='Linear')
    legend(loc='lower right')
    xlabel('log10([Fluorescein]) (nM)')
    title('Fits to Fluorescein titration, log-log')
Ejemplo n.º 12
def plot_k_fmax_scaling(k_data, fmax_data, bid_ix, bax_concs,
    """Plot Fmax and k vs. Bax concentration for a given Bid concentration."""

    assert k_data.shape == fmax_data.shape, \
           "k_data and f_max data must have same dimensions"

    fig = plt.figure('exp_fits_k_fmax_var', figsize=(1.9, 1.5), dpi=300)
    ax1 = fig.gca()
    # Plot Fmax vs. concentration on the left-hand axis
    ax1.plot(bax_concs, fmax_data[bid_ix, :], marker='o', markersize=3,
             color='b', linestyle='')
    ax1.set_xlabel('[Bax] (nM)')
    ax1.set_ylabel('$F_{max}$', color='b')
    ax1.set_xlim([0, 1100])
    for tl in ax1.get_yticklabels():

    slope = fitting.Parameter(1.)
    intercept = fitting.Parameter(1.)
    def log_line(x):
        log_concs = np.log10(x)
        return slope() * log_concs + intercept()
    fitting.fit(log_line, [slope, intercept], fmax_data[bid_ix, :],
    ax1.plot(bax_concs, log_line(bax_concs), color='b')

    # Plot k vs. concentration on the right-hand axis
    ax2 = ax1.twinx()
    #ax2.set_xlim([0.05, 30])
    ax2.plot(bax_concs, k_data[bid_ix,:], marker='o', markersize=3,
    ax2.set_ylabel(r'k (sec$^{-1} \times\ 10^{-5}$)', color='r')
    for tl in ax2.get_yticklabels():
    ax2.set_xlim([0, 1100])
    ax2.set_ylim(5e-5, 3e-4)
    ax2.set_yticks(np.linspace(5e-5, 3e-4, 6))
    ax2.set_yticklabels([str(int(f)) for f in np.linspace(5, 30, 6)])
    format_axis(ax2, yticks_position='right')
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.18, bottom=0.19, right=0.75)

    if plot_filename:
        fig.savefig('%s.pdf' % plot_filename)
        fig.savefig('%s.png' % plot_filename, dpi=300)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def plot_fit_donor_only():
    # Fit the background (donor-only) to a line
    m = fitting.Parameter(0)
    b = fitting.Parameter(26000)
    def linear(x):
        return m()*x + b()
    t = timecourse_averages['cBid 50 nM + 0 nM liposomes'][TIME]
    x = timecourse_averages['cBid 50 nM + 0 nM liposomes'][VALUE]
    fitting.fit(linear, [m, b], x, t)
    plot(t, x)
    plot(t, linear(t))
    xlabel('Time (sec)')
    title('Linear fit of Bid-only control')
    return linear(t)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def plot_k_titration(fits):
    bid_concs = []
    k_means = []
    k_ses = []

    for cond_name in bid_fits.keys():
        fits = bid_fits[cond_name]
        bid_conc = float(cond_name.split(' ')[1])
        num_reps = fits.shape[0]
        k_ses.append(np.std(fits[:,1]) / np.sqrt(num_reps))

    bid_concs = np.array(bid_concs)
    k_means = np.array(k_means)

    plt.errorbar(np.log10(bid_concs), k_means, yerr=k_ses, color='k')

    kd1 = fitting.Parameter(1.)
    k0 = fitting.Parameter(2e-5)
    kmax1 = fitting.Parameter(2e-4)
    slope = fitting.Parameter(1e-8)

    def hill_func_line(concs):
        return (k0() +
               ((kmax1() * concs) / (kd1() + concs)) +
                (slope() * concs))
    res = fitting.fit(hill_func_line, [kd1, k0, kmax1, slope],
                      np.array(k_means), np.array(bid_concs))
    plt.plot(np.log10(bid_concs), hill_func_line(bid_concs), color='b')
    #plt.plot(np.log10(bid_concs), slope() * bid_concs, color='r')
    #         k0() + ((kmax1()*bid_concs) / (kd1() + bid_concs)), color='g')

    kd1 = fitting.Parameter(1.)
    k0 = fitting.Parameter(7e-5)
    kmax1 = fitting.Parameter(2e-4)

    def hill_func_k(concs):
        return (k0() + ((kmax1() * concs) / (kd1() + concs)))

    res = fitting.fit(hill_func_k, [kd1, k0, kmax1],
                      np.array(k_means), np.array(bid_concs))
    plt.plot(np.log10(bid_concs), hill_func_k(bid_concs), color='r')
Ejemplo n.º 15
def normalize_fit(replicates):
    Find normalization parameters that minimize differences between replicates.

    Chooses one (the first) trajectory as a reference, and then chooses
    appropriate scaling parameters (min and max vals) to minimize the deviation
    of the other trajectories from the reference trajectory.

    replicates : list of numpy.array objects
        Each entry in the list is a numpy.array containing the data for one
        repeat of the experiment.

    list of numpy.array objects
        The replicate data after normalization.

    normalized_replicates = []

    # Choose the first replicate (arbitrarily) as the one to fit to,
    # and normalize it to the range [0, 1]
    reference = array(replicates[0])
    reference = (reference - min(reference)) / (max(reference) - min(reference))

    # For the other replicates, let min val and max val be fit so
    # as to minimize deviation from the normalized first replicate
    for replicate in replicates[1:len(replicates)]:

        # Define the minval and maxval fit parameters
        fit_min_val = Parameter(min(replicate))
        fit_max_val = Parameter(max(replicate))

        # Define the "model" func (just the normalization equation)
        def normalization_eqn(repl): return ((repl - fit_min_val()) /
                                             (fit_max_val() - fit_min_val()))
        fit(normalization_eqn, [fit_min_val, fit_max_val], array(reference),

        replicate = array(replicate)
        normalized_replicate = normalization_eqn(array(replicate))

    return normalized_replicates
Ejemplo n.º 16
def approach_1(wells, layout):
    """In this approach, we take the mean of each condition and then perform
    a single fit to the mean. We then plot the value of each parameter
    as a function of the concentration to look for patterns.

    Note that the data is expected to be in raw format, not pre-averaged.
    (avgs, stderrs) = averages(wells, layout, stderr=True)

    num_concs = len(layout.keys())
    min_rfu_arr = np.zeros((num_concs, 2))
    max_rfu_arr = np.zeros((num_concs, 2))
    k_arr = np.zeros((num_concs, 2))
    conc_list = np.zeros(num_concs)

    num_rows = 4
    num_cols = 3
    for i, conc_str in enumerate(layout.keys()):
        print conc_str
        conc = float(conc_str.split(' ')[1])
        conc_list[i] = conc
        time = avgs[conc_str][TIME][0:100]
        curve = avgs[conc_str][VALUE][0:100]
        plt.subplot(num_rows, num_cols, i+1)
        plt.errorbar(time, curve, yerr=stderrs[conc_str][VALUE][0:100])

        # Define the parameters
        max_rfu = fitting.Parameter(np.max(curve))
        min_rfu = fitting.Parameter(np.min(curve))
        k = fitting.Parameter(1e-4)

        def exp_func(t):
            return (max_rfu() - min_rfu())*(1 - np.exp(-k()*t)) + min_rfu()
        result = fitting.fit(exp_func, [max_rfu, min_rfu, k], curve, time)
        cov_x = result[1]

        plt.plot(time, exp_func(time), color='r')
        plt.xlabel('Time (sec)')
        plt.ylabel('ANTS (RFU)')
        max_rfu_arr[i] = [max_rfu(), np.sqrt(cov_x[0, 0])]
        min_rfu_arr[i] = [min_rfu(), np.sqrt(cov_x[1, 1])]
        k_arr[i] = [k(), np.sqrt(cov_x[2, 2])]

    plt.tight_layout(pad=0, w_pad=0, h_pad=0)

    # Plot values of fitted parameters
    plt.errorbar(conc_list, k_arr[:,0], yerr=k_arr[:,1], marker='o')
    plt.errorbar(conc_list, min_rfu_arr[:,0], yerr=min_rfu_arr[:,1], marker='o')
    plt.errorbar(conc_list, max_rfu_arr[:,0], yerr=max_rfu_arr[:,1], marker='o')
    plt.plot(conc_list, (max_rfu_arr[:,0] - min_rfu_arr[:,0])/min_rfu_arr[:,0],
    plt.title('Percent increase')
    import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
Ejemplo n.º 17
def calc_exp_fits(data_norm):
    """Fit each of the timecourses in the data matrix to an exponential func.

    data_norm : np.array
        Four-dimensional numpy array, with dimensions
        [bid, bax, datatype (time or value), timepoints]

    tuple of two np.arrays
        The first array contains the fitted k values, the second the fitted
        fmax values. Both are of dimension [bid concs, bax_concs].

    fmax_data = np.zeros((len(bid_concs), len(bax_concs)))
    k_data = np.zeros((len(bid_concs), len(bax_concs)))
    fmax_sd_data = np.zeros((len(bid_concs), len(bax_concs)))
    k_sd_data = np.zeros((len(bid_concs), len(bax_concs)))

    for bid_ix in range(data_norm.shape[0]):
        for bax_ix in range(data_norm.shape[1]):

            t = data_norm[bid_ix, bax_ix, TIME, :]
            v = data_norm[bid_ix, bax_ix, VALUE, :]

            # Get an instance of the fitting function
            k = fitting.Parameter(1e-4)
            fmax = fitting.Parameter(3.)

            def fit_func(t):
                return 1 + fmax() * (1 - np.exp(-k()*t))
            # Subtract 1 so that the curves start from 0
            (residuals, result) = fitting.fit(fit_func, [k, fmax], v, t)
            cov_matrix = result[1]
            #(k, fmax) = fit.fit_timecourse(t, v)
            k_data[bid_ix, bax_ix] = k()
            fmax_data[bid_ix, bax_ix] = fmax()

            #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
            # Get variance estimates
            [k_sd, fmax_sd] = np.sqrt(np.diag(np.var(residuals, ddof=1) *
            k_sd_data[bid_ix, bax_ix] = k_sd
            fmax_sd_data[bid_ix, bax_ix] = fmax_sd

            # Some diagnostic plots (commented out)
            #plt.plot(t, v, 'k')
            #plt.plot(t[:numpts], intercept + lin_fit[0] * t[:numpts], 'r')

            #plt.plot(t, v / intercept - 1)
            #plt.plot(t, fit.fit_func(t, [k, fmax]))

    return (k_data, k_sd_data, fmax_data, fmax_sd_data)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def plot_k1_curve(k1_arr, conc_list):
    k1_means = np.mean(k1_arr, axis=0)
    k1_sds = np.std(k1_arr, axis=0)

    plt.errorbar(conc_list, k1_means, yerr= k1_sds / np.sqrt(3), color='r',
                 linestyle='', linewidth=2)
    plt.xlabel('[Bax] (nM)')
    plt.ylabel('$k_1\ (\mathrm{sec}^{-1})$')

    # Fit with exponential-linear curve
    vi = fitting.Parameter(0.05)
    vf = fitting.Parameter(0.025)
    tau = fitting.Parameter(0.02)
    # Define fitting function
    def biphasic(t):
        return (vf()*t) + ( (vi() - vf()) *
                            ((1 - np.exp(-tau()*t))/tau()) )
    fitting.fit(biphasic, [vi, vf, tau], k1_means, conc_list)
    plt.plot(conc_list, biphasic(conc_list), 'r', linewidth=2)

    # Fit with "double-binding curve"
    ksat = fitting.Parameter(0.0005)
    knonsat = fitting.Parameter(20)
    R0 = fitting.Parameter(20)
    def double_binding(t):
        return (R0() * t)/(ksat() + t) + (knonsat()*t)
    fitting.fit(double_binding, [R0, ksat, knonsat], k1_means, conc_list)
    plt.plot(conc_list, double_binding(conc_list), 'g', linewidth=2)

    plt.text(400, 0.00025,
            r'$\frac{R_0 Bax_0}{K_{sat} + Bax_0} + K_{nonsat} Bax_0$')
    plt.text(400, 0.00020, r'$R_0$ = %.3g nM' % R0())
    plt.text(400, 0.00015, r'$K_{sat}$ = %.3g nM' % ksat())
    plt.text(400, 0.00010, r'$K_{nonsat}$ = %.3g nM' % knonsat())

    plt.text(35, 0.00054,
            r'$v_f + (v_i - v_f) \left(\frac{1 - e^{-\tau t}}{\tau}\right)$')
    plt.text(35, 0.00049, r'$v_i$ = %.3g sec$^{-1}$ nM$^{-1}$' % vi())
    plt.text(35, 0.00044, r'$v_f$ = %.3g sec$^{-1}$ nM$^{-1}$' % vf())
    plt.text(35, 0.00039, r'$\frac{1}{\tau}$ = %.2f nM' % (1/tau()))
    plt.title('Biphasic fit of $k_1$')
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def fit_average_by_leastsq(self, reps):
        """Fit the average with an exponential model

        Returns a dict with the parameter values for the fit.

        avg_trajectory = np.mean(reps, axis=0)

        k_p = fitting.Parameter(np.log(2)/6000.)
        initial_rfu_p = fitting.Parameter(avg_trajectory[0])
        pct_increase_p = fitting.Parameter((avg_trajectory[-1]-avg_trajectory[0])/

        def exp_func(t):
            return (pct_increase_p() * initial_rfu_p()) * (1 - np.exp(-k_p() * t)) + \
        fitting.fit(exp_func, [k_p, initial_rfu_p, pct_increase_p], avg_trajectory, self.t)
        return {'k': k_p(),
                'initial_rfu': initial_rfu_p(),
                'pct_increase': pct_increase_p()}
Ejemplo n.º 20
def fit_data(mcmc_set):
    data = mcmc_set.chains[0].data
    fmax_arr = np.zeros(len(data.columns))
    k1_arr = np.zeros(len(data.columns))
    k2_arr = np.zeros(len(data.columns))
    bax_concs = np.array(data.columns, dtype='float')
    for i, bax_conc in enumerate(bax_concs):
        conc_data = data[bax_conc]
        time = conc_data[:, 'TIME']
        y = conc_data[:, 'MEAN']
        fmax = fitting.Parameter(0.9)
        k1 = fitting.Parameter(0.01)
        k2 = fitting.Parameter(0.001)
        def two_part_exp(t):
            return (fmax() * (1 - np.exp(-k1() * (1 - np.exp(-k2()*t)) * t)))
        fitting.fit(two_part_exp, [fmax, k1, k2], y, time)
        fmax_arr[i] = fmax()
        k1_arr[i] = k1()
        k2_arr[i] = k2()
    two_exp_fits_dict['data'] = (fmax_arr, k1_arr, k2_arr)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def fit_timecourse(self, time, y):
        """Fit a single timecourse with the desired function.

        time : numpy.array
            Vector of time values.
        y : numpy.array
            Vector of y-axis values (e.g., dye release).

        list of numbers
            The best-fit parameter values produced by the fitting procedure.
        params = [fitting.Parameter(self.initial_guesses[i])
                  for i in range(len(self.initial_guesses))]
        def fit_func_closure(t):
            return self.fit_func(t, [p() for p in params])
        fitting.fit(fit_func_closure, params, y, time,
        return [p() for p in params]
Ejemplo n.º 22
def fit_gouy_chapman_ols(bid_concs, fret_means, fret_ses):
    lipid_conc = 129.8 # uM; 0.1 (mg/mL); ~1.5 nM liposomes

    v = fitting.Parameter(6.) # charges per peptide chain
    b = fitting.Parameter(1.) # dimensionless
    pc = fitting.Parameter(1.) # partition coefficient
    f = fitting.Parameter(0.35) # FRET efficiency
    f0 = fitting.Parameter(0.095) # baseline quenching
    r = np.logspace(-3, 0, 1000)

    def cf(r):
        return (r * alpha(r)) / pc()
    def alpha(r):
        log_alpha = 2 * v() * np.arcsinh(v() * b() * r)
        return np.exp(log_alpha)

    def fit_func(bid_concs):
        cb = r * lipid_conc
        cfr = cf(r)
        ctot = cb + cfr
        fracs_bound = cb / ctot
        interp_fracs = np.interp(bid_concs, ctot, fracs_bound)
        return f() * interp_fracs + f0()

    fitting.fit(fit_func, [v, b, pc, f, f0], fret_means, bid_concs)

    plt.errorbar(np.log10(bid_concs), fret_means, yerr=fret_ses, linestyle='',
    bid_pred = np.logspace(-1, 3, 100)
    plt.plot(np.log10(bid_pred), fit_func(bid_pred), color='k')
    plt.xlabel('log10([Total Bid])')
    plt.ylabel('FRET Efficiency (%)')
    print f0()
    print f()
    print v()
    print b()
    print pc()
Ejemplo n.º 23
def estimate_background_residuals():
    """Perform a fit of each background trajectory separately and then
    use these fits to estimate the variance of the residuals due to
    measurement error."""

    buffer_wells = extract(layout['Buffer'], timecourse_wells)

    (time_arr, buffer_reps) = get_replicates_for_condition(
                                    timecourse_wells, layout, 'Buffer')
    print "bg_init   k_decay   k_linear   bg_bg"
    num_timepoints = len(time_arr)
    num_replicates = buffer_reps.shape[1]
    residuals = np.zeros((num_timepoints, num_replicates))

    param_matrix = np.zeros((num_replicates, 4))

    for i in range(num_replicates):
        plt.plot(time_arr, buffer_reps[:,i])

        bg_init = fitting.Parameter(1.)
        k_decay = fitting.Parameter(1e-2)
        bg_bg = fitting.Parameter(5.6)
        k_linear = fitting.Parameter(1e-4)

        def exp_decay(t):
            return bg_init()*np.exp(-k_decay() * t) - k_linear()*t + bg_bg()

        (residuals[:,i], result) = fitting.fit(exp_decay, [bg_init, k_decay, bg_bg, k_linear],
                                               buffer_reps[:,i], time_arr)
        plt.plot(time_arr, exp_decay(time_arr), linewidth=2, color='r')
        print bg_init(), k_decay(), k_linear(), bg_bg()
        param_matrix[i,:] = [bg_init(), k_decay(), k_linear(), bg_bg()]

    plt.hist(residuals.reshape(num_replicates * num_timepoints))
    print "Mean"
    print np.mean(residuals)
    print "Variance"
    print np.var(residuals)
    print "SD"
    print np.std(residuals)
    print param_matrix
    print "Mean"
    print np.mean(param_matrix, axis=0)
    print "SD"
    print np.std(param_matrix, axis=0)

    return np.var(residuals)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def fit_basic_binding_curve_ols(bid_concs, fret_means, fret_ses):
    kd = fitting.Parameter(6.) # kd for binding lipo sites
    f = fitting.Parameter(0.30) # FRET efficiency
    f0 = fitting.Parameter(0.10) # baseline quenching

    def fit_func(bid_conc):
        frac_bound = bid_conc / (bid_conc + kd())
        frac_dye = 10. / bid_conc
        frac_dye_bound = frac_bound * frac_dye
        return f() * frac_dye_bound + f0()

    fitting.fit(fit_func, [kd, f], fret_means, bid_concs)

    plt.figure('Bid FRET')
    plt.errorbar(np.log10(bid_concs), fret_means, yerr=fret_ses, linestyle='',
    bid_pred = np.logspace(-1, 3, 100)
    plt.plot(np.log10(bid_pred), fit_func(bid_pred), color='k')
    plt.xlabel('log10([Total Bid])')
    plt.ylabel('FRET Efficiency (%)')
    print "Kd: %f" % kd()
    print "f: %f" % f()
    print "f0: %f" % f0()
Ejemplo n.º 25
def fit_fda_and_fd_curves(wells, fda, fd, fa, bg):
    # Get the background averages
    bg_avg = get_average_bg(wells, bg, plot=False)
    fa_avg = get_average_fa(wells, fa, plot=False)
    # Now, plot the curves, with fits
    for conc_name in fda.keys():
        # FDA
        for well_name in fda[conc_name]:
            fda_value = np.array(wells[well_name][VALUE])
            # Subtract the FA background:
            fda_value = fda_value - fa_avg
            # Do the fit
            f0 = fitting.Parameter(3500.)
            fmax = fitting.Parameter(2000.)
            k = fitting.Parameter(1e-3)
            def fit_func(t):
                return fmax()*np.exp(-k()*t) + f0()
            res = fitting.fit(fit_func, [f0, fmax, k], fda_value, time)
            # Plot data and fit
            plt.plot(time, fda_value)
            plt.plot(time, fit_func(time), color='k', linewidth=2)
        # FD
        for well_name in fd[conc_name]:
            fd_value = np.array(wells[well_name][VALUE])
            # Subtract the BG background:
            fd_value = fd_value - bg_avg
            # Do the fit
            f0 = fitting.Parameter(3500.)
            fmax = fitting.Parameter(2000.)
            k = fitting.Parameter(1e-3)
            def fit_func(t):
                return fmax()*np.exp(-k()*t) + f0()
            res = fitting.fit(fit_func, [f0, fmax, k], fd_value, time)
            # Plot data and fit
            plt.plot(time, fd_value)
            plt.plot(time, fit_func(time), color='k', linewidth=2)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def plot_requenching_result(req_results, plot_filename):
    # Publication-quality figure of result
    f_outs = req_results['f_outs']
    q_ins = req_results['q_ins']
    f_out_errs = req_results['f_out_errs']
    q_in_errs = req_results['q_in_errs']

    plt.figure(figsize=(1.5, 1.5), dpi=300)
    plt.errorbar(f_outs, q_ins, xerr=f_out_errs, yerr=q_in_errs,
                 marker='o', markersize=2, color='k', linestyle='',
    ax = plt.gca()
    #for i in range(len(f_outs)):
    #    ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((f_outs[i], q_ins[i]),
    #                                   f_out_errs[i], q_in_errs[i], alpha=0.5))
    #plt.plot(f_outs[0:12], q_ins[0:12], marker='o', color='r', linestyle='')
    #plt.plot(f_outs[12:24], q_ins[12:24], marker='o', color='g', linestyle='')
    #plt.plot(f_outs[24:36], q_ins[24:36], marker='o', color='b', linestyle='')
    plt.xlim([0, 1])
    plt.ylim([0, 0.5])

    const = fitting.Parameter(0.1)
    def fit_func(x):
        return const()
    fitting.fit(fit_func, [const], q_ins, f_outs)
    plt.hlines(const(), 0, 1, color='r')
    #linfit = scipy.stats.linregress(f_outs, q_ins)
    #f_out_pred = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
    #plt.plot(f_out_pred, (f_out_pred * linfit[0]) + linfit[1], color='r',
    #         alpha=0.5)
    #plt.title('$Q_{in}$ vs. $F_{out}$')
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.23, bottom=0.2)
    plt.savefig('%s.pdf' % plot_filename)
    plt.savefig('%s.png' % plot_filename, dpi=300)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def fit_timecourses(layout, timecourses, plot=True):
    """Fit all timecourses in the experiment."""
    # We'll be doing a 3 parameter fit
    num_params = 3
    # This is where we'll store the results of the fitting
    param_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
    # Iterate over all of the conditions in the layout
    for cond_name, rep_list in layout.iteritems():
        # How many replicates for this condition?
        num_reps = len(rep_list)
        # Set up a plot to show the fits
        if plot:
            plt.figure(cond_name, figsize=(6, 2), dpi=150)
        plots_per_row = 3
        # Create an entry in the resulting param dict for this condition.
        # Results will be stored in a matrix with shape (num_reps, num_params)
        param_matrix = np.zeros((num_reps, num_params))
        # Now iterate over every well in the replicate list
        for rep_ix, well_name in enumerate(rep_list):
            # Get the time and fluorescence vectors
            time = timecourses[well_name][TIME]
            value = timecourses[well_name][VALUE]
            # Set up the fitting procedure: first define the parameters
            fmax = fitting.Parameter(2.1)
            f0 = fitting.Parameter(2.3)
            k = fitting.Parameter(1.4e-4)
            # Define the fitting function
            def exp_func(t):
                return (fmax() * f0()) * (1 - np.exp(-k() * t)) + f0()
            # Do the fit
            res = fitting.fit(exp_func, [fmax, k, f0], value, time)
            # Save the values in the order: (fmax, k, f0)
            param_matrix[rep_ix, 0] = fmax()
            param_matrix[rep_ix, 1] = k()
            param_matrix[rep_ix, 2] = f0()
            # Plot into the appropriate subplot
            if plot:
                plt.subplot(1, num_plots_per_row, rep_ix+1)
                plt.plot(time, value, color='r')
                plt.plot(time, exp_func(time), color='k', linewidth=2)
                plt.xlabel('Time (sec)')
        # Store the resulting parameter matrix in the dict entry for this cond
        param_dict[cond_name] = param_matrix

    return param_dict
Ejemplo n.º 28
def estimate_bg_release():
    lipo_wells = extract(layout['Bax 0 nM'], timecourse_wells)

    (time_arr, lipo_reps) = get_replicates_for_condition(
                                    timecourse_wells, layout, 'Bax 0 nM')
    num_timepoints = len(time_arr)
    num_replicates = lipo_reps.shape[1]
    residuals = np.zeros((num_timepoints, num_replicates))
    param_matrix = np.zeros((num_replicates, 2))

    avg_bg = timecourse_averages['Buffer'][VALUE]
    for i in range(num_replicates):
        plt.plot(time_arr, lipo_reps[:,i])
        bg_sub = lipo_reps[:,i] - avg_bg
        plt.plot(time_arr, bg_sub)

        lipo_init = fitting.Parameter(20.)
        k_app = fitting.Parameter(1e-2)

        def linear(t):
            return lipo_init() + k_app()*t

        (residuals[:,i], result) = fitting.fit(linear, [lipo_init, k_app],
                                               bg_sub, time_arr)
        plt.plot(time_arr, linear(time_arr), linewidth=2, color='r')
        print lipo_init(), k_app()
        param_matrix[i,:] = [lipo_init(), k_app()]

    plt.hist(residuals.reshape(num_replicates * num_timepoints))
    print "Mean"
    print np.mean(residuals)
    print "Variance"
    print np.var(residuals)
    print "SD"
    print np.std(residuals)
    print param_matrix
    print "Mean"
    print np.mean(param_matrix, axis=0)
    print "SD"
    print np.std(param_matrix, axis=0)

Ejemplo n.º 29
def plot_lipo_background(wells, layout):
    """Takes the lipo background well timecourses and plots the
    fluorescence values of the initial points as a function of lipo
    concentration. Shows that the liposome background fluorescence
    is strictly linear.
    init_vals = np.zeros(len(layout.keys()))
    conc_list = np.zeros(len(layout.keys()))
    for i, cond_name in enumerate(layout):
        conc = float(cond_name.split(" ")[1])
        well_name = layout[cond_name][0]
        init_val = wells[well_name][VALUE][0]
        init_vals[i] = init_val
        conc_list[i] = conc

    # Fit the liposome background to a line
    print "Fitting liposome background"
    m = fitting.Parameter(1.0)
    b = fitting.Parameter(1.0)

    def linear(s):
        return m() * s + b()

    result = fitting.fit(linear, [m, b], init_vals, conc_list)

    plt.plot(conc_list, init_vals, marker="o", linestyle="", color="b")
    plt.plot(conc_list, linear(conc_list), color="r")
    plt.xlabel("Liposome concentration (mg/ml)")
    plt.title("Liposome background fluorescence at t=0")
    ax = plt.gca()
    print "m: %f" % m()
    print "b: %f" % b()
    return [m(), b()]
Ejemplo n.º 30
def approach_3(timecourse_wells, layout):
    """Global fit of all curves by least squares."""
    # Get the average trajectories, with standard errors
    (avgs, stderrs) = averages(timecourse_wells, layout, stderr=True)
    #(avgs, stderrs) = averages(timecourse_wells, layout, stderr=False)

    # Build full matrix of all timecourse averages and SDs
    num_concs = len(layout.keys())
    num_timepoints = 100
    time_arr = np.zeros((num_timepoints, num_concs))
    avg_arr = np.zeros((num_timepoints, num_concs))
    std_arr = np.zeros((num_timepoints, num_concs))
    conc_list = np.zeros(num_concs)
    for i, conc_str in enumerate(layout.keys()):
        conc = float(conc_str.split(' ')[1])
        conc_list[i] = conc
        time_arr[:, i] = avgs[conc_str][TIME][:num_timepoints]
        avg_arr[:, i] = avgs[conc_str][VALUE][:num_timepoints]
        std_arr[:, i] = stderrs[conc_str][VALUE][:num_timepoints]

    # Starting value for highest concentration
    min_initial = np.min(avg_arr[0,:])
    max_initial = avg_arr[0,0]
    max_conc = conc_list[0]
    min_final = np.min(avg_arr[-1,:])
    max_final = avg_arr[-1,0]
    min_int = fitting.Parameter(min_initial)
    min_slope = fitting.Parameter((max_initial - min_initial) / max_conc)
    max_int = fitting.Parameter(min_final)
    max_slope = fitting.Parameter((max_final - min_final) / max_conc)
    k = fitting.Parameter(1.2e-4)

    avg_arr_lin = avg_arr.T.reshape(num_timepoints * num_concs)
    def exp_func(t, conc, min_int, min_slope, max_int, max_slope, k):
        max_val = max_slope * conc + max_int
        min_val = min_slope * conc + min_int
        return (max_val - min_val) * (1 - np.exp(-k * t)) + min_val

    def exp_matrix(t):
        result = np.zeros((num_timepoints*num_concs))
        for i, conc in enumerate(conc_list):
            result[i*num_timepoints:(i+1)*num_timepoints] = \
                    exp_func(t, conc, min_int(), min_slope(),
                                   max_int(), max_slope(), k())
        return result

    fitting.fit(exp_matrix, [min_int, min_slope, max_int, max_slope, k],
                avg_arr_lin, time_arr[:,0])

    plt.plot(conc_list, avg_arr[0,:], marker='o')
    plt.plot(conc_list, [min_slope()*conc + min_int() for conc in conc_list], marker='o')
    num_rows = 4
    num_cols = 3
    def well_exp(initial_val, t):
        return 0.05*initial_val*(1 - np.exp(-1.5e-4 * t)) + initial_val

    for i, conc_str in enumerate(layout.keys()):
        print conc_str
        conc = float(conc_str.split(' ')[1])
        conc_list[i] = conc
        time = avgs[conc_str][TIME][0:100]
        curve = avgs[conc_str][VALUE][0:100]
        plt.subplot(num_rows, num_cols, i+1)
        plt.errorbar(time, curve, yerr=stderrs[conc_str][VALUE][0:100], color='b')
        plt.plot(time, exp_func(time, conc, min_int(), min_slope(),
                                max_int(), max_slope(), k()), color='r')
        plt.plot(time, well_exp(curve[0], time), color='g')

    import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
Ejemplo n.º 31
k_list = []
# Perform titration
mgtp_concs = np.arange(1, 15) * 1000  # nM (1 - 15 uM)
for mgtp_conc in mgtp_concs:
    # Titration of labeled GTP:
    model.parameters['mGTP_0'].value = mgtp_conc

    # Fit to an exponential function to extract the pseudo-first-order rates
    k = fitting.Parameter(1.)

    def expfunc(t):
        return 500 * (1 - np.exp(-k() * t))

    res = fitting.fit(expfunc, [k], sol.yexpr['HRAS_mGXP_'], t)

    # Plot data and fits
    plt.plot(t, sol.yexpr['HRAS_mGXP_'], color='b')
    plt.plot(t, expfunc(t), color='r')

    # Keep the fitted rate

# Plot the scaling of rates with mGTP concentration
plt.plot(mgtp_concs, k_list, marker='o')

# Figure 3:
# A constant amount of labeled GDP