def import_fit_data(self): """ Will look at the file location for our google fit files and loop though imported them by category. It will ignore any walking activity to remove clutter. Then call a function to move any read files to the ./imported folder """ categories = ['Running', 'Yoga', 'Weights', 'Wal'] for category in categories: file_names = self.get_tcx_files(category) for file in file_names: if category is not 'Wal': tcx = tcxparser.TCXParser(self._activitiesLocation + '\\' + file) date_str, duration, pace = self.convert_data(tcx) name = category + " - " + date_str notes = tcx.activity_notes calories = tcx.calories heart_rate = self.get_heart_rate(tcx) distance = tcx.distance fit_activity = Activity.Activity(category, name, date_str, notes) fit_activity.add_fit_entry(calories, heart_rate, pace, duration, distance) self.move_read_files(file)
def _parse(f: Path) -> Workout: tcx = tcxparser.TCXParser(str(f)) sport = f.stem.split('_')[-1] # todo not sure how reliable... hr_avg = tcx.hr_avg distance_m = tcx.distance duration_s = tcx.duration # kmh to match endomondo.. should probably be CI speed_avg_kmh = (distance_m / 1000) / (duration_s / 3600) # eh. not sure if there is a better way # for now use this to be compatible with Endomondo # # filtered for Endomondo running: reg_coeff = 0.0993 intercept = -11.0739 total_beats = hr_avg * (duration_s / 60) kcal_estimate = total_beats * reg_coeff + intercept return { 'id':, # not sure? 'start_time': isoparse(tcx.started_at), 'duration': timedelta(seconds=tcx.duration), 'sport': sport, 'heart_rate_avg': tcx.hr_avg, 'speed_avg': speed_avg_kmh, 'kcal': kcal_estimate, }
def __process_file(self, file_name):"Processing file: " + file_name) tcx = tcxparser.TCXParser(file_name) end_time = dateutil.parser.parse(tcx.completed_at, ignoretz=True) start_time = dateutil.parser.parse(tcx.started_at, ignoretz=True) manufacturer = GarminDB.Device.Manufacturer.Unknown product = tcx.creator if product is not None: match ='Microsoft', product) if match: manufacturer = GarminDB.Device.Manufacturer.Microsoft serial_number = tcx.creator_version if serial_number is None or serial_number == 0: serial_number = GarminDB.Device.unknown_device_serial_number device = { 'serial_number': serial_number, 'timestamp': start_time, 'manufacturer': manufacturer, 'product': product, 'hardware_version': None, } GarminDB.Device._create_or_update_not_none(self.garmin_db_session, device) (file_id, file_name) = GarminDB.File.name_and_id_from_path(file_name) file = { 'id': file_id, 'name': file_name, 'type': GarminDB.File.FileType.tcx, 'serial_number': serial_number, } GarminDB.File._find_or_create(self.garmin_db_session, file) distance = Fit.measurement.Distance.from_meters(tcx.distance) # ascent = Fit.Distance.from_meters(tcx.ascent) # descent = Fit.Distance.from_meters(tcx.descent) activity = { 'activity_id': file_id, 'start_time': start_time, 'stop_time': end_time, 'laps': len(tcx.activity.Lap), # 'sport' : tcx.activity_type, 'calories': tcx.calories, 'start_lat': tcx.start_latitude, 'start_long': tcx.start_longitude, 'stop_lat': tcx.end_latitude, 'stop_long': tcx.end_longitude, 'distance': distance.kms_or_miles(self.measurement_system), 'avg_hr': tcx.hr_avg, 'max_hr': tcx.hr_max, 'max_cadence': tcx.cadence_max, 'avg_cadence': tcx.cadence_avg, # 'ascent' : ascent.meters_or_feet(self.measurement_system), # 'descent' : descent.meters_or_feet(self.measurement_system) } activity_not_zero = { key: value for (key, value) in activity.iteritems() if value } GarminDB.Activities._create_or_update_not_none( self.garmin_act_db_session, activity_not_zero)
def __init__(self, cpath=''): FILEDIRECTORY = './data' FILENAME = 'act1.tcx' FILEPATH = os.path.join(FILEDIRECTORY, FILENAME) if cpath: FILEPATH = cpath self.TCX_object = tp.TCXParser(FILEPATH) self.dict_data = {} self.getdata()
def __init__(self, path_to_tcx: Union[Path, str]): self.path = Path(path_to_tcx) if not self.path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( f'Provided path {self.path} does not exist.') elif self.path.suffix != '.tcx': raise ValueError('Provided path should lead to a .tcx file.') # needs string path for internal reasons self.tcx = tcxparser.TCXParser(str(self.path))
def _get_ifit_workouts(workout_dir): workouts = [] for workout_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(workout_dir, '*')): tcx = tcxparser.TCXParser(workout_file) workout = Workout(workout_id=os.path.basename(workout_file), started_at=tcx.started_at, duration=tcx.duration, notes=tcx.activity_notes, tcx_file=workout_file) logging.debug(f"Workout: {workout}") workouts.append(workout) workouts.sort(key=lambda x: x.started_at) return workouts
def parseActivity(act): fn_key = 'filename' date_key = 'date' type_key = 'type' distance_key = 'distance' ascent_key = 'elevation' if 'Filename' in act: fn_key = 'Filename' date_key = 'Activity Date' type_key = 'Activity Type' distance_key = 'Distance' ascent_key = 'Elevation Gain' if not act[fn_key]: return None if act[fn_key].endswith('gpx.gz'): with skipWhitespace([fn_key], 'r')) as f: gpx = gpxpy.parse(f) ascent = calcGPXAscent(gpx) elif act[fn_key].endswith('tcx.gz'): with skipWhitespace([fn_key], 'r')) as f: tcx = tcxparser.TCXParser(f) ascent = tcx.ascent elif act[fn_key].endswith('fit.gz'): # TODO: parse fit.gz if ascent_key in act: ascent = float(act[ascent_key]) else: return None else: raise Exception("Unknown activity file type") distance = 0 distance_str = act[distance_key].replace(',', '') if distance_str: distance = float(distance_str) return dict(date=act[date_key], ascent=ascent, distance=distance, type=act[type_key])
def parse_tcx(filename): global last_tcx if last_tcx is not None and last_tcx["filename"] == filename: return last_tcx["tr"] tcx = tcxparser.TCXParser(filename) train = {} train['activity_type'] = tcx.activity_type train['calories'] = tcx.calories train['distance_units'] = tcx.distance_units train['date'] = tcx.time_values()[0] tr = pd.DataFrame({'time': [], 'hr': []}) t1 = datetime.strptime(tcx.time_values()[0][:-1], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") for i in range(min(len(tcx.time_values()), len(tcx.hr_values()))): t = (datetime.strptime(tcx.time_values()[i][:-1], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") - t1).total_seconds() tr = tr.append({ "time": t, "hr": tcx.hr_values()[i] }, ignore_index=True) tr["duration"] = -tr["time"].diff(periods=-1) last_tcx = {"filename": filename, "tr": tr}
def tcx_to_dataframe(filename): with open(filename, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip() with open(filename, "w") as f: f.writelines(lines) tcx = tcxparser.TCXParser(filename) time = tcx.time_values() positions = tcx.position_values() latitude, longitude = zip(*positions) altitude = tcx.altitude_points() speed = np.nan * np.ones([len(time), 1]) df = pd.DataFrame( zip(*[time, latitude, longitude]), columns=["time", "latitude", "longitude"], ) df = clean(df) return df
for child in root.getiterator(): if not hasattr(child.tag, 'find'): continue # (1) i = child.tag.find('}') if i >= 0: child.tag = child.tag[i + 1:] objectify.deannotate(root, cleanup_namespaces=True) # Get activity id from file name activity_id = filepath.split("_") try: activity_id = int(activity_id[1]) except: activity_id = int(activity_id[1].split(".")[0]) # Get activity summary data tcx = tcxparser.TCXParser(filepath) # Finding summary heart rate values, if hrt rate = 0 it will return ZeroDivisionError try: avg_hrt_rate = int(tcx.hr_avg) max_hrt_rate = int(tcx.hr_max) except ZeroDivisionError: avg_hrt_rate = 0 max_hrt_rate = 0 # Adding activities row session.add(Activities(act_id=activity_id, \ act_type=tcx.activity_type, \ act_duration=int(tcx.duration), \ act_tot_distance=int(tcx.distance), \ act_max_speed=1, \
def process_files(self, db_params_dict): garmin_db = GarminDB.GarminDB(db_params_dict, self.debug - 1) garmin_act_db = GarminDB.ActivitiesDB(db_params_dict, self.debug) for file_name in self.file_names:"Processing file: " + file_name) tcx = tcxparser.TCXParser(file_name) end_time = dateutil.parser.parse(tcx.completed_at, ignoretz=True) start_time = dateutil.parser.parse(tcx.started_at, ignoretz=True) manufacturer = 'Unknown' product = tcx.creator if product is not None: match ='Microsoft', product) if match: manufacturer = 'Microsoft' serial_number = tcx.creator_version if serial_number is None or serial_number == 0: serial_number = GarminDB.Device.unknown_device_serial_number device = { 'serial_number': serial_number, 'timestamp': start_time, 'manufacturer': manufacturer, 'product': product, 'hardware_version': None, } GarminDB.Device.create_or_update_not_none(garmin_db, device) file = { 'name': file_name, 'type': 'tcx', 'serial_number': serial_number, } GarminDB.File.find_or_create(garmin_db, file) activity_id = GarminDB.File.get(garmin_db, file_name) if self.english_units and tcx.distance_units == 'meters': distance = Fit.Conversions.meters_to_miles(tcx.distance) ascent = Fit.Conversions.meters_to_feet(tcx.ascent) descent = Fit.Conversions.meters_to_feet(tcx.descent) else: distance = tcx.distance / 1000.0 ascent = tcx.ascent / 1000.0 descent = tcx.descent / 1000.0 activity = { 'activity_id': activity_id, 'start_time': start_time, 'stop_time': end_time, 'laps': len(tcx.activity.Lap), # 'sport' : tcx.activity_type, 'start_lat': tcx.start_latitude, 'start_long': tcx.start_longitude, 'stop_lat': tcx.end_latitude, 'stop_long': tcx.end_longitude, 'distance': distance, 'avg_hr': tcx.hr_avg, 'max_hr': tcx.hr_max, 'calories': tcx.calories, 'max_cadence': tcx.cadence_max, 'avg_cadence': tcx.cadence_avg, #'ascent' : ascent, #'descent' : descent } activity_not_zero = { key: value for (key, value) in activity.iteritems() if value } print repr(activity_not_zero) GarminDB.Activities.create_or_update_not_none( garmin_act_db, activity_not_zero)
def __init__(self, filename): """Return an instance of TcxFile containing a parsed TCX file.""" self.tcx = tcxparser.TCXParser(filename)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os,tcxparser cd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) #use to browse tcx files at the correct location file_list=os.listdir(os.getcwd()) f=open("result.txt","a") f.write("date (ISO UTC Format)"+'\t'+"Distance [m]"+'\t'+"Duration [s]"+'\n') for a in file_list: if a == "result.txt": print() #Quick and dirty... elif a== "": print() #Quick and dirty... else: tcx=tcxparser.TCXParser(cd+'/'+a) #see for details if tcx.activity_type == 'biking' : #To select only my biking session (could be change to 'hiking', 'running' etc.) f.write(str(tcx.completed_at)+'\t'+str(tcx.distance)+'\t'+str(tcx.duration)+'\n') f.close
def preproc_nike(): # Grab all zipfiles nike_runs = sorted( [os.path.join(nike, i) for i in os.listdir(nike) if i.endswith('zip')]) # Create Pandas Dataframe df_nike = pd.DataFrame(index=range(len(nike_runs))) # Loop through zip files, read json data and populate df for idx, nike_run in enumerate(nike_runs): # load zipfile nike_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(nike_run, 'r') # load json only nike_json = json.load([ for i in nike_zip.namelist() if i.endswith('json') ][0]) nike_tcx = tcxparser.TCXParser([ for i in nike_zip.namelist() if i.endswith('tcx') ][0]) try: if nike_tcx.latitude: lat = nike_tcx.latitude lon = nike_tcx.longitude city, country = getplace(lat, lon) location = '%s, %s' % (city, country) print idx, lat, lon, city, country else: location = 'indoor' except: location = 'indoor' df_nike.loc[idx, 'Source'] = '%s %s ' % (nike_json['source'], nike_json['appversion'][:-5]) df_nike.loc[idx, 'Location'] = location # nike_json['title'] df_nike.loc[idx, 'Latitude'] = lat df_nike.loc[idx, 'Longitude'] = lon df_nike.loc[idx, 'Source'] = '%s %s ' % (nike_json['source'], nike_json['appversion'][:-5]) df_nike.loc[idx, 'Speed_Max'] = nike_json['maxSpeed'] df_nike.loc[idx, 'Date'] = nike_json['startTime']['time'][0:10] df_nike.loc[idx, 'Description'] = nike_json['description'] df_nike.loc[idx, 'Speed'] = nike_json['avgSpeed'] df_nike.loc[idx, 'Speed_Max'] = nike_json['maxSpeed'] try: if nike_tcx.pace: df_nike.loc[idx, 'Tempo'] = nike_tcx.pace else: df_nike.loc[idx, 'Tempo'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx' except: pass df_nike.loc[idx, 'Distance'] = nike_tcx.distance / 1000 df_nike.loc[idx, 'Duration'] = nike_tcx.duration / 60 df_nike.loc[idx, 'Start'] = nike_json['startTime']['time'][11:-1] df_nike.loc[idx, 'Ascent'] = nike_tcx.ascent df_nike.loc[idx, 'Descent'] = nike_tcx.descent df_nike.loc[idx, 'Elevation_Gain'] = nike_json['elevationGain'] df_nike.loc[idx, 'Elevation_Max'] = nike_json['maxElevation'] df_nike.loc[idx, 'Calories'] = nike_json['calories'] for lap_idx, lap in enumerate(nike_json['laps']): df_nike.loc[idx, 'Km_%s' % (lap_idx + 1)] = 'Duration=%s, Speed=%s' % (np.round( lap['duration'] / 60., 3), np.round(lap['avgSpeed'], 2)) df_nike.to_csv('./Data/NikeRunClub.csv', encoding='utf-8')
def output(): # # man, this sucks # tracker = request.form.get('Tracker') username = request.form.get('Username') password = request.form.get('Password') location = request.form.get('Location') # dateStart=request.form.get('StartDate') # print("Date start is: " + str(dateStart)) # dateEnd=request.form.get('EndDate') dataModified = [] # for Jawbone file check try: # # THIS GETS THE FILE. FLASK. # files = request.files.getlist('file[]') print files filenames = [] for ifile in files: if ifile and allowed_file(ifile.filename): filenames.append(ifile.filename) os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_RAW_DEST'], ifile.filename)) print ifile.filename #get location of saved file #print( 'filename: ' + filename) filepath = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_RAW_DEST'], filenames[0]) print filepath print app.config['UPLOAD_RAW_DEST'] if tracker == 'Jawbone': import glob # then this is a csv file os.chdir('/root/tmp/raw') # get the file for ifile in range(len(filenames)): print("FILE NAME IS: " + str(filenames[ifile])) ff = glob.glob(filenames[ifile])[0] dataAll = np.swapaxes(np.genfromtxt(ff, delimiter=','), 1, 0) temp=[ datetime.datetime.strptime(str(int(dataAll[0][j])), \ '%Y%m%d') for j in range(1,len(dataAll[0]))] dataYears = list(dataAll[0]) time = [np.nan] + temp # now get the data that matters # # 41 is steps # 37 is distance in meters # 43 is calories # 35 is active time in seconds # 48 is sleep time # params = [ 'Dates', 'Steps', 'Distance', 'Calories', 'ActiveTime', 'SleepTime' ] indicies = [0, 41, 37, 43, 35, 48] dataModified = {} # now have to adjust for the right dates for iP in range(len(params)): dataModified[params[iP]] = [] goodvals = np.isnan(dataYears[41]) # get rid of the nans dataModified['Steps'] += list(dataAll[41]) dataModified['Distance'] += list(dataAll[37]) dataModified['Calories'] += list(dataAll[43]) dataModified['ActiveTime'] += list(dataAll[35]) dataModified['SleepTime'] += list(dataAll[48]) dataModified['Dates'] += list(np.array(time)) # if tracker == 'Endomondo': import glob from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim import tcxparser # then this is a tcx file os.chdir('/root/tmp/raw') # get the file params = ['Date', 'ActiveTime', 'Distance', 'Calories', 'Location'] dataModified = {} for iparam in params: dataModified[iparam] = [] for ifile in range(len(filenames)): print("FILE NAME IS: " + str(filenames[ifile])) ff = glob.glob(filenames[ifile])[0] startDate = ff[0:10] tcx = tcxparser.TCXParser(ff) # get data workoutTime = tcx.duration latitude = str(tcx.latitude) longitude = str(tcx.longitude) timeStamp = tcx.completed_at try: distance = tcx.distance except: distance = 1e-31 calories = tcx.calories # turn lat and longitude into a city geolocator = Nominatim() location = (geolocator.reverse(latitude + ',' + longitude)).address # now have to adjust for the right dates print startDate dataModified['Date'].append(startDate) dataModified['Distance'].append(distance) dataModified['Calories'].append(calories) dataModified['ActiveTime'].append(workoutTime) dataModified['Location'].append(location) except: print("no file uploaded") # # now load the relevant figures # dateStart = 0 dateEnd = 0 if tracker == 'Jawbone': import readJawBone as PL data=PL.loadData(username, password, location,\ data=dataModified) # elif tracker=='Polar Loop': # import dataStats as PL # data=PL.loadData(username, password, location, instartDate=dateStart, \ # inendDate=dateEnd) # # Jimmy's data elif tracker == 'Endomondo': import readTapiriik as PL data = PL.loadData(username, password, location, dataModified=dataModified) dd = data[0] temp = data[0] * 1.1 goal = ("%.0f" % temp) cals = ("%.0f" % dd) dayofweek = data[2] weather = data[1] boxwhisker = "/static/" + username + "/boxwhisker_Calories_daysofweek.png" scatter1 = "/static/" + username + "/seaborn_Calories_Wind_scatter.png" scatter2 = "/static/" + username + "/seaborn_Calories_MeanTemperature_scatter.png" scatter3 = "/static/" + username + "/seaborn_Calories_Precip_scatter.png" os.chdir('/root/Hosting/flaskexample') import stat os.chmod('/root/Hosting/flaskexample' + boxwhisker, 0o777) os.chmod('/root/Hosting/flaskexample' + scatter1, 0o777) os.chmod('/root/Hosting/flaskexample' + scatter2, 0o777) os.chmod('/root/Hosting/flaskexample' + scatter3, 0o777) print(scatter1) return render_template("output.html", calories=cals, tracker=tracker, \ goal=goal, dayofweek=str(dayofweek),\ weather=str(weather), boxwhisker=boxwhisker, \ scatter1=scatter1, scatter2=scatter2, \ scatter3=scatter3)