Ejemplo n.º 1
def import_building_from_excel(project, building_name, construction_age,
                               path_to_excel, sheet_names):
    Import building data from excel, convert it via the respective zoning and feed it to teasers logic classes.
    Pay attention to hard coded parts, which are marked.

    project: Project()
        TEASER instance of Project
    building_name: str
        name of building to be set in the project
    construction_age: int [y]
        construction age of the building
    path_to_excel: str
        path to excel file to be imported
    sheet_names: str or list
        sheet names which shall be imported
    return data: pandas.DataFrame
        zoned DataFrame which is finally used to parametrize the teaser classes
    return project: Project()
        TEASER instance of Project filled with the imported building data
    def warn_constructiontype(element):
        """Generic warning function"""
        if element.construction_type is None:
                'In zone "%s" the %s construction "%s" could not be loaded from the TypeBuildingElements.json, '
                "an error will occur due to missing data for calculation."
                "Check for spelling and the correct combination of building age and construction type."
                "Here is the list of faulty entries:\n%s"
                "\nThese entries can easily be found checking the stated index in the produced ZonedInput.xlsx"
                % (

    bldg = Building(parent=project)
    bldg.name = building_name
    bldg.year_of_construction = construction_age
    bldg.with_ahu = True  # HardCodedInput
    if bldg.with_ahu is True:
        bldg.central_ahu.heat_recovery = True  # HardCodedInput
        bldg.central_ahu.efficiency_recovery = 0.35  # HardCodedInput
        bldg.central_ahu.temperature_profile = 25 * [273.15 + 18
                                                     ]  # HardCodedInput
        bldg.central_ahu.min_relative_humidity_profile = 25 * [
        ]  # HardCodedInput
        bldg.central_ahu.max_relative_humidity_profile = 25 * [
        ]  # HardCodedInput
        bldg.central_ahu.v_flow_profile = 25 * [1]  # HardCodedInput

    # Parameters that need hard coding in teasers logic classes
    # 1. "use_set_back" needs hard coding at aixlib.py in the init; defines
    # if the in the useconditions stated
    #   heating_time with the respective set_back_temp should be applied.
    #   use_set_back = false -> all hours of the day
    #   have same set_temp_heat actual value: use_set_back = Check your current version!
    # 2. HeaterOn, CoolerOn, hHeat, lCool, etc. can be hard coded in the text
    # file
    #   "teaser / data / output / modelicatemplate / AixLib /
    #   AixLib_ThermalZoneRecord_TwoElement"
    #   actual changes: Check your current version!

    # Parameters to be set for each and every zone (#HardCodedInput)
    # -----------------------------
    out_wall_tilt = 90
    window_tilt = 90
    ground_floor_tilt = 0
    floor_tilt = 0
    ceiling_tilt = 0
    rooftop_tilt = 0
    ground_floor_orientation = -2
    floor_orientation = -2
    rooftop_orientation = -1
    ceiling_orientation = -1
    # -----------------------------

    # load_building_data from excel_to_pandas DataFrame:
    data = import_data(path_to_excel, sheet_names)

    # informative print
    usage_types = get_list_of_present_entries(data["UsageType"])
    print("List of present usage_types in the original Data set: \n%s" %

    # define the zoning methodology/function
    data = zoning_example(data)

    # informative print
    usage_types = get_list_of_present_entries(data["Zone"])
    print("List of zones after the zoning is applied: \n%s" % usage_types)

    # aggregate all rooms of each zone and for each set general parameter,
    # boundary conditions
    # and parameter regarding the building physics
    zones = data.groupby(["Zone"])
    for name, zone in zones:

        # Block: Thermal zone (general parameter)
        tz = ThermalZone(parent=bldg)
        tz.name = str(name)
        tz.area = zone["NetArea[m²]"].sum()
        # room vice calculation of volume plus summing those
        tz.volume = (np.array(zone["NetArea[m²]"]) *

        # Block: Boundary Conditions
        # load UsageOperationTime, Lighting, RoomClimate and InternalGains
        # from the "UseCondition.json"
        tz.use_conditions = UseConditions(parent=tz)

        # Block: Building Physics
        # Grouping by orientation and construction type
        # aggregating and feeding to the teaser logic classes
        grouped = zone.groupby(
            ["OuterWallOrientation[°]", "OuterWallConstruction"])
        for name, group in grouped:
            # looping through a groupby object automatically discards the
            # groups where one of the attributes is nan
            # additionally check for strings, since the value must be of type
            # int or float
            if not isinstance(group["OuterWallOrientation[°]"].iloc[0], str):
                out_wall = OuterWall(parent=tz)
                out_wall.name = (
                    "outer_wall_" +
                    str(int(group["OuterWallOrientation[°]"].iloc[0])) + "_" +
                out_wall.area = group["OuterWallArea[m²]"].sum()
                out_wall.tilt = out_wall_tilt
                out_wall.orientation = group["OuterWallOrientation[°]"].iloc[0]
                # load wall properties from "TypeBuildingElements.json"
                    'In zone "%s" the OuterWallOrientation "%s" is '
                    "neither float nor int, "
                    "hence this building element is not added.\nHere is the "
                    "list of faulty entries:\n%s"
                    "\n These entries can easily be found checking the stated "
                    "index in the produced ZonedInput.xlsx" % (

        grouped = zone.groupby(["WindowOrientation[°]", "WindowConstruction"])
        for name, group in grouped:
            # looping through a groupby object automatically discards the
            # groups where one of the attributes is nan
            # additionally check for strings, since the value must be of type
            # int or float
            if not isinstance(group["OuterWallOrientation[°]"].iloc[0], str):
                window = Window(parent=tz)
                window.name = (
                    "window_" +
                    str(int(group["WindowOrientation[°]"].iloc[0])) + "_" +
                window.area = group["WindowArea[m²]"].sum()
                window.tilt = window_tilt
                window.orientation = group["WindowOrientation[°]"].iloc[0]
                # load wall properties from "TypeBuildingElements.json"
                    'In zone "%s" the window orientation "%s" is neither '
                    "float nor int, "
                    "hence this building element is not added. Here is the "
                    "list of faulty entries:\n%s"
                    "\nThese entries can easily be found checking the stated "
                    "index in the produced ZonedInput.xlsx" % (

        grouped = zone.groupby(["IsGroundFloor", "FloorConstruction"])
        for name, group in grouped:
            if group["NetArea[m²]"].sum() != 0:  # to avoid devision by 0
                if group["IsGroundFloor"].iloc[0] == 1:
                    ground_floor = GroundFloor(parent=tz)
                    ground_floor.name = "ground_floor" + str(
                    ground_floor.area = group["NetArea[m²]"].sum()
                    ground_floor.tilt = ground_floor_tilt
                    ground_floor.orientation = ground_floor_orientation
                    # load wall properties from "TypeBuildingElements.json"
                elif group["IsGroundFloor"].iloc[0] == 0:
                    floor = Floor(parent=tz)
                    floor.name = "floor" + str(
                    floor.area = group["NetArea[m²]"].sum() / 2  # only half of
                    # the floor belongs to this story
                    floor.tilt = floor_tilt
                    floor.orientation = floor_orientation
                    # load wall properties from "TypeBuildingElements.json"
                        "Values for IsGroundFloor have to be either 0 or 1, "
                        "for no or yes respectively")
                    'zone "%s" with IsGroundFloor "%s" and construction '
                    'type "%s" '
                    "has no floor nor groundfloor, since the area equals 0." %

        grouped = zone.groupby(["IsRooftop", "CeilingConstruction"])
        for name, group in grouped:
            if group["NetArea[m²]"].sum() != 0:  # to avoid devision by 0
                if group["IsRooftop"].iloc[0] == 1:
                    rooftop = Rooftop(parent=tz)
                    rooftop.name = "rooftop" + str(
                    rooftop.area = group["NetArea[m²]"].sum(
                    )  # sum up area of respective
                    # rooftop parts
                    rooftop.tilt = rooftop_tilt
                    rooftop.orientation = rooftop_orientation
                    # load wall properties from "TypeBuildingElements.json"
                elif group["IsRooftop"].iloc[0] == 0:
                    ceiling = Ceiling(parent=tz)
                    ceiling.name = "ceiling" + str(
                    ceiling.area = group["NetArea[m²]"].sum() / 2  # only half
                    # of the ceiling belongs to a story,
                    # the other half to the above
                    ceiling.tilt = ceiling_tilt
                    ceiling.orientation = ceiling_orientation
                    # load wall properties from "TypeBuildingElements.json"
                        "Values for IsRooftop have to be either 0 or 1, "
                        "for no or yes respectively")
                    'zone "%s" with IsRooftop "%s" and construction type '
                    '"%s" '
                    "has no ceiling nor rooftop, since the area equals 0." % (

        grouped = zone.groupby(["InnerWallConstruction"])
        for name, group in grouped:
            if group["InnerWallArea[m²]"].sum() != 0:  # to avoid devision by 0
                in_wall = InnerWall(parent=tz)
                in_wall.name = "inner_wall" + str(
                in_wall.area = group["InnerWallArea[m²]"].sum() / 2  # only
                # half of the wall belongs to each room,
                # the other half to the adjacent
                # load wall properties from "TypeBuildingElements.json"
                    'zone "%s" with inner wall construction "%s" has no '
                    "inner walls, since area = 0." %
                    (group["Zone"].iloc[0], group["InnerWallConstructio"

        # Block: AHU and infiltration #Attention hard coding
        # set the supply volume flow of the AHU per zone
        ahu_dict = {
            "Bedroom": [15.778, 15.778],
            "Corridorsinthegeneralcarearea": [5.2941, 5.2941],
            "Examinationortreatmentroom": [15.743, 15.743],
            "MeetingConferenceseminar": [16.036, 16.036],
            "Stocktechnicalequipmentarchives": [20.484, 20.484],
            "WCandsanitaryroomsinnonresidentialbuildings": [27.692, 27.692],
        _i = 0
        for key in ahu_dict:
            if tz.name == key:
                tz.use_conditions.min_ahu = ahu_dict[key][0]
                tz.use_conditions.max_ahu = ahu_dict[key][1]
                _i = 1
        if _i == 0:
                "The zone %s could not be found in your ahu_dict. Hence, "
                "no AHU flow is defined. The default value is "
                "0 (min_ahu = 0; max_ahu=0" % tz.name)

    return project, data
def from_scratch(
    """This function creates the test room from scratch.

    Notes: The standard defines an solar absorption coefficient for interior
    surfaces of 0.6. We do not consider this, but we could by multiplying
    the solar radiation after the window by 0.6.

    number_of_elements: int
        Number of elements of model
    path: str (optional)
        Path where Project should be stored as .teaserXML
    save: bool (optional)
        True if Project should be stored as .teaserXML at path


    prj: Project
        Project that contains the building with the test room

    prj = Project(load_data=True)
    prj.name = "ASHRAE140Verification"

    bldg = Building(parent=prj)
    bldg.name = "TestBuilding"

    tz = ThermalZone(parent=bldg)
    tz.name = "TestRoom900"
    tz.area = 8.0 * 6.0
    tz.volume = tz.area * 2.7
    tz.infiltration_rate = 0.41

    tz.use_conditions = BoundaryConditions(parent=tz)

    roof = Rooftop(parent=tz)
    roof.name = "Roof"
    roof.area = 8.0 * 6.0
    roof.orientation = -1.0
    roof.tilt = 0.0
    roof.inner_convection = 1
    roof.outer_convection = 24.67
    roof.inner_radiation = 5.13
    roof.outer_radiation = 4.63

    layer_r1 = Layer(parent=roof, id=0)
    layer_r1.thickness = 0.01

    material_r1 = Material(layer_r1)
    material_r1.name = "Plasterboard"
    material_r1.density = 950.0
    material_r1.heat_capac = 840.0 / 1000
    material_r1.thermal_conduc = 0.16
    material_r1.ir_emissivity = 0.9

    layer_r2 = Layer(parent=roof, id=1)
    layer_r2.thickness = 0.1118

    material_r2 = Material(layer_r2)
    material_r2.name = "Fiberglass"
    material_r2.density = 12
    material_r2.heat_capac = 840 / 1000
    material_r2.thermal_conduc = 0.04

    layer_r3 = Layer(parent=roof, id=2)
    layer_r3.thickness = 0.019

    material_r3 = Material(layer_r3)
    material_r3.name = "Roofdeck"
    material_r3.density = 530
    material_r3.heat_capac = 900 / 1000
    material_r3.thermal_conduc = 0.14
    material_r3.solar_absorp = 0.6
    material_r3.ir_emissivity = 0.9

    out_wall_north = OuterWall(parent=tz)
    out_wall_north.name = "OuterWallNorth"
    out_wall_north.area = 8.0 * 2.7
    out_wall_north.orientation = 0.0
    out_wall_north.tilt = 90.0
    out_wall_north.inner_convection = 3.16
    out_wall_north.outer_convection = 24.67
    out_wall_north.inner_radiation = 5.13
    out_wall_north.outer_radiation = 4.63

    layer_own1 = Layer(parent=out_wall_north, id=0)
    layer_own1.thickness = 0.1

    material_own1 = Material(layer_own1)
    material_own1.name = "Concrete"
    material_own1.density = 1400.0
    material_own1.heat_capac = 1000 / 1000
    material_own1.thermal_conduc = 0.51
    material_own1.ir_emissivity = 0.9

    layer_own2 = Layer(parent=out_wall_north, id=1)
    layer_own2.thickness = 0.062

    material_own2 = Material(layer_own2)
    material_own2.name = "FoamInsulation"
    material_own2.density = 10
    material_own2.heat_capac = 1400 / 1000
    material_own2.thermal_conduc = 0.04

    layer_own3 = Layer(parent=out_wall_north, id=2)
    layer_own3.thickness = 0.009

    material_own3 = Material(layer_own3)
    material_own3.name = "WoodSiding"
    material_own3.density = 530
    material_own3.heat_capac = 900 / 1000
    material_own3.thermal_conduc = 0.14
    material_own3.solar_absorp = 0.6
    material_own3.ir_emissivity = 0.9

    out_wall_east = OuterWall(parent=tz)
    out_wall_east.name = "OuterWallEast"
    out_wall_east.area = 6.0 * 2.7
    out_wall_east.orientation = 90.0
    out_wall_east.tilt = 90.0
    out_wall_east.inner_convection = 3.16
    out_wall_east.outer_convection = 24.67
    out_wall_east.inner_radiation = 5.13
    out_wall_east.outer_radiation = 4.63

    layer_owe1 = Layer(parent=out_wall_east, id=0)
    layer_owe1.thickness = 0.1

    material_owe1 = Material(layer_owe1)
    material_owe1.name = "Concrete"
    material_owe1.density = 1400.0
    material_owe1.heat_capac = 1000 / 1000
    material_owe1.thermal_conduc = 0.51
    material_owe1.ir_emissivity = 0.9

    layer_owe2 = Layer(parent=out_wall_east, id=1)
    layer_owe2.thickness = 0.062

    material_owe2 = Material(layer_owe2)
    material_owe2.name = "FoamInsulation"
    material_owe2.density = 10
    material_owe2.heat_capac = 1400 / 1000
    material_owe2.thermal_conduc = 0.04

    layer_owe3 = Layer(parent=out_wall_east, id=2)
    layer_owe3.thickness = 0.009

    material_owe3 = Material(layer_owe3)
    material_owe3.name = "WoodSiding"
    material_owe3.density = 530
    material_owe3.heat_capac = 900 / 1000
    material_owe3.thermal_conduc = 0.14
    material_owe3.solar_absorp = 0.6
    material_owe3.ir_emissivity = 0.9

    out_wall_south = OuterWall(parent=tz)
    out_wall_south.name = "OuterWallSouth"
    out_wall_south.area = (8.0 * 2.7) - 2 * (3 * 2)  # minus two windows
    out_wall_south.orientation = 180.0
    out_wall_south.tilt = 90.0
    out_wall_south.inner_convection = 3.16
    out_wall_south.outer_convection = 24.67
    out_wall_south.inner_radiation = 5.13
    out_wall_south.outer_radiation = 4.63

    layer_ows1 = Layer(parent=out_wall_south, id=0)
    layer_ows1.thickness = 0.1

    material_ows1 = Material(layer_ows1)
    material_ows1.name = "Concrete"
    material_ows1.density = 1400.0
    material_ows1.heat_capac = 1000.0 / 1000
    material_ows1.thermal_conduc = 0.51
    material_ows1.ir_emissivity = 0.9

    layer_ows2 = Layer(parent=out_wall_south, id=1)
    layer_ows2.thickness = 0.062

    material_ows2 = Material(layer_ows2)
    material_ows2.name = "FoamInsulation"
    material_ows2.density = 10
    material_ows2.heat_capac = 1400 / 1000
    material_ows2.thermal_conduc = 0.04

    layer_ows3 = Layer(parent=out_wall_south, id=2)
    layer_ows3.thickness = 0.009

    material_ows3 = Material(layer_ows3)
    material_ows3.name = "WoodSiding"
    material_ows3.density = 530
    material_ows3.heat_capac = 900 / 1000
    material_ows3.thermal_conduc = 0.14
    material_ows3.solar_absorp = 0.6
    material_ows3.ir_emissivity = 0.9

    out_wall_west = OuterWall(parent=tz)
    out_wall_west.name = "OuterWallWest"
    out_wall_west.area = 6 * 2.7
    out_wall_west.orientation = 270.0
    out_wall_west.tilt = 90.0
    out_wall_west.inner_convection = 3.16
    out_wall_west.outer_convection = 24.67
    out_wall_west.inner_radiation = 5.13
    out_wall_west.outer_radiation = 4.63

    layer_oww1 = Layer(parent=out_wall_west, id=0)
    layer_oww1.thickness = 0.1

    material_oww1 = Material(layer_oww1)
    material_oww1.name = "Concrete"
    material_oww1.density = 1400.0
    material_oww1.heat_capac = 1000.0 / 1000
    material_oww1.thermal_conduc = 0.51
    material_oww1.ir_emissivity = 0.9

    layer_oww2 = Layer(parent=out_wall_west, id=1)
    layer_oww2.thickness = 0.062

    material_oww2 = Material(layer_oww2)
    material_oww2.name = "FoamInsulation"
    material_oww2.density = 10
    material_oww2.heat_capac = 1400 / 1000
    material_oww2.thermal_conduc = 0.04

    layer_oww3 = Layer(parent=out_wall_west, id=2)
    layer_oww3.thickness = 0.009

    material_oww3 = Material(layer_oww3)
    material_oww3.name = "WoodSiding"
    material_oww3.density = 530
    material_oww3.heat_capac = 900 / 1000
    material_oww3.thermal_conduc = 0.14
    material_oww3.solar_absorp = 0.6
    material_oww3.ir_emissivity = 0.9

    in_wall_floor = Floor(parent=tz)
    in_wall_floor.name = "InnerWallFloor"
    in_wall_floor.area = 6 * 8
    in_wall_floor.orientation = -2.0
    in_wall_floor.tilt = 0.0
    in_wall_floor.inner_convection = 4.13
    in_wall_floor.inner_radiation = 5.13

    layer_iwf1 = Layer(parent=in_wall_floor, id=0)
    layer_iwf1.thickness = 0.025

    material_iwf1 = Material(layer_iwf1)
    material_iwf1.name = "Concrete"
    material_iwf1.density = 1400
    material_iwf1.heat_capac = 1000 / 1000
    material_iwf1.thermal_conduc = 1.13
    material_iwf1.ir_emissivity = 0.9

    layer_iwf2 = Layer(parent=in_wall_floor, id=1)
    layer_iwf2.thickness = 1.007

    material_iwf2 = Material(layer_iwf2)
    material_iwf2.name = "Insulation"
    material_iwf2.density = 0.000000000001  # 0.0001, as small as possible
    material_iwf2.heat_capac = 0.000000000001  # 0.0001, as small as possible
    material_iwf2.thermal_conduc = 0.04

    win_1 = Window(parent=tz)
    win_1.name = "WindowSouthLeft"
    win_1.area = 3 * 2
    win_1.tilt = 90.0
    win_1.orientation = 180.0
    win_1.inner_convection = 3.16
    win_1.inner_radiation = 5.13
    win_1.outer_convection = 16.37
    win_1.outer_radiation = 4.63
    win_1.g_value = 0.789
    win_1.a_conv = 0.03  # for the given U-value extracted from VDI 6007-2/-3

    win_1_layer = Layer(parent=win_1)
    win_1_layer.id = 1
    win_1_layer.thickness = 0.024

    win_1_material = Material(win_1_layer)
    win_1_material.name = "GlasWindow"
    win_1_material.thermal_conduc = 0.15
    win_1_material.transmittance = 0.907
    win_1_material.ir_emissivity = 0.9

    win_2 = Window(parent=tz)
    win_2.name = "WindowSouthRight"
    win_2.area = 3 * 2
    win_2.tilt = 90.0
    win_2.orientation = 180.0
    win_2.inner_convection = 3.16
    win_2.inner_radiation = 5.13
    win_2.outer_convection = 16.37
    win_2.outer_radiation = 4.63
    win_2.g_value = 0.789
    win_2.a_conv = 0.03  # for the given U-value extracted from VDI 6007-2/-3

    win_2_layer = Layer(parent=win_2)
    win_2_layer.id = 1
    win_2_layer.thickness = 0.024

    win_2_material = Material(win_2_layer)
    win_2_material.name = "GlasWindow"
    win_2_material.thermal_conduc = 0.15
    win_2_material.transmittance = 0.907
    win_2_material.ir_emissivity = 0.9

    #  This is a dummy ground floor to export three and four elements models.
    #  Please set values for floor plate in three element and four element
    #  models to default.

    if number_of_elements >= 3:
        out_wall_gf = GroundFloor(parent=tz)
        out_wall_gf.name = "ExtWallGroundFloor"
        out_wall_gf.area = 6 * 8
        out_wall_gf.orientation = -2.0
        out_wall_gf.tilt = 0.0
        out_wall_gf.inner_convection = 4.13
        out_wall_gf.inner_radiation = 5.13

        layer_ofgw1 = Layer(parent=out_wall_gf, id=0)
        layer_ofgw1.thickness = 1.003

        material_ofgw1 = Material(layer_ofgw1)
        material_ofgw1.name = "Insulation"
        material_ofgw1.density = 0.0001  # as small as possible
        material_ofgw1.heat_capac = 0.0001  # as small as possible
        material_ofgw1.thermal_conduc = 0.04

    if save:
        prj.save_project(file_name='ASHRAE140_900', path=path)

    return prj