def demo3(myfile):
    """plot fastframe record on continuous time scale.
not very practical for high frame counts or large delays between triggers"""
    volts, tstart, tscale, tfrac, tdatefrac, tdate = tekwfm.read_wfm(myfile)
    # create time vector
    samples, frames = volts.shape
    tstop = samples * tscale + tstart
    t = np.linspace(tstart, tstop, num=samples, endpoint=False)
    # fractional trigger
    times = np.zeros(volts.shape)
    for frame, subsample in enumerate(tfrac):
        toff = subsample * tscale
        times[:,frame] = t + toff
    # scale trigger times to first frame
    ref_frame = 0
    tdate -= tdate[ref_frame]
    tdatefrac -= tdatefrac[ref_frame]
    # the following operation reduces resolution
    # this may not be suitable for high frame counts
    # or acquisitions with large delays between triggers
    tdateall = tdate + tdatefrac
    times += tdateall # shift sample times
    # plot
    plt.plot(times, volts)
    plt.xlabel('time (s)')
    plt.ylabel('volts (V)')
    plt.title('all frames, continuous time')
def demo2(myfile):
    """plot frame 0 vs all frames on a two plot figure with locked time axes"""
    volts, tstart, tscale, tfrac, tdatefrac, tdate = tekwfm.read_wfm(myfile)
    # print trigger time stamps
    print('local trigger times for: {}'.format(myfile))
    for frame, utcseconds in enumerate(tdate):
        print('frame: {:02d}, trigger: {}'.format(frame, time.ctime(utcseconds)))
    # create time vector
    samples, frames = volts.shape
    tstop = samples * tscale + tstart
    t = np.linspace(tstart, tstop, num=samples, endpoint=False)
    # fractional trigger
    times = np.zeros(volts.shape)
    for frame, subsample in enumerate(tfrac):
        toff = subsample * tscale
        times[:,frame] = t + toff
    # plot: fastframe
    ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    ax1.axvline(linewidth=1, color='r') # trigger annotation
    ax1.plot(times[:,0], volts[:,0])
    plt.ylabel('volts (V)')
    plt.title('only frame 1')
    ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2, sharex=ax1)
    ax2.axvline(linewidth=1, color='r') # trigger annotation
    ax2.plot(times, volts)
    plt.xlabel('time (s)')
    plt.ylabel('volts (V)')
    plt.title('all frames')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def ReadFile(File, FileName, FilePeaks, Print_Introduction_bool, dleddt,
             distance, height):
    File = File.rstrip('\n')
    print("\nReading File:\n" + ntpath.split(File)[1])
    # Read File
    volts, tstart, tscale, tfrac, tdatefrac, tdate = tekwfm.read_wfm(File)
    # Create time vector
    samples, frames = volts.shape
    tstop = samples * tscale + tstart
    t = np.linspace(tstart, tstop, num=samples, endpoint=False)
    times = np.zeros(volts.shape)
    for frame, subsample in enumerate(tfrac):
        toff = subsample * tscale
        times[:, frame] = t + toff
    # Conversions
    k_times = 1e9
    k_volts = 1e3
    times *= k_times  # times in ns
    volts *= k_volts  # volts in mV
    # Invert:
    volts *= -1
    # DLED
    times_dled, volts_dled = DLED(times, volts, dleddt)

    # Print Introduction
    if Print_Introduction_bool:
        FilePeaks.write("Peaks from file:\n")
        FilePeaks.write(FileName + "\n")
        FilePeaks.write("Sampling = " + str(1 / (tscale * k_times)) +
                        " GHz     (Time Resolution = " +
                        str(tscale * k_times * 1e3) + " ps)\n")
            "Peaks found with find_peaks(volts_dled[:,i], height=0)\n")
        FilePeaks.write("NO trace smoothing\n")
        FilePeaks.write("TimeWindow = [" + str(tstart * k_times) + " , " +
                        str(tstop * k_times) + "] ns,  Dt = " +
                        str((tstop - tstart) * k_times) + " ns\n")
        FilePeaks.write("DLED related: dleddt = " + str(dleddt) + " indices\n")

    # Find Peaks
    for i in range(frame + 1):
        # for i in range(3):
        indices, _ = find_peaks(volts_dled[:, i],
        for j in range(len(indices)):
                str(times_dled[indices[j], i]) + "\t" +
                str(volts_dled[indices[j], i]) + "\n")
def demo4(myfile):
    """plot bar chart of time between frames"""
    volts, tstart, tscale, tfrac, tdatefrac, tdate = tekwfm.read_wfm(myfile)
    samples, frames = volts.shape
    x = np.arange(1, frames)
    iseconds = np.diff(tdate)
    fseconds = np.diff(tdatefrac)
    # the following operation reduces resolution
    # this may not be suitable for high frame counts
    # or acquisitions with large delays between triggers
    fseconds += iseconds
    # bar plot
    plt.figure(4), fseconds)
    plt.ylabel('time (s)')
    plt.title('time between frames')
def demo1(myfile):
    """print date of trigger and plot scaled wfm 'myfile'"""
    volts, tstart, tscale, tfrac, tdatefrac, tdate = tekwfm.read_wfm(myfile)
    # print trigger time stamp
    print('local trigger time for: {}'.format(myfile))
    print('trigger: {}'.format(time.ctime(tdate)))
    # create time vector
    toff = tfrac * tscale
    samples, frames = volts.shape
    tstop = samples * tscale + tstart
    t = np.linspace(tstart+toff, tstop+toff, num=samples, endpoint=False)
    # plot 
    plt.axvline(linewidth=1, color='r') # trigger annotation
    plt.plot(t, volts)
    plt.xlabel('time (s)')
    plt.ylabel('volts (V)')
    plt.title('single waveform')
        prerun_name = path + '/'
        for i in range(len(file_split) - 2):
            prerun_name += file_split[i] + '_'
    return len(ch_set), len(run_set), prerun_name

numbChannels, numbFiles, fname = openfiles(path)
if numbChannels != 4:
    raise Exception("Problem with the number of channels")

for fnum in range(1, numbFiles + 1):

    print("I'm reading: %s%i_CH1.wfm" % (fname, fnum))

    volts_ch1, tstart_ch1, tscale_ch1, tfrac_ch1, tdatefrac_ch1, tdate_ch1 = tekwfm.read_wfm(
        "%s%i_CH1.wfm" % (fname, fnum))
    volts_ch2, tstart_ch2, tscale_ch2, tfrac_ch2, tdatefrac_ch2, tdate_ch2 = tekwfm.read_wfm(
        "%s%i_CH2.wfm" % (fname, fnum))
    volts_ch3, tstart_ch3, tscale_ch3, tfrac_ch3, tdatefrac_ch3, tdate_ch3 = tekwfm.read_wfm(
        "%s%i_CH3.wfm" % (fname, fnum))
    volts_ch4, tstart_ch4, tscale_ch4, tfrac_ch4, tdatefrac_ch4, tdate_ch4 = tekwfm.read_wfm(
        "%s%i_CH4.wfm" % (fname, fnum))

    if tfrac_ch1.all() != tfrac_ch2.all() and tfrac_ch1.all() != tfrac_ch3.all(
    ) and tfrac_ch1.all() != tfrac_ch4.all():
        raise Exception("times don't match between channels!")
    if tscale_ch1 != tscale_ch2 and tscale_ch1 != tscale_ch3 and tscale_ch1 != tscale_ch4:
        raise Exception("time scales don't match between channels!")

    for evt_local in range(len(tfrac_ch1)):
        i_evt[0] = evt_local + len(tfrac_ch1) * (fnum - 1)