Ejemplo n.º 1
class Runner(object):
    """Context for running subprocesses."""

    def __init__(self, output: Output, kubeinfo, verbose: bool) -> None:
        :param output: The Output instance for the session
        :param kubeinfo: How to run kubectl or equivalent
        :param verbose: Whether subcommand should run in verbose mode.
        self.output = output
        self.kubectl = kubeinfo
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.start_time = time()
        self.current_span = None  # type: typing.Optional[Span]
        self.counter = 0
        self.cleanup_stack = []  # type: typing.List[_CleanupItem]
        self.tracked = None  # type: typing.Optional[TrackedBG]
        self.sudo_held = False

        if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
            self.platform = "linux"
        elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
            self.platform = "darwin"
            # For untested platforms...
            self.platform = sys.platform
        self.output.write("Platform: {}".format(self.platform))

        term_width = 99999
        self.chatty = False
        if sys.stderr.isatty():
            err_fd = sys.stderr.fileno()
                term_width = os.get_terminal_size(err_fd).columns - 1
                self.chatty = True
            except OSError:
        self.wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(
            initial_indent="T: ",
            subsequent_indent="T: ",
        self.session_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        # Log some version info
        self.output.write("Python {}".format(sys.version))
        self.check_call(["uname", "-a"])

        cache_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/.cache/telepresence")
        os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True)
        self.cache = Cache.load(os.path.join(cache_dir, "cache.json"))
        self.cache.invalidate(12 * 60 * 60)
        self.add_cleanup("Save caches", self.cache.save)

        # Docker for Mac only shares some folders; the default TMPDIR
        # on OS X is not one of them, so make sure we use /tmp:
        self.temp = Path(mkdtemp(prefix="tel-", dir="/tmp"))
        (self.temp / "session_id.txt").write_text(self.session_id)
        self.add_cleanup("Remove temporary directory", rmtree, self.temp)

    def open(cls, logfile_path, kubectl_cmd: str, verbose: bool):
        FIXME: This is bogus now.

        The second argument to the constructor should be a KubeInfo instance.
        This method is used by the local-docker entrypoint script. Maybe we can
        kill this method and have it just pass None instead?

        :return: File-like object for the given logfile path.
        output = Output(logfile_path)
        return cls(output, kubectl_cmd, verbose)

    def span(self, name: str = "", context=True, verbose=True) -> Span:
        """Write caller's frame info to the log."""

        if context:
            frame = currentframe()
            assert frame is not None  # mypy
            info = getframeinfo(frame.f_back)
            tag = "{}:{}({})".format(
                os.path.basename(info.filename), info.lineno,
                "{},{}".format(info.function, name) if name else info.function
            tag = name
        s = Span(self, tag, self.current_span, verbose=verbose)
        self.current_span = s
        return s

    def write(self, message: str, prefix="TEL") -> None:
        """Don't use this..."""
        return self.output.write(message, prefix)

    def read_logs(self) -> str:
        """Return the end of the contents of the log"""
        return self.output.read_logs()

    def set_success(self, flag: bool) -> None:
        """Indicate whether the command succeeded"""
        Span.emit_summary = flag
        self.output.write("Success. Starting cleanup.")

    def show(self, message: str) -> None:
        """Display a message to the user on stderr"""
        self.write(message, prefix=">>>")
        for line in message.splitlines():
            print(self.wrapper.fill(line), file=sys.stderr)

    def make_temp(self, name: str) -> Path:
        res = self.temp / name
        return res

    # Privilege escalation (sudo)

    def _hold_sudo(self) -> None:
        counter = 0
        while self.sudo_held:
            # Sleep between calls to sudo
            if counter < 30:
                counter += 1
                    self.check_call(["sudo", "-n", "echo", "-n"])
                    counter = 0
                except CalledProcessError:
                    self.sudo_held = False
                    self.write("Attempt to hold on to sudo privileges failed")
        self.write("(sudo privileges holder thread exiting)")

    def _drop_sudo(self) -> None:
        self.sudo_held = False

    def require_sudo(self) -> None:
        Grab sudo and hold on to it. Show a clear prompt to the user.
        if self.sudo_held:

            # See whether we can grab privileges without a password
            self.check_call(["sudo", "-n", "echo", "-n"])
        except CalledProcessError:
            # Apparently not. Prompt clearly then sudo again.
            self.show("Invoking sudo. Please enter your sudo password.")
                self.check_call(["sudo", "echo", "-n"])
            except CalledProcessError:
                raise self.fail("Unable to escalate privileges with sudo")

        self.sudo_held = True
        thread = Thread(target=self._hold_sudo)
                "sudo privileges holder", thread, killer=self._drop_sudo

    # Dependencies

    def depend(self, commands: typing.Iterable[str]) -> typing.List[str]:
        Find unavailable commands from a set of dependencies
        # Adjust PATH to cover common locations for conntrack, ifconfig, etc.
        path = os.environ.get("PATH", os.defpath)
        path_elements = path.split(os.pathsep)
        for additional in "/usr/sbin", "/sbin":
            if additional not in path_elements:
                path += ":" + additional
        os.environ["PATH"] = path
        return [command for command in commands if which(command) is None]

    def require(self, commands: typing.Iterable[str], message: str) -> None:
        Verify that a set of dependencies (commands that can be called from the
        shell) are available. Fail with an explanation if any is unavailable.
        missing = self.depend(commands)
        if missing:
            self.show("Required dependencies not found in your PATH:")
            self.show("  {}".format(" ".join(missing)))
            raise self.fail(
                "Please see " +
                "https://www.telepresence.io/reference/install#dependencies " +
                "for more information."

    # Time

    def time(self) -> float:
        Return the time in seconds since the epoch.
        return time()

    def sleep(self, seconds: float) -> None:
        Suspend execution for the given number of seconds.

    def loop_until(self, loop_seconds: float,
                   sleep_seconds: float) -> typing.Iterable[int]:
        Yield a loop counter during the loop time, then end. Sleep the
        specified amount between loops. Always run at least once.

        :param loop_seconds: How long the loop should run
        :param sleep_seconds: How long to sleep between loops
        :return: yields the loop counter, 0 onward
        end_time = self.time() + loop_seconds - sleep_seconds
        counter = 0
        while True:
            yield counter
            counter += 1
            if self.time() >= end_time:

    # Subprocesses

    def _make_logger(self, track, capture=None):
        """Create a logger that optionally captures what is logged"""
        prefix = "{:>3d}".format(track)

        if capture is None:

            def logger(line):
                """Just log"""
                if line is not None:
                    self.output.write(line, prefix=prefix)

            def logger(line):
                """Log and capture"""
                if line is not None:
                    self.output.write(line, prefix=prefix)

        return logger

    def _launch_command(self, track, out_cb, err_cb, args, **kwargs) -> Popen:
        """Call a command, generate stamped, logged output."""
            process = _launch_command(args, out_cb, err_cb, **kwargs)
        except OSError as exc:
            self.output.write("[{}] {}".format(track, exc))
        # Grep-able log: self.output.write("CMD: {}".format(str_command(args)))
        return process

    def _run_command(self, track, msg1, msg2, out_cb, err_cb, args, **kwargs):
        """Run a command synchronously"""
        self.output.write("[{}] {}: {}".format(track, msg1, str_command(args)))
        span = self.span(
            "{} {}".format(track, str_command(args))[:80],
        process = self._launch_command(track, out_cb, err_cb, args, **kwargs)
        spent = span.end()
        retcode = process.poll()
        if retcode:
                "[{}] exit {} in {:0.2f} secs.".format(track, retcode, spent)
            raise CalledProcessError(retcode, args)
        if spent > 1:
                "[{}] {} in {:0.2f} secs.".format(track, msg2, spent)

    def check_call(self, args, **kwargs):
        """Run a subprocess, make sure it exited with 0."""
        self.counter = track = self.counter + 1
        out_cb = err_cb = self._make_logger(track)
            track, "Running", "ran", out_cb, err_cb, args, **kwargs

    def get_output(self, args, reveal=False, **kwargs) -> str:
        """Return (stripped) command result as unicode string."""
        self.counter = track = self.counter + 1
        capture = []  # type: typing.List[str]
        if reveal or self.verbose:
            out_cb = self._make_logger(track, capture=capture)
            out_cb = capture.append
        err_cb = self._make_logger(track)
        cpe_exc = None
                track, "Capturing", "captured", out_cb, err_cb, args, **kwargs
        except CalledProcessError as exc:
            cpe_exc = exc
        # Wait for end of stream to be recorded
        while not capture or capture[-1] is not None:
        del capture[-1]
        output = "".join(capture).strip()
        if cpe_exc:
            raise CalledProcessError(cpe_exc.returncode, cpe_exc.cmd, output)
        return output

    def _popen(self, name: str, args, **kwargs) -> typing.Tuple[int, Popen]:
        """Return Popen object."""
        self.counter = track = self.counter + 1
        out_cb = err_cb = self._make_logger(track)

        def done(proc):
            retcode = proc.wait()
            self.output.write("[{}] exit {}".format(track, retcode))

            "[{}] Launching {}: {}".format(track, name, str_command(args))
        process = self._launch_command(
            track, out_cb, err_cb, args, done=done, **kwargs
        return track, process

    def launch(
        self, name: str, args, killer=None, critical=True, **kwargs
    ) -> None:
        job_id, process = self._popen(name, args, **kwargs)
        name = "[{}] {}".format(job_id, name)
        bg = BackgroundProcess(name, process, killer, critical)

    def track_background(self, bg: Background) -> None:
        if self.tracked is None:
            self.tracked = TrackedBG(self)

    # Cleanup

    def add_cleanup(self, name: str, callback, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
        Set up callback to be called during cleanup processing on exit.

        :param name: Logged for debugging
        :param callback: What to call during cleanup
        cleanup_item = _CleanupItem(name, callback, args, kwargs)

    def _signal_received(self, sig_num, frame):
            sig_name = signal.Signals(sig_num).name
        except (ValueError, AttributeError):
            sig_name = str(sig_num)
            frame_name = frame.f_code.co_name
        except AttributeError:
            frame_name = "(unknown)"
            "Received signal {} while in function {}".format(
                sig_name, frame_name

    def _do_cleanup(self):
        failures = []
        self.show("Exit cleanup in progress")
        for name, callback, args, kwargs in reversed(self.cleanup_stack):
            self.write("(Cleanup) {}".format(name))
                callback(*args, **kwargs)
            except BaseException as exc:
                self.write("(Cleanup) {} failed:".format(name))
                self.write("(Cleanup)   {}".format(exc))
                failures.append((name, exc))
        return failures

    def cleanup_handling(self):
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._signal_received)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self._signal_received)
            failures = self._do_cleanup()
        if failures:
            self.show("WARNING: Failures during cleanup. See above.")

    # Exit

    def fail(self, message: str, code=1) -> SystemExit:
        Report failure to the user and exit. Does not return. Cleanup will run
        before the process ends. This does not invoke the crash reporter; an
        uncaught exception will achieve that, e.g., RuntimeError.

        :param message: So the user knows what happened
        :param code: Process exit code
        self.write("EXITING with status code {}".format(code))
        return SystemExit(code)  # Not reached; just here for the linters

    def exit(self) -> SystemExit:
        Exit after a successful session. Does not return. Cleanup will run
        before the process ends.
        self.write("EXITING successful session.")
        return SystemExit(0)  # Not reached; just here for the linters
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def track_background(self, bg: Background) -> None:
     if self.tracked is None:
         self.tracked = TrackedBG(self)