Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_archive(self, archive_metadata):
        Downloads the archive specified by an archive metadata object, and converts it into a valid list of Message
        or Run objects.
        :param archive_metadata: Metadata for the archive. To obtain these, see `RapidProClient.list_archives`.
        :type archive_metadata: temba_client.v2.types.Archive
        :return: Data downloaded from the archive.
        :rtype: list of temba_client.v2.Message | list of temba_client.v2.Run
        # Download the archive, which is in a gzipped JSONL format, and decompress.
        log.info(f"Downloading {archive_metadata.record_count} records from {archive_metadata.period} archive "
                 f"{archive_metadata.start_date} ({archive_metadata.download_url})...")
        archive_response = urllib.request.urlopen(archive_metadata.download_url)
        raw_file = BytesIO(archive_response.read())
        decompressed_file = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=raw_file)

        # Convert each of the decompressed results to a Run or Message object, depending on what the archive contains.
        results = []
        if archive_metadata.archive_type == "run":
            for line in decompressed_file.readlines():
                serialized_run = json.loads(line)

                # Set the 'start' field to null if it doesn't exist.
                # This field is required to be present in order to be able to deserialize runs, but is often not
                # present in the downloaded data (possibly because the archiving process removes null fields, but
                # I haven't verified this). Since this field is often null in the data that comes out of the runs
                # API directly, and we don't use this in the pipelines, just set missing entries to None.
                if "start" not in serialized_run:
                    serialized_run["start"] = None
            assert archive_metadata.archive_type == "message", "Unsupported archive type, must be either 'run' or 'message'"
            for line in decompressed_file.readlines():
                serialized_msg = json.loads(line)


        assert len(results) == archive_metadata.record_count

        return results
def fetch_from_rapid_pro(user, google_cloud_credentials_file_path,
                         raw_data_dir, phone_number_uuid_table,
    log.info("Fetching data from Rapid Pro...")
    log.info("Downloading Rapid Pro access token...")
    rapid_pro_token = google_cloud_utils.download_blob_to_string(

    rapid_pro = RapidProClient(rapid_pro_source.domain, rapid_pro_token)

    # Load the previous export of contacts if it exists, otherwise fetch all contacts from Rapid Pro.
    raw_contacts_path = f"{raw_data_dir}/{rapid_pro_source.contacts_file_name}_raw.json"
    contacts_log_path = f"{raw_data_dir}/{rapid_pro_source.contacts_file_name}_log.jsonl"
        log.info(f"Loading raw contacts from file '{raw_contacts_path}'...")
        with open(raw_contacts_path) as raw_contacts_file:
            raw_contacts = [
                for contact_json in json.load(raw_contacts_file)
        log.info(f"Loaded {len(raw_contacts)} contacts")
    except FileNotFoundError:
            f"File '{raw_contacts_path}' not found, will fetch all contacts from the Rapid Pro server"
        with open(contacts_log_path, "a") as contacts_log_file:
            raw_contacts = rapid_pro.get_raw_contacts(

    # Download all the runs for each of the radio shows
    for flow in rapid_pro_source.activation_flow_names + rapid_pro_source.survey_flow_names:
        runs_log_path = f"{raw_data_dir}/{flow}_log.jsonl"
        raw_runs_path = f"{raw_data_dir}/{flow}_raw.json"
        traced_runs_output_path = f"{raw_data_dir}/{flow}.jsonl"
        log.info(f"Exporting flow '{flow}' to '{traced_runs_output_path}'...")

        flow_id = rapid_pro.get_flow_id(flow)

        # Load the previous export of runs for this flow, and update them with the newest runs.
        # If there is no previous export for this flow, fetch all the runs from Rapid Pro.
        with open(runs_log_path, "a") as raw_runs_log_file:
                log.info(f"Loading raw runs from file '{raw_runs_path}'...")
                with open(raw_runs_path) as raw_runs_file:
                    raw_runs = [
                        for run_json in json.load(raw_runs_file)
                log.info(f"Loaded {len(raw_runs)} runs")
                raw_runs = rapid_pro.update_raw_runs_with_latest_modified(
            except FileNotFoundError:
                    f"File '{raw_runs_path}' not found, will fetch all runs from the Rapid Pro server for flow '{flow}'"
                raw_runs = rapid_pro.get_raw_runs_for_flow_id(
                    flow_id, raw_export_log_file=raw_runs_log_file)

        # Fetch the latest contacts from Rapid Pro.
        with open(contacts_log_path, "a") as raw_contacts_log_file:
            raw_contacts = rapid_pro.update_raw_contacts_with_latest_modified(
                raw_contacts, raw_export_log_file=raw_contacts_log_file)

        # Convert the runs to TracedData.
        traced_runs = rapid_pro.convert_runs_to_traced_data(
            user, raw_runs, raw_contacts, phone_number_uuid_table,

        log.info(f"Saving {len(raw_runs)} raw runs to {raw_runs_path}...")
        with open(raw_runs_path, "w") as raw_runs_file:
            json.dump([run.serialize() for run in raw_runs], raw_runs_file)
        log.info(f"Saved {len(raw_runs)} raw runs")

            f"Saving {len(traced_runs)} traced runs to {traced_runs_output_path}..."
        with open(traced_runs_output_path, "w") as traced_runs_output_file:
                traced_runs, traced_runs_output_file)
        log.info(f"Saved {len(traced_runs)} traced runs")

        f"Saving {len(raw_contacts)} raw contacts to file '{raw_contacts_path}'..."
    with open(raw_contacts_path, "w") as raw_contacts_file:
        json.dump([contact.serialize() for contact in raw_contacts],
    log.info(f"Saved {len(raw_contacts)} contacts")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    # Download all the runs for each of the radio shows
    for flow in pipeline_configuration.activation_flow_names + pipeline_configuration.survey_flow_names:
        runs_log_path = f"{raw_data_dir}/{flow}_log.jsonl"
        raw_runs_path = f"{raw_data_dir}/{flow}_raw.json"
        traced_runs_output_path = f"{raw_data_dir}/{flow}.json"
        log.info(f"Exporting flow '{flow}' to '{traced_runs_output_path}'...")

        flow_id = rapid_pro.get_flow_id(flow)

        # Load the previous export of runs for this flow, and update them with the newest runs.
        # If there is no previous export for this flow, fetch all the runs from Rapid Pro.
        with open(runs_log_path, "a") as raw_runs_log_file:
                log.info(f"Loading raw runs from file '{raw_runs_path}'...")
                with open(raw_runs_path) as raw_runs_file:
                    raw_runs = [Run.deserialize(run_json) for run_json in json.load(raw_runs_file)]
                log.info(f"Loaded {len(raw_runs)} runs")
                raw_runs = rapid_pro.update_raw_runs_with_latest_modified(
                    flow_id, raw_runs, raw_export_log_file=raw_runs_log_file)
            except FileNotFoundError:
                log.info(f"File '{raw_runs_path}' not found, will fetch all runs from the Rapid Pro server for flow '{flow}'")
                raw_runs = rapid_pro.get_raw_runs_for_flow_id(flow_id, raw_export_log_file=raw_runs_log_file)

        # Fetch the latest contacts from Rapid Pro.
        with open(contacts_log_path, "a") as raw_contacts_log_file:
            raw_contacts = rapid_pro.update_raw_contacts_with_latest_modified(raw_contacts,

        # Convert the runs to TracedData.
        traced_runs = rapid_pro.convert_runs_to_traced_data(
            user, raw_runs, raw_contacts, phone_number_uuid_table, pipeline_configuration.rapid_pro_test_contact_uuids)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def fetch_from_rapid_pro(user, google_cloud_credentials_file_path, raw_data_dir, phone_number_uuid_table,
    log.info("Fetching data from Rapid Pro...")
    log.info("Downloading Rapid Pro access token...")
    rapid_pro_token = google_cloud_utils.download_blob_to_string(
        google_cloud_credentials_file_path, rapid_pro_source.token_file_url).strip()

    rapid_pro = RapidProClient(rapid_pro_source.domain, rapid_pro_token)

    # Load the previous export of contacts if it exists, otherwise fetch all contacts from Rapid Pro.
    raw_contacts_path = f"{raw_data_dir}/{rapid_pro_source.contacts_file_name}_raw.json"
    contacts_log_path = f"{raw_data_dir}/{rapid_pro_source.contacts_file_name}_log.jsonl"
        log.info(f"Loading raw contacts from file '{raw_contacts_path}'...")
        with open(raw_contacts_path) as raw_contacts_file:
            raw_contacts = [Contact.deserialize(contact_json) for contact_json in json.load(raw_contacts_file)]
        log.info(f"Loaded {len(raw_contacts)} contacts")
    except FileNotFoundError:
        log.info(f"File '{raw_contacts_path}' not found, will fetch all contacts from the Rapid Pro server")
        with open(contacts_log_path, "a") as contacts_log_file:
            raw_contacts = rapid_pro.get_raw_contacts(raw_export_log_file=contacts_log_file)

    # Download all the runs for each of the radio shows
    for flow in rapid_pro_source.activation_flow_names + rapid_pro_source.survey_flow_names:
        runs_log_path = f"{raw_data_dir}/{flow}_log.jsonl"
        raw_runs_path = f"{raw_data_dir}/{flow}_raw.json"
        traced_runs_output_path = f"{raw_data_dir}/{flow}.jsonl"
        log.info(f"Exporting flow '{flow}' to '{traced_runs_output_path}'...")

        flow_id = rapid_pro.get_flow_id(flow)

        # Load the previous export of runs for this flow, and update them with the newest runs.
        # If there is no previous export for this flow, fetch all the runs from Rapid Pro.
        with open(runs_log_path, "a") as raw_runs_log_file:
                log.info(f"Loading raw runs from file '{raw_runs_path}'...")
                with open(raw_runs_path) as raw_runs_file:
                    raw_runs = [Run.deserialize(run_json) for run_json in json.load(raw_runs_file)]
                log.info(f"Loaded {len(raw_runs)} runs")
                raw_runs = rapid_pro.update_raw_runs_with_latest_modified(
                    flow_id, raw_runs, raw_export_log_file=raw_runs_log_file, ignore_archives=True)
            except FileNotFoundError:
                log.info(f"File '{raw_runs_path}' not found, will fetch all runs from the Rapid Pro server for flow '{flow}'")
                raw_runs = rapid_pro.get_raw_runs_for_flow_id(flow_id, raw_export_log_file=raw_runs_log_file)

        # Fetch the latest contacts from Rapid Pro.
        with open(contacts_log_path, "a") as raw_contacts_log_file:
            raw_contacts = rapid_pro.update_raw_contacts_with_latest_modified(raw_contacts,

        # Convert the runs to TracedData.
        traced_runs = rapid_pro.convert_runs_to_traced_data(
            user, raw_runs, raw_contacts, phone_number_uuid_table, rapid_pro_source.test_contact_uuids)

        if flow in rapid_pro_source.activation_flow_names:
            # Append the Rapid Pro source name to each run.
            # Only do this for activation flows because this is the only place where this is interesting.
            # Also, demogs may come from either instance, which causes problems downstream.
            for td in traced_runs:
                    "source_raw": rapid_pro_source.source_name,
                    "source_coded": CleaningUtils.make_label_from_cleaner_code(
                        CodeSchemes.SOURCE, CodeSchemes.SOURCE.get_code_with_match_value(rapid_pro_source.source_name),
                }, Metadata(user, Metadata.get_call_location(), TimeUtils.utc_now_as_iso_string()))

        log.info(f"Saving {len(raw_runs)} raw runs to {raw_runs_path}...")
        with open(raw_runs_path, "w") as raw_runs_file:
            json.dump([run.serialize() for run in raw_runs], raw_runs_file)
        log.info(f"Saved {len(raw_runs)} raw runs")

        log.info(f"Saving {len(traced_runs)} traced runs to {traced_runs_output_path}...")
        with open(traced_runs_output_path, "w") as traced_runs_output_file:
            TracedDataJsonIO.export_traced_data_iterable_to_jsonl(traced_runs, traced_runs_output_file)
        log.info(f"Saved {len(traced_runs)} traced runs")

    log.info(f"Saving {len(raw_contacts)} raw contacts to file '{raw_contacts_path}'...")
    with open(raw_contacts_path, "w") as raw_contacts_file:
        json.dump([contact.serialize() for contact in raw_contacts], raw_contacts_file)
    log.info(f"Saved {len(raw_contacts)} contacts")
Ejemplo n.º 5
    for flow in pipeline_configuration.activation_flow_names + pipeline_configuration.survey_flow_names:
        runs_log_path = f"{raw_data_dir}/{flow}_log.jsonl"
        raw_runs_path = f"{raw_data_dir}/{flow}_raw.json"
        traced_runs_output_path = f"{raw_data_dir}/{flow}.jsonl"
        log.info(f"Exporting flow '{flow}' to '{traced_runs_output_path}'...")

        flow_id = rapid_pro.get_flow_id(flow)

        # Load the previous export of runs for this flow, and update them with the newest runs.
        # If there is no previous export for this flow, fetch all the runs from Rapid Pro.
        with open(runs_log_path, "a") as raw_runs_log_file:
                log.info(f"Loading raw runs from file '{raw_runs_path}'...")
                with open(raw_runs_path) as raw_runs_file:
                    raw_runs = [
                        for run_json in json.load(raw_runs_file)
                log.info(f"Loaded {len(raw_runs)} runs")
                raw_runs = rapid_pro.update_raw_runs_with_latest_modified(
                    flow_id, raw_runs, raw_export_log_file=raw_runs_log_file)
            except FileNotFoundError:
                    f"File '{raw_runs_path}' not found, will fetch all runs from the Rapid Pro server for flow '{flow}'"
                raw_runs = rapid_pro.get_raw_runs_for_flow_id(
                    flow_id, raw_export_log_file=raw_runs_log_file)

        # Fetch the latest contacts from Rapid Pro.
        with open(contacts_log_path, "a") as raw_contacts_log_file:
            raw_contacts = rapid_pro.update_raw_contacts_with_latest_modified(