Ejemplo n.º 1
Created on Jun 17, 2011

@author: cbrinley
Use this file to add your own template variables. 
Hopefully the way to do it is more or less self evident from these examples
Also see <eclipse>/plugins/org.python.pydev.jython_<version>/jysrc for more examples.
helpful links for key api info: 

import template_helper

if False:
    py_context_type = org.python.pydev.editor.templates.PyContextType    

def getModuleShortName(context):
    return context.getModuleName().split(".")[-1]

template_helper.AddTemplateVariable(py_context_type, 'module_shortname', 'Short of current module', getModuleShortName)       
Ejemplo n.º 2
        return False  #Default is Python 2
    from org.python.pydev.core import IGrammarVersionProvider
    if context.getGrammarVersion(
    ) > IGrammarVersionProvider.LATEST_GRAMMAR_PY2_VERSION:
        return True
    return False

# ISO-8601 Dates
def GetISODate(context):
    return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

template_helper.AddTemplateVariable(py_context_type, 'isodate',
                                    'ISO-8601 Ymd date', GetISODate)

def GetISODateString1(context):
    return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")

template_helper.AddTemplateVariable(py_context_type, 'isodatestr',
                                    'ISO-8601 Ymd HM date', GetISODateString1)

def GetISODateString2(context):
    return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

template_helper.AddTemplateVariable(py_context_type, 'isodatestr2',
Ejemplo n.º 3
                return string2Add
                #selection.addLine( indentationString + string2Add, stmt.beginLine - 1)
                #offset = doc.getLineInformation(afterLine + 1).getOffset();
                #selection = PySelection(idocument.getDocument(), idocument.getStart())
                #offset = doc.getLineInformation(stmt.beginLine).getOffset()
                #print 'offset is now ',offset
                #print 'on line number', selection.getLineNumber()
                #args = NodeUtils.getNodeArgs(stmt)
                #print 'args are', args
                #print '.getRepresentationString' , NodeUtils.getRepresentationString(stmt)
                #print 'full rep string:', NodeUtils.getFullRepresentationString(stmt)
                #return NodeUtils.getRepresentationString(stmt)
    # if nothing was found then return null.
    return ""

template_helper.AddTemplateVariable(py_context_type, 'current_method_args', 'Current method Args', GetMethodArg2)

def getClassArgs(idocument, selObj, beginLine):
    This method recieves a selection object and the start and end 
    lines of a class definition.  It will then scan through the code
    looking for class variables.  It stuffs the class variables 
    into a list and returns them.

    :param  selObj: The selection object, used to access the document
    :type selObj: org.python.pydev.core.docutils.PySelection
    :param  beginLine: an integer indicating the first line of the class
    :type beginLine: integer
    :param  endLine: (Optional) If null then assumes that this is the last 
                      class in the module and therefor all subsequent lines
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _CreateSelection(context):
    Created method so that it can be mocked on tests.
    selection = context.createPySelection()
    return selection

# GetFile
def GetFile(context):
    return str(context.getEditorFile()).replace('\\', '/')

template_helper.AddTemplateVariable(py_context_type, 'file',
                                    'Full path for file', GetFile)

# _IsGrammar3
def _IsGrammar3(context):
    if context is None:
        return False  #Default is Python 2
    from org.python.pydev.core import IGrammarVersionProvider
    if context.getGrammarVersion(
    ) >= IGrammarVersionProvider.GRAMMAR_PYTHON_VERSION_3_0:
        return True
    return False

Ejemplo n.º 5
    Created method so that it can be mocked on tests.
    from org.python.pydev.core.docutils import PySelection
    selection = PySelection(context.getDocument(), context.getStart())
    return selection

# GetFile
def GetFile(context):
    return str(context.getEditorFile()).replace('\\', '/')

template_helper.AddTemplateVariable(py_context_type, 'file',
                                    'Full path for file', GetFile)

# _IsGrammar3
def _IsGrammar3(context):
    if context is None:
        return False  #Default is Python 2
    from org.python.pydev.core import IGrammarVersionProvider
    if context.getGrammarVersion(
    ) >= IGrammarVersionProvider.GRAMMAR_PYTHON_VERSION_3_0:
        return True
    return False