Ejemplo n.º 1
def cycle(generator, args):
    """ {% cycle v1 v2 v3 as varname %} """  # Not required to be nested inside a forloop, assigned to iterator
    """ {% cycle varname %} """  # Iterator ++; and output
    """ {% cycle v1 v2 v3 %} """  # cycle inside forloop.
    if 'as' in args:
        args, as_, varname = args[:-2], args[-2], args[-1]
            '%s = _cycle(%s)' %
            (varname, ','.join(map(generator.convert_variable, args))))

    elif len(args) == 1:
        varname, = args

        if not generator.variable_in_current_scope(varname):
            raise CompileException(
                'Variable %s has not been defined by a {% cycle %} declaration'
                % varname)

        generator.write('%s.next' % generator.convert_variable(varname))

        # How it works: {% for %} should detect wether some {% cycle %} nodes are nested inside
        if not generator.variable_in_current_scope('forloop'):
            raise CompileException(
                '{% cycle %} can only appear inside a {% for %} loop')

        args = map(generator.convert_variable, args)
        generator.write('sys.stdout.write([ %s ][ forloop.counter %% %i ])' %
                        (','.join(args), len(args)))
            def __init__(self, blocktrans):
                # Build translatable string
                plural = False # get true when we find a plural translation
                string = []
                variables = []
                plural_string = []
                plural_variables = []

                for n in blocktrans.children:
                    if isinstance(n, DjangoPluralTag):
                        if not (len(blocktrans.params) and blocktrans.params[0].output_as_string() == 'count'):
                            raise CompileException(blocktrans,
                                    '{% plural %} tags can only appear inside {% blocktrans COUNT ... %}')
                        plural = True
                    elif isinstance(n, DjangoVariable):
                        (plural_string if plural else string).append(convert_var(n.varname))
                        (plural_variables if plural else variables).append(n.varname)
                    elif isinstance(n, DjangoContent):
                        (plural_string if plural else string).append(n.output_as_string())
                        raise CompileException(n, 'Unexpected token in {% blocktrans %}: ' + n.output_as_string())

                # Return information
                self.has_plural = plural
                self.string = u''.join(string)
                self.plural_string = ''.join(plural_string)
                self.variables = set(variables)
                self.plural_variables = set(plural_variables)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        def handle_filter(subject, children):
            filter_name = None
            filter_option = None
            in_filter_option = False

            def result():
                assert filter_name

                if filter_name in _native_filters:
                    return _native_filters[filter_name](self, subject,

                elif filter_option:
                    return '_f["%s"](%s, %s)' % (filter_name, subject,

                    return '_f["%s"](%s)' % (filter_name, subject)

            for i in range(0, len(children)):
                part = children[i].output_as_string()
                c = children[i]

                if c.name == 'digits':
                    if not filter_option and in_filter_option:
                        filter_option = part
                        raise CompileException(self._tag, 'Invalid variable')

                elif c.name == 'name':
                    if not filter_option and in_filter_option:
                        filter_option = part

                    elif not filter_name:
                        filter_name = part
                        raise CompileException(self._tag, 'Invalid variable')

                elif c.name == 'string':
                    if not filter_option and in_filter_option:
                        filter_option = part
                        raise CompileException(self._tag, 'Invalid variable')

                elif c.name == 'trans':
                    if not filter_option and in_filter_option:
                        filter_option = '_(%s)' % c.output_as_string()
                        raise CompileException(self._tag, 'Invalid variable')

                if c.name == 'filter-option' and filter_name:
                    # Entered the colon ':'
                    in_filter_option = True

                elif c.name == 'pipe':
                    # | is the start of a following filter
                    return handle_filter(result(), children[i + 1:])

            return result()
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _compile_template(self, template, input_path):
             # Open input file
             code = codecs.open(input_path, 'r', 'utf-8').read()
         except UnicodeDecodeError, e:
             raise CompileException(0, 0, input_path, str(e))
         except IOError, e:
             raise CompileException(0, 0, input_path, str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 5
        def _compile(n):
            if isinstance(n, DjangoTag):
                if n.tagname in __tags:
                    # Opening of {% tag %}
                    other_tags = __tags[n.tagname].tags
                    frame = TagFrame(n, n.tagname, other_tags, n.args)
                    frame.handler = __tags[n.tagname]

                    if other_tags:

                elif stack and n.tagname == top().other_tags[-1].tagname:
                    # Close tag for this frame
                    frame = stack.pop()

                elif stack and n.tagname in top().following_tagnames:
                    # Transition to following content block (e.g. from 'if' to 'else')

                    raise CompileException(
                        n, 'Unknown template tag %s' % n.tagname)

            elif isinstance(n, DjangoVariable):

            elif isinstance(n, basestring):

            elif isinstance(n, DjangoTransTag):

            elif isinstance(n, DjangoBlocktransTag):
                # Create blocktrans frame

            elif any([
                    isinstance(n, k)
                    for k in (DjangoPreprocessorConfigTag, DjangoComment,
                              DjangoMultilineComment, DjangoLoadTag,

            elif any([
                    isinstance(n, k)
                    for k in (DjangoContent, HtmlNode, DjangoRawOutput)
                # Recursively build output frames

                raise CompileException(n, 'Unknown django tag %s' % n.name)
def read_media(url):
    if is_remote_url(url):
            f = urllib2.urlopen(url)

            if f.code == 200:
                return f.read().decode('utf-8')
                raise CompileException(None,
                                       'External media not found: %s' % url)

        except urllib2.URLError, e:
            raise CompileException(None,
                                   'Opening %s failed: %s' % (url, e.message))
    def process_template(self, template, input_path):
        # TODO: when HTML processing fails, the 'context' attribute is not
        #       retreived and no translations are failed.  so, translate again
        #       without html. (But we need to process html, in order to find
        #       gettext() in javascript.)

                # Open input file
                code = codecs.open(input_path, 'r', 'utf-8').read()
            except UnicodeDecodeError, e:
                raise CompileException(0, 0, input_path, str(e))

            # Compile
            output, context = compile(code, path=input_path, loader=load_template_source,

            for entry in context.gettext_entries:
                line = '#: %s:%s:%s' % (entry.path, entry.line, entry.column)

                if not entry.text in self.strings:
                    self.strings[entry.text] = set()


                if self.verbosity >= 2:
                    sys.stderr.write(line + '\n')
                    sys.stderr.write('msgid "%s"\n\n' % entry.text.replace('"', r'\"'))
def _preprocess_decorate_tags(tree, context):
    Replace {% decorate "template.html" %}...{% enddecorate %} by the include,
    and fill in {{ content }}
    class DjangoPreprocessedDecorate(DjangoContent):
        def init(self, children):
            self.children = children

    for decorate_block in list(tree.child_nodes_of_class(DjangoDecorateTag)):
        # Content nodes
        content = decorate_block.children

        # Replace content
            include_tree = context.load(decorate_block.template_name)

            for content_var in include_tree.child_nodes_of_class(DjangoVariable):
                if content_var.varname == 'decorator.content':
                    content_var.__class__ = DjangoPreprocessedVariable

            # Move tree
            decorate_block.__class__ = DjangoPreprocessedDecorate
            decorate_block.init([ include_tree ])

        except TemplateDoesNotExist, e:
            raise CompileException(decorate_block, 'Template in {% decorate %} tag not found (%s)' % decorate_block.template_name)
    def process_params(self, params):
        param = params[1].output_as_string()

        # Template name should not be variable
        if param[0] in ('"', "'") and param[-1] in ('"', "'"):
            self.template_name = param[1:-1]
            raise CompileException(self, 'Do not use variable template names in {% decorate %}')
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def register_variable(self, var):
     #if self.variable_in_current_scope(var):
     if var in self._scopes[-1]:
         raise CompileException(
             'Variable "%s" already defined in current scope' % var)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _compile_template(self,
            # Create output directory

                # Open input file
                code = codecs.open(input_path, 'r', 'utf-8').read()
            except UnicodeDecodeError, e:
                raise CompileException(0, 0, input_path, str(e))
            except IOError, e:
                raise CompileException(0, 0, input_path, str(e))
    def find_variables_in_function_parameter_list(nodelist):
        # The `nodelist` parameter is the nodelist of the parent parsenode, starting with the 'function' keyword
        assert isinstance(nodelist[0], JavascriptKeyword) and nodelist[0].keyword == 'function'
        i = 1

        while isinstance(nodelist[i], JavascriptWhiteSpace):
            i += 1

        # Skip function name (and optional whitespace after function name)
        if isinstance(nodelist[i], JavascriptVariable):
            i += 1
            while isinstance(nodelist[i], JavascriptWhiteSpace):
                i += 1

        # Enter function parameter list
        if isinstance(nodelist[i], JavascriptParentheses):
            # Remember function parameters
            variables = []
            need_comma = False # comma is the param separator
            for n in nodelist[i].children:
                if isinstance(n, JavascriptWhiteSpace):
                elif isinstance(n, JavascriptVariable):
                    need_comma = True
                elif isinstance(n, JavascriptOperator) and n.is_comma and need_comma:
                    need_comma = False
                    raise CompileException(n, 'Unexpected token in function parameter list')

            # Skip whitespace after parameter list
            i += 1
            while isinstance(nodelist[i], JavascriptWhiteSpace):
                i += 1

            # Following should be a '{', and bind found variables to scope
            if isinstance(nodelist[i], JavascriptScope):
                for v in variables:
                    add_var_to_scope(nodelist[i], v)
                raise CompileException(nodelist[i], 'Expected "{" after function definition')
            raise CompileException(nodelist[i], 'Expected "(" after function keyword')
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def change(self, value, node=None):
        Change an option. Called when the template contains a {% ! ... %} option tag.
        actions = {
            'compile-css': ('compile_css', True),
            'compile-javascript': ('compile_javascript', True),
            'disallow-orphan-blocks': ('disallow_orphan_blocks', True),
            'html': ('is_html', True),  # Enable HTML extensions
            ('remove_empty_class_attributes', True),
            'merge-internal-css': ('merge_internal_css', True),
            'merge-internal-javascript': ('merge_internal_javascript', True),
            'no-disallow-orphan-blocks': ('disallow_orphan_blocks', False),
            'no-html': ('is_html', False),  # Disable all HTML specific options
            'no-i18n-preprocessing': ('preprocess_translations', False),
            'no-macro-preprocessing': ('preprocess_macros', False),
            'no-pack-external-css': ('pack_external_css', False),
            'no-pack-external-javascript': ('pack_external_javascript', False),
            'no-validate-html': ('validate_html', False),
            'no-whitespace-compression': ('whitespace_compression', False),
            'pack-external-css': ('pack_external_css', True),
            'pack-external-javascript': ('pack_external_javascript', True),
            'validate-html': ('validate_html', True),
            'whitespace-compression': ('whitespace_compression', True),
            ('disallow_block_level_elements_in_inline_level_elements', True),

        if value in actions:
            setattr(self, actions[value][0], actions[value][1])
            if node:
                raise CompileException(
                    node, 'No such template preprocessor option: %s' % value)
                raise CompileException(
                    'No such template preprocessor option: %s (in settings.py)'
                    % value)
    def process_params(self, params):
        param = params[1].output_as_string()

        if param[0] == '"' and param[-1] == '"':
            self.template_name = param[1:-1]
            self.template_name_is_variable = False
        elif param[0] == "'" and param[-1] == "'":
            self.template_name = param[1:-1]
            self.template_name_is_variable = False
            raise CompileException(self, 'Preprocessor does not support variable {% extends %} nodes')

            self.template_name = param
            self.template_name_is_variable = True
def _process_gettext(js_node, context, validate_only=False):
    Validate whether gettext(...) function in javascript get a string as
    parameter. (Or concatenation of several strings)
    for scope in js_node.child_nodes_of_class((JavascriptScope, JavascriptSquareBrackets, JavascriptParentheses)):
        nodes = scope.children
        for i, c in enumerate(nodes):
            # Is this a gettext method?
            if isinstance(nodes[i], JavascriptVariable) and nodes[i].varname == 'gettext':
                    gettext = nodes[i]

                    # Skip whitespace
                    i += 1
                    while isinstance(nodes[i], JavascriptWhiteSpace):
                        i += 1

                    # When gettext is followed by '()', this is a call to gettext, otherwise, gettext is used
                    # as a variable.
                    if isinstance(nodes[i], JavascriptParentheses) and not nodes[i].contains_django_tags:
                        parentheses = nodes[i]

                        # Read content of gettext call.
                        body = []
                        for node in parentheses.children:
                            if isinstance(node, JavascriptOperator) and node.operator == '+':
                                # Skip concatenation operator
                            elif isinstance(node, JavascriptString):
                                raise CompileException(node, 'Unexpected token inside gettext(...)')

                        body = u''.join(body)

                        # Remember gettext entry
                        context.remember_gettext(gettext, body)

                        if not validate_only:
                            # Translate content
                            translation = translate_js(body)

                            # Replace gettext(...) call by its translation (in double quotes.)
                            gettext.__class__ = JavascriptDoubleQuotedString
                            gettext.children = [ translation.replace(u'"', ur'\"') ]
                except IndexError, i:
                    # i got out of the nodes array
    def parse_url_params(urltag):
        if not urltag.url_params:
            raise CompileException(urltag, 'Attribute missing for {% url %} tag.')

        # Parse url parameters
        name = urltag.url_params[0].output_as_string()
        args = []
        kwargs = { }
        for k in urltag.url_params[1:]:
            k = k.output_as_string()
            if '=' in k:
                k,v = k.split('=', 1)
                kwargs[str(k)] = _variable_to_literal(v)

        return name, args, kwargs
def check_external_file_existance(node, url):
    Check whether we have a matching file in our media/static directory for this URL.
    Raise exception if we don't.
    exception = CompileException(node,
                                 'Missing external media file (%s)' % url)

    if is_remote_url(url):
        if urllib2.urlopen(url).code != 200:
            raise exception
        complete_path = get_media_source_from_url(url)

        if not complete_path or not os.path.exists(complete_path):
            if MEDIA_URL and url.startswith(MEDIA_URL):
                raise exception

            elif STATIC_URL and url.startswith(STATIC_URL):
                raise exception
def _preprocess_includes(tree, context):
    Look for all the {% include ... %} tags and replace it by their include.
    include_blocks = list(tree.child_nodes_of_class(DjangoIncludeTag))

    for block in include_blocks:
        if not block.template_name_is_variable:
                # Parse include
                include_tree = context.load(block.template_name)

                # Move tree from included file into {% include %}
                block.__class__ = DjangoPreprocessedInclude
                block.init([ include_tree ], block.with_params)

                block.path = include_tree.path
                block.line = include_tree.line
                block.column = include_tree.column

            except TemplateDoesNotExist, e:
                raise CompileException(block, 'Template in {%% include %%} tag not found (%s)' % block.template_name)
Ejemplo n.º 19
        def handle_var(children):
            out = []
            for i in range(0, len(children)):
                part = children[i].output_as_string()
                c = children[i]

                if c.name == 'digits':
                    # First digits are literals, following digits are indexers
                    out.append('[%s]' % part if out else part)

                elif c.name == 'dot':
                    #out.append('.') # assume last is not a dot

                elif c.name == 'string':

                elif c.name == 'name':
                    if out:
                        out.append('.%s' % part)
                        if not self.variable_in_current_scope(part):
                            # If variable is not found in current or one of the parents'
                            # scopes, then prefix variable with "_c."
                            out.append('_c.%s' % part)

                elif c.name == 'trans':
                    if out:
                        raise CompileException(self._tag, 'Invalid variable')
                        out.append('_(%s)' % handle_var(c.children))

                elif c.name == 'pipe':
                    # | is the start of a filter
                    return handle_filter(''.join(out), children[i + 1:])
            return ''.join(out)
 def found_missing():
     raise CompileException(current_node(), 'Missing semicolon detected. Please check your Javascript code.')
def _process_extends(tree, context):
    {% extends ... %}
    When this tree extends another template. Load the base template,
    compile it, merge the trees, and return a new tree.
    extends_tag = None

        base_tree = None

        for c in tree.all_children:
            if isinstance(c, DjangoExtendsTag) and not c.template_name_is_variable:
                extends_tag = c
                base_tree = context.load(c.template_name)

        if base_tree:
            base_tree_blocks = list(base_tree.child_nodes_of_class(DjangoBlockTag))
            tree_blocks = list(tree.child_nodes_of_class(DjangoBlockTag))

            # Retreive list of block tags in the outer scope of the child template.
            # These are the blocks which at least have to exist in the parent.
            outer_tree_blocks = filter(lambda b: isinstance(b, DjangoBlockTag), tree.children)

            # For every {% block %} in the base tree
            for base_block in base_tree_blocks:
                # Look for a block with the same name in the current tree
                for block in tree_blocks[:]:
                    if block.block_name == base_block.block_name:
                        # Replace {{ block.super }} variable by the parent's
                        # block node's children.
                        block_dot_super = base_block.children

                        for v in block.child_nodes_of_class(DjangoVariable):
                            if v.varname == 'block.super':
                                # Found a {{ block.super }} declaration, deep copy
                                # parent nodes in here
                                v.__class__ = DjangoPreprocessedVariable

                        # Replace all nodes in the base tree block, with this nodes
                        base_block.children = block.children

                        # Remove block from list
                        if block in outer_tree_blocks:

            # We shouldn't have any blocks left (if so, they don't have a match in the parent)
            if outer_tree_blocks:
                warning = 'Found {%% block %s %%} which has not been found in the parent' % outer_tree_blocks[0].block_name
                if context.options.disallow_orphan_blocks:
                    raise CompileException(outer_tree_blocks[0], warning)
                    context.raise_warning(outer_tree_blocks[0], warning)

            # Move every {% load %} and {% ! ... %} to the base tree
            for l in tree.child_nodes_of_class((DjangoLoadTag, DjangoPreprocessorConfigTag)):
                base_tree.children.insert(0, l)

            return base_tree

            return tree

    except TemplateDoesNotExist, e:
        # It is required that the base template exists.
        raise CompileException(extends_tag, 'Base template {%% extends "%s" %%} not found' %
                    (extends_tag.template_name if extends_tag else "..."))
 def process_params(self, params):
     self._params = params
     if not len(self._params) == 3:
         raise CompileException(self, '{% ifequal %} needs exactly two parameters')
Ejemplo n.º 23
def nest_block_level_elements(tree, mappings, _classes=Token, check=None):
    Replace consecutive nodes like  (BeginBlock, Content, Endblock) by
    a recursive structure:  (Block with nested Content).

    Or also supported:  (BeginBlock, Content, ElseBlock Content EndBlock)
        After execution, the first content will be found in node.children,
        The second in node.children2

    `_classes` should be a single Class or tuple of classes.
    check = check or (lambda c: c.name)

    def get_moving_to_list():
        Normally, we are moving childnodes to the .children
        list, but when we have several child_node_lists because
        of the existance of 'else'-nodes, we may move to another
        list. This method returns the list instace we are currently
        moving to.
        node = moving_to_node[-1]
        index = str(moving_to_index[-1] + 1) if moving_to_index[-1] else ''

        if not hasattr(node, 'children%s' % index):
            setattr(node, 'children%s' % index, [])

        return getattr(node, 'children%s' % index)

    for nodelist in tree.children_lists:
        # Push/Pop stacks
        moving_to_node = []
        moving_to_index = []
        tags_stack = [] # Stack of lists (top of the list contains a list of
                    # check_values for possible {% else... %} or {% end... %}-nodes.

        for c in nodelist[:]:
            # The 'tags' are only concidered tags if they are of one of these classes
            is_given_class = isinstance(c, _classes)

            # And if it's a tag, this check_value is the once which could
            # match a value of the mapping.
            check_value = check(c) if is_given_class else None

            # Found the start of a block-level tag
            if is_given_class and check_value in mappings:
                m = mappings[check(c)]
                (end, class_) = (m[:-1], m[-1])

                # Patch class
                c.__class__ = class_

                # Are we moving nodes
                if moving_to_node:

                # Start moving all following nodes as a child node of this one

                # This node will create a side-tree containing the 'parameters'.
                c.children = []

            # End of this block-level tag
            elif moving_to_node and is_given_class and check_value == tags_stack[-1][-1]:

                # Some node classes like to receive a notification of the matching
                # end node.
                if hasattr(moving_to_node[-1], 'register_end_node'):

                # Block-level tag created, apply recursively
                # No, we shouldn't!!! Child nodes of this tag are already processed

                # Continue
                del moving_to_node[-1]
                del moving_to_index[-1]
                del tags_stack[-1]

            # Any 'else'-node within
            elif moving_to_node and is_given_class and check_value in tags_stack[-1][:-1]:

                # Move the tags list
                position = tags_stack[-1].index(check_value)
                tags_stack[-1] = tags_stack[-1][position+1:]

                # Children attribute ++
                moving_to_index[-1] += position+1

            # Are we moving nodes
            elif moving_to_node:

                # Apply recursively
                nest_block_level_elements(c, mappings, _classes, check)

            elif isinstance(c, Token):
                # Apply recursively
                nest_block_level_elements(c, mappings, _classes, check)

    if moving_to_node:
        raise CompileException(moving_to_node[-1].line, moving_to_node[-1].column, moving_to_node[-1].path, '%s tag not terminated' % moving_to_node[-1].__class__.__name__)
def _validate_javascript(js_node):
    Check for missing semicolons in javascript code.

    Note that this is some very fuzzy code. It works, but won't find all the errors,
    It should be replaced sometime by a real javascript parser.
    # Check whether no comma appears at the end of any scope.
    # e.g.    var x = { y: z, } // causes problems in IE6 and IE7
    for scope in js_node.child_nodes_of_class(JavascriptScope):
        if scope.children:
            last_child = scope.children[-1]
            if isinstance(last_child, JavascriptOperator) and last_child.is_comma:
                raise CompileException(last_child,
                            'Please remove colon at the end of Javascript object (not supported by IE6 and IE7)')

    # Check whether no semi-colons are missing. Javascript has optional
    # semicolons and uses an insertion mechanism, but it's very bad to rely on
    # this. If semicolons are missing, we consider the code invalid.  Every
    # statement should end with a semi colon, except: for, function, if,
    # switch, try and while (See JSlint.com)
    for scope in [js_node] + list(js_node.child_nodes_of_class(JavascriptScope)):
        i = [0] # Variable by referece

        def next():
            i[0] += 1

        def has_node():
            return i[0] < len(scope.children)

        def current_node():
            return scope.children[i[0]]

        def get_last_non_whitespace_token():
            if i[0] > 0:
                j = i[0] - 1
                while j > 0 and isinstance(scope.children[j], JavascriptWhiteSpace):
                        j -= 1
                if j:
                    return scope.children[j]

        def found_missing():
            raise CompileException(current_node(), 'Missing semicolon detected. Please check your Javascript code.')

        semi_colon_required = False

        while has_node():
            c = current_node()

            if isinstance(c, JavascriptKeyword) and c.keyword in ('for', 'if', 'switch', 'function', 'try', 'catch', 'while'):
                if (semi_colon_required):

                semi_colon_required = False

                if c.keyword == 'function':
                    # One *exception*: When this is an function-assignment, a
                    # semi-colon IS required after this statement.
                    last_token = get_last_non_whitespace_token()
                    if isinstance(last_token, JavascriptOperator) and last_token.operator == '=':
                        semi_colon_required = True

                    # Skip keyword

                    # and optional also function name
                    while isinstance(current_node(), JavascriptWhiteSpace):
                    if isinstance(current_node(), JavascriptVariable):
                    # Skip keyword

                # Skip whitespace
                while isinstance(current_node(), JavascriptWhiteSpace):

                # Skip over the  '(...)' parameter list
                # Some blocks, like try {}  don't have parameters.
                if isinstance(current_node(), JavascriptParentheses):

                # Skip whitespace
                #  In case of "do { ...} while(1)", this may be the end of the
                #  scope. Therefore we check has_node
                while has_node() and isinstance(current_node(), JavascriptWhiteSpace):

                # Skip scope { ... }
                if has_node() and isinstance(current_node(), JavascriptScope):

                i[0] -= 1

            elif isinstance(c, JavascriptKeyword) and c.keyword == 'var':
                # The previous token, before the 'var' keyword should be semi-colon
                last_token = get_last_non_whitespace_token()
                if last_token:
                    if isinstance(last_token, JavascriptOperator) and last_token.operator == ';':
                        #  x = y; var ...
                    elif isinstance(last_token, JavascriptOperator) and last_token.operator == ':':
                        #  case 'x': var ...
                    elif isinstance(last_token, JavascriptScope) or isinstance(last_token, DjangoTag):
                        #  for (...) { ... } var ...
                    elif isinstance(last_token, JavascriptParentheses):
                        #  if (...) var ...

            elif isinstance(c, JavascriptOperator):
                # Colons, semicolons, ...
                # No semicolon required before or after
                semi_colon_required = False

            elif isinstance(c, JavascriptParentheses) or isinstance(c, JavascriptSquareBrackets):
                semi_colon_required = True

            elif isinstance(c, JavascriptScope):
                semi_colon_required = False

            elif isinstance(c, JavascriptKeyword) and c.keyword == 'return':
                # Semicolon required before return in:  x=y; return y
                if (semi_colon_required):

                # No semicolon required after return in: return y
                semi_colon_required = False

            elif isinstance(c, JavascriptVariable):
                if (semi_colon_required):

                semi_colon_required = True

            elif isinstance(c, JavascriptWhiteSpace):
                # Skip whitespace

Ejemplo n.º 25
    def _tokenize(node, nodelist, state_stack, token_stack, root=False):
        node:        The current parse node that we are lexing. We are lexing
                     tokens in a parse tree of another language, and this node
                     is the parse node of the other language where we are now.

        state_stack: The current state in our lexing 'grammar'

        token_stack: The output token to where we are moving nodes right now.
                     This is a stack of childnodes lists

        root:        True when this is the main call.
        # Copy input nodes to new list, and clear nodelist
        input_nodes = nodelist[:]

        # Position   TODO: this information is only right for the first children-list, not
        #                  for the others!!!
        line =  node.line
        column = node.column
        path = node.path

        # As long as we have input nodes
        while input_nodes:
            # Pop input node
            current_input_node = input_nodes[0]
            del input_nodes[0]

            if isinstance(current_input_node, basestring):
                # Tokenize content
                string = current_input_node

                # When the string starts with a BOM_UTF8 character, remove it.
                string = string.lstrip(unicode(codecs.BOM_UTF8, 'utf8'))

                # We want the regex to be able to match as much as possible,
                # So, if several basestring nodes, are following each other,
                # concatenate as one.
                while input_nodes and isinstance(input_nodes[0], basestring):
                    # Pop another input node
                    string += input_nodes[0]
                    del input_nodes[0]

                # Parse position
                position = 0

                while position < len(string):
                    for compiled_regex, action_list in states[ state_stack[-1] ].transitions():
                        match = compiled_regex.match(string[position:])

                        #print state_stack, string[position:position+10]

                        if match:
                            (start, count) = match.span()

                            # Read content
                            content = string[position : position + count]

                            # Execute actions for this match
                            for action in action_list:
                                if isinstance(action, Record):
                                    if action.value:

                                elif isinstance(action, Shift):
                                    position += count
                                    count = 0

                                    # Update row/column
                                    f = content.find('\n')
                                    while f >= 0:
                                        line += 1
                                        column = 1
                                        content = content[f+1:]
                                        f = content.find('\n')
                                    column += len(content)

                                elif isinstance(action, Push):

                                elif isinstance(action, Pop):
                                    del state_stack[-1]

                                elif isinstance(action, StartToken):
                                    token = Token(action.state_name, line, column, path)

                                elif isinstance(action, StopToken):
# TODO: check following constraint!
# token_stack[-1] is a childnode list now instead of a node. it does no longer
# have an attribute name!

#                                    if action.state_name and token_stack[-1].name != action.state_name:
#                                        raise CompileException(line, column, path, 'Token mismatch')

                                    del token_stack[-1]

                                elif isinstance(action, Error):
                                    raise CompileException(line, column, path, action.message +
                                                "; near: '%s'" % string[max(0,position-20):position+20])

                            break # Out of for

            # Not a DjangoContent node? Copy in current position.
                # Recursively tokenize in this node (continue with states, token will be replaced by parsed content)
                if isinstance(current_input_node, classes_to_replace_by_parsed_content):
                    for l in current_input_node.children_lists:
                        _tokenize(current_input_node, l, state_stack, token_stack)

                # Recursively tokenize in this node (start parsing again in nested node)
                elif isinstance(current_input_node, classes_to_enter):
                    for l in current_input_node.children_lists:
                        _tokenize(current_input_node, l, state_stack, [ l ], True)

                # Any other class, copy in current token

        if root and token_stack != [ nodelist ]:
            top = token_stack[-1]
            raise CompileException(top.line, top.column, top.path, '%s not terminated' % top.name)
            if f.code == 200:
                return f.read().decode('utf-8')
                raise CompileException(None,
                                       'External media not found: %s' % url)

        except urllib2.URLError, e:
            raise CompileException(None,
                                   'Opening %s failed: %s' % (url, e.message))
        path = get_media_source_from_url(url)
        if path:
            return codecs.open(path, 'r', 'utf-8').read()
            raise CompileException(
                None, 'External media file %s does not exist' % url)

def simplify_media_url(url):
    For a given media/static URL, replace the settings.MEDIA/STATIC_URL prefix
    by simply /media or /static.
    if MEDIA_URL and url.startswith(MEDIA_URL):
        return '/media/' + url[len(MEDIA_URL):]
    elif STATIC_URL and url.startswith(STATIC_URL):
        return '/static/' + url[len(STATIC_URL):]
        return url