Ejemplo n.º 1
class test_base_template(unittest.TestCase):
    """ test for methods on the base template class

    def setUp(self):
        """ set up some basics for the coming tests
        self.vars = [
            var('basic_var', 'This is a basic variable',
                title="Basic Title", default="foo",
                modes=(EXPERT, EASY)),
            BooleanVar('bool_var', 'This is a boolean variable',
                       title="Boolean Title", default=False, page='Main',
            StringVar('str_var', 'This is a string variable',
                      title="String Title", default="string", page='Carl',
            TextVar('txt_var', 'This is a text variable', page='Martin',
                    title="Text Title", default="text",
            DottedVar('dot_var', 'This is a dotted variable',
                      title="Dotted Title", default="dotted.variable")]
        self.template = BaseTemplate('my_name')
        create = get_commands()['create'].load()
        command = create('create')
        command.parse_args(['-t', 'nested_namespace'])
        self.command = command

    def test_filter_for_modes(self):
        """ _filter_for_modes should return a dictionary of var names to
            be hidden from view dependent on the running mode of zopeskel
            and the modes property of each variable
        easy_vars = [var.name for var in self.vars
                     if EASY not in var.modes]
        expert_vars = [var.name for var in self.vars
                       if EXPERT not in var.modes]

        expert_mode = EASY
        hidden = self.template._filter_for_modes(expert_mode, self.vars)

        self.assertEqual(len(hidden), 2)
        for varname in hidden.keys():
            self.assertTrue(varname in easy_vars,
                            "missing easy var: %s" % varname)

        expert_mode = EXPERT
        hidden = self.template._filter_for_modes(expert_mode, self.vars)

        self.assertEqual(len(hidden), 2)
        for varname in hidden.keys():
            self.assertTrue(varname in expert_vars,
                            "missing expert var: %s" % varname)

    def test_get_vars(self):
        """ get_vars is not a method of BaseTemplate, but we've got a nice set
            of variables all set up in here, so let's use it
        var = get_var(self.vars, 'basic_var')
        self.assertEqual(var.name, 'basic_var')
        self.assertEqual(var.title, 'Basic Title')
        self.assertEqual(var.description, 'This is a basic variable')
        self.assertEqual(var.modes, (EXPERT, EASY))
        self.assertEqual(var.default, 'foo')

    def test_pages(self):
        """ pagaes provide discreet sets of template questions for web GUI

        class MyTemplate(BaseTemplate):
            vars = BaseTemplate.vars + self.vars

        template = MyTemplate('some_name')
        pages = template.pages
        self.assertEqual(len(pages), 4)

        page = pages.pop(0)
        self.assertEqual(page['name'], 'Begin')
        questions = page['vars']
        self.assertEqual(len(questions), 1)
        self.assertEqual(questions[0].name, 'expert_mode')
        page = pages.pop(0)
        self.assertEqual(page['name'], 'Main')
        questions = page['vars']
        self.assertEqual(len(questions), 3)
        self.assertEqual(questions[0].name, 'basic_var')
        self.assertEqual(questions[1].name, 'bool_var')
        self.assertEqual(questions[2].name, 'dot_var')

        page = pages.pop(0)
        self.assertEqual(page['name'], 'Carl')
        questions = page['vars']
        self.assertEqual(len(questions), 1)
        self.assertEqual(questions[0].name, 'str_var')

        page = pages.pop(0)
        self.assertEqual(page['name'], 'Martin')
        questions = page['vars']
        self.assertEqual(len(questions), 1)
        self.assertEqual(questions[0].name, 'txt_var')

    def test_get_position_in_stack(self):
        """ verify that the position of a template can be reliably found
        stack = self.template.get_template_stack(self.command)
            ValueError, self.template.get_position_in_stack, stack)

        new_template = NestedNamespace('joe')
            new_template.get_position_in_stack(stack), len(stack) - 1)

    def test_get_template_stack(self):
        """ verify that running this command against a create command
            with the argument '-t nested_namespace' returns the expected vals
        stack = self.template.get_template_stack(self.command)
        self.assertEqual(len(stack), 1)

        self.assertFalse(self.template.__class__ in
                    [t.__class__ for t in stack], "%s" % stack)
        new_template = NestedNamespace('joe')
        self.assertTrue(new_template.__class__ in
                        [t.__class__ for t in stack], "%s" % stack)

        errmsg = "%s does not appear to be a subclass of %s"
        for c in [t.__class__ for t in stack]:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(new_template, c),
                            errmsg % (new_template, c))

    def test_should_print_subcommands(self):
        """ Subcommands should be printed after the template runs
        b_template = BasicNamespace('tom')
        n_template = NestedNamespace('bob')
        # pretend the nested_namespace template provides localcommands (it
        # doesn't have to actually provide them, just claim that it does)
        n_template.use_local_commands = True
