Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_script_errors(self):
        """Verify that the run method catches errors correctly"""
        oldargv = sys.argv

        # non-existent templates are not caught until in 'run'
        sys.argv = ['zopeskel', 'no-template', 'my.package']
        output = run()
        self.assertTrue('ERROR: No such template' in output)

        # calling the script with no arguments at all prints usage
        sys.argv = sys.argv[:1]
        output = run()
        self.assertTrue('Usage:' in output)

        sys.argv = oldargv
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_script_features(self):
        """Verify that the help features of the script function correctly"""
        oldargv = sys.argv

        # --help produces the DESCRIPTION string
        sys.argv = ['zopeskel', '--help']
        output = run()
        self.assertTrue(DESCRIPTION in output,
                        '--help produces incorrect output: %s' % output)

        # --list produces a verbose list of all templates by category
        sys.argv = ['zopeskel', '--list']
        output = run()
        cats = list_sorted_templates()
        catnames = cats.keys()
        templates = sum(cats.values(), [])
        tempnames = [t['name'] for t in templates]
        tempsums = [t['summary'] for t in templates]
        for cat in catnames:
            self.assertTrue(cat in output, '%s not in --list output' % cat)
        for tname in tempnames:
            self.assertTrue(tname in output, '%s not in --list output' % tname)
        for summary in tempsums:
            self.assertTrue(summary in output,
                            '%s not in --list output' % summary)

        # --make-config-file produces a config file with headings for each
        # template
        sys.argv = ['zopeskel', '--make-config-file']
        output = run()
        for theading in ['[' + name + ']' for name in tempnames]:
            self.assertTrue(theading in output,
                            '%s does not appear in .zopeskel' % theading)

        # --version should output a version number.  make sure it finds
        # something
        sys.argv = ['zopeskel', '--version']
        output = run()
        self.assertFalse('unable' in output)

        sys.argv = oldargv