Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_matmul_api(context, plain, arithmetic):
    r_t = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(2, 2), dtype=np.int64)
    l_t = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(2, 2), dtype=np.int64)
    r_pt = ts.plain_tensor(r_t.flatten().tolist(), (2, 2), dtype="int")
    l_pt = ts.plain_tensor(l_t.flatten().tolist(), (2, 2), dtype="int")
    right = ts.bfv_tensor(context, r_pt)
    if plain:
        left = l_pt
        left = ts.bfv_tensor(context, l_pt)

    expected_result = r_t.dot(l_t)

    ## non-inplace
    if arithmetic:
        result = right @ left
        result = right.mm(left)

    np_result = np.array(result.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np_result.shape == expected_result.shape
    assert np.allclose(np_result, expected_result, rtol=0, atol=0)
    # right didn't change
    right_result = np.array(right.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np.allclose(right_result, r_t, rtol=0, atol=0)
    # left didn't change
    if plain:
        left_result = l_t
        left_result = np.array(left.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np.allclose(left_result, l_t, rtol=0, atol=0)

    # inplace
    if arithmetic:
        right @= left

    np_result = np.array(result.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np_result.shape == expected_result.shape
    assert np.allclose(np_result, expected_result, rtol=0, atol=0)
    # right didn't change
    right_result = np.array(right.decrypt().tolist())

    assert right_result.shape == expected_result.shape
    assert np.allclose(right_result, expected_result, rtol=0, atol=0)
    # left didn't change
    if plain:
        left_result = l_t
        left_result = np.array(left.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np.allclose(left_result, l_t, rtol=0, atol=0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_dot(context, shapes, plain):
    r_shape = shapes[0]
    l_shape = shapes[1]
    r_t = np.random.randn(*r_shape)
    l_t = np.random.randn(*l_shape)
    r_pt = ts.plain_tensor(r_t.flatten().tolist(), r_shape)
    l_pt = ts.plain_tensor(l_t.flatten().tolist(), l_shape)
    right = ts.ckks_tensor(context, r_pt)
    if plain:
        left = l_pt
        left = ts.ckks_tensor(context, l_pt)

    expected_result = r_t.dot(l_t)

    ## non-inplace
    result = right.dot(left)

    np_result = np.array(result.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np_result.shape == expected_result.shape
    assert np.allclose(np_result, expected_result, rtol=0, atol=0.01)
    # right didn't change
    right_result = np.array(right.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np.allclose(right_result, r_t, rtol=0, atol=0.01)
    # left didn't change
    if plain:
        left_result = l_t
        left_result = np.array(left.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np.allclose(left_result, l_t, rtol=0, atol=0.01)

    # inplace

    np_result = np.array(result.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np_result.shape == expected_result.shape
    assert np.allclose(np_result, expected_result, rtol=0, atol=0.01)
    # right didn't change
    right_result = np.array(right.decrypt().tolist())

    assert right_result.shape == expected_result.shape
    assert np.allclose(right_result, expected_result, rtol=0, atol=0.01)
    # left didn't change
    if plain:
        left_result = l_t
        left_result = np.array(left.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np.allclose(left_result, l_t, rtol=0, atol=0.01)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_dot(context, shapes, plain):
    r_shape = shapes[0]
    l_shape = shapes[1]
    r_t = np.random.randint(0, 100, *[r_shape], dtype=np.int64)
    l_t = np.random.randint(0, 100, *[l_shape], dtype=np.int64)
    r_pt = ts.plain_tensor(r_t.flatten().tolist(), r_shape, dtype="int")
    l_pt = ts.plain_tensor(l_t.flatten().tolist(), l_shape, dtype="int")
    right = ts.bfv_tensor(context, r_pt)
    if plain:
        left = l_pt
        left = ts.bfv_tensor(context, l_pt)

    expected_result = r_t.dot(l_t)

    ## non-inplace
    result = right.dot(left)

    np_result = np.array(result.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np_result.shape == expected_result.shape
    assert np.allclose(np_result, expected_result, rtol=0, atol=0)
    # right didn't change
    right_result = np.array(right.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np.allclose(right_result, r_t, rtol=0, atol=0)
    # left didn't change
    if plain:
        left_result = l_t
        left_result = np.array(left.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np.allclose(left_result, l_t, rtol=0, atol=0)

    # inplace

    np_result = np.array(result.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np_result.shape == expected_result.shape
    assert np.allclose(np_result, expected_result, rtol=0, atol=0)
    # right didn't change
    right_result = np.array(right.decrypt().tolist())

    assert right_result.shape == expected_result.shape
    assert np.allclose(right_result, expected_result, rtol=0, atol=0)
    # left didn't change
    if plain:
        left_result = l_t
        left_result = np.array(left.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np.allclose(left_result, l_t, rtol=0, atol=0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self,
                 context: "ts.Context" = None,
                 data: ts._ts_cpp.BFVVector = None):
        """Constructor method for the BFVVector object, which can store a vector of
        integers in encrypted form, using the BFV homomorphic encryption scheme.

            context: a Context object, holding the encryption parameters and keys.
            vector (of int): a vector holding data to be encrypted.
            data: A ts._ts_cpp.BFVVector to wrap. We won't construct a new object if it's passed.

            BFVVector object.
        # wrapping
        if data is not None:
            self.data = data
        # constructing a new object
            if not isinstance(context, ts.Context):
                raise TypeError("context must be a tenseal.Context")
            if not isinstance(vector, ts.PlainTensor):
                vector = ts.plain_tensor(vector, dtype="int")
            if len(vector.shape) != 1:
                raise ValueError("can only encrypt a vector")
            vector = vector.raw

            self.data = ts._ts_cpp.BFVVector(context.data, vector)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(
        context: "ts.Context" = None,
        batch: bool = False,
        data: ts._ts_cpp.BFVTensor = None,
        """Constructor method for the BFVTensor object, which can store an n-dimensional
        int tensor in encrypted form, using the BFV homomorphic encryption scheme.

            context: a Context object, holding the encryption parameters and keys.
            tensor: tensor-like object.
            batch: should we use ciphertext-level batching?
            data: A ts._ts_cpp.BFVTensor to wrap. We won't construct a new object if it's passed.

            BFVTensor object.
        # wrapping
        if data is not None:
            self.data = data
        # constructing a new object
            if not isinstance(context, ts.Context):
                raise TypeError("context must be a tenseal.Context")
            if not isinstance(tensor, ts.PlainTensor):
                tensor = ts.plain_tensor(tensor, dtype="int")

            tensor.dtype = "int"

            self.data = ts._ts_cpp.BFVTensor(context.data, tensor.data, batch)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_sanity(data, shape):
    tensor = ts.plain_tensor(data, shape)

    strides = []
    stride = 1

    for s in reversed(shape):
        stride *= s

    strides = list(reversed(strides))

    assert tensor.raw == data
    assert tensor.shape == shape
    assert tensor.size() == shape[0]
    assert len(tensor) == shape[0]
    assert tensor.empty() == False
    assert tensor.strides() == strides

    buf = tensor.serialize()
    new_tensor = ts.plain_tensor_from(buf)

    assert new_tensor.raw == data
    assert new_tensor.shape == shape
    assert new_tensor.size() == shape[0]
    assert len(new_tensor) == shape[0]
    assert new_tensor.empty() == False
    assert new_tensor.strides() == strides
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_broadcast(data, shape, new_shape):
    tensor = ts.plain_tensor(data, shape)

    newt = tensor.broadcast(new_shape)
    assert tensor.shape == shape
    assert newt.shape == new_shape

    assert tensor.shape == new_shape
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_broadcast(context, data, shape, new_shape):
    tensor = ts.bfv_tensor(context, ts.plain_tensor(data, shape, dtype="int"))

    newt = tensor.broadcast(new_shape)
    assert tensor.shape == shape
    assert newt.shape == new_shape

    assert tensor.shape == new_shape
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_ckks_tensor_sanity(plain_vec, precision, duplicate):
    context = ckks_context()
    plain_tensor = ts.plain_tensor(plain_vec)
    orig = ts.ckks_tensor(context, plain_tensor)
    ckks_tensor = duplicate(orig)
    decrypted = ckks_tensor.decrypt().tolist()

    assert _almost_equal(decrypted, plain_vec,
                         precision), "Decryption of tensor is incorrect"
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_reshape(data, shape, reshape):
    tensor = ts.plain_tensor(data, shape)

    newt = tensor.reshape(reshape)
    assert tensor.shape == shape
    assert newt.shape == reshape

    assert tensor.shape == reshape
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def _enc_matmul_plain(self, other):
     if not isinstance(other, ts.PlainTensor):
             other = ts.plain_tensor(other, dtype="float")
         except TypeError:
             raise TypeError(f"can't operate with object of type {type(other)}")
     if len(other.shape) != 1:
         raise ValueError("can only operate with a vector")
     other = other.raw
     return other
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_dot_product_plain(context, vec1, vec2):
    first_vec = ts.bfv_vector(context, vec1)
    second_vec = ts.plain_tensor(vec2, dtype="int")
    result = first_vec.dot(second_vec)
    expected = [sum([v1 * v2 for v1, v2 in zip(vec1, vec2)])]

    # Decryption
    assert result.decrypt() == expected, "Dot product of vectors is incorrect."
    assert first_vec.decrypt() == vec1, "Something went wrong in memory."
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_dot_product_plain_inplace(context, vec1, vec2):
    first_vec = ts.bfv_vector(context, vec1)
    second_vec = ts.plain_tensor(vec2, dtype="int")
    expected = [sum([v1 * v2 for v1, v2 in zip(vec1, vec2)])]

    # Decryption
    assert first_vec.decrypt(
    ) == expected, "Dot product of vectors is incorrect."
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def _mm(cls, other):
     if not isinstance(other, ts.PlainTensor):
             other = ts.plain_tensor(other, dtype="float")
         except TypeError:
             raise TypeError(f"can't operate with object of type {type(other)}")
     if len(other.shape) != 2:
         raise ValueError("can only operate with a matrix")
     other = other.tolist()
     return other
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_ckks_tensor_lazy_load(precision):
    vec1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    vec2 = [1, 2, 3, 4]

    context = ckks_context()
    first_vec = ts.ckks_tensor(context, ts.plain_tensor(vec1))
    second_vec = ts.ckks_tensor(context, ts.plain_tensor(vec2))

    buff = first_vec.serialize()
    newvec = ts.lazy_ckks_tensor_from(buff)

    result = newvec + second_vec
    # Decryption
    decrypted_result = result.decrypt().tolist()

    assert _almost_equal(decrypted_result, [2, 4, 6, 8],
                         precision), "Decryption of tensor is incorrect"
    assert _almost_equal(newvec.decrypt().tolist(), [1, 2, 3, 4],
                         precision), "invalid new tensor"
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_dot_product_plain_inplace(context, vec1, vec2, precision):
    first_vec = ts.ckks_vector(context, vec1)
    second_vec = ts.plain_tensor(vec2)
    expected = [sum([v1 * v2 for v1, v2 in zip(vec1, vec2)])]

    # Decryption
    decrypted_result = first_vec.decrypt()
    assert _almost_equal(decrypted_result, expected,
                         precision), "Dot product of vectors is incorrect."
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def _dot(cls, other):
     if isinstance(other, (cls)):
         return other.data
     if not isinstance(other, ts.PlainTensor):
             other = ts.plain_tensor(other, dtype="float")
         except TypeError:
             raise TypeError(f"can't operate with object of type {type(other)}")
     if len(other.shape) != 1:
         raise ValueError("can only operate with a vector")
     return other.data
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def _get_operand(cls, other, dtype: str = "float") -> Union[int, float, "ts._ts_cpp.Tensor"]:
     """Extract the appropriate operand the tensor can operate with"""
     if isinstance(other, (int, float)):
         return other
     elif isinstance(other, (cls, ts.PlainTensor)):
         return other.data
             other = ts.plain_tensor(other, dtype=dtype)
             other = other.data
         except TypeError:
             raise TypeError(f"can't operate with object of type {type(other)}")
         return other
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_ckks_tensor_encryption_decryption(batch, shape):
    context = ts.context(ts.SCHEME_TYPE.CKKS,
    scale = pow(2, 40)
    tensor = np.random.randn(*shape)
    plain_tensor = ts.plain_tensor(tensor.flatten().tolist(), shape=shape)

    ckks_vec = ts.ckks_tensor(context, plain_tensor, scale, batch)
    decrypted_vec = ckks_vec.decrypt().tolist()

    assert np.array(decrypted_vec).shape == tensor.shape
    assert np.allclose(tensor, decrypted_vec, rtol=0, atol=0.001)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_transpose(data, shape):
    tensor = ts.plain_tensor(data, shape)

    expected = np.transpose(np.array(data).reshape(shape))

    newt = tensor.transpose()
    assert tensor.shape == shape
    assert newt.shape == list(expected.shape)
    assert np.array(newt.tolist()).any() == expected.any()

    assert tensor.shape == list(expected.shape)
    assert np.array(tensor.tolist()).any() == expected.any()
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_transpose(context, data, shape):
    tensor = ts.bfv_tensor(context, ts.plain_tensor(data, shape, dtype="int"))

    expected = np.transpose(np.array(data).reshape(shape))

    newt = tensor.transpose()
    assert tensor.shape == shape
    assert newt.shape == list(expected.shape)
    result = np.array(newt.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np.allclose(result, expected, rtol=0, atol=0)

    assert tensor.shape == list(expected.shape)
    result = np.array(tensor.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np.allclose(result, expected, rtol=0, atol=0)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_ckks_tensor_encryption_decryption_matrix(batch):
    context = ts.context(ts.SCHEME_TYPE.CKKS,
    scale = pow(2, 40)
    matrix = np.random.randn(4, 5)
    plain_tensor = ts.plain_tensor(matrix.tolist())

    ckks_vec = ts.ckks_tensor(context, plain_tensor, scale, batch)
    decrypted_vec = ckks_vec.decrypt().tolist()

    assert len(decrypted_vec) == len(matrix)
    for idx in range(len(decrypted_vec)):
        row = decrypted_vec[idx]
        assert isinstance(row, list)
        assert len(row) == len(matrix[0])

        assert _almost_equal(row, matrix[idx],
                             1), "Decryption of vector is incorrect"
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_add_sub_mul_scalar(context, shape, op):
    r_t = np.random.randn(*shape)
    r_pt = ts.plain_tensor(r_t.flatten().tolist(), shape)
    right = ts.ckks_tensor(context, r_pt)
    left = np.random.randn(1)[0]

    if op == "add":
        expected_result = r_t + left
    elif op == "sub":
        expected_result = r_t - left
    elif op == "mul":
        expected_result = r_t * left

    ## non-inplace
    if op == "add":
        result = right + left
    elif op == "sub":
        result = right - left
    elif op == "mul":
        result = right * left

    np_result = np.array(result.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np_result.shape == expected_result.shape
    assert np.allclose(np_result, expected_result, rtol=0, atol=0.01)
    # right didn't change
    right_result = np.array(right.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np.allclose(right_result, r_t, rtol=0, atol=0.01)

    # inplace
    if op == "add":
        right += left
    elif op == "sub":
        right -= left
    elif op == "mul":
        right *= left

    np_result = np.array(result.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np_result.shape == expected_result.shape
    assert np.allclose(np_result, expected_result, rtol=0, atol=0.01)
    # right didn't change
    right_result = np.array(right.decrypt().tolist())
    assert right_result.shape == expected_result.shape
    assert np.allclose(right_result, expected_result, rtol=0, atol=0.01)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_add_sub_mul_scalar(context, shape, op):
    r_t = np.random.randint(0, 100, *[shape], dtype=np.int64)
    r_pt = ts.plain_tensor(r_t.flatten().tolist(), shape, dtype="int")
    right = ts.bfv_tensor(context, r_pt)
    left = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=1, dtype=np.int64)[0]

    if op == "add":
        expected_result = r_t + left
    elif op == "sub":
        expected_result = r_t - left
    elif op == "mul":
        expected_result = r_t * left

    ## non-inplace
    if op == "add":
        result = right + left
    elif op == "sub":
        result = right - left
    elif op == "mul":
        result = right * left

    np_result = np.array(result.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np_result.shape == expected_result.shape
    assert np.allclose(np_result, expected_result, rtol=0, atol=0)
    # right didn't change
    right_result = np.array(right.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np.allclose(right_result, r_t, rtol=0, atol=0)

    # inplace
    if op == "add":
        right += left
    elif op == "sub":
        right -= left
    elif op == "mul":
        right *= left

    np_result = np.array(result.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np_result.shape == expected_result.shape
    assert np.allclose(np_result, expected_result, rtol=0, atol=0)
    # right didn't change
    right_result = np.array(right.decrypt().tolist())
    assert right_result.shape == expected_result.shape
    assert np.allclose(right_result, expected_result, rtol=0, atol=0)
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(
        context: "ts.Context" = None,
        scale: float = None,
        batch: bool = False,
        data: ts._ts_cpp.CKKSTensor = None,
        """Constructor method for the CKKSTensor object, which can store an n-dimensional
        float tensor in encrypted form, using the CKKS homomorphic encryption scheme.

            context: a Context object, holding the encryption parameters and keys.
            tensor: tensor-like object.
            scale: the scale to be used to encode tensor values. CKKSTensor will use the global_scale provided by the context if it's set to None.
            batch: should we use ciphertext-level batching?
            data: A ts._ts_cpp.CKKSTensor to wrap. We won't construct a new object if it's passed.

            CKKSTensor object.
        # wrapping
        if data is not None:
            self.data = data
        # constructing a new object
            if not isinstance(context, ts.Context):
                raise TypeError("context must be a tenseal.Context")
            if not isinstance(tensor, ts.PlainTensor):
                tensor = ts.plain_tensor(tensor, dtype="float")

            tensor.dtype = "float"

            if scale is None:
                self.data = ts._ts_cpp.CKKSTensor(context.data, tensor.data,
                self.data = ts._ts_cpp.CKKSTensor(context.data, tensor.data,
                                                  scale, batch)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def __init__(
        context: "ts.Context" = None,
        scale: float = None,
        data: ts._ts_cpp.CKKSVector = None,
        """Constructor method for the CKKSVector object, which can store a vector of
        float numbers in encrypted form, using the CKKS homomorphic encryption scheme.

            context: a Context object, holding the encryption parameters and keys.
            vector (of float): a vector holding data to be encrypted.
            scale: the scale to be used to encode vector values. CKKSTensor will use the global_scale provided by the context if it's set to None.
            data: A ts._ts_cpp.CKKSVector to wrap. We won't construct a new object if it's passed.

            CKKSVector object.
        # wrapping
        if data is not None:
            self.data = data
        # constructing a new object
            if not isinstance(context, ts.Context):
                raise TypeError("context must be a tenseal.Context")
            if not isinstance(vector, ts.PlainTensor):
                vector = ts.plain_tensor(vector, dtype="float")
            if len(vector.shape) != 1:
                raise ValueError("can only encrypt a vector")
            vector = vector.raw

            if scale is None:
                self.data = ts._ts_cpp.CKKSVector(context.data, vector)
                self.data = ts._ts_cpp.CKKSVector(context.data, vector, scale)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_broadcast_add_sub_mul_tensor_ct_pt(context, shape, plain, op):
    l_t = np.random.randint(0, 100, *[shape[1]], dtype=np.int64)
    r_t = np.random.randint(0, 100, *[shape[0]], dtype=np.int64)
    l_pt = ts.plain_tensor(l_t.flatten().tolist(), shape[1], dtype="int")
    r_pt = ts.plain_tensor(r_t.flatten().tolist(), shape[0], dtype="int")
    right = ts.bfv_tensor(context, r_pt)
    if plain:
        left = l_pt
        left = ts.bfv_tensor(context, l_pt)

    if op == "add":
        expected_result = r_t + l_t
    elif op == "sub":
        expected_result = r_t - l_t
    elif op == "mul":
        expected_result = r_t * l_t

    ## non-inplace
    if op == "add":
        result = right + left
    elif op == "sub":
        result = right - left
    elif op == "mul":
        result = right * left

    np_result = np.array(result.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np_result.shape == expected_result.shape
    assert np.allclose(np_result, expected_result, rtol=0, atol=0)
    # right didn't change
    right_result = np.array(right.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np.allclose(right_result, r_t, rtol=0, atol=0)
    # left didn't change
    if plain:
        left_result = l_t
        left_result = np.array(left.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np.allclose(left_result, l_t, rtol=0, atol=0)

    # inplace
    if op == "add":
        right += left
    elif op == "sub":
        right -= left
    elif op == "mul":
        right *= left

    np_result = np.array(result.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np_result.shape == expected_result.shape
    assert np.allclose(np_result, expected_result, rtol=0, atol=0)
    # right didn't change
    right_result = np.array(right.decrypt().tolist())

    assert right_result.shape == expected_result.shape
    assert np.allclose(right_result, expected_result, rtol=0, atol=0)
    # left didn't change
    if plain:
        left_result = l_t
        left_result = np.array(left.decrypt().tolist())
    assert np.allclose(left_result, l_t, rtol=0, atol=0)
Ejemplo n.º 28
        batch_size = new_shape[0]
        new_shape = new_shape[1:]

    new_shape = new_shape[-1:] + new_shape[:-1]

    full_shape = new_shape.copy()
    if batched:
        full_shape.insert(0, batch_size)
    return new_shape, full_shape

    "data, new_shape",
        # (ts.plain_tensor([0]), 0),
        (ts.plain_tensor([i for i in range(8)], dtype="int"), [4, 2]),
        (ts.plain_tensor([i for i in range(210)],
                         shape=[2, 3, 5, 7],
                         dtype="int"), [7, 15, 2]),
def test_reshape_no_batching(context, data, new_shape):
    tensor = ts.bfv_tensor(context, data, batch=False)

    old_shape = tensor.shape
    new_t = tensor.reshape(new_shape)

    assert new_t.shape == new_shape
    assert tensor.shape == old_shape

Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_reshape(data, shape, reshape):
    tensor = ts.plain_tensor(data, shape)

    newt = tensor.reshape(reshape)
    assert tensor.shape == shape
    assert newt.shape == reshape

    assert tensor.shape == reshape

    "data, axis",
        (ts.plain_tensor([0]), 0),
        (ts.plain_tensor([i for i in range(8)]), 0),
        (ts.plain_tensor([i for i in range(6)], shape=[2, 3]), 0),
        (ts.plain_tensor([i for i in range(6)], shape=[2, 3]), 1),
        (ts.plain_tensor([i for i in range(8)], shape=[2, 2, 2]), 1),
        (ts.plain_tensor([i for i in range(30)], shape=[2, 3, 5]), 0),
        (ts.plain_tensor([i for i in range(30)], shape=[2, 3, 5]), 1),
        (ts.plain_tensor([i for i in range(30)], shape=[2, 3, 5]), 2),
        (ts.plain_tensor([i for i in range(210)], shape=[2, 3, 5, 7]), 0),
        (ts.plain_tensor([i for i in range(210)], shape=[2, 3, 5, 7]), 1),
        (ts.plain_tensor([i for i in range(210)], shape=[2, 3, 5, 7]), 2),
        (ts.plain_tensor([i for i in range(210)], shape=[2, 3, 5, 7]), 3),
def test_batch(data, axis):
    batch = data.batch(axis)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_size(context):
    for size in range(1, 10):
        vec = ts.bfv_tensor(context, ts.plain_tensor([1] * size, dtype="int"))
        assert vec.shape == [size], "Size of encrypted tensor is incorrect."