Ejemplo n.º 1
    def testVonMisesSampleMoments(self):
        locs_v = np.array([-1., 0.3, 2.3])
        concentrations_v = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 10.0])
        von_mises = tfd.VonMises(self.make_tensor(locs_v),

        n = 10000
        seed = test_util.test_seed()
        samples = von_mises.sample(n, seed=seed)

        expected_mean = von_mises.mean()
        actual_mean = tf.atan2(tf.reduce_mean(tf.sin(samples), axis=0),
                               tf.reduce_mean(tf.cos(samples), axis=0))

        expected_variance = von_mises.variance()
        standardized_samples = samples - tf.expand_dims(von_mises.mean(), 0)
        actual_variance = 1. - tf.reduce_mean(tf.cos(standardized_samples),

            expected_mean_val, expected_variance_val, actual_mean_val,
        ] = self.evaluate(
            [expected_mean, expected_variance, actual_mean, actual_variance])

        self.assertAllClose(expected_mean_val, actual_mean_val, rtol=0.1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def testVonMisesSampleMoments(self):
        locs_v = np.array([-1., 0.3, 2.3])
        concentrations_v = np.array([1., 2., 10.])
        von_mises = tfd.VonMises(self.make_tensor(locs_v),

        n = 10000
        seed = test_util.test_seed()
        samples = von_mises.sample(n, seed=seed)

        expected_mean = von_mises.mean()
        actual_mean = tf.atan2(tf.reduce_mean(tf.sin(samples), axis=0),
                               tf.reduce_mean(tf.cos(samples), axis=0))

        expected_variance = von_mises.variance()
        standardized_samples = samples - tf.expand_dims(von_mises.mean(), 0)
        variance_samples = 1. - tf.cos(standardized_samples)

            expected_mean_val, expected_variance_val, actual_mean_val,
        ] = self.evaluate(
            [expected_mean, expected_variance, actual_mean, variance_samples])

        # TODO(axch, cgs): atan2(means) is not mean(atan2), but maybe there
        # is a formulation of what this is testing that does use IID samples
        # and is amenable to assertAllMeansClose?
        self.assertAllClose(actual_mean_val, expected_mean_val, rtol=0.1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def augment(points_xyz, points_mask, bboxes):
  """data augmentation."""
  rand = tf.random.uniform([],
  rand = tf.where(rand > 0, 1, -1)
  rand = tf.cast(rand, tf.dtypes.float32)
  points_xyz = tf.concat([points_xyz[:, 0:1],
                          points_xyz[:, 1:2] * rand,
                          points_xyz[:, 2:]],
  bboxes = tf.concat([bboxes[:, 0:1],
                      bboxes[:, 1:2] * rand,
                      bboxes[:, 2:6],
                      bboxes[:, 6:] * rand],
  theta = tf.random.uniform([],
                            dtype=tf.dtypes.float32) * np.pi / 4.0
  rz = tf.stack([tf.cos(theta), tf.sin(theta), 0,
                 -tf.sin(theta), tf.cos(theta), 0,
                 0, 0, 1])
  rz = tf.reshape(rz, [3, 3])
  points_xyz = tf.matmul(points_xyz, rz)
  theta = tf.reshape(theta, [1, 1])
  bboxes = tf.concat(
      [tf.matmul(bboxes[:, 0:3], rz),
       bboxes[:, 3:6],
       tf_util.wrap_angle_rad(bboxes[:, 6:] + theta, -np.pi, np.pi)], axis=-1)
  jitter = tf.random.normal(points_xyz.shape, 0.0, 0.02)
  points_xyz = points_xyz + jitter
  return points_xyz, points_mask, bboxes
    def func(batch_of_x0, batch_of_x1):
      """Function that does something different for batch 0 and batch 1."""
      # batch_0_result.shape = [..., 2].
      x0, x1 = batch_of_x0[0, ...], batch_of_x1[0, ...]
      batch_0_result = tf.stack([tf.sin(x0 * x1), tf.cos(x0 * x1)], axis=-1)

      x0, x1 = batch_of_x0[1, ...], batch_of_x1[1, ...]
      batch_1_result = tf.stack([tf.sin(2 * x0), tf.cos(2 * x1)], axis=-1)

      return tf.stack([batch_0_result, batch_1_result], axis=0)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_matrices_from_component(self):
        num_timesteps = 4
        drift_scale = 1.23
        period = 12
        frequency_multipliers = [1, 3]

        component = SmoothSeasonal(period=period,

        ssm = component.make_state_space_model(num_timesteps, [drift_scale])

        frequency_0 = 2 * np.pi * frequency_multipliers[0] / period
        frequency_1 = 2 * np.pi * frequency_multipliers[1] / period

        first_frequency_transition = tf.linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix(
            [[tf.cos(frequency_0), tf.sin(frequency_0)],
             [-tf.sin(frequency_0), tf.cos(frequency_0)]])

        second_frequency_transition = tf.linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix(
            [[tf.cos(frequency_1), tf.sin(frequency_1)],
             [-tf.sin(frequency_1), tf.cos(frequency_1)]])

        latents_transition = self.evaluate(

        for t in range(num_timesteps):
            observation_matrix = self.evaluate(

            self.assertAllClose([[1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]], observation_matrix)

            observation_noise_mean = self.evaluate(
            observation_noise_covariance = self.evaluate(

            self.assertAllClose([0.0], observation_noise_mean)
            self.assertAllClose([[0.0]], observation_noise_covariance)

            transition_matrix = self.evaluate(

            self.assertAllClose(latents_transition, transition_matrix)

            transition_noise_mean = self.evaluate(
            transition_noise_covariance = self.evaluate(

            self.assertAllClose(np.zeros([4]), transition_noise_mean)
                np.square(drift_scale) * np.eye(4),
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def call(self, inputs):
     inputs = tf.convert_to_tensor(inputs, dtype=self.dtype)
     inputs = tf.cast(inputs, tf.float32)
     kernel = (1.0 / self.kernel_scale) * self.unscaled_kernel
     outputs = tf.raw_ops.MatMul(a=inputs, b=kernel)
     outputs = tf.nn.bias_add(outputs, self.bias)
     return tf.cos(outputs)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __call__(self, step):
        with tf.name_scope(self.name or "NoisyLinearCosineDecay") as name:
            initial_learning_rate = tf.convert_to_tensor(
                self.initial_learning_rate, name="initial_learning_rate")
            dtype = initial_learning_rate.dtype
            decay_steps = tf.cast(self.decay_steps, dtype)
            initial_variance = tf.cast(self.initial_variance, dtype)
            variance_decay = tf.cast(self.variance_decay, dtype)
            num_periods = tf.cast(self.num_periods, dtype)
            alpha = tf.cast(self.alpha, dtype)
            beta = tf.cast(self.beta, dtype)

            global_step_recomp = tf.cast(step, dtype)
            global_step_recomp = tf.minimum(global_step_recomp, decay_steps)
            linear_decayed = (decay_steps - global_step_recomp) / decay_steps
            variance = initial_variance / (tf.pow(1.0 + global_step_recomp,
            std = tf.sqrt(variance)
            noisy_linear_decayed = (
                linear_decayed +
                tf.random.normal(linear_decayed.shape, stddev=std))

            completed_fraction = global_step_recomp / decay_steps
            fraction = 2.0 * num_periods * completed_fraction
            cosine_decayed = 0.5 * (1.0 +
                                    tf.cos(tf.constant(math.pi) * fraction))
            noisy_linear_cosine_decayed = (
                (alpha + noisy_linear_decayed) * cosine_decayed + beta)

            return tf.multiply(initial_learning_rate,
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __call__(self, step):
        with tf.name_scope(self.name or "LinearCosineDecay") as name:
            initial_learning_rate = tf.convert_to_tensor(
                self.initial_learning_rate, name="initial_learning_rate"
            dtype = initial_learning_rate.dtype
            decay_steps = tf.cast(self.decay_steps, dtype)
            num_periods = tf.cast(self.num_periods, dtype)
            alpha = tf.cast(self.alpha, dtype)
            beta = tf.cast(self.beta, dtype)

            global_step_recomp = tf.cast(step, dtype)
            global_step_recomp = tf.minimum(global_step_recomp, decay_steps)
            linear_decayed = (decay_steps - global_step_recomp) / decay_steps
            completed_fraction = global_step_recomp / decay_steps
            fraction = 2.0 * num_periods * completed_fraction
            cosine_decayed = 0.5 * (
                1.0 + tf.cos(tf.constant(math.pi, dtype=dtype) * fraction)

            linear_cosine_decayed = (
                alpha + linear_decayed
            ) * cosine_decayed + beta
            return tf.multiply(
                initial_learning_rate, linear_cosine_decayed, name=name
  def test_basic_statistics_no_latent_variance_one_frequency(self):
    # fix the latent variables at the value 1 so the results are deterministic
    num_timesteps = 10
    period = 42
    frequency_multipliers = [3]
    drift_scale = 0.

    initial_state_loc = self._build_placeholder(np.ones([2]))
    initial_state_scale = tf.zeros_like(initial_state_loc)

    initial_state_prior = tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(
        loc=initial_state_loc, scale_diag=initial_state_scale)

    ssm = SmoothSeasonalStateSpaceModel(

    two_pi = 6.283185307179586
    sine_terms = tf.sin(two_pi * 3 * tf.range(
        0, num_timesteps, dtype=tf.float32) / 42)
    cosine_terms = tf.cos(two_pi * 3 * tf.range(
        0, num_timesteps, dtype=tf.float32) / 42)
    predicted_time_series_ = self.evaluate(
        (sine_terms + cosine_terms)[..., tf.newaxis])

    self.assertAllClose(self.evaluate(ssm.mean()), predicted_time_series_)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _rotate_on_ellipse(state_parts, vectors, angle):
    new_state_parts = []
    padded_angle = _right_pad_with_ones(angle, tf.rank(state_parts[0]))
    for state, vector in zip(state_parts, vectors):
        new_state_parts.append(state * tf.cos(padded_angle) +
                               vector * tf.sin(padded_angle))
    return new_state_parts
Ejemplo n.º 11
def _kl_von_mises_von_mises(d1, d2, name=None):
    """Batchwise KL divergence KL(d1 || d2) with d1 and d2 von Mises.

    d1: instance of a von Mises distribution object.
    d2: instance of a a von Mises distribution object.
    name: (optional) Name to use for created operations.
      default is "kl_von_mises_von_mises".

    Batchwise KL(d1 || d2)
    with tf.name_scope(name or 'kl_von_mises_von_mises'):
        # The density of von Mises is (abbreviating the concentration for conc):
        #   vonMises(x; loc, conc) = exp(conc cos(x - loc)) / (2 pi I_0 (conc) )
        # We need two properties:
        # 1. Standardization: if z ~ vonMises(0, conc), then
        #    z + loc ~ vonMises(loc, conc).
        # 2. Expectation of cosine:
        #    E_q(z | 0, conc) cos z = I_1 (conc) / I_0 (conc)
        # Now,
        # KL(d1 || d2)
        #   = E_vonMises(x; loc1, conc1) log vonMises(x; loc1, conc1)
        #                                     / vonMises(x; loc2, conc2)
        # Plugging the densities and rearranging, we have
        #   log I_0(conc2) / I_0(conc1)
        #     + E_vonMises(x; loc1, conc1) [ conc1 cos (z - loc1)
        #                                     - conc2 cos (z - loc2) ]
        # Let's transform the second term using the standardization property:
        #   E_vonMises(x; 0, conc1) [conc1 cos z - conc2 cos (z - (loc2 - loc1))]
        # Applying the cos (x - y) = cos x cos y + sin x sin y expansion, we get
        #   E_vonMises(x; 0, conc1) [conc1 cos z - conc2 cos (loc2 - loc1) cos z
        #     - conc2 sin(loc2 - loc1) sin z]
        # Because the distribution is symmetric around zero, the last term vanishes
        # in expectation. The remaining two terms are computed using the
        # "expectation of cosine" property:
        #   (conc1 - conc2 cos (loc2 - loc1) E_vonMises(x; 0, conc1) cos z
        #     = (conc1 - conc2 cos (loc2 - loc1)) I_1(conc1) / I_0(conc1)
        # In total, we have
        #   KL(d1 || d2) = log I_0(conc2) / I_0(conc1)
        #     + (conc1 - conc2 cos (loc2 - loc1)) I_1(conc1) / I_0(conc1)
        # To improve the numerical stability, we can replace I_j(k) functions with
        # the exponentially scaled versions using the equality
        # I_j(k) = I_j^E(k) exp(k) (which holds for k >= 0):
        #   KL(d1 || d2) = (conc2 - conc1) + log I_0^E(conc2) / I_0^E(conc1)
        #     + (conc1 - conc2 cos (loc2 - loc1)) I_1^E(conc1) / I_0^E(conc1)
        # Note that this formula is numerically stable for conc1 = 0 and/or
        # conc2 = 0 because I_0 (0) = I_0^E (0) = 1.
        concentration1 = tf.convert_to_tensor(d1.concentration)
        concentration2 = tf.convert_to_tensor(d2.concentration)

        i0e_concentration1 = tf.math.bessel_i0e(concentration1)
        i1e_concentration1 = tf.math.bessel_i1e(concentration1)
        i0e_concentration2 = tf.math.bessel_i0e(concentration2)
        return ((concentration2 - concentration1) +
                tf.math.log(i0e_concentration2 / i0e_concentration1) +
                (concentration1 - concentration2 * tf.cos(d1.loc - d2.loc)) *
                (i1e_concentration1 / i0e_concentration1))
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __call__(self, step):
        with tf.name_scope(self.name or "SGDRDecay") as name:
            initial_learning_rate = tf.convert_to_tensor(
                self.initial_learning_rate, name="initial_learning_rate"
            dtype = initial_learning_rate.dtype
            first_decay_steps = tf.cast(self.first_decay_steps, dtype)
            alpha = tf.cast(self.alpha, dtype)
            t_mul = tf.cast(self._t_mul, dtype)
            m_mul = tf.cast(self._m_mul, dtype)

            global_step_recomp = tf.cast(step, dtype)
            completed_fraction = global_step_recomp / first_decay_steps

            def compute_step(completed_fraction, geometric=False):
                """Helper for `cond` operation."""
                if geometric:
                    i_restart = tf.floor(
                        tf.math.log(1.0 - completed_fraction * (1.0 - t_mul))
                        / tf.math.log(t_mul)

                    sum_r = (1.0 - t_mul**i_restart) / (1.0 - t_mul)
                    completed_fraction = (
                        completed_fraction - sum_r
                    ) / t_mul**i_restart

                    i_restart = tf.floor(completed_fraction)
                    completed_fraction -= i_restart

                return i_restart, completed_fraction

            i_restart, completed_fraction = tf.cond(
                tf.equal(t_mul, 1.0),
                lambda: compute_step(completed_fraction, geometric=False),
                lambda: compute_step(completed_fraction, geometric=True),

            m_fac = m_mul**i_restart
            cosine_decayed = (
                * m_fac
                * (
                    + tf.cos(
                        tf.constant(math.pi, dtype=dtype) * completed_fraction
            decayed = (1 - alpha) * cosine_decayed + alpha

            return tf.multiply(initial_learning_rate, decayed, name=name)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_rotation_matrix(angles, image_height, image_width, name=None):
  """Returns projective transform(s) for the given angle(s).

    angles: A scalar angle to rotate all images by, or (for batches of images) a
      vector with an angle to rotate each image in the batch. The rank must be
      statically known (the shape is not `TensorShape(None)`).
    image_height: Height of the image(s) to be transformed.
    image_width: Width of the image(s) to be transformed.
    name: The name of the op.

    A tensor of shape (num_images, 8). Projective transforms which can be given
      to operation `image_projective_transform_v2`. If one row of transforms is
       [a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2, c0, c1], then it maps the *output* point
       `(x, y)` to a transformed *input* point
       `(x', y') = ((a0 x + a1 y + a2) / k, (b0 x + b1 y + b2) / k)`,
       where `k = c0 x + c1 y + 1`.
  with backend.name_scope(name or 'rotation_matrix'):
    x_offset = ((image_width - 1) - (tf.cos(angles) *
                                     (image_width - 1) - tf.sin(angles) *
                                     (image_height - 1))) / 2.0
    y_offset = ((image_height - 1) - (tf.sin(angles) *
                                      (image_width - 1) + tf.cos(angles) *
                                      (image_height - 1))) / 2.0
    num_angles = tf.compat.v1.shape(angles)[0]
    return tf.concat(
            tf.cos(angles)[:, None],
            -tf.sin(angles)[:, None],
            x_offset[:, None],
            tf.sin(angles)[:, None],
            tf.cos(angles)[:, None],
            y_offset[:, None],
            tf.zeros((num_angles, 2), tf.float32),
 def __call__(self, global_step):
   global_step = tf.cast(global_step, dtype=tf.float32)
   warmup_lr = self._params.warmup_learning_rate
   warmup_steps = self._params.warmup_steps
   init_lr = self._params.init_learning_rate
   total_steps = self._params.total_steps
   linear_warmup = (
       warmup_lr + global_step / warmup_steps * (init_lr - warmup_lr))
   cosine_learning_rate = (
       init_lr * (tf.cos(np.pi * (global_step - warmup_steps) /
                         (total_steps - warmup_steps)) + 1.0) / 2.0)
   learning_rate = tf.where(global_step < warmup_steps, linear_warmup,
   return learning_rate
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __call__(self, step):
        with tf.name_scope(self.name or "CosineDecay"):
            initial_learning_rate = tf.convert_to_tensor(
                self.initial_learning_rate, name="initial_learning_rate")
            dtype = initial_learning_rate.dtype
            decay_steps = tf.cast(self.decay_steps, dtype)

            global_step_recomp = tf.cast(step, dtype)
            global_step_recomp = tf.minimum(global_step_recomp, decay_steps)
            completed_fraction = global_step_recomp / decay_steps
            cosine_decayed = 0.5 * (
                1.0 + tf.cos(tf.constant(math.pi) * completed_fraction))

            decayed = (1 - self.alpha) * cosine_decayed + self.alpha
            return tf.multiply(initial_learning_rate, decayed)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def grad(dy):
   """The gradient of the von Mises samples w.r.t. concentration."""
   broadcast_concentration = concentration + tf.zeros_like(x)
   _, dcdf_dconcentration = value_and_gradient(
       lambda conc: von_mises_cdf(x, conc), broadcast_concentration)
   inv_prob = tf.exp(-broadcast_concentration * (tf.cos(x) - 1.)) * (
       (2. * np.pi) * tf.math.bessel_i0e(broadcast_concentration))
   # Compute the implicit reparameterization gradient [2],
   # dz/dconc = -(dF(z; conc) / dconc) / p(z; conc)
   ret = dy * (-inv_prob * dcdf_dconcentration)
   # Sum over the sample dimensions. Assume that they are always the first
   # ones.
   num_sample_dimensions = (tf.rank(broadcast_concentration) -
   return tf.reduce_sum(ret, axis=tf.range(num_sample_dimensions))
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def loop_body(done, u, w):
      """Resample the non-accepted points."""
      # We resample u each time completely. Only its sign is used outside the
      # loop, which is random.
      u = tf.random.uniform(
          shape, minval=-1., maxval=1., dtype=dtype, seed=seed())
      z = tf.cos(np.pi * u)
      # Update the non-accepted points.
      w = tf.where(done, w, (1. + s * z) / (s + z))
      y = concentration * (s - w)

      v = tf.random.uniform(
          shape, minval=0., maxval=1., dtype=dtype, seed=seed())
      accept = (y * (2. - y) >= v) | (tf.math.log(y / v) + 1. >= y)

      return done | accept, u, w
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def _process_step_num(self, single_input, max_step):
     if self._step_encoding == 'one_hot':
         return tf.one_hot(single_input, max_step + 1)
     if self._step_encoding == 'sinusoid':
         i = tf.range(self._d_step_emb, dtype=tf.float32)[tf.newaxis, :]
         step_num = tf.cast(single_input, tf.float32)[:, tf.newaxis]
         rads = step_num / tf.math.pow(
             1.0e4, 2 * (i // 2) / tf.cast(self._d_step_emb, tf.float32))
         return tf.concat([tf.sin(rads[:, 0::2]),
                           tf.cos(rads[:, 1::2])],
     if self._step_encoding == 'learned':
         return self._step_embedding_layer(
             tf.one_hot(single_input, max_step + 1))
     raise ValueError(
         'Step encoding must be one of ["one_hot, "sinusoid", "learned"].')
Ejemplo n.º 19
  def testVonMisesSampleVarianceUniform(self):
    von_mises = tfd.VonMises(
        self.make_tensor(1.), self.make_tensor(0.), validate_args=True)

    n = 10000
    samples = von_mises.sample(n, seed=test_util.test_seed())

    # For circular uniform distribution, the mean is not well-defined,
    # so only checking the variance.
    expected_variance = 1.
    standardized_samples = samples - tf.expand_dims(von_mises.mean(), 0)
    actual_variance = 1. - tf.reduce_mean(
        tf.cos(standardized_samples), axis=0)

        expected_variance, self.evaluate(actual_variance), rtol=0.1)
Ejemplo n.º 20
  def loop_body(done, u_in, w, seed):
    """Resample the non-accepted points."""
    # We resample u each time completely. Only its sign is used outside the
    # loop, which is random.
    u_seed, v_seed, next_seed = samplers.split_seed(seed, n=3)
    u = samplers.uniform(
        shape, minval=-1., maxval=1., dtype=concentration.dtype, seed=u_seed)
    tensorshape_util.set_shape(u, u_in.shape)
    z = tf.cos(np.pi * u)
    # Update the non-accepted points.
    w = tf.where(done, w, (1. + s * z) / (s + z))
    y = concentration * (s - w)

    v = samplers.uniform(
        shape, minval=0., maxval=1., dtype=concentration.dtype, seed=v_seed)
    accept = (y * (2. - y) >= v) | (tf.math.log(y / v) + 1. >= y)

    return done | accept, u, w, next_seed
Ejemplo n.º 21
def _von_mises_sample_bwd(_, aux, dy):
    """The gradient of the von Mises samples w.r.t. concentration."""
    concentration, samples = aux
    broadcast_concentration = tf.broadcast_to(concentration, ps.shape(samples))
    _, dcdf_dconcentration = value_and_gradient(
        lambda conc: von_mises_cdf(samples, conc), broadcast_concentration)
    inv_prob = tf.exp(-broadcast_concentration * (tf.cos(samples) - 1.)) * (
        (2. * np.pi) * tf.math.bessel_i0e(broadcast_concentration))
    # Compute the implicit reparameterization gradient [2],
    # dz/dconc = -(dF(z; conc) / dconc) / p(z; conc)
    ret = dy * (-dcdf_dconcentration * inv_prob)
    # Sum over the sample dimensions. Assume that they are always the first
    # ones.
    num_sample_dimensions = (tf.rank(broadcast_concentration) -

    # None gradients for seed
    return tf.reduce_sum(ret, axis=tf.range(num_sample_dimensions)), None
Ejemplo n.º 22
        def rastrigin(x):
            """The value and gradient of the Rastrigin function.

      The Rastrigin function is a standard optimization test case. It is a
      multimodal non-convex function. While it has a large number of local
      minima, the global minimum is located at the origin and where the function
      value is zero. The standard search domain for optimization problems is the
      hypercube [-5.12, 5.12]**d in d-dimensions.

        x: Real `Tensor` of shape [d]. The position at which to evaluate the

        value: A scalar `Tensor` of the function value at the supplied point.
            value = tf.reduce_sum(x**2 - 10.0 * tf.cos(2 * np.pi * x),
                                  axis=-1) + 10.0 * dim
            return value
Ejemplo n.º 23
def points_rotate(features,
                  keys=("image", )):
    """Randomly rotate points on a given axis.

    features: Dictionary of data features to preprocess.
    max_rotation: The maximum possible rotation in radians.
    min_rotation: The minimum possible rotation in radians.
    axis: The rotation axis.
    keys: On which keys to apply this function.

    Features with rotated points.
    assert axis in {"x", "y", "z"}, "invalid rotation axis"

    for key in keys:
        phi = tf.random.uniform(shape=(1, ),
        cos, sin, zero, one = (tf.cos(phi), tf.sin(phi), tf.zeros(
            (1, )), tf.ones((1, )))
        # Matrices from
        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix#Basic_rotations.
        if axis == "x":
            rotation_matrix = [
                one, zero, zero, zero, cos, -sin, zero, sin, cos
        elif axis == "y":
            rotation_matrix = [
                cos, zero, sin, zero, one, zero, -sin, zero, cos
        elif axis == "z":
            rotation_matrix = [
                cos, -sin, zero, sin, cos, zero, zero, zero, one
        rotate = tf.reshape(tf.stack(rotation_matrix, axis=0), [3, 3])
        features[key] = tf.matmul(features[key], rotate)

    return features
Ejemplo n.º 24
def _von_mises_sample_jvp(shape, primals, tangents):
    """Compute primals and tangents using implicit derivative."""
    concentration, seed = primals
    dconcentration, dseed = tangents
    del dseed

    dconcentration = tf.broadcast_to(dconcentration, shape)
    broadcast_concentration = tf.broadcast_to(concentration, shape)

    samples = _von_mises_sample_no_gradient(shape, concentration, seed)

    _, dcdf_dconcentration = value_and_gradient(
        lambda conc: von_mises_cdf(samples, conc), broadcast_concentration)
    inv_prob = tf.exp(-concentration * (tf.cos(samples) - 1.)) * (
        (2. * np.pi) * tf.math.bessel_i0e(concentration))
    # Compute the implicit derivative,
    #   dz = dconc * -(dF(z; conc) / dconc) / p(z; conc)
    dsamples = dconcentration * (-dcdf_dconcentration * inv_prob)

    return samples, dsamples
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def rastrigin(x):
      """The value and gradient of the Rastrigin function.

      The Rastrigin function is a standard optimization test case. It is a
      multimodal non-convex function. While it has a large number of local
      minima, the global minimum is located at the origin and where the function
      value is zero. The standard search domain for optimization problems is the
      hypercube [-5.12, 5.12]**d in d-dimensions.

        x: Real `Tensor` of shape [2]. The position at which to evaluate the

        value_and_gradient: A tuple of two `Tensor`s containing
          value: A scalar `Tensor` of the function value at the supplied point.
          gradient: A `Tensor` of shape [2] containing the gradient of the
            function along the two axes.
      return tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=x**2 -
                           10.0 * tf.cos(2 * np.pi * x)) + 10.0 * dim
Ejemplo n.º 26
        def easom(z):
            """The value of the two dimensional Easom function.

      The Easom function is a standard optimization test function. It has
      a single global minimum at (pi, pi) which is located inside a deep
      funnel. The expression for the function is:

      f(x, y) = -cos(x) cos(y) exp(-(x-pi)**2 - (y-pi)**2)

        z: `Tensor` of shape [2] and real dtype. The argument at which to
          evaluate the function.

        value: Scalar real `Tensor`. The value of the Easom function at the
          supplied argument.
            f1 = tf.reduce_prod(tf.cos(z), axis=-1)
            f2 = tf.exp(-tf.reduce_sum((z - np.pi)**2, axis=-1))
            return -f1 * f2
Ejemplo n.º 27
def build_smooth_seasonal_transition_matrix(period, frequency_multipliers,
    """Build the transition matrix for a SmoothSeasonalStateSpaceModel."""

    two_pi = tf.constant(2. * np.pi, dtype=dtype)
    frequencies = two_pi * frequency_multipliers / period
    num_frequencies = static_num_frequencies(frequency_multipliers)

    sin_frequencies = tf.sin(frequencies)
    cos_frequencies = tf.cos(frequencies)

    trigonometric_values = tf.stack(
        [cos_frequencies, sin_frequencies, -sin_frequencies, cos_frequencies],

    transition_matrix = tf.linalg.LinearOperatorBlockDiag([
            trigonometric_values[i], [2, 2]),
        for i in range(num_frequencies)

    return transition_matrix
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def grad(dy):
     prob = tf.exp(concentration * (tf.cos(x) - 1.)) / (
         (2. * np.pi) * tf.math.bessel_i0e(concentration))
     return dy * prob, dy * dcdf_dconcentration
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def integral(a):
     return integrate_function(lambda x: tf.cos(a * x),
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def _log_unnormalized_prob(self, x, loc, concentration):
     z = self._z(x, loc=loc)
     return concentration * (tf.cos(z) - 1)