Ejemplo n.º 1
def validate(model_def):
    Validate my alexnet implementation

        model_def: the model class/definition

    img_dir = os.path.join('.', 'images')
    images = []

    print "loading images ..."
    files = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(img_dir), '*.jpeg')
    for f in files:
        print "> " + f
        img_file = tf.read_file(os.path.join(img_dir, f))
        img_decoded = tf.image.decode_jpeg(img_file, channels=3)
        img_processed = model_def.image_prep.preprocess_image(

    # create TensorFlow Iterator object
    images = Dataset.from_tensors(images)
    iterator = Iterator.from_structure(images.output_types,
    next_element = iterator.get_next()
    iterator_init_op = iterator.make_initializer(images)

    # create the model and get scores (pipe to softmax)
    model = model_def(next_element)
    scores = model.get_final_op()
    softmax = tf.nn.softmax(scores)

    print 'start validation ...'
    with tf.Session() as sess:

        # Initialize all variables and the iterator

        # Load the pretrained weights into the model

        # run the graph
        probs = sess.run(softmax)

        if model_def is ResNetV2:
            probs = prep_resnet_results(probs)

        # sometime we have an offset
        offset = len(class_names) - len(probs[0])

        # print the results
        for prob in probs:
            best_index = np.argmax(prob)
            print "> " + class_names[best_index +
                                     offset] + " -> %.4f" % prob[best_index]
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def train(self, Datasize=None):
        with tf.name_scope("Dataset"):
            fin = int(min(self.cut, Datasize) if Datasize else self.cut)
            choices = self.train_choices[:fin]

            dat = (Dataset.from_tensors([
                d[choices, :].astype(np.float32) for d in [self.X, self.Y]
            tf.add_to_collection("batch_init", dat.initializer)
            return dat.get_next("bs_dat")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def split_multi_string(self, x):
        Splits a list of strings on whitespaces and casts them to int
        :param x: list of sequences
        :return: list of int tensors
        # Split best answers on comma
        n_best_answers = tf.string_split([x], delimiter=",")

        # Reformat data to sparse tensor
        n_best_answers = tf.SparseTensorValue(indices=n_best_answers.indices,

        # Get data as sparse tensor
        up_ba = n_best_answers.values

        # Sparse tensor to dense Tensor with padding '0'
        up_ba = tf.sparse_to_dense(up_ba.indices, (up_ba.dense_shape[0], up_ba.dense_shape[1] + 1), up_ba.values, '0')

        # If n_best_answer not empty, convert every answer to int
        up_ba = tf.cond(tf.greater(tf.size(up_ba), 0),
                        lambda: tf.map_fn(lambda s: tf.string_to_number(s, out_type=tf.int32), up_ba, dtype=tf.int32),
                        lambda: tf.string_to_number(up_ba, out_type=tf.int32))

        # Get length of all sequences
        seq_len = tf.argmin(tf.to_int32(tf.not_equal(up_ba, 0)), axis=1)

        # Create filter mask
        idx = tf.less_equal(seq_len, self.max_seq_len - 1)

        # Filter sequences and length
        up_ba = tf.boolean_mask(up_ba, idx)
        up_ba = up_ba[:, 0:tf.cond(tf.greater(tf.size(up_ba), 0), lambda: self.max_seq_len, lambda: 0)]
        up_ba = tf.pad(up_ba, [[0, 0], [0, self.max_seq_len - tf.shape(up_ba)[1]]])
        seq_len = tf.boolean_mask(seq_len, idx) + 1

        # Make datasets
        sequences_nba = Dataset.from_tensors(up_ba)
        len_nba = Dataset.from_tensors(seq_len)

        return Dataset.zip((sequences_nba, len_nba))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def create_dataset(batch_size):
    files, labels = list_files_and_labels()
    files_const = tf.constant(files)
    labels_const = tf.one_hot(tf.constant(labels), depth=10)

    dataset = Dataset.from_tensor_slices((files_const, labels_const))
    dataset = dataset.interleave(lambda filename, label: Dataset.from_tensors(
        (filename, label)).map(_parse_function, num_threads=1),
    #  dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=10000)
    dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
    return dataset
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def process_target(self, sub, len_sub, cont, len_cont, nba, nba_len):
        Processes target sequence with setting GO-Symbol in front of target input sequence and EOS-Symbol at the end
        of target output sequence
        :param sub: subject sequences
        :param len_sub: length of subject sequences
        :param cont: content sequences
        :param len_cont: length of content sequences
        :param nba: n best answers sequences
        :param nba_len: length of n best answers
        :return: Dataset with processed target input and output

        def set_eos(nba):
            Receives one answer out of all answers and sets an EOS-Symbol at the end
            :param nba: One answer out of n best answers
            :return: Answer with following EOS-Symbol
            len_nba = tf.argmin(nba, output_type=tf.int32)
            nba = tf.concat([nba[:len_nba], [3], nba[len_nba + 1:]], axis=0)
            return nba

        # Set number 2 (GO) at the beginning of the sequences
        target_input = tf.concat([tf.fill((tf.size(nba_len), 1), 2), nba[:, :-1]], axis=1)

        # Set number 3 (EOS) at the end of the sequences
        target_output = tf.map_fn(set_eos, nba, dtype=tf.int32)

        # Convert function input back to dataset
        sub = Dataset.from_tensors(sub)
        len_sub = Dataset.from_tensors(len_sub)
        cont = Dataset.from_tensors(cont)
        len_cont = Dataset.from_tensors(len_cont)
        target_input = Dataset.from_tensors(target_input)
        target_output = Dataset.from_tensors(target_output)
        len_nba = Dataset.from_tensors(nba_len)

        return Dataset.zip((sub, len_sub, cont, len_cont, target_input, target_output, len_nba))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get_seq_len_and_join_ba(self, sub, cont, nba_and_len):
        For getting length of subject sequences, content sequences and answer sequences
        :param sub: subject sequences
        :param cont: content sequences
        :param nba_and_len: n best answer ans length
        :return: Dataset with sequences and length

        # Seperate n best answers and length
        nba = nba_and_len[0]
        nba_len = nba_and_len[1]

        # Count sequence length of subject and content
        len_sub = Dataset.from_tensors(tf.size(sub))
        len_cont = Dataset.from_tensors(tf.size(cont))

        # Make dataset from tensors
        sub = Dataset.from_tensors(sub)
        cont = Dataset.from_tensors(cont)
        nba = Dataset.from_tensors(nba)
        nba_len = Dataset.from_tensors(nba_len)

        return Dataset.zip((sub, len_sub, cont, len_cont, nba, nba_len))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main():
    """Run the demo."""
    data = fetch_gpml_sarcos_data()
    Xr = data.train.data.astype(np.float32)
    Yr = data.train.targets.astype(np.float32)[:, np.newaxis]
    Xs = data.test.data.astype(np.float32)
    Ys = data.test.targets.astype(np.float32)[:, np.newaxis]
    N, D = Xr.shape

    print("Iterations: {}".format(int(round(N * NEPOCHS / BATCH_SIZE))))

    # Scale and centre the data, as per the original experiment
    ss = StandardScaler()
    Xr = ss.fit_transform(Xr)
    Xs = ss.transform(Xs)
    ym = Yr.mean()
    Yr -= ym
    Ys -= ym

    # Training batches
    data_tr = Dataset.from_tensor_slices({'X': Xr, 'Y': Yr}) \
        .shuffle(buffer_size=1000) \

    # Testing iterators
    data_ts = Dataset.from_tensors({'X': Xs, 'Y': Ys}).repeat()

    with tf.name_scope("DataIterators"):
        iterator = Iterator.from_structure(data_tr.output_types,
        data = iterator.get_next()
        training_init = iterator.make_initializer(data_tr)
        testing_init = iterator.make_initializer(data_ts)

    with tf.name_scope("Deepnet"):
        phi, kl = net(X=data['X'])
        std = tf.Variable(NOISE, name="noise")
        lkhood = tf.distributions.Normal(phi, scale=ab.pos(std))
        loss = ab.elbo(lkhood, data['Y'], N, kl)
        tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss)

    with tf.name_scope("Train"):
        optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer()
        global_step = tf.train.create_global_step()
        train = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)

    with tf.name_scope("Test"):
        r2 = rsquare(data['Y'], phi)

    # Logging
    log = tf.train.LoggingTensorHook(
        {'step': global_step, 'loss': loss},

    with tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(
    ) as sess:
        summary_writer = sess._hooks[1]._summary_writer
        for i in range(NEPOCHS):

            # Train for one epoch
                while not sess.should_stop():
            except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:

            # Init testing and assess and log R-square score on test set
            r2_score = sess.run(r2)
            score_sum = tf.Summary(value=[
                tf.Summary.Value(tag='r-square', simple_value=r2_score)
            summary_writer.add_summary(score_sum, sess.run(global_step))

            # Re-init training

        # Prediction
        Ey = ab.predict_samples(phi, feed_dict=None, n_groups=NPREDICTSAMPLES,
        sigma = sess.run(std)
        r2_score = sess.run(r2)

    # Score mean standardised log likelihood
    Eymean = Ey.mean(axis=0)
    Eyvar = Ey.var(axis=0) + sigma**2  # add sigma2 for obervation noise
    snlp = msll(Ys.flatten(), Eymean, Eyvar, Yr.flatten())

    print("r-square: {:.4f}, smse: {:.4f}, msll: {:.4f}."
          .format(r2_score, 1 - r2_score, snlp))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main(_):
    FLAGS.eval_interval = 1000  # todo remove
    if FLAGS.logdir is not None:
        if FLAGS.taskid is not None:
            FLAGS.logdir = FLAGS.logdir + '/t_' + str(FLAGS.taskid)
            FLAGS.logdir = FLAGS.logdir + '/t_' + str(random.randint(0,99999))

    dataset_tools = import_module('tools.' + FLAGS.dataset)

    NUM_LABELS = dataset_tools.NUM_LABELS
    num_labels = NUM_LABELS
    IMAGE_SHAPE = dataset_tools.IMAGE_SHAPE
    image_shape = IMAGE_SHAPE

    train_images, train_labels_svm = dataset_tools.get_data('train')  # no train labels nowhere
    test_images, test_labels = dataset_tools.get_data('test')

    if FLAGS.zero_fact < 1:
        # exclude a random set of zeros (not at the end, then there would be many batches without zeros)
        keep = np.ones(len(train_labels_svm), dtype=bool)
        zero_indices = np.where((train_labels_svm == 0))[0]

        remove = np.random.uniform(0, 1, len(zero_indices))
        zero_indices_to_remove = zero_indices[remove > FLAGS.zero_fact]

        keep[zero_indices_to_remove] = False

        train_images = train_images[keep]
        train_labels_svm = train_labels_svm[keep]

        print('using only a fraction of zeros, resulting in the following shape:', train_images.shape)

    if FLAGS.num_unlabeled_images > 0:
        unlabeled_train_images, _ = dataset_tools.get_data('unlabeled', max_num=np.min([FLAGS.num_unlabeled_images, 50000]))
        train_images = np.vstack([train_images, unlabeled_train_images])

    if FLAGS.normalize_input:
        train_images = (train_images - 128.) / 128.
        test_images = (test_images - 128.) / 128.

    if FLAGS.use_test:
        train_images = np.vstack([train_images, test_images])
        train_labels_svm = np.hstack([train_labels_svm, test_labels])

    #if FLAGS.dataset == 'svhn' and FLAGS.architecture == 'resnet_cifar_model':
    #  FLAGS.emb_size = 64

    image_shape_crop = image_shape
    c_test_imgs = test_images
    c_train_imgs = train_images

    # crop images to some random region. Intuitively, images should belong to the same cluster,
    # even if a part of the image is missing
    # (no padding, because the net could detect padding easily, and match it to other augmented samples that have
    # padding)
    if FLAGS.dataset == 'stl10':
        image_shape_crop = [64, 64, 3]
        c_test_imgs = test_images[:, 16:80, 16:80]
        c_train_imgs = train_images[:, 16:80, 16:80]

    def aug(image):
        return apply_augmentation(image, target_shape=image_shape_crop, params=dataset_tools.augmentation_params)

    def random_crop(image):
        image_size = image_shape_crop[0]
        image = tf.random_crop(image, [image_size, image_size, image_shape[2]])

        return image

    graph = tf.Graph()
    with graph.as_default():
        t_images = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[None] + image_shape)

        dataset = Dataset.from_tensor_slices(t_images)
        dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=10000, seed=47)  # important, so that we have the same images in both sets

        # parameters for buffering during augmentation. Only influence training speed.
        nt = 8 if FLAGS.volta else 4    # that's not even enough, but there are no more CPUs
        b = 10000

        rf = FLAGS.num_augmented_samples

        augmented_set = dataset
        if FLAGS.shuffle_augmented_samples:
            augmented_set = augmented_set.shuffle(buffer_size=10000, seed=47)

        # get multiple augmented versions of the same image - they should later have similar embeddings
        augmented_set = augmented_set.flat_map(lambda x: Dataset.from_tensors(x).repeat(rf))

        augmented_set = augmented_set.map(aug, num_threads=nt, output_buffer_size=b)

        dataset = dataset.map(random_crop, num_threads=1, output_buffer_size=b)
        dataset = dataset.repeat().batch(FLAGS.unsup_batch_size)
        augmented_set = augmented_set.repeat().batch(FLAGS.unsup_batch_size * rf)

        iterator = dataset.make_initializable_iterator()
        reg_iterator = augmented_set.make_initializable_iterator()

        t_unsup_images = iterator.get_next()
        t_reg_unsup_images = reg_iterator.get_next()

        model_func = getattr(semisup.architectures, FLAGS.architecture)

        model = semisup.SemisupModel(model_func, num_labels, image_shape_crop, optimizer='adam',
                                     dropout_keep_prob=FLAGS.dropout_keep_prob, num_blocks=FLAGS.num_blocks,
                                     normalize_embeddings=FLAGS.normalize_embeddings, beta1=FLAGS.beta1,

        init_virt = []
        for c in range(num_labels):
            center = np.random.normal(0, 0.3, size=[1, FLAGS.emb_size])
            noise = np.random.uniform(-0.01, 0.01, size=[FLAGS.virtual_embeddings_per_class, FLAGS.emb_size])
            centroids = noise + center

        t_sup_emb = tf.Variable(tf.cast(np.array(init_virt), tf.float32), name="virtual_centroids")

        t_sup_labels = tf.constant(
            np.concatenate([[i] * FLAGS.virtual_embeddings_per_class for i in range(num_labels)]))

        visit_weight = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[])
        walker_weight = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[])
        t_logit_weight = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[])
        t_trafo_weight = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[])

        t_l1_weight = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[])
        t_norm_weight = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[])
        t_learning_rate = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[])
        t_sat_loss_weight = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[])

        t_unsup_emb = model.image_to_embedding(t_unsup_images)
        t_reg_unsup_emb = model.image_to_embedding(t_reg_unsup_images)

        t_all_unsup_emb = tf.concat([t_unsup_emb, t_reg_unsup_emb], axis=0)
        t_rsup_labels = tf.constant(np.concatenate([[i] * rf for i in range(FLAGS.unsup_batch_size)]))

        rwalker_weight = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[])
        rvisit_weight = tf.placeholder("float", shape=[])

        if FLAGS.normalize_embeddings:
            t_sup_logit = model.embedding_to_logit(tf.nn.l2_normalize(t_sup_emb, dim=1))
                    tf.nn.l2_normalize(t_sup_emb, dim=1), tf.nn.l2_normalize(t_unsup_emb, dim=1), t_sup_labels,
                    walker_weight=walker_weight, visit_weight=visit_weight,
            model.reg_loss_aba = model.add_semisup_loss(
                    tf.nn.l2_normalize(t_reg_unsup_emb, dim=1), tf.nn.l2_normalize(t_unsup_emb, dim=1), t_rsup_labels,
                    walker_weight=rwalker_weight, visit_weight=rvisit_weight, match_scale=FLAGS.scale_match_ab,

            t_sup_logit = model.embedding_to_logit(t_sup_emb)
                    t_sup_emb, t_unsup_emb, t_sup_labels,
                    walker_weight=walker_weight, visit_weight=visit_weight,
                    match_scale=FLAGS.scale_match_ab, est_err=True, name='c_association')
            model.reg_loss_aba = model.add_semisup_loss(
                    t_reg_unsup_emb, t_unsup_emb, t_rsup_labels,
                    walker_weight=rwalker_weight, visit_weight=rvisit_weight, match_scale=FLAGS.scale_match_ab, est_err=False, name='aug_association')

        model.add_logit_loss(t_sup_logit, t_sup_labels, weight=t_logit_weight)

        t_reg_unsup_emb_singled = t_reg_unsup_emb[::FLAGS.num_augmented_samples]

        t_unsup_logit = model.embedding_to_logit(t_unsup_emb)
        t_reg_unsup_logit = model.embedding_to_logit(t_reg_unsup_emb_singled)

        model.add_sat_loss(t_unsup_logit, t_reg_unsup_logit, weight=t_sat_loss_weight)

        trafo_lc = semisup.NO_FC_COLLECTION if FLAGS.trafo_separate_loss_collection else semisup.LOSSES_COLLECTION

        if FLAGS.trafo_weight > 0:
          # only use a single augmented sample per sample

          t_trafo_loss = model.add_transformation_loss(t_unsup_emb, t_reg_unsup_emb_singled, t_unsup_logit,
                                                     t_reg_unsup_logit, FLAGS.unsup_batch_size, weight=t_trafo_weight, label_smoothing=0, loss_collection=trafo_lc)
          t_trafo_loss = tf.constant(0)

        model.add_emb_regularization(t_all_unsup_emb, weight=t_l1_weight)
        model.add_emb_regularization(t_sup_emb, weight=t_l1_weight)

        # make l2 norm = 3
        model.add_emb_normalization(t_sup_emb, weight=t_norm_weight, target=FLAGS.norm_target)
        model.add_emb_normalization(t_all_unsup_emb, weight=t_norm_weight, target=FLAGS.norm_target)

        gradient_multipliers = {t_sup_emb: 1 }
        [train_op, train_op_sat] = model.create_train_op(t_learning_rate, gradient_multipliers=gradient_multipliers)

        summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all()
        if FLAGS.logdir is not None:
            summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAGS.logdir, graph)
            saver = tf.train.Saver()

    with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess:

        sess.run(iterator.initializer, feed_dict={t_images: train_images})
        sess.run(reg_iterator.initializer, feed_dict={t_images: train_images})

        # optional: init from autoencoder
        if FLAGS.restore_checkpoint is not None:
            # logit fc layer cannot be restored
            def is_main_net(x):
                return 'logit_fc' not in x.name and 'Adam' not in x.name

            variables = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='net')
            variables = list(filter(is_main_net, variables))

            restorer = tf.train.Saver(var_list=variables)
            restorer.restore(sess, FLAGS.restore_checkpoint)

        extra_feed_dict = {}

        from numpy.linalg import norm

        reg_warmup_steps = FLAGS.reg_warmup_steps
        logit_weight_ = FLAGS.logit_weight
        rwalker_weight_ = FLAGS.rwalker_weight
        rvisit_weight_ = FLAGS.rvisit_weight
        learning_rate_ = FLAGS.learning_rate
        trafo_weight = FLAGS.trafo_weight

        kmeans_initialized = False

        for step in range(FLAGS.max_steps):
            import time
            start = time.time()
            if FLAGS.init_with_kmeans:
                if FLAGS.kmeans_sat_thresh is not None and not kmeans_initialized or \
                        FLAGS.kmeans_sat_thresh is None and step <= reg_warmup_steps:
                    walker_weight_ = 0
                    visit_weight_ = 0
                    logit_weight_ = 0
                    trafo_weight = 0
                    walker_weight_ = FLAGS.walker_weight
                    visit_weight_ = FLAGS.visit_weight_base
                    logit_weight_ = FLAGS.logit_weight
                    trafo_weight = FLAGS.trafo_weight
                walker_weight_ = apply_envelope("log", step, FLAGS.walker_weight, reg_warmup_steps, 0)
                visit_weight_ = apply_envelope("log", step, FLAGS.visit_weight_base, reg_warmup_steps, 0)

            feed_dict = {rwalker_weight: rwalker_weight_ * FLAGS.reg_association_weight,
                         rvisit_weight: rvisit_weight_ * FLAGS.reg_association_weight,
                         walker_weight: walker_weight_ * FLAGS.cluster_association_weight,
                         visit_weight: visit_weight_ * FLAGS.cluster_association_weight,
                         t_l1_weight: FLAGS.l1_weight,
                         t_norm_weight: FLAGS.norm_weight,
                         t_logit_weight: logit_weight_,
                         t_trafo_weight: trafo_weight,
                         t_sat_loss_weight: 0,
                         t_learning_rate: 1e-6 + apply_envelope("log", step, learning_rate_, FLAGS.warmup_steps, 0)
            _, sat_loss, train_loss, summaries, centroids, unsup_emb, reg_unsup_emb, estimated_error, p_ab, p_ba, p_aba, \
            reg_loss, trafo_loss = sess.run(
                    [train_op, train_op_sat, model.train_loss, summary_op, t_sup_emb, t_unsup_emb, t_reg_unsup_emb,
                     model.estimate_error, model.p_ab,
                     model.p_ba, model.p_aba, model.reg_loss_aba, t_trafo_loss], {**extra_feed_dict, **feed_dict})

            if FLAGS.kmeans_sat_thresh is not None and step % 200 == 0 and not kmeans_initialized:
                sat_score = semisup.calc_sat_score(unsup_emb, reg_unsup_emb)

                if sat_score > FLAGS.kmeans_sat_thresh:
                    print('initializing with kmeans', step, sat_score)
                    FLAGS.init_with_kmeans = True
                    kmeans_initialized = True
                    reg_warmup_steps = step # -> jump to next if clause

            if FLAGS.init_with_kmeans and step == reg_warmup_steps:
                # do kmeans, initialize with kmeans
                embs = model.calc_embedding(c_train_imgs, model.test_emb, sess, extra_feed_dict)

                kmeans = semisup.KMeans(n_clusters=num_labels, random_state=0).fit(embs)

                init_virt = []
                noise = 0.0001
                for c in range(num_labels):
                    center = kmeans.cluster_centers_[c]
                    noise = np.random.uniform(-noise, noise, size=[FLAGS.virtual_embeddings_per_class, FLAGS.emb_size])
                    centroids = noise + center

                # init with K-Means
                assign_op = t_sup_emb.assign(np.array(init_virt))

                rwalker_weight_ *= FLAGS.reg_decay_factor
                rvisit_weight_ *= FLAGS.reg_decay_factor

            if FLAGS.svm_test_interval is not None and step % FLAGS.svm_test_interval == 0 and step > 0:
                svm_test_score, _ = model.train_and_eval_svm(c_train_imgs, train_labels_svm, c_test_imgs, test_labels,
                                                             sess, num_samples=5000)
                print('svm score:', svm_test_score)
                test_pred = model.classify(c_test_imgs, sess)
                train_pred = model.classify(c_train_imgs, sess)
                svm_test_score, _ = model.train_and_eval_svm_on_preds(train_pred, train_labels_svm, test_pred, test_labels,
                                                             sess, num_samples=5000)
                print('svm score on logits:', svm_test_score)

            if step % FLAGS.decay_steps == 0 and step > 0:
                learning_rate_ = learning_rate_ * FLAGS.decay_factor

            if step == 0 or (step + 1) % FLAGS.eval_interval == 0 or step == 99:
                print('Step: %d' % step)
                print('trafo loss', trafo_loss)
                print('reg loss' , reg_loss)
                print('Time for step', time.time() - start)
                test_pred = model.classify(c_test_imgs, sess, extra_feed_dict).argmax(-1)

                nmi = semisup.calc_nmi(test_pred, test_labels)

                conf_mtx, score = semisup.calc_correct_logit_score(test_pred, test_labels, num_labels)
                print('Test error: %.2f %%' % (100 - score * 100))
                print('Test NMI: %.2f %%' % (nmi * 100))
                print('Train loss: %.2f ' % train_loss)
                print('Train loss no fc: %.2f ' % sat_loss)
                print('Reg loss aba: %.2f ' % reg_loss)
                print('Estimated Accuracy: %.2f ' % estimated_error)

                sat_score = semisup.calc_sat_score(unsup_emb, reg_unsup_emb)
                print('sat accuracy', sat_score)

                embs = model.calc_embedding(c_test_imgs, model.test_emb, sess, extra_feed_dict)

                c_n = norm(centroids, axis=1, ord=2)
                e_n = norm(embs[0:100], axis=1, ord=2)
                print('centroid norm', np.mean(c_n))
                print('embedding norm', np.mean(e_n))

                k_conf_mtx, k_score = semisup.do_kmeans(embs, test_labels, num_labels)
                print('k means score:', k_score)  # sometimes that kmeans is better than the logits

                if FLAGS.logdir is not None:
                    sum_values = {
                        'test score': score,
                        'reg loss': reg_loss,
                        'centroid norm': np.mean(c_n),
                        'embedding norm': np.mean(c_n),
                        'k means score': k_score

                    summary_writer.add_summary(summaries, step)

                    for key, value in sum_values.items():
                        summary = tf.Summary(
                                value=[tf.Summary.Value(tag=key, simple_value=value)])
                        summary_writer.add_summary(summary, step)

                # early stopping to save some time
                if step == 34999 and score < 0.45:
                if step == 14999 and score < 0.225:

                if dataset == 'mnist' and step == 6999 and score < 0.25:

        svm_test_score, _ = model.train_and_eval_svm(c_train_imgs, train_labels_svm, c_test_imgs, test_labels, sess,

        if FLAGS.logdir is not None:
            path = saver.save(sess, FLAGS.logdir, model.step)
            print('@@model_path:%s' % path)

        print('FINAL RESULTS:')
        print('Test error: %.2f %%' % (100 - score * 100))
        print('final_score', score)

        print('@@test_error:%.4f' % score)
        print('@@train_loss:%.4f' % train_loss)
        print('@@reg_loss:%.4f' % reg_loss)
        print('@@estimated_error:%.4f' % estimated_error)
        print('@@centroid_norm:%.4f' % np.mean(c_n))
        print('@@emb_norm:%.4f' % np.mean(e_n))
        print('@@k_score:%.4f' % k_score)
        print('@@svm_score:%.4f' % svm_test_score)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def task(task_name):
     s = tf.constant(task_name, tf.string)
     return Dataset.from_tensors(s).repeat()
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def dataset_with_label(self, label_int, src_pattern):
     label = tf.constant(label_int, tf.int32, name="label")
     lines = Dataset.list_files(src_pattern).flat_map(
         lambda fn: TextLineDataset(fn))
     labels = Dataset.from_tensors(label).repeat()
     return Dataset.zip((lines, labels))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def random_image():
    return None, Dataset.from_tensors(
Ejemplo n.º 12
def random_embedding():
    embedding = np.random.random((128,)).astype(np.float32)
    return None, Dataset.from_tensors({'z': embedding})
Ejemplo n.º 13
DIR = '/home/mtb/test.npy'

# a = np.asarray([1,2,3,4,5,6])
# np.save(DIR, a)
# b =np.load(DIR)
# print b.shape

filename = DIR
# input_=np.load(DIR + 'input.npy')

output_ = np.load(DIR + 'output.npy')

input_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=None)
# output_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = output_.shape)
a = Dataset.from_tensors(input_placeholder)
b = Dataset.from_tensors(output_placeholder)
# c = Dataset.zip((a,b))
# batch_ = a.batch(100)
iterator = a.make_initializable_iterator()
next_elem = iterator.get_next()

# # b = Dataset.from_tensor_slices(input_placeholder)
# # tf.Session().run(tf.global_variables_initializer(),)
# # b = Dataset.from_tensor_slices(tf.Session().run(v,{input_placeholder: input_}))
with tf.Session() as sess:

    # print a.shape
    # print sess.run(next_elem, {input_placeholder:input_})
    input_dict = OrderedDict()
Ejemplo n.º 14
def random():
    image = np.random.random((784,)).astype(np.float32)
    embedding = np.random.random((128,)).astype(np.float32)
    return None, Dataset.from_tensors({'x': image, 'z': embedding})
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def flat_map_fn(iterator_id_t):
     repeated_id = Dataset.from_tensors(iterator_id_t).repeat(None)
     return repeated_id.map(generator_map_fn)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def read(self, batch_size, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False, task_spec=None):
        Reads the data and return a tuple of (inputs,outputs)
        :param batch_size: the batch size of the returned inputs/outputs
        :param num_epochs: the number of epochs to read the dataset
        :param shuffle: whether to shuffle the data or not
        :param task_spec: the task spec of the training. I will help to know whether it is
        distributed training or not
        :return: The result of calling dataset.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next()

        # TODO in TF 1.4 use: dataset = Dataset.from_generator(self.generator)
        # FIXME repeat doesn't work with generators, so we can encapsulate the generator here
        def _epochs():
            for _ in range(num_epochs):
                for item in self.generator():
                    yield item

        generator_state = _GeneratorState(_epochs)
        output_types = self.output_types
        output_shapes = self.output_shapes
        output_shapes = nest.map_structure(
            lambda _: tensor_shape.TensorShape(None), output_types)
        flattened_types = nest.flatten(output_types)
        flattened_shapes = nest.flatten(output_shapes)

        def get_iterator_id_map_fn(dummy):
            return script_ops.py_func(generator_state.get_next_id, [],

        def generator_map_fn(iterator_id_t):
            def generator_py_func(iterator_id):
                    values = next(generator_state.get_iterator(iterator_id))
                except StopIteration:
                    raise StopIteration("Iteration finished.")
                ret_arrays = [
                    for ret in nest.flatten_up_to(output_types, values)
                for (ret_array, expected_dtype,
                     expected_shape) in zip(ret_arrays, flattened_types,
                    if ret_array.dtype != expected_dtype.as_numpy_dtype:
                        raise TypeError(
                            "`generator` yielded an element of type %s where an element "
                            "of type %s was expected." %
                            (ret_array.dtype, expected_dtype.as_numpy_dtype))
                    if not expected_shape.is_compatible_with(ret_array.shape):
                        raise ValueError(
                            "`generator` yielded an element of shape %s where an element "
                            "of shape %s was expected." %
                            (ret_array.shape, expected_shape))
                return ret_arrays

            flat_values = script_ops.py_func(generator_py_func,
            if output_shapes is not None:
                for ret_t, shape in zip(flat_values, flattened_shapes):
            return nest.pack_sequence_as(output_types, flat_values)

        def flat_map_fn(iterator_id_t):
            repeated_id = Dataset.from_tensors(iterator_id_t).repeat(None)
            return repeated_id.map(generator_map_fn)

        id_dataset = Dataset.from_tensors(0).map(get_iterator_id_map_fn)
        dataset = id_dataset.flat_map(flat_map_fn)

        # set the number of epochs
        # FIXME repeat doesn't work with generators
        # dataset = dataset.repeat(num_epochs)

        if task_spec and task_spec.num_workers > 1:
            # split the dataset in shards
            # TODO in TF 1.4 use: dataset = dataset.shard(task_spec.num_workers, task_spec.index)
            from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops

            def filter_fn(elem_index, _):
                mod_result = math_ops.mod(elem_index, task_spec.num_workers)
                return math_ops.equal(mod_result, task_spec.index)

            dataset = dataset.enumerate().filter(filter_fn).map(
                lambda _, elem: elem)

        if shuffle:
            # shuffle the samples
            if self.shuffle_size is None:
                raise ValueError('shuffle_size has not been set')
            dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=self.shuffle_size)

        # process each example. We check the method is defined in the child class:
        if self._map.__func__ not in TFDataSetGenerator.__dict__.values():
            dataset = dataset.map(
                # use as many threads as CPUs + 1
                # TODO in TF 1.4 use: num_parallel_calls=multiprocessing.cpu_count() + 1,
                num_threads=multiprocessing.cpu_count() + 1,
                # buffer the data as CPUs * batch_size + minimum_size
                output_buffer_size=batch_size * multiprocessing.cpu_count() +
        if self.padded_shapes:
            dataset = dataset.padded_batch(batch_size, self.padded_shapes,
            dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
        return dataset.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next()
Ejemplo n.º 17
def random_image_ae():
    image = np.random.random((784,)).astype(np.float32)
    return None, Dataset.from_tensors({'x': image})