Ejemplo n.º 1
def _reroute_sgv_inputs(sgv0, sgv1, mode):
  """Re-route all the inputs of two subgraphs.

    sgv0: the first subgraph to have its inputs swapped. This argument is
      converted to a subgraph using the same rules than the function
    sgv1: the second subgraph to have its inputs swapped. This argument is
      converted to a subgraph using the same rules than the function
    mode: reroute mode, see _reroute_ts(...).
    A tuple `(sgv0, sgv1)` of subgraph views with their inputs swapped.
      Note that the function argument sgv0 and sgv1 are also modified in place.
    StandardError: if sgv0 or sgv1 cannot be converted to a SubGraphView using
      the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
  sgv0 = _subgraph.make_view(sgv0)
  sgv1 = _subgraph.make_view(sgv1)
  _util.check_graphs(sgv0, sgv1)
  can_modify = sgv0.ops + sgv1.ops
  # also allow consumers of passthrough to be modified:
  can_modify += _util.get_consuming_ops(sgv0.passthroughs)
  can_modify += _util.get_consuming_ops(sgv1.passthroughs)
  _reroute_ts(sgv0.inputs, sgv1.inputs, mode, can_modify=can_modify)
  _reroute_sgv_remap(sgv0, sgv1, mode)
  return sgv0, sgv1
Ejemplo n.º 2
def connect(sgv0, sgv1, disconnect_first=False):
  """Connect the outputs of sgv0 to the inputs of sgv1.

    sgv0: the first subgraph to have its outputs swapped. This argument is
      converted to a subgraph using the same rules as the function
      Note that sgv0 is modified in place.
    sgv1: the second subgraph to have its outputs swapped. This argument is
      converted to a subgraph using the same rules as the function
      Note that sgv1 is modified in place.
    disconnect_first: if True the current outputs of sgv0 are disconnected.
    A tuple `(sgv0, sgv1)` of the now connected subgraphs.
    StandardError: if sgv0 or sgv1 cannot be converted to a SubGraphView using
      the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
  sgv0 = subgraph.make_view(sgv0)
  sgv1 = subgraph.make_view(sgv1)
  util.check_graphs(sgv0, sgv1)
  if disconnect_first:
  sgv0_outputs = subgraph.SubGraphView(passthrough_ts=sgv0.outputs)
  reroute.reroute_a2b_inputs(sgv0_outputs, sgv1)
  return sgv0, sgv1
Ejemplo n.º 3
  def __call__(self, sgv, dst_graph, dst_scope, src_scope=""):
    """Execute the transformation.

      sgv: the source subgraph-view.
      dst_graph: the destination graph.
      dst_scope: the destination scope.
      src_scope: the source scope, which specify the path from which the
        relative path of the transformed nodes are computed. For instance, if
        src_scope is a/ and dst_scoped is b/, then the node a/x/y will have a
        relative path of x/y and will be transformed into b/x/y.
      The transformed subgraph view.
      ValueError: if the argumens are invalid. For instance, if the source and
        destination are the same.
    src_scope = util.scope_finalize(src_scope)
    dst_scope = util.scope_finalize(dst_scope)

    sgv = subgraph.make_view(sgv)
    if sgv.graph is dst_graph and not dst_scope:
      logging.warning("The source and the destination are the same! "
                      "Beware: in-place transormation are currently "
    self._info = Transformer._Info(self, sgv, dst_graph, dst_scope, src_scope)

    # This is a recursive call. In practice, the graph is transformed bottom-up.
    for output_t in self._info.sgv.outputs:

    sgv_ = self._transform_sgv(sgv)

    self._info = None
    return sgv_
Ejemplo n.º 4
def copy(sgv, dst_graph=None, dst_scope="", src_scope="",
  """Copy a subgraph.

    sgv: the source subgraph-view. This argument is converted to a subgraph
      using the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
    dst_graph: the destination graph.
    dst_scope: the destination scope.
    src_scope: the source scope.
    reuse_dst_scope: if True the dst_scope is re-used if it already exists.
      Otherwise, the scope is given a unique name based on the one given
      by appending an underscore followed by a digit (default).
    A tuple `(sgv, info)` where:
      `sgv` is the transformed subgraph view;
      `info` is an instance of TransformerInfo containing
      information about the transform, including mapping between
      original and transformed tensors and operations.
    TypeError: if `dst_graph` is not a `tf.Graph`.
    StandardError: if sgv cannot be converted to a SubGraphView using
      the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
  sgv = subgraph.make_view(sgv)
  if dst_graph is None:
    dst_graph = sgv.graph
  if not isinstance(dst_graph, tf_ops.Graph):
    raise TypeError("Expected a tf.Graph, got: {}".format(type(dst_graph)))

  copier = Transformer()
  return copier(
      sgv, dst_graph, dst_scope, src_scope, reuse_dst_scope=reuse_dst_scope)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def detach_outputs(sgv):
  """Detach the outputa of a subgraph view.

    sgv: the subgraph view to be detached. This argument is converted to a
      subgraph using the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
    A new subgraph view of the detached subgraph.
      Note that sgv is also modified in place.
    StandardError: if sgv cannot be converted to a SubGraphView using
      the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
  sgv = subgraph.make_view(sgv)
  # only select outputs with consumers
  sgv_ = sgv.remap_outputs([output_id
                            for output_id, output_t in enumerate(sgv.outputs)
                            if output_t.consumers()])
  # create consumer subgraph and remap
  consumers_sgv = subgraph.SubGraphView(sgv_.consumers())
  consumers_sgv = consumers_sgv.remap_inputs(
      [input_id for input_id, input_t in enumerate(consumers_sgv.inputs)
       if input_t in sgv_.outputs])

  with sgv_.graph.as_default():
    output_placeholders = [
        for input_t in consumers_sgv.inputs

  return swap_outputs(sgv_, output_placeholders)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def copy(sgv, dst_graph=None, dst_scope="", src_scope="",
  """Copy a subgraph.

    sgv: the source subgraph-view. This argument is converted to a subgraph
      using the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
    dst_graph: the destination graph.
    dst_scope: the destination scope.
    src_scope: the source scope.
    reuse_dst_scope: if True the dst_scope is re-used if it already exists.
      Otherwise, the scope is given a unique name based on the one given
      by postfixing an underscore followed by a digit (default).
    The subgraph view of the copied subgraph.
    TypeError: if dst_graph is not a tf.Graph.
    StandardError: if sgv cannot be converted to a SubGraphView using
      the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
  sgv = subgraph.make_view(sgv)
  if dst_graph is None:
    dst_graph = sgv.graph
  if not isinstance(dst_graph, tf_ops.Graph):
    raise TypeError("Expected a tf.Graph, got: {}".format(type(dst_graph)))

  copier = Transformer()
  return copier(
      sgv, dst_graph, dst_scope, src_scope, reuse_dst_scope=reuse_dst_scope)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def detach_inputs(sgv, control_inputs=False):
  """Detach the inputs of a subgraph view.

    sgv: the subgraph view to be detached. This argument is converted to a
      subgraph using the same rules as the function subgraph.make_view.
      Note that sgv is modified in place.
    control_inputs: if True control_inputs are also detached.
    A tuple `(sgv, input_placeholders)` where
      `sgv` is a new subgraph view of the detached subgraph;
      `input_placeholders` is a list of the created input placeholders.
    StandardError: if sgv cannot be converted to a SubGraphView using
      the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
  sgv = subgraph.make_view(sgv)

  with sgv.graph.as_default():
    input_placeholders = [
            dtype=input_t.dtype, name=util.placeholder_name(input_t))
        for input_t in sgv.inputs

  reroute.swap_inputs(sgv, input_placeholders)
  if control_inputs:
  return sgv, input_placeholders
Ejemplo n.º 8
  def __call__(self,
    """Execute the transformation.

      sgv: the source subgraph-view.
      dst_graph: the destination graph.
      dst_scope: the destination scope.
      src_scope: the source scope, which specify the path from which the
        relative path of the transformed nodes are computed. For instance, if
        src_scope is a/ and dst_scoped is b/, then the node a/x/y will have a
        relative path of x/y and will be transformed into b/x/y.
      reuse_dst_scope: if True the dst_scope is re-used if it already exists.
        Otherwise, the scope is given a unique name based on the one given
        by appending an underscore followed by a digit (default).
      A tuple `(sgv, info)` where:
        `sgv` is the transformed subgraph view;
        `info` is an instance of Transformer.ResultInfo containing
        information about the transform, including mapping between
        original and transformed tensors and operations.
      ValueError: if the arguments are invalid.
    sgv = subgraph.make_view(sgv)
    if not isinstance(dst_graph, tf_ops.Graph):
      raise TypeError("Expected a tf.Graph, got: {}".format(type(dst_graph)))

    src_scope = util.scope_finalize(src_scope)
    dst_scope = util.scope_finalize(dst_scope)

    # Potentially create new scope if reuse_dst_scope is False
    if dst_scope and not reuse_dst_scope:
      dst_scope = util.scope_finalize(dst_graph.unique_name(dst_scope[:-1]))

    # Create temporary info used during this transform call
    self._info = Transformer._Info(self, sgv, dst_graph, dst_scope, src_scope)

    # Transform the graph starting from the output tensors.
    for output_t in self._info.sgv.outputs:

    # Some ops might have been missed by the previous walk, namely, the roots
    # without any outputs. So the walk is now finalized from those roots.
    remaining_ops = [op for op in self._info.sgv.ops
                     if op not in self._info.transformed_ops]
    remaining_roots = [op for op in remaining_ops if not op.outputs]
    for op in remaining_roots:

    sgv_ = self._transform_sgv(sgv)

    res_info = Transformer.ResultInfo(self._info)
    self._info = None
    return sgv_, res_info
Ejemplo n.º 9
def detach_control_inputs(sgv):
  """Detach all the external control inputs of the subgraph sgv.

    sgv: the subgraph view to be detached. This argument is converted to a
      subgraph using the same rules as the function subgraph.make_view.
  sgv = subgraph.make_view(sgv)
  for op in sgv.ops:
    cops = [cop for cop in op.control_inputs if cop not in sgv.ops]
    reroute.remove_control_inputs(op, cops)
Ejemplo n.º 10
  def __call__(self,
    """Execute the transformation.

      sgv: the source subgraph-view.
      dst_graph: the destination graph.
      dst_scope: the destination scope.
      src_scope: the source scope, which specify the path from which the
        relative path of the transformed nodes are computed. For instance, if
        src_scope is a/ and dst_scoped is b/, then the node a/x/y will have a
        relative path of x/y and will be transformed into b/x/y.
      reuse_dst_scope: if True the dst_scope is re-used if it already exists.
        Otherwise, the scope is given a unique name based on the one given
        by postfixing an underscore followed by a digit (default).
      A tuple `(sgv, ops_mapping)` where:
        `sgv` is the transformed subgraph view;
        `ops_mapping` is a dictionary mapping the name of the original ops
        to the name of the transformed ops.
      ValueError: if the argumens are invalid.
    sgv = subgraph.make_view(sgv)
    if not isinstance(dst_graph, tf_ops.Graph):
      raise TypeError("Expected a tf.Graph, got: {}".format(type(dst_graph)))

    src_scope = util.scope_finalize(src_scope)
    dst_scope = util.scope_finalize(dst_scope)

    # Potentially create new scope if reuse_dst_scope is False
    if dst_scope and not reuse_dst_scope:
      dst_scope = util.scope_finalize(dst_graph.unique_name(dst_scope[:-1]))

    if sgv.graph is dst_graph and not dst_scope:
      logging.warning("The source and the destination are the same! "
                      "Beware: in-place transormation are currently "
    self._info = Transformer._Info(self, sgv, dst_graph, dst_scope, src_scope)

    # This is a recursive call. In practice, the graph is transformed bottom-up.
    for output_t in self._info.sgv.outputs:

    sgv_ = self._transform_sgv(sgv)

    ops_mapping = self._info.create_ops_mapping()
    self._info = None
    return sgv_, ops_mapping
Ejemplo n.º 11
  def __call__(self,
    """Execute the transformation.

      sgv: the source subgraph-view.
      dst_graph: the destination graph.
      dst_scope: the destination scope.
      src_scope: the source scope, which specify the path from which the
        relative path of the transformed nodes are computed. For instance, if
        src_scope is a/ and dst_scoped is b/, then the node a/x/y will have a
        relative path of x/y and will be transformed into b/x/y.
      reuse_dst_scope: if True the dst_scope is re-used if it already exists.
        Otherwise, the scope is given a unique name based on the one given
        by appending an underscore followed by a digit (default).
      A tuple `(sgv, info)` where:
        `sgv` is the transformed subgraph view;
        `info` is an instance of TransformerInfo containing
        information about the transform, including mapping between
        original and transformed tensors and operations.
      ValueError: if the arguments are invalid.
    sgv = subgraph.make_view(sgv)
    if not isinstance(dst_graph, tf_ops.Graph):
      raise TypeError("Expected a tf.Graph, got: {}".format(type(dst_graph)))

    src_scope = util.scope_finalize(src_scope)
    dst_scope = util.scope_finalize(dst_scope)

    # Potentially create new scope if reuse_dst_scope is False
    if dst_scope and not reuse_dst_scope:
      dst_scope = util.scope_finalize(dst_graph.unique_name(dst_scope[:-1]))

    # Create temporary info used during this transform call
    info = _TmpInfo(sgv, dst_graph, dst_scope, src_scope)


    # Compute information about the transformation
    res_info = TransformerInfo(info)
    sgv_ = self._transform_sgv(info, sgv)
    return sgv_, res_info
Ejemplo n.º 12
def _reroute_sgv_outputs(sgv0, sgv1, mode):
  """Re-route all the outputs of two operations.

    sgv0: the first subgraph to have its outputs swapped. This argument is
      converted to a subgraph using the same rules than the function
    sgv1: the second subgraph to have its outputs swapped. This argument is
      converted to a subgraph using the same rules than the function
    mode: reroute mode, see _reroute_ts(...).
    A tuple `(sgv0, sgv1)` of subgraph views with their outputs swapped.
      Note that the function argument sgv0 and sgv1 are also modified in place.
    StandardError: if sgv0 or sgv1 cannot be converted to a SubGraphView using
      the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
  sgv0 = _subgraph.make_view(sgv0)
  sgv1 = _subgraph.make_view(sgv1)
  _util.check_graphs(sgv0, sgv1)
  cannot_modify = sgv0.ops + sgv1.ops
  _reroute_ts(sgv0.outputs, sgv1.outputs, mode, cannot_modify=cannot_modify)
  return sgv0, sgv1
Ejemplo n.º 13
def copy_with_input_replacements(sgv, replacement_ts,
                                 dst_graph=None, dst_scope="", src_scope="",
  """Copy a subgraph, replacing some of its inputs.

  Note a replacement only happens if the tensor to be replaced
  is an input of the given subgraph. The inputs of a subgraph can
  be queried using sgv.inputs.

    sgv: the source subgraph-view. This argument is converted to a subgraph
      using the same rules as the function subgraph.make_view.
    replacement_ts: dictionary mapping from original tensors to the
      replaced one.
    dst_graph: the destination graph.
    dst_scope: the destination scope.
    src_scope: the source scope.
    reuse_dst_scope: if True the dst_scope is re-used if it already exists.
      Otherwise, the scope is given a unique name based on the one given
      by appending an underscore followed by a digit (default).
    A tuple `(sgv, info)` where:
      `sgv` is the transformed subgraph view;
      `info` is an instance of TransformerInfo containing
      information about the transform, including mapping between
      original and transformed tensors and operations.
    TypeError: if dst_graph is not a tf.Graph.
    StandardError: if sgv cannot be converted to a SubGraphView using
      the same rules as the function subgraph.make_view.
  sgv = subgraph.make_view(sgv)
  if dst_graph is None:
    dst_graph = sgv.graph
  if not isinstance(dst_graph, tf_ops.Graph):
    raise TypeError("Expected a tf.Graph, got: {}".format(type(dst_graph)))

  copier = Transformer()
  # Replace tensor if possible.
  def replace_t_with_replacement_handler(info, t):
    if t in replacement_ts:
      return replacement_ts[t]
      return keep_t_if_possible_handler(info, t)
  copier.transform_external_input_handler = replace_t_with_replacement_handler
  return copier(
      sgv, dst_graph, dst_scope, src_scope, reuse_dst_scope=reuse_dst_scope)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def detach_control_outputs(sgv, control_outputs):
  """Detach all the external control outputs of the subgraph sgv.

    sgv: the subgraph view to be detached. This argument is converted to a
      subgraph using the same rules as the function subgraph.make_view.
    control_outputs: a util.ControlOutputs instance.
  if not isinstance(control_outputs, util.ControlOutputs):
    raise TypeError("Expected a util.ControlOutputs, got: {}",
  sgv = subgraph.make_view(sgv)
  for op in sgv.ops:
    for cop in control_outputs.get(op):
      if cop not in sgv.ops:
        reroute.remove_control_inputs(cop, op)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def bypass(sgv):
    """Bypass the given subgraph by connecting its inputs to its outputs.

    sgv: the subgraph view to be bypassed. This argument is converted to a
      subgraph using the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
    A new subgraph view of the bypassed subgraph.
      Note that sgv is also modified in place.
    StandardError: if sgv cannot be converted to a SubGraphView using
      the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
    # TODO(fkp): allows to plug sgv.inputs to individual sgv.outputs consumers
    sgv = subgraph.make_view(sgv)
    sgv_inputs = list(sgv.inputs)
    sgv, detached_inputs = detach_inputs(sgv)
    reroute.reroute_a2b_ts(sgv_inputs, sgv.outputs)
    return sgv, detached_inputs
Ejemplo n.º 16
def bypass(sgv):
  """Bypass the given subgraph by connecting its inputs to its outputs.

    sgv: the subgraph view to be bypassed. This argument is converted to a
      subgraph using the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
    A new subgraph view of the bypassed subgraph.
      Note that sgv is also modified in place.
    StandardError: if sgv cannot be converted to a SubGraphView using
      the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
  # TODO(fkp): allows to plug sgv.inputs to individual sgv.outputs consumers
  sgv = subgraph.make_view(sgv)
  sgv_inputs = list(sgv.inputs)
  sgv, detached_inputs = detach_inputs(sgv)
  reroute.reroute_a2b_ts(sgv_inputs, sgv.outputs)
  return sgv, detached_inputs
Ejemplo n.º 17
def remove(sgv, reconnect_after=False):
  """Remove sgv and optionally reconnect its inputs and outputs.

    sgv: the subgraph view to be removed. This argument is converted to a
      subgraph using the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
    reconnect_after: if False, the inputs and outputs of sgv are not
      reconnected after the removal.
    A new subgraph view of the removed subgraph.
      Note that sgv is also modified in place.
    StandardError: if sgv0 or sgv1 cannot be converted to a SubGraphView using
      the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
  sgv = subgraph.make_view(sgv)
  util.check_ts_compatibility(sgv.inputs, sgv.outputs)
  sgv, detached_inputs, detached_outputs = detach(sgv)
  if reconnect_after:
    connect(detached_inputs, detached_outputs)
  return sgv
Ejemplo n.º 18
def detach_outputs(sgv, control_outputs=None):
  """Detach the outputa of a subgraph view.

    sgv: the subgraph view to be detached. This argument is converted to a
      subgraph using the same rules as the function subgraph.make_view.
      Note that sgv is modified in place.
    control_outputs: a util.ControlOutputs instance or None. If not None the
      control outputs are also detached.
    A tuple `(sgv, output_placeholders)` where
      `sgv` is a new subgraph view of the detached subgraph;
      `output_placeholders` is a list of the created output placeholders.
    StandardError: if sgv cannot be converted to a SubGraphView using
      the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
  sgv = subgraph.make_view(sgv)
  # only select outputs with consumers
  sgv_ = sgv.remap_outputs([output_id
                            for output_id, output_t in enumerate(sgv.outputs)
                            if output_t.consumers()])
  # create consumer subgraph and remap
  consumers_sgv = subgraph.SubGraphView(sgv_.consumers())
  consumers_sgv = consumers_sgv.remap_inputs(
      [input_id for input_id, input_t in enumerate(consumers_sgv.inputs)
       if input_t in sgv_.outputs])

  with sgv_.graph.as_default():
    output_placeholders = [
        for input_t in consumers_sgv.inputs

  reroute.swap_outputs(sgv_, output_placeholders)
  if control_outputs is not None:
    detach_control_outputs(sgv_, control_outputs)
  return sgv_, output_placeholders
Ejemplo n.º 19
def detach_inputs(sgv):
  """Detach the inputs of a subgraph view.

    sgv: the subgraph view to be detached. This argument is converted to a
      subgraph using the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
    A new subgraph view of the detached subgraph.
      Note that sgv is also modified in place.
    StandardError: if sgv cannot be converted to a SubGraphView using
      the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
  sgv = subgraph.make_view(sgv)

  with sgv.graph.as_default():
    input_placeholders = [
        for input_t in sgv.inputs

  return swap_inputs(sgv, input_placeholders)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def copy(sgv, dst_graph=None, dst_scope="", src_scope=""):
  """Copy a subgraph.

    sgv: the source subgraph-view. This argument is converted to a subgraph
      using the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
    dst_graph: the destination graph.
    dst_scope: the destination scope.
    src_scope: the source scope.
    the subgraph view of the copied subgraph.
    TypeError: if dst_graph is not a tf.Graph.
    StandardError: if sgv cannot be converted to a SubGraphView using
      the same rules than the function subgraph.make_view.
  sgv = subgraph.make_view(sgv)
  if dst_graph is None:
    dst_graph = sgv.graph
  if not isinstance(dst_graph, tf_ops.Graph):
    raise TypeError("Expected a tf.Graph, got: {}".format(type(dst_graph)))

  copier = Transformer()
  return copier(sgv, dst_graph, dst_scope, src_scope)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def replace_grad_to_guided_grad(g):
    sgv = subgraph.make_view(g)
    with g.gradient_override_map(_grad_override_map):
        for op in sgv.ops:
            _replace_grad(g, op)