def hybrid_correlation_tf(img1_fft, img2_fft):
    """Unsure if this actually the hybrid correlation Ophus refers to.
    Works on images already in fourier space.
    m = img1_fft * conj(img2_fft)
    M = sqrt(tf.abs(m))
    magnitude = tf.complex(M, M * 0.0)
    theta = angle(m)
    euler = tf.exp(tf.complex(theta * 0.0, theta))
    D = magnitude * euler
    Icorr = real(ifft2(D))
    return Icorr
Ejemplo n.º 2
def PST(I, LPF, Phase_strength, Warp_strength, Threshold_min, Threshold_max):
    #inverting Threshold_min to simplyfy optimization porcess, so we can clip all variable between 0 and 1
    LPF = ops.convert_to_tensor_v2(LPF)
    Phase_strength = ops.convert_to_tensor_v2(Phase_strength)
    Warp_strength = ops.convert_to_tensor_v2(Warp_strength)
    I = ops.convert_to_tensor_v2(I)
    Threshold_min = ops.convert_to_tensor_v2(Threshold_min)
    Threshold_max = ops.convert_to_tensor_v2(Threshold_max)

    Threshold_min = -Threshold_min
    L = 0.5
    x = tf.linspace(-L, L, I.shape[0])
    y = tf.linspace(-L, L, I.shape[1])
    [X1, Y1] = (tf.meshgrid(x, y))
    X = tf.transpose(X1)
    Y = tf.transpose(Y1)
    [THETA, RHO] = cart2pol(X, Y)
    # Apply localization kernel to the original image to reduce noise
    Image_orig_f = sig.fft2d(tf.dtypes.cast(I, tf.complex64))

    tmp6 = (LPF**2.0) / tfm.log(2.0)
    tmp5 = tfm.sqrt(tmp6)
    tmp4 = (tfm.divide(RHO, tmp5))
    tmp3 = -tfm.pow(tmp4, 2)
    tmp2 = tfm.exp(tmp3)
    expo = fftshift(tmp2)
    Image_orig_filtered = tfm.real(
        sig.ifft2d((tfm.multiply(tf.dtypes.cast(Image_orig_f, tf.complex64),
                                 tf.dtypes.cast(expo, tf.complex64)))))
    # Constructing the PST Kernel
    tp1 = tfm.multiply(RHO, Warp_strength)
    PST_Kernel_1 = tfm.multiply(
        tp1, tfm.atan(tfm.multiply(RHO, Warp_strength))
    ) - 0.5 * tfm.log(1.0 + tfm.pow(tf.multiply(RHO, Warp_strength), 2.0))
    PST_Kernel = PST_Kernel_1 / tfm.reduce_max(PST_Kernel_1) * Phase_strength
    # Apply the PST Kernel
    temp = tfm.multiply(
                tfm.multiply(tf.dtypes.complex(0.0, -1.0),
        sig.fft2d(tf.dtypes.cast(Image_orig_filtered, tf.dtypes.complex64)))
    Image_orig_filtered_PST = sig.ifft2d(temp)

    # Calculate phase of the transformed image
    PHI_features = tfm.angle(Image_orig_filtered_PST)

    out = PHI_features
    out = (out / tfm.reduce_max(out)) * 3

    return out
Ejemplo n.º 3
def train_bound(t):
    """Trains the model to equalize values and spatial derivatives at boundaries x=5 
    and x=-5 to enforce periodic boundary condition

        t : A tf.Tensor of shape (batch_size,).

    x1 = 5 * tf.ones(t.shape)
    x2 = -5 * tf.ones(t.shape)
    with tf.GradientTape(True, False) as tape:
        with tf.GradientTape(True, False) as grtape1:
  [t, x1, x2])
            #Automatic differentiation of complex functions is weird in tensorflow
            #so we differentiate real and imaginary parts seperately
            h_real_1 = tfm.real(PINN(tf.stack([t, x1], -1)))
            h_imag_1 = tfm.imag(PINN(tf.stack([t, x1], -1)))
            h_real_2 = tfm.real(PINN(tf.stack([t, x2], -1)))
            h_imag_2 = tfm.imag(PINN(tf.stack([t, x2], -1)))
        #First order derivatives
        h_x1_real = grtape1.gradient(h_real_1, x1)
        h_x1_imag = grtape1.gradient(h_imag_1, x1)
        h_x2_real = grtape1.gradient(h_real_2, x2)
        h_x2_imag = grtape1.gradient(h_imag_2, x2)
        #h1_real and h1_imag have shape (batch_size,2)
        del grtape1
        h1 = tf.complex(h_real_1, h_imag_1)
        h1_x = tf.complex(h_x1_real, h_x1_imag)
        h2 = tf.complex(h_real_2, h_imag_2)
        h2_x = tf.complex(h_x2_real, h_x2_imag)
        MSE = tfm.reduce_mean(
            tfm.pow(tfm.abs(h1 - h2), 2) + tfm.pow(tfm.abs(h1_x - h2_x), 2))
    grads = tape.gradient(MSE, PINN.trainable_weights)
    sgd_opt.apply_gradients(zip(grads, PINN.trainable_weights))
    return MSE
Ejemplo n.º 4
def train_colloc(t, x):
    """Trains the model to obey the given PDE at collocation points

        t: A tf.Tensor of shape (batch_size,)
        x: A tf.Tensor of shape (batch_size,).
    with tf.GradientTape(True, False) as tape:
        #Calculate various derivatives of the output
        with tf.GradientTape(True, False) as grtape0:
  [t, x])
            with tf.GradientTape(True, False) as grtape1:
      [t, x])
                #Automatic differentiation of complex functions is weird in tensorflow
                #so we differentiate real and imaginary parts seperately
                h_real = tfm.real(PINN(tf.stack([t, x], -1)))
                h_imag = tfm.imag(PINN(tf.stack([t, x], -1)))
            #First order derivatives
            h_x_real = grtape1.gradient(h_real, x)
            h_x_imag = grtape1.gradient(h_imag, x)
            h_t_real = grtape1.gradient(h_real, t)
            h_t_imag = grtape1.gradient(h_imag, t)
            #h1_real and h1_imag have shape (batch_size,2)
            del grtape1
        #Second order derivatives
        h_xx_real = grtape0.gradient(h_x_real, x)
        h_xx_imag = grtape0.gradient(h_x_imag, x)
        del grtape0
        h = tf.complex(h_real, h_imag)
        h_t = tf.complex(h_t_real, h_t_imag)
        h_xx = tf.complex(h_xx_real, h_xx_imag)
        j = tf.complex(0, 1)

        MSE = tfm.reduce_euclidean_norm(
            tfm.abs((j * h_t) + (0.5 * h_xx) + (tfm.conj(h) * h * h)))

    grads = tape.gradient(MSE, PINN.trainable_weights)
    sgd_opt.apply_gradients(zip(grads, PINN.trainable_weights))
    del tape
    return MSE
def cross_correlation_tf(A, B):
    A = A - tf.math.reduce_mean(A)
    B = B - tf.math.reduce_mean(B)
    R = real(ifft2(fft2(A) * fft2(B[..., ::-1, ::-1])))
    return R
def phase_correlation_tf(img1_fft, img2_fft):
    "Perform phase correlation on images that are already in fourier space"
    C = img1_fft * conj(img2_fft)
    D = tf.abs(C)
    return real(ifft2(C / tf.complex(D, D * 0.0)))