Ejemplo n.º 1
    def train_loop(self, iter, beta, anneal=True):

        beta = tf.convert_to_tensor(beta, tf.float32)
        beta_conv = tf.cast(beta, tf.float32)
        history = {
            'step': [],
            'Free energy mean': [],
            'Free energy std': [],
            'Energy mean': [],
            'Energy std': [],
            'Train time': []
        interval = 20

        t1 = time()

        for step in tqdm(range(iter)):
            if anneal == True:
                beta = beta_conv * (1 - self.beta_anneal**step)
            loss, energy = self.backprop(beta)  #type: ignore

            if (step % interval) == interval - 1:
                t2 = time()
                history['step'].append(step + 1)
                history['Free energy mean'].append(tfm.reduce_mean(loss))
                history['Free energy std'].append(tfm.reduce_std(loss))
                history['Energy mean'].append(tfm.reduce_mean(energy))
                history['Energy std'].append(tfm.reduce_std(energy))
                history['Train time'].append((t2 - t1) / interval)
                t1 = time()

        return history
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def var_train_loop(self, iter, anneal=True, mean=0.5, delta=0.1):
        history = {
            'step': [],
            'Free energy mean': [],
            'Free energy std': [],
            'Energy mean': [],
            'Energy std': [],
            'Train time': []
        interval = 20
        t1 = time()

        for step in tqdm(range(iter)):
            if anneal == True:
                mean_beta = mean * (1 - self.beta_anneal**step)
                mean_beta = mean
            beta = tf.random.normal([], mean_beta, delta)
            sample = self.model.graph_sampler(self.batch_size, beta, self.seed)
            loss, energy = self.var_backprop(sample, beta)  # type: ignore

            if (step % interval) == interval - 1:
                t2 = time()
                history['step'].append(step + 1)
                history['Free energy mean'].append(tfm.reduce_mean(loss))
                history['Free energy std'].append(tfm.reduce_std(loss))
                history['Energy mean'].append(tfm.reduce_mean(energy))
                history['Energy std'].append(tfm.reduce_std(energy))
                history['Train time'].append((t2 - t1) / interval)
                t1 = time()

        return history
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def backprop(self, beta):
        """Performs backpropagation on the calculated loss function

            beta (float): Inverse temperature

            loss (float): The current loss function for the sampled batch
        sample = self.model.graph_sampler(self.batch_size, self.seed)
        energy = ising.energy(sample)
        beta = tf.cast(beta, tf.float32)
        with tf.GradientTape(True, False) as tape:
            log_prob = self.model.log_prob(sample)
            with tape.stop_recording():
                loss = (log_prob + beta * energy) / (self.model.L**2
                                                     )  #type: ignore
            #regularizer = tfm.reduce_euclidean_norm(self.model(sample) +
            #regularizer = tfm.divide(regularizer, self.model.L**2)
            loss_reinforce = tfm.reduce_mean(
                (loss - tfm.reduce_mean(loss)) * log_prob)
            #loss_reinforce = tfm.add(loss_reinforce, regularizer)
        grads = tape.gradient(loss_reinforce, self.model.trainable_weights)
        return loss / beta, energy
Ejemplo n.º 4
def dual_cvae_cost(x,
    Cost function for conditional VAE with two conditions
        x - inputs/conditions
        x2 - second inputs/conditions
        y - outputs to be reconstructed
        encoder - the neural network to be used for mapping x, x2 and y to mu_z and log_sig_sq_z
        decoder - the neural network to be used for mapping z, x and x2 to mu_y and log_sig_sq_y
        encoder_c - the neural network to be used for mapping x and x2 to mu_cz and log_sig_sq_cz (conditional prior distribution in the latent space)
        cost - the cost function
        wu_c = constant for bottleneck warmup. wu_c=0 means no bottleneck, wu_c=1 means completely imposing the bottleneck through the latent space

    x = tf.cast(x, tf.float32)
    x2 = tf.cast(x2, tf.float32)
    y = tf.cast(y, tf.float32)

    # compute moments of p(z|x)
    mu_cz, log_sig_sq_cz = encoder_c.compute_moments(x, x2)

    # compute moments of q(z|x,y)
    mu_z, log_sig_sq_z = encoder.compute_moments(y, x, x2)

    # sample from q(z|x,y)
    z = reparameterisation_trick(mu_z, log_sig_sq_z)

    # bottleneck warmup
    x_wu = ((1.0 - wu_c) * x + wu_c * tf.random.uniform(tf.shape(x)))
    x2_wu = ((1.0 - wu_c) * x2 + wu_c * tf.random.uniform(tf.shape(x2)))

    # compute moments of p(y|z,x)
    mu_y, log_sig_sq_y = decoder.compute_moments(z,

    # KL(q(z|x,y)|p(z|x))
    KLe = kl_normal(mu_z, log_sig_sq_z, mu_cz, log_sig_sq_cz)
    KLc = tfm.reduce_sum(KLe, 1)
    KL = tfm.reduce_mean(tf.cast(KLc, tf.float32))

    # -E_q(z|y,x) log(p(y|z,x))
    reconstr_loss = -tfm.reduce_sum(
        gaussian_log_likelihood(y, mu_y, log_sig_sq_y), 1)
    cost_R = tfm.reduce_mean(reconstr_loss)

    # -ELBO
    cost = cost_R + KL

    return cost
Ejemplo n.º 5
def abs_negcos_angle(y_reco, y_true, re=False):
    # Energy loss
    loss_energy = reduce_mean(abs(subtract(y_reco[:,0], y_true[:,0]))) #this works well but could maybe be improved
    # Angle loss
    loss_angle = reduce_mean(1-cos_angle(y_reco, y_true))
    if not re:
        return loss_energy+loss_angle
        return float(loss_energy+loss_angle), [float(loss_energy), float(loss_angle)]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def compute_covariance(x):
    """ Compute the covariance cov(x) = E[x*x^T] - E[x]E[x]^T. Based on Locatello et al. implementation

    :param x: a matrix of size N*M
    :return: the covariance of x, a matrix of size M*M
    e_x = tfm.reduce_mean(x, axis=0)
    e_x_e_xt = tf.expand_dims(e_x, 1) * tf.expand_dims(e_x, 0)
    e_xxt = tfm.reduce_mean(tf.expand_dims(x, 2) * tf.expand_dims(x, 1), axis=0)
    return tfm.subtract(e_xxt, e_x_e_xt)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def call(self, x):
     input_shape = x.shape.as_list()
     axis = tuple(
         range(0 if self.batch else 1,
               len(input_shape) if input_shape else 4))
     if self.mean:
         x = x - tfm.reduce_mean(x, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
         if self.std:
             std = tfm.sqrt(
                 tfm.reduce_mean(tfm.square(x), axis=axis, keepdims=True))
     elif self.std:
         std = tfm.reduce_std(x, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
     return x / ((self.eps + std) if self.eps else std) if self.std else x
Ejemplo n.º 8
def sqr_vonMises23D_angle(y_reco, y_true, re=False):

    loss_energy = reduce_mean(
        tf.math.squared_difference(y_reco[:, 0], y_true[:, 0]))  #mae again

    polar_k = abs(y_reco[:, 3]) + eps
    zenth_k = abs(y_reco[:, 4]) + eps

    cos_azi = cos(subtract(y_true[:, 2], y_reco[:, 2]))

    cos_zenth = cos(subtract(y_true[:, 1], y_reco[:, 1]))

    lnI0_azi = polar_k + tf.math.log(
        1 + tf.math.exp(-2 * polar_k)
    ) - 0.25 * tf.math.log(1 + 0.25 * tf.square(polar_k)) + tf.math.log(
        1 + 0.24273 * tf.square(polar_k)) - tf.math.log(1 + 0.43023 *
    lnI0_zenth = zenth_k + tf.math.log(
        1 + tf.math.exp(-2 * zenth_k)
    ) - 0.25 * tf.math.log(1 + 0.25 * tf.square(zenth_k)) + tf.math.log(
        1 + 0.24273 * tf.square(zenth_k)) - tf.math.log(1 + 0.43023 *

    llh_azi = polar_k * cos_azi - lnI0_azi
    llh_zenith = zenth_k * cos_zenth - lnI0_zenth

    loss_azi = reduce_mean(-llh_azi)
    loss_zenith = reduce_mean(-llh_zenith)

    kappa = tf.math.abs(y_reco[:, 5]) + eps
    cos_alpha = cos_angle(y_reco, y_true)
    # tf.debugging.assert_less_equal(tf.math.abs(cos_alpha), 1, message='cos_alpha problem', summarize=None, name=None)
                                   message='cos_alpha problem infinite/nan',
    nlogC = -tf.math.log(kappa) + kappa + tf.math.log(1 -
                                                      tf.math.exp(-2 * kappa))
    tf.debugging.assert_all_finite(nlogC, 'log kappa problem', name=None)

    loss_angle = tf.reduce_mean(-kappa * cos_alpha + nlogC)

    if not re:
        return loss_azi + loss_zenith + loss_energy + loss_angle
    if re:
        return float(loss_azi + loss_zenith + loss_energy + loss_angle), [
Ejemplo n.º 9
def abs_linear_unit(y_reco, y_true, re=False):
    from tensorflow.math import sin, cos, acos, abs, reduce_mean, subtract
    #energy loss

    loss_energy = reduce_mean(abs(subtract(y_reco[:,0], y_true[:,0])))
    #angle loss
    cos_alpha = cos_unit(y_reco,y_true)
    loss_angle = reduce_mean(tf.math.acos(cos_alpha))
    if not re:
        return loss_energy+loss_angle
        return float(loss_energy+loss_angle), [float(loss_energy), float(loss_angle)]
Ejemplo n.º 10
def loss_funcxpos2(y_reco, y_true, re=False):
    from tensorflow.math import sin, cos, acos, abs, reduce_mean, subtract, square
    # Energy loss
    loss_energy = reduce_mean(abs(subtract(y_reco[:,0], y_true[:,0]))) #this works well but could maybe be improved

    zeni = [cos(y_true[:,1]) - y_reco[:,1] , 
            sin(y_true[:,1]) - y_reco[:,2]]

    azi  = [cos(y_true[:,2]) - y_reco[:,3] , 
            sin(y_true[:,2]) - y_reco[:,4]]

    loss_angle = reduce_mean(square(azi[0]))+reduce_mean(square(azi[1]))+reduce_mean(square(zeni[0]))+reduce_mean(square(zeni[1]))
    if not re:
        return loss_energy+loss_angle
        return float(loss_energy+loss_angle), [float(loss_energy), float(loss_angle)]
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def call(self, ensemble_logits, logits):
        ensemble_logits are the outputs from our ensemble (batch x ensembles x classes)
        logits are the predicted outputs from our model (batch x classes)

        if self.temp is None:
            self.temp = self.init_temp

        # Convert values to appropiate type
        logits = tf.cast(logits, dtype=tf.float64)
        ensemble_logits = tf.cast(ensemble_logits, dtype=tf.float64)

        # Calculate probabilities by softmax over classes, adjusted for temperature
        ensemble_probs = softmax(ensemble_logits / self.temp, axis=2)
        PN_probs = softmax(logits / self.temp, axis=1)

        # Calculate mean teacher prediction
        ensemble_probs_mean = reduce_sum(ensemble_probs, axis=1)

        # Calculate cost (entropy)
        cost = reduce_mean(-ensemble_probs_mean *

        return cost
Ejemplo n.º 12
def cross_entropy_loss(logits: tf.Tensor, labels: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:

    one_hot_labels = tf.one_hot(labels, logits.shape[3])
    batch_loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
        one_hot_labels, logits)
    loss_value = math.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(batch_loss, 1))
    return loss_value
Ejemplo n.º 13
def g_loss(d_scores_fake):
        `d_scores_fake` is the output of the discrimonator model applied to a batch of fake data

        NOTE: we always define objectives as if we were minimizing them (remember that maximize = negate and minimize)
    if TASK == 1:
        return tm.reduce_mean(tm.log(1 - d_scores_fake))
    elif TASK == 2:
        return -tm.reduce_mean(tm.log(d_scores_fake))
    elif TASK == 3 or TASK == 4:
        # tries to maximize score such that is becomes positive
        # (similar to the discriminator score)
        return -tm.reduce_mean(d_scores_fake)
    elif TASK == 5:
        # INN does not generator
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 14
def cross_entropy_loss(logits: tf.Tensor, labels: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:

    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    # why is loss 0 sometimes!?
    one_hot_labels = tf.one_hot(labels, logits.shape[1])
    batch_loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
        one_hot_labels, logits)
    loss_value = math.reduce_mean(batch_loss)
    return loss_value
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def var_backprop(self, sample, beta):
     energy = ising.energy(sample, pbc=True)
     beta = tf.cast(beta, tf.float32)
     with tf.GradientTape(True, False) as tape:
         log_prob = self.model.log_prob(sample, beta)
         with tape.stop_recording():
             beta = tf.squeeze(beta)
             loss = (log_prob + beta * energy) / (self.model.L**2)
         #regularizer = tfm.reduce_euclidean_norm(self.model(sample, beta) +
         #self.model(-sample, beta) - 1)
         #regularizer = tfm.divide(regularizer, self.model.L**2)
         loss_reinforce = tfm.reduce_mean(
             (loss - tfm.reduce_mean(loss)) * log_prob)
         #loss_reinforce = tfm.add(loss_reinforce, regularizer)
     grads = tape.gradient(loss_reinforce, self.model.trainable_weights)
     return loss / beta, energy
Ejemplo n.º 16
def abs_vM2D_KDE_weak(y_reco, y_true, kdet, re=False):
    loss_energy = reduce_mean(abs(subtract(y_reco[:, 0],
                                           y_true[:, 0])))  #mae again

    polar_k = abs(y_reco[:, 3]) + eps
    zenth_k = abs(y_reco[:, 4]) + eps

    cos_azi = cos(subtract(y_true[:, 2], y_reco[:, 2]))

    cos_zenth = cos(subtract(y_true[:, 1], y_reco[:, 1]))

    lnI0_azi = polar_k + tf.math.log(
        1 + tf.math.exp(-2 * polar_k)
    ) - 0.25 * tf.math.log(1 + 0.25 * tf.square(polar_k)) + tf.math.log(
        1 + 0.24273 * tf.square(polar_k)) - tf.math.log(1 + 0.43023 *
    lnI0_zenth = zenth_k + tf.math.log(
        1 + tf.math.exp(-2 * zenth_k)
    ) - 0.25 * tf.math.log(1 + 0.25 * tf.square(zenth_k)) + tf.math.log(
        1 + 0.24273 * tf.square(zenth_k)) - tf.math.log(1 + 0.43023 *

    llh_azi = polar_k * cos_azi - lnI0_azi
    llh_zenith = zenth_k * cos_zenth - lnI0_zenth

    loss_azi = reduce_mean(-llh_azi)
    loss_zenith = reduce_mean(-llh_zenith)
    kder = kde(tf.cast(y_reco[:, 1], tf.float32))
    kdeloss = tf.reduce_mean(
        tf.math.abs(kdet.log_prob(xkde) - kder.log_prob(xkde))) / 10

    if not re:
        return loss_azi + loss_zenith + loss_energy + tf.cast(
            kdeloss, tf.float32)
    if re:
        return float(loss_azi + loss_zenith + loss_energy + kdeloss), [
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def call(self, inputs, training=None, mask=None):
        hidden = inputs

        for layer in self.layers:
            hidden = layer(hidden, training=training)

        axes = [1, 2]
        hidden = math.reduce_mean(hidden, axes, keepdims=True)
        hidden = squeeze(hidden, axes)

        return hidden
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def call(self, inputs):
        mean = reduce_mean(inputs, axis=0)
        std = reduce_std(inputs, axis=0) + 1e-6

        InputBatchNormalization.temp += 1
        InputBatchNormalization.mean += mean
        InputBatchNormalization.std += std

        inputs = divide(subtract(inputs, mean), std)

        return inputs.squeeze(0)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def __call__(self, y_true, y_pred):
        from tensorflow.math import square, reduce_mean
        from tensorflow import reshape, concat, expand_dims
        from tensorflow.keras import backend as K

        assert (K.int_shape(y_true)[-1] == 3 * 2)
        assert (K.int_shape(y_pred)[-1] == 3 * 2)
        y_true = reshape(y_true, [-1, 3])
        y_pred = reshape(y_pred, [-1, 3])

        if self._use_pxyz:
            y_true = self._convert_to_pxyz(y_true)
            y_pred = self._convert_to_pxyz(y_pred)
            return reduce_mean(square(y_true - y_pred))
            d_sq = square(y_true - y_pred)
            d_phi = square(_delta_phi_tf(y_true[:, 2], y_pred[:, 2]))
            d_phi = expand_dims(d_phi, axis=-1)
            diff = concat([d_sq[:, 0:2], d_phi], axis=-1)
            return reduce_mean(diff)
def adaptive_wing_loss(labels, output):
    alpha = 2.1
    omega = 14
    epsilon = 1
    theta = 0.5
    with tf.name_scope('adaptive_wing_loss'):
        x = output - labels
        theta_over_epsilon_tensor = tf.fill(tf.shape(labels), theta/epsilon)
        A = omega*(1/(1+pow(theta_over_epsilon_tensor, alpha-labels)))*(alpha-labels)*pow(theta_over_epsilon_tensor, alpha-labels-1)*(1/epsilon)
        C = theta*A-omega*log(1+pow(theta_over_epsilon_tensor, alpha-labels))
        absolute_x = abs(x)
        losses = tf.where(greater(theta, absolute_x), omega*log(1+pow(absolute_x/epsilon, alpha-labels)), A*absolute_x-C)
        loss = reduce_mean(reduce_sum(losses, axis=[1, 2]), axis=0)
        return loss
Ejemplo n.º 21
def sqr_vonMises2D_angle(y_reco, y_true, re=False):
    loss_energy = reduce_mean(
        tf.math.squared_difference(y_reco[:, 0], y_true[:, 0]))  #mae again

    polar_k = abs(y_reco[:, 3]) + eps
    zenth_k = abs(y_reco[:, 4]) + eps

    cos_azi = cos(subtract(y_true[:, 2], y_reco[:, 2]))

    cos_zenth = cos(subtract(y_true[:, 1], y_reco[:, 1]))

    lnI0_azi = polar_k + tf.math.log(
        1 + tf.math.exp(-2 * polar_k)
    ) - 0.25 * tf.math.log(1 + 0.25 * tf.square(polar_k)) + tf.math.log(
        1 + 0.24273 * tf.square(polar_k)) - tf.math.log(1 + 0.43023 *
    lnI0_zenth = zenth_k + tf.math.log(
        1 + tf.math.exp(-2 * zenth_k)
    ) - 0.25 * tf.math.log(1 + 0.25 * tf.square(zenth_k)) + tf.math.log(
        1 + 0.24273 * tf.square(zenth_k)) - tf.math.log(1 + 0.43023 *

    llh_azi = polar_k * cos_azi - lnI0_azi
    llh_zenith = zenth_k * cos_zenth - lnI0_zenth

    loss_azi = reduce_mean(-llh_azi)
    loss_zenith = reduce_mean(-llh_zenith)
    if not re:
        return loss_azi + loss_zenith + loss_energy
    if re:
        return float(loss_azi + loss_zenith + loss_energy), [
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def call(self, ensemble_logits, logits):
        ensemble_logits are the outputs from our ensemble (batch x ensembles x classes)
        logits are the predicted outputs from our model (batch x classes)
        logits = tf.cast(logits, dtype=tf.float64)
        ensemble_logits = tf.cast(ensemble_logits, dtype=tf.float64)
        alphas = exp(logits / self.temp)

        precision = reduce_sum(alphas, axis=1)  #sum over classes

        ensemble_probs = softmax(ensemble_logits / self.temp,
                                 axis=2)  #softmax over classes
        # Smooth for num. stability:
        probs_mean = 1 / (tf.shape(ensemble_probs)[2]
                          )  #divide by nr of classes
        # Subtract mean, scale down, add mean back)
        ensemble_probs = self.tp_scaling * (ensemble_probs -
                                            probs_mean) + probs_mean

        log_ensemble_probs_geo_mean = reduce_mean(log(ensemble_probs +
                                                  axis=1)  #mean over ensembles

        target_independent_term = reduce_sum(
            lgamma(alphas + self.smooth_val), axis=1) - lgamma(
                precision + self.smooth_val
            )  #sum over lgammma of classes - lgamma(precision)

        target_dependent_term = -reduce_sum(
            (alphas - 1.) * log_ensemble_probs_geo_mean,
            axis=1)  # -sum over classes

        cost = target_dependent_term + target_independent_term
        # tf.print(self.temp)
        return reduce_mean(cost) * (self.temp**2)  #mean of all batches
Ejemplo n.º 23
def compute_batch_tc(z, z_mean, z_log_var):
    """ Estimates the total correlation over a batch. Based on Locatello et al. implementation
    Compute E_j[log(q(z(x_j))) - log(prod_l q(z(x_j)_l))] where i and j are indexing the batch size and l is indexing
    the number of latent factors.

    :param z: the sampled values
    :param z_mean: the mean of the Gaussian
    :param z_log_var: the log variance of the Gaussian
    :return: the total correlation estimated over the batch
    log_qz = compute_gaussian_log_pdf(tf.expand_dims(z, 1), tf.expand_dims(z_mean, 0), tf.expand_dims(z_log_var, 0))
    prod_log_qz = tfm.reduce_sum(tfm.reduce_logsumexp(log_qz, axis=1, keepdims=False), axis=1, keepdims=False)
    log_sum_qz = tfm.reduce_logsumexp(tfm.reduce_sum(log_qz, axis=2, keepdims=False), axis=1, keepdims=False)
    return tfm.reduce_mean(log_sum_qz, prod_log_qz)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def train_bound(t):
    """Trains the model to equalize values and spatial derivatives at boundaries x=5 
    and x=-5 to enforce periodic boundary condition

        t : A tf.Tensor of shape (batch_size,).

    x1 = 5 * tf.ones(t.shape)
    x2 = -5 * tf.ones(t.shape)
    with tf.GradientTape(True, False) as tape:
        with tf.GradientTape(True, False) as grtape1:
            grtape1.watch([t, x1, x2])
            #Automatic differentiation of complex functions is weird in tensorflow
            #so we differentiate real and imaginary parts seperately
            h_real_1 = tfm.real(PINN(tf.stack([t, x1], -1)))
            h_imag_1 = tfm.imag(PINN(tf.stack([t, x1], -1)))
            h_real_2 = tfm.real(PINN(tf.stack([t, x2], -1)))
            h_imag_2 = tfm.imag(PINN(tf.stack([t, x2], -1)))
        #First order derivatives
        h_x1_real = grtape1.gradient(h_real_1, x1)
        h_x1_imag = grtape1.gradient(h_imag_1, x1)
        h_x2_real = grtape1.gradient(h_real_2, x2)
        h_x2_imag = grtape1.gradient(h_imag_2, x2)
        #h1_real and h1_imag have shape (batch_size,2)
        del grtape1
        h1 = tf.complex(h_real_1, h_imag_1)
        h1_x = tf.complex(h_x1_real, h_x1_imag)
        h2 = tf.complex(h_real_2, h_imag_2)
        h2_x = tf.complex(h_x2_real, h_x2_imag)
        MSE = tfm.reduce_mean(
            tfm.pow(tfm.abs(h1 - h2), 2) + tfm.pow(tfm.abs(h1_x - h2_x), 2))
    grads = tape.gradient(MSE, PINN.trainable_weights)
    sgd_opt.apply_gradients(zip(grads, PINN.trainable_weights))
    return MSE
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def call(self, x):
        """Calculates the probability of sample x
            x (int32): Value of input lattice

        def SplDense(x, n):
            """We are using this "layer" instead of regular keras Dense
            layer to facilitate use of common kernel and bias"""
            kernel = tf.stack(self.kernel[:n])
            return tfk.activations.sigmoid(tf.matmul(x, kernel) + self.bias)

        x = self.flatten(x)
        p = tf.TensorArray(tf.float32, size=0, dynamic_size=True)
        Id = tf.ones([x.shape[0]])
        p = p.write(0, Id)
        #The first lattice point is fixed at +1
        for i in range(1, self.D):
            x1 = tf.gather(x, tf.range(i), axis=1)
            h = SplDense(x1, i)
            y = tf.squeeze(self.output_layer[i-1](h))
            x2 = tf.gather(x, tf.constant(i), axis=1)
            p = p.write(i, 0.5*(Id-x2) + (x2*y))
        return tfm.reduce_mean(p.stack(), axis=0)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def d_loss(d_scores_fake, d_scores_real):
        `d_scores_fake` is the output of the discrimonator model applied to a batch of fake data
        `d_scores_real` is the output of the discrimonator model applied to a batch of real data

        NOTE: we always define objectives as if we were minimizing them (remember that maximize = negate and minimize)
    if TASK == 1:
        return -tm.reduce_mean(
            tm.log(d_scores_real) + tm.log(1 - d_scores_fake))
    elif TASK == 2:
        return -tm.reduce_mean(
            tm.log(d_scores_real) + tm.log(1 - d_scores_fake))
    elif TASK == 3 or TASK == 4:
        # Maximize Critic score
        # push real samples mean to large positive values,
        # and push fake scores mean to large negative values
        return -(tm.reduce_mean(d_scores_real) - tm.reduce_mean(d_scores_fake))
    elif TASK == 5:
        return -(tm.reduce_mean(d_scores_real) - tm.reduce_mean(d_scores_fake))
Ejemplo n.º 27
def nrmse(y_true, y_pred):
    return tfm.sqrt(
        tfm.reduce_mean(tfm.squared_difference(y_true, y_pred)) /