Ejemplo n.º 1
def function_to_graph(f, program_ctx, arg_values, arg_types, do_rename=True):
    """Specialization of `entity_to_graph` for callable functions."""

    future_features = inspect_utils.getfutureimports(f)
    node, source = parser.parse_entity(f, future_features=future_features)
    logging.log(3, 'Source code of %s:\n\n%s\n', f, source)
    # Parsed AST should contain future imports and one function def node.

    # In general, the output of inspect.getsource is inexact for lambdas because
    # it uses regex matching to adjust the exact location around the line number
    # that CPython records. Then, the entire containing line is returned, which
    # we may have trouble disambiguating. For example:
    # x, y = lambda: 1, lambda: 2
    if f.__name__ == '<lambda>':
        nodes = ast_util.find_matching_definitions(node, f)
        if len(nodes) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                'Unable to identify source code of lambda function {}. It was'
                ' defined on this line: {}, which must contain a single lambda with'
                ' matching signature. To avoid ambiguity, define each lambda'
                ' in a separate expression.'.format(f, source))
        node, = nodes

    # TODO(znado): Place inside standard_analysis.
    origin_info.resolve(node, source, f)
    namespace = inspect_utils.getnamespace(f)
    _add_self_references(namespace, program_ctx.autograph_module)
    namer = naming.Namer(namespace)

    entity_info = transformer.EntityInfo(source_code=source,
    context = converter.EntityContext(namer, entity_info, program_ctx)
        node = node_to_graph(node, context)
    except (ValueError, AttributeError, KeyError, NotImplementedError) as e:
        logging.error(1, 'Error converting %s', f, exc_info=True)
        raise errors.InternalError('conversion', e)
        # TODO(mdan): Catch and rethrow syntax errors.

    if isinstance(node, gast.Lambda):
        new_name = namer.new_symbol('tf__lambda', ())
        node = gast.Assign(targets=[gast.Name(new_name, gast.Store(), None)],

    elif do_rename:
        new_name = namer.function_name(f.__name__)
        node.name = new_name
        new_name = f.__name__
        assert node.name == new_name

    return (node, ), new_name, entity_info
Ejemplo n.º 2
def convert_func_to_ast(f, program_ctx, do_rename=True):
  """Specialization of `convert_entity_to_ast` for callable functions."""

  future_features = inspect_utils.getfutureimports(f)
  node, source = parser.parse_entity(f, future_features=future_features)
  logging.log(3, 'Source code of %s:\n\n%s\n', f, source)
  # Parsed AST should contain future imports and one function def node.

  # In general, the output of inspect.getsource is inexact for lambdas because
  # it uses regex matching to adjust the exact location around the line number
  # that CPython records. Then, the entire containing line is returned, which
  # we may have trouble disambiguating. For example:
  # x, y = lambda: 1, lambda: 2
  if f.__name__ == '<lambda>':
    nodes = ast_util.find_matching_definitions(node, f)
    if len(nodes) != 1:
      raise ValueError(
          'Unable to identify source code of lambda function {}. It was'
          ' defined on this line: {}, which must contain a single lambda with'
          ' matching signature. To avoid ambiguity, define each lambda'
          ' in a separate expression.'.format(f, source))
    node, = nodes

  # TODO(znado): Place inside standard_analysis.
  origin_info.resolve(node, source, f)
  namespace = inspect_utils.getnamespace(f)
  _add_self_references(namespace, program_ctx.autograph_module)
  namer = naming.Namer(namespace)

  entity_info = transformer.EntityInfo(
  context = converter.EntityContext(namer, entity_info, program_ctx)
    node = node_to_graph(node, context)
  except (ValueError, AttributeError, KeyError, NotImplementedError) as e:
    logging.error(1, 'Error converting %s', f, exc_info=True)
    raise errors.InternalError('conversion', e)
    # TODO(mdan): Catch and rethrow syntax errors.

  if isinstance(node, gast.Lambda):
    new_name = namer.new_symbol('tf__lambda', ())
    node = gast.Assign(
        targets=[gast.Name(new_name, gast.Store(), None)], value=node)

  elif do_rename:
    new_name = namer.function_name(f.__name__)
    node.name = new_name
    new_name = f.__name__
    assert node.name == new_name

  return (node,), new_name, entity_info
Ejemplo n.º 3
def to_graph(entity, recursive=True, experimental_optional_features=None):
    """Converts a Python entity into a TensorFlow graph.

  Also see: `tf.autograph.to_code`, `tf.function`.

  Unlike `tf.function`, `to_graph` is a low-level transpiler that converts
  Python code to TensorFlow graph code. It does not implement any caching,
  variable management or create any actual ops, and is best used where greater
  control over the generated TensorFlow graph is desired. Another difference
  from `tf.function` is that `to_graph` will not wrap the graph into a
  TensorFlow function or a Python callable. Internally, `tf.function` uses

  _Example Usage_

    def foo(x):
      if x > 0:
        y = x * x
        y = -x
      return y

    converted_foo = to_graph(foo)

    x = tf.constant(1)
    y = converted_foo(x)  # converted_foo is a TensorFlow Op-like.
    assert is_tensor(y)

  Supported Python entities include:
    * functions
    * classes
    * object methods

  Functions are converted into new functions with converted code.

  Classes are converted by generating a new class whose methods use converted

  Methods are converted into unbound function that have an additional first
  argument called `self`.

    entity: Python callable or class to convert.
    recursive: Whether to recursively convert any functions that the converted
      function may call.
    experimental_optional_features: `None`, a tuple of, or a single
      `tf.autograph.experimental.Feature` value. Controls the use of optional
      features in the conversion process.

    Same as `entity`, the converted Python function or class.

    ValueError: If the entity could not be converted.
        program_ctx = converter.ProgramContext(
        return conversion.convert(entity, program_ctx)
    except (ValueError, AttributeError, KeyError, NameError,
            AssertionError) as e:
        logging.error(1, 'Error converting %s', entity, exc_info=True)
        raise ConversionError('converting {}: {}: {}'.format(
            entity, e.__class__.__name__, str(e)))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def to_graph(entity, recursive=True, experimental_optional_features=None):
  """Converts a Python entity into a TensorFlow graph.

  Also see: `tf.autograph.to_code`, `tf.function`.

  Unlike `tf.function`, `to_graph` is a low-level transpiler that converts
  Python code to TensorFlow graph code. It does not implement any caching,
  variable management or create any actual ops, and is best used where greater
  control over the generated TensorFlow graph is desired. Another difference
  from `tf.function` is that `to_graph` will not wrap the graph into a
  TensorFlow function or a Python callable. Internally, `tf.function` uses

  Example usage:

  >>> def f(x):
  ...   if x > 0:
  ...     y = x * x
  ...   else:
  ...     y = -x
  ...   return y
  >>> converted_f = to_graph(f)
  >>> x = tf.constant(2)
  >>> converted_f(x)  # converted_foo is like a TensorFlow Op.
  <tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=int32, numpy=4>

  Supported Python entities include:
    * functions
    * classes
    * object methods

  Functions are converted into new functions with converted code.

  Classes are converted by generating a new class whose methods use converted

  Methods are converted into unbound function that have an additional first
  argument called `self`.

  For a tutorial, see the
  [tf.function and AutoGraph guide](https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/function).
  For more detailed information, see the
  [AutoGraph reference documentation](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/python/autograph/g3doc/reference/index.md).

    entity: Python callable or class to convert.
    recursive: Whether to recursively convert any functions that the converted
      function may call.
    experimental_optional_features: `None`, a tuple of, or a single
      `tf.autograph.experimental.Feature` value.

    Same as `entity`, the converted Python function or class.

    ValueError: If the entity could not be converted.
    program_ctx = converter.ProgramContext(
    return autograph_artifact(conversion.convert(entity, program_ctx))
  except (ValueError, AttributeError, KeyError, NameError, AssertionError) as e:
    logging.error(1, 'Error converting %s', entity, exc_info=True)
    raise ConversionError('converting {}: {}: {}'.format(
        entity, e.__class__.__name__, str(e)))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def function_to_graph(f, program_ctx, arg_values, arg_types, owner_type=None):
    """Specialization of `entity_to_graph` for callable functions."""

    node, source = parser.parse_entity(f)
    logging.log(3, 'Source code of %s:\n%s', f, source)
    node = node.body[0]

    # In general, the output of inspect.getsource is inexact because it uses
    # regex matching to adjust the exact location around the line number that
    # CPython records. This is particularly problematic for lambda functions,
    # where the entire containing lines are returned.
    nodes = ast_util.find_matching_definitions(node, f)
    if len(nodes) != 1:
        if f.__name__ == '<lambda>':
            raise ValueError(
                'Unable to identify source code of lambda function {}. It was'
                ' defined on this line: {}, which must contain a single lambda with'
                ' matching signature. To avoid ambiguity, define each lambda'
                ' in a separate expression.'.format(f, source))
            raise ValueError(
                'Unable to identify source code of function {}({}). The source code'
                ' reported by Python did not include exactly one matching signature:'
                '\n{}\n. This is an extremely rare occurrence. Please report it to'
                ' the TensorFlow team.'.format(f, tf_inspect.getfullargspec(f),
    node, = nodes

    # TODO(znado): Place inside standard_analysis.
    origin_info.resolve(node, source, f)
    namespace = inspect_utils.getnamespace(f)
    _add_self_references(namespace, program_ctx.autograph_module)
    namer = program_ctx.new_namer(namespace)

    entity_info = transformer.EntityInfo(source_code=source,
    context = converter.EntityContext(namer, entity_info, program_ctx)
        node = node_to_graph(node, context)
    except (ValueError, AttributeError, KeyError, NotImplementedError) as e:
        logging.error(1, 'Error converting %s', f, exc_info=True)
        raise errors.InternalError('conversion', e)
        # TODO(mdan): Catch and rethrow syntax errors.

    if isinstance(node, gast.Lambda):
        new_name = namer.new_symbol('tf__lambda', ())
        node = gast.Assign(targets=[gast.Name(new_name, gast.Store(), None)],

        # TODO(mdan): This somewhat duplicates the renaming logic in call_trees.py
        new_name, did_rename = namer.compiled_function_name(
            f.__name__, f, owner_type)
        if did_rename:
            node.name = new_name
            new_name = f.__name__
            assert node.name == new_name

    # TODO(mdan): Use this at compilation.

    return [node], new_name, namespace