Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_doesnt_raise_when_equal(self):
   with self.test_session():
     small = constant_op.constant([1, 2], name="small")
     with ops.control_dependencies(
         [check_ops.assert_greater_equal(small, small)]):
       out = array_ops.identity(small)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _single_batch_sampler(self, sampler):
   # Enforce that there are at least as many data points as centers
   # remaining. This gives the provided sampler the chance to select all
   # remaining centers from a single batch.
   with ops.control_dependencies(
       [check_ops.assert_greater_equal(self._num_data, self._num_remaining)]):
     return sampler()
Ejemplo n.º 3
  def _check_valid_event_ndims(self, min_event_ndims, event_ndims):
    """Check whether event_ndims is atleast min_event_ndims."""
    event_ndims = ops.convert_to_tensor(event_ndims, name="event_ndims")
    event_ndims_ = tensor_util.constant_value(event_ndims)
    assertions = []

    if not event_ndims.dtype.is_integer:
      raise ValueError("Expected integer dtype, got dtype {}".format(

    if event_ndims_ is not None:
      if event_ndims.shape.ndims != 0:
        raise ValueError("Expected scalar event_ndims, got shape {}".format(
      if min_event_ndims > event_ndims_:
        raise ValueError("event_ndims ({}) must be larger than "
                         "min_event_ndims ({})".format(
                             event_ndims_, min_event_ndims))
    elif self.validate_args:
      assertions += [
          check_ops.assert_greater_equal(event_ndims, min_event_ndims)]

    if event_ndims.shape.is_fully_defined():
      if event_ndims.shape.ndims != 0:
        raise ValueError("Expected scalar shape, got ndims {}".format(

    elif self.validate_args:
      assertions += [
          check_ops.assert_rank(event_ndims, 0, message="Expected scalar.")]
    return assertions
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_doesnt_raise_when_both_empty(self):
   larry = constant_op.constant([])
   curly = constant_op.constant([])
   with ops.control_dependencies(
       [check_ops.assert_greater_equal(larry, curly)]):
     out = array_ops.identity(larry)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_doesnt_raise_when_greater_equal_and_broadcastable_shapes(self):
   small = constant_op.constant([1], name="small")
   big = constant_op.constant([3, 1], name="big")
   with ops.control_dependencies(
       [check_ops.assert_greater_equal(big, small)]):
     out = array_ops.identity(small)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_raises_when_less(self):
   small = constant_op.constant([1, 2], name="small")
   big = constant_op.constant([3, 4], name="big")
   with self.assertRaisesOpError("fail"):
     with ops.control_dependencies(
             small, big, message="fail")]):
       out = array_ops.identity(small)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_raises_when_less_equal_but_non_broadcastable_shapes(self):
   with self.test_session():
     small = constant_op.constant([1, 1, 1], name="big")
     big = constant_op.constant([3, 1], name="small")
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "Dimensions must be equal"):
       with ops.control_dependencies(
           [check_ops.assert_greater_equal(big, small)]):
         out = array_ops.identity(small)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _validate_aux_loss_weight(aux_loss_weight, name='aux_loss_weight'):
  if isinstance(aux_loss_weight, ops.Tensor):
    with ops.control_dependencies(
        [check_ops.assert_greater_equal(aux_loss_weight, 0.0)]):
      aux_loss_weight = array_ops.identity(aux_loss_weight)
  elif aux_loss_weight is not None and aux_loss_weight < 0:
    raise ValueError('`%s` must be greater than 0. Instead, was %s' %
                     (name, aux_loss_weight))
  return aux_loss_weight
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def check(t):
   samples_batch_shape = array_ops.shape(samples)[1:]
   broadcasted_batch_shape = array_ops.broadcast_dynamic_shape(
       samples_batch_shape, array_ops.shape(t))
   # This rank check ensures that I don't get a wrong answer from the
   # _shapes_ broadcasting against each other.
   samples_batch_ndims = array_ops.size(samples_batch_shape)
   ge = check_ops.assert_greater_equal(
       samples_batch_ndims, array_ops.rank(t))
   eq = check_ops.assert_equal(samples_batch_shape, broadcasted_batch_shape)
   return ge, eq
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_raises_when_less_equal_but_non_broadcastable_shapes(self):
   small = constant_op.constant([1, 1, 1], name="big")
   big = constant_op.constant([3, 1], name="small")
   # The exception in eager and non-eager mode is different because
   # eager mode relies on shape check done as part of the C++ op, while
   # graph mode does shape checks when creating the `Operation` instance.
   with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
       (errors.InvalidArgumentError, ValueError),
       (r"Incompatible shapes: \[2\] vs. \[3\]|"
        r"Dimensions must be equal, but are 2 and 3")):
     with ops.control_dependencies(
         [check_ops.assert_greater_equal(big, small)]):
       out = array_ops.identity(small)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def _check_valid_event_ndims(self, min_event_ndims, event_ndims):
   """Check whether event_ndims is atleast min_event_ndims."""
   event_ndims_ = get_static_value(event_ndims, np.int32)
   assertions = []
   if event_ndims_ is not None:
     if min_event_ndims > event_ndims_:
       raise ValueError("event_ndims ({}) must be larger than "
                        "min_event_ndims ({})".format(
                            event_ndims_, min_event_ndims))
   elif self.validate_args:
     assertions += [
         check_ops.assert_greater_equal(event_ndims, min_event_ndims)]
   return assertions
Ejemplo n.º 12
  def _check_valid_event_ndims(self, min_event_ndims, event_ndims):
    """Check whether event_ndims is atleast min_event_ndims."""
    min_event_ndims_ = (min_event_ndims if isinstance(min_event_ndims, int)
                        else tensor_util.constant_value(min_event_ndims))
    event_ndims_ = (event_ndims if isinstance(event_ndims, int)
                    else tensor_util.constant_value(event_ndims))

    if min_event_ndims_ is not None and event_ndims_ is not None:
      if min_event_ndims_ > event_ndims_:
        raise ValueError("event_ndims ({}) must be larger than "
                         "min_event_ndims ({})".format(
                             event_ndims_, min_event_ndims_))
      return []

    if self.validate_args:
      return [check_ops.assert_greater_equal(event_ndims, min_event_ndims)]
    return []
Ejemplo n.º 13
  def _maybe_check_valid_shape(self, shape, validate_args):
    """Check that a shape Tensor is int-type and otherwise sane."""
    if not shape.dtype.is_integer:
      raise TypeError("{} dtype ({}) should be `int`-like.".format(
          shape, shape.dtype.name))

    assertions = []

    ndims = array_ops.rank(shape)
    ndims_ = tensor_util.constant_value(ndims)
    if ndims_ is not None and ndims_ > 1:
      raise ValueError("`{}` rank ({}) should be <= 1.".format(
          shape, ndims_))
    elif validate_args:
          ndims, 1, message="`{}` rank should be <= 1.".format(shape)))

    shape_ = tensor_util.constant_value_as_shape(shape)
    if shape_.is_fully_defined():
      es = np.int32(shape_.as_list())
      if sum(es == -1) > 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "`{}` must have at most one `-1` (given {})"
            .format(shape, es))
      if np.any(es < -1):
        raise ValueError(
            "`{}` elements must be either positive integers or `-1`"
            "(given {})."
            .format(shape, es))
    elif validate_args:
                  math_ops.cast(math_ops.equal(shape, -1), dtypes.int32)),
              message="`{}` elements must have at most one `-1`."
              shape, -1,
              message="`{}` elements must be either positive integers or `-1`."
    return assertions
Ejemplo n.º 14
def _minimum_mean(samples, envelope, low, name=None):
  """Returns a stochastic lower bound on the mean of a scalar distribution.

  The idea is that if the true CDF is within an `eps`-envelope of the
  empirical CDF of the samples, and the support is bounded below, then
  the mean is bounded below as well.  In symbols,

  sup_x(|F_n(x) - F(x)|) < eps

  The 0th dimension of `samples` is interpreted as independent and
  identically distributed samples.  The remaining dimensions are
  broadcast together with `envelope` and `low`, and operated on

    samples: Floating-point tensor of samples from the distribution(s)
      of interest.  Entries are assumed IID across the 0th dimension.
      The other dimensions must broadcast with `envelope` and `low`.
    envelope: Floating-point tensor of sizes of admissible CDF
      envelopes (i.e., the `eps` above).
    low: Floating-point tensor of lower bounds on the distributions'
    name: A name for this operation (optional).

    bound: Floating-point tensor of lower bounds on the true means.

    InvalidArgumentError: If some `sample` is found to be smaller than
      the corresponding `low`.
  with ops.name_scope(name, "minimum_mean", [samples, envelope, low]):
    samples = ops.convert_to_tensor(samples, name="samples")
    envelope = ops.convert_to_tensor(envelope, name="envelope")
    low = ops.convert_to_tensor(low, name="low")

    xmin = math_ops.reduce_min(samples, axis=[-1])
    msg = "Given sample minimum value falls below expectations"
    check_op = check_ops.assert_greater_equal(xmin, low, message=msg)
    with ops.control_dependencies([check_op]):
      return - _do_maximum_mean(-samples, envelope, -low)
Ejemplo n.º 15
  def _validate_sample_arg(self, x):
    """Helper which validates sample arg, e.g., input to `log_prob`."""
    with ops.name_scope(name="validate_sample_arg", values=[x]):
      x_ndims = (array_ops.rank(x) if x.shape.ndims is None else x.shape.ndims)
      event_ndims = (array_ops.size(self.event_shape_tensor())
                     if self.event_shape.ndims is None
                     else self.event_shape.ndims)
      batch_ndims = (
          if self.batch_shape.ndims is None else self.batch_shape.ndims)
      expected_batch_event_ndims = batch_ndims + event_ndims

      if (isinstance(x_ndims, int) and
          isinstance(expected_batch_event_ndims, int)):
        if x_ndims < expected_batch_event_ndims:
          raise NotImplementedError(
              "Broadcasting is not supported; too few batch and event dims "
              "(expected at least {}, saw {}).".format(
                  expected_batch_event_ndims, x_ndims))
        ndims_assertion = []
      elif self.validate_args:
        ndims_assertion = [
                message=("Broadcasting is not supported; too few "
                         "batch and event dims."),

      if (self.batch_shape.is_fully_defined() and
        expected_batch_event_shape = np.int32(self.batch_shape.concatenate(
        expected_batch_event_shape = array_ops.concat([
        ], axis=0)

      sample_ndims = x_ndims - expected_batch_event_ndims
      if isinstance(sample_ndims, int):
        sample_ndims = max(sample_ndims, 0)
      if (isinstance(sample_ndims, int) and
        actual_batch_event_shape = np.int32(x.shape[sample_ndims:].as_list())
        sample_ndims = math_ops.maximum(sample_ndims, 0)
        actual_batch_event_shape = array_ops.shape(x)[sample_ndims:]

      if (isinstance(expected_batch_event_shape, np.ndarray) and
          isinstance(actual_batch_event_shape, np.ndarray)):
        if any(expected_batch_event_shape != actual_batch_event_shape):
          raise NotImplementedError("Broadcasting is not supported; "
                                    "unexpected batch and event shape "
                                    "(expected {}, saw {}).".format(
        # We need to set the final runtime-assertions to `ndims_assertion` since
        # its possible this assertion was created. We could add a condition to
        # only do so if `self.validate_args == True`, however this is redundant
        # as `ndims_assertion` already encodes this information.
        runtime_assertions = ndims_assertion
      elif self.validate_args:
        # We need to make the `ndims_assertion` a control dep because otherwise
        # TF itself might raise an exception owing to this assertion being
        # ill-defined, ie, one cannot even compare different rank Tensors.
        with ops.control_dependencies(ndims_assertion):
          shape_assertion = check_ops.assert_equal(
              message=("Broadcasting is not supported; "
                       "unexpected batch and event shape."),
        runtime_assertions = [shape_assertion]
        runtime_assertions = []

      return runtime_assertions
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def update_state(self, y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None):
        # Cast inputs
        y_pred = tf.convert_to_tensor(y_pred)
        y_true = tf.cast(y_true, dtype=y_pred.dtype)

        # Transform inputs
        [y_pred, y_true
         ], _ = metrics_utils.ragged_assert_compatible_and_get_flat_values(
             [y_pred, y_true], sample_weight)

        # Get threshold properties
        if isinstance(self.thresholds, list):
            num_thresholds = len(self.thresholds)
            num_thresholds = len(list(self.thresholds))

        # Check input values and adjust shapes
        with ops.control_dependencies([
                    tf.cast(0.0, dtype=y_pred.dtype),
                    message='predictions must be >= 0'),
                                            tf.cast(1.0, dtype=y_pred.dtype),
                                            message='predictions must be <= 1')

            if sample_weight is None:
                y_pred, y_true = tf_losses_utils.squeeze_or_expand_dimensions(
                    y_pred, y_true)
                y_pred, y_true, sample_weight = (
                        y_pred, y_true, sample_weight=sample_weight))

        # Check shape compatibility

        # Check if num_classes corresponds to y_pred
        if self.average != 'micro':
                shapes=[(y_pred, (..., self.num_classes))],
                message='num_classes must correspond to the prediction')

        # Filter top k
        if self.top_k is not None:
            y_pred = metrics_utils._filter_top_k(y_pred, self.top_k)

        # Select class id
        if self.class_id is not None:
            y_true = y_true[..., self.class_id]
            y_pred = y_pred[..., self.class_id]

        # Get prediction shape
        pred_shape = tf.shape(y_pred)
        num_predictions = pred_shape[0]

        # Set label shapes
        if y_pred.shape.ndims == 1:
            num_labels = 1
            num_labels = K.prod(pred_shape[1:], axis=0)

        # Flatten predicitons and labels
        predictions_extra_dim = tf.reshape(y_pred, [1, -1])
        labels_extra_dim = tf.reshape(tf.cast(y_true, dtype=tf.bool), [1, -1])

        # Tile the thresholds for every prediction
        thresh_pretile_shape = [num_thresholds, -1]
        thresh_tiles = [1, num_predictions * num_labels]
        data_tiles = [num_thresholds, 1]

        thresh_tiled = tf.tile(
            tf.reshape(tf.constant(self.thresholds, dtype=y_pred.dtype),
                       thresh_pretile_shape), tf.stack(thresh_tiles))

        # Tile the predictions for every threshold
        preds_tiled = tf.tile(predictions_extra_dim, data_tiles)

        # Compare predictions and threshold
        pred_is_pos = tf.greater(preds_tiled, thresh_tiled)

        # Tile labels by number of thresholds
        label_is_pos = tf.tile(labels_extra_dim, data_tiles)

        # Set sample weights
        if sample_weight is not None:
            sample_weight = weights_broadcast_ops.broadcast_weights(
                tf.cast(sample_weight, dtype=y_pred.dtype), y_pred)
            weights_tiled = tf.tile(tf.reshape(sample_weight, thresh_tiles),
            weights_tiled = None

        def _weighted_assign_add(label, pred, weights, var):
            label_and_pred = tf.cast(tf.logical_and(label, pred),

            if weights is not None:
                label_and_pred *= weights

            if self.average != 'micro':
                label_and_pred = tf.reshape(label_and_pred,
                                            shape=[-1, self.num_classes])

            return var.assign_add(tf.reduce_sum(label_and_pred, self.axis))

        # Set return value
        update_ops = []

        # Update true positives
            _weighted_assign_add(label_is_pos, pred_is_pos, weights_tiled,

        # Update false negatives
        pred_is_neg = tf.logical_not(pred_is_pos)
            _weighted_assign_add(label_is_pos, pred_is_neg, weights_tiled,

        # Update false positives
        label_is_neg = tf.logical_not(label_is_pos)
            _weighted_assign_add(label_is_neg, pred_is_pos, weights_tiled,

        return tf.group(update_ops)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def assert_true_mean_in_interval_by_dkwm(
    samples, low, high, expected_low, expected_high,
    false_fail_rate=1e-6, name=None):
  """Asserts the mean of the given distribution is in the given interval.

  More precisely, fails if there is enough evidence (using the
  [Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz-Massart inequality]
  that the mean of the distribution from which the given samples are
  drawn is _outside_ the given interval with statistical significance
  `false_fail_rate` or stronger, otherwise passes.  If you also want
  to check that you are gathering enough evidence that a pass is not
  spurious, see `min_num_samples_for_dkwm_mean_test` and

  Note that `false_fail_rate` is a total false failure rate for all
  the assertions in the batch.  As such, if the batch is nontrivial,
  the assertion will insist on stronger evidence to fail any one member.

    samples: Floating-point `Tensor` of samples from the distribution(s)
      of interest.  Entries are assumed IID across the 0th dimension.
      The other dimensions must broadcast with `low` and `high`.
      The support is bounded: `low <= samples <= high`.
    low: Floating-point `Tensor` of lower bounds on the distributions'
    high: Floating-point `Tensor` of upper bounds on the distributions'
    expected_low: Floating-point `Tensor` of lower bounds on the
      expected true means.
    expected_high: Floating-point `Tensor` of upper bounds on the
      expected true means.
    false_fail_rate: *Scalar* floating-point `Tensor` admissible total
      rate of mistakes.
    name: A name for this operation (optional).

    check: Op that raises `InvalidArgumentError` if any expected mean
      interval does not overlap with the corresponding confidence
  with ops.name_scope(
      name, "assert_true_mean_in_interval_by_dkwm",
      [samples, low, high, expected_low, expected_high, false_fail_rate]):
    samples = ops.convert_to_tensor(samples, name="samples")
    low = ops.convert_to_tensor(low, name="low")
    high = ops.convert_to_tensor(high, name="high")
    expected_low = ops.convert_to_tensor(expected_low, name="expected_low")
    expected_high = ops.convert_to_tensor(expected_high, name="expected_high")
    false_fail_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
        false_fail_rate, name="false_fail_rate")
    samples = _check_shape_dominates(
        samples, [low, high, expected_low, expected_high])
    min_mean, max_mean = true_mean_confidence_interval_by_dkwm(
        samples, low, high, false_fail_rate)
    # Assert that the interval [min_mean, max_mean] intersects the
    # interval [expected_low, expected_high].  This is true if
    #   max_mean >= expected_low and min_mean <= expected_high.
    # By DeMorgan's law, that's also equivalent to
    #   not (max_mean < expected_low or min_mean > expected_high),
    # which is a way of saying the two intervals are not disjoint.
    check_confidence_interval_can_intersect = check_ops.assert_greater_equal(
        max_mean, expected_low, message="Confidence interval does not "
        "intersect: true mean smaller than expected")
    with ops.control_dependencies([check_confidence_interval_can_intersect]):
      return check_ops.assert_less_equal(
          min_mean, expected_high, message="Confidence interval does not "
          "intersect: true mean greater than expected")
def assert_true_mean_equal_by_dkwm_two_sample(
    samples1, low1, high1, samples2, low2, high2,
    false_fail_rate=1e-6, name=None):
  """Asserts the means of the given distributions are equal.

  More precisely, fails if there is enough evidence (using the
  [Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz-Massart inequality]
  that the means of the distributions from which the given samples are
  drawn are _not_ equal with statistical significance `false_fail_rate`
  or stronger, otherwise passes.  If you also want to check that you
  are gathering enough evidence that a pass is not spurious, see
  `min_num_samples_for_dkwm_mean_two_sample_test` and

  Note that `false_fail_rate` is a total false failure rate for all
  the assertions in the batch.  As such, if the batch is nontrivial,
  the assertion will insist on stronger evidence to fail any one member.

    samples1: Floating-point tensor of samples from the
      distribution(s) A.  Entries are assumed IID across the 0th
      dimension.  The other dimensions must broadcast with `low1`,
      `high1`, `low2`, and `high2`.
    low1: Floating-point tensor of lower bounds on the supports of the
      distributions A.
    high1: Floating-point tensor of upper bounds on the supports of
      the distributions A.
    samples2: Floating-point tensor of samples from the
      distribution(s) B.  Entries are assumed IID across the 0th
      dimension.  The other dimensions must broadcast with `low1`,
      `high1`, `low2`, and `high2`.
    low2: Floating-point tensor of lower bounds on the supports of the
      distributions B.
    high2: Floating-point tensor of upper bounds on the supports of
      the distributions B.
    false_fail_rate: *Scalar* admissible total rate of mistakes.
    name: A name for this operation (optional).

    check: Op that raises `InvalidArgumentError` if any pair of confidence
      intervals true for corresponding true means do not overlap.
  with ops.name_scope(
      name, "assert_true_mean_equal_by_dkwm_two_sample",
      [samples1, low1, high1, samples2, low2, high2, false_fail_rate]):
    samples1 = ops.convert_to_tensor(samples1, name="samples1")
    low1 = ops.convert_to_tensor(low1, name="low1")
    high1 = ops.convert_to_tensor(high1, name="high1")
    samples2 = ops.convert_to_tensor(samples2, name="samples2")
    low2 = ops.convert_to_tensor(low2, name="low2")
    high2 = ops.convert_to_tensor(high2, name="high2")
    false_fail_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
        false_fail_rate, name="false_fail_rate")
    samples1 = _check_shape_dominates(samples1, [low1, high1])
    samples2 = _check_shape_dominates(samples2, [low2, high2])
    compatible_samples = check_ops.assert_equal(
        array_ops.shape(samples1)[1:], array_ops.shape(samples2)[1:])
    with ops.control_dependencies([compatible_samples]):
      # Could in principle play games with cleverly allocating
      # significance instead of the even split below.  It may be possible
      # to get tighter intervals, in order to obtain a higher power test.
      # Any allocation strategy that depends only on the support bounds
      # and sample counts should be valid; however, because the intervals
      # scale as O(-log(false_fail_rate)), there doesn't seem to be much
      # room to win.
      min_mean_1, max_mean_1 = true_mean_confidence_interval_by_dkwm(
          samples1, low1, high1, false_fail_rate / 2.)
      min_mean_2, max_mean_2 = true_mean_confidence_interval_by_dkwm(
          samples2, low2, high2, false_fail_rate / 2.)
      # I want to assert
      #   not (max_mean_1 < min_mean_2 or min_mean_1 > max_mean_2),
      # but I think I only have and-combination of asserts, so use DeMorgan.
      check_confidence_intervals_can_intersect = check_ops.assert_greater_equal(
          max_mean_1, min_mean_2, message="Confidence intervals do not "
          "intersect: samples1 has a smaller mean than samples2")
      with ops.control_dependencies([check_confidence_intervals_can_intersect]):
        return check_ops.assert_less_equal(
            min_mean_1, max_mean_2, message="Confidence intervals do not "
            "intersect: samples2 has a smaller mean than samples1")
Ejemplo n.º 19
def update_confusion_matrix_variables(variables_to_update,
  """Returns op to update the given confusion matrix variables.

  For every pair of values in y_true and y_pred:

  true_positive: y_true == True and y_pred > thresholds
  false_negatives: y_true == True and y_pred <= thresholds
  true_negatives: y_true == False and y_pred <= thresholds
  false_positive: y_true == False and y_pred > thresholds

  The results will be weighted and added together. When multiple thresholds are
  provided, we will repeat the same for every threshold.

  For estimation of these metrics over a stream of data, the function creates an
  `update_op` operation that updates the given variables.

  If `sample_weight` is `None`, weights default to 1.
  Use weights of 0 to mask values.

    variables_to_update: Dictionary with 'tp', 'fn', 'tn', 'fp' as valid keys
      and corresponding variables to update as values.
    y_true: A `Tensor` whose shape matches `y_pred`. Will be cast to `bool`.
    y_pred: A floating point `Tensor` of arbitrary shape and whose values are in
      the range `[0, 1]`.
    thresholds: A float value or a python list or tuple of float thresholds in
      `[0, 1]`, or NEG_INF (used when top_k is set).
    top_k: Optional int, indicates that the positive labels should be limited to
      the top k predictions.
    class_id: Optional int, limits the prediction and labels to the class
      specified by this argument.
    sample_weight: Optional `Tensor` whose rank is either 0, or the same rank as
      `y_true`, and must be broadcastable to `y_true` (i.e., all dimensions must
      be either `1`, or the same as the corresponding `y_true` dimension).

    Update op.

    ValueError: If `y_pred` and `y_true` have mismatched shapes, or if
      `sample_weight` is not `None` and its shape doesn't match `y_pred`, or if
      `variables_to_update` contains invalid keys.
  if variables_to_update is None:
  y_true = math_ops.cast(y_true, dtype=dtypes.float32)
  y_pred = math_ops.cast(y_pred, dtype=dtypes.float32)

  if not any(
      key for key in variables_to_update if key in list(ConfusionMatrix)):
    raise ValueError(
        'Please provide at least one valid confusion matrix '
        'variable to update. Valid variable key options are: "{}". '
        'Received: "{}"'.format(
            list(ConfusionMatrix), variables_to_update.keys()))

  invalid_keys = [
      key for key in variables_to_update if key not in list(ConfusionMatrix)
  if invalid_keys:
    raise ValueError(
        'Invalid keys: {}. Valid variable key options are: "{}"'.format(
            invalid_keys, list(ConfusionMatrix)))

  with ops.control_dependencies([
          math_ops.cast(0.0, dtype=y_pred.dtype),
          message='predictions must be >= 0'),
          math_ops.cast(1.0, dtype=y_pred.dtype),
          message='predictions must be <= 1')
    y_pred, y_true, sample_weight = squeeze_or_expand_dimensions(
        y_pred, y_true, sample_weight)

  if top_k is not None:
    y_pred = _filter_top_k(y_pred, top_k)
  if class_id is not None:
    y_true = y_true[..., class_id]
    y_pred = y_pred[..., class_id]

  thresholds = to_list(thresholds)
  num_thresholds = len(thresholds)
  num_predictions = array_ops.size(y_pred)

  # Reshape predictions and labels.
  predictions_2d = array_ops.reshape(y_pred, [1, -1])
  labels_2d = array_ops.reshape(
      math_ops.cast(y_true, dtype=dtypes.bool), [1, -1])

  # Tile the thresholds for every prediction.
  thresh_tiled = array_ops.tile(
      array_ops.expand_dims(array_ops.constant(thresholds), 1),
      array_ops.stack([1, num_predictions]))

  # Tile the predictions for every threshold.
  preds_tiled = array_ops.tile(predictions_2d, [num_thresholds, 1])

  # Compare predictions and threshold.
  pred_is_pos = math_ops.greater(preds_tiled, thresh_tiled)

  # Tile labels by number of thresholds
  label_is_pos = array_ops.tile(labels_2d, [num_thresholds, 1])

  if sample_weight is not None:
    weights = weights_broadcast_ops.broadcast_weights(
        math_ops.cast(sample_weight, dtype=dtypes.float32), y_pred)
    weights_tiled = array_ops.tile(
        array_ops.reshape(weights, [1, -1]), [num_thresholds, 1])
    weights_tiled = None

  update_ops = []

  def weighted_assign_add(label, pred, weights, var):
    label_and_pred = math_ops.cast(
        math_ops.logical_and(label, pred), dtype=dtypes.float32)
    if weights is not None:
      label_and_pred *= weights
    return var.assign_add(math_ops.reduce_sum(label_and_pred, 1))

  loop_vars = {
      ConfusionMatrix.TRUE_POSITIVES: (label_is_pos, pred_is_pos),
  update_tn = ConfusionMatrix.TRUE_NEGATIVES in variables_to_update
  update_fp = ConfusionMatrix.FALSE_POSITIVES in variables_to_update
  update_fn = ConfusionMatrix.FALSE_NEGATIVES in variables_to_update

  if update_fn or update_tn:
    pred_is_neg = math_ops.logical_not(pred_is_pos)
    loop_vars[ConfusionMatrix.FALSE_NEGATIVES] = (label_is_pos, pred_is_neg)

  if update_fp or update_tn:
    label_is_neg = math_ops.logical_not(label_is_pos)
    loop_vars[ConfusionMatrix.FALSE_POSITIVES] = (label_is_neg, pred_is_pos)
    if update_tn:
      loop_vars[ConfusionMatrix.TRUE_NEGATIVES] = (label_is_neg, pred_is_neg)

  for matrix_cond, (label, pred) in loop_vars.items():
    if matrix_cond in variables_to_update:
          weighted_assign_add(label, pred, weights_tiled,
  return control_flow_ops.group(update_ops)
def _ragged_getitem_inner_dimensions(rt_input, key_list):
    """Retrieve inner dimensions, keeping outermost dimension unchanged.

    rt_input: The `RaggedTensor` or `Tensor` from which a piece should be
    key_list: The __getitem__ keys for slicing the inner dimensions.

    A `RaggedTensor`.

    ValueError: If key_list is not supported.
    if not key_list:
        return rt_input

    if isinstance(rt_input, ops.Tensor):
        return rt_input.__getitem__([slice(None, None, None)] + key_list)

    column_key = key_list[0]
    if column_key is Ellipsis:
        expanded_key_list = _expand_ellipsis(key_list,
        return _ragged_getitem_inner_dimensions(rt_input, expanded_key_list)

    # Adding a new axis to a ragged inner dimension: recursively get the inner
    # dimensions of rt_input with key_list[1:], and then wrap the result in a
    # RaggedTensor that puts each value in its own row.
    if column_key is array_ops.newaxis:
        inner_rt = _ragged_getitem_inner_dimensions(rt_input, key_list[1:])
        nsplits = tensor_shape.dimension_at_index(inner_rt.row_splits.shape, 0)
        if nsplits.value is not None:
            nsplits = nsplits.value
            nsplits = array_ops.shape(inner_rt.row_splits,
        return ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor.from_uniform_row_length(
            inner_rt, 1, nrows=nsplits - 1, validate=False)

    # Slicing a range of columns in a ragged inner dimension.  We use a
    # recursive call to process the values, and then assemble a RaggedTensor
    # with those values.
    if isinstance(column_key, slice):
        if (column_key.start is None and column_key.stop is None
                and column_key.step is None):
            # Trivial slice: recursively process all values, & splits is unchanged.
            return rt_input.with_values(
            if not (isinstance(column_key.start, (ops.Tensor, int, type(None)))
                    and isinstance(column_key.stop,
                                   (ops.Tensor, int, type(None)))):
                raise TypeError("slice offsets must be integers or None")

            # Nontrivial slice: use ragged_gather to extract the indicated slice as
            # a new RaggedTensor (inner_rt), and then recursively process its values.
            starts = rt_input.row_splits[:-1]
            limits = rt_input.row_splits[1:]
            step = 1 if column_key.step is None else column_key.step
            lower_bound = _if_ge_zero(step, lambda: starts, lambda: starts - 1)
            upper_bound = _if_ge_zero(step, lambda: limits, lambda: limits - 1)
            # inner_rt_starts[i] = index to start gathering for row i.
            if column_key.start is None:
                inner_rt_starts = _if_ge_zero(step, lambda: starts,
                                              lambda: limits - 1)
                start_offset = math_ops.cast(column_key.start, starts.dtype)
                inner_rt_starts = _if_ge_zero(
                    column_key.start, lambda: math_ops.minimum(
                        starts + start_offset, upper_bound), lambda: math_ops.
                    maximum(limits + start_offset, lower_bound))
            # inner_rt_limits[i] = index to stop gathering for row i.
            if column_key.stop is None:
                inner_rt_limits = _if_ge_zero(step, lambda: limits,
                                              lambda: starts - 1)
                stop_offset = math_ops.cast(column_key.stop, starts.dtype)
                inner_rt_limits = _if_ge_zero(
                    column_key.stop, lambda: math_ops.minimum(
                        starts + stop_offset, upper_bound), lambda: math_ops.
                    maximum(limits + stop_offset, lower_bound))
            inner_rt = _build_ragged_tensor_from_value_ranges(
                inner_rt_starts, inner_rt_limits, column_key.step,
            # If the row dimension is uniform, then calculate the new
            # uniform_row_length, and rebuild inner_rt using that uniform_row_lengths.
            if rt_input.uniform_row_length is not None:
                new_row_length = _slice_length(rt_input.uniform_row_length,
                inner_rt = ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor.from_uniform_row_length(
                    inner_rt.values, new_row_length, rt_input.nrows())
            return inner_rt.with_values(

    # Indexing a single column in a ragged inner dimension: raise an Exception.
    # See RaggedTensor.__getitem__.__doc__ for an explanation of why indexing
    # into a ragged inner dimension is problematic.
    if rt_input.uniform_row_length is None:
        raise ValueError("Cannot index into an inner ragged dimension.")

    # Indexing a single column in a uniform inner dimension: check that the
    # given index is in-bounds, and then use a strided slice over rt_input.values
    # to take the indicated element from each row.
    row_length = rt_input.uniform_row_length
    column_key = math_ops.cast(column_key, row_length.dtype)
    oob_err_msg = "Index out of bounds when indexing into a ragged tensor"
    oob_checks = [
        check_ops.assert_less(column_key, row_length, message=oob_err_msg),
    with ops.control_dependencies(oob_checks):
        offset = _if_ge_zero(column_key, lambda: column_key,
                             lambda: row_length + column_key)
        sliced_rt = rt_input.values[offset::row_length]
        return _ragged_getitem_inner_dimensions(sliced_rt, key_list[1:])
Ejemplo n.º 21
def assert_true_mean_equal_by_dkwm_two_sample(
    samples1, low1, high1, samples2, low2, high2,
    false_fail_rate=1e-6, name=None):
  """Asserts the means of the given distributions are equal.

  More precisely, fails if there is enough evidence (using the
  [Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz-Massart inequality]
  that the means of the distributions from which the given samples are
  drawn are _not_ equal with statistical significance `false_fail_rate`
  or stronger, otherwise passes.  If you also want to check that you
  are gathering enough evidence that a pass is not spurious, see
  `min_num_samples_for_dkwm_mean_two_sample_test` and

  Note that `false_fail_rate` is a total false failure rate for all
  the assertions in the batch.  As such, if the batch is nontrivial,
  the assertion will insist on stronger evidence to fail any one member.

    samples1: Floating-point tensor of samples from the
      distribution(s) A.  Entries are assumed IID across the 0th
      dimension.  The other dimensions must broadcast with `low1`,
      `high1`, `low2`, and `high2`.
    low1: Floating-point tensor of lower bounds on the supports of the
      distributions A.
    high1: Floating-point tensor of upper bounds on the supports of
      the distributions A.
    samples2: Floating-point tensor of samples from the
      distribution(s) B.  Entries are assumed IID across the 0th
      dimension.  The other dimensions must broadcast with `low1`,
      `high1`, `low2`, and `high2`.
    low2: Floating-point tensor of lower bounds on the supports of the
      distributions B.
    high2: Floating-point tensor of upper bounds on the supports of
      the distributions B.
    false_fail_rate: *Scalar* admissible total rate of mistakes.
    name: A name for this operation (optional).

    check: Op that raises `InvalidArgumentError` if any pair of confidence
      intervals true for corresponding true means do not overlap.
  with ops.name_scope(
      name, "assert_true_mean_equal_by_dkwm_two_sample",
      [samples1, low1, high1, samples2, low2, high2, false_fail_rate]):
    samples1 = ops.convert_to_tensor(samples1, name="samples1")
    low1 = ops.convert_to_tensor(low1, name="low1")
    high1 = ops.convert_to_tensor(high1, name="high1")
    samples2 = ops.convert_to_tensor(samples2, name="samples2")
    low2 = ops.convert_to_tensor(low2, name="low2")
    high2 = ops.convert_to_tensor(high2, name="high2")
    false_fail_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(
        false_fail_rate, name="false_fail_rate")
    samples1 = _check_shape_dominates(samples1, [low1, high1])
    samples2 = _check_shape_dominates(samples2, [low2, high2])
    compatible_samples = check_ops.assert_equal(
        array_ops.shape(samples1)[1:], array_ops.shape(samples2)[1:])
    with ops.control_dependencies([compatible_samples]):
      # Could in principle play games with cleverly allocating
      # significance instead of the even split below.  It may be possible
      # to get tighter intervals, in order to obtain a higher power test.
      # Any allocation strategy that depends only on the support bounds
      # and sample counts should be valid; however, because the intervals
      # scale as O(-log(false_fail_rate)), there doesn't seem to be much
      # room to win.
      min_mean_1, max_mean_1 = true_mean_confidence_interval_by_dkwm(
          samples1, low1, high1, false_fail_rate / 2.)
      min_mean_2, max_mean_2 = true_mean_confidence_interval_by_dkwm(
          samples2, low2, high2, false_fail_rate / 2.)
      # I want to assert
      #   not (max_mean_1 < min_mean_2 or min_mean_1 > max_mean_2),
      # but I think I only have and-combination of asserts, so use DeMorgan.
      clause1_op = check_ops.assert_greater_equal(max_mean_1, min_mean_2)
      with ops.control_dependencies([clause1_op]):
        return check_ops.assert_less_equal(min_mean_1, max_mean_2)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def embed_check_integer_casting_closed(
  """Ensures integers remain unaffected despite casting to/from int/float types.

  Example integer-types: `uint8`, `int32`, `bool`.
  Example floating-types: `float32`, `float64`.

  The largest possible integer representable by an IEEE754 floating-point is
  `2**(1 + mantissa_bits)` yet the largest possible integer as an int-type is
  `2**(bits - 1) - 1`. This function ensures that a `Tensor` purporting to have
  integer-form values can be cast to some other type without loss of precision.

  The smallest representable integer is the negative of the largest
  representable integer, except for types: `uint8`, `uint16`, `bool`. For these
  types, the smallest representable integer is `0`.

    x: `Tensor` representing integer-form values.
    target_dtype: TF `dtype` under which `x` should have identical values.
    assert_nonnegative: `bool` indicating `x` should contain nonnegative values.
    name: A name for this operation (optional).

    x: Input `Tensor` with appropriate assertions embedded.

    TypeError: if `x` is neither integer- nor floating-type.
    TypeError: if `target_dtype` is neither integer- nor floating-type.
    TypeError: if neither `x` nor `target_dtype` are integer-type.

  with ops.name_scope(name, values=[x]):
    x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
    if (not _is_integer_like_by_dtype(x.dtype)
        and not x.dtype.is_floating):
      raise TypeError("{}.dtype must be floating- or "
    if (not _is_integer_like_by_dtype(target_dtype)
        and not target_dtype.is_floating):
      raise TypeError("target_dtype ({}) must be floating- or "
    if (not _is_integer_like_by_dtype(x.dtype)
        and not _is_integer_like_by_dtype(target_dtype)):
      raise TypeError("At least one of {}.dtype ({}) and target_dtype ({}) "
                      "must be integer-type.".format(
                          x.op.name, x.dtype.name, target_dtype.name))

    assertions = []
    if assert_nonnegative:
      assertions += [
              x, message="Elements must be non-negative."),

    if x.dtype.is_floating:
      # Being here means _is_integer_like_by_dtype(target_dtype) = True.
      # Since this check implies the magnitude check below, we need only it.
      assertions += [
              x, int_dtype=target_dtype,
              message="Elements must be {}-equivalent.".format(
      if (_largest_integer_by_dtype(x.dtype)
          > _largest_integer_by_dtype(target_dtype)):
        # Cast may lose integer precision.
        assertions += [
                x, _largest_integer_by_dtype(target_dtype),
                message=("Elements cannot exceed {}.".format(
      if (not assert_nonnegative and
           < _smallest_integer_by_dtype(target_dtype))):
        assertions += [
                x, _smallest_integer_by_dtype(target_dtype),
                message=("Elements cannot be smaller than {}.".format(

    if not assertions:
      return x
    return control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(assertions, x)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def percentile(x,
  """Compute the `q`-th percentile of `x`.

  Given a vector `x`, the `q`-th percentile of `x` is the value `q / 100` of the
  way from the minimum to the maximum in a sorted copy of `x`.

  The values and distances of the two nearest neighbors as well as the
  `interpolation` parameter will determine the percentile if the normalized
  ranking does not match the location of `q` exactly.

  This function is the same as the median if `q = 50`, the same as the minimum
  if `q = 0` and the same as the maximum if `q = 100`.

  # Get 30th percentile with default ('nearest') interpolation.
  x = [1., 2., 3., 4.]
  percentile(x, q=30.)
  ==> 2.0

  # Get 30th percentile with 'lower' interpolation
  x = [1., 2., 3., 4.]
  percentile(x, q=30., interpolation='lower')
  ==> 1.0

  # Get 100th percentile (maximum).  By default, this is computed over every dim
  x = [[1., 2.]
       [3., 4.]]
  percentile(x, q=100.)
  ==> 4.0

  # Treat the leading dim as indexing samples, and find the 100th quantile (max)
  # over all such samples.
  x = [[1., 2.]
       [3., 4.]]
  percentile(x, q=100., axis=[0])
  ==> [3., 4.]

  Compare to `numpy.percentile`.

    x:  Floating point `N-D` `Tensor` with `N > 0`.  If `axis` is not `None`,
      `x` must have statically known number of dimensions.
    q:  Scalar `Tensor` in `[0, 100]`. The percentile.
    axis:  Optional `0-D` or `1-D` integer `Tensor` with constant values.
      The axis that hold independent samples over which to return the desired
      percentile.  If `None` (the default), treat every dimension as a sample
      dimension, returning a scalar.
    interpolation : {"lower", "higher", "nearest"}.  Default: "nearest"
      This optional parameter specifies the interpolation method to
      use when the desired quantile lies between two data points `i < j`:
        * lower: `i`.
        * higher: `j`.
        * nearest: `i` or `j`, whichever is nearest.
    keep_dims:  Python `bool`. If `True`, the last dimension is kept with size 1
      If `False`, the last dimension is removed from the output shape.
    validate_args:  Whether to add runtime checks of argument validity.
      If False, and arguments are incorrect, correct behavior is not guaranteed.
    name:  A Python string name to give this `Op`.  Default is "percentile"

    A `(N - len(axis))` dimensional `Tensor` of same dtype as `x`, or, if
      `axis` is `None`, a scalar.

    ValueError:  If argument 'interpolation' is not an allowed type.
  name = name or "percentile"
  allowed_interpolations = {"lower", "higher", "nearest"}

  if interpolation is None:
    interpolation = "nearest"
    if interpolation not in allowed_interpolations:
      raise ValueError("Argument 'interpolation' must be in %s.  Found %s" %
                       (allowed_interpolations, interpolation))

  with ops.name_scope(name, [x, q]):
    x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
    # Double is needed here and below, else we get the wrong index if the array
    # is huge along axis.
    q = math_ops.to_double(q, name="q")
    _get_static_ndims(q, expect_ndims=0)

    if validate_args:
      q = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([
          check_ops.assert_rank(q, 0),
          check_ops.assert_greater_equal(q, math_ops.to_double(0.)),
          check_ops.assert_less_equal(q, math_ops.to_double(100.))
      ], q)

    if axis is None:
      y = array_ops.reshape(x, [-1])
      axis = ops.convert_to_tensor(axis, name="axis")
      axis_ndims = _get_static_ndims(
          axis, expect_static=True, expect_ndims_no_more_than=1)
      axis_const = tensor_util.constant_value(axis)
      if axis_const is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "Expected argument 'axis' to be statically available.  Found: %s" %
      axis = axis_const
      if axis_ndims == 0:
        axis = [axis]
      axis = [int(a) for a in axis]
      x_ndims = _get_static_ndims(
          x, expect_static=True, expect_ndims_at_least=1)
      axis = _make_static_axis_non_negative(axis, x_ndims)
      y = _move_dims_to_flat_end(x, axis, x_ndims)

    frac_at_q_or_above = 1. - q / 100.
    d = math_ops.to_double(array_ops.shape(y)[-1])

    if interpolation == "lower":
      index = math_ops.ceil((d - 1) * frac_at_q_or_above)
    elif interpolation == "higher":
      index = math_ops.floor((d - 1) * frac_at_q_or_above)
    elif interpolation == "nearest":
      index = math_ops.round((d - 1) * frac_at_q_or_above)

    # If d is gigantic, then we would have d == d - 1, even in double... So
    # let's use max/min to avoid out of bounds errors.
    d = array_ops.shape(y)[-1]
    # d - 1 will be distinct from d in int32.
    index = clip_ops.clip_by_value(math_ops.to_int32(index), 0, d - 1)

    # Sort everything, not just the top 'k' entries, which allows multiple calls
    # to sort only once (under the hood) and use CSE.
    sorted_y = _sort_tensor(y)

    # result.shape = B
    result = sorted_y[..., index]

    if keep_dims:
      if axis is None:
        # ones_vec = [1, 1,..., 1], total length = len(S) + len(B).
        ones_vec = array_ops.ones(
            shape=[_get_best_effort_ndims(x)], dtype=dtypes.int32)
        result *= array_ops.ones(ones_vec, dtype=x.dtype)
        result = _insert_back_keep_dims(result, axis)

    return result
def batch_gather_with_default(params,
  """Same as `batch_gather` but inserts `default_value` for invalid indices.

  This operation is similar to `batch_gather` except that it will substitute
  the value for invalid indices with `default_value` as the contents.
  See `batch_gather` for more details.

    params: A potentially ragged tensor with shape `[B1...BN, P1...PM]` (`N>=0`,
    indices: A potentially ragged tensor with shape `[B1...BN, I]` (`N>=0`).
    default_value: A value to be inserted in places where `indices` are out of
      bounds. Must be the same dtype as params and either a scalar or rank 1.
    name: A name for the operation (optional).

    A potentially ragged tensor with shape `[B1...BN, I, P2...PM]`.
    `result.ragged_rank = max(indices.ragged_rank, params.ragged_rank)`.

  #### Example:
    >>> params = tf.ragged.constant([
          ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    >>> indices = tf.ragged.constant([[1, 2, -1], [], [], [0, 10]])
    >>> batch_gather_with_default(params, indices, 'FOO')
    [['b', 'c', 'FOO'], [], [], ['e', 'FOO']]
  with ops.name_scope(name, 'RaggedBatchGatherWithDefault'):
    params = ragged_tensor.convert_to_tensor_or_ragged_tensor(
        params, name='params',
    indices = ragged_tensor.convert_to_tensor_or_ragged_tensor(
        indices, name='indices',
    default_value = ragged_tensor.convert_to_tensor_or_ragged_tensor(
        default_value, name='default_value',
    # TODO(hterry): lift this restriction and support default_values of
    #               of rank > 1
    if (default_value.shape.ndims is not 0
        and default_value.shape.ndims is not 1):
      raise ValueError('"default_value" must be a scalar or vector')
    upper_bounds = None
    if indices.shape.ndims is None:
      raise ValueError('Indices must have a known rank.')
    if params.shape.ndims is None:
      raise ValueError('Params must have a known rank.')

    num_batch_dimensions = indices.shape.ndims - 1
    pad = None
    # The logic for this works as follows:
    # - create a padded params, where:
    #    padded_params[b1...bn, 0] = default_value
    #    padded_params[b1...bn, i] = params[b1...bn, i-1] (i>0)
    # - create an `upper_bounds` Tensor that contains the number of elements
    #   in each innermost rank. Broadcast `upper_bounds` to be the same shape
    #   as `indices`.
    # - check to see which index in `indices` are out of bounds and substitute
    #   it with the index containing `default_value` (the first).
    # - call batch_gather with the indices adjusted.
    with ops.control_dependencies([
      if ragged_tensor.is_ragged(params):
        row_lengths = ragged_array_ops.expand_dims(
        upper_bounds = math_ops.cast(row_lengths, indices.dtype)

        pad_shape = _get_pad_shape(params, indices)

        pad = ragged_tensor_shape.broadcast_to(
            default_value, pad_shape)
        params_shape = array_ops.shape(params)
        pad_shape = array_ops.concat([
            params_shape[num_batch_dimensions + 1:params.shape.ndims]
        ], 0)
        upper_bounds = params_shape[num_batch_dimensions]
        pad = array_ops.broadcast_to(default_value, pad_shape)

      # Add `default_value` as the first value in the innermost (ragged) rank.
      pad = math_ops.cast(pad, params.dtype)
      padded_params = array_ops.concat(
          [pad, params], axis=num_batch_dimensions)

      # Adjust the indices by substituting out-of-bound indices to the
      # default-value index (which is the first element)
      shifted_indices = indices + 1
      is_out_of_bounds = (indices < 0) | (indices > upper_bounds)
      adjusted_indices = ragged_where_op.where(
          x=array_ops.zeros_like(indices), y=shifted_indices,
      return array_ops.batch_gather(
          params=padded_params, indices=adjusted_indices, name=name)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def update_confusion_matrix_variables(variables_to_update,
  """Returns op to update the given confusion matrix variables.

  For every pair of values in y_true and y_pred:

  true_positive: y_true == True and y_pred > thresholds
  false_negatives: y_true == True and y_pred <= thresholds
  true_negatives: y_true == False and y_pred <= thresholds
  false_positive: y_true == False and y_pred > thresholds

  The results will be weighted and added together. When multiple thresholds are
  provided, we will repeat the same for every threshold.

  For estimation of these metrics over a stream of data, the function creates an
  `update_op` operation that updates the given variables.

  If `sample_weight` is `None`, weights default to 1.
  Use weights of 0 to mask values.

    variables_to_update: Dictionary with 'tp', 'fn', 'tn', 'fp' as valid keys
      and corresponding variables to update as values.
    y_true: A `Tensor` whose shape matches `y_pred`. Will be cast to `bool`.
    y_pred: A floating point `Tensor` of arbitrary shape and whose values are in
      the range `[0, 1]`.
    thresholds: A float value or a python list or tuple of float thresholds in
      `[0, 1]`, or NEG_INF (used when top_k is set).
    top_k: Optional int, indicates that the positive labels should be limited to
      the top k predictions.
    class_id: Optional int, limits the prediction and labels to the class
      specified by this argument.
    sample_weight: Optional `Tensor` whose rank is either 0, or the same rank as
      `y_true`, and must be broadcastable to `y_true` (i.e., all dimensions must
      be either `1`, or the same as the corresponding `y_true` dimension).

    Update op.

    ValueError: If `y_pred` and `y_true` have mismatched shapes, or if
      `sample_weight` is not `None` and its shape doesn't match `y_pred`, or if
      `variables_to_update` contains invalid keys.
  if variables_to_update is None:
  y_true = ops.convert_to_tensor(y_true)
  y_pred = ops.convert_to_tensor(y_pred)

  if not any(
      key for key in variables_to_update if key in list(ConfusionMatrix)):
    raise ValueError(
        'Please provide at least one valid confusion matrix '
        'variable to update. Valid variable key options are: "{}". '
        'Received: "{}"'.format(
            list(ConfusionMatrix), variables_to_update.keys()))

  invalid_keys = [
      key for key in variables_to_update if key not in list(ConfusionMatrix)
  if invalid_keys:
    raise ValueError(
        'Invalid keys: {}. Valid variable key options are: "{}"'.format(
            invalid_keys, list(ConfusionMatrix)))

  with ops.control_dependencies([
          math_ops.cast(0.0, dtype=y_pred.dtype),
          message='predictions must be >= 0'),
          math_ops.cast(1.0, dtype=y_pred.dtype),
          message='predictions must be <= 1')
    y_pred, y_true, sample_weight = squeeze_or_expand_dimensions(
        math_ops.cast(y_pred, dtype=dtypes.float32),
        math_ops.cast(y_true, dtype=dtypes.bool), sample_weight)

  if top_k is not None:
    y_pred = _filter_top_k(y_pred, top_k)
  if class_id is not None:
    y_true = y_true[..., class_id]
    y_pred = y_pred[..., class_id]

  thresholds = to_list(thresholds)
  num_thresholds = len(thresholds)
  num_predictions = array_ops.size(y_pred)

  # Reshape predictions and labels.
  predictions_2d = array_ops.reshape(y_pred, [1, -1])
  labels_2d = array_ops.reshape(
      math_ops.cast(y_true, dtype=dtypes.bool), [1, -1])

  # Tile the thresholds for every prediction.
  thresh_tiled = array_ops.tile(
      array_ops.expand_dims(array_ops.constant(thresholds), 1),
      array_ops.stack([1, num_predictions]))

  # Tile the predictions for every threshold.
  preds_tiled = array_ops.tile(predictions_2d, [num_thresholds, 1])

  # Compare predictions and threshold.
  pred_is_pos = math_ops.greater(preds_tiled, thresh_tiled)

  # Tile labels by number of thresholds
  label_is_pos = array_ops.tile(labels_2d, [num_thresholds, 1])

  if sample_weight is not None:
    weights = weights_broadcast_ops.broadcast_weights(
        math_ops.cast(sample_weight, dtype=dtypes.float32), y_pred)
    weights_tiled = array_ops.tile(
        array_ops.reshape(weights, [1, -1]), [num_thresholds, 1])
    weights_tiled = None

  update_ops = []

  def weighted_assign_add(label, pred, weights, var):
    label_and_pred = math_ops.cast(
        math_ops.logical_and(label, pred), dtype=dtypes.float32)
    if weights is not None:
      label_and_pred *= weights
    return state_ops.assign_add(var, math_ops.reduce_sum(label_and_pred, 1))

  loop_vars = {
      ConfusionMatrix.TRUE_POSITIVES: (label_is_pos, pred_is_pos),
  update_tn = ConfusionMatrix.TRUE_NEGATIVES in variables_to_update
  update_fp = ConfusionMatrix.FALSE_POSITIVES in variables_to_update
  update_fn = ConfusionMatrix.FALSE_NEGATIVES in variables_to_update

  if update_fn or update_tn:
    pred_is_neg = math_ops.logical_not(pred_is_pos)
    loop_vars[ConfusionMatrix.FALSE_NEGATIVES] = (label_is_pos, pred_is_neg)

  if update_fp or update_tn:
    label_is_neg = math_ops.logical_not(label_is_pos)
    loop_vars[ConfusionMatrix.FALSE_POSITIVES] = (label_is_neg, pred_is_pos)
    if update_tn:
      loop_vars[ConfusionMatrix.TRUE_NEGATIVES] = (label_is_neg, pred_is_neg)

  for matrix_cond, (label, pred) in loop_vars.items():
    if matrix_cond in variables_to_update:
          weighted_assign_add(label, pred, weights_tiled,
  return control_flow_ops.group(update_ops)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def predict(self, features):
        """Computes predictions multiple steps into the future.

      features: A dictionary with the following key/value pairs:
        PredictionFeatures.TIMES: A [batch size, predict window size]
          integer Tensor of times, after the window of data indicated by
          `STATE_TUPLE`, to make predictions for.
        PredictionFeatures.STATE_TUPLE: A tuple of (times, values), times with
          shape [batch size, self.input_window_size], values with shape [batch
          size, self.input_window_size, self.num_features] representing a
          segment of the time series before `TIMES`. This data is used
          to start of the autoregressive computation. This should have data for
          at least self.input_window_size timesteps.
      A dictionary with keys, "mean", "covariance". The
      values are Tensors of shape [batch_size, predict window size,
      num_features] and correspond to the values passed in `TIMES`.
        predict_times = math_ops.cast(
        batch_size = array_ops.shape(predict_times)[0]
        num_predict_values = array_ops.shape(predict_times)[1]
        prediction_iterations = (
            (num_predict_values + self.output_window_size - 1) //
        # Pad predict_times so as to have exact multiple of self.output_window_size
        # values per example.
        padding_size = (prediction_iterations * self.output_window_size -
        padding = array_ops.zeros([batch_size, padding_size],
        predict_times = control_flow_ops.cond(
            padding_size > 0,
            lambda: array_ops.concat([predict_times, padding], 1),
            lambda: predict_times)
        state = features[PredictionFeatures.STATE_TUPLE]
        (state_times, state_values) = state
        state_times = math_ops.cast(ops.convert_to_tensor(state_times),
        state_values = ops.convert_to_tensor(state_values, dtype=self.dtype)

        initial_input_times = predict_times[:, :self.output_window_size]
        if self.input_window_size > 0:
            initial_input_times = array_ops.concat([
                state_times[:, -self.input_window_size:], initial_input_times
            ], 1)
            values_size = array_ops.shape(state_values)[1]
            times_size = array_ops.shape(state_times)[1]
            with ops.control_dependencies([
                    check_ops.assert_equal(values_size, times_size)
                initial_input_values = state_values[:, -self.
                                                    input_window_size:, :]
            initial_input_values = 0

        # Iterate over the predict_times, predicting self.output_window_size values
        # in each iteration.
        def _while_condition(iteration_number, *unused_args):
            return math_ops.less(iteration_number, prediction_iterations)

        def _while_body(iteration_number, input_times, input_values, mean_ta,
            """Predict self.output_window_size values."""
            prediction_ops = self.prediction_ops(input_times, input_values)
            predicted_mean = prediction_ops["mean"]
            predicted_covariance = prediction_ops["covariance"]
            offset = self.output_window_size * gen_math_ops.minimum(
                iteration_number + 1, prediction_iterations - 1)
            if self.input_window_size > 0:
                if self.output_window_size < self.input_window_size:
                    new_input_values = array_ops.concat([
                        input_values[:, self.output_window_size:, :],
                    ], 1)
                    new_input_times = array_ops.concat([
                        input_times[:, self.output_window_size:],
                                      offset:offset + self.output_window_size]
                    ], 1)
                    new_input_values = predicted_mean[:, -self.
                                                      input_window_size:, :]
                    new_input_times = predict_times[:, offset - self.
                                                    input_window_size:offset +
                new_input_values = input_values
                new_input_times = predict_times[:, offset:offset +
            new_mean_ta = mean_ta.write(iteration_number, predicted_mean)
            if isinstance(covariance_ta, tensor_array_ops.TensorArray):
                new_covariance_ta = covariance_ta.write(
                    iteration_number, predicted_covariance)
                new_covariance_ta = covariance_ta
            return (iteration_number + 1, new_input_times, new_input_values,
                    new_mean_ta, new_covariance_ta)

        # Note that control_flow_ops.while_loop doesn't seem happy with None. Hence
        # using 0 for cases where we don't want to predict covariance.
        covariance_ta_init = (tensor_array_ops.TensorArray(
            dtype=self.dtype, size=prediction_iterations)
                              if self.loss != ARModel.SQUARED_LOSS else 0.)
        mean_ta_init = tensor_array_ops.TensorArray(dtype=self.dtype,
        _, _, _, mean_ta, covariance_ta = control_flow_ops.while_loop(
            _while_condition, _while_body, [
                0, initial_input_times, initial_input_values, mean_ta_init,

        def _parse_ta(values_ta):
            """Helper function to parse the returned TensorArrays."""

            if not isinstance(values_ta, tensor_array_ops.TensorArray):
                return None
            predictions_length = prediction_iterations * self.output_window_size
            # Shape [prediction_iterations, batch_size, self.output_window_size,
            #        self.num_features]
            values_packed = values_ta.stack()
            # Transpose to move batch dimension outside.
            output_values = array_ops.reshape(
                array_ops.transpose(values_packed, [1, 0, 2, 3]),
                array_ops.stack([batch_size, predictions_length, -1]))
            # Clip to desired size
            return output_values[:, :num_predict_values, :]

        predicted_mean = _parse_ta(mean_ta)
        predicted_covariance = _parse_ta(covariance_ta)
        if predicted_covariance is None:
            predicted_covariance = array_ops.ones_like(predicted_mean)

        # Transform and scale the mean and covariance appropriately.
        predicted_mean = self._scale_back_data(predicted_mean)
        predicted_covariance = self._scale_back_variance(predicted_covariance)

        return {"mean": predicted_mean, "covariance": predicted_covariance}
def batch_gather_with_default(params,
  """Same as `batch_gather` but inserts `default_value` for invalid indices.

  This operation is similar to `batch_gather` except that it will substitute
  the value for invalid indices with `default_value` as the contents.
  See `batch_gather` for more details.

    params: A potentially ragged tensor with shape `[B1...BN, P1...PM]` (`N>=0`,
    indices: A potentially ragged tensor with shape `[B1...BN, I]` (`N>=0`).
    default_value: A value to be inserted in places where `indices` are out of
      bounds. Must be the same dtype as params and either a scalar or rank 1.
    name: A name for the operation (optional).

    A potentially ragged tensor with shape `[B1...BN, I, P2...PM]`.
    `result.ragged_rank = max(indices.ragged_rank, params.ragged_rank)`.

  #### Example:
    >>> params = tf.ragged.constant([
          ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    >>> indices = tf.ragged.constant([[1, 2, -1], [], [], [0, 10]])
    >>> batch_gather_with_default(params, indices, 'FOO')
    [['b', 'c', 'FOO'], [], [], ['e', 'FOO']]
  with ops.name_scope(name, 'RaggedBatchGatherWithDefault'):
    params = ragged_tensor.convert_to_tensor_or_ragged_tensor(
        params, name='params',
    indices = ragged_tensor.convert_to_tensor_or_ragged_tensor(
        indices, name='indices',
    default_value = ragged_tensor.convert_to_tensor_or_ragged_tensor(
        default_value, name='default_value',
    row_splits_dtype, (params, indices, default_value) = (
        ragged_tensor.match_row_splits_dtypes(params, indices, default_value,
    # TODO(hterry): lift this restriction and support default_values of
    #               of rank > 1
    if default_value.shape.ndims not in (0, 1):
      raise ValueError('"default_value" must be a scalar or vector')
    upper_bounds = None
    if indices.shape.ndims is None:
      raise ValueError('Indices must have a known rank.')
    if params.shape.ndims is None:
      raise ValueError('Params must have a known rank.')

    num_batch_dimensions = indices.shape.ndims - 1
    pad = None
    # The logic for this works as follows:
    # - create a padded params, where:
    #    padded_params[b1...bn, 0] = default_value
    #    padded_params[b1...bn, i] = params[b1...bn, i-1] (i>0)
    # - create an `upper_bounds` Tensor that contains the number of elements
    #   in each innermost rank. Broadcast `upper_bounds` to be the same shape
    #   as `indices`.
    # - check to see which index in `indices` are out of bounds and substitute
    #   it with the index containing `default_value` (the first).
    # - call batch_gather with the indices adjusted.
    with ops.control_dependencies([
      if ragged_tensor.is_ragged(params):
        row_lengths = ragged_array_ops.expand_dims(
        upper_bounds = math_ops.cast(row_lengths, indices.dtype)

        pad_shape = _get_pad_shape(params, indices, row_splits_dtype)

        pad = ragged_tensor_shape.broadcast_to(
            default_value, pad_shape)
        params_shape = array_ops.shape(params)
        pad_shape = array_ops.concat([
            params_shape[num_batch_dimensions + 1:params.shape.ndims]
        ], 0)
        upper_bounds = params_shape[num_batch_dimensions]
        pad = array_ops.broadcast_to(default_value, pad_shape)

      # Add `default_value` as the first value in the innermost (ragged) rank.
      pad = math_ops.cast(pad, params.dtype)
      padded_params = array_ops.concat(
          [pad, params], axis=num_batch_dimensions)

      # Adjust the indices by substituting out-of-bound indices to the
      # default-value index (which is the first element)
      shifted_indices = indices + 1
      is_out_of_bounds = (indices < 0) | (indices > upper_bounds)
      adjusted_indices = ragged_where_op.where(
          x=array_ops.zeros_like(indices), y=shifted_indices,
      return array_ops.batch_gather(
          params=padded_params, indices=adjusted_indices, name=name)
def assert_true_mean_in_interval_by_dkwm(samples,
    """Asserts the mean of the given distribution is in the given interval.

  More precisely, fails if there is enough evidence (using the
  [Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz-Massart inequality]
  that the mean of the distribution from which the given samples are
  drawn is _outside_ the given interval with statistical significance
  `false_fail_rate` or stronger, otherwise passes.  If you also want
  to check that you are gathering enough evidence that a pass is not
  spurious, see `min_num_samples_for_dkwm_mean_test` and

  Note that `false_fail_rate` is a total false failure rate for all
  the assertions in the batch.  As such, if the batch is nontrivial,
  the assertion will insist on stronger evidence to fail any one member.

    samples: Floating-point `Tensor` of samples from the distribution(s)
      of interest.  Entries are assumed IID across the 0th dimension.
      The other dimensions must broadcast with `low` and `high`.
      The support is bounded: `low <= samples <= high`.
    low: Floating-point `Tensor` of lower bounds on the distributions'
    high: Floating-point `Tensor` of upper bounds on the distributions'
    expected_low: Floating-point `Tensor` of lower bounds on the
      expected true means.
    expected_high: Floating-point `Tensor` of upper bounds on the
      expected true means.
    false_fail_rate: *Scalar* floating-point `Tensor` admissible total
      rate of mistakes.
    name: A name for this operation (optional).

    check: Op that raises `InvalidArgumentError` if any expected mean
      interval does not overlap with the corresponding confidence
    with ops.name_scope(
            name, "assert_true_mean_in_interval_by_dkwm",
        [samples, low, high, expected_low, expected_high, false_fail_rate]):
        samples = ops.convert_to_tensor(samples, name="samples")
        low = ops.convert_to_tensor(low, name="low")
        high = ops.convert_to_tensor(high, name="high")
        expected_low = ops.convert_to_tensor(expected_low, name="expected_low")
        expected_high = ops.convert_to_tensor(expected_high,
        false_fail_rate = ops.convert_to_tensor(false_fail_rate,
        samples = _check_shape_dominates(
            samples, [low, high, expected_low, expected_high])
        min_mean, max_mean = true_mean_confidence_interval_by_dkwm(
            samples, low, high, false_fail_rate)
        # Assert that the interval [min_mean, max_mean] intersects the
        # interval [expected_low, expected_high].  This is true if
        #   max_mean >= expected_low and min_mean <= expected_high.
        # By DeMorgan's law, that's also equivalent to
        #   not (max_mean < expected_low or min_mean > expected_high),
        # which is a way of saying the two intervals are not disjoint.
        check_confidence_interval_can_intersect = check_ops.assert_greater_equal(
            message="Confidence interval does not "
            "intersect: true mean smaller than expected")
        with ops.control_dependencies(
            return check_ops.assert_less_equal(
                message="Confidence interval does not "
                "intersect: true mean greater than expected")
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def _validate_sample_arg(self, x):
        """Helper which validates sample arg, e.g., input to `log_prob`."""
        with ops.name_scope(name="validate_sample_arg", values=[x]):
            x_ndims = (array_ops.rank(x)
                       if x.shape.ndims is None else x.shape.ndims)
            event_ndims = (array_ops.size(self.event_shape_tensor())
                           if self.event_shape.ndims is None else
            batch_ndims = (array_ops.size(self._batch_shape_unexpanded)
                           if self.batch_shape.ndims is None else
            expected_batch_event_ndims = batch_ndims + event_ndims

            if (isinstance(x_ndims, int)
                    and isinstance(expected_batch_event_ndims, int)):
                if x_ndims < expected_batch_event_ndims:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "Broadcasting is not supported; too few batch and event dims "
                        "(expected at least {}, saw {}).".format(
                            expected_batch_event_ndims, x_ndims))
                ndims_assertion = []
            elif self.validate_args:
                ndims_assertion = [
                        message=("Broadcasting is not supported; too few "
                                 "batch and event dims."),

            if (self.batch_shape.is_fully_defined()
                    and self.event_shape.is_fully_defined()):
                expected_batch_event_shape = np.int32(
                expected_batch_event_shape = array_ops.concat([

            sample_ndims = x_ndims - expected_batch_event_ndims
            if isinstance(sample_ndims, int):
                sample_ndims = max(sample_ndims, 0)
            if (isinstance(sample_ndims, int)
                    and x.shape[sample_ndims:].is_fully_defined()):
                actual_batch_event_shape = np.int32(
                sample_ndims = math_ops.maximum(sample_ndims, 0)
                actual_batch_event_shape = array_ops.shape(x)[sample_ndims:]

            if (isinstance(expected_batch_event_shape, np.ndarray)
                    and isinstance(actual_batch_event_shape, np.ndarray)):
                if any(expected_batch_event_shape != actual_batch_event_shape):
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "Broadcasting is not supported; "
                        "unexpected batch and event shape "
                        "(expected {}, saw {}).".format(
                # We need to set the final runtime-assertions to `ndims_assertion` since
                # its possible this assertion was created. We could add a condition to
                # only do so if `self.validate_args == True`, however this is redundant
                # as `ndims_assertion` already encodes this information.
                runtime_assertions = ndims_assertion
            elif self.validate_args:
                # We need to make the `ndims_assertion` a control dep because otherwise
                # TF itself might raise an exception owing to this assertion being
                # ill-defined, ie, one cannot even compare different rank Tensors.
                with ops.control_dependencies(ndims_assertion):
                    shape_assertion = check_ops.assert_equal(
                        message=("Broadcasting is not supported; "
                                 "unexpected batch and event shape."),
                runtime_assertions = [shape_assertion]
                runtime_assertions = []

            return runtime_assertions
Ejemplo n.º 30
def percentile(x,
    """Compute the `q`-th percentile of `x`.

  Given a vector `x`, the `q`-th percentile of `x` is the value `q / 100` of the
  way from the minimum to the maximum in a sorted copy of `x`.

  The values and distances of the two nearest neighbors as well as the
  `interpolation` parameter will determine the percentile if the normalized
  ranking does not match the location of `q` exactly.

  This function is the same as the median if `q = 50`, the same as the minimum
  if `q = 0` and the same as the maximum if `q = 100`.

  # Get 30th percentile with default ('nearest') interpolation.
  x = [1., 2., 3., 4.]
  percentile(x, q=30.)
  ==> 2.0

  # Get 30th percentile with 'lower' interpolation
  x = [1., 2., 3., 4.]
  percentile(x, q=30., interpolation='lower')
  ==> 1.0

  # Get 100th percentile (maximum).  By default, this is computed over every dim
  x = [[1., 2.]
       [3., 4.]]
  percentile(x, q=100.)
  ==> 4.0

  # Treat the leading dim as indexing samples, and find the 100th quantile (max)
  # over all such samples.
  x = [[1., 2.]
       [3., 4.]]
  percentile(x, q=100., axis=[0])
  ==> [3., 4.]

  Compare to `numpy.percentile`.

    x:  Floating point `N-D` `Tensor` with `N > 0`.  If `axis` is not `None`,
      `x` must have statically known number of dimensions.
    q:  Scalar `Tensor` in `[0, 100]`. The percentile.
    axis:  Optional `0-D` or `1-D` integer `Tensor` with constant values.
      The axis that hold independent samples over which to return the desired
      percentile.  If `None` (the default), treat every dimension as a sample
      dimension, returning a scalar.
    interpolation : {"lower", "higher", "nearest"}.  Default: "nearest"
      This optional parameter specifies the interpolation method to
      use when the desired quantile lies between two data points `i < j`:
        * lower: `i`.
        * higher: `j`.
        * nearest: `i` or `j`, whichever is nearest.
    keep_dims:  Python `bool`. If `True`, the last dimension is kept with size 1
      If `False`, the last dimension is removed from the output shape.
    validate_args:  Whether to add runtime checks of argument validity.
      If False, and arguments are incorrect, correct behavior is not guaranteed.
    name:  A Python string name to give this `Op`.  Default is "percentile"

    A `(N - len(axis))` dimensional `Tensor` of same dtype as `x`, or, if
      `axis` is `None`, a scalar.

    ValueError:  If argument 'interpolation' is not an allowed type.
    name = name or "percentile"
    allowed_interpolations = {"lower", "higher", "nearest"}

    if interpolation is None:
        interpolation = "nearest"
        if interpolation not in allowed_interpolations:
            raise ValueError(
                "Argument 'interpolation' must be in %s.  Found %s" %
                (allowed_interpolations, interpolation))

    with ops.name_scope(name, [x, q]):
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        q = math_ops.to_float(q, name="q")
        _get_static_ndims(q, expect_ndims=0)

        if validate_args:
            q = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([
                check_ops.assert_rank(q, 0),
                check_ops.assert_greater_equal(q, 0.),
                check_ops.assert_less_equal(q, 100.)
            ], q)

        if axis is None:
            y = array_ops.reshape(x, [-1])
            axis = ops.convert_to_tensor(axis, name="axis")
            axis_ndims = _get_static_ndims(axis,
            axis_const = tensor_util.constant_value(axis)
            if axis_const is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Expected argument 'axis' to be statically available.  Found: %s"
                    % axis)
            axis = axis_const
            if axis_ndims == 0:
                axis = [axis]
            axis = [int(a) for a in axis]
            x_ndims = _get_static_ndims(x,
            axis = _make_static_axis_non_negative(axis, x_ndims)
            y = _move_dims_to_flat_end(x, axis, x_ndims)

        frac_at_q_or_above = 1. - q / 100.
        d = math_ops.to_float(array_ops.shape(y)[-1])

        if interpolation == "lower":
            index = math_ops.ceil((d - 1) * frac_at_q_or_above)
        elif interpolation == "higher":
            index = math_ops.floor((d - 1) * frac_at_q_or_above)
        elif interpolation == "nearest":
            index = math_ops.round((d - 1) * frac_at_q_or_above)

        # Sort everything, not just the top 'k' entries, which allows multiple calls
        # to sort only once (under the hood) and use CSE.
        sorted_y = _sort_tensor(y)

        # result.shape = B
        result = sorted_y[..., math_ops.to_int32(index)]

        if keep_dims:
            if axis is None:
                # ones_vec = [1, 1,..., 1], total length = len(S) + len(B).
                ones_vec = array_ops.ones(shape=[_get_best_effort_ndims(x)],
                result *= array_ops.ones(ones_vec, dtype=x.dtype)
                result = _insert_back_keep_dims(result, axis)

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 31
def _interpolate_bilinear(grid,
    """Similar to Matlab's interp2 function.
  Finds values for query points on a grid using bilinear interpolation.
    grid: a 4-D float `Tensor` of shape `[batch, height, width, channels]`.
    query_points: a 3-D float `Tensor` of N points with shape `[batch, N, 2]`.
    name: a name for the operation (optional).
    indexing: whether the query points are specified as row and column (ij),
      or Cartesian coordinates (xy).
    values: a 3-D `Tensor` with shape `[batch, N, channels]`
    ValueError: if the indexing mode is invalid, or if the shape of the inputs
    if indexing != 'ij' and indexing != 'xy':
        raise ValueError('Indexing mode must be \'ij\' or \'xy\'')

    with ops.name_scope(name):
        grid = ops.convert_to_tensor(grid)
        query_points = ops.convert_to_tensor(query_points)
        shape = grid.get_shape().as_list()
        if len(shape) != 4:
            msg = 'Grid must be 4 dimensional. Received size: '
            raise ValueError(msg + str(grid.get_shape()))

        batch_size, height, width, channels = (array_ops.shape(grid)[0],

        shape = [batch_size, height, width, channels]
        query_type = query_points.dtype
        grid_type = grid.dtype

        with ops.control_dependencies([
                    message='Query points must be 3 dimensional.'),
                    message='Query points must be size 2 in dim 2.')
            num_queries = array_ops.shape(query_points)[1]

        with ops.control_dependencies([
                    height, 2, message='Grid height must be at least 2.'),
                    width, 2, message='Grid width must be at least 2.')
            alphas = []
            floors = []
            ceils = []
            index_order = [0, 1] if indexing == 'ij' else [1, 0]
            unstacked_query_points = array_ops.unstack(query_points, axis=2)

        for dim in index_order:
            with ops.name_scope('dim-' + str(dim)):
                queries = unstacked_query_points[dim]

                size_in_indexing_dimension = shape[dim + 1]

                # max_floor is size_in_indexing_dimension - 2 so that max_floor + 1
                # is still a valid index into the grid.
                max_floor = math_ops.cast(size_in_indexing_dimension - 2,
                min_floor = constant_op.constant(0.0, dtype=query_type)
                floor = math_ops.minimum(
                    math_ops.maximum(min_floor, math_ops.floor(queries)),
                int_floor = math_ops.cast(floor, dtypes.int32)
                ceil = int_floor + 1

                # alpha has the same type as the grid, as we will directly use alpha
                # when taking linear combinations of pixel values from the image.
                alpha = math_ops.cast(queries - floor, grid_type)
                min_alpha = constant_op.constant(0.0, dtype=grid_type)
                max_alpha = constant_op.constant(1.0, dtype=grid_type)
                alpha = math_ops.minimum(math_ops.maximum(min_alpha, alpha),

                # Expand alpha to [b, n, 1] so we can use broadcasting
                # (since the alpha values don't depend on the channel).
                alpha = array_ops.expand_dims(alpha, 2)

        with ops.control_dependencies([
                    math_ops.cast(batch_size * height * width,
                    np.iinfo(np.int32).max / 8,
                    message="""The image size or batch size is sufficiently large
                       that the linearized addresses used by array_ops.gather
                       may exceed the int32 limit.""")
            flattened_grid = array_ops.reshape(
                grid, [batch_size * height * width, channels])
            batch_offsets = array_ops.reshape(
                math_ops.range(batch_size) * height * width, [batch_size, 1])

        # This wraps array_ops.gather. We reshape the image data such that the
        # batch, y, and x coordinates are pulled into the first dimension.
        # Then we gather. Finally, we reshape the output back. It's possible this
        # code would be made simpler by using array_ops.gather_nd.
        def gather(y_coords, x_coords, name):
            with ops.name_scope('gather-' + name):
                linear_coordinates = batch_offsets + y_coords * width + x_coords
                gathered_values = array_ops.gather(flattened_grid,
                return array_ops.reshape(gathered_values,
                                         [batch_size, num_queries, channels])

        # grab the pixel values in the 4 corners around each query point
        top_left = gather(floors[0], floors[1], 'top_left')
        top_right = gather(floors[0], ceils[1], 'top_right')
        bottom_left = gather(ceils[0], floors[1], 'bottom_left')
        bottom_right = gather(ceils[0], ceils[1], 'bottom_right')

        # now, do the actual interpolation
        with ops.name_scope('interpolate'):
            interp_top = alphas[1] * (top_right - top_left) + top_left
            interp_bottom = alphas[1] * (bottom_right -
                                         bottom_left) + bottom_left
            interp = alphas[0] * (interp_bottom - interp_top) + interp_top

        return interp
Ejemplo n.º 32
def embed_check_categorical_event_shape(
  """Embeds checks that categorical distributions don't have too many classes.

  A categorical-type distribution is one which, e.g., returns the class label
  rather than a one-hot encoding.  E.g., `Categorical(probs)`.

  Since distributions output samples in the same dtype as the parameters, we
  must ensure that casting doesn't lose precision. That is, the
  `parameter.dtype` implies a maximum number of classes. However, since shape is
  `int32` and categorical variables are presumed to be indexes into a `Tensor`,
  we must also ensure that the number of classes is no larger than the largest
  possible `int32` index, i.e., `2**31-1`.

  In other words the number of classes, `K`, must satisfy the following

  K <= min(
      int(2**31 - 1),  # Largest float as an index.
          dtypes.float16: int(2**11),   # Largest int as a float16.
          dtypes.float32: int(2**24),
          dtypes.float64: int(2**53),
      }.get(categorical_param.dtype.base_dtype, 0))

    categorical_param: Floating-point `Tensor` representing parameters of
      distribution over categories. The rightmost shape is presumed to be the
      number of categories.
    name: A name for this operation (optional).

    categorical_param: Input `Tensor` with appropriate assertions embedded.

    TypeError: if `categorical_param` has an unknown `dtype`.
    ValueError: if we can statically identify `categorical_param` as being too
      large (for being closed under int32/float casting).
  with ops.name_scope(name, values=[categorical_param]):
    x = ops.convert_to_tensor(categorical_param, name="categorical_param")
    # The size must not exceed both of:
    # - The largest possible int32 (since categorical values are presumed to be
    #   indexes into a Tensor).
    # - The largest possible integer exactly representable under the given
    #   floating-point dtype (since we need to cast to/from).
    # The chosen floating-point thresholds are 2**(1 + mantissa_bits).
    # For more details, see:
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating-point_arithmetic#Internal_representation
    x_dtype = x.dtype.base_dtype
    max_event_size = (_largest_integer_by_dtype(x_dtype)
                      if x_dtype.is_floating else 0)
    if max_event_size is 0:
      raise TypeError("Unable to validate size of unrecognized dtype "
      x_shape_static = x.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(1)
    except ValueError:
      raise ValueError("A categorical-distribution parameter must have "
                       "at least 1 dimension.")
    if x_shape_static[-1].value is not None:
      event_size = x_shape_static[-1].value
      if event_size < 2:
        raise ValueError("A categorical-distribution parameter must have at "
                         "least 2 events.")
      if event_size > max_event_size:
        raise ValueError(
            "Number of classes exceeds `dtype` precision, i.e., "
            "{} implies shape ({}) cannot exceed {}.".format(
                x_dtype.name, event_size, max_event_size))
      return x
      event_size = array_ops.shape(x, name="x_shape")[-1]
      return control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([
              x, 1, message=("A categorical-distribution parameter must have "
                             "at least 1 dimension.")),
              array_ops.shape(x)[-1], 2,
              message=("A categorical-distribution parameter must have at "
                       "least 2 events.")),
              event_size, max_event_size,
              message="Number of classes exceeds `dtype` precision, "
                      "i.e., {} dtype cannot exceed {} shape.".format(
                          x_dtype.name, max_event_size)),
      ], x)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def update_confusion_matrix_variables(variables_to_update,
  """Returns op to update the given confusion matrix variables.

  For every pair of values in y_true and y_pred:

  true_positive: y_true == True and y_pred > thresholds
  false_negatives: y_true == True and y_pred <= thresholds
  true_negatives: y_true == False and y_pred <= thresholds
  false_positive: y_true == False and y_pred > thresholds

  The results will be weighted and added together. When multiple thresholds are
  provided, we will repeat the same for every threshold.

  For estimation of these metrics over a stream of data, the function creates an
  `update_op` operation that updates the given variables.

  If `sample_weight` is `None`, weights default to 1.
  Use weights of 0 to mask values.

    variables_to_update: Dictionary with 'tp', 'fn', 'tn', 'fp' as valid keys
      and corresponding variables to update as values.
    y_true: A `Tensor` whose shape matches `y_pred`. Will be cast to `bool`.
    y_pred: A floating point `Tensor` of arbitrary shape and whose values are in
      the range `[0, 1]`.
    thresholds: A float value, float tensor, python list, or tuple of float
      thresholds in `[0, 1]`, or NEG_INF (used when top_k is set).
    top_k: Optional int, indicates that the positive labels should be limited to
      the top k predictions.
    class_id: Optional int, limits the prediction and labels to the class
      specified by this argument.
    sample_weight: Optional `Tensor` whose rank is either 0, or the same rank as
      `y_true`, and must be broadcastable to `y_true` (i.e., all dimensions must
      be either `1`, or the same as the corresponding `y_true` dimension).
    multi_label: Optional boolean indicating whether multidimensional
      prediction/labels should be treated as multilabel responses, or flattened
      into a single label. When True, the valus of `variables_to_update` must
      have a second dimension equal to the number of labels in y_true and
      y_pred, and those tensors must not be RaggedTensors.
    label_weights: (optional) tensor of non-negative weights for multilabel
      data. The weights are applied when calculating TP, FP, FN, and TN without
      explicit multilabel handling (i.e. when the data is to be flattened).

    Update op.

    ValueError: If `y_pred` and `y_true` have mismatched shapes, or if
      `sample_weight` is not `None` and its shape doesn't match `y_pred`, or if
      `variables_to_update` contains invalid keys.
  if multi_label and label_weights is not None:
    raise ValueError('`label_weights` for multilabel data should be handled '
                     'outside of `update_confusion_matrix_variables` when '
                     '`multi_label` is True.')
  if variables_to_update is None:
  if not any(
      key for key in variables_to_update if key in list(ConfusionMatrix)):
    raise ValueError(
        'Please provide at least one valid confusion matrix '
        'variable to update. Valid variable key options are: "{}". '
        'Received: "{}"'.format(
            list(ConfusionMatrix), variables_to_update.keys()))

  variable_dtype = list(variables_to_update.values())[0].dtype

  y_true = math_ops.cast(y_true, dtype=variable_dtype)
  y_pred = math_ops.cast(y_pred, dtype=variable_dtype)
  thresholds = ops.convert_to_tensor_v2_with_dispatch(
      thresholds, dtype=variable_dtype)
  num_thresholds = thresholds.shape[0]
  if multi_label:
    one_thresh = math_ops.equal(
        math_ops.cast(1, dtype=dtypes.int32),
     y_true], _ = ragged_assert_compatible_and_get_flat_values([y_pred, y_true],
    one_thresh = math_ops.cast(True, dtype=dtypes.bool)

  invalid_keys = [
      key for key in variables_to_update if key not in list(ConfusionMatrix)
  if invalid_keys:
    raise ValueError(
        'Invalid keys: {}. Valid variable key options are: "{}"'.format(
            invalid_keys, list(ConfusionMatrix)))

  with ops.control_dependencies([
          math_ops.cast(0.0, dtype=y_pred.dtype),
          message='predictions must be >= 0'),
          math_ops.cast(1.0, dtype=y_pred.dtype),
          message='predictions must be <= 1')
    if sample_weight is None:
      y_pred, y_true = losses_utils.squeeze_or_expand_dimensions(
          y_pred, y_true)
      sample_weight = math_ops.cast(sample_weight, dtype=variable_dtype)
      y_pred, y_true, sample_weight = (
              y_pred, y_true, sample_weight=sample_weight))

  if top_k is not None:
    y_pred = _filter_top_k(y_pred, top_k)
  if class_id is not None:
    y_true = y_true[..., class_id]
    y_pred = y_pred[..., class_id]

  pred_shape = array_ops.shape(y_pred)
  num_predictions = pred_shape[0]
  if y_pred.shape.ndims == 1:
    num_labels = 1
    num_labels = gen_math_ops.Prod(input=pred_shape[1:], axis=0)
  thresh_label_tile = array_ops.where_v2(one_thresh, num_labels,
                                         array_ops.ones([], dtype=dtypes.int32))

  # Reshape predictions and labels, adding a dim for thresholding.
  if multi_label:
    predictions_extra_dim = array_ops.expand_dims(y_pred, 0)
    labels_extra_dim = array_ops.expand_dims(
        math_ops.cast(y_true, dtype=dtypes.bool), 0)
    # Flatten predictions and labels when not multilabel.
    predictions_extra_dim = array_ops.reshape(y_pred, [1, -1])
    labels_extra_dim = array_ops.reshape(
        math_ops.cast(y_true, dtype=dtypes.bool), [1, -1])

  # Tile the thresholds for every prediction.
  if multi_label:
    thresh_pretile_shape = [num_thresholds, 1, -1]
    thresh_tiles = [1, num_predictions, thresh_label_tile]
    data_tiles = [num_thresholds, 1, 1]
    thresh_pretile_shape = [num_thresholds, -1]
    thresh_tiles = [1, num_predictions * num_labels]
    data_tiles = [num_thresholds, 1]

  thresh_tiled = array_ops.tile(
      array_ops.reshape(thresholds, thresh_pretile_shape),

  # Tile the predictions for every threshold.
  preds_tiled = array_ops.tile(predictions_extra_dim, data_tiles)

  # Compare predictions and threshold.
  pred_is_pos = math_ops.greater(preds_tiled, thresh_tiled)

  # Tile labels by number of thresholds
  label_is_pos = array_ops.tile(labels_extra_dim, data_tiles)

  if sample_weight is not None:
    sample_weight = weights_broadcast_ops.broadcast_weights(
        math_ops.cast(sample_weight, dtype=variable_dtype), y_pred)
    weights_tiled = array_ops.tile(
        array_ops.reshape(sample_weight, thresh_tiles), data_tiles)
    weights_tiled = None

  if label_weights is not None and not multi_label:
    label_weights = array_ops.expand_dims(label_weights, 0)
    label_weights = weights_broadcast_ops.broadcast_weights(label_weights,
    label_weights_tiled = array_ops.tile(
        array_ops.reshape(label_weights, thresh_tiles), data_tiles)
    if weights_tiled is None:
      weights_tiled = label_weights_tiled
      weights_tiled = math_ops.multiply(weights_tiled, label_weights_tiled)

  update_ops = []

  def weighted_assign_add(label, pred, weights, var):
    label_and_pred = math_ops.cast(
        math_ops.logical_and(label, pred), dtype=var.dtype)
    if weights is not None:
      label_and_pred *= math_ops.cast(weights, dtype=var.dtype)
    return var.assign_add(math_ops.reduce_sum(label_and_pred, 1))

  loop_vars = {
      ConfusionMatrix.TRUE_POSITIVES: (label_is_pos, pred_is_pos),
  update_tn = ConfusionMatrix.TRUE_NEGATIVES in variables_to_update
  update_fp = ConfusionMatrix.FALSE_POSITIVES in variables_to_update
  update_fn = ConfusionMatrix.FALSE_NEGATIVES in variables_to_update

  if update_fn or update_tn:
    pred_is_neg = math_ops.logical_not(pred_is_pos)
    loop_vars[ConfusionMatrix.FALSE_NEGATIVES] = (label_is_pos, pred_is_neg)

  if update_fp or update_tn:
    label_is_neg = math_ops.logical_not(label_is_pos)
    loop_vars[ConfusionMatrix.FALSE_POSITIVES] = (label_is_neg, pred_is_pos)
    if update_tn:
      loop_vars[ConfusionMatrix.TRUE_NEGATIVES] = (label_is_neg, pred_is_neg)

  for matrix_cond, (label, pred) in loop_vars.items():

    if matrix_cond in variables_to_update:
          weighted_assign_add(label, pred, weights_tiled,

  return control_flow_ops.group(update_ops)
Ejemplo n.º 34
  def from_uniform_row_length(cls,
    """Creates a `RowPartition` with rows partitioned by `uniform_row_length`.

    This `RowPartition` divides a sequence `values` into rows that all have
    the same length:

    partitioned_rows = [[values.pop(0) for _ in range(uniform_row_length)]
             for _ in range(nrows)]

      uniform_row_length: A scalar integer tensor.  Must be nonnegative. The
        size of the outer axis of `values` must be evenly divisible by
      nvals: a non-negative scalar integer tensor for the number of values.
      nrows: The number of rows in the constructed RowPartition.  If not
        specified, then it defaults to `nvals/uniform_row_length` (or `0` if
        `uniform_row_length==0`).  `nrows` only needs to be specified if
        `uniform_row_length` might be zero.  `uniform_row_length*nrows` must be
      validate: If true, then use assertions to check that the arguments form a
        valid `RowPartition`.
      preferred_dtype: if uniform_row_length has no dtype, use this one.

      A `RowPartition`.
    if not isinstance(validate, bool):
      raise TypeError("validate must have type bool")
    with ops.name_scope(None, "RowPartitionFromUniformRowLength",
                        [uniform_row_length, nrows]):
      uniform_row_length = cls._convert_row_partition(uniform_row_length,

      # Find nrows.
      const_row_length = tensor_util.constant_value(uniform_row_length)
      if nrows is None:
        if const_row_length is None:
          # Avoid division by zero if uniform_row_length==0 (and nvals==0).
          rowlen_or_1 = math_ops.maximum(
              constant_op.constant(1, uniform_row_length.dtype))
          nrows = nvals // rowlen_or_1
        elif const_row_length == 0:
          nrows = 0
          nrows = nvals // const_row_length
      nrows = ops.convert_to_tensor(
          nrows, uniform_row_length.dtype, name="nrows")
      const_nrows = tensor_util.constant_value(nrows)
      const_nvals = tensor_util.constant_value(nvals)

      # Find row_splits.
      if const_nrows is not None and const_row_length is not None:
        row_splits = [v * const_row_length for v in range(const_nrows + 1)]
        row_splits = constant_op.constant(row_splits, uniform_row_length.dtype)
        row_splits = math_ops.range(nrows + 1) * uniform_row_length

      if validate:
        checks = []

        if (const_nrows is None or const_row_length is None or
            const_nvals is None):
                  nrows * uniform_row_length, nvals,
                  ("uniform_row_length", uniform_row_length, "times nrows",
                   nrows, "must equal nvals", nvals)))
          if const_nrows * const_row_length != const_nvals:
            raise ValueError(
                "uniform_row_length=%d times nrows=%d must equal nvals=%d" %
                (const_row_length, const_nrows, const_nvals))

        if uniform_row_length.shape.rank is None:
                  message="uniform_row_length must be a scalar."))

        const_row_length = tensor_util.constant_value(uniform_row_length)
        if const_row_length is None:
                  constant_op.constant(0, uniform_row_length.dtype),
                  message="uniform_row_length must be >= 0."))
          if const_row_length < 0:
            raise ValueError("uniform_row_length must be >= 0.")

        row_splits = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(checks, row_splits)

      return cls(
Ejemplo n.º 35
def _interpolate_bilinear(grid,
  """Similar to Matlab's interp2 function.

  Finds values for query points on a grid using bilinear interpolation.

    grid: a 4-D float `Tensor` of shape `[batch, height, width, channels]`.
    query_points: a 3-D float `Tensor` of N points with shape `[batch, N, 2]`.
    name: a name for the operation (optional).
    indexing: whether the query points are specified as row and column (ij),
      or Cartesian coordinates (xy).

    values: a 3-D `Tensor` with shape `[batch, N, channels]`

    ValueError: if the indexing mode is invalid, or if the shape of the inputs
  if indexing != 'ij' and indexing != 'xy':
    raise ValueError('Indexing mode must be \'ij\' or \'xy\'')

  with ops.name_scope(name):
    grid = ops.convert_to_tensor(grid)
    query_points = ops.convert_to_tensor(query_points)
    shape = grid.get_shape().as_list()
    if len(shape) != 4:
      msg = 'Grid must be 4 dimensional. Received size: '
      raise ValueError(msg + str(grid.get_shape()))

    batch_size, height, width, channels = (array_ops.shape(grid)[0],

    shape = [batch_size, height, width, channels]
    query_type = query_points.dtype
    grid_type = grid.dtype

    with ops.control_dependencies([
            message='Query points must be 3 dimensional.'),
            message='Query points must be size 2 in dim 2.')
      num_queries = array_ops.shape(query_points)[1]

    with ops.control_dependencies([
            height, 2, message='Grid height must be at least 2.'),
            width, 2, message='Grid width must be at least 2.')
      alphas = []
      floors = []
      ceils = []
      index_order = [0, 1] if indexing == 'ij' else [1, 0]
      unstacked_query_points = array_ops.unstack(query_points, axis=2)

    for dim in index_order:
      with ops.name_scope('dim-' + str(dim)):
        queries = unstacked_query_points[dim]

        size_in_indexing_dimension = shape[dim + 1]

        # max_floor is size_in_indexing_dimension - 2 so that max_floor + 1
        # is still a valid index into the grid.
        max_floor = math_ops.cast(size_in_indexing_dimension - 2, query_type)
        min_floor = constant_op.constant(0.0, dtype=query_type)
        floor = math_ops.minimum(
            math_ops.maximum(min_floor, math_ops.floor(queries)), max_floor)
        int_floor = math_ops.cast(floor, dtypes.int32)
        ceil = int_floor + 1

        # alpha has the same type as the grid, as we will directly use alpha
        # when taking linear combinations of pixel values from the image.
        alpha = math_ops.cast(queries - floor, grid_type)
        min_alpha = constant_op.constant(0.0, dtype=grid_type)
        max_alpha = constant_op.constant(1.0, dtype=grid_type)
        alpha = math_ops.minimum(math_ops.maximum(min_alpha, alpha), max_alpha)

        # Expand alpha to [b, n, 1] so we can use broadcasting
        # (since the alpha values don't depend on the channel).
        alpha = array_ops.expand_dims(alpha, 2)

    with ops.control_dependencies([
            math_ops.cast(batch_size * height * width, dtype=dtypes.float32),
            np.iinfo(np.int32).max / 8,
            message="""The image size or batch size is sufficiently large
                       that the linearized addresses used by array_ops.gather
                       may exceed the int32 limit.""")
      flattened_grid = array_ops.reshape(
          grid, [batch_size * height * width, channels])
      batch_offsets = array_ops.reshape(
          math_ops.range(batch_size) * height * width, [batch_size, 1])

    # This wraps array_ops.gather. We reshape the image data such that the
    # batch, y, and x coordinates are pulled into the first dimension.
    # Then we gather. Finally, we reshape the output back. It's possible this
    # code would be made simpler by using array_ops.gather_nd.
    def gather(y_coords, x_coords, name):
      with ops.name_scope('gather-' + name):
        linear_coordinates = batch_offsets + y_coords * width + x_coords
        gathered_values = array_ops.gather(flattened_grid, linear_coordinates)
        return array_ops.reshape(gathered_values,
                                 [batch_size, num_queries, channels])

    # grab the pixel values in the 4 corners around each query point
    top_left = gather(floors[0], floors[1], 'top_left')
    top_right = gather(floors[0], ceils[1], 'top_right')
    bottom_left = gather(ceils[0], floors[1], 'bottom_left')
    bottom_right = gather(ceils[0], ceils[1], 'bottom_right')

    # now, do the actual interpolation
    with ops.name_scope('interpolate'):
      interp_top = alphas[1] * (top_right - top_left) + top_left
      interp_bottom = alphas[1] * (bottom_right - bottom_left) + bottom_left
      interp = alphas[0] * (interp_bottom - interp_top) + interp_top

    return interp
Ejemplo n.º 36
  def predict(self, features):
    """Computes predictions multiple steps into the future.

      features: A dictionary with the following key/value pairs:
        PredictionFeatures.TIMES: A [batch size, predict window size]
          integer Tensor of times, after the window of data indicated by
          `STATE_TUPLE`, to make predictions for.
        PredictionFeatures.STATE_TUPLE: A tuple of (times, values), times with
          shape [batch size, self.input_window_size], values with shape [batch
          size, self.input_window_size, self.num_features] representing a
          segment of the time series before `TIMES`. This data is used
          to start of the autoregressive computation. This should have data for
          at least self.input_window_size timesteps.
        And any exogenous features, with shapes prefixed by shape of `TIMES`.
      A dictionary with keys, "mean", "covariance". The
      values are Tensors of shape [batch_size, predict window size,
      num_features] and correspond to the values passed in `TIMES`.
    if not self._graph_initialized:
    predict_times = math_ops.cast(
        ops.convert_to_tensor(features[PredictionFeatures.TIMES]), dtypes.int32)
    exogenous_regressors = self._process_exogenous_features(
        features={key: value for key, value in features.items()
                  if key not in [TrainEvalFeatures.TIMES,
    with ops.control_dependencies(
      exogenous_regressors = array_ops.identity(exogenous_regressors)
    batch_size = array_ops.shape(predict_times)[0]
    num_predict_values = array_ops.shape(predict_times)[1]
    prediction_iterations = ((num_predict_values + self.output_window_size - 1)
                             // self.output_window_size)
    # Pad predict_times and exogenous regressors so as to have exact multiple of
    # self.output_window_size values per example.
    padding_size = (prediction_iterations * self.output_window_size -
    predict_times = array_ops.pad(
        predict_times, [[0, 0], [0, padding_size]])
    exogenous_regressors = array_ops.pad(
        exogenous_regressors, [[0, 0], [0, padding_size], [0, 0]])
    state = features[PredictionFeatures.STATE_TUPLE]
    (state_times, state_values, state_exogenous_regressors) = state
    state_times = math_ops.cast(
        ops.convert_to_tensor(state_times), dtypes.int32)
    state_values = ops.convert_to_tensor(state_values, dtype=self.dtype)
    state_exogenous_regressors = ops.convert_to_tensor(
        state_exogenous_regressors, dtype=self.dtype)

    initial_input_times = predict_times[:, :self.output_window_size]
    initial_input_exogenous_regressors = (
        exogenous_regressors[:, :self.output_window_size, :])
    if self.input_window_size > 0:
      initial_input_times = array_ops.concat(
          [state_times[:, -self.input_window_size:], initial_input_times], 1)
      values_size = array_ops.shape(state_values)[1]
      times_size = array_ops.shape(state_times)[1]
      with ops.control_dependencies([
          check_ops.assert_greater_equal(values_size, self.input_window_size),
          check_ops.assert_equal(values_size, times_size)
        initial_input_values = state_values[:, -self.input_window_size:, :]
        initial_input_exogenous_regressors = array_ops.concat(
            [state_exogenous_regressors[:, -self.input_window_size:, :],
                 :, :self.output_window_size, :]],
      initial_input_values = 0

    # Iterate over the predict_times, predicting self.output_window_size values
    # in each iteration.
    def _while_condition(iteration_number, *unused_args):
      return math_ops.less(iteration_number, prediction_iterations)

    def _while_body(iteration_number, input_times, input_values,
                    input_exogenous_regressors, mean_ta, covariance_ta):
      """Predict self.output_window_size values."""
      prediction_ops = self.prediction_ops(
          input_times, input_values, input_exogenous_regressors)
      predicted_mean = prediction_ops["mean"]
      predicted_covariance = prediction_ops["covariance"]
      offset = self.output_window_size * gen_math_ops.minimum(
          iteration_number + 1, prediction_iterations - 1)
      if self.input_window_size > 0:
        if self.output_window_size < self.input_window_size:
          new_input_values = array_ops.concat(
              [input_values[:, self.output_window_size:, :], predicted_mean], 1)
          new_input_exogenous_regressors = array_ops.concat(
              [input_exogenous_regressors[:, -self.input_window_size:, :],
                   :, offset:offset + self.output_window_size, :]],
          new_input_times = array_ops.concat([
              input_times[:, -self.input_window_size:],
              predict_times[:, offset:offset + self.output_window_size]
          ], 1)
          new_input_values = predicted_mean[:, -self.input_window_size:, :]
          new_input_exogenous_regressors = exogenous_regressors[
              offset - self.input_window_size:offset + self.output_window_size,
          new_input_times = predict_times[
              offset - self.input_window_size:offset + self.output_window_size]
        new_input_values = input_values
        new_input_exogenous_regressors = exogenous_regressors[
            :, offset:offset + self.output_window_size, :]
        new_input_times = predict_times[:,
                                        offset:offset + self.output_window_size]
      new_mean_ta = mean_ta.write(iteration_number, predicted_mean)
      if isinstance(covariance_ta, tensor_array_ops.TensorArray):
        new_covariance_ta = covariance_ta.write(iteration_number,
        new_covariance_ta = covariance_ta
      return (iteration_number + 1,

    # Note that control_flow_ops.while_loop doesn't seem happy with None. Hence
    # using 0 for cases where we don't want to predict covariance.
    covariance_ta_init = (tensor_array_ops.TensorArray(
        dtype=self.dtype, size=prediction_iterations)
                          if self.loss != ARModel.SQUARED_LOSS else 0.)
    mean_ta_init = tensor_array_ops.TensorArray(
        dtype=self.dtype, size=prediction_iterations)
    _, _, _, _, mean_ta, covariance_ta = control_flow_ops.while_loop(
        _while_condition, _while_body, [

    def _parse_ta(values_ta):
      """Helper function to parse the returned TensorArrays."""

      if not isinstance(values_ta, tensor_array_ops.TensorArray):
        return None
      predictions_length = prediction_iterations * self.output_window_size
      # Shape [prediction_iterations, batch_size, self.output_window_size,
      #        self.num_features]
      values_packed = values_ta.stack()
      # Transpose to move batch dimension outside.
      output_values = array_ops.reshape(
          array_ops.transpose(values_packed, [1, 0, 2, 3]),
          array_ops.stack([batch_size, predictions_length, -1]))
      # Clip to desired size
      return output_values[:, :num_predict_values, :]

    predicted_mean = _parse_ta(mean_ta)
    predicted_covariance = _parse_ta(covariance_ta)
    if predicted_covariance is None:
      predicted_covariance = array_ops.ones_like(predicted_mean)

    # Transform and scale the mean and covariance appropriately.
    predicted_mean = self._scale_back_data(predicted_mean)
    predicted_covariance = self._scale_back_variance(predicted_covariance)

    return {"mean": predicted_mean,
            "covariance": predicted_covariance}
Ejemplo n.º 37
def _confusion_matrix_at_thresholds(labels,
    with ops.control_dependencies([
                math_ops.cast(0.0, dtype=predictions.dtype),
                message='predictions must be in [0, 1]'),
                math_ops.cast(1.0, dtype=predictions.dtype),
                message='predictions must be in [0, 1]')
        predictions, labels, weights = _remove_squeezable_dimensions(
            labels=math_ops.cast(labels, dtype=dtypes.bool),

    num_thresholds = len(thresholds)

    # Reshape predictions and labels.
    predictions_2d = array_ops.reshape(predictions, [-1, 1])
    labels_2d = array_ops.reshape(math_ops.cast(labels, dtype=dtypes.bool),
                                  [1, -1])

    # Use static shape if known.
    num_predictions = predictions_2d.get_shape().as_list()[0]

    # Otherwise use dynamic shape.
    if num_predictions is None:
        num_predictions = array_ops.shape(predictions_2d)[0]
    thresh_tiled = array_ops.tile(
        array_ops.expand_dims(array_ops.constant(thresholds), [1]),
        array_ops.stack([1, num_predictions]))

    # Tile the predictions after threshold them across different thresholds.
    pred_is_pos = math_ops.greater(
                       [num_thresholds, 1]), thresh_tiled)
    pred_is_neg = math_ops.logical_not(pred_is_pos)
    label_is_pos = array_ops.tile(labels_2d, [num_thresholds, 1])
    label_is_neg = math_ops.logical_not(label_is_pos)

    if weights is not None:
        weights = weights_broadcast_ops.broadcast_weights(
            math_ops.to_float(weights), predictions)
        weights_tiled = array_ops.tile(array_ops.reshape(weights, [1, -1]),
                                       [num_thresholds, 1])
        weights_tiled = None

    values = {}

    # tp
    is_true_positive = math_ops.to_float(
        math_ops.logical_and(label_is_pos, pred_is_pos))
    if weights_tiled is not None:
        is_true_positive *= weights_tiled
    values['tp'] = math_ops.reduce_sum(is_true_positive, 1)

    # fn
    is_false_negative = math_ops.to_float(
        math_ops.logical_and(label_is_pos, pred_is_neg))
    if weights_tiled is not None:
        is_false_negative *= weights_tiled
    values['fn'] = math_ops.reduce_sum(is_false_negative, 1)

    # tn
    is_true_negative = math_ops.to_float(
        math_ops.logical_and(label_is_neg, pred_is_neg))
    if weights_tiled is not None:
        is_true_negative *= weights_tiled
    values['tn'] = math_ops.reduce_sum(is_true_negative, 1)

    # fp
    is_false_positive = math_ops.to_float(
        math_ops.logical_and(label_is_neg, pred_is_pos))
    if weights_tiled is not None:
        is_false_positive *= weights_tiled
    values['fp'] = math_ops.reduce_sum(is_false_positive, 1)

    return values
Ejemplo n.º 38
def embed_check_categorical_event_shape(
        categorical_param, name="embed_check_categorical_event_shape"):
    """Embeds checks that categorical distributions don't have too many classes.

  A categorical-type distribution is one which, e.g., returns the class label
  rather than a one-hot encoding.  E.g., `Categorical(probs)`.

  Since distributions output samples in the same dtype as the parameters, we
  must ensure that casting doesn't lose precision. That is, the
  `parameter.dtype` implies a maximum number of classes. However, since shape is
  `int32` and categorical variables are presumed to be indexes into a `Tensor`,
  we must also ensure that the number of classes is no larger than the largest
  possible `int32` index, i.e., `2**31-1`.

  In other words the number of classes, `K`, must satisfy the following

  K <= min(
      int(2**31 - 1),  # Largest float as an index.
          dtypes.float16: int(2**11),   # Largest int as a float16.
          dtypes.float32: int(2**24),
          dtypes.float64: int(2**53),
      }.get(categorical_param.dtype.base_dtype, 0))

    categorical_param: Floating-point `Tensor` representing parameters of
      distribution over categories. The rightmost shape is presumed to be the
      number of categories.
    name: A name for this operation (optional).

    categorical_param: Input `Tensor` with appropriate assertions embedded.

    TypeError: if `categorical_param` has an unknown `dtype`.
    ValueError: if we can statically identify `categorical_param` as being too
      large (for being closed under int32/float casting).
    with ops.name_scope(name, values=[categorical_param]):
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(categorical_param, name="categorical_param")
        # The size must not exceed both of:
        # - The largest possible int32 (since categorical values are presumed to be
        #   indexes into a Tensor).
        # - The largest possible integer exactly representable under the given
        #   floating-point dtype (since we need to cast to/from).
        # The chosen floating-point thresholds are 2**(1 + mantissa_bits).
        # For more details, see:
        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating-point_arithmetic#Internal_representation
        x_dtype = x.dtype.base_dtype
        max_event_size = (_largest_integer_by_dtype(x_dtype)
                          if x_dtype.is_floating else 0)
        if max_event_size is 0:
            raise TypeError("Unable to validate size of unrecognized dtype "
            x_shape_static = x.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(1)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("A categorical-distribution parameter must have "
                             "at least 1 dimension.")
        if x_shape_static[-1].value is not None:
            event_size = x_shape_static[-1].value
            if event_size < 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    "A categorical-distribution parameter must have at "
                    "least 2 events.")
            if event_size > max_event_size:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Number of classes exceeds `dtype` precision, i.e., "
                    "{} implies shape ({}) cannot exceed {}.".format(
                        x_dtype.name, event_size, max_event_size))
            return x
            event_size = array_ops.shape(x, name="x_shape")[-1]
            return control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([
                    message=("A categorical-distribution parameter must have "
                             "at least 1 dimension.")),
                        "A categorical-distribution parameter must have at "
                        "least 2 events.")),
                    message="Number of classes exceeds `dtype` precision, "
                    "i.e., {} dtype cannot exceed {} shape.".format(
                        x_dtype.name, max_event_size)),
            ], x)
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def update_state(self, y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None):
        # Cast inputs
        y_pred = tf.convert_to_tensor(y_pred)
        y_true = tf.cast(y_true, dtype=y_pred.dtype)

        # Transform inputs
        [y_pred, y_true
         ], _ = metrics_utils.ragged_assert_compatible_and_get_flat_values(
             [y_pred, y_true], sample_weight)

        # Check input values and adjust shapes
        with ops.control_dependencies([
                    tf.cast(0.0, dtype=y_pred.dtype),
                    message='predictions must be >= 0'),
                                            tf.cast(1.0, dtype=y_pred.dtype),
                                            message='predictions must be <= 1')

            if sample_weight is None:
                y_pred, y_true = tf_losses_utils.squeeze_or_expand_dimensions(
                    y_pred, y_true)
                y_pred, y_true, sample_weight = (
                        y_pred, y_true, sample_weight=sample_weight))

        # Check shape compatibility

        # Get prediction shape
        pred_shape = tf.shape(y_pred)
        num_predictions = pred_shape[0]

        # Get lables (decode one-hot)
        y_pred_labels = K.flatten(tf.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1))
        y_true_labels = K.flatten(tf.argmax(y_true, axis=-1))

        # Set sample weights
        if sample_weight is not None:
            sample_weight = weights_broadcast_ops.broadcast_weights(
                tf.cast(sample_weight, dtype=y_pred.dtype), y_pred)
            weights_tiled = tf.gather(
                         limit=num_predictions * self.num_classes,
            weights_tiled = None

        def _weighted_assign_add(label, pred, weights, var):

            return var.assign_add(

        # Set return value
        update_ops = []

        # Update confusion matrix
            _weighted_assign_add(y_true_labels, y_pred_labels, weights_tiled,

        return tf.group(update_ops)
Ejemplo n.º 40
def embed_check_integer_casting_closed(x,
    """Ensures integers remain unaffected despite casting to/from int/float types.

  Example integer-types: `uint8`, `int32`, `bool`.
  Example floating-types: `float32`, `float64`.

  The largest possible integer representable by an IEEE754 floating-point is
  `2**(1 + mantissa_bits)` yet the largest possible integer as an int-type is
  `2**(bits - 1) - 1`. This function ensures that a `Tensor` purporting to have
  integer-form values can be cast to some other type without loss of precision.

  The smallest representable integer is the negative of the largest
  representable integer, except for types: `uint8`, `uint16`, `bool`. For these
  types, the smallest representable integer is `0`.

    x: `Tensor` representing integer-form values.
    target_dtype: TF `dtype` under which `x` should have identical values.
    assert_nonnegative: `bool` indicating `x` should contain nonnegative values.
    name: A name for this operation (optional).

    x: Input `Tensor` with appropriate assertions embedded.

    TypeError: if `x` is neither integer- nor floating-type.
    TypeError: if `target_dtype` is neither integer- nor floating-type.
    TypeError: if neither `x` nor `target_dtype` are integer-type.

    with ops.name_scope(name, values=[x]):
        x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")
        if (not _is_integer_like_by_dtype(x.dtype)
                and not x.dtype.is_floating):
            raise TypeError("{}.dtype must be floating- or "
        if (not _is_integer_like_by_dtype(target_dtype)
                and not target_dtype.is_floating):
            raise TypeError("target_dtype ({}) must be floating- or "
        if (not _is_integer_like_by_dtype(x.dtype)
                and not _is_integer_like_by_dtype(target_dtype)):
            raise TypeError(
                "At least one of {}.dtype ({}) and target_dtype ({}) "
                "must be integer-type.".format(x.op.name, x.dtype.name,

        assertions = []
        if assert_nonnegative:
            assertions += [
                    x, message="Elements must be non-negative."),

        if x.dtype.is_floating:
            # Being here means _is_integer_like_by_dtype(target_dtype) = True.
            # Since this check implies the magnitude check below, we need only it.
            assertions += [
                    message="Elements must be {}-equivalent.".format(
            if (_largest_integer_by_dtype(x.dtype) >
                # Cast may lose integer precision.
                assertions += [
                        message=("Elements cannot exceed {}.".format(
            if (not assert_nonnegative and (_smallest_integer_by_dtype(
                    x.dtype) < _smallest_integer_by_dtype(target_dtype))):
                assertions += [
                        message=("Elements cannot be smaller than {}.".format(

        if not assertions:
            return x
        return control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(assertions, x)
def _interpolate_nearest3D(grid,
  3D nearest-neighbor interpolation based on tensorflow's _interpolate_bilinear
    Junyu Chen
    [email protected]
  if indexing != 'ij' and indexing != 'xy':
    raise ValueError('Indexing mode must be \'ij\' or \'xy\'')

  with ops.name_scope(name):
    grid = ops.convert_to_tensor(grid)
    query_points = ops.convert_to_tensor(query_points)
    shape = grid.get_shape().as_list()
    if len(shape) != 5:
      msg = 'Grid must be 5 dimensional. Received size: '
      raise ValueError(msg + str(grid.get_shape()))

    batch_size, height, width, length, channels = (array_ops.shape(grid)[0],

    shape = [batch_size, length, height, width, channels]
    query_type = query_points.dtype
    grid_type = grid.dtype

    with ops.control_dependencies([
            message='Query points must be 3 dimensional.'),
            message='Query points must be size 2 in dim 2.')
      num_queries = array_ops.shape(query_points)[1]

    with ops.control_dependencies([
            height, 2, message='Grid height must be at least 2.'),
            width, 2, message='Grid width must be at least 2.')
      alphas = []
      floors = []
      ceils = []
      index_order = [0, 1, 2] if indexing == 'ij' else [2, 1, 0]

      unstacked_query_points = array_ops.unstack(query_points, axis=2)
    for dim in index_order:
      with ops.name_scope('dim-' + str(dim)):
        queries = unstacked_query_points[dim]

        size_in_indexing_dimension = shape[dim + 1]

        # max_floor is size_in_indexing_dimension - 2 so that max_floor + 1
        # is still a valid index into the grid.
        max_floor = math_ops.cast(size_in_indexing_dimension - 2, query_type)
        min_floor = constant_op.constant(0.0, dtype=query_type)
        floor = math_ops.minimum(
            math_ops.maximum(min_floor, math_ops.floor(queries)), max_floor)
        int_floor = math_ops.cast(floor, dtypes.int32)
        ceil = int_floor + 1

        # alpha has the same type as the grid, as we will directly use alpha
        # when taking linear combinations of pixel values from the image.
        alpha = math_ops.cast(queries - floor, grid_type)
        min_alpha = constant_op.constant(0.0, dtype=grid_type)
        max_alpha = constant_op.constant(1.0, dtype=grid_type)
        alpha = math_ops.minimum(math_ops.maximum(min_alpha, alpha), max_alpha)

        # Expand alpha to [b, n, 1] so we can use broadcasting
        # (since the alpha values don't depend on the channel).
        alpha = array_ops.expand_dims(alpha, 2)

    with ops.control_dependencies([
            math_ops.cast(batch_size * height * width * length, dtype=dtypes.float32),
            np.iinfo(np.int32).max / 8,
            message="""The image size or batch size is sufficiently large
                       that the linearized addresses used by array_ops.gather
                       may exceed the int32 limit.""")
      flattened_grid = array_ops.reshape(
          grid, [batch_size * height * width * length, channels])
      batch_offsets = array_ops.reshape(
          math_ops.range(batch_size) * height * width * length, [batch_size, 1])

    # This wraps array_ops.gather. We reshape the image data such that the
    # batch, y, and x coordinates are pulled into the first dimension.
    # Then we gather. Finally, we reshape the output back. It's possible this
    # code would be made simpler by using array_ops.gather_nd.
    def gather(z_coords, x_coords, y_coords, name):
      with ops.name_scope('gather-' + name):
        linear_coordinates = batch_offsets + (y_coords*width+z_coords)*length + x_coords
        gathered_values = array_ops.gather(flattened_grid, linear_coordinates)
        return array_ops.reshape(gathered_values, [batch_size, num_queries, channels])

    # grab the pixel values in the 8 corners around each query point
    btop_left = gather(floors[2], floors[0], floors[1], 'btop_left')
    btop_right = gather(floors[2], floors[0], ceils[1], 'btop_right')
    bbottom_left = gather(floors[2], ceils[0], floors[1], 'bbottom_left')
    bbottom_right = gather(floors[2], ceils[0], ceils[1], 'bbottom_right')

    ttop_left = gather(ceils[2], floors[0], floors[1], 'ttop_left')
    ttop_right = gather(ceils[2], floors[0], ceils[1], 'ttop_right')
    tbottom_left = gather(ceils[2], ceils[0], floors[1], 'tbottom_left')
    tbottom_right = gather(ceils[2], ceils[0], ceils[1], 'tbottom_right')

    # now, do the actual interpolation
    #alphas = [0.1,0.1,0.1]

    with ops.name_scope('interpolate'):
      interp_top = K.round(alphas[1]) * (btop_right - btop_left) + btop_left
      interp_bottom = K.round(alphas[1]) * (bbottom_right - bbottom_left) + bbottom_left
      interp1 = K.round(alphas[0]) * (interp_bottom - interp_top) + interp_top

      interp_top = K.round(alphas[1]) * (ttop_right - ttop_left) + ttop_left
      interp_bottom = K.round(alphas[1]) * (tbottom_right - tbottom_left) + tbottom_left
      interp2 = K.round(alphas[0]) * (interp_bottom - interp_top) + interp_top

      interp = K.round(alphas[2]) * (interp2 - interp1) + interp1
    return interp