Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_save_graph_def(self):
        root = tracking.AutoTrackable()
        v1 = variables_lib.Variable([3.])
        v2 = variables_lib.Variable([2.])
        root.v = sharded_variable.ShardedVariable([v1, v2])
        root.train = def_function.function(
            lambda x: embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(root.v.variables, x))
        # TODO(b/144057383): Remove the necessity of root.serve once saving context
        # is made to tf.function cache.
        root.serve = def_function.function(
            lambda x: embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(
                root.v.variables[0], x),
                tensor_spec.TensorSpec([2], dtypes.int32, name='x')

        # Trace and use root.train
        self.assertAllEqual([3., 2.], root.train([0, 1]).numpy())

        save_dir = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), 'saved_model')
        save.save(root, save_dir, root.serve)
        self.assertAllEqual([3., 2.],
                            _load_and_run(save_dir, {'x': [0, 1]})['output_0'])

        # Continue using root.train for training
        self.assertAllEqual([3., 2.], root.train([0, 1]).numpy())
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _embedding_call(self, og_call, layer, inputs, *args, **kwargs):
        embeddings = layer.embeddings

        # NOTE: We need to put this in two if statements as autograph is dumb.
        if embeddings.ref() not in self.ref_to_logvar:
            # This can happen for non-mergeable variables, so we skip them.
            return og_call(layer, inputs, *args, **kwargs)
        if not self.sampling:
            return og_call(layer, inputs, *args, **kwargs)

        embeddings_logvar = self.ref_to_logvar[embeddings.ref()]
        stddev = tf.exp(0.5 * embeddings_logvar)

        batch_size = tf.shape(inputs)[0]

        # TODO: Find a better way of doing all of this.
        output = tf.zeros_like(embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(embeddings, inputs))
        for i in tf.range(batch_size):
            eps = tf.random.normal(tf.shape(embeddings))
            perturbed_embeddings = embeddings + stddev * eps

            mask = tf.one_hot(i, depth=batch_size)

            output_i = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(perturbed_embeddings, inputs)
            for _ in range(len(output_i.shape) - 1):
                mask = mask[..., None]
            output += output_i * mask

        return output
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def call(self, inputs):
   dtype = K.dtype(inputs)
   if dtype != 'int32' and dtype != 'int64':
     inputs = math_ops.cast(inputs, 'int32')
   if isinstance(self.embeddings, sharded_variable.ShardedVariable):
     out = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(self.embeddings.variables, inputs)
     out = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(self.embeddings, inputs)
   return out
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def call(self, inputs):
     dtype = K.dtype(inputs)
     if dtype != 'int32' and dtype != 'int64':
         inputs = math_ops.cast(inputs, 'int32')
     if isinstance(self.embeddings, sharded_variable.ShardedVariable):
         out = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(self.embeddings.variables,
         out = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(self.embeddings, inputs)
     if self._dtype_policy.should_cast_variables:
         # Instead of casting the variable as in most layers, cast the output, as
         # this is mathematically equivalent but is faster.
         out = math_ops.cast(out, self._dtype_policy.compute_dtype)
     return out
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _call():
     with gradients.GradientTape() as tape:
         y = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(x, [0])
         loss = math_ops.reduce_sum(y)
     grads = tape.gradient(loss, x)
     self.assertAllEqual(grads.shape, [3, 3])
     return ops.convert_to_tensor(grads)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _handle_read(new_graph_item, var_op, partitioned_var):
     partitioned_var_tensor = partitioned_var.as_tensor()
     for op in get_consumers(var_op):
         op = new_graph_item.graph.get_operation_by_name(
             ops.prepend_name_scope(op.name, AUTODIST_TO_DELETE_SCOPE)
         if op.type == "ResourceGather":
             # Only Resource Variable needs to be taken care of
             #   because ResourceGather consumes resource tensor rather than the tensor of read_var_op
             # Question: Is there any case where the op.type == "ResourceGather"
             #  but we can't use embedding_lookup_v2 to reconstruct the op consuming a partitioned resource
             # The second input to a ResourceGather op is always the indices per the opdef
             emb_lookup = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(partitioned_var, ids=op.inputs[1])
             update_consumers(get_consumers(op), op.outputs[0], emb_lookup)
         if is_read_var_op(op, version=1):
             # Without our modification, Reference Vars in TF have a read op associated with them.
             # TF can sometimes look for this and expect it to exist (e.g. in graph.as_graph_element)
             # so we add one back to avoid errors.
             # read_out is already the output tensor of the generated identity op
             read_out = array_ops.identity(partitioned_var_tensor,
                                           name=ops.prepend_name_scope("read", var_op.name))
             update_consumers(get_consumers(op), op.outputs[0], read_out)
         elif is_read_var_op(op, version=2):
             read_out = array_ops.identity(partitioned_var_tensor,
                                           name=ops.prepend_name_scope("Read/ReadVariableOp", var_op.name))
             update_consumers(get_consumers(op), op.outputs[0], read_out)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def avs_embedding(self, y):
     if 'word_id' in y:
         ids = tf.argmax(y['word_id'], axis=-1)
         y_vec = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(self.embeddings, ids)
         y_word = y2action_word(y)
         y_vec = tf.numpy_function(self.word2word_vec, [y_word], tf.float32)
     return y_vec
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def call(self, inputs):
   dtype = backend.dtype(inputs)
   if dtype != 'int32' and dtype != 'int64':
     inputs = math_ops.cast(inputs, 'int32')
   out = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(self.embeddings, inputs)
   if self._dtype_policy.compute_dtype != self._dtype_policy.variable_dtype:
     # Instead of casting the variable as in most layers, cast the output, as
     # this is mathematically equivalent but is faster.
     out = math_ops.cast(out, self._dtype_policy.compute_dtype)
   return out
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _embedding_lookup_for_sparse_tensor(
            self, inp: sparse_tensor.SparseTensor,
            weight: Optional[sparse_tensor.SparseTensor],
            table: tf_variables.Variable,
            feature: tpu_embedding_v2_utils.FeatureConfig) -> ops.Tensor:
        """Embedding lookup for sparse tensor based on its feature config.

      inp: a single SparseTensor input.
      weight: None or SparseTensor which has the same shape of the input.
      table: a table variable.
      feature: a feature config.

      Embedding lookup result.

        # This computation needs to placed outside of tpu as the size of the
        # indices and values can change for different batch which can cause
        # the program to re-compile.
        def sparse_to_dense_computation(inp, weight):
            if weight is None:
                weight = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
                    array_ops.ones_like(inp.values, dtype=dtypes.float32),
            # Pad the sparse tensor to be dense tensor.
            inp = sparse_ops.sparse_tensor_to_dense(inp)
            weight = sparse_ops.sparse_tensor_to_dense(weight)
            return inp, weight

        inp, weight = tpu.outside_compilation(sparse_to_dense_computation,

        embeddings = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(table, inp)
        weight = array_ops.expand_dims(weight, -1)
        embeddings *= weight
        if not feature.output_shape and feature.max_sequence_length > 0:
            embeddings = self._pad_or_truncate_with_sequence_length(
                embeddings, feature.max_sequence_length)
            embeddings = self._apply_combiner_to_embeddings(
                embeddings, weight, feature.table.combiner)
        return embeddings
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def lookup():
   ids = constant_op.constant([0, 3, 4])
   return embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(sv, ids)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def _call():
     return embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(x, [0])
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def _embedding_lookup_for_ragged_tensor(
            self, inp: ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor,
            weight: Optional[ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor],
            table: tf_variables.Variable,
            feature: tpu_embedding_v2_utils.FeatureConfig) -> ops.Tensor:
        """Embedding lookup for ragged tensor based on its feature config.

      inp: a single rank 2 RaggedTensor input.
      weight: None or RaggedTensor which has the same shape of the input.
      table: a table variable.
      feature: a feature config.

      Embedding lookup result.

      ValueError: if input ragged tensor is not rank 2 or output shape set in
      the feature config doesn't match with the first dim size of the input.
        if inp.shape.rank != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                "Only rank 2 ragged tensor is supported, but got rank {}".
        batch_size = inp.shape[0]

        # This computation needs to placed outside of tpu as the size of the row
        # splits and values can change for different batch which can cause
        # the program to re-compile.
        def ragged_to_dense_outside_compilation(inp, weight, batch_size,
            if weight is None:
                weight = ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor.from_row_splits(
                    array_ops.ones_like(inp.values, dtype=dtypes.float32),
            if not feature.output_shape and feature.max_sequence_length > 0:
                inp = inp.to_tensor(shape=(batch_size,
                # Ignore weight if it is a sequence feature.
                weight = array_ops.ones_like(inp, dtype=dtypes.float32)
            elif feature.output_shape:
                # Eagerly run the following op as the result as to be a number in
                # order to use it as part of the output shape.
                with ops.init_scope():
                    output_batch_size = math_ops.reduce_prod(
                # If the output batch size matches the data batch size, treat it as
                # normal ragged input.
                if output_batch_size == batch_size:
                    inp, weight = inp.to_tensor(), weight.to_tensor()
                # If the data batch size is a factor of the output batch size, the
                # divide result will be the sequence length. Ignore the weights and
                # combiner.
                elif output_batch_size > batch_size and output_batch_size % batch_size == 0:
                    # Pad or truncate in the sequence dimension
                    seq_length = output_batch_size // batch_size
                    inp = inp.to_tensor(shape=(batch_size, seq_length))
                    # Ignore weight if it is a sequence feature.
                    weight = array_ops.ones_like(inp, dtype=dtypes.float32)
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Output shape set in the FeatureConfig should be the factor of "
                        "the input data batch size. But instead got output shape {}, "
                        "input data batch size {}".format(
                            feature.output_shape, batch_size))
                inp, weight = inp.to_tensor(), weight.to_tensor()
            return inp, weight

        inp, weight = tpu.outside_compilation(

        embeddings = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(table, inp)
        weight = array_ops.expand_dims(weight, -1)
        embeddings *= weight

        if feature.output_shape:
            with ops.init_scope():
                output_batch_size = math_ops.reduce_prod(
            if output_batch_size == batch_size:
                embeddings = self._apply_combiner_to_embeddings(
                    embeddings, weight, feature.table.combiner)
            embeddings = array_ops.reshape(embeddings,
                                           shape=feature.output_shape +
            if feature.max_sequence_length == 0:
                embeddings = self._apply_combiner_to_embeddings(
                    embeddings, weight, feature.table.combiner)
        return embeddings
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def embedding_lookup(self,
                         features: Any,
                         weights: Optional[Any] = None) -> Any:
        """Apply embedding lookup on TPUs using Tensorcore.

    Note that all the sparse and ragged tensors will be converted to dense
    tensors on CPU and then passed to the TPU to do embedding look up. Large
    embedding lookup is not supported by this API, use the TPUEmbedding mid
    level api instead.

      features: a nested structure of Tensors, SparseTensors or RaggedTensors.
      weights: a nested structure of Tensors, SparseTensors or RaggedTensors or
        None for no weights. If not None, structure must match that of inputs,
        but entries are allowed to be None.

      A nested structure of Tensors with the same structure as inputs.
        if not self._built:
        nest.assert_same_structure(features, self._feature_config)

        flat_inputs = nest.flatten(features)
        flat_weights = [None] * len(flat_inputs)
        if weights is not None:
            nest.assert_same_structure(features, weights)
            flat_weights = nest.flatten(weights)
        flat_features = nest.flatten_with_joined_string_paths(

        outputs = []
        for inp, weight, (path, feature) in zip(flat_inputs, flat_weights,
            table = self.embedding_tables[feature.table]

            if weight is not None:
                if isinstance(inp, ops.Tensor):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Weight specified for {}, but input is dense.".format(
                elif type(weight) is not type(inp):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Weight for {} is of type {} but it does not match type of the "
                        "input which is {}.".format(path, type(weight),
                elif feature.max_sequence_length > 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Weight specified for {}, but this is a sequence "

            if isinstance(inp, ops.Tensor):
                if feature.max_sequence_length > 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Feature {} is a sequence feature but a dense tensor "
                        "was passed.".format(path))
                outputs.append(embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(table, inp))

            elif isinstance(inp, sparse_tensor.SparseTensor):
                        inp, weight, table, feature))
            elif isinstance(inp, ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor):
                        inp, weight, table, feature))
                raise ValueError(
                    "Input {} is type {}. Tensor, SparseTensor or "
                    "RaggedTensor expected.".format(path, type(inp)))
        return nest.pack_sequence_as(self._feature_config, outputs)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def _embedding_lookup_for_ragged_tensor(
        inp: ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor,
        weight: Optional[ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor],
        table: tf_variables.Variable,
        feature: tpu_embedding_v2_utils.FeatureConfig) -> ops.Tensor:
    """Embedding lookup for ragged tensor based on its feature config.

    inp: a single rank 2 RaggedTensor input.
    weight: None or RaggedTensor which has the same shape of the input.
    table: a table variable.
    feature: a feature config.

    Embedding lookup result.

    ValueError: if input ragged tensor is not rank 2 or output shape set in the
      feature config doesn't match with the first dim size of the input.
    if inp.shape.rank != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "Only rank 2 ragged tensor is supported, but got rank {}".format(
    batch_size = inp.shape[0]
    if feature.output_shape:
        output_batch_size = math_ops.reduce_prod(feature.output_shape)
        # If the output batch size matches the data batch size, treat it as
        # normal ragged input.
        if output_batch_size == batch_size:
            ragged_output = _ragged_embedding_lookup_with_reduce(
                table, inp, weight, feature.table.combiner)
            ragged_output = array_ops.reshape(ragged_output,
                                              shape=feature.output_shape +
        # If the data batch size is a factor of the output batch size, the
        # divide result will be the sequence length. Ignore the weights and
        # combiner.
        elif output_batch_size > batch_size and output_batch_size % batch_size == 0:
            ragged_output = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(table, inp)
            # Pad or truncate in the sequence dimension
            ragged_output = ragged_output.to_tensor(shape=[
                batch_size, output_batch_size // batch_size, feature.table.dim
            # Reshape to desire output shape.
            ragged_output = array_ops.reshape(
                ragged_output, feature.output_shape + [feature.table.dim])
            raise ValueError(
                "Output shape set in the FeatureConfig should be the factor of "
                "the input data batch size. But instead got output shape {}, "
                "input data batch size {}".format(feature.output_shape,
        if feature.max_sequence_length > 0:
            output_shape = [
                batch_size, feature.max_sequence_length, feature.table.dim
            ragged_lookup = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(table, inp)
            # Unlike scatter_nd, RaggedTensor.to_tensor truncates to the given
            # shape.
            ragged_output = ragged_lookup.to_tensor(shape=output_shape)
            ragged_output = _ragged_embedding_lookup_with_reduce(
                table, inp, weight, feature.table.combiner)
    return ragged_output
Ejemplo n.º 15
def cpu_embedding_lookup(
    inputs: Any,
    weights: Optional[Any],
    tables: Dict[tpu_embedding_v2_utils.TableConfig, tf_variables.Variable],
    feature_config: Union[tpu_embedding_v2_utils.FeatureConfig, Iterable]  # pylint:disable=g-bare-generic
) -> Any:
    """Apply standard lookup ops with `tf.tpu.experimental.embedding` configs.

  This function is a utility which allows using the
  `tf.tpu.experimental.embedding` config objects with standard lookup functions.
  This can be used when exporting a model which uses
  `tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TPUEmbedding` for serving on CPU. In particular
  `tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TPUEmbedding` only supports lookups on TPUs and
  should not be part of your serving graph.

  Note that TPU specific options (such as `max_sequence_length`) in the
  configuration objects will be ignored.

  In the following example we take a trained model (see the documentation for
  `tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TPUEmbedding` for the context) and create a
  saved model with a serving function that will perform the embedding lookup and
  pass the results to your model:

  model = model_fn(...)
  embedding = tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TPUEmbedding(
  checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(model=model, embedding=embedding)

  @tf.function(input_signature=[{'feature_one': tf.TensorSpec(...),
                                 'feature_two': tf.TensorSpec(...),
                                 'feature_three': tf.TensorSpec(...)}])
  def serve_tensors(embedding_features):
    embedded_features = tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.serving_embedding_lookup(
        embedding_features, None, embedding.embedding_tables,
    return model(embedded_features)

  model.embedding_api = embedding
                      signatures={'serving_default': serve_tensors})


  NOTE: It's important to assign the embedding API object to a member of your
  model as `tf.saved_model.save` only supports saving variables as one
  `Trackable` object. Since the model's weights are in `model` and the
  embedding table are managed by `embedding`, we assign `embedding` to an
  attribute of `model` so that tf.saved_model.save can find the embedding

  NOTE: The same `serve_tensors` function and `tf.saved_model.save` call will
  work directly from training.

    inputs: a nested structure of Tensors, SparseTensors or RaggedTensors.
    weights: a nested structure of Tensors, SparseTensors or RaggedTensors or
      None for no weights. If not None, structure must match that of inputs, but
      entries are allowed to be None.
    tables: a dict of mapping TableConfig objects to Variables.
    feature_config: a nested structure of FeatureConfig objects with the same
      structure as inputs.

    A nested structure of Tensors with the same structure as inputs.

    nest.assert_same_structure(inputs, feature_config)

    flat_inputs = nest.flatten(inputs)
    flat_weights = [None] * len(flat_inputs)
    if weights is not None:
        nest.assert_same_structure(inputs, weights)
        flat_weights = nest.flatten(weights)
    flat_features = nest.flatten_with_joined_string_paths(feature_config)

    outputs = []
    for inp, weight, (path, feature) in zip(flat_inputs, flat_weights,
        table = tables[feature.table]

        if weight is not None:
            if isinstance(inp, ops.Tensor):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Weight specified for {}, but input is dense.".format(
            elif type(weight) is not type(inp):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Weight for {} is of type {} but it does not match type of the "
                    "input which is {}.".format(path, type(weight), type(inp)))
            elif feature.max_sequence_length > 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Weight specified for {}, but this is a sequence "

        if isinstance(inp, ops.Tensor):
            if feature.max_sequence_length > 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Feature {} is a sequence feature but a dense tensor "
                    "was passed.".format(path))
            outputs.append(embedding_ops.embedding_lookup_v2(table, inp))

        elif isinstance(inp, sparse_tensor.SparseTensor):
                _embedding_lookup_for_sparse_tensor(inp, weight, table,
        elif isinstance(inp, ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor):
                _embedding_lookup_for_ragged_tensor(inp, weight, table,
            raise ValueError("Input {} is type {}. Tensor, SparseTensor or "
                             "RaggedTensor expected.".format(path, type(inp)))
    return nest.pack_sequence_as(feature_config, outputs)