Ejemplo n.º 1
        def fztloss( f, pVecs, nVecs ):
            Tensorized cost function from Fast Zero-Shot Learning paper

                f: The output from the network, a tensor of shape (# images, word embedding size)
                pVecs: The vector embeddings of the ground truth tags, a tensor
                    of shape (# images, # positive tags, word embedding size)
                nVecs: The vector embeddings of negatively sampled tags, a tensor
                    of shape (# images, # negative samples, word embedding size)

                Scalar tensor representing the batch cost
            posmul = tf.mul(pVecs, f)
            negmul = tf.mul(nVecs, f)

            tfpos = tf.reduce_sum(posmul, reduction_indices=2)
            tfneg = tf.reduce_sum(negmul, reduction_indices=2)

            tfpos = tf.transpose(tfpos, [1,0])
            tfneg = tf.transpose(tfneg, [1,0])

            negexpan = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims(tfneg, -1), [1, 1, tf.shape(tfpos)[1]] )
            posexpan = tf.tile( tf.transpose(tf.expand_dims(tfpos, -1), [0,2,1]), [1, tf.shape(tfneg)[1], 1])
            differences = tf.sub(negexpan, posexpan)  

            return tf.reduce_sum(tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(1 + tf.exp(differences)), reduction_indices=[1,2]))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def make_padded_blocked_matrix(matrix, block_size):
  """Converts a matrix to padded column-blocked format.

  For example, given a [64,127] matrix and block_size=16, this function returns
  an [8,64,16] tensor where the 8 inner sub-matrices, when concatenated left to
  right, re-constitute the original matrix.  Note that the 8th sub-matrix has a
  final column of padding.

    matrix: The matrix to convert.
    block_size: The number of columns per block.

    Padded column-blocked matrix.
  shape = tf.shape(matrix)
  num_rows = shape[0]
  num_columns = shape[1]

  # Compute the amount of padding and resulting number of blocks.
  last_block_size = num_columns % block_size
  padding_size = (block_size - last_block_size) % block_size
  num_blocks = (num_columns + padding_size) // block_size

  # Somehow the obvious approach based on tf.split() and tf.stack() doesn't work
  # (seems that the number of splits needs to be statically-known), but this
  # alternative based on tf.transpose() and tf.reshape() does.  Continuing the
  # example from the docstring...
  padded = tf.pad(matrix, [[0, 0], [0, padding_size]])  # [64,127] => [64,128]
  transposed = tf.transpose(padded)  # => [128,64]
  blocked = tf.reshape(transposed, [num_blocks, block_size,
                                    num_rows])  # => [8,16,64]
  return tf.transpose(blocked, [0, 2, 1])  # => [8,64,16]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def update_centers(self, img_dataset):
            self.C = (U * hu^T + V * hv^T) (hu * hu^T + hv * hv^T)^{-1}
            self.C^T = (hu * hu^T + hv * hv^T)^{-1} (hu * U^T + hv * V^T)
            but all the C need to be replace with C^T :
            self.C = (hu * hu^T + hv * hv^T)^{-1} (hu^T * U + hv^T * V)
        old_C_value = self.sess.run(self.C)

        h = self.img_b_all
        U = self.img_output_all
        smallResidual = tf.constant(
            np.eye(self.subcenter_num * self.subspace_num, dtype=np.float32) * 0.001)
        Uh = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(h), U)
        hh = tf.add(tf.matmul(tf.transpose(h), h), smallResidual)
        compute_centers = tf.matmul(tf.matrix_inverse(hh), Uh)

        update_C = self.C.assign(compute_centers)
        C_value = self.sess.run(update_C, feed_dict={
            self.img_output_all: img_dataset.output,
            self.img_b_all: img_dataset.codes,

        C_sums = np.sum(np.square(C_value), axis=1)
        C_zeros_ids = np.where(C_sums < 1e-8)
        C_value[C_zeros_ids, :] = old_C_value[C_zeros_ids, :]
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(
     Layer.__init__(self, name=name)
     self.inputs = layer.outputs
     print("  [TL] GroupNormLayer %s: epsilon:%f act:%s" % (self.name, epsilon, act.__name__))
     inputs_shape = get_shape(layer.outputs)
     G = tf.minimum(G, inputs_shape[-1])
     # [N, H, W, C] to [N, C, H, W]
     temp_input = tf.transpose(self.inputs, [0, 3, 1, 2])
     temp_input = tf.reshape(temp_input, [inputs_shape[0], G, inputs_shape[-1]//G, inputs_shape[1], inputs_shape[2]],
     with tf.variable_scope(name) as vs:
         mean, var = tf.nn.moments(temp_input, [2, 3, 4], keep_dims=True)
         scale = tf.get_variable('scale', shape=[1, inputs_shape[-1], 1, 1], initializer=scale_init, dtype=D_TYPE)
         offset = tf.get_variable('offset', shape=[1, inputs_shape[-1], 1, 1], initializer=offset_init, dtype=D_TYPE)
         temp_input = (temp_input - mean) / tf.sqrt(var + epsilon)
         temp_input = tf.reshape(temp_input, shape=[inputs_shape[0], inputs_shape[-1], inputs_shape[1], inputs_shape[2]],
         self.outputs = scale * temp_input + offset
         self.outputs = tf.transpose(self.outputs, [0, 2, 3, 1])
         self.outputs = act(self.outputs)
         variables = tf.get_collection(TF_GRAPHKEYS_VARIABLES, scope=vs.name)
     self.all_layers = list(layer.all_layers)
     self.all_params = list(layer.all_params)
     self.all_drop = dict(layer.all_drop)
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: gpr.py Proyecto: erenis/GPflow
    def build_predict(self, Xnew, full_cov=False):
        Xnew is a data matrix, point at which we want to predict

        This method computes

            p(F* | Y )

        where F* are points on the GP at Xnew, Y are noisy observations at X.

        Kx = self.kern.K(self.X, Xnew)
        K = self.kern.K(self.X) + eye(self.num_data) * self.likelihood.variance
        L = tf.cholesky(K)
        A = tf.matrix_triangular_solve(L, Kx, lower=True)
        V = tf.matrix_triangular_solve(L, self.Y - self.mean_function(self.X))
        fmean = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(A), V) + self.mean_function(Xnew)
        if full_cov:
            fvar = self.kern.K(Xnew) - tf.matmul(tf.transpose(A), A)
            shape = tf.pack([1, 1, tf.shape(self.Y)[1]])
            fvar = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(fvar, 2), shape)
            fvar = self.kern.Kdiag(Xnew) - tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(A), 0)
            fvar = tf.tile(tf.reshape(fvar, (-1, 1)), [1, self.Y.shape[1]])
        return fmean, fvar
Ejemplo n.º 6
def sample_with_temperature(logits, temperature):
  """Either argmax after softmax or random sample along the pitch axis.

    logits: a Tensor of shape (batch, time, pitch, instrument).
    temperature: a float  0.0=argmax 1.0=random

    a Tensor of the same shape, with one_hots on the pitch dimension.
  logits = tf.transpose(logits, [0, 1, 3, 2])
  pitch_range = tf.shape(logits)[-1]

  def sample_from_logits(logits):
    with tf.control_dependencies([tf.assert_greater(temperature, 0.0)]):
      logits = tf.identity(logits)
    reshaped_logits = (
        tf.reshape(logits, [-1, tf.shape(logits)[-1]]) / temperature)
    choices = tf.multinomial(reshaped_logits, 1)
    choices = tf.reshape(choices,
                         tf.shape(logits)[:logits.get_shape().ndims - 1])
    return choices

  choices = tf.cond(tf.equal(temperature, 0.0),
                    lambda: tf.argmax(tf.nn.softmax(logits), -1),
                    lambda: sample_from_logits(logits))
  samples_onehot = tf.one_hot(choices, pitch_range)
  return tf.transpose(samples_onehot, [0, 1, 3, 2])
Ejemplo n.º 7
  def _define_distance_to_clusters(self, data):
    """Defines the Mahalanobis distance to the assigned Gaussian."""
    # TODO(xavigonzalvo): reuse (input - mean) * cov^-1 * (input -
    # mean) from log probability function.
    self._all_scores = []
    for shard in data:
      all_scores = []
      shard = tf.expand_dims(shard, 0)
      for c in xrange(self._num_classes):
        if self._covariance_type == FULL_COVARIANCE:
          cov = self._covs[c, :, :]
        elif self._covariance_type == DIAG_COVARIANCE:
          cov = tf.diag(self._covs[c, :])
        inverse = tf.matrix_inverse(cov + self._min_var)
        inv_cov = tf.tile(
            tf.expand_dims(inverse, 0),
            tf.pack([self._num_examples, 1, 1]))
        diff = tf.transpose(shard - self._means[c, :, :], perm=[1, 0, 2])
        m_left = tf.batch_matmul(diff, inv_cov)
            m_left, tf.transpose(diff, perm=[0, 2, 1])
          tf.concat(1, all_scores),
          tf.pack([self._num_examples, self._num_classes])))

    # Distance to the associated class.
    self._all_scores = tf.concat(0, self._all_scores)
    assignments = tf.concat(0, self.assignments())
    rows = tf.to_int64(tf.range(0, self._num_examples))
    indices = tf.concat(1, [tf.expand_dims(rows, 1),
                            tf.expand_dims(assignments, 1)])
    self._scores = tf.gather_nd(self._all_scores, indices)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def tf_tensordot(tf1,tf2,axes):
   debug = True
   shp1 = tf1.get_shape()
   shp2 = tf2.get_shape()
   r1 = range(len(shp1))
   r2 = range(len(shp2))
   # Indices
   i1,i2 = axes
   e1 = list(set(r1)-set(i1))
   e2 = list(set(r2)-set(i2))
   ne1 = len(e1)
   ne2 = len(e2)
   nii = len(i1)
   rank = ne1+ne2
   sdx1 = e1+i1 # sort index
   sdx2 = i2+e2
   # Shapes - get_reshape() return Dimensions
   eshp1 = [shp1[i].value for i in e1]
   ishp1 = [shp1[i].value for i in i1]
   eshp2 = [shp2[i].value for i in e2]
   ishp2 = [shp2[i].value for i in i2]
   esize1 = numpy.prod(eshp1) 
   isize1 = numpy.prod(ishp1)
   esize2 = numpy.prod(eshp2)
   isize2 = numpy.prod(ishp2)
   mtf1 = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(tf1,perm=sdx1),[esize1,isize1])
   mtf2 = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(tf2,perm=sdx2),[isize2,esize2])
   tfc = tf.reshape( tf.matmul(mtf1,mtf2) , eshp1+eshp2 )
   return tfc
Ejemplo n.º 9
  def body(self, features):
    hp = self.hparams
    block_fns = {
        "residual": residual_block,
        "bottleneck": bottleneck_block,
    assert hp.block_fn in block_fns

    inputs = features["inputs"]

    data_format = "channels_last"
    if hp.use_nchw:
      # Convert from channels_last (NHWC) to channels_first (NCHW). This
      # provides a large performance boost on GPU.
      inputs = tf.transpose(inputs, [0, 3, 1, 2])
      data_format = "channels_first"

    out = resnet_v2(
        is_training=hp.mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN)

    if hp.use_nchw:
      out = tf.transpose(out, [0, 2, 3, 1])

    return out
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def chebyshev2(self, x, L, Fout, K):
     Filtering with Chebyshev interpolation
     Implementation: numpy.
     Data: x of size N x M x F
         N: number of signals
         M: number of vertices
         F: number of features per signal per vertex
     N, M, Fin = x.get_shape()
     N, M, Fin = int(N), int(M), int(Fin)
     # Rescale Laplacian. Copy to not modify the shared L.
     L = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(L)
     L = graph.rescale_L(L, lmax=2)
     # Transform to Chebyshev basis
     x = tf.transpose(x, perm=[1, 2, 0])  # M x Fin x N
     x = tf.reshape(x, [M, Fin*N])  # M x Fin*N
     def chebyshev(x):
         return graph.chebyshev(L, x, K)
     x = tf.py_func(chebyshev, [x], [tf.float32])[0]  # K x M x Fin*N
     x = tf.reshape(x, [K, M, Fin, N])  # K x M x Fin x N
     x = tf.transpose(x, perm=[3,1,2,0])  # N x M x Fin x K
     x = tf.reshape(x, [N*M, Fin*K])  # N*M x Fin*K
     # Filter: Fin*Fout filters of order K, i.e. one filterbank per feature.
     W = self._weight_variable([Fin*K, Fout], regularization=False)
     x = tf.matmul(x, W)  # N*M x Fout
     return tf.reshape(x, [N, M, Fout])  # N x M x Fout
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def chebyshev5(self, x, L, Fout, K, regularization=False):
     N, M, Fin = x.get_shape()
     N, M, Fin = int(N), int(M), int(Fin)
     # Rescale Laplacian and store as a TF sparse tensor. Copy to not modify the shared L.
     L = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(L)
     L = graph.rescale_L(L, lmax=2)
     L = L.tocoo()
     indices = np.column_stack((L.row, L.col))
     L = tf.SparseTensor(indices, L.data, L.shape)
     L = tf.sparse_reorder(L)
     # Transform to Chebyshev basis
     x0 = tf.transpose(x, perm=[1, 2, 0])  # M x Fin x N
     x0 = tf.reshape(x0, [M, Fin*N])  # M x Fin*N
     x = tf.expand_dims(x0, 0)  # 1 x M x Fin*N
     def concat(x, x_):
         x_ = tf.expand_dims(x_, 0)  # 1 x M x Fin*N
         return tf.concat(0, [x, x_])  # K x M x Fin*N
     if K > 1:
         x1 = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(L, x0)
         x = concat(x, x1)
     for k in range(2, K):
         x2 = 2 * tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(L, x1) - x0  # M x Fin*N
         x = concat(x, x2)
         x0, x1 = x1, x2
     x = tf.reshape(x, [K, M, Fin, N])  # K x M x Fin x N
     x = tf.transpose(x, perm=[3,1,2,0])  # N x M x Fin x K
     x = tf.reshape(x, [N*M, Fin*K])  # N*M x Fin*K
     # Filter: Fin*Fout filters of order K, i.e. one filterbank per feature pair.
     W = self._weight_variable([Fin*K, Fout], regularization=regularization)
     x = tf.matmul(x, W)  # N*M x Fout
     return tf.reshape(x, [N, M, Fout])  # N x M x Fout
Ejemplo n.º 12
def bboxes_intersection(bbox_ref, bboxes, name=None):
    """Compute relative intersection between a reference box and a
    collection of bounding boxes. Namely, compute the quotient between
    intersection area and box area.

      bbox_ref: (N, 4) or (4,) Tensor with reference bounding box(es).
      bboxes: (N, 4) Tensor, collection of bounding boxes.
      (N,) Tensor with relative intersection.
    with tf.name_scope(name, 'bboxes_intersection'):
        # Should be more efficient to first transpose.
        bboxes = tf.transpose(bboxes)
        bbox_ref = tf.transpose(bbox_ref)
        # Intersection bbox and volume.
        int_ymin = tf.maximum(bboxes[0], bbox_ref[0])
        int_xmin = tf.maximum(bboxes[1], bbox_ref[1])
        int_ymax = tf.minimum(bboxes[2], bbox_ref[2])
        int_xmax = tf.minimum(bboxes[3], bbox_ref[3])
        h = tf.maximum(int_ymax - int_ymin, 0.)
        w = tf.maximum(int_xmax - int_xmin, 0.)
        # Volumes.
        inter_vol = h * w
        bboxes_vol = (bboxes[2] - bboxes[0]) * (bboxes[3] - bboxes[1])
        scores = tfe_math.safe_divide(inter_vol, bboxes_vol, 'intersection')
        return scores
def soft_alignment(U_AP, raw_question_rep, raw_answer_rep, tokens_question_non_zero, tokens_answer_non_zero):
    """Calculate the AP soft-alignment matrix (in a batch-friendly fashion)

    :param U_AP: The AP similarity matrix (to be learned)
    :param raw_question_rep:
    :param raw_answer_rep:
    :param tokens_question_non_zero:
    :param tokens_answer_non_zero:
    answer_transposed = tf.transpose(raw_answer_rep, [0, 2, 1])

    # Unfortunately, there is no clean way in TF to multiply a 3d tensor with a 2d tensor. We need to perform some
    # reshaping. Compare solution 2 on
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38235555/tensorflow-matmul-of-input-matrix-with-batch-data
    raw_question_rep_flat = tf.reshape(raw_question_rep, [-1, tf.shape(raw_question_rep)[2]])
    QU_flat = tf.matmul(raw_question_rep_flat, U_AP)
    QU = tf.reshape(QU_flat, [-1, tf.shape(raw_question_rep)[1], tf.shape(raw_question_rep)[2]])
    QUA = tf.batch_matmul(QU, answer_transposed)
    G = tf.nn.tanh(QUA)

    # We are now removing all the fields of G that belong to zero padding. To achieve this, we are determining these
    # fields and adding a value of -2 to all of them (which is guaranteed to result in a smaller number than the minimum
    # of G, which is -1)
    additions_G_question = tf.transpose(
        tf.reshape((tokens_question_non_zero - 1) * 2, [-1, 1, tf.shape(tokens_question_non_zero)[1]]),
        [0, 2, 1]
    additions_G_answer = tf.reshape((tokens_answer_non_zero - 1) * 2, [-1, 1, tf.shape(tokens_answer_non_zero)[1]])

    # G_non_zero contains values of less than -1 for all fields which have a relation to zero-padded token positions
    G_non_zero = G + additions_G_question + additions_G_answer

    return G_non_zero
Ejemplo n.º 14
def bboxes_clip(bbox_ref, bboxes, scope=None):
    """Clip bounding boxes to a reference box.
    Batch-compatible if the first dimension of `bbox_ref` and `bboxes`
    can be broadcasted.

      bbox_ref: Reference bounding box. Nx4 or 4 shaped-Tensor;
      bboxes: Bounding boxes to clip. Nx4 or 4 shaped-Tensor or dictionary.
      Clipped bboxes.
    # Bboxes is dictionary.
    if isinstance(bboxes, dict):
        with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_clip_dict'):
            d_bboxes = {}
            for c in bboxes.keys():
                d_bboxes[c] = bboxes_clip(bbox_ref, bboxes[c])
            return d_bboxes

    # Tensors inputs.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_clip'):
        # Easier with transposed bboxes. Especially for broadcasting.
        bbox_ref = tf.transpose(bbox_ref)
        bboxes = tf.transpose(bboxes)
        # Intersection bboxes and reference bbox.
        ymin = tf.maximum(bboxes[0], bbox_ref[0])
        xmin = tf.maximum(bboxes[1], bbox_ref[1])
        ymax = tf.minimum(bboxes[2], bbox_ref[2])
        xmax = tf.minimum(bboxes[3], bbox_ref[3])
        # Double check! Empty boxes when no-intersection.
        ymin = tf.minimum(ymin, ymax)
        xmin = tf.minimum(xmin, xmax)
        bboxes = tf.transpose(tf.stack([ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax], axis=0))
        return bboxes
Ejemplo n.º 15
def bboxes_jaccard(bbox_ref, bboxes, name=None):
    """Compute jaccard score between a reference box and a collection
    of bounding boxes.

      bbox_ref: (N, 4) or (4,) Tensor with reference bounding box(es).
      bboxes: (N, 4) Tensor, collection of bounding boxes.
      (N,) Tensor with Jaccard scores.
    with tf.name_scope(name, 'bboxes_jaccard'):
        # Should be more efficient to first transpose.
        bboxes = tf.transpose(bboxes)
        bbox_ref = tf.transpose(bbox_ref)
        # Intersection bbox and volume.
        int_ymin = tf.maximum(bboxes[0], bbox_ref[0])
        int_xmin = tf.maximum(bboxes[1], bbox_ref[1])
        int_ymax = tf.minimum(bboxes[2], bbox_ref[2])
        int_xmax = tf.minimum(bboxes[3], bbox_ref[3])
        h = tf.maximum(int_ymax - int_ymin, 0.)
        w = tf.maximum(int_xmax - int_xmin, 0.)
        # Volumes.
        inter_vol = h * w
        union_vol = -inter_vol \
            + (bboxes[2] - bboxes[0]) * (bboxes[3] - bboxes[1]) \
            + (bbox_ref[2] - bbox_ref[0]) * (bbox_ref[3] - bbox_ref[1])
        jaccard = tfe_math.safe_divide(inter_vol, union_vol, 'jaccard')
        return jaccard
Ejemplo n.º 16
def opt_energy_env_1site(iso_012, h_op_1site, h_mpo_2site, state_1site):
    iso_021 = tf.transpose(iso_012, (0, 2, 1))
    terms_012, terms_021 = _ascend_op_to_1site_partial(h_op_1site, h_mpo_2site,
                                                       iso_012, iso_021)
    terms = terms_012 + tf.transpose(terms_021, (0, 2, 1))
    env = tensornetwork.ncon([state_1site, terms], [(0, -1), (0, -2, -3)])
    return env
Ejemplo n.º 17
  def runFiniteDifferences(self, shapes, dtypes=(tf.float32, tf.float64),
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=False):
      for shape in shapes:
        for batch in False, True:
          for dtype in dtypes:
            if not scalarTest:
              x = tf.constant(np.random.randn(shape[0], shape[1]), dtype)
              tensor = tf.matmul(x, tf.transpose(x)) / shape[0]
              # This is designed to be a faster test for larger matrices.
              x = tf.constant(np.random.randn(), dtype)
              R = tf.constant(np.random.randn(shape[0], shape[1]), dtype)
              e = tf.mul(R, x)
              tensor = tf.matmul(e, tf.transpose(e)) / shape[0]

            # Inner-most matrices in tensor are positive definite.
            if batch:
              tensor = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tensor, 0), [4, 1, 1])
              op = tf.batch_cholesky
              op = tf.cholesky

            if not (scalarTest):
              y = op(tensor)
              y = tf.reduce_mean(op(tensor))
            error = tf.test.compute_gradient_error(x, x._shape_as_list(), y,
            tf.logging.info("error = %f", error)
            if dtype == tf.float64:
              self.assertLess(error, 1e-5)
              self.assertLess(error, 3e-3)
Ejemplo n.º 18
	def _from_dilation(self, inputs, crop):
		'''Remove paddings and reshape to 1d signal.

		Used after 1D dilation convolution.
		if self.paddings is not None: #dilated conv
			assert isinstance(self.paddings, int)
			#inputs: [batch_size * dilation_rate, width_pad / dilation_rate, channels]
			inputs_shape = tf.shape(inputs)
			batch_size = inputs_shape[0] / self.dilation_rate
			width_pad = inputs_shape[1] * self.dilation_rate
			channels = inputs_shape[-1]
			new_shape = (width_pad, -1, channels) #-1 refers to batch_size

			#[width_pad / dilation_rate, batch_size * dilation_rate, channels]
			inputs_transposed = tf.transpose(inputs, [1, 0, 2])
			#[width_pad, batch_size, channels]
			inputs_reshaped = tf.reshape(inputs_transposed, new_shape)
			#[batch_size, channels, width_pad]
			outputs = tf.transpose(inputs_reshaped, [1, 2, 0])
			#[batch_size, channels, width]
			cropped = tf.slice(outputs, [0, 0, crop], [-1, -1, -1])

		else: #Simple channels first convolution
			cropped = tf.transpose(inputs, [0, 2, 1])

		return cropped
Ejemplo n.º 19
def SubpixelConv2D(*args, **kwargs):
    kwargs['output_dim'] = 4*kwargs['output_dim']
    output = lib.ops.conv2d.Conv2D(*args, **kwargs)
    output = tf.transpose(output, [0,2,3,1])
    output = tf.depth_to_space(output, 2)
    output = tf.transpose(output, [0,3,1,2])
    return output
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def inference(self, x):
        #loc_t ~ gaussian(loc_mean_t, [[sigma^2, 0], [0, sigma^2]]^-1)
        #loc_t = loc_mean_t + normal(loc_mean_t.shape,
        #                                     avg = 0.0,
        #                                     std = self.sigma)
        loc_t = self.loc_init
        h_t = self.h_init

        loc_mean_ts = []
        loc_ts = []
        h_ts = []

        for i in xrange(self.n_steps):
            x_t = self.rho(loc_t, x)
            g_t = self.f_g(x_t, loc_t)
            h_t = self.f_h(h_t, g_t)

            loc_mean_t = self.f_l(h_t)
            loc_t = tf.random_normal(loc_mean_t.get_shape(), mean = loc_mean_t, stddev = self.sigma)


        prob = tf.matmul(h_t, self.w_classifier)
        prob = tf.nn.bias_add(prob, self.b_classifier)

        pred = tf.argmax(prob, 1)

        loc_mean_ts = tf.transpose(tf.pack(loc_mean_ts), perm = [1, 0, 2])
        loc_ts = tf.transpose(tf.pack(loc_ts), perm = [1, 0, 2])
        h_ts = tf.transpose(tf.pack(h_ts), perm = [1, 0, 2])

        return loc_mean_ts, loc_ts, h_ts, prob, pred, loc_t
Ejemplo n.º 21
	def _to_dilation(self, inputs):
		'''Pad and reshape inputs by dilation rate.

		Used to perfrom 1D dilation convolution.
		if self.paddings is not None: #dilated conv
			assert isinstance(self.paddings, int)

			inputs_padded = tf.pad(inputs, [[0, 0], [0, 0], [self.paddings, 0]], "CONSTANT")

			#inputs are channels first
			inputs_shape = tf.shape(inputs_padded)
			channels = inputs_shape[1]
			width_pad = inputs_shape[-1]

			dilation_shape = (width_pad // self.dilation_rate, -1, channels) #-1 refers to batch_size * dilation_rate
			#[width_pad, batch_size, channels]
			inputs_transposed = tf.transpose(inputs_padded, [2, 0, 1])
			#[width_pad / dilation_rate, batch_size * dilation_rate, channels]
			inputs_reshaped = tf.reshape(inputs_transposed, dilation_shape)
			#[batch_size * dilation_rate, width_pad / dilation_rate, channels]
			outputs = tf.transpose(inputs_reshaped, [1, 0, 2])

		else: #Simple channels first convolution
			outputs = tf.transpose(inputs, [0, 2, 1])

		return outputs
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def cross_entropy(u, label_u, alpha=0.5, normed=False):

        label_ip = tf.cast(
            tf.matmul(label_u, tf.transpose(label_u)), tf.float32)
        s = tf.clip_by_value(label_ip, 0.0, 1.0)

        # compute balance param
        # s_t \in {-1, 1}
        s_t = tf.multiply(tf.add(s, tf.constant(-0.5)), tf.constant(2.0))
        sum_1 = tf.reduce_sum(s)
        sum_all = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(s_t))
        balance_param = tf.add(tf.abs(tf.add(s, tf.constant(-1.0))),
                               tf.multiply(tf.div(sum_all, sum_1), s))

        if normed:
            # ip = tf.clip_by_value(tf.matmul(u, tf.transpose(u)), -1.5e1, 1.5e1)
            ip_1 = tf.matmul(u, tf.transpose(u))

            def reduce_shaper(t):
                return tf.reshape(tf.reduce_sum(t, 1), [tf.shape(t)[0], 1])
            mod_1 = tf.sqrt(tf.matmul(reduce_shaper(tf.square(u)),
                                      reduce_shaper(tf.square(u)), transpose_b=True))
            ip = tf.div(ip_1, mod_1)
            ip = tf.clip_by_value(tf.matmul(u, tf.transpose(u)), -1.5e1, 1.5e1)
        ones = tf.ones([tf.shape(u)[0], tf.shape(u)[0]])
        return tf.reduce_mean(tf.multiply(tf.log(ones + tf.exp(alpha * ip)) - s * alpha * ip, balance_param))
Ejemplo n.º 23
            def compute_pairwise_distances(x, y):
                """Computes the squared pairwise Euclidean distances between x and y.
                  x: a tensor of shape [num_x_samples, num_features]
                  y: a tensor of shape [num_y_samples, num_features]
                  a distance matrix of dimensions [num_x_samples, num_y_samples].
                  ValueError: if the inputs do no matched the specified dimensions.

                if not len(x.get_shape()) == len(y.get_shape()) == 2:
                    raise ValueError('Both inputs should be matrices.')

                if x.get_shape().as_list()[1] != y.get_shape().as_list()[1]:
                    raise ValueError('The number of features should be the same.')

                norm = lambda x: tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(x), 1)

                # By making the `inner' dimensions of the two matrices equal to 1 using
                # broadcasting then we are essentially substracting every pair of rows
                # of x and y.
                # x will be num_samples x num_features x 1,
                # and y will be 1 x num_features x num_samples (after broadcasting).
                # After the substraction we will get a
                # num_x_samples x num_features x num_y_samples matrix.
                # The resulting dist will be of shape num_y_samples x num_x_samples.
                # and thus we need to transpose it again.
                return tf.transpose(norm(tf.expand_dims(x, 2) - tf.transpose(y)))
Ejemplo n.º 24
  def _parser(serialized_example):
    """Parses a single tf.Example into image and label tensors."""
    features = tf.parse_single_example(
            "image": tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string),
            "label": tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64),
    image = tf.decode_raw(features["image"], tf.uint8)
    # Initially reshaping to [H, W, C] does not work
    image = tf.reshape(image, [NUM_CHANNEL, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH])
    # This is needed for `tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad`
    image = tf.transpose(image, [1, 2, 0])

    image = tf.cast(image, dtype)
    label = tf.cast(features["label"], tf.int32)

    if data_aug:
      image = tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(image, IMAGE_HEIGHT + 4,
                                                     IMAGE_WIDTH + 4)
      image = tf.random_crop(image, [IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH, NUM_CHANNEL])
      image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image)

    if data_format == "channels_first":
      image = tf.transpose(image, [2, 0, 1])

    if div255:
      image /= 255.

    return image, label
Ejemplo n.º 25
def lid_term(logits, batch_size=100):
    """Calculate LID loss term for a minibatch of logits

    :param logits: 
    # y_pred = tf.nn.softmax(logits)
    y_pred = logits

    # calculate pairwise distance
    r = tf.reduce_sum(y_pred * y_pred, 1)
    # turn r into column vector
    r1 = tf.reshape(r, [-1, 1])
    D = r1 - 2 * tf.matmul(y_pred, tf.transpose(y_pred)) + tf.transpose(r1) + \
        tf.ones([batch_size, batch_size])

    # find the k nearest neighbor
    D1 = -tf.sqrt(D)
    D2, _ = tf.nn.top_k(D1, k=21, sorted=True)
    D3 = -D2[:, 1:]

    m = tf.transpose(tf.multiply(tf.transpose(D3), 1.0 / D3[:, -1]))
    v_log = tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(m + 1e-9), axis=1)  # to avoid nan
    lids = -20 / v_log

    ## batch normalize lids
    # lids = tf.nn.l2_normalize(lids, dim=0, epsilon=1e-12)

    return lids
Ejemplo n.º 26
def _multichannel_image_summary(name, images, perm=[0, 3, 1, 2], max_summary_images=16):
    _min = tf.reduce_min(images)
    _max = tf.reduce_max(images)
    _ = tf.mul(tf.div(tf.add(images, _min), tf.sub(_max, _min)), 255.0)
    _ = tf.transpose(_, perm=perm)
    shape = _.get_shape().as_list()
    tf.image_summary(name, tf.reshape(tf.transpose(_, perm=perm), [reduce(lambda x,y:x*y, shape)/(shape[3]*shape[2]), shape[2], shape[3], 1]), max_images=max_summary_images)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def skew(inputs, scope="skew"):
  with tf.name_scope(scope):
    batch, height, width, channel = get_shape(inputs) # [batch, height, width, channel]
    rows = tf.split(1, height, inputs) # [batch, 1, width, channel]

    new_width = width + height - 1
    new_rows = []

    for idx, row in enumerate(rows):
      transposed_row = tf.transpose(tf.squeeze(row, [1]), [0, 2, 1]) # [batch, channel, width]
      squeezed_row = tf.reshape(transposed_row, [-1, width]) # [batch*channel, width]
      padded_row = tf.pad(squeezed_row, ((0, 0), (idx, height - 1 - idx))) # [batch*channel, width*2-1]

      unsqueezed_row = tf.reshape(padded_row, [-1, channel, new_width]) # [batch, channel, width*2-1]
      untransposed_row = tf.transpose(unsqueezed_row, [0, 2, 1]) # [batch, width*2-1, channel]

      assert get_shape(untransposed_row) == [batch, new_width, channel], "wrong shape of skewed row"

    outputs = tf.pack(new_rows, axis=1, name="output")
    assert get_shape(outputs) == [None, height, new_width, channel], "wrong shape of skewed output"

  logger.debug('[skew] %s : %s %s -> %s %s' \
      % (scope, inputs.name, inputs.get_shape(), outputs.name, outputs.get_shape()))
  return outputs
Ejemplo n.º 28
def inputs(path):
  whole = read_csv(FLAGS.batch_size, path)
  features = tf.transpose(tf.pack(whole[0:FLAGS.max_sentence_len]))
  label = tf.one_hot(
  return features, label
Ejemplo n.º 29
def channel_wise_fc_layer(bottom, name, bias=True):
    channel-wise fully connected layer
    _, width, height, n_feat_map = bottom.get_shape().as_list()
    input_reshape = tf.reshape( bottom, [-1, width*height, n_feat_map] )  # order='C'
    input_transpose = tf.transpose( input_reshape, [2,0,1] )  # n_feat_map * batch * d

    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        W = tf.get_variable(
                shape=[n_feat_map,width*height, width*height], # n_feat_map * d * d_filter
                initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(0., 0.005))
        output = tf.batch_matmul(input_transpose, W)  # n_feat_map * batch * d_filter

        if bias == True:
            b = tf.get_variable(
            output = tf.nn.bias_add(output, b)

    output_transpose = tf.transpose(output, [1,2,0])  # batch * d_filter * n_feat_map
    output_reshape = tf.reshape( output_transpose, [-1, width, height, n_feat_map] )
    return output_reshape
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def __call__(self, inputs, seq_len, keep_prob=1.0, is_train=None, concat_layers=True):
        outputs = [tf.transpose(inputs, [1, 0, 2])]
        for layer in range(self.num_layers):
            gru_fw, gru_bw = self.grus[layer]
            init_fw, init_bw = self.inits[layer]
            mask_fw, mask_bw = self.dropout_mask[layer]
            with tf.variable_scope('fw_{}'.format(layer), reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
                with tf.variable_scope('cudnn_gru', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
                    out_fw, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=gru_fw, inputs=outputs[-1] * mask_fw, time_major=True,
                                                  initial_state=tuple(tf.unstack(init_fw, axis=0)))

            with tf.variable_scope('bw_{}'.format(layer), reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
                with tf.variable_scope('cudnn_gru', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
                    inputs_bw = tf.reverse_sequence(
                        outputs[-1] * mask_bw, seq_lengths=seq_len, seq_dim=0, batch_dim=1)
                    out_bw, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell=gru_bw, inputs=inputs_bw, time_major=True,
                                                  initial_state=tuple(tf.unstack(init_bw, axis=0)))
                    out_bw = tf.reverse_sequence(
                        out_bw, seq_lengths=seq_len, seq_dim=0, batch_dim=1)

            outputs.append(tf.concat([out_fw, out_bw], axis=2))
        if concat_layers:
            res = tf.concat(outputs[1:], axis=2)
            res = outputs[-1]
        res = tf.transpose(res, [1, 0, 2])
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def __init__(self,
        super().__init__(exp_dir, corpus_reader)

        if not os.path.isdir(exp_dir):

        # Increase vocab size by 2 since we need an extra for CTC blank labels
        # and another extra for dynamic padding with zeros.
        vocab_size = corpus_reader.corpus.vocab_size + 2

        # Reset the graph.

        self.num_layers = num_layers
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        self.beam_width = beam_width
        self.vocab_size = vocab_size

        # Initialize placeholders for feeding data to model.
        self.batch_x = tf.placeholder(
            tf.float32, [None, None, corpus_reader.corpus.num_feats])
        self.batch_x_lens = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None])
        self.batch_y = tf.sparse_placeholder(tf.int32)

        batch_size = tf.shape(self.batch_x)[0]

        layer_input = self.batch_x

        for i in range(num_layers):

            with tf.variable_scope("layer_%d" % i):

                cell_fw = lstm_cell(self.hidden_size)
                cell_bw = lstm_cell(self.hidden_size)

                 self.out_bw), _ = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(

                # Self outputs now becomes [batch_num, time, hidden_size*2]
                self.outputs_concat = tf.concat((self.out_fw, self.out_bw), 2)

                # For feeding into the next layer
                layer_input = self.outputs_concat

        self.outputs = tf.reshape(self.outputs_concat,
                                  [-1, self.hidden_size * 2])

        # Single-variable names are appropriate for weights an biases.
        # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        W = tf.Variable(
            tf.truncated_normal([hidden_size * 2, vocab_size],
                                stddev=np.sqrt(2.0 / (2 * hidden_size))))
        b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([vocab_size]))
        self.logits = tf.matmul(self.outputs, W) + b
        self.logits = tf.reshape(self.logits, [batch_size, -1, vocab_size])
        # igormq made it time major, because of an optimization in ctc_loss.
        self.logits = tf.transpose(self.logits, (1, 0, 2))

        # For lattice construction
        self.log_softmax = tf.nn.log_softmax(self.logits)

        self.decoded, self.log_prob = tf.nn.ctc_beam_search_decoder(

        # If we want to do manual PER decoding. The decoded[0] beans the best
        # hypothesis (0th) in an n-best list.
        self.dense_decoded = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(self.decoded[0])
        self.dense_ref = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(self.batch_y)

        self.loss = tf.nn.ctc_loss(self.batch_y,
        self.cost = tf.reduce_mean(self.loss)
        self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(self.cost)

        self.ler = tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.edit_distance(tf.cast(self.decoded[0], tf.int32), self.batch_y))

Ejemplo n.º 32
 def _transpose_mul(self, a, b):
     """ Shortcut for multiplication with a transposed matrix. """
     return tf.transpose(tf.mul(tf.transpose(a), b))
Ejemplo n.º 33
def dmnrun(fulldata, queask):
    # Loading saved meta graph
    sess = tf.Session()
    saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph("C:/Users/Mark/PycharmProjects/DMNTrain/weights/model.meta")
    saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint('C:/Users/Mark/PycharmProjects/DMNTrain/weights'))

    def wideArray(x, weight):
        wide = np.zeros([len(x), weight])
        for i in range(0, len(x)):
            for j in range(0, len(x[i])):
                wide[i][j] = x[i][j]
        return wide

    def octalConv(x):
        ans = []
        rows = []
        words = []
        for line in x.split(' '):
            for word in line:
                number = ord(word)
                convNum = oct(number)
                convNum = int(convNum[2:])

            ans = []
        ans = wideArray(rows, 50)
        return ans, words

    def contextualize(data, quest):
        Read in the input and question and build a context sets.
        Output is a list of data points, each of which is a 7-element tuple containing:
            The sentences in the context in vectorized form.
            The sentences in the context as a list of string tokens.
            The question in vectorized form.
            The question as a list of string tokens.
            The answer in vectorized form.
            The answer as a list of string tokens.
            A list of numbers for supporting statements, which is currently unused.
        output = []
        context = []
        for entry in data:
            # Turn input into a word vector
            # TODO: Change to Octal Decimal encoding
        # Wrap up object so DMN can use it
        comp_context = tuple(zip(*context))
        output.append(comp_context +
                      octalConv(quest) +
                      octalConv('Nothing') +
        return output

    test_data = contextualize(fulldata, queask)

    final_train_data = []

    def finalize(data):
        Prepares data generated by contextualize() for use in the network.
        final_data = []
        for cqas in data:
            contextvs, contextws, qvs, qws, avs, aws, spt = cqas

            lspt = [spt]

            lengths = itertools.accumulate(len(cvec) for cvec in contextvs)
            context_vec = np.concatenate(contextvs)
            context_words = sum(contextws, [])

            # Location markers for the beginnings of new sentences.
            sentence_ends = np.array(list(lengths))
            final_data.append((context_vec, sentence_ends, qvs, lspt, context_words, cqas, avs, aws))
        return np.array(final_data)

    final_test_data = finalize(test_data)


    # Hyperparameters

    # The number of dimensions used to store data passed between recurrent layers in the network.
    recurrent_cell_size = 128

    # The number of dimensions in our word vectorizations.
    D = 50

    # How quickly the network learns. Too high, and we may run into numeric instability
    # or other issues.
    learning_rate = 0.005

    # Dropout probabilities. For a description of dropout and what these probabilities are,
    # see Entailment with TensorFlow.
    input_p, output_p = 0.5, 0.5

    # How many questions we train on at a time.
    batch_size = 128

    # Number of passes in episodic memory. We'll get to this later.
    passes = 4

    # Feed Forward layer sizes: the number of dimensions used to store data passed from feed-forward layers.
    ff_hidden_size = 256

    weight_decay = 0.00000001
    # The strength of our regularization. Increase to encourage sparsity in episodic memory,
    # but makes training slower. Don't make this larger than leraning_rate.

    training_iterations_count = 400000
    # How many questions the network trains on each time it is trained.
    # Some questions are counted multiple times.

    display_step = 1
    # How many iterations of training occur before each validation check.

    # Input Module

    # Context: A [batch_size, maximum_context_length, word_vectorization_dimensions] tensor
    # that contains all the context information.
    context = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None, D], "context")
    context_placeholder = context  # I use context as a variable name later on

    # input_sentence_endings: A [batch_size, maximum_sentence_count, 2] tensor that
    # contains the locations of the ends of sentences.
    input_sentence_endings = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, None, 2], "sentence")

    # recurrent_cell_size: the number of hidden units in recurrent layers.
    input_gru = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(recurrent_cell_size)

    # input_p: The probability of maintaining a specific hidden input unit.
    # Likewise, output_p is the probability of maintaining a specific hidden output unit.
    gru_drop = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(input_gru, input_p, output_p)

    # dynamic_rnn also returns the final internal state. We don't need that, and can
    # ignore the corresponding output (_).
    input_module_outputs, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(gru_drop, context, dtype=tf.float32, scope="input_module")

    # cs: the facts gathered from the context.
    cs = tf.gather_nd(input_module_outputs, input_sentence_endings)
    # to use every word as a fact, useful for tasks with one-sentence contexts
    s = input_module_outputs

    # Question Module

    # query: A [batch_size, maximum_question_length, word_vectorization_dimensions] tensor
    #  that contains all of the questions.

    query = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None, D], "query")

    # input_query_lengths: A [batch_size, 2] tensor that contains question length information.
    # input_query_lengths[:,1] has the actual lengths; input_query_lengths[:,0] is a simple range()
    # so that it plays nice with gather_nd.
    input_query_lengths = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, 2], "query_lengths")

    question_module_outputs, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(gru_drop, query, dtype=tf.float32,
                                                   scope=tf.VariableScope(True, "input_module"))

    # q: the question states. A [batch_size, recurrent_cell_size] tensor.
    q = tf.gather_nd(question_module_outputs, input_query_lengths)

    # Episodic Memory

    # make sure the current memory (i.e. the question vector) is broadcasted along the facts dimension
    size = tf.stack([tf.constant(1), tf.shape(cs)[1], tf.constant(1)])
    re_q = tf.tile(tf.reshape(q, [-1, 1, recurrent_cell_size]), size)

    # Final output for attention, needs to be 1 in order to create a mask
    output_size = 1

    # Weights and biases
    attend_init = tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=0.1)
    w_1 = tf.get_variable("attend_w1", [1, recurrent_cell_size * 7, recurrent_cell_size],
                          tf.float32, initializer=attend_init)
    w_2 = tf.get_variable("attend_w2", [1, recurrent_cell_size, output_size],
                          tf.float32, initializer=attend_init)

    b_1 = tf.get_variable("attend_b1", [1, recurrent_cell_size],
                          tf.float32, initializer=attend_init)
    b_2 = tf.get_variable("attend_b2", [1, output_size],
                          tf.float32, initializer=attend_init)

    # Regulate all the weights and biases
    tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, tf.nn.l2_loss(w_1))
    tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, tf.nn.l2_loss(b_1))
    tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, tf.nn.l2_loss(w_2))
    tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, tf.nn.l2_loss(b_2))

    def attention(c, mem, existing_facts):
        Custom attention mechanism.
        c: A [batch_size, maximum_sentence_count, recurrent_cell_size] tensor
            that contains all the facts from the contexts.
        mem: A [batch_size, maximum_sentence_count, recurrent_cell_size] tensor that
            contains the current memory. It should be the same memory for all facts for accurate results.
        existing_facts: A [batch_size, maximum_sentence_count, 1] tensor that
            acts as a binary mask for which facts exist and which do not.

        with tf.variable_scope("attending") as scope:
            # attending: The metrics by which we decide what to attend to.
            attending = tf.concat([c, mem, re_q, c * re_q, c * mem, (c - re_q) ** 2, (c - mem) ** 2], 2)

            # m1: First layer of multiplied weights for the feed-forward network.
            #     We tile the weights in order to manually broadcast, since tf.matmul does not
            #     automatically broadcast batch matrix multiplication as of TensorFlow 1.2.
            m1 = tf.matmul(attending * existing_facts,
                           tf.tile(w_1, tf.stack([tf.shape(attending)[0], 1, 1]))) * existing_facts
            # bias_1: A masked version of the first feed-forward layer's bias
            #     over only existing facts.

            bias_1 = b_1 * existing_facts

            # tnhan: First nonlinearity. In the original paper, this is a tanh nonlinearity;
            #        choosing relu was a design choice intended to avoid issues with
            #        low gradient magnitude when the tanh returned values close to 1 or -1.
            tnhan = tf.nn.relu(m1 + bias_1)

            # m2: Second layer of multiplied weights for the feed-forward network.
            #     Still tiling weights for the same reason described in m1's comments.
            m2 = tf.matmul(tnhan, tf.tile(w_2, tf.stack([tf.shape(attending)[0], 1, 1])))

            # bias_2: A masked version of the second feed-forward layer's bias.
            bias_2 = b_2 * existing_facts

            # norm_m2: A normalized version of the second layer of weights, which is used
            #     to help make sure the softmax nonlinearity doesn't saturate.
            norm_m2 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(m2 + bias_2, -1)

            # softmaxable: A hack in order to use sparse_softmax on an otherwise dense tensor.
            #     We make norm_m2 a sparse tensor, then make it dense again after the operation.
            softmax_idx = tf.where(tf.not_equal(norm_m2, 0))[:, :-1]
            softmax_gather = tf.gather_nd(norm_m2[..., 0], softmax_idx)
            softmax_shape = tf.shape(norm_m2, out_type=tf.int64)[:-1]
            softmaxable = tf.SparseTensor(softmax_idx, softmax_gather, softmax_shape)
            return tf.expand_dims(tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(tf.sparse_softmax(softmaxable)), -1)

    # facts_0s: a [batch_size, max_facts_length, 1] tensor
    #     whose values are 1 if the corresponding fact exists and 0 if not.
    facts_0s = tf.cast(tf.count_nonzero(input_sentence_endings[:, :, -1:], -1, keepdims=True), tf.float32)

    with tf.variable_scope("Episodes") as scope:
        attention_gru = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(recurrent_cell_size)

        # memory: A list of all tensors that are the (current or past) memory state
        #   of the attention mechanism.
        memory = [q]

        # attends: A list of all tensors that represent what the network attends to.
        attends = []
        for a in range(passes):
            # attention mask
            attend_to = attention(cs, tf.tile(tf.reshape(memory[-1], [-1, 1, recurrent_cell_size]), size),

            # Inverse attention mask, for what's retained in the state.
            retain = 1 - attend_to

            # GRU pass over the facts, according to the attention mask.
            while_valid_index = (lambda state, index: index < tf.shape(cs)[1])
            update_state = (lambda state, index: (attend_to[:, index, :] *
                                                  attention_gru(cs[:, index, :], state)[0] +
                                                  retain[:, index, :] * state))
            # start loop with most recent memory and at the first index
                                              (lambda state, index: (update_state(state, index), index + 1)),
                                              loop_vars=[memory[-1], 0]))[0])


            # Reuse variables so the GRU pass uses the same variables every pass.

    # Answer Module

    # a0: Final memory state. (Input to answer module)
    a0 = tf.concat([memory[-1], q], -1)

    # fc_init: Initializer for the final fully connected layer's weights.
    fc_init = tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=0.1)

    with tf.variable_scope("answer"):
        # w_answer: The final fully connected layer's weights.
        w_answer = tf.get_variable("weight", [recurrent_cell_size * 2, D],
                                   tf.float32, initializer=fc_init)
        # Regulate the fully connected layer's weights

        # The regressed word. This isn't an actual word yet;
        #    we still have to find the closest match.
        logit = tf.expand_dims(tf.matmul(a0, w_answer), 1)

        # Make a mask over which words exist.
        with tf.variable_scope("ending"):
            all_ends = tf.reshape(input_sentence_endings, [-1, 2])
            range_ends = tf.range(tf.shape(all_ends)[0])
            ends_indices = tf.stack([all_ends[:, 0], range_ends], axis=1)
            ind = tf.reduce_max(tf.scatter_nd(ends_indices, all_ends[:, 1],
                                              [tf.shape(q)[0], tf.shape(all_ends)[0]]),
            range_ind = tf.range(tf.shape(ind)[0])
            mask_ends = tf.cast(tf.scatter_nd(tf.stack([ind, range_ind], axis=1),
                                              tf.ones_like(range_ind), [tf.reduce_max(ind) + 1,
                                                                        tf.shape(ind)[0]]), bool)
            # A bit of a trick. With the locations of the ends of the mask (the last periods in
            #  each of the contexts) as 1 and the rest as 0, we can scan with exclusive or
            #  (starting from all 1). For each context in the batch, this will result in 1s
            #  up until the marker (the location of that last period) and 0s afterwards.
            mask = tf.scan(tf.logical_xor, mask_ends, tf.ones_like(range_ind, dtype=bool))

        # We score each possible word inversely with their Euclidean distance to the regressed word.
        #  The highest score (lowest distance) will correspond to the selected word.
        logits = -tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(context * tf.transpose(tf.expand_dims(
            tf.cast(mask, tf.float32), -1), [1, 0, 2]) - logit), axis=-1, name='logits')

    # Training

    # gold_standard: The real answers.
    gold_standard = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1, D], "answer")
    with tf.variable_scope('accuracy'):
        eq = tf.equal(context, gold_standard)
        corrbool = tf.reduce_all(eq, -1, name='corrbool')
        logloc = tf.reduce_max(logits, -1, keepdims=True)
        # locs: A boolean tensor that indicates where the score
        #  matches the minimum score. This happens on multiple dimensions,
        #  so in the off chance there's one or two indexes that match
        #  we make sure it matches in all indexes.
        locs = tf.equal(logits, logloc)

        # correctsbool: A boolean tensor that indicates for which
        #   words in the context the score always matches the minimum score.
        correctsbool = tf.reduce_any(tf.logical_and(locs, corrbool), -1)
        # corrects: A tensor that is simply correctsbool cast to floats.
        corrects = tf.where(correctsbool, tf.ones_like(correctsbool, dtype=tf.float32),
                            tf.zeros_like(correctsbool, dtype=tf.float32))

        # corr: corrects, but for the right answer instead of our selected answer.
        corr = tf.where(corrbool, tf.ones_like(corrbool, dtype=tf.float32),
                        tf.zeros_like(corrbool, dtype=tf.float32))
    with tf.variable_scope("loss"):
        # Use sigmoid cross entropy as the base loss,
        #  with our distances as the relative probabilities. There are
        #  multiple correct labels, for each location of the answer word within the context.
        loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=tf.nn.l2_normalize(logits, -1),

        # Add regularization losses, weighted by weight_decay.
        total_loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss) + weight_decay * tf.add_n(

    # TensorFlow's default implementation of the Adam optimizer works. We can adjust more than
    #  just the learning rate, but it's not necessary to find a very good optimum.
    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate)

    # Once we have an optimizer, we ask it to minimize the loss
    #   in order to work towards the proper training.
    opt_op = optimizer.minimize(total_loss)

    # Initialize variables
    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

    # Launch the TensorFlow session
    sess = tf.Session()

    def prep_batch(batch_data, more_data=False):
            Prepare all the preproccessing that needs to be done on a batch-by-batch basis.
        context_vec, sentence_ends, questionvs, spt, context_words, cqas, answervs, _ = zip(*batch_data)
        ends = list(sentence_ends)
        maxend = max(map(len, ends))
        aends = np.zeros((len(ends), maxend))
        for index, i in enumerate(ends):
            for indexj, x in enumerate(i):
                aends[index, indexj] = x - 1
        new_ends = np.zeros(aends.shape + (2,))

        for index, x in np.ndenumerate(aends):
            new_ends[index + (0,)] = index[0]
            new_ends[index + (1,)] = x

        contexts = list(context_vec)
        max_context_length = max([len(x) for x in contexts])
        contextsize = list(np.array(contexts[0]).shape)
        contextsize[0] = max_context_length
        final_contexts = np.zeros([len(contexts)] + contextsize)

        contexts = [np.array(x) for x in contexts]
        for i, context in enumerate(contexts):
            final_contexts[i, 0:len(context), :] = context
        max_query_length = max(len(x) for x in questionvs)
        querysize = list(np.array(questionvs[0]).shape)
        querysize[:1] = [len(questionvs), max_query_length]
        queries = np.zeros(querysize)
        querylengths = np.array(list(zip(range(len(questionvs)), [len(q) - 1 for q in questionvs])))
        questions = [np.array(q) for q in questionvs]
        for i, question in enumerate(questions):
            queries[i, 0:len(question), :] = question
        data = {context_placeholder: final_contexts, input_sentence_endings: new_ends,
                query: queries, input_query_lengths: querylengths, gold_standard: answervs}
        return (data, context_words, cqas) if more_data else data

    # Use TQDM if installed
    tqdm_installed = False

    # Prepare validation set
    batch = np.random.randint(final_test_data.shape[0], size=batch_size * 10)
    batch_data = final_test_data[batch]

    validation_set, val_context_words, val_cqas = prep_batch(batch_data, True)

    holder = [corrbool, locs, total_loss, logits, facts_0s, w_1] + attends + [query, cs, question_module_outputs]
    print('Starting session')
    start_time = time.time()
    ancr = sess.run([corrbool, locs, total_loss, logits, facts_0s, w_1] + attends +
                    [query, cs, question_module_outputs], feed_dict=validation_set)
    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    a = ancr[0]
    n = ancr[1]
    cr = ancr[2]
    attenders = np.array(ancr[6:-3])
    faq = np.sum(ancr[4], axis=(-1, -2))  # Number of facts in each context

    limit = 1

    # Locations of responses within contexts
    indices = np.argmax(n, axis=1)

    # Locations of actual answers within contexts
    indicesc = np.argmax(a, axis=1)
    response = ""

    ans = 0
    inp = ''

    for i, e, cw, cqa in list(zip(indices, indicesc, val_context_words, val_cqas))[:limit]:
        ccc = " ".join(cw)
        print("TEXT: ", ccc)
        inp = ccc
        print("QUESTION: ", " ".join(cqa[3]))
        print("RESPONSE: ", cw[i], ["Correct", "Incorrect"][i != e])
        ans = i
        print("EXPECTED: ", cw[e])
    # For safety, return this if nothing is found
    tot_index = 0
    for line in fulldata:
        tot_index = tot_index + len(line)
        if tot_index >= ans:
            return line
    return response
 def _gram_matrix(F, N, M):
     Ft = tf.reshape(F, (M, N))
     return tf.matmul(tf.transpose(Ft), Ft)
# handling tensors second example
import matplotlib.image as mp_image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf

filename = "packt.jpeg"
input_image = mp_image.imread(filename)

# dimension
print('input dim = {}'.format(input_image.ndim))
# shape
print('input shape = {}'.format(input_image.shape))

height, width, depth = input_image.shape


x = tf.Variable(input_image, name='x')
model = tf.initialize_all_variables()

with tf.Session() as session:
    x = tf.transpose(x, perm=[1, 0, 2])
    result = session.run(x)

Ejemplo n.º 36
    def __init__(self, config, name):
        assert name in ('validation', 'training', 'test')
        self.name = name
        logging.debug('{} - model - initialize'.format(self.name))
        self.is_training = True if self.name == 'training' else False
        self.config = config

        if not self.is_training:
            self.reinitializable_iter_for_dataset = None
        self.batch = self._gen_batch_fn()  # generate mini-batch

        with tf.name_scope(self.name):
            with tf.variable_scope('full_conv', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
                logits_stereo = self._nn_model_fn()

            logits_stereo_flattened = flatten_maybe_padded_sequences(
                lengths=tf.tile(input=self.batch['num_frames'], multiples=[2]))
            logits_left_flattened, logits_right_flattened = tf.split(
                value=logits_stereo_flattened, num_or_size_splits=2, axis=0)

            logits_minor_flattened = tf.minimum(logits_left_flattened, logits_right_flattened)
            logits_larger_flattened = tf.maximum(logits_left_flattened, logits_right_flattened)

            labels_bool_flattened = flatten_maybe_padded_sequences(
                maybe_padded_sequences=self.batch['label'], lengths=self.batch['num_frames'])
            negated_labels_bool_flattened = tf.logical_not(labels_bool_flattened)
            labels_float_flattened = tf.cast(x=labels_bool_flattened, dtype=tf.float32)

            #When label is True, choose the smaller logits. Otherwise, choose the larger logits
            logits_mono_flattened = tf.where(
               tf.equal(labels_bool_flattened, True), logits_minor_flattened, logits_larger_flattened)

            #loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=labels_float_flattened, logits=logits_mono_flattened)

            #weighted cross-entropy
            #A value `pos_weights > 1` decreases the false negative count, hence increasing the recall.
            #Conversely setting `pos_weights < 1` decreases the false positive count and increases the precision.
            loss = tf.nn.weighted_cross_entropy_with_logits(targets=labels_float_flattened, logits=logits_mono_flattened, pos_weight=1.1)

            #focal loss
            #loss = MiscFns.focal_loss(labels=labels_float_flattened, logits=logits_mono_flattened)

            loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss)

            if self.is_training:
                global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()
                learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(self.config.learning_rate, global_step, \
                                                           self.config.batches_per_epoch * 7, 0.7, staircase=True)

                _update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
                if _update_ops:
                    with tf.control_dependencies(_update_ops):
                        training_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)
                    training_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)

            pred_labels_flattened = tf.greater(logits_left_flattened+logits_right_flattened, 0)
            negated_pred_labels_flattened = tf.logical_not(pred_labels_flattened)

            # individual and ensemble statistics for test and validation
            if not self.is_training:
                with tf.name_scope('individual_and_ensemble_stats'):
                    with tf.variable_scope('{}_local_vars'.format(self.name), reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
                        individual_tps_fps_tns_fns_var = tf.get_variable(
                            shape=[len(self.config.file_names[self.name]), 4],

                        acc_loss_var = tf.get_variable(

                        batch_counter_var = tf.get_variable(

                    loop_var_proto = collections.namedtuple(
                        ['sample_idx', 'batch_size', 'preds', 'negated_preds',
                         'labels', 'negated_labels', 'lengths', 'me_ids'])

                    def cond_fn(loop_var):
                        return tf.less(loop_var.sample_idx, loop_var.batch_size)

                    def body_fn(loop_var):
                        start_pos = tf.reduce_sum(loop_var.lengths[:loop_var.sample_idx])
                        end_pos = start_pos + loop_var.lengths[loop_var.sample_idx]
                        cur_preds = loop_var.preds
                        negated_cur_preds = loop_var.negated_preds
                        cur_labels = loop_var.labels
                        negated_cur_labels = loop_var.negated_labels
                        cur_preds, negated_cur_preds, cur_labels, negated_cur_labels = \
                             for value in [cur_preds, negated_cur_preds, cur_labels, negated_cur_labels]]
                        tps = tf.logical_and(cur_preds, cur_labels)
                        fps = tf.logical_and(cur_preds, negated_cur_labels)
                        tns = tf.logical_and(negated_cur_preds, negated_cur_labels)
                        fns = tf.logical_and(negated_cur_preds, cur_labels)
                        tps, fps, tns, fns = \
                            [tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(value, tf.int32)) for value in [tps, fps, tns, fns]]
                        me_id = loop_var.me_ids[loop_var.sample_idx]
                        stats_var = individual_tps_fps_tns_fns_var
                        _new_value = stats_var[me_id] + tf.convert_to_tensor([tps, fps, tns, fns])
                        _update_stats = tf.scatter_update(
                            stats_var, me_id, _new_value, use_locking=True)
                        with tf.control_dependencies([_update_stats]):
                            sample_idx = loop_var.sample_idx + 1
                        loop_var = loop_var_proto(

                        return [loop_var]

                    sample_idx = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32)
                    cur_batch_size = tf.shape(self.batch['num_frames'])[0]
                    loop_var = loop_var_proto(
                    final_sample_idx = tf.while_loop(

                    individual_tps_fps_tns_fns_float = tf.cast(individual_tps_fps_tns_fns_var, tf.float32)
                    tps, fps, _, fns = tf.unstack(individual_tps_fps_tns_fns_float, axis=1)
                    me_wise_precisions = tps / (tps + fps + 1e-7)
                    me_wise_recalls = tps / (tps + fns + 1e-7)
                    me_wise_f1s = 2. * me_wise_precisions * me_wise_recalls / \
                                  (me_wise_precisions + me_wise_recalls + 1e-7)
                    me_wise_prfs = tf.stack([me_wise_precisions, me_wise_recalls, me_wise_f1s], axis=1)
                    assert me_wise_prfs.shape.as_list() == [len(self.config.file_names[self.name]), 3]
                    average_me_wise_prf = tf.reduce_mean(me_wise_prfs, axis=0)
                    assert average_me_wise_prf.shape.as_list() == [3]

                    # ensemble stats
                    ensemble_tps_fps_tns_fns = tf.reduce_sum(individual_tps_fps_tns_fns_var, axis=0)
                    tps, fps, _, fns = tf.unstack(tf.cast(ensemble_tps_fps_tns_fns, tf.float32))
                    en_precision = tps / (tps + fps + 1e-7)
                    en_recall = tps / (tps + fns + 1e-7)
                    en_f1 = 2. * en_precision * en_recall / (en_precision + en_recall + 1e-7)
                    batch_counter_update_op = tf.assign_add(batch_counter_var, 1)
                    acc_loss_update_op = tf.assign_add(acc_loss_var, loss)
                    ensemble_prf_and_loss = tf.convert_to_tensor(
                        [en_precision, en_recall, en_f1, acc_loss_var / tf.cast(batch_counter_var, tf.float32)])

                    update_op_after_each_batch = tf.group(
                        final_sample_idx, batch_counter_update_op, acc_loss_update_op,
                        name='grouped update ops to be run after each batch'.replace(' ', '_'))
                    stats_after_each_epoch = dict(

            # ensemble stats for training
            if self.is_training:
                with tf.name_scope('ensemble_stats'):
                    with tf.variable_scope('{}_local_vars'.format(self.name), reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
                        ensemble_tps_fps_tns_fns_var = tf.get_variable(
                        acc_loss_var = tf.get_variable(
                        batch_counter_var = tf.get_variable(

                    tps = tf.logical_and(pred_labels_flattened, labels_bool_flattened)
                    fps = tf.logical_and(pred_labels_flattened, negated_labels_bool_flattened)
                    tns = tf.logical_and(negated_pred_labels_flattened, negated_labels_bool_flattened)
                    fns = tf.logical_and(negated_pred_labels_flattened, labels_bool_flattened)
                    tps, fps, tns, fns = [tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(value, tf.int32)) for value in [tps, fps, tns, fns]]

                    ensemble_tps_fps_tns_fns_update_op = tf.assign_add(
                        ensemble_tps_fps_tns_fns_var, tf.convert_to_tensor([tps, fps, tns, fns]))

                    acc_loss_update_op = tf.assign_add(acc_loss_var, loss)
                    batch_counter_update_op = tf.assign_add(batch_counter_var, 1)
                    ensemble_tps_fps_tns_fns_float = tf.cast(ensemble_tps_fps_tns_fns_var, tf.float32)
                    tps, fps, _, fns = tf.unstack(ensemble_tps_fps_tns_fns_float)
                    ensemble_precision = tps / (tps + fps + 1e-7)
                    ensemble_recall = tps / (tps + fns + 1e-7)
                    ensemble_f1 = 2. * ensemble_precision * ensemble_recall / \
                                  (ensemble_precision + ensemble_recall + 1e-7)
                    ensemble_loss = acc_loss_var / tf.cast(batch_counter_var, tf.float32)
                    ensemble_prf_and_loss = tf.convert_to_tensor(
                        [ensemble_precision, ensemble_recall, ensemble_f1, ensemble_loss])

                    update_op_after_each_batch = tf.group(
                        batch_counter_update_op, ensemble_tps_fps_tns_fns_update_op, acc_loss_update_op)
                    stats_after_each_epoch = dict(


            # define tensorboard summaries
            with tf.name_scope('tensorboard_summary'):
                with tf.name_scope('statistics'):
                    if not self.is_training:
                        list_of_summaries = []
                        with tf.name_scope('ensemble'):
                            p, r, f, lo = tf.unstack(stats_after_each_epoch['ensemble_prf_and_loss'])
                            items_for_summary = dict(precision=p, recall=r, f1=f, average_loss=lo)
                            for item_name, item_value in items_for_summary.items():
                                tmp = tf.summary.scalar(item_name, item_value)
                        with tf.name_scope('individual'):
                            p, r, f = tf.unstack(stats_after_each_epoch['average_prf'])
                            items_for_summary = dict(precision=p, recall=r, f1=f)
                            for item_name, item_value in items_for_summary.items():
                                tmp = tf.summary.scalar(item_name, item_value)
                        statistical_summary = tf.summary.merge(list_of_summaries)
                        list_of_summaries = []
                        with tf.name_scope('ensemble'):
                            p, r, f, lo = tf.unstack(stats_after_each_epoch['ensemble_prf_and_loss'])
                            items_for_summary = dict(precision=p, recall=r, f1=f, average_loss=lo)
                            for item_name, item_value in items_for_summary.items():
                                tmp = tf.summary.scalar(item_name, item_value)
                    statistical_summary = tf.summary.merge(list_of_summaries)           

                with tf.name_scope('images'):
                    image_summary_length = int(6 * 16000 // 512)
                    labels_uint8 = self.batch['label'][:, :image_summary_length, :]
                    labels_uint8 = tf.cast(labels_uint8, tf.uint8) * 255
                    #assert labels_uint8.dtype == tf.uint8
                    labels_uint8 = labels_uint8[..., None]

                    _logits_left = tf.split(value=logits_stereo, num_or_size_splits=2, axis=0)[0]
                    logits_prob_uint8 = tf.sigmoid(_logits_left[:, :image_summary_length, :])
                    logits_prob_uint8 = tf.cast(logits_prob_uint8 * 255., tf.uint8)
                    logits_prob_uint8 = logits_prob_uint8[..., None]

                    images = tf.concat([labels_uint8, logits_prob_uint8, tf.zeros_like(labels_uint8)], axis=-1)
                    images = tf.transpose(images, [0, 2, 1, 3])
                    images.set_shape([None, 88, image_summary_length, 3])
                    image_summary = tf.summary.image('images', images)

                if self.is_training:
                    with tf.name_scope('params'):
                        var_summary_dict = dict()
                        for var in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES):
                            var_summary_dict[var.op.name] = tf.summary.histogram(var.op.name, var)
                        param_summary = tf.summary.merge(list(var_summary_dict.values()))

        if self.is_training:
            op_dict = dict(
                #tb_summary=dict(statistics=statistical_summary, image=image_summary, parameter=param_summary),
                #tb_summary=dict(image=image_summary, parameter=param_summary),
            op_dict = dict(
                tb_summary=dict(statistics=statistical_summary, image=image_summary),

        self.op_dict = op_dict
    def build_sampler(self, max_len=20):
        sampled_word_list = []
        image = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(self.image, dtype=tf.float32)
        image_val = image_processing.process_image(image,
        network_fn = nets_factory.get_network_fn(self.CNN_MODEL,
        logits, end_points = network_fn(tf.expand_dims(image_val, 0))
        region_feature = end_points['Mixed_7d']  #(N,8,8,1536)
        mean_feature = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reshape(region_feature,
                                                 [-1, self.R, 1536]),
                                      axis=1)  #(N,1536)
        batch_size = tf.shape(mean_feature)[0]

        mean_proj, region_proj = self._image_features(
            mean_feature, region_feature, reuse=False)  # (N,H);(N,R,LSTM)
        lstm_init = self._init_image_feature(mean_feature, reuse=False)

        MIL_embedding = tf.expand_dims(
            self._word_embedding(self.MIL_list, reuse=False), 0)  #(1,N,616)

        lstm_cell_v = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(num_units=self.LSTM)
        (c_v, h_v) = lstm_cell_v.zero_state(batch_size=batch_size,

        lstm_cell_v2 = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(num_units=self.LSTM)
        (c_v2, h_v2) = lstm_cell_v2.zero_state(batch_size=batch_size,

        z = self._attention_map(region_feature, reuse=False)
        final_prob, mean_activation, final_prob2 = self.MIL_classifier(
            region_feature, z)
        MIL_attribute, _ = self._attribute_vector_op(batch_size, final_prob2,

        with tf.variable_scope('lstm', reuse=False):
            _, (c_v, h_v) = lstm_cell_v(inputs=tf.concat(
                (lstm_init, MIL_attribute), axis=1),
                                        state=(c_v, h_v))

        with tf.variable_scope('v_lstm2', reuse=False):
            _, (c_v2, h_v2) = lstm_cell_v2(inputs=tf.concat(
                (lstm_init, MIL_attribute), axis=1),
                                           state=(c_v2, h_v2))

        for t in range(self.T):
            if t == 0:
                previous_word = self._word_embedding(inputs=tf.fill(
                    [batch_size], self._start),
                previous_word = self._word_embedding(inputs=sampled_word,
            x_new_v = tf.concat([h_v2, mean_proj, previous_word], 1)
            with tf.variable_scope('lstm', reuse=True):
                _, (c_v, h_v) = lstm_cell_v(inputs=x_new_v, state=(c_v, h_v))

            pivot, alpha_pivot = self._attention_pivot(
                region_proj, h_v, reuse=(t != 0))  #(N,H) (N,R)
            pivot_stopped = tf.stop_gradient(pivot)

            final_prob2_gated = self._attribute_gate_layer(h_v,
                                                           reuse=(t != 0))
            MIL_attribute, _ = self._attribute_vector_op(
                batch_size, final_prob2_gated, MIL_embedding)

            x_new_v2 = tf.concat([pivot, h_v, MIL_attribute], 1)  #(2*LSTM)
            with tf.variable_scope('v_lstm2', reuse=True):
                _, (c_v2, h_v2) = lstm_cell_v2(inputs=x_new_v2,
                                               state=(c_v2, h_v2))

            logits2 = self._decode_layer(h_v2, reuse=(t != 0))

            sampled_word = tf.argmax(logits2, 1, output_type=tf.int32)
        sampled_captions = tf.transpose(tf.stack(sampled_word_list),
                                        (1, 0))  # (N, max_len)
        return sampled_captions
# bias and weights
w0 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1]))
W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([p]))

# matrix factorization factors, randomly initialized
V = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([k, p], stddev=0.01))

# estimation of y
Y_hat = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n, 1]))

# 定义损失函数和优化器
linear_terms = tf.add(w0, tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(W, X), 1, keepdims=True))
pair_interactions = tf.multiply(0.5,
                                        tf.pow(tf.matmul(X, tf.transpose(V)), 2),
                                        tf.matmul(tf.pow(X, 2), tf.pow(tf.transpose(V), 2))
                                    ), 1, keepdims=True
Y_hat = tf.add(linear_terms, pair_interactions)
lambda_w = tf.constant(0.001, name='lambda_w')
lambda_v = tf.constant(0.001, name='lambda_v')
l2_norm = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(lambda_w, tf.pow(W,2)))+tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(lambda_v, tf.pow(V,2)))
error = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(tf.subtract(Y, Y_hat)))
loss =  tf.add(error, l2_norm)

optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01).minimize(loss)

# 训练和测试
epochs = 50
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
# The LSTM used for looking backwards through the sentences, similar to lstm.
lstm_back = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(lstm_size)

# A dropout wrapper for lstm_back, like lstm_drop.
lstm_drop_back = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(lstm_back, input_p, output_p)

# Initial values for the fully connected layer's weights.
fc_initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=0.1) 
fc_weight = tf.get_variable('fc_weight', [2*hidden_size, 3])
fc_bias = tf.get_variable('bias', [3])

# x: the inputs to the bidirectional_rnn
x = tf.concat([hyp, evi], 1)
# Permuting batch_size and n_steps
x = tf.transpose(x, [1, 0, 2]) # (Le+Lh), N, d
# Reshaping to (n_steps*batch_size, n_input)
x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, vector_size]) # (Le+Lh)*N, d
# Split to get a list of 'n_steps' tensors of shape (batch_size, n_input)
x = tf.split(x, l_seq,)

rnn_outputs, _, _ = tf.contrib.rnn.static_bidirectional_rnn(lstm, lstm_back, x, dtype=tf.float32)

# The scores are relative certainties for how likely the output matches
#   a certain entailment: 
#     0: Positive entailment
#     1: Neutral entailment
#     2: Negative entailment
classification_scores = tf.matmul(rnn_outputs[-1], fc_weight) + fc_bias
# Initialize variables
Ejemplo n.º 40
  def FProp(self, theta, input_batch):
    """Embeds source ids and transforms with TransformerStack.

      theta: A `.NestedMap` object containing weights' values of this
        layer and its children layers.
      input_batch: A `.NestedMap` with fields:

        - ids: The inputs tensor. It is expected to be of shape [batch, time].
        - paddings: The paddings tensor. Expected shape [batch, time].

      A NestedMap containing:
        - encoded: The encoded features, either a tensor of shape [time, batch,
            depth], or a list of tensors if is_transparent is set in
        - padding: of shape [time, batch]
        - segment_id: [time, batch] if packed inputs are supported by the model
            (and all layers), or None otherwise.
        - embedded_inputs: [time, batch, depth] embedded inputs tokens without
            positional encodings.

    p = self.params
    with tf.name_scope(p.name):
      src_segment_id = None
      src_segment_pos = None
      input_ids = py_utils.with_dependencies([
              tf.shape(input_batch.ids), tf.shape(input_batch.paddings)),
          py_utils.assert_equal(tf.rank(input_batch.ids), 2)
      ], input_batch.ids)

      if (not py_utils.use_tpu() and
        max_seq_length = tf.cast(
            tf.reduce_max(tf.reduce_sum(1.0 - input_batch.paddings, 1)),
        paddings = py_utils.with_dependencies([
                tf.constant(True, tf.bool),
                tf.reduce_all(input_batch.paddings[:, max_seq_length:] > 0.5))
        ], input_batch.paddings)
        input_ids = input_ids[:, :max_seq_length]
        paddings = paddings[:, :max_seq_length]
        if p.packed_input:
          src_segment_id = input_batch.segment_ids[:, :max_seq_length]
          src_segment_pos = input_batch.segment_pos[:, :max_seq_length]
        paddings = input_batch.paddings
        if p.packed_input:
          src_segment_id = input_batch.segment_ids
          src_segment_pos = input_batch.segment_pos

      max_time = tf.shape(input_ids)[1]

      # Input token embeddings + positional embeddings
      input_embs = self.token_emb.EmbLookup(theta.token_emb,
                                            tf.reshape(input_ids, [-1]))
      input_embs = tf.reshape(input_embs,
                              [-1, max_time, p.token_emb.embedding_dim])
      # [time, batch, dim]
      orig_input_embs = tf.transpose(input_embs, [1, 0, 2])

      if p.packed_input:
        position_embs = self.position_emb.FPropWithPosition(
            theta.position_emb, src_segment_pos)
        position_embs = self.position_emb.FProp(theta.position_emb, max_time)
        position_embs = tf.reshape(position_embs,
                                   [1, max_time, p.token_emb.embedding_dim])
      input_embs += position_embs

      if p.model_dim != p.token_emb.embedding_dim:
        input_embs = self.emb_proj.FProp(theta.emb_proj, input_embs)

      paddings = tf.transpose(paddings)
      if p.packed_input:
        src_segment_id = tf.transpose(src_segment_id)
      input_embs = self.input_dropout.FProp(theta.input_dropout, input_embs)

      # [time, batch, dim]
      transformer_input = tf.transpose(input_embs, [1, 0, 2])

    encoded, padding, segment_id = self.transformer_stack.FProp(
        theta.transformer_stack, transformer_input, paddings, src_segment_id)
    return py_utils.NestedMap(
  def __init__(self,
    """Create the model.

      source_vocab_size: size of the source vocabulary.
      target_vocab_size: size of the target vocabulary.
      buckets: a list of pairs (I, O), where I specifies maximum input length
        that will be processed in that bucket, and O specifies maximum output
        length. Training instances that have inputs longer than I or outputs
        longer than O will be pushed to the next bucket and padded accordingly.
        We assume that the list is sorted, e.g., [(2, 4), (8, 16)].
      size: number of units in each layer of the model.
      num_layers: number of layers in the model.
      max_gradient_norm: gradients will be clipped to maximally this norm.
      batch_size: the size of the batches used during training;
        the model construction is independent of batch_size, so it can be
        changed after initialization if this is convenient, e.g., for decoding.
      learning_rate: learning rate to start with.
      learning_rate_decay_factor: decay learning rate by this much when needed.
      use_lstm: if true, we use LSTM cells instead of GRU cells.
      num_samples: number of samples for sampled softmax.
      forward_only: if set, we do not construct the backward pass in the model.
      dtype: the data type to use to store internal variables.
    self.source_vocab_size = source_vocab_size
    self.target_vocab_size = target_vocab_size
    self.buckets = buckets
    self.batch_size = batch_size
    self.learning_rate = tf.Variable(
        float(learning_rate), trainable=False, dtype=dtype)
    self.learning_rate_decay_op = self.learning_rate.assign(
        self.learning_rate * learning_rate_decay_factor)
    self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)

    # If we use sampled softmax, we need an output projection.
    output_projection = None
    softmax_loss_function = None
    # Sampled softmax only makes sense if we sample less than vocabulary size.
    if num_samples > 0 and num_samples < self.target_vocab_size:
      w_t = tf.get_variable("proj_w", [self.target_vocab_size, size], dtype=dtype)
      w = tf.transpose(w_t)
      b = tf.get_variable("proj_b", [self.target_vocab_size], dtype=dtype)
      output_projection = (w, b)

      def sampled_loss(labels, logits):
        labels = tf.reshape(labels, [-1, 1])
        # We need to compute the sampled_softmax_loss using 32bit floats to
        # avoid numerical instabilities.
        local_w_t = tf.cast(w_t, tf.float32)
        local_b = tf.cast(b, tf.float32)
        local_inputs = tf.cast(logits, tf.float32)
        return tf.cast(
      softmax_loss_function = sampled_loss

    # Create the internal multi-layer cell for our RNN.
    def single_cell():
      return tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(size)
    if use_lstm:
      def single_cell():
        return tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(size)
    cell = single_cell()
    if num_layers > 1:
      cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([single_cell() for _ in range(num_layers)])

    # The seq2seq function: we use embedding for the input and attention.
    def seq2seq_f(encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs, do_decode):
      return tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.embedding_attention_seq2seq(

    # Feeds for inputs.
    self.encoder_inputs = []
    self.decoder_inputs = []
    self.target_weights = []
    for i in xrange(buckets[-1][0]):  # Last bucket is the biggest one.
      self.encoder_inputs.append(tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None],
    for i in xrange(buckets[-1][1] + 1):
      self.decoder_inputs.append(tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None],
      self.target_weights.append(tf.placeholder(dtype, shape=[None],

    # Our targets are decoder inputs shifted by one.
    targets = [self.decoder_inputs[i + 1]
               for i in xrange(len(self.decoder_inputs) - 1)]

    # Training outputs and losses.
    if forward_only:
      self.outputs, self.losses = tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.model_with_buckets(
          self.encoder_inputs, self.decoder_inputs, targets,
          self.target_weights, buckets, lambda x, y: seq2seq_f(x, y, True),
      # If we use output projection, we need to project outputs for decoding.
      if output_projection is not None:
        for b in xrange(len(buckets)):
          self.outputs[b] = [
              tf.matmul(output, output_projection[0]) + output_projection[1]
              for output in self.outputs[b]
      self.outputs, self.losses = tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.model_with_buckets(
          self.encoder_inputs, self.decoder_inputs, targets,
          self.target_weights, buckets,
          lambda x, y: seq2seq_f(x, y, False),

    # Gradients and SGD update operation for training the model.
    params = tf.trainable_variables()
    if not forward_only:
      self.gradient_norms = []
      self.updates = []
      opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(self.learning_rate)
      # opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate)
      for b in xrange(len(buckets)):
        gradients = tf.gradients(self.losses[b], params)
        clipped_gradients, norm = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients,
            zip(clipped_gradients, params), global_step=self.global_step))

    self.saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables())
Ejemplo n.º 42
def attention_layer(from_tensor,
  """Performs multi-headed attention from `from_tensor` to `to_tensor`.

  This is an implementation of multi-headed attention based on "Attention
  is all you Need". If `from_tensor` and `to_tensor` are the same, then
  this is self-attention. Each timestep in `from_tensor` attends to the
  corresponding sequence in `to_tensor`, and returns a fixed-with vector.

  This function first projects `from_tensor` into a "query" tensor and
  `to_tensor` into "key" and "value" tensors. These are (effectively) a list
  of tensors of length `num_attention_heads`, where each tensor is of shape
  [batch_size, seq_length, size_per_head].

  Then, the query and key tensors are dot-producted and scaled. These are
  softmaxed to obtain attention probabilities. The value tensors are then
  interpolated by these probabilities, then concatenated back to a single
  tensor and returned.

  In practice, the multi-headed attention are done with transposes and
  reshapes rather than actual separate tensors.

    from_tensor: float Tensor of shape [batch_size, from_seq_length,
    to_tensor: float Tensor of shape [batch_size, to_seq_length, to_width].
    attention_mask: (optional) int32 Tensor of shape [batch_size,
      from_seq_length, to_seq_length]. The values should be 1 or 0. The
      attention scores will effectively be set to -infinity for any positions in
      the mask that are 0, and will be unchanged for positions that are 1.
    num_attention_heads: int. Number of attention heads.
    size_per_head: int. Size of each attention head.
    query_act: (optional) Activation function for the query transform.
    key_act: (optional) Activation function for the key transform.
    value_act: (optional) Activation function for the value transform.
    attention_probs_dropout_prob: (optional) float. Dropout probability of the
      attention probabilities.
    initializer_range: float. Range of the weight initializer.
    do_return_2d_tensor: bool. If True, the output will be of shape [batch_size
      * from_seq_length, num_attention_heads * size_per_head]. If False, the
      output will be of shape [batch_size, from_seq_length, num_attention_heads
      * size_per_head].
    batch_size: (Optional) int. If the input is 2D, this might be the batch size
      of the 3D version of the `from_tensor` and `to_tensor`.
    from_seq_length: (Optional) If the input is 2D, this might be the seq length
      of the 3D version of the `from_tensor`.
    to_seq_length: (Optional) If the input is 2D, this might be the seq length
      of the 3D version of the `to_tensor`.

    float Tensor of shape [batch_size, from_seq_length,
      num_attention_heads * size_per_head]. (If `do_return_2d_tensor` is
      true, this will be of shape [batch_size * from_seq_length,
      num_attention_heads * size_per_head]).

    ValueError: Any of the arguments or tensor shapes are invalid.

  def transpose_for_scores(input_tensor, batch_size, num_attention_heads,
                           seq_length, width):
    output_tensor = tf.reshape(
        input_tensor, [batch_size, seq_length, num_attention_heads, width])

    output_tensor = tf.transpose(output_tensor, [0, 2, 1, 3])
    return output_tensor

  from_shape = get_shape_list(from_tensor, expected_rank=[2, 3])
  to_shape = get_shape_list(to_tensor, expected_rank=[2, 3])

  if len(from_shape) != len(to_shape):
    raise ValueError(
        "The rank of `from_tensor` must match the rank of `to_tensor`.")

  if len(from_shape) == 3:
    batch_size = from_shape[0]
    from_seq_length = from_shape[1]
    to_seq_length = to_shape[1]
  elif len(from_shape) == 2:
    if (batch_size is None or from_seq_length is None or to_seq_length is None):
      raise ValueError(
          "When passing in rank 2 tensors to attention_layer, the values "
          "for `batch_size`, `from_seq_length`, and `to_seq_length` "
          "must all be specified.")

  # Scalar dimensions referenced here:
  #   B = batch size (number of sequences)
  #   F = `from_tensor` sequence length
  #   T = `to_tensor` sequence length
  #   N = `num_attention_heads`
  #   H = `size_per_head`

  from_tensor_2d = reshape_to_matrix(from_tensor)
  to_tensor_2d = reshape_to_matrix(to_tensor)

  # `query_layer` = [B*F, N*H]
  query_layer = tf.layers.dense(
      num_attention_heads * size_per_head,

  # `key_layer` = [B*T, N*H]
  key_layer = tf.layers.dense(
      num_attention_heads * size_per_head,

  # `value_layer` = [B*T, N*H]
  value_layer = tf.layers.dense(
      num_attention_heads * size_per_head,

  # `query_layer` = [B, N, F, H]
  query_layer = transpose_for_scores(query_layer, batch_size,
                                     num_attention_heads, from_seq_length,

  # `key_layer` = [B, N, T, H]
  key_layer = transpose_for_scores(key_layer, batch_size, num_attention_heads,
                                   to_seq_length, size_per_head)

  # Take the dot product between "query" and "key" to get the raw
  # attention scores.
  # `attention_scores` = [B, N, F, T]
  attention_scores = tf.matmul(query_layer, key_layer, transpose_b=True)
  attention_scores = tf.multiply(attention_scores,
                                 1.0 / math.sqrt(float(size_per_head)))

  if attention_mask is not None:
    # `attention_mask` = [B, 1, F, T]
    attention_mask = tf.expand_dims(attention_mask, axis=[1])

    # Since attention_mask is 1.0 for positions we want to attend and 0.0 for
    # masked positions, this operation will create a tensor which is 0.0 for
    # positions we want to attend and -10000.0 for masked positions.
    adder = (1.0 - tf.cast(attention_mask, tf.float32)) * -10000.0

    # Since we are adding it to the raw scores before the softmax, this is
    # effectively the same as removing these entirely.
    attention_scores += adder

  # Normalize the attention scores to probabilities.
  # `attention_probs` = [B, N, F, T]
  attention_probs = tf.nn.softmax(attention_scores)

  # This is actually dropping out entire tokens to attend to, which might
  # seem a bit unusual, but is taken from the original Transformer paper.
  attention_probs = dropout(attention_probs, attention_probs_dropout_prob)

  # `value_layer` = [B, T, N, H]
  value_layer = tf.reshape(
      [batch_size, to_seq_length, num_attention_heads, size_per_head])

  # `value_layer` = [B, N, T, H]
  value_layer = tf.transpose(value_layer, [0, 2, 1, 3])

  # `context_layer` = [B, N, F, H]
  context_layer = tf.matmul(attention_probs, value_layer)

  # `context_layer` = [B, F, N, H]
  context_layer = tf.transpose(context_layer, [0, 2, 1, 3])

  if do_return_2d_tensor:
    # `context_layer` = [B*F, N*H]
    context_layer = tf.reshape(
        [batch_size * from_seq_length, num_attention_heads * size_per_head])
    # `context_layer` = [B, F, N*H]
    context_layer = tf.reshape(
        [batch_size, from_seq_length, num_attention_heads * size_per_head])

  return context_layer
Ejemplo n.º 43
  def get_bilinear_classifier(self, layer, outputs, token_weights, variable_scope=None, reuse=False):
    recur_layer = layer
    hidden_keep_prob = 1 if reuse else self.hidden_keep_prob
    add_linear = self.add_linear
    with tf.variable_scope(variable_scope or self.field):
      for i in six.moves.range(0, self.n_layers-1):
        with tf.variable_scope('FC-%d' % i):
          layer = classifiers.hidden(layer, 2*self.hidden_size,
      with tf.variable_scope('FC-top'):
        layers = classifiers.hiddens(layer, 2*[self.hidden_size],
      layer1, layer2 = layers.pop(0), layers.pop(0)
      with tf.variable_scope('Classifier'):
        if self.diagonal:
          logits = classifiers.diagonal_bilinear_classifier(
            layer1, layer2, len(self),
          logits = classifiers.bilinear_classifier(
            layer1, layer2, len(self),
    # Process the targets
    # (n x m x m)
    label_targets = self.placeholder
    unlabeled_predictions = outputs['unlabeled_predictions']
    unlabeled_targets = outputs['unlabeled_targets']
    # Process the logits
    # (n x m x c x m) -> (n x m x m x c)
    transposed_logits = tf.transpose(logits, [0,1,3,2])
    # Compute the probabilities/cross entropy
    # (n x m x m) -> (n x m x m x 1)
    head_probabilities = tf.expand_dims(tf.stop_gradient(outputs['probabilities']), axis=-1)
    # (n x m x m x c) -> (n x m x m x c)
    label_probabilities = tf.nn.softmax(transposed_logits) * tf.to_float(tf.expand_dims(token_weights, axis=-1))
    # (n x m x m), (n x m x m x c), (n x m x m) -> ()
    label_loss = tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(label_targets, transposed_logits, weights=token_weights*unlabeled_targets)
    # Compute the predictions/accuracy
    # (n x m x m x c) -> (n x m x m)
    predictions = tf.argmax(transposed_logits, axis=-1, output_type=tf.int64)
    # (n x m x m) (*) (n x m x m) -> (n x m x m)
    true_positives = nn.equal(label_targets, predictions) * unlabeled_predictions
    correct_label_tokens = nn.equal(label_targets, predictions) * unlabeled_targets
    # (n x m x m) -> ()
    n_unlabeled_predictions = tf.reduce_sum(unlabeled_predictions)
    n_unlabeled_targets = tf.reduce_sum(unlabeled_targets)
    n_true_positives = tf.reduce_sum(true_positives)
    n_correct_label_tokens = tf.reduce_sum(correct_label_tokens)
    # () - () -> ()
    n_false_positives = n_unlabeled_predictions - n_true_positives
    n_false_negatives = n_unlabeled_targets - n_true_positives
    # (n x m x m) -> (n)
    n_targets_per_sequence = tf.reduce_sum(unlabeled_targets, axis=[1,2])
    n_true_positives_per_sequence = tf.reduce_sum(true_positives, axis=[1,2])
    n_correct_label_tokens_per_sequence = tf.reduce_sum(correct_label_tokens, axis=[1,2])
    # (n) x 2 -> ()
    n_correct_sequences = tf.reduce_sum(nn.equal(n_true_positives_per_sequence, n_targets_per_sequence))
    n_correct_label_sequences = tf.reduce_sum(nn.equal(n_correct_label_tokens_per_sequence, n_targets_per_sequence))
    # Populate the output dictionary
    rho = self.loss_interpolation
    outputs['label_targets'] = label_targets
    outputs['probabilities'] = label_probabilities * head_probabilities
    outputs['label_loss'] = label_loss
    outputs['loss'] = 2*((1-rho) * outputs['loss'] + rho * label_loss)
    outputs['n_true_positives'] = n_true_positives
    outputs['n_false_positives'] = n_false_positives
    outputs['n_false_negatives'] = n_false_negatives
    outputs['n_correct_sequences'] = n_correct_sequences
    outputs['n_correct_label_tokens'] = n_correct_label_tokens
    outputs['n_correct_label_sequences'] = n_correct_label_sequences
    # ==============================================================
    outputs['label_predictions'] = predictions
    outputs['label_targets'] = label_targets
    outputs['label_logits'] = transposed_logits
    # pdb.set_trace()

    return outputs
s = create_svec(alpha_s,t,tau)

# In[11]:

#### Tensorflow Graph ######
with tf.name_scope('s'):
    x = tf.placeholder(tf.float64)
with tf.name_scope('f'):
    f = tf.placeholder(tf.float64)
with tf.name_scope('s_matrix'):
    dim = tf.ones([len(s),n_gaussian],tf.float64)
    s_matrix_t = tf.math.multiply(dim,x)
    s_matrix = tf.transpose(s_matrix_t)
with tf.name_scope('center'):
    c = tf.Variable(tf.linspace(tf.dtypes.cast(0,tf.float64,name=None),1.000,n_gaussian,name = 'center'))
    c = tf.reshape(c,[n_gaussian,1])
with tf.name_scope('c_matrix'):
    dim_c = tf.ones([n_gaussian,len(s)],tf.float64)
    c_matrix = tf.math.multiply(dim_c,c)
with tf.name_scope('bandwidth'):
    h = tf.Variable(0.1*tf.ones((n_gaussian,1),dtype = tf.float64))

smc = s_matrix-c_matrix
h_smc_pow = tf.math.multiply((-h),tf.pow(smc,2))
with tf.name_scope('psi'):
    psi = tf.math.exp(h_smc_pow)

w = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_gaussian,1],name = "weight",dtype = tf.float64))
Ejemplo n.º 45
 def get_bilinear_classifier(self, layer, outputs, token_weights, variable_scope=None, reuse=False):
   layer1 = layer2 = layer
   hidden_keep_prob = 1 if reuse else self.hidden_keep_prob
   hidden_func = self.hidden_func
   hidden_size = self.hidden_size
   add_linear = self.add_linear
   with tf.variable_scope(variable_scope or self.classname):
     for i in six.moves.range(0, self.n_layers-1):
       with tf.variable_scope('FC-%d' % i):
         layer = classifiers.hidden(layer, 2*hidden_size,
     with tf.variable_scope('FC-top'):
       layers = classifiers.hiddens(layer, 2*[hidden_size],
     layer1, layer2 = layers.pop(0), layers.pop(0)
     with tf.variable_scope('Classifier'):
       if self.diagonal:
         logits = classifiers.diagonal_bilinear_classifier(
           layer1, layer2, len(self),
         logits = classifiers.bilinear_classifier(
           layer1, layer2, len(self),
       bucket_size = tf.shape(layer)[-2]
       # Process the targets
       # (n x m)
       label_targets = self.placeholder
       unlabeled_predictions = outputs['unlabeled_predictions']
       unlabeled_targets = outputs['unlabeled_targets']
       # (n x m) -> (n x m x m)
       unlabeled_predictions = tf.one_hot(unlabeled_predictions, bucket_size)
       unlabeled_targets = tf.one_hot(unlabeled_targets, bucket_size)
       # (n x m x m) -> (n x m x m x 1)
       unlabeled_predictions = tf.expand_dims(unlabeled_predictions, axis=-1)
       unlabeled_targets = tf.expand_dims(unlabeled_targets, axis=-1)
       # Process the logits
       # We use the gold heads for computing the label score and the predicted
       # heads for computing the unlabeled attachment score
       # (n x m x c x m) -> (n x m x m x c)
       transposed_logits = tf.transpose(logits, [0,1,3,2])
       # (n x m x c x m) * (n x m x m x 1) -> (n x m x c x 1)
       predicted_logits = tf.matmul(logits, unlabeled_predictions)
       oracle_logits = tf.matmul(logits, unlabeled_targets)
       # (n x m x c x 1) -> (n x m x c)
       predicted_logits = tf.squeeze(predicted_logits, axis=-1)
       oracle_logits = tf.squeeze(oracle_logits, axis=-1)
       # Compute probabilities/cross entropy
       # (n x m x m) -> (n x m x m x 1)
       head_probabilities = tf.expand_dims(tf.stop_gradient(outputs['probabilities']), axis=-1)
       # (n x m x m x c) -> (n x m x m x c)
       label_probabilities = tf.nn.softmax(transposed_logits)
       # (n x m), (n x m x c), (n x m) -> ()
       label_loss = tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(label_targets, oracle_logits, weights=token_weights)
       # Compute predictions/accuracy
       # (n x m x c) -> (n x m)
       label_predictions = tf.argmax(predicted_logits, axis=-1, output_type=tf.int32)
       label_oracle_predictions = tf.argmax(oracle_logits, axis=-1, output_type=tf.int32)
       # (n x m) (*) (n x m) -> (n x m)
       correct_label_tokens = nn.equal(label_targets, label_oracle_predictions) * token_weights
       correct_tokens = nn.equal(label_targets, label_predictions) * outputs['correct_unlabeled_tokens']
       # (n x m) -> (n)
       tokens_per_sequence = tf.reduce_sum(token_weights, axis=-1)
       # (n x m) -> (n)
       correct_label_tokens_per_sequence = tf.reduce_sum(correct_label_tokens, axis=-1)
       correct_tokens_per_sequence = tf.reduce_sum(correct_tokens, axis=-1)
       # (n), (n) -> (n)
       correct_label_sequences = nn.equal(tokens_per_sequence, correct_label_tokens_per_sequence)
       correct_sequences = nn.equal(tokens_per_sequence, correct_tokens_per_sequence)
   # Populate the output dictionary
   rho = self.loss_interpolation
   outputs['label_targets'] = label_targets
   # This way we can reconstruct the head_probabilities by exponentiating and summing along the last axis
   outputs['probabilities'] = label_probabilities * head_probabilities
   outputs['label_loss'] = label_loss
   outputs['loss'] = 2*((1-rho) * outputs['loss'] + rho * label_loss)
   outputs['label_predictions'] = label_predictions
   outputs['n_correct_label_tokens'] = tf.reduce_sum(correct_label_tokens)
   outputs['n_correct_label_sequences'] = tf.reduce_sum(correct_label_sequences)
   outputs['n_correct_tokens'] = tf.reduce_sum(correct_tokens)
   outputs['n_correct_sequences'] = tf.reduce_sum(correct_sequences)
   return outputs
Ejemplo n.º 46
 def get_unfactored_bilinear_classifier(self, layer, token_weights, variable_scope=None, reuse=False):
   recur_layer = layer
   hidden_keep_prob = 1 if reuse else self.hidden_keep_prob
   add_linear = self.add_linear
   with tf.variable_scope(variable_scope or self.field):
     for i in six.moves.range(0, self.n_layers-1):
       with tf.variable_scope('FC-%d' % i):
         layer = classifiers.hidden(layer, 2*self.hidden_size,
     with tf.variable_scope('FC-top' % i):
       layers = classifiers.hidden(layer, 2*[self.hidden_size],
     layer1, layer2 = layers.pop(0), layers.pop(0)
     with tf.variable_scope('Classifier'):
       if self.diagonal:
         logits = classifiers.diagonal_bilinear_classifier(
           layer1, layer2, len(self),
         logits = classifiers.bilinear_classifier(
           layer1, layer2, len(self),
       # Process the targets
       targets = self.placeholder
       # (n x m x m) -> (n x m x m)
       unlabeled_targets = nn.greater(targets, 0)
       # Process the logits
       # (n x m x c x m) -> (n x m x m x c)
       transposed_logits = tf.transpose(logits, [0,1,3,2])
       # Compute probabilities/cross entropy
       # (n x m x m x c) -> (n x m x m x c)
       probabilities = tf.nn.softmax(transposed_logits) * tf.to_float(tf.expand_dims(token_weights, axis=-1))
       # (n x m x m), (n x m x m x c), (n x m x m) -> ()
       loss = tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(targets, transposed_logits, weights=token_weights)
       # Compute predictions/accuracy
       # (n x m x m x c) -> (n x m x m)
       predictions = tf.argmax(transposed_logits, axis=-1, output_type=tf.int32) * token_weights
       # (n x m x m) -> (n x m x m)
       unlabeled_predictions = nn.greater(predictions, 0)
       # (n x m x m) (*) (n x m x m) -> (n x m x m)
       unlabeled_true_positives = unlabeled_predictions * unlabeled_targets
       true_positives = nn.equal(targets, predictions) * unlabeled_true_positives
       # (n x m x m) -> ()
       n_predictions = tf.reduce_sum(unlabeled_predictions)
       n_targets = tf.reduce_sum(unlabeled_targets)
       n_unlabeled_true_positives = tf.reduce_sum(unlabeled_true_positives)
       n_true_positives = tf.reduce_sum(true_positives)
       # () - () -> ()
       n_unlabeled_false_positives = n_predictions - n_unlabeled_true_positives
       n_unlabeled_false_negatives = n_targets - n_unlabeled_true_positives
       n_false_positives = n_predictions - n_true_positives
       n_false_negatives = n_targets - n_true_positives
       # (n x m x m) -> (n)
       n_targets_per_sequence = tf.reduce_sum(unlabeled_targets, axis=[1,2])
       n_unlabeled_true_positives_per_sequence = tf.reduce_sum(unlabeled_true_positives, axis=[1,2])
       n_true_positives_per_sequence = tf.reduce_sum(true_positives, axis=[1,2])
       # (n) x 2 -> ()
       n_correct_unlabeled_sequences = tf.reduce_sum(nn.equal(n_unlabeled_true_positives_per_sequence, n_targets_per_sequence))
       n_correct_sequences = tf.reduce_sum(nn.equal(n_true_positives_per_sequence, n_targets_per_sequence))
   # Populate the output dictionary
   outputs = {}
   outputs['recur_layer'] = recur_layer
   outputs['unlabeled_targets'] = unlabeled_targets
   outputs['label_targets'] = self.placeholder
   outputs['probabilities'] = probabilities
   outputs['unlabeled_loss'] = tf.constant(0.)
   outputs['loss'] = loss
   outputs['unlabeled_predictions'] = unlabeled_predictions
   outputs['label_predictions'] = predictions
   outputs['n_unlabeled_true_positives'] = n_unlabeled_true_positives
   outputs['n_unlabeled_false_positives'] = n_unlabeled_false_positives
   outputs['n_unlabeled_false_negatives'] = n_unlabeled_false_negatives
   outputs['n_correct_unlabeled_sequences'] = n_correct_unlabeled_sequences
   outputs['n_true_positives'] = n_true_positives
   outputs['n_false_positives'] = n_false_positives
   outputs['n_false_negatives'] = n_false_negatives
   outputs['n_correct_sequences'] = n_correct_sequences
   return outputs
Ejemplo n.º 47
def resnet_model_fn(features, labels, mode, params):
    """The model_fn for ResNet to be used with TPUEstimator.

    features: `Tensor` of batched images. If transpose_input is enabled, it
        is transposed to device layout and reshaped to 1D tensor.
    labels: `Tensor` of labels for the data samples
    mode: one of `tf.estimator.ModeKeys.{TRAIN,EVAL,PREDICT}`
    params: `dict` of parameters passed to the model from the TPUEstimator,
        `params['batch_size']` is always provided and should be used as the
        effective batch size.

    A `TPUEstimatorSpec` for the model
    if isinstance(features, dict):
        features = features['feature']

    # In most cases, the default data format NCHW instead of NHWC should be
    # used for a significant performance boost on GPU/TPU. NHWC should be used
    # only if the network needs to be run on CPU since the pooling operations
    # are only supported on NHWC.
    if params['data_format'] == 'channels_first':
        assert not params['transpose_input']  # channels_first only for GPU
        features = tf.transpose(features, [0, 3, 1, 2])

    if params['transpose_input'] and mode != tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT:
        image_size = tf.sqrt(tf.shape(features)[0] / (3 * tf.shape(labels)[0]))
        features = tf.reshape(features, [image_size, image_size, 3, -1])
        features = tf.transpose(features, [3, 0, 1, 2])  # HWCN to NHWC

    # Normalize the image to zero mean and unit variance.
    features -= tf.constant(MEAN_RGB, shape=[1, 1, 3], dtype=features.dtype)
    features /= tf.constant(STDDEV_RGB, shape=[1, 1, 3], dtype=features.dtype)

    # DropBlock keep_prob for the 4 block groups of ResNet architecture.
    # None means applying no DropBlock at the corresponding block group.
    dropblock_keep_probs = [None] * 4
    if params['dropblock_groups']:
        # Scheduled keep_prob for DropBlock.
        train_steps = tf.cast(params['train_steps'], tf.float32)
        current_step = tf.cast(tf.train.get_global_step(), tf.float32)
        current_ratio = current_step / train_steps
        dropblock_keep_prob = (1 - current_ratio *
                               (1 - params['dropblock_keep_prob']))

        # Computes DropBlock keep_prob for different block groups of ResNet.
        dropblock_groups = [
            int(x) for x in params['dropblock_groups'].split(',')
        for block_group in dropblock_groups:
            if block_group < 1 or block_group > 4:
                raise ValueError(
                    'dropblock_groups should be a comma separated list of integers '
                    'between 1 and 4 (dropblcok_groups: {}).'.format(
            dropblock_keep_probs[block_group - 1] = 1 - (
                (1 - dropblock_keep_prob) / 4.0**(4 - block_group))

    # This nested function allows us to avoid duplicating the logic which
    # builds the network, for different values of --precision.
    def build_network():
        network = resnet_model.resnet_v1(
        return network(inputs=features,
                       is_training=(mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN))

    if params['precision'] == 'bfloat16':
        with tf.contrib.tpu.bfloat16_scope():
            logits = build_network()
        logits = tf.cast(logits, tf.float32)
    elif params['precision'] == 'float32':
        logits = build_network()

    if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT:
        predictions = {
            'classes': tf.argmax(logits, axis=1),
            'probabilities': tf.nn.softmax(logits, name='softmax_tensor')
        return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(
                'classify': tf.estimator.export.PredictOutput(predictions)

    # If necessary, in the model_fn, use params['batch_size'] instead the batch
    # size flags (--train_batch_size or --eval_batch_size).
    batch_size = params['batch_size']  # pylint: disable=unused-variable

    # Calculate loss, which includes softmax cross entropy and L2 regularization.
    one_hot_labels = tf.one_hot(labels, params['num_label_classes'])
    cross_entropy = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(

    # Add weight decay to the loss for non-batch-normalization variables.
    loss = cross_entropy + params['weight_decay'] * tf.add_n([
        tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in tf.trainable_variables()
        if 'batch_normalization' not in v.name

    host_call = None
    if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN:
        # Compute the current epoch and associated learning rate from global_step.
        global_step = tf.train.get_global_step()
        steps_per_epoch = params['num_train_images'] / params[
        current_epoch = (tf.cast(global_step, tf.float32) / steps_per_epoch)
        # LARS is a large batch optimizer. LARS enables higher accuracy at batch 16K
        # and larger batch sizes.
        if params['enable_lars']:
            learning_rate = 0.0
            optimizer = lars_util.init_lars_optimizer(current_epoch, params)
            learning_rate = lottery.get_lr_tensor(params)
            if learning_rate is None:
                learning_rate = learning_rate_schedule(params, current_epoch)
            optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate,
        if params['use_tpu']:
            # When using TPU, wrap the optimizer with CrossShardOptimizer which
            # handles synchronization details between different TPU cores. To the
            # user, this should look like regular synchronous training.
            optimizer = tf.contrib.tpu.CrossShardOptimizer(optimizer)

        # Batch normalization requires UPDATE_OPS to be added as a dependency to
        # the train operation.
        update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
        with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops):
            train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step)

        if not params['skip_host_call']:

            def host_call_fn(gs, loss, lr, ce):
                """Training host call. Creates scalar summaries for training metrics.

        This function is executed on the CPU and should not directly reference
        any Tensors in the rest of the `model_fn`. To pass Tensors from the
        model to the `metric_fn`, provide as part of the `host_call`. See
        for more information.

        Arguments should match the list of `Tensor` objects passed as the second
        element in the tuple passed to `host_call`.

          gs: `Tensor with shape `[batch]` for the global_step
          loss: `Tensor` with shape `[batch]` for the training loss.
          lr: `Tensor` with shape `[batch]` for the learning_rate.
          ce: `Tensor` with shape `[batch]` for the current_epoch.

          List of summary ops to run on the CPU host.
                gs = gs[0]
                # Host call fns are executed params['iterations_per_loop'] times after
                # one TPU loop is finished, setting max_queue value to the same as
                # number of iterations will make the summary writer only flush the data
                # to storage once per loop.
                with summary.create_file_writer(
                    with summary.always_record_summaries():
                        summary.scalar('loss', loss[0], step=gs)
                        summary.scalar('learning_rate', lr[0], step=gs)
                        summary.scalar('current_epoch', ce[0], step=gs)

                        return summary.all_summary_ops()

            # To log the loss, current learning rate, and epoch for Tensorboard, the
            # summary op needs to be run on the host CPU via host_call. host_call
            # expects [batch_size, ...] Tensors, thus reshape to introduce a batch
            # dimension. These Tensors are implicitly concatenated to
            # [params['batch_size']].
            gs_t = tf.reshape(global_step, [1])
            loss_t = tf.reshape(loss, [1])
            lr_t = tf.reshape(learning_rate, [1])
            ce_t = tf.reshape(current_epoch, [1])

            host_call = (host_call_fn, [gs_t, loss_t, lr_t, ce_t])

        train_op = None

    eval_metrics = None
    if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL:

        def metric_fn(labels, logits):
            """Evaluation metric function. Evaluates accuracy.

      This function is executed on the CPU and should not directly reference
      any Tensors in the rest of the `model_fn`. To pass Tensors from the model
      to the `metric_fn`, provide as part of the `eval_metrics`. See
      for more information.

      Arguments should match the list of `Tensor` objects passed as the second
      element in the tuple passed to `eval_metrics`.

        labels: `Tensor` with shape `[batch]`.
        logits: `Tensor` with shape `[batch, num_classes]`.

        A dict of the metrics to return from evaluation.
            predictions = tf.argmax(logits, axis=1)
            top_1_accuracy = tf.metrics.accuracy(labels, predictions)
            in_top_5 = tf.cast(tf.nn.in_top_k(logits, labels, 5), tf.float32)
            top_5_accuracy = tf.metrics.mean(in_top_5)

            return {
                'top_1_accuracy': top_1_accuracy,
                'top_5_accuracy': top_5_accuracy,

        eval_metrics = (metric_fn, [labels, logits])

    return tf.contrib.tpu.TPUEstimatorSpec(mode=mode,
Ejemplo n.º 48
 def get_unfactored_bilinear_classifier(self, layer, unlabeled_targets, token_weights, variable_scope=None, reuse=False):
   recur_layer = layer
   hidden_keep_prob = 1 if reuse else self.hidden_keep_prob
   hidden_func = self.hidden_func
   hidden_size = self.hidden_size
   add_linear = self.add_linear
   with tf.variable_scope(variable_scope or self.classname):
     for i in six.moves.range(0, self.n_layers-1):
       with tf.variable_scope('FC-%d' % i):
         layer = classifiers.hidden(layer, 2*hidden_size,
     with tf.variable_scope('FC-top'):
       layers = classifiers.hiddens(layer, 2*[hidden_size],
     layer1, layer2 = layers.pop(0), layers.pop(0)
     with tf.variable_scope('Classifier'):
       if self.diagonal:
         logits = classifiers.diagonal_bilinear_classifier(
           layer1, layer2, len(self),
         logits = classifiers.bilinear_classifier(
           layer1, layer2, len(self),
       bucket_size = tf.shape(layer)[-2]
       # Process the targets
       # c (*) (n x m) + (n x m)
       #targets = len(self) * unlabeled_targets + self.placeholder
       targets = bucket_size * self.placeholder + unlabeled_targets
       # Process the logits
       # (n x m x c x m) -> (n x m x cm)
       reshaped_logits = tf.reshape(logits, tf.stack([-1, bucket_size, bucket_size * len(self)]))
       # Compute probabilities/cross entropy
       # (n x m x cm) -> (n x m x cm)
       probabilities = tf.nn.softmax(reshaped_logits)
       # (n x m x cm) -> (n x m x c x m)
       probabilities = tf.reshape(probabilities, tf.stack([-1, bucket_size, len(self), bucket_size]))
       # (n x m x c x m) -> (n x m x m x c)
       probabilities = tf.transpose(probabilities, [0,1,3,2])
       # (n x m), (n x m x cm), (n x m) -> ()
       loss = tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(targets, reshaped_logits, weights=token_weights)
       # Compute predictions/accuracy
       # (n x m x cm) -> (n x m)
       predictions = tf.argmax(reshaped_logits, axis=-1, output_type=tf.int32)
       # (n x m), () -> (n x m)
       unlabeled_predictions = tf.mod(predictions, bucket_size)
       # (n x m) (*) (n x m) -> (n x m)
       correct_tokens = nn.equal(predictions, targets) * token_weights
       correct_unlabeled_tokens = nn.equal(unlabeled_predictions, unlabeled_targets) * token_weights
       # (n x m) -> (n)
       tokens_per_sequence = tf.reduce_sum(token_weights, axis=-1)
       # (n x m) -> (n)
       correct_tokens_per_sequence = tf.reduce_sum(correct_tokens, axis=-1)
       correct_unlabeled_tokens_per_sequence = tf.reduce_sum(correct_unlabeled_tokens, axis=-1)
       # (n), (n) -> (n)
       correct_sequences = nn.equal(tokens_per_sequence, correct_tokens_per_sequence)
       correct_unlabeled_sequences = nn.equal(tokens_per_sequence, correct_unlabeled_tokens_per_sequence)
   # Populate the output dictionary
   outputs = {}
   outputs['recur_layer'] = recur_layer
   outputs['unlabeled_targets'] = unlabeled_targets
   outputs['probabilities'] = probabilities
   outputs['unlabeled_loss'] = tf.constant(0.)
   outputs['loss'] = loss
   outputs['unlabeled_predictions'] = unlabeled_predictions
   outputs['label_predictions'] = predictions
   outputs['n_correct_unlabeled_tokens'] = tf.reduce_sum(correct_unlabeled_tokens)
   outputs['n_correct_unlabeled_sequences'] = tf.reduce_sum(correct_unlabeled_sequences)
   outputs['n_correct_tokens'] = tf.reduce_sum(correct_tokens)
   outputs['n_correct_sequences'] = tf.reduce_sum(correct_sequences)
   return outputs
    def __init__(self,is_training):
        # Training or not
        self.is_training = is_training    
        # Placeholder       
        self.input_ids = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None, hp.sequence_length], name='input_ids')
        self.input_masks = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None,  hp.sequence_length], name='input_masks')
        self.segment_ids = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None,  hp.sequence_length], name='segment_ids')
        self.label_ids = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None,hp.num_labels], name='label_ids')
        # Load BERT model
        self.model = modeling.AlbertModel(

        # Get the feature vector by BERT
        output_layer = self.model.get_pooled_output()            
        print('output_layer',output_layer)#(?, 384)
        # Hidden size 
        hidden_size = output_layer.shape[-1].value    
        with tf.name_scope("Full-connection"):  
            loss_num_label = []
            logits_num_label = []
            for i in range(hp.num_labels):
                output_weights = tf.get_variable(
            	              "output_weights%s"%str(i), [2, hidden_size],
                output_bias = tf.get_variable(
            	              "output_bias%s"%str(i), [2], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())# 
                logits = tf.matmul(output_layer, output_weights, transpose_b=True)
                logits = tf.nn.bias_add(logits, output_bias)
                one_hot_labels = tf.one_hot(self.label_ids[:,i], depth=2, dtype=tf.int32)
                per_example_loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=one_hot_labels,logits=logits)
            self.logits_num_label = tf.transpose(tf.stack(logits_num_label, 0),[1,0,2])
            self.loss_num_label = tf.stack(loss_num_label, 0)
            self.probabilities = tf.nn.sigmoid(self.logits_num_label)

        with tf.variable_scope("Prediction"):             
            # Prediction               
            self.predictions = tf.to_int32(tf.argmax(self.probabilities,2)) 
        with tf.variable_scope("loss"):            
            # Summary for tensorboard
            if self.is_training:
	            self.accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.to_float(tf.equal(self.predictions, self.label_ids)))
	            tf.summary.scalar('accuracy', self.accuracy) 
            # Initial embedding by BERT
            ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(hp.saved_model_path)
            checkpoint_suffix = ".index"
            if ckpt and tf.gfile.Exists(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path + checkpoint_suffix):
                print('='*10,'Restoring model from checkpoint!','='*10)
                print("%s - Restoring model from checkpoint ~%s" % (time_now_string(),
                print('='*10,'First time load BERT model!','='*10)
                tvars = tf.trainable_variables()
                if hp.init_checkpoint:
                   (assignment_map, initialized_variable_names) = \
                   tf.train.init_from_checkpoint(hp.init_checkpoint, assignment_map)
            # Loss and Optimizer
            if self.is_training:
                # Global_step
                self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step', trainable=False)                   
                self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(self.loss_num_label)

                # Optimizer BERT
                train_examples = processor.get_train_examples(hp.data_dir)
                num_train_steps = int(
                    len(train_examples) / hp.batch_size * hp.num_train_epochs)
                num_warmup_steps = int(num_train_steps * hp.warmup_proportion)
                self.optimizer = optimization.create_optimizer(self.loss,

                # Summary for tensorboard                 
                tf.summary.scalar('loss', self.loss)
                self.merged = tf.summary.merge_all()
Ejemplo n.º 50
def optimize(content_targets,
    if slow:
        batch_size = 1
    mod = len(content_targets) % batch_size
    if mod > 0:
        print("Train set has been trimmed slightly..")
        content_targets = content_targets[:-mod]

    style_features = {}

    batch_shape = (batch_size, 256, 256, 3)
    style_shape = (1, ) + style_target.shape

    # precompute style features
    with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.device('/cpu:0'), tf.Session() as sess:
        style_image = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
        style_image_pre = vgg.preprocess(style_image)
        net = vgg.net(vgg_path, style_image_pre)
        style_pre = np.array([style_target])
        for layer in STYLE_LAYERS:
            features = net[layer].eval(feed_dict={style_image: style_pre})
            features = np.reshape(features, (-1, features.shape[3]))
            gram = np.matmul(features.T, features) / features.size
            style_features[layer] = gram

    with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess:
        X_content = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
        X_pre = vgg.preprocess(X_content)

        # precompute content features
        content_features = {}
        content_net = vgg.net(vgg_path, X_pre)
        content_features[CONTENT_LAYER] = content_net[CONTENT_LAYER]

        if slow:
            preds = tf.Variable(
                tf.random_normal(X_content.get_shape()) * 0.256)
            preds_pre = preds
            preds = transform.net(X_content / 255.0)
            preds_pre = vgg.preprocess(preds)

        net = vgg.net(vgg_path, preds_pre)

        content_size = _tensor_size(
            content_features[CONTENT_LAYER]) * batch_size
        assert _tensor_size(content_features[CONTENT_LAYER]) == _tensor_size(
        content_loss = content_weight * (
            2 * tf.nn.l2_loss(net[CONTENT_LAYER] -
                              content_features[CONTENT_LAYER]) / content_size)

        style_losses = []
        for style_layer in STYLE_LAYERS:
            layer = net[style_layer]
            bs, height, width, filters = map(lambda i: i.value,
            size = height * width * filters
            feats = tf.reshape(layer, (bs, height * width, filters))
            feats_T = tf.transpose(feats, perm=[0, 2, 1])
            grams = tf.matmul(feats_T, feats) / size
            style_gram = style_features[style_layer]
            style_losses.append(2 * tf.nn.l2_loss(grams - style_gram) /

        style_loss = style_weight * functools.reduce(tf.add,
                                                     style_losses) / batch_size

        # total variation denoising
        tv_y_size = _tensor_size(preds[:, 1:, :, :])
        tv_x_size = _tensor_size(preds[:, :, 1:, :])
        y_tv = tf.nn.l2_loss(preds[:, 1:, :, :] -
                             preds[:, :batch_shape[1] - 1, :, :])
        x_tv = tf.nn.l2_loss(preds[:, :, 1:, :] -
                             preds[:, :, :batch_shape[2] - 1, :])
        tv_loss = tv_weight * 2 * (x_tv / tv_x_size +
                                   y_tv / tv_y_size) / batch_size

        loss = content_loss + style_loss + tv_loss

        # overall loss
        train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(loss)
        import random
        uid = random.randint(1, 100)
        print("UID: %s" % uid)
        for epoch in range(epochs):
            num_examples = len(content_targets)
            iterations = 0
            while iterations * batch_size < num_examples:
                start_time = time.time()
                curr = iterations * batch_size
                step = curr + batch_size
                X_batch = np.zeros(batch_shape, dtype=np.float32)
                for j, img_p in enumerate(content_targets[curr:step]):
                    X_batch[j] = get_img(img_p,
                                         (256, 256, 3)).astype(np.float32)

                iterations += 1
                assert X_batch.shape[0] == batch_size

                feed_dict = {X_content: X_batch}
                print("start training")
                end_time = time.time()
                delta_time = end_time - start_time
                if debug:
                    print("UID: %s, batch time: %s" % (uid, delta_time))
                is_print_iter = int(iterations) % print_iterations == 0
                if slow:
                    is_print_iter = epoch % print_iterations == 0
                is_last = epoch == epochs - 1 and iterations * batch_size >= num_examples
                should_print = is_print_iter or is_last
                if should_print:
                    to_get = [style_loss, content_loss, tv_loss, loss, preds]
                    test_feed_dict = {X_content: X_batch}

                    tup = sess.run(to_get, feed_dict=test_feed_dict)
                    _style_loss, _content_loss, _tv_loss, _loss, _preds = tup
                    losses = (_style_loss, _content_loss, _tv_loss, _loss)
                    if slow:
                        _preds = vgg.unprocess(_preds)
                        saver = tf.train.Saver()
                        res = saver.save(sess, save_path)
                    yield (_preds, losses, iterations, epoch)
def build_network(lr=None, n_stack=None, image_size=None, n_actions=None):
    """ Build the network for RL algorithm.
    # init Hp
    hp = Hyperparameters()
    flag = hp.model
    if lr is None:
        lr = hp.LEARNING_RATE
    if n_stack is None:
        n_stack = hp.N_STACK
    if image_size is None:
        image_size = hp.IMAGE_SIZE
    if n_actions is None:
        n_actions = hp.N_ACTIONS
    """This network occupy 879Mib GPU memory."""
    # ------------------ all inputs --------------------------
    # input for target net
    eval_net_input = tf.placeholder(
        shape=[None, n_stack, image_size, image_size],
        name='eval_net_input_' + flag)
    # input for eval net
    target_net_input = tf.placeholder(
        shape=[None, n_stack, image_size, image_size],
        name='target_net_input_' + flag)
    # q_target for loss
    q_target = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                              shape=[None, n_actions],
                              name='q_target_' + flag)

    # ------------------ build evaluate_net ------------------
    with tf.variable_scope('eval_net_' + flag):
        # (?, 4, 80, 80)
        e_input_crop = eval_net_input / 255
        e_input = tf.transpose(e_input_crop, [0, 2, 3, 1])  # (?, 80, 80, 4)
        # tf.contrib.layers.conv2d(..., activation_fn=tf.nn.relu,...)
        e_conv1 = tf.contrib.layers.conv2d(inputs=e_input,
                                           stride=4)  # (?, 20, 20, 32)
        e_conv2 = tf.contrib.layers.conv2d(inputs=e_conv1,
                                           stride=2)  # (?, 10, 10, 64)
        e_conv3 = tf.contrib.layers.conv2d(inputs=e_conv2,
                                           stride=1)  # (?, 10, 10, 64)

        e_flat = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(e_conv3)
        e_f = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(e_flat, 512)
        e_out = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(e_f, n_actions)

    with tf.variable_scope('loss_' + flag):
        loss = tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.squared_difference(q_target, e_out, name='TD_error_' + flag))

    with tf.variable_scope('train_' + flag):
        _train_op = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(lr, 0.99, 0.0,

    # ------------------ build target_net --------------------
    with tf.variable_scope('target_net_' + flag):
        # (?, 4, 80, 80)
        t_input_crop = target_net_input / 255
        t_input = tf.transpose(t_input_crop, [0, 2, 3, 1])  # (?, 80, 80, 4)
        # tf.contrib.layers.conv2d(..., activation_fn=tf.nn.relu,...)
        t_conv1 = tf.contrib.layers.conv2d(inputs=t_input,
                                           stride=4)  # (?, 20, 20, 32)
        t_conv2 = tf.contrib.layers.conv2d(inputs=t_conv1,
                                           stride=2)  # (?, 10, 10, 64)
        t_conv3 = tf.contrib.layers.conv2d(inputs=t_conv2,
                                           stride=1)  # (?, 10, 10, 64)

        t_flat = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(t_conv3)
        t_f = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(t_flat, 512)
        t_out = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(t_f, n_actions)

    t_params = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES,
                                 scope='target_net_' + flag)
    e_params = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES,
                                 scope='eval_net_' + flag)

    return [[eval_net_input, target_net_input, q_target], [e_out, loss, t_out],
            [e_params, t_params, _train_op]]
Ejemplo n.º 52
#stacked_rnn = []
#for i in range(3):
#    stacked_rnn.append(tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(n_hidden))
#mcell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell(stacked_rnn)

gru = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(n_hidden * 2)
lstm_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(n_hidden)
mcell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([lstm_cell, gru])

#x1 = tf.unstack(x, n_steps, 1)
#outputs, states = tf.contrib.rnn.static_rnn(mcell, x1, dtype=tf.float32)
#pred = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(outputs[-1],n_classes,activation_fn = None)

outputs, states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(mcell, x, dtype=tf.float32)  #(?, 28, 256)
outputs = tf.transpose(
    outputs, [1, 0, 2])  #(28, ?, 256) 28个时序,取最后一个时序outputs[-1]=(?,256)
pred = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(outputs[-1],

learning_rate = 0.001
# Define loss and optimizer
cost = tf.reduce_mean(
    tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=pred, labels=y))
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(cost)

# Evaluate model
correct_pred = tf.equal(tf.argmax(pred, 1), tf.argmax(y, 1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_pred, tf.float32))

training_iters = 100000
Ejemplo n.º 53
    def decode(self, x, conv_inputs1, features):
        batch_size = tf.shape(x)[0]

        # initialize state tensor arrays
        state_queues = []
        for i, (conv_input, dilation) in enumerate(zip(conv_inputs1, self.dilations)):
            batch_idx = tf.range(batch_size)
            batch_idx = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(batch_idx, 1), (1, dilation))
            batch_idx = tf.reshape(batch_idx, [-1])

            queue_begin_time = self.encode_len - dilation - 1
            temporal_idx = tf.expand_dims(queue_begin_time, 1) + tf.expand_dims(tf.range(dilation), 0)
            temporal_idx = tf.reshape(temporal_idx, [-1])

            idx = tf.stack([batch_idx, temporal_idx], axis=1)
            slices = tf.reshape(tf.gather_nd(conv_input, idx), (batch_size, dilation, shape(conv_input, 2)))

            layer_ta = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=dilation + self.decode_series_len)
            layer_ta = layer_ta.unstack(tf.transpose(slices, (1, 0, 2)))

        # initialize feature tensor array
        features_ta = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=self.decode_series_len)
        features_ta = features_ta.unstack(tf.transpose(features, (1, 0, 2)))

        # initialize output tensor array
        emit_ta = tf.TensorArray(size=self.decode_series_len, dtype=tf.float32)

        # initialize other loop vars
        elements_finished = 0 >= self.decode_len
        time = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32)

        # get initial x input
        current_idx = tf.stack([tf.range(tf.shape(self.encode_len)[0]), self.encode_len - 1], axis=1)
        initial_input = tf.gather_nd(x, current_idx)

        def loop_fn(time1, current_input, queues):

            current_features = features_ta.read(time1)
            current_input = tf.concat([current_input, current_features], axis=1)

            with tf.variable_scope('x-proj-decode', reuse=True):
                w_x_proj = tf.get_variable('weights')
                b_x_proj = tf.get_variable('biases')
                x_proj = tf.nn.tanh(tf.matmul(current_input, w_x_proj) + b_x_proj)

            skip_outputs, updated_queues = [], []
            for i, (conv_input, queue, dilation) in enumerate(zip(conv_inputs1, queues, self.dilations)):
                state = queue.read(time1)
                with tf.variable_scope('dilated-conv-decode-{}'.format(i), reuse=True):
                    w_conv = tf.get_variable('weights'.format(i))
                    b_conv = tf.get_variable('biases'.format(i))
                    dilated_conv = tf.matmul(state, w_conv[0, :, :]) + tf.matmul(x_proj, w_conv[1, :, :]) + b_conv
                conv_filter, conv_gate = tf.split(dilated_conv, 2, axis=1)
                dilated_conv = tf.nn.tanh(conv_filter) * tf.nn.sigmoid(conv_gate)

                with tf.variable_scope('dilated-conv-proj-decode-{}'.format(i), reuse=True):
                    w_proj = tf.get_variable('weights'.format(i))
                    b_proj = tf.get_variable('biases'.format(i))
                    concat_outputs = tf.matmul(dilated_conv, w_proj) + b_proj
                skips, residuals = tf.split(concat_outputs, [self.skip_channels, self.residual_channels], axis=1)

                x_proj += residuals
                updated_queues.append(queue.write(time1 + dilation, x_proj))

            skip_outputs = tf.nn.relu(tf.concat(skip_outputs, axis=1))
            with tf.variable_scope('dense-decode-1', reuse=True):
                w_h = tf.get_variable('weights')
                b_h = tf.get_variable('biases')
                h = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(skip_outputs, w_h) + b_h)

            with tf.variable_scope('dense-decode-2', reuse=True):
                w_y = tf.get_variable('weights')
                b_y = tf.get_variable('biases')
                y_hat2 = tf.matmul(h, w_y) + b_y

            elements_finished2 = (time1 >= self.decode_len)
            finished = tf.reduce_all(elements_finished2)

            next_input = tf.cond(
                lambda: tf.zeros([batch_size, 1], dtype=tf.float32),
                lambda: y_hat2
            next_elements_finished = (time1 >= self.decode_len -1)

            return next_elements_finished, next_input, updated_queues

        def condition(unused_time, elements_finished1, *_):
            return tf.logical_not(tf.reduce_all(elements_finished1))

        def body(time1, elements_finished1, emit_ta1, *state_queues1):
            (next_finished, emit_output, state_queues2) = loop_fn(time1, initial_input, state_queues1)

            emit = tf.where(elements_finished1, tf.zeros_like(emit_output), emit_output)
            emit_ta2 = emit_ta1.write(time1, emit)

            #elements_finished2 = tf.logical_or(elements_finished1, next_finished)

            return [time1 + 1, next_finished, emit_ta2] + list(state_queues2)

        returned = tf.while_loop(
            loop_vars=[time, elements_finished, emit_ta] + state_queues

        outputs_ta = returned[2]
        y_hat = tf.transpose(outputs_ta.stack(), (1, 0, 2))

        return y_hat
    def process_batch_input_for_RNN(batch_input):
        batch_input_ = tf.transpose(batch_input, perm=[2, 0, 1])
        X = tf.transpose(batch_input_)

        return X
Ejemplo n.º 55
def preprocess_for_train(image,
    """Preprocesses the given image for training.

    Note that the actual resizing scale is sampled from
        [`resize_size_min`, `resize_size_max`].

        image: A `Tensor` representing an image of arbitrary size.
        output_height: The height of the image after preprocessing.
        output_width: The width of the image after preprocessing.
        resize_side_min: The lower bound for the smallest side of the image for
            aspect-preserving resizing.
        resize_side_max: The upper bound for the smallest side of the image for
            aspect-preserving resizing.

        A preprocessed image.
    fast_mode = False
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'ssd_preprocessing_train',
                       [image, labels, bboxes]):
        if image.get_shape().ndims != 3:
            raise ValueError('Input must be of size [height, width, C>0]')
        # Convert to float scaled [0, 1].
        if image.dtype != tf.float32:
            image = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(image, dtype=tf.float32)
        tf_summary_image(image, bboxes, 'image_with_bboxes')

        # # Remove DontCare labels.
        # labels, bboxes = ssd_common.tf_bboxes_filter_labels(out_label,
        #                                                     labels,
        #                                                     bboxes)

        # Distort image and bounding boxes.
        dst_image = image
        bboxes = tf.maximum(bboxes, 1.0)
        dst_image, labels, bboxes, distort_bbox ,num= \
            distorted_bounding_box_crop(image, labels, bboxes,
        # Resize image to output size.
        dst_image = tf_image.resize_image(
        tf_summary_image(dst_image, bboxes, 'image_shape_distorted')

        # Randomly flip the image horizontally.
        dst_image, bboxes = tf_image.random_flip_left_right(dst_image, bboxes)

        # Randomly distort the colors. There are 4 ways to do it.
        dst_image = apply_with_random_selector(
            lambda x, ordering: distort_color(x, ordering, fast_mode),
        tf_summary_image(dst_image, bboxes, 'image_color_distorted')

        # Rescale to VGG input scale.
        image = dst_image * 255.
        image = tf_image_whitened(image, [_R_MEAN, _G_MEAN, _B_MEAN])
        # Image data format.
        if data_format == 'NCHW':
            image = tf.transpose(image, perm=(2, 0, 1))
        return image, labels, bboxes, num
Ejemplo n.º 56
#Forward Pass, ab_i is the state vector together with bias
ab_0 = tf.concat([a_0, tf.tile(tf.ones([1, 1]), [tf.shape(a_0)[0], 1])], 1)
z_1 = tf.matmul(ab_0, w_1)
a_1 = sigma(z_1)
ab_1 = tf.concat([a_1, tf.tile(tf.ones([1, 1]), [tf.shape(a_1)[0], 1])], 1)
z_2 = tf.matmul(ab_1, w_2)
a_2 = sigma(z_2)

diff = tf.subtract(a_2, y)

#Backward Pass
reg2 = tf.Variable(0.001)
reg1 = tf.Variable(0.001)

d_z_2 = tf.multiply(diff, sigmaprime(z_2))
d_w_2 = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(tf.matmul(ab_1, F_1)), d_z_2)

inc_w_2 = tf.subtract(w_2, w_old_2)
reg_w_2 = tf.multiply(reg2, inc_w_2)
d_w_2 = tf.add(d_w_2, reg_w_2)

d_ab_1 = tf.matmul(d_z_2, tf.transpose(w_2))
d_a_1 = d_ab_1[:, :-1]
d_z_1 = tf.multiply(d_a_1, sigmaprime(z_1))
d_w_1 = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(tf.matmul(ab_0, F_0)), d_z_1)

inc_w_1 = tf.subtract(w_1, w_old_1)
reg_w_1 = tf.multiply(reg1, inc_w_1)
d_w_1 = tf.add(d_w_1, reg_w_1)

eta = tf.constant(0.1)
 def _calculate_input_gram_matrix_for(self, network, layer):
     image_feature = network[layer]
     batch_size, height, width, number = map(lambda i: i.value, image_feature.get_shape())
     size = height * width * number
     image_feature = tf.reshape(image_feature, (batch_size, height * width, number))
     return tf.matmul(tf.transpose(image_feature, perm=[0,2,1]), image_feature) / size
Ejemplo n.º 58
def preprocess_for_eval(image,
    """Preprocess an image for evaluation.

        image: A `Tensor` representing an image of arbitrary size.
        out_shape: Output shape after pre-processing (if resize != None)
        resize: Resize strategy.

        A preprocessed image.
    with tf.name_scope(scope):
        if image.get_shape().ndims != 3:
            raise ValueError('Input must be of size [height, width, C>0]')

        image = tf.to_float(image)
        image = tf_image_whitened(image, [_R_MEAN, _G_MEAN, _B_MEAN])

        # Add image rectangle to bboxes.
        bbox_img = tf.constant([[0., 0., 1., 1.]])
        if bboxes is None:
            bboxes = bbox_img
            bboxes = tf.concat([bbox_img, bboxes], axis=0)

        if resize == Resize.NONE:
            # No resizing...
        elif resize == Resize.CENTRAL_CROP:
            # Central cropping of the image.
            image, bboxes = tf_image.resize_image_bboxes_with_crop_or_pad(
                image, bboxes, out_shape[0], out_shape[1])
        elif resize == Resize.PAD_AND_RESIZE:
            # Resize image first: find the correct factor...
            shape = tf.shape(image)
            factor = tf.minimum(
                tf.minimum(tf.to_double(out_shape[0] / shape[0]),
                           tf.to_double(out_shape[1] / shape[1])))
            resize_shape = factor * tf.to_double(shape[0:2])
            resize_shape = tf.cast(tf.floor(resize_shape), tf.int32)

            image = tf_image.resize_image(
            # Pad to expected size.
            image, bboxes = tf_image.resize_image_bboxes_with_crop_or_pad(
                image, bboxes, out_shape[0], out_shape[1])
        elif resize == Resize.WARP_RESIZE:
            # Warp resize of the image.
            image = tf_image.resize_image(

        # Split back bounding boxes.
        bbox_img = bboxes[0]
        bboxes = bboxes[1:]
        # Remove difficult boxes.
        if difficults is not None:
            mask = tf.logical_not(tf.cast(difficults, tf.bool))
            labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
            bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
        # Image data format.
        if data_format == 'NCHW':
            image = tf.transpose(image, perm=(2, 0, 1))
        return image, labels, bboxes, bbox_img
Ejemplo n.º 59
def RNN(X):

    # neurons in hidden layer
    n_hidden1_units = 128
    n_hidden2_units = 64
    n_hidden3_units = 64
    n_hidden4_units = 64
    n_hidden5_units = 64
    n_hidden6_units = 128

    # Define weights and biases
    weights = {
        tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_inputs, n_hidden1_units]),
        tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden1_units, n_hidden2_units])),
        tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden2_units, n_hidden3_units])),
        tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden3_units, n_hidden4_units])),
        tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden4_units, n_hidden5_units])),
        tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden5_units, n_hidden6_units])),
        tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden6_units, n_classes]),
    biases = {
        'in': tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[n_hidden1_units])),
        'hidd2': tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[n_hidden2_units])),
        'hidd3': tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[n_hidden3_units])),
        'hidd4': tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[n_hidden4_units])),
        'hidd5': tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[n_hidden5_units])),
        'hidd6': tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[n_hidden6_units])),
        'out': tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[n_classes]),

    # hidden layer for input to cell

    # X(batch_size,feature_numbers)
    X = tf.reshape(X, [-1, feature_number])

    # 6 hidden layer
    X_hidd1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.add(tf.matmul(X, weights['in']), biases['in']))
    X_hidd2 = tf.nn.relu(
        tf.add(tf.matmul(X_hidd1, weights['hidd2']), biases['hidd2']))
    X_hidd3 = tf.nn.relu(
        tf.add(tf.matmul(X_hidd2, weights['hidd3']), biases['hidd3']))
    X_hidd4 = tf.nn.relu(
        tf.add(tf.matmul(X_hidd3, weights['hidd4']), biases['hidd4']))
    X_hidd5 = tf.nn.relu(
        tf.add(tf.matmul(X_hidd4, weights['hidd5']), biases['hidd5']))
    X_hidd6 = tf.nn.relu(
        tf.add(tf.matmul(X_hidd5, weights['hidd6']), biases['hidd6']))

    # X_hidd6(?,n_hidden6_units=256)
    # ====>
    # X_in(batch_size=?,n_steps=16,n_hidden6_units=256)
    X_in = tf.reshape(X_hidd6, [-1, n_steps, n_hidden6_units])

    # hidden layer basic LSTM Cell.
    lstm_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(n_hidden1_units,

    init_state = lstm_cell.zero_state(batch_size, dtype=tf.float32)

    outputs, final_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(lstm_cell,

    # outputs
    # final_states is the last outputs
    outputs = tf.unstack(tf.transpose(outputs, [1, 0, 2]))
    results = tf.matmul(outputs[-1],
                        weights['out']) + biases['out']  # 选取最后一个 output

    # # attention based model
    # X_att2 = final_state[0]  # weights
    # i_want_to_see(X_att2, X_att2)
    # outputs_att = tf.multiply(outputs[-1], X_att2)
    # results = outputs_att

    return results  # outputs_att #
Ejemplo n.º 60
 def _split_output_tensor(self, tensor):
     transposed_tensor = tf.transpose(tensor, [2, 0, 1])
     return tf.unstack(transposed_tensor)